blob: b4ffb3f6cf4eb5d49e76f4429fbea41cf2666786 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.util.Log
import android.view.GhostView
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.view.ViewGroupOverlay
import android.widget.FrameLayout
import kotlin.math.min
private const val TAG = "GhostedViewLaunchAnimatorController"
* A base implementation of [ActivityLaunchAnimator.Controller] which creates a [ghost][GhostView]
* of [ghostedView] as well as an expandable background view, which are drawn and animated instead
* of the ghosted view.
* Important: [ghostedView] must be attached to a [ViewGroup] when calling this function and during
* the animation.
* Note: Avoid instantiating this directly and call [ActivityLaunchAnimator.Controller.fromView]
* whenever possible instead.
open class GhostedViewLaunchAnimatorController(
/** The view that will be ghosted and from which the background will be extracted. */
private val ghostedView: View,
/** The [InteractionJankMonitor.CujType] associated to this animation. */
private val cujType: Int? = null
) : ActivityLaunchAnimator.Controller {
/** The container to which we will add the ghost view and expanding background. */
override var launchContainer = ghostedView.rootView as ViewGroup
private val launchContainerOverlay: ViewGroupOverlay
get() = launchContainer.overlay
/** The ghost view that is drawn and animated instead of the ghosted view. */
private var ghostView: GhostView? = null
private val initialGhostViewMatrixValues = FloatArray(9) { 0f }
private val ghostViewMatrix = Matrix()
* The expanding background view that will be added to [launchContainer] (below [ghostView]) and
* animate.
private var backgroundView: FrameLayout? = null
* The drawable wrapping the [ghostedView] background and used as background for
* [backgroundView].
private var backgroundDrawable: WrappedDrawable? = null
private var startBackgroundAlpha: Int = 0xFF
* Return the background of the [ghostedView]. This background will be used to draw the
* background of the background view that is expanding up to the final animation position. This
* is called at the start of the animation.
* Note that during the animation, the alpha value value of this background will be set to 0,
* then set back to its initial value at the end of the animation.
protected open fun getBackground(): Drawable? = ghostedView.background
* Set the corner radius of [background]. The background is the one that was returned by
* [getBackground].
protected open fun setBackgroundCornerRadius(
background: Drawable,
topCornerRadius: Float,
bottomCornerRadius: Float
) {
// By default, we rely on WrappedDrawable to set/restore the background radii before/after
// each draw.
backgroundDrawable?.setBackgroundRadius(topCornerRadius, bottomCornerRadius)
/** Return the current top corner radius of the background. */
protected open fun getCurrentTopCornerRadius(): Float {
val drawable = getBackground() ?: return 0f
val gradient = findGradientDrawable(drawable) ?: return 0f
// TODO(b/184121838): Support more than symmetric top & bottom radius.
return gradient.cornerRadii?.get(CORNER_RADIUS_TOP_INDEX) ?: gradient.cornerRadius
/** Return the current bottom corner radius of the background. */
protected open fun getCurrentBottomCornerRadius(): Float {
val drawable = getBackground() ?: return 0f
val gradient = findGradientDrawable(drawable) ?: return 0f
// TODO(b/184121838): Support more than symmetric top & bottom radius.
return gradient.cornerRadii?.get(CORNER_RADIUS_BOTTOM_INDEX) ?: gradient.cornerRadius
override fun createAnimatorState(): ActivityLaunchAnimator.State {
val location = ghostedView.locationOnScreen
return ActivityLaunchAnimator.State(
top = location[1],
bottom = location[1] + ghostedView.height,
left = location[0],
right = location[0] + ghostedView.width,
topCornerRadius = getCurrentTopCornerRadius(),
bottomCornerRadius = getCurrentBottomCornerRadius()
override fun onLaunchAnimationStart(isExpandingFullyAbove: Boolean) {
if (ghostedView.parent !is ViewGroup) {
// This should usually not happen, but let's make sure we don't crash if the view was
// detached right before we started the animation.
Log.w(TAG, "Skipping animation as ghostedView is not attached to a ViewGroup")
backgroundView = FrameLayout(launchContainer.context)
// We wrap the ghosted view background and use it to draw the expandable background. Its
// alpha will be set to 0 as soon as we start drawing the expanding background.
val drawable = getBackground()
startBackgroundAlpha = drawable?.alpha ?: 0xFF
backgroundDrawable = WrappedDrawable(drawable)
backgroundView?.background = backgroundDrawable
// Create a ghost of the view that will be moving and fading out. This allows to fade out
// the content before fading out the background.
ghostView = GhostView.addGhost(ghostedView, launchContainer)
val matrix = ghostView?.animationMatrix ?: Matrix.IDENTITY_MATRIX
cujType?.let { InteractionJankMonitor.getInstance().begin(ghostedView, it) }
override fun onLaunchAnimationProgress(
state: ActivityLaunchAnimator.State,
progress: Float,
linearProgress: Float
) {
val ghostView = this.ghostView ?: return
val backgroundView = this.backgroundView!!
