blob: 0597809f8e36f84aeb9f751d14738abe93be2cea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.window.extensions.embedding;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static android.window.WindowContainerTransaction.HierarchyOp.HIERARCHY_OP_TYPE_REPARENT_ACTIVITY_TO_TASK_FRAGMENT;
import static android.window.WindowContainerTransaction.HierarchyOp.HIERARCHY_OP_TYPE_START_ACTIVITY_IN_TASK_FRAGMENT;
import static androidx.window.extensions.embedding.SplitContainer.getFinishPrimaryWithSecondaryBehavior;
import static androidx.window.extensions.embedding.SplitContainer.getFinishSecondaryWithPrimaryBehavior;
import static androidx.window.extensions.embedding.SplitContainer.isStickyPlaceholderRule;
import static androidx.window.extensions.embedding.SplitContainer.shouldFinishAssociatedContainerWhenAdjacent;
import static androidx.window.extensions.embedding.SplitContainer.shouldFinishAssociatedContainerWhenStacked;
import static androidx.window.extensions.embedding.SplitPresenter.RESULT_EXPAND_FAILED_NO_TF_INFO;
import static androidx.window.extensions.embedding.SplitPresenter.getActivityIntentMinDimensionsPair;
import static androidx.window.extensions.embedding.SplitPresenter.getNonEmbeddedActivityBounds;
import static androidx.window.extensions.embedding.SplitPresenter.shouldShowSideBySide;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.SystemProperties;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.Size;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.window.TaskFragmentInfo;
import android.window.WindowContainerTransaction;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.window.common.EmptyLifecycleCallbacksAdapter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* Main controller class that manages split states and presentation.
public class SplitController implements JetpackTaskFragmentOrganizer.TaskFragmentCallback,
ActivityEmbeddingComponent {
static final String TAG = "SplitController";
static final boolean ENABLE_SHELL_TRANSITIONS =
SystemProperties.getBoolean("persist.wm.debug.shell_transit", false);
final SplitPresenter mPresenter;
// Currently applied split configuration.
private final List<EmbeddingRule> mSplitRules = new ArrayList<>();
* Map from Task id to {@link TaskContainer} which contains all TaskFragment and split pair info
* below it.
* When the app is host of multiple Tasks, there can be multiple splits controlled by the same
* organizer.
final SparseArray<TaskContainer> mTaskContainers = new SparseArray<>();
// Callback to Jetpack to notify about changes to split states.
private Consumer<List<SplitInfo>> mEmbeddingCallback;
private final List<SplitInfo> mLastReportedSplitStates = new ArrayList<>();
private final Handler mHandler;
private final Object mLock = new Object();
private final ActivityStartMonitor mActivityStartMonitor;
public SplitController() {
final MainThreadExecutor executor = new MainThreadExecutor();
mHandler = executor.mHandler;
mPresenter = new SplitPresenter(executor, this);
ActivityThread activityThread = ActivityThread.currentActivityThread();
// Register a callback to be notified about activities being created.
new LifecycleCallbacks());
// Intercept activity starts to route activities to new containers if necessary.
Instrumentation instrumentation = activityThread.getInstrumentation();
mActivityStartMonitor = new ActivityStartMonitor();
/** Updates the embedding rules applied to future activity launches. */
public void setEmbeddingRules(@NonNull Set<EmbeddingRule> rules) {
synchronized (mLock) {
for (int i = mTaskContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
List<EmbeddingRule> getSplitRules() {
return mSplitRules;
* Registers the split organizer callback to notify about changes to active splits.
public void setSplitInfoCallback(@NonNull Consumer<List<SplitInfo>> callback) {
synchronized (mLock) {
mEmbeddingCallback = callback;
public void onTaskFragmentAppeared(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull TaskFragmentInfo taskFragmentInfo) {
synchronized (mLock) {
TaskFragmentContainer container = getContainer(taskFragmentInfo.getFragmentToken());
if (container == null) {
container.setInfo(wct, taskFragmentInfo);
if (container.isFinished()) {
mPresenter.cleanupContainer(wct, container, false /* shouldFinishDependent */);
} else {
// Update with the latest Task configuration.
updateContainer(wct, container);
public void onTaskFragmentInfoChanged(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull TaskFragmentInfo taskFragmentInfo) {
synchronized (mLock) {
TaskFragmentContainer container = getContainer(taskFragmentInfo.getFragmentToken());
if (container == null) {
final boolean wasInPip = isInPictureInPicture(container);
container.setInfo(wct, taskFragmentInfo);
final boolean isInPip = isInPictureInPicture(container);
// Check if there are no running activities - consider the container empty if there are
// no non-finishing activities left.
if (!taskFragmentInfo.hasRunningActivity()) {
if (taskFragmentInfo.isTaskFragmentClearedForPip()) {
// Do not finish the dependents if the last activity is reparented to PiP.
// Instead, the original split should be cleanup, and the dependent may be
// expanded to fullscreen.
cleanupForEnterPip(wct, container);
mPresenter.cleanupContainer(wct, container, false /* shouldFinishDependent */);
} else if (taskFragmentInfo.isTaskClearedForReuse()) {
// Do not finish the dependents if this TaskFragment was cleared due to
// launching activity in the Task.
mPresenter.cleanupContainer(wct, container, false /* shouldFinishDependent */);
} else if (!container.isWaitingActivityAppear()) {
// Do not finish the container before the expected activity appear until
// timeout.
mPresenter.cleanupContainer(wct, container, true /* shouldFinishDependent */);
} else if (wasInPip && isInPip) {
// No update until exit PIP.
} else if (isInPip) {
// Enter PIP.
// All overrides will be cleanup.
container.setLastRequestedBounds(null /* bounds */);
cleanupForEnterPip(wct, container);
} else if (wasInPip) {
// Exit PIP.
// Updates the presentation of the container. Expand or launch placeholder if
// needed.
updateContainer(wct, container);
public void onTaskFragmentVanished(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull TaskFragmentInfo taskFragmentInfo) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container = getContainer(
if (container != null) {
// Cleanup if the TaskFragment vanished is not requested by the organizer.
