DO NOT MERGE: Revert "Don't let IME window fit status bar"

This reverts commit 3cd311415ba00d5d75660a8607d1ece5e68f0534.

Reason for revert: The CL causes the regression b/170474494
And it also makes status bar color incorrect while
Fix: 170474494

Change-Id: I26bed08456197721d07f2fab563be0c54e43efd2
(cherry picked from commit 427bdc1c86904649dc7c12cf917c05d61f2fe3fa)
diff --git a/core/java/android/inputmethodservice/ b/core/java/android/inputmethodservice/
index e0195e4..4f0c84e 100644
--- a/core/java/android/inputmethodservice/
+++ b/core/java/android/inputmethodservice/
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 package android.inputmethodservice;
-import static;
 import static android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
 import static android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
 import static android.view.ViewRootImpl.NEW_INSETS_MODE_NONE;
 import static android.view.WindowInsets.Type.navigationBars;
+import static android.view.WindowInsets.Type.statusBars;
 import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS;
 import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.SOURCE;
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
 import android.view.ViewRootImpl;
 import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
 import android.view.Window;
+import android.view.WindowInsets;
 import android.view.WindowInsets.Side;
 import android.view.WindowManager;
 import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
@@ -1202,22 +1203,25 @@
         mWindow = new SoftInputWindow(this, "InputMethod", mTheme, null, null, mDispatcherState,
                 WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD, Gravity.BOTTOM, false);
-        mWindow.getWindow().getAttributes().setFitInsetsTypes(navigationBars());
+        mWindow.getWindow().getAttributes().setFitInsetsTypes(statusBars() | navigationBars());
         mWindow.getWindow().getAttributes().setFitInsetsSides(Side.all() & ~Side.BOTTOM);
-        // Our window will extend into the status bar area no matter the bar is visible or not.
-        // We don't want the ColorView to be visible when status bar is shown.
-        mWindow.getWindow().setStatusBarColor(TRANSPARENT);
-        // Automotive devices may request the navigation bar to be hidden when the IME shows up
-        // (controlled via config_automotiveHideNavBarForKeyboard) in order to maximize the visible
-        // screen real estate. When this happens, the IME window should animate from the bottom of
-        // the screen to reduce the jank that happens from the lack of synchronization between the
-        // bottom system window and the IME window.
+        // IME layout should always be inset by navigation bar, no matter its current visibility,
+        // unless automotive requests it. Automotive devices may request the navigation bar to be
+        // hidden when the IME shows up (controlled via config_automotiveHideNavBarForKeyboard)
+        // in order to maximize the visible screen real estate. When this happens, the IME window
+        // should animate from the bottom of the screen to reduce the jank that happens from the
+        // lack of synchronization between the bottom system window and the IME window.
         if (mIsAutomotive && mAutomotiveHideNavBarForKeyboard) {
+        mWindow.getWindow().getDecorView().setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(
+                (v, insets) -> v.onApplyWindowInsets(
+                        new WindowInsets.Builder(insets).setInsets(
+                                navigationBars(),
+                                insets.getInsetsIgnoringVisibility(navigationBars()))
+                                .build()));
         // For ColorView in DecorView to work, FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS needs to be set
         // by default (but IME developers can opt this out later if they want a new behavior).