if (!state.visible) {
if (ghostView.visibility == View.VISIBLE) {
// Making the ghost view invisible will make the ghosted view visible, so order is
// important here.
ghostView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
ghostedView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
backgroundView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
val scale = min(state.widthRatio, state.heightRatio)
ghostViewMatrix.postScale(scale, scale, state.startCenterX, state.startCenterY)
(state.leftChange + state.rightChange) / 2f,
(state.topChange + state.bottomChange) / 2f
ghostView.animationMatrix = ghostViewMatrix =
backgroundView.bottom = state.bottom
backgroundView.left = state.left
backgroundView.right = state.right
val backgroundDrawable = backgroundDrawable!!
backgroundDrawable.wrapped?.let {
setBackgroundCornerRadius(it, state.topCornerRadius, state.bottomCornerRadius)
override fun onLaunchAnimationEnd(isExpandingFullyAbove: Boolean) {
if (ghostView == null) {
// We didn't actually run the animation.
cujType?.let { InteractionJankMonitor.getInstance().end(it) }
backgroundDrawable?.wrapped?.alpha = startBackgroundAlpha
ghostedView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
companion object {
private const val CORNER_RADIUS_TOP_INDEX = 0
private const val CORNER_RADIUS_BOTTOM_INDEX = 4
* Return the first [GradientDrawable] found in [drawable], or null if none is found. If
* [drawable] is a [LayerDrawable], this will return the first layer that is a
* [GradientDrawable].
private fun findGradientDrawable(drawable: Drawable): GradientDrawable? {
if (drawable is GradientDrawable) {
return drawable
if (drawable is InsetDrawable) {
return drawable.drawable?.let { findGradientDrawable(it) }
if (drawable is LayerDrawable) {
for (i in 0 until drawable.numberOfLayers) {
val maybeGradient = drawable.getDrawable(i)
if (maybeGradient is GradientDrawable) {
return maybeGradient
return null
private class WrappedDrawable(val wrapped: Drawable?) : Drawable() {
private var currentAlpha = 0xFF
private var previousBounds = Rect()
private var cornerRadii = FloatArray(8) { -1f }
private var previousCornerRadii = FloatArray(8)
override fun draw(canvas: Canvas) {
val wrapped = this.wrapped ?: return
wrapped.alpha = currentAlpha
wrapped.bounds = bounds
// The background view (and therefore this drawable) is drawn before the ghost view, so
// the ghosted view background alpha should always be 0 when it is drawn above the
// background.
wrapped.alpha = 0
wrapped.bounds = previousBounds
override fun setAlpha(alpha: Int) {
if (alpha != currentAlpha) {
currentAlpha = alpha
override fun getAlpha() = currentAlpha
override fun getOpacity(): Int {
val wrapped = this.wrapped ?: return PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT
val previousAlpha = wrapped.alpha
wrapped.alpha = currentAlpha
val opacity = wrapped.opacity
wrapped.alpha = previousAlpha
return opacity
override fun setColorFilter(filter: ColorFilter?) {
wrapped?.colorFilter = filter
fun setBackgroundRadius(topCornerRadius: Float, bottomCornerRadius: Float) {
updateRadii(cornerRadii, topCornerRadius, bottomCornerRadius)
private fun updateRadii(
radii: FloatArray,
topCornerRadius: Float,
bottomCornerRadius: Float
) {
radii[0] = topCornerRadius
radii[1] = topCornerRadius
radii[2] = topCornerRadius
radii[3] = topCornerRadius
radii[4] = bottomCornerRadius
radii[5] = bottomCornerRadius
radii[6] = bottomCornerRadius
radii[7] = bottomCornerRadius
private fun applyBackgroundRadii() {
if (cornerRadii[0] < 0 || wrapped == null) {
applyBackgroundRadii(wrapped, cornerRadii)
private fun savePreviousBackgroundRadii(background: Drawable) {
// TODO(b/184121838): This method assumes that all GradientDrawable in background will
// have the same radius. Should we save/restore the radii for each layer instead?
val gradient = findGradientDrawable(background) ?: return
// TODO(b/184121838): GradientDrawable#getCornerRadii clones its radii array. Should we
// try to avoid that?
val radii = gradient.cornerRadii
if (radii != null) {
} else {
// Copy the cornerRadius into previousCornerRadii.
val radius = gradient.cornerRadius
updateRadii(previousCornerRadii, radius, radius)
private fun applyBackgroundRadii(drawable: Drawable, radii: FloatArray) {
if (drawable is GradientDrawable) {
drawable.cornerRadii = radii
if (drawable is InsetDrawable) {
drawable.drawable?.let { applyBackgroundRadii(it, radii) }
if (drawable !is LayerDrawable) {
for (i in 0 until drawable.numberOfLayers) {
(drawable.getDrawable(i) as? GradientDrawable)?.cornerRadii = radii
private fun restoreBackgroundRadii() {
if (cornerRadii[0] < 0 || wrapped == null) {
applyBackgroundRadii(wrapped, previousCornerRadii)