// Make sure the top container is updated.
final TaskFragmentContainer newTopContainer = getTopActiveContainer(
if (newTopContainer != null) {
updateContainer(wct, newTopContainer);
public void onTaskFragmentParentInfoChanged(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
int taskId, @NonNull Configuration parentConfig) {
synchronized (mLock) {
onTaskConfigurationChanged(taskId, parentConfig);
if (isInPictureInPicture(parentConfig)) {
// No need to update presentation in PIP until the Task exit PIP.
final TaskContainer taskContainer = getTaskContainer(taskId);
if (taskContainer == null || taskContainer.isEmpty()) {
Log.e(TAG, "onTaskFragmentParentInfoChanged on empty Task id=" + taskId);
// Update all TaskFragments in the Task. Make a copy of the list since some may be
// removed on updating.
final List<TaskFragmentContainer> containers =
new ArrayList<>(taskContainer.mContainers);
for (int i = containers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container = containers.get(i);
// Wait until onTaskFragmentAppeared to update new container.
if (!container.isFinished() && !container.isWaitingActivityAppear()) {
updateContainer(wct, container);
public void onActivityReparentedToTask(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
int taskId, @NonNull Intent activityIntent,
@NonNull IBinder activityToken) {
synchronized (mLock) {
// If the activity belongs to the current app process, we treat it as a new activity
// launch.
final Activity activity = getActivity(activityToken);
if (activity != null) {
// We don't allow split as primary for new launch because we currently only support
// launching to top. We allow split as primary for activity reparent because the
// activity may be split as primary before it is reparented out. In that case, we
// want to show it as primary again when it is reparented back.
if (!resolveActivityToContainer(wct, activity, true /* isOnReparent */)) {
// When there is no embedding rule matched, try to place it in the top container
// like a normal launch.
placeActivityInTopContainer(wct, activity);
final TaskContainer taskContainer = getTaskContainer(taskId);
if (taskContainer == null || taskContainer.isInPictureInPicture()) {
// We don't embed activity when it is in PIP.
// If the activity belongs to a different app process, we treat it as starting new
// intent, since both actions might result in a new activity that should appear in an
// organized TaskFragment.
TaskFragmentContainer targetContainer = resolveStartActivityIntent(wct, taskId,
activityIntent, null /* launchingActivity */);
if (targetContainer == null) {
// When there is no embedding rule matched, try to place it in the top container
// like a normal launch.
targetContainer = taskContainer.getTopTaskFragmentContainer();
if (targetContainer == null) {
// Because the activity does not belong to the organizer process, we wait until
// onTaskFragmentAppeared to trigger updateCallbackIfNecessary().
public void onTaskFragmentError(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@Nullable TaskFragmentInfo taskFragmentInfo, int opType) {
synchronized (mLock) {
switch (opType) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container;
if (taskFragmentInfo != null) {
container = getContainer(taskFragmentInfo.getFragmentToken());
} else {
container = null;
if (container == null) {
// Update the latest taskFragmentInfo and perform necessary clean-up
container.setInfo(wct, taskFragmentInfo);
if (container.isEmpty()) {
mPresenter.cleanupContainer(wct, container,
false /* shouldFinishDependent */);
Log.e(TAG, "onTaskFragmentError: taskFragmentInfo = " + taskFragmentInfo
+ ", opType = " + opType);
/** Called on receiving {@link #onTaskFragmentVanished} for cleanup. */
private void cleanupTaskFragment(@NonNull IBinder taskFragmentToken) {
for (int i = mTaskContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final TaskContainer taskContainer = mTaskContainers.valueAt(i);
if (!taskContainer.mFinishedContainer.remove(taskFragmentToken)) {
if (taskContainer.isEmpty()) {
// Cleanup the TaskContainer if it becomes empty.
private void onTaskConfigurationChanged(int taskId, @NonNull Configuration config) {
final TaskContainer taskContainer = mTaskContainers.get(taskId);
if (taskContainer == null) {
final boolean wasInPip = taskContainer.isInPictureInPicture();
final boolean isInPIp = isInPictureInPicture(config);
// We need to check the animation override when enter/exit PIP or has bounds changed.
boolean shouldUpdateAnimationOverride = wasInPip != isInPIp;
if (taskContainer.setTaskBounds(config.windowConfiguration.getBounds())
&& !isInPIp) {
// We don't care the bounds change when it has already entered PIP.
shouldUpdateAnimationOverride = true;
if (shouldUpdateAnimationOverride) {
* Updates if we should override transition animation. We only want to override if the Task
* bounds is large enough for at least one split rule.
private void updateAnimationOverride(@NonNull TaskContainer taskContainer) {
// TODO(b/207070762): cleanup with legacy app transition
// Animation will be handled by WM Shell with Shell transition enabled.
if (!taskContainer.isTaskBoundsInitialized()
|| !taskContainer.isWindowingModeInitialized()) {
// We don't know about the Task bounds/windowingMode yet.
// We only want to override if it supports split.
if (supportSplit(taskContainer)) {
} else {
private boolean supportSplit(@NonNull TaskContainer taskContainer) {
// No split inside PIP.
if (taskContainer.isInPictureInPicture()) {
return false;
// Check if the parent container bounds can support any split rule.
for (EmbeddingRule rule : mSplitRules) {
if (!(rule instanceof SplitRule)) {
if (shouldShowSideBySide(taskContainer.getTaskBounds(), (SplitRule) rule)) {
return true;
return false;
void onActivityCreated(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull Activity launchedActivity) {
// TODO(b/229680885): we don't support launching into primary yet because we want to always
// launch the new activity on top.
resolveActivityToContainer(wct, launchedActivity, false /* isOnReparent */);
* Checks if the new added activity should be routed to a particular container. It can create a
* new container for the activity and a new split container if necessary.
* @param activity the activity that is newly added to the Task.
* @param isOnReparent whether the activity is reparented to the Task instead of new launched.
* We only support to split as primary for reparented activity for now.
* @return {@code true} if the activity has been handled, such as placed in a TaskFragment, or
* in a state that the caller shouldn't handle.
boolean resolveActivityToContainer(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull Activity activity, boolean isOnReparent) {
if (isInPictureInPicture(activity) || activity.isFinishing()) {
// We don't embed activity when it is in PIP, or finishing. Return true since we don't
// want any extra handling.
return true;
if (!isOnReparent && getContainerWithActivity(activity) == null
&& getInitialTaskFragmentToken(activity) != null) {
// We can't find the new launched activity in any recorded container, but it is
// currently placed in an embedded TaskFragment. This can happen in two cases:
// 1. the activity is embedded in another app.
// 2. the organizer has already requested to remove the TaskFragment.
// In either case, return true since we don't want any extra handling.
Log.d(TAG, "Activity is in a TaskFragment that is not recorded by the organizer. r="
+ activity);
return true;
* We will check the following to see if there is any embedding rule matched:
* 1. Whether the new launched activity should always expand.
* 2. Whether the new launched activity should launch a placeholder.
* 3. Whether the new launched activity has already been in a split with a rule matched
* (likely done in #onStartActivity).
* 4. Whether the activity below (if any) should be split with the new launched activity.
* 5. Whether the activity split with the activity below (if any) should be split with the
* new launched activity.
// 1. Whether the new launched activity should always expand.
if (shouldExpand(activity, null /* intent */)) {
expandActivity(wct, activity);
return true;
// 2. Whether the new launched activity should launch a placeholder.
if (launchPlaceholderIfNecessary(wct, activity, !isOnReparent)) {
return true;
// 3. Whether the new launched activity has already been in a split with a rule matched.
if (isNewActivityInSplitWithRuleMatched(activity)) {
return true;
// 4. Whether the activity below (if any) should be split with the new launched activity.
final Activity activityBelow = findActivityBelow(activity);
if (activityBelow == null) {
// Can't find any activity below.
return false;
if (putActivitiesIntoSplitIfNecessary(wct, activityBelow, activity)) {
// Have split rule of [ activityBelow | launchedActivity ].
return true;
if (isOnReparent && putActivitiesIntoSplitIfNecessary(wct, activity, activityBelow)) {
// Have split rule of [ launchedActivity | activityBelow].
return true;
// 5. Whether the activity split with the activity below (if any) should be split with the
// new launched activity.
final TaskFragmentContainer activityBelowContainer = getContainerWithActivity(
final SplitContainer topSplit = getActiveSplitForContainer(activityBelowContainer);
if (topSplit == null || !isTopMostSplit(topSplit)) {
// Skip if it is not the topmost split.
return false;
final TaskFragmentContainer otherTopContainer =
topSplit.getPrimaryContainer() == activityBelowContainer
? topSplit.getSecondaryContainer()
: topSplit.getPrimaryContainer();
final Activity otherTopActivity = otherTopContainer.getTopNonFinishingActivity();
if (otherTopActivity == null || otherTopActivity == activity) {
// Can't find the top activity on the other split TaskFragment.
return false;
if (putActivitiesIntoSplitIfNecessary(wct, otherTopActivity, activity)) {
// Have split rule of [ otherTopActivity | launchedActivity ].
return true;
// Have split rule of [ launchedActivity | otherTopActivity].
return isOnReparent && putActivitiesIntoSplitIfNecessary(wct, activity, otherTopActivity);
* Places the given activity to the top most TaskFragment in the task if there is any.
void placeActivityInTopContainer(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull Activity activity) {
if (getContainerWithActivity(activity) != null) {
// The activity has already been put in a TaskFragment. This is likely to be done by
// the server when the activity is started.
final int taskId = getTaskId(activity);
final TaskContainer taskContainer = getTaskContainer(taskId);
if (taskContainer == null) {
final TaskFragmentContainer targetContainer = taskContainer.getTopTaskFragmentContainer();
if (targetContainer == null) {
* Starts an activity to side of the launchingActivity with the provided split config.
private void startActivityToSide(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull Activity launchingActivity, @NonNull Intent intent,
@Nullable Bundle options, @NonNull SplitRule sideRule,
@Nullable Consumer<Exception> failureCallback, boolean isPlaceholder) {
try {
mPresenter.startActivityToSide(wct, launchingActivity, intent, options, sideRule,
} catch (Exception e) {
if (failureCallback != null) {
* Expands the given activity by either expanding the TaskFragment it is currently in or putting
* it into a new expanded TaskFragment.
private void expandActivity(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull Activity activity) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container = getContainerWithActivity(activity);
if (shouldContainerBeExpanded(container)) {
// Make sure that the existing container is expanded.
mPresenter.expandTaskFragment(wct, container.getTaskFragmentToken());
} else {
// Put activity into a new expanded container.
final TaskFragmentContainer newContainer = newContainer(activity, getTaskId(activity));
mPresenter.expandActivity(wct, newContainer.getTaskFragmentToken(), activity);
/** Whether the given new launched activity is in a split with a rule matched. */
private boolean isNewActivityInSplitWithRuleMatched(@NonNull Activity launchedActivity) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container = getContainerWithActivity(launchedActivity);
final SplitContainer splitContainer = getActiveSplitForContainer(container);
if (splitContainer == null) {
return false;
if (container == splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer()) {
// The new launched can be in the primary container when it is starting a new activity
// onCreate.
final TaskFragmentContainer secondaryContainer = splitContainer.getSecondaryContainer();
final Intent secondaryIntent = secondaryContainer.getPendingAppearedIntent();
if (secondaryIntent != null) {
// Check with the pending Intent before it is started on the server side.
// This can happen if the launched Activity start a new Intent to secondary during
// #onCreated().
return getSplitRule(launchedActivity, secondaryIntent) != null;
final Activity secondaryActivity = secondaryContainer.getTopNonFinishingActivity();
return secondaryActivity != null
&& getSplitRule(launchedActivity, secondaryActivity) != null;
// Check if the new launched activity is a placeholder.
if (splitContainer.getSplitRule() instanceof SplitPlaceholderRule) {
final SplitPlaceholderRule placeholderRule =
(SplitPlaceholderRule) splitContainer.getSplitRule();
final ComponentName placeholderName = placeholderRule.getPlaceholderIntent()
// TODO(b/232330767): Do we have a better way to check this?
return placeholderName == null
|| placeholderName.equals(launchedActivity.getComponentName())
|| placeholderRule.getPlaceholderIntent().equals(launchedActivity.getIntent());
// Check if the new launched activity should be split with the primary top activity.
final Activity primaryActivity = splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer()
if (primaryActivity == null) {
return false;
/* TODO(b/231845476) we should always respect clearTop.
final SplitPairRule curSplitRule = (SplitPairRule) splitContainer.getSplitRule();
final SplitPairRule splitRule = getSplitRule(primaryActivity, launchedActivity);
return splitRule != null && haveSamePresentation(splitRule, curSplitRule)
// If the new launched split rule should clear top and it is not the bottom most,
// it means we should create a new split pair and clear the existing secondary.
&& (!splitRule.shouldClearTop()
|| container.getBottomMostActivity() == launchedActivity);
return getSplitRule(primaryActivity, launchedActivity) != null;
/** Finds the activity below the given activity. */
Activity findActivityBelow(@NonNull Activity activity) {
Activity activityBelow = null;
final TaskFragmentContainer container = getContainerWithActivity(activity);
if (container != null) {
final List<Activity> containerActivities = container.collectNonFinishingActivities();
final int index = containerActivities.indexOf(activity);
if (index > 0) {
activityBelow = containerActivities.get(index - 1);
if (activityBelow == null) {
final IBinder belowToken = ActivityClient.getInstance().getActivityTokenBelow(
if (belowToken != null) {
activityBelow = getActivity(belowToken);
return activityBelow;
* Checks if there is a rule to split the two activities. If there is one, puts them into split
* and returns {@code true}. Otherwise, returns {@code false}.
private boolean putActivitiesIntoSplitIfNecessary(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull Activity primaryActivity, @NonNull Activity secondaryActivity) {
final SplitPairRule splitRule = getSplitRule(primaryActivity, secondaryActivity);
if (splitRule == null) {
return false;
final TaskFragmentContainer primaryContainer = getContainerWithActivity(
final SplitContainer splitContainer = getActiveSplitForContainer(primaryContainer);
if (splitContainer != null && primaryContainer == splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer()
&& canReuseContainer(splitRule, splitContainer.getSplitRule())) {
// Can launch in the existing secondary container if the rules share the same
// presentation.
final TaskFragmentContainer secondaryContainer = splitContainer.getSecondaryContainer();
if (secondaryContainer == getContainerWithActivity(secondaryActivity)) {
// The activity is already in the target TaskFragment.
return true;
if (mPresenter.expandSplitContainerIfNeeded(wct, splitContainer, primaryActivity,
secondaryActivity, null /* secondaryIntent */)
return true;
// Create new split pair.
mPresenter.createNewSplitContainer(wct, primaryActivity, secondaryActivity, splitRule);
return true;
private void onActivityConfigurationChanged(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull Activity activity) {
if (activity.isFinishing()) {
// Do nothing if the activity is currently finishing.
if (isInPictureInPicture(activity)) {
// We don't embed activity when it is in PIP.
final TaskFragmentContainer currentContainer = getContainerWithActivity(activity);
if (currentContainer != null) {
// Changes to activities in controllers are handled in
// onTaskFragmentParentInfoChanged
// Check if activity requires a placeholder
launchPlaceholderIfNecessary(wct, activity, false /* isOnCreated */);
void onActivityDestroyed(@NonNull Activity activity) {
// Remove any pending appeared activity, as the server won't send finished activity to the
// organizer.
for (int i = mTaskContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// We didn't trigger the callback if there were any pending appeared activities, so check
// again after the pending is removed.
* Called when we have been waiting too long for the TaskFragment to become non-empty after
* creation.
void onTaskFragmentAppearEmptyTimeout(@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer container) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final WindowContainerTransaction wct = new WindowContainerTransaction();
onTaskFragmentAppearEmptyTimeout(wct, container);
* Called when we have been waiting too long for the TaskFragment to become non-empty after
* creation.
void onTaskFragmentAppearEmptyTimeout(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer container) {
synchronized (mLock) {
mPresenter.cleanupContainer(wct, container, false /* shouldFinishDependent */);
* When we are trying to handle a new activity Intent, returns the {@link TaskFragmentContainer}
* that we should reparent the new activity to if there is any embedding rule matched.
* @param wct {@link WindowContainerTransaction} including all the window change
* requests. The caller is responsible to call
* {@link android.window.TaskFragmentOrganizer#applyTransaction}.
* @param taskId The Task to start the activity in.
* @param intent The {@link Intent} for starting the new launched activity.
* @param launchingActivity The {@link Activity} that starts the new activity. We will
* prioritize to split the new activity with it if it is not
* {@code null}.
* @return the {@link TaskFragmentContainer} to start the new activity in. {@code null} if there
* is no embedding rule matched.
TaskFragmentContainer resolveStartActivityIntent(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
int taskId, @NonNull Intent intent, @Nullable Activity launchingActivity) {
* We will check the following to see if there is any embedding rule matched:
* 1. Whether the new activity intent should always expand.
* 2. Whether the launching activity (if set) should be split with the new activity intent.
* 3. Whether the top activity (if any) should be split with the new activity intent.
* 4. Whether the top activity (if any) in other split should be split with the new
* activity intent.
// 1. Whether the new activity intent should always expand.
if (shouldExpand(null /* activity */, intent)) {
return createEmptyExpandedContainer(wct, intent, taskId, launchingActivity);
// 2. Whether the launching activity (if set) should be split with the new activity intent.
if (launchingActivity != null) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container = getSecondaryContainerForSplitIfAny(wct,
launchingActivity, intent, true /* respectClearTop */);
if (container != null) {
return container;
// 3. Whether the top activity (if any) should be split with the new activity intent.
final TaskContainer taskContainer = getTaskContainer(taskId);
if (taskContainer == null || taskContainer.getTopTaskFragmentContainer() == null) {
// There is no other activity in the Task to check split with.
return null;
final TaskFragmentContainer topContainer = taskContainer.getTopTaskFragmentContainer();
final Activity topActivity = topContainer.getTopNonFinishingActivity();
if (topActivity != null && topActivity != launchingActivity) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container = getSecondaryContainerForSplitIfAny(wct,
topActivity, intent, false /* respectClearTop */);
if (container != null) {
return container;
// 4. Whether the top activity (if any) in other split should be split with the new
// activity intent.
final SplitContainer topSplit = getActiveSplitForContainer(topContainer);
if (topSplit == null) {
return null;
final TaskFragmentContainer otherTopContainer =
topSplit.getPrimaryContainer() == topContainer
? topSplit.getSecondaryContainer()
: topSplit.getPrimaryContainer();
final Activity otherTopActivity = otherTopContainer.getTopNonFinishingActivity();
if (otherTopActivity != null && otherTopActivity != launchingActivity) {
return getSecondaryContainerForSplitIfAny(wct, otherTopActivity, intent,
false /* respectClearTop */);
return null;
* Returns an empty expanded {@link TaskFragmentContainer} that we can launch an activity into.
private TaskFragmentContainer createEmptyExpandedContainer(
@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct, @NonNull Intent intent, int taskId,
@Nullable Activity launchingActivity) {
// We need an activity in the organizer process in the same Task to use as the owner
// activity, as well as to get the Task window info.
final Activity activityInTask;
if (launchingActivity != null) {
activityInTask = launchingActivity;
} else {
final TaskContainer taskContainer = getTaskContainer(taskId);
activityInTask = taskContainer != null
? taskContainer.getTopNonFinishingActivity()
: null;
if (activityInTask == null) {
// Can't find any activity in the Task that we can use as the owner activity.
return null;
final TaskFragmentContainer expandedContainer = newContainer(intent, activityInTask,
mPresenter.createTaskFragment(wct, expandedContainer.getTaskFragmentToken(),
activityInTask.getActivityToken(), new Rect(), WINDOWING_MODE_UNDEFINED);
return expandedContainer;
* Returns a container for the new activity intent to launch into as splitting with the primary
* activity.
private TaskFragmentContainer getSecondaryContainerForSplitIfAny(
@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct, @NonNull Activity primaryActivity,
@NonNull Intent intent, boolean respectClearTop) {
final SplitPairRule splitRule = getSplitRule(primaryActivity, intent);
if (splitRule == null) {
return null;
final TaskFragmentContainer existingContainer = getContainerWithActivity(primaryActivity);
final SplitContainer splitContainer = getActiveSplitForContainer(existingContainer);
if (splitContainer != null && existingContainer == splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer()
&& (canReuseContainer(splitRule, splitContainer.getSplitRule())
// TODO(b/231845476) we should always respect clearTop.
|| !respectClearTop)
&& mPresenter.expandSplitContainerIfNeeded(wct, splitContainer, primaryActivity,
null /* secondaryActivity */, intent) != RESULT_EXPAND_FAILED_NO_TF_INFO) {
// Can launch in the existing secondary container if the rules share the same
// presentation.
return splitContainer.getSecondaryContainer();
// Create a new TaskFragment to split with the primary activity for the new activity.
return mPresenter.createNewSplitWithEmptySideContainer(wct, primaryActivity, intent,
* Returns a container that this activity is registered with. An activity can only belong to one
* container, or no container at all.
TaskFragmentContainer getContainerWithActivity(@NonNull Activity activity) {
final IBinder activityToken = activity.getActivityToken();
for (int i = mTaskContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final List<TaskFragmentContainer> containers = mTaskContainers.valueAt(i).mContainers;
// Traverse from top to bottom in case an activity is added to top pending, and hasn't
// received update from server yet.
for (int j = containers.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container = containers.get(j);
if (container.hasActivity(activityToken)) {
return container;
return null;
TaskFragmentContainer newContainer(@NonNull Activity pendingAppearedActivity, int taskId) {
return newContainer(pendingAppearedActivity, pendingAppearedActivity, taskId);
TaskFragmentContainer newContainer(@NonNull Activity pendingAppearedActivity,
@NonNull Activity activityInTask, int taskId) {
return newContainer(pendingAppearedActivity, null /* pendingAppearedIntent */,
activityInTask, taskId);
TaskFragmentContainer newContainer(@NonNull Intent pendingAppearedIntent,
@NonNull Activity activityInTask, int taskId) {
return newContainer(null /* pendingAppearedActivity */, pendingAppearedIntent,
activityInTask, taskId);
* Creates and registers a new organized container with an optional activity that will be
* re-parented to it in a WCT.
* @param pendingAppearedActivity the activity that will be reparented to the TaskFragment.
* @param pendingAppearedIntent the Intent that will be started in the TaskFragment.
* @param activityInTask activity in the same Task so that we can get the Task bounds
* if needed.
* @param taskId parent Task of the new TaskFragment.
TaskFragmentContainer newContainer(@Nullable Activity pendingAppearedActivity,
@Nullable Intent pendingAppearedIntent, @NonNull Activity activityInTask, int taskId) {
if (activityInTask == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("activityInTask must not be null,");
if (!mTaskContainers.contains(taskId)) {
mTaskContainers.put(taskId, new TaskContainer(taskId));
final TaskContainer taskContainer = mTaskContainers.get(taskId);
final TaskFragmentContainer container = new TaskFragmentContainer(pendingAppearedActivity,
pendingAppearedIntent, taskContainer, this);
if (!taskContainer.isTaskBoundsInitialized()) {
// Get the initial bounds before the TaskFragment has appeared.
final Rect taskBounds = getNonEmbeddedActivityBounds(activityInTask);
if (!taskContainer.setTaskBounds(taskBounds)) {
Log.w(TAG, "Can't find bounds from activity=" + activityInTask);
if (!taskContainer.isWindowingModeInitialized()) {
return container;
* Creates and registers a new split with the provided containers and configuration. Finishes
* existing secondary containers if found for the given primary container.
void registerSplit(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer primaryContainer, @NonNull Activity primaryActivity,
@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer secondaryContainer,
@NonNull SplitRule splitRule) {
final SplitContainer splitContainer = new SplitContainer(primaryContainer, primaryActivity,
secondaryContainer, splitRule);
// Remove container later to prevent pinning escaping toast showing in lock task mode.
if (splitRule instanceof SplitPairRule && ((SplitPairRule) splitRule).shouldClearTop()) {
removeExistingSecondaryContainers(wct, primaryContainer);
/** Cleanups all the dependencies when the TaskFragment is entering PIP. */
private void cleanupForEnterPip(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer container) {
final TaskContainer taskContainer = container.getTaskContainer();
if (taskContainer == null) {
final List<SplitContainer> splitsToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
final Set<TaskFragmentContainer> containersToUpdate = new ArraySet<>();
for (SplitContainer splitContainer : taskContainer.mSplitContainers) {
if (splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer() != container
&& splitContainer.getSecondaryContainer() != container) {
final TaskFragmentContainer splitTf = splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer() == container
? splitContainer.getSecondaryContainer()
: splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer();
// We don't want the PIP TaskFragment to be removed as a result of any of its dependents
// being removed.
if (container.getTopNonFinishingActivity() != null) {
// If there is any TaskFragment split with the PIP TaskFragment, update their presentations
// since the split is dismissed.
// We don't want to close any of them even if they are dependencies of the PIP TaskFragment.
for (TaskFragmentContainer containerToUpdate : containersToUpdate) {
updateContainer(wct, containerToUpdate);
* Removes the container from bookkeeping records.
void removeContainer(@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer container) {
// Remove all split containers that included this one
final TaskContainer taskContainer = container.getTaskContainer();
if (taskContainer == null) {
// Marked as a pending removal which will be removed after it is actually removed on the
// server side (#onTaskFragmentVanished).
// In this way, we can keep track of the Task bounds until we no longer have any
// TaskFragment there.
// Cleanup any split references.
final List<SplitContainer> containersToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
for (SplitContainer splitContainer : taskContainer.mSplitContainers) {
if (container.equals(splitContainer.getSecondaryContainer())
|| container.equals(splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer())) {
// Cleanup any dependent references.
for (TaskFragmentContainer containerToUpdate : taskContainer.mContainers) {
* Removes a secondary container for the given primary container if an existing split is
* already registered.
void removeExistingSecondaryContainers(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer primaryContainer) {
// If the primary container was already in a split - remove the secondary container that
// is now covered by the new one that replaced it.
final SplitContainer existingSplitContainer = getActiveSplitForContainer(
if (existingSplitContainer == null
|| primaryContainer == existingSplitContainer.getSecondaryContainer()) {
false /* shouldFinishDependent */, mPresenter, wct, this);
* Returns the topmost not finished container in Task of given task id.
TaskFragmentContainer getTopActiveContainer(int taskId) {
final TaskContainer taskContainer = mTaskContainers.get(taskId);
if (taskContainer == null) {
return null;
for (int i = taskContainer.mContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container = taskContainer.mContainers.get(i);
if (!container.isFinished() && (container.getRunningActivityCount() > 0
// We may be waiting for the top TaskFragment to become non-empty after
// creation. In that case, we don't want to treat the TaskFragment below it as
// top active, otherwise it may incorrectly launch placeholder on top of the
// pending TaskFragment.
|| container.isWaitingActivityAppear())) {
return container;
return null;
* Updates the presentation of the container. If the container is part of the split or should
* have a placeholder, it will also update the other part of the split.
void updateContainer(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer container) {
if (launchPlaceholderIfNecessary(wct, container)) {
// Placeholder was launched, the positions will be updated when the activity is added
// to the secondary container.
if (shouldContainerBeExpanded(container)) {
if (container.getInfo() != null) {
mPresenter.expandTaskFragment(wct, container.getTaskFragmentToken());
// If the info is not available yet the task fragment will be expanded when it's ready
SplitContainer splitContainer = getActiveSplitForContainer(container);
if (splitContainer == null) {
if (!isTopMostSplit(splitContainer)) {
// Skip position update - it isn't the topmost split.
if (splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer().isFinished()
|| splitContainer.getSecondaryContainer().isFinished()) {
// Skip position update - one or both containers are finished.
if (dismissPlaceholderIfNecessary(wct, splitContainer)) {
// Placeholder was finished, the positions will be updated when its container is emptied
mPresenter.updateSplitContainer(splitContainer, container, wct);
/** Whether the given split is the topmost split in the Task. */
private boolean isTopMostSplit(@NonNull SplitContainer splitContainer) {
final List<SplitContainer> splitContainers = splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer()
return splitContainer == splitContainers.get(splitContainers.size() - 1);
* Returns the top active split container that has the provided container, if available.
private SplitContainer getActiveSplitForContainer(@Nullable TaskFragmentContainer container) {
if (container == null) {
return null;
final List<SplitContainer> splitContainers = container.getTaskContainer().mSplitContainers;
if (splitContainers.isEmpty()) {
return null;
for (int i = splitContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final SplitContainer splitContainer = splitContainers.get(i);
if (container.equals(splitContainer.getSecondaryContainer())
|| container.equals(splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer())) {
return splitContainer;
return null;
* Returns the active split that has the provided containers as primary and secondary or as
* secondary and primary, if available.
SplitContainer getActiveSplitForContainers(
@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer firstContainer,
@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer secondContainer) {
final List<SplitContainer> splitContainers = firstContainer.getTaskContainer()
for (int i = splitContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final SplitContainer splitContainer = splitContainers.get(i);
final TaskFragmentContainer primary = splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer();
final TaskFragmentContainer secondary = splitContainer.getSecondaryContainer();
if ((firstContainer == secondary && secondContainer == primary)
|| (firstContainer == primary && secondContainer == secondary)) {
return splitContainer;
return null;
* Checks if the container requires a placeholder and launches it if necessary.
private boolean launchPlaceholderIfNecessary(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer container) {
final Activity topActivity = container.getTopNonFinishingActivity();
if (topActivity == null) {
return false;
return launchPlaceholderIfNecessary(wct, topActivity, false /* isOnCreated */);
boolean launchPlaceholderIfNecessary(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull Activity activity, boolean isOnCreated) {
if (activity.isFinishing()) {
return false;
final TaskFragmentContainer container = getContainerWithActivity(activity);
// Don't launch placeholder if the container is occluded.
if (container != null && container != getTopActiveContainer(container.getTaskId())) {
return false;
final SplitContainer splitContainer = getActiveSplitForContainer(container);
if (splitContainer != null && container.equals(splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer())) {
// Don't launch placeholder in primary split container
return false;
// Check if there is enough space for launch
final SplitPlaceholderRule placeholderRule = getPlaceholderRule(activity);
if (placeholderRule == null) {
return false;
final Pair<Size, Size> minDimensionsPair = getActivityIntentMinDimensionsPair(activity,
if (!shouldShowSideBySide(
mPresenter.getParentContainerBounds(activity), placeholderRule,
minDimensionsPair)) {
return false;
// TODO(b/190433398): Handle failed request
final Bundle options = getPlaceholderOptions(activity, isOnCreated);
startActivityToSide(wct, activity, placeholderRule.getPlaceholderIntent(), options,
placeholderRule, null /* failureCallback */, true /* isPlaceholder */);
return true;
* Gets the activity options for starting the placeholder activity. In case the placeholder is
* launched when the Task is in the background, we don't want to bring the Task to the front.
* @param primaryActivity the primary activity to launch the placeholder from.
* @param isOnCreated whether this happens during the primary activity onCreated.
Bundle getPlaceholderOptions(@NonNull Activity primaryActivity, boolean isOnCreated) {
// Setting avoid move to front will also skip the animation. We only want to do that when
// the Task is currently in background.
// Check if the primary is resumed or if this is called when the primary is onCreated
// (not resumed yet).
if (isOnCreated || primaryActivity.isResumed()) {
return null;
final ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions.makeBasic();
return options.toBundle();
boolean dismissPlaceholderIfNecessary(@NonNull WindowContainerTransaction wct,
@NonNull SplitContainer splitContainer) {
if (!splitContainer.isPlaceholderContainer()) {
return false;
if (isStickyPlaceholderRule(splitContainer.getSplitRule())) {
// The placeholder should remain after it was first shown.
return false;
if (shouldShowSideBySide(splitContainer)) {
return false;
mPresenter.cleanupContainer(wct, splitContainer.getSecondaryContainer(),
false /* shouldFinishDependent */);
return true;
* Returns the rule to launch a placeholder for the activity with the provided component name
* if it is configured in the split config.
private SplitPlaceholderRule getPlaceholderRule(@NonNull Activity activity) {
for (EmbeddingRule rule : mSplitRules) {
if (!(rule instanceof SplitPlaceholderRule)) {
SplitPlaceholderRule placeholderRule = (SplitPlaceholderRule) rule;
if (placeholderRule.matchesActivity(activity)) {
return placeholderRule;
return null;
* Notifies listeners about changes to split states if necessary.
private void updateCallbackIfNecessary() {
if (mEmbeddingCallback == null) {
if (!allActivitiesCreated()) {
List<SplitInfo> currentSplitStates = getActiveSplitStates();
if (currentSplitStates == null || mLastReportedSplitStates.equals(currentSplitStates)) {
* @return a list of descriptors for currently active split states. If the value returned is
* null, that indicates that the active split states are in an intermediate state and should
* not be reported.
private List<SplitInfo> getActiveSplitStates() {
List<SplitInfo> splitStates = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = mTaskContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final List<SplitContainer> splitContainers = mTaskContainers.valueAt(i)
for (SplitContainer container : splitContainers) {
if (container.getPrimaryContainer().isEmpty()
|| container.getSecondaryContainer().isEmpty()) {
// We are in an intermediate state because either the split container is about
// to be removed or the primary or secondary container are about to receive an
// activity.
return null;
final ActivityStack primaryContainer = container.getPrimaryContainer()
final ActivityStack secondaryContainer = container.getSecondaryContainer()
final SplitInfo splitState = new SplitInfo(primaryContainer, secondaryContainer,
// Splits that are not showing side-by-side are reported as having 0 split
// ratio, since by definition in the API the primary container occupies no
// width of the split when covered by the secondary.
? container.getSplitRule().getSplitRatio()
: 0.0f);
return splitStates;
* Checks if all activities that are registered with the containers have already appeared in
* the client.
private boolean allActivitiesCreated() {
for (int i = mTaskContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final List<TaskFragmentContainer> containers = mTaskContainers.valueAt(i).mContainers;
for (TaskFragmentContainer container : containers) {
if (!container.taskInfoActivityCountMatchesCreated()) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns {@code true} if the container is expanded to occupy full task size.
* Returns {@code false} if the container is included in an active split.
boolean shouldContainerBeExpanded(@Nullable TaskFragmentContainer container) {
if (container == null) {
return false;
return getActiveSplitForContainer(container) == null;
* Returns a split rule for the provided pair of primary activity and secondary activity intent
* if available.
private SplitPairRule getSplitRule(@NonNull Activity primaryActivity,
@NonNull Intent secondaryActivityIntent) {
for (EmbeddingRule rule : mSplitRules) {
if (!(rule instanceof SplitPairRule)) {
SplitPairRule pairRule = (SplitPairRule) rule;
if (pairRule.matchesActivityIntentPair(primaryActivity, secondaryActivityIntent)) {
return pairRule;
return null;
* Returns a split rule for the provided pair of primary and secondary activities if available.
private SplitPairRule getSplitRule(@NonNull Activity primaryActivity,
@NonNull Activity secondaryActivity) {
for (EmbeddingRule rule : mSplitRules) {
if (!(rule instanceof SplitPairRule)) {
SplitPairRule pairRule = (SplitPairRule) rule;
final Intent intent = secondaryActivity.getIntent();
if (pairRule.matchesActivityPair(primaryActivity, secondaryActivity)
&& (intent == null
|| pairRule.matchesActivityIntentPair(primaryActivity, intent))) {
return pairRule;
return null;
TaskFragmentContainer getContainer(@NonNull IBinder fragmentToken) {
for (int i = mTaskContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final List<TaskFragmentContainer> containers = mTaskContainers.valueAt(i).mContainers;
for (TaskFragmentContainer container : containers) {
if (container.getTaskFragmentToken().equals(fragmentToken)) {
return container;
return null;
TaskContainer getTaskContainer(int taskId) {
return mTaskContainers.get(taskId);
Handler getHandler() {
return mHandler;
int getTaskId(@NonNull Activity activity) {
// Prefer to get the taskId from TaskFragmentContainer because Activity.getTaskId() is an
// IPC call.
final TaskFragmentContainer container = getContainerWithActivity(activity);
return container != null ? container.getTaskId() : activity.getTaskId();
Activity getActivity(@NonNull IBinder activityToken) {
return ActivityThread.currentActivityThread().getActivity(activityToken);
ActivityStartMonitor getActivityStartMonitor() {
return mActivityStartMonitor;
* Gets the token of the initial TaskFragment that embedded this activity. Do not rely on it
* after creation because the activity could be reparented.
IBinder getInitialTaskFragmentToken(@NonNull Activity activity) {
final ActivityThread.ActivityClientRecord record = ActivityThread.currentActivityThread()
return record != null ? record.mInitialTaskFragmentToken : null;
* Returns {@code true} if an Activity with the provided component name should always be
* expanded to occupy full task bounds. Such activity must not be put in a split.
private boolean shouldExpand(@Nullable Activity activity, @Nullable Intent intent) {
for (EmbeddingRule rule : mSplitRules) {
if (!(rule instanceof ActivityRule)) {
ActivityRule activityRule = (ActivityRule) rule;
if (!activityRule.shouldAlwaysExpand()) {
if (activity != null && activityRule.matchesActivity(activity)) {
return true;
} else if (intent != null && activityRule.matchesIntent(intent)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks whether the associated container should be destroyed together with a finishing
* container. There is a case when primary containers for placeholders should be retained
* despite the rule configuration to finish primary with secondary - if they are marked as
* 'sticky' and the placeholder was finished when fully overlapping the primary container.
* @return {@code true} if the associated container should be retained (and not be finished).
boolean shouldRetainAssociatedContainer(@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer finishingContainer,
@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer associatedContainer) {
SplitContainer splitContainer = getActiveSplitForContainers(associatedContainer,
if (splitContainer == null) {
// Containers are not in the same split, no need to retain.
return false;
// Find the finish behavior for the associated container
int finishBehavior;
SplitRule splitRule = splitContainer.getSplitRule();
if (finishingContainer == splitContainer.getPrimaryContainer()) {
finishBehavior = getFinishSecondaryWithPrimaryBehavior(splitRule);
} else {
finishBehavior = getFinishPrimaryWithSecondaryBehavior(splitRule);
// Decide whether the associated container should be retained based on the current
// presentation mode.
if (shouldShowSideBySide(splitContainer)) {
return !shouldFinishAssociatedContainerWhenAdjacent(finishBehavior);
} else {
return !shouldFinishAssociatedContainerWhenStacked(finishBehavior);
* @see #shouldRetainAssociatedContainer(TaskFragmentContainer, TaskFragmentContainer)
boolean shouldRetainAssociatedActivity(@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer finishingContainer,
@NonNull Activity associatedActivity) {
final TaskFragmentContainer associatedContainer = getContainerWithActivity(
if (associatedContainer == null) {
return false;
return shouldRetainAssociatedContainer(finishingContainer, associatedContainer);
private final class LifecycleCallbacks extends EmptyLifecycleCallbacksAdapter {
public void onActivityPreCreated(@NonNull Activity activity,
@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final IBinder activityToken = activity.getActivityToken();
final IBinder initialTaskFragmentToken = getInitialTaskFragmentToken(activity);
// If the activity is not embedded, then it will not have an initial task fragment
// token so no further action is needed.
if (initialTaskFragmentToken == null) {
for (int i = mTaskContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final List<TaskFragmentContainer> containers = mTaskContainers.valueAt(i)
for (int j = containers.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container = containers.get(j);
if (!container.hasActivity(activityToken)
&& container.getTaskFragmentToken()
.equals(initialTaskFragmentToken)) {
// The onTaskFragmentInfoChanged callback containing this activity has
// not reached the client yet, so add the activity to the pending
// appeared activities.
public void onActivityPostCreated(@NonNull Activity activity,
@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Calling after Activity#onCreate is complete to allow the app launch something
// first. In case of a configured placeholder activity we want to make sure
// that we don't launch it if an activity itself already requested something to be
// launched to side.
synchronized (mLock) {
final WindowContainerTransaction wct = new WindowContainerTransaction();
SplitController.this.onActivityCreated(wct, activity);
public void onActivityConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Activity activity) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final WindowContainerTransaction wct = new WindowContainerTransaction();
SplitController.this.onActivityConfigurationChanged(wct, activity);
public void onActivityPostDestroyed(@NonNull Activity activity) {
synchronized (mLock) {
/** Executor that posts on the main application thread. */
private static class MainThreadExecutor implements Executor {
private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
public void execute(@NonNull Runnable r) {;
* A monitor that intercepts all activity start requests originating in the client process and
* can amend them to target a specific task fragment to form a split.
class ActivityStartMonitor extends Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor {
Intent mCurrentIntent;
public Instrumentation.ActivityResult onStartActivity(@NonNull Context who,
@NonNull Intent intent, @NonNull Bundle options) {
// TODO(b/190433398): Check if the activity is configured to always be expanded.
// Check if activity should be put in a split with the activity that launched it.
if (!(who instanceof Activity)) {
return super.onStartActivity(who, intent, options);
final Activity launchingActivity = (Activity) who;
if (isInPictureInPicture(launchingActivity)) {
// We don't embed activity when it is in PIP.
return super.onStartActivity(who, intent, options);
synchronized (mLock) {
final int taskId = getTaskId(launchingActivity);
final WindowContainerTransaction wct = new WindowContainerTransaction();
final TaskFragmentContainer launchedInTaskFragment = resolveStartActivityIntent(wct,
taskId, intent, launchingActivity);
if (launchedInTaskFragment != null) {
// Amend the request to let the WM know that the activity should be placed in
// the dedicated container.
mCurrentIntent = intent;
return super.onStartActivity(who, intent, options);
public void onStartActivityResult(int result, @NonNull Bundle bOptions) {
super.onStartActivityResult(result, bOptions);
if (mCurrentIntent != null && result != START_SUCCESS) {
// Clear the pending appeared intent if the activity was not started successfully.
final IBinder token = bOptions.getBinder(
if (token != null) {
final TaskFragmentContainer container = getContainer(token);
if (container != null) {
mCurrentIntent = null;
* Checks if an activity is embedded and its presentation is customized by a
* {@link android.window.TaskFragmentOrganizer} to only occupy a portion of Task bounds.
public boolean isActivityEmbedded(@NonNull Activity activity) {
synchronized (mLock) {
return mPresenter.isActivityEmbedded(activity.getActivityToken());
* If the two rules have the same presentation, we can reuse the same {@link SplitContainer} if
* there is any.
private static boolean canReuseContainer(@NonNull SplitRule rule1, @NonNull SplitRule rule2) {
if (!isContainerReusableRule(rule1) || !isContainerReusableRule(rule2)) {
return false;
return haveSamePresentation((SplitPairRule) rule1, (SplitPairRule) rule2);
/** Whether the two rules have the same presentation. */
private static boolean haveSamePresentation(@NonNull SplitPairRule rule1,
@NonNull SplitPairRule rule2) {
// TODO(b/231655482): add util method to do the comparison in SplitPairRule.
return rule1.getSplitRatio() == rule2.getSplitRatio()
&& rule1.getLayoutDirection() == rule2.getLayoutDirection()
&& rule1.getFinishPrimaryWithSecondary()
== rule2.getFinishPrimaryWithSecondary()
&& rule1.getFinishSecondaryWithPrimary()
== rule2.getFinishSecondaryWithPrimary();
* Whether it is ok for other rule to reuse the {@link TaskFragmentContainer} of the given
* rule.
private static boolean isContainerReusableRule(@NonNull SplitRule rule) {
// We don't expect to reuse the placeholder rule.
if (!(rule instanceof SplitPairRule)) {
return false;
final SplitPairRule pairRule = (SplitPairRule) rule;
// Not reuse if it needs to destroy the existing.
return !pairRule.shouldClearTop();
private static boolean isInPictureInPicture(@NonNull Activity activity) {
return isInPictureInPicture(activity.getResources().getConfiguration());
private static boolean isInPictureInPicture(@NonNull TaskFragmentContainer tf) {
return isInPictureInPicture(tf.getInfo().getConfiguration());
private static boolean isInPictureInPicture(@Nullable Configuration configuration) {
return configuration != null
&& configuration.windowConfiguration.getWindowingMode() == WINDOWING_MODE_PINNED;