blob: bf29b1d88825973604d196f3bc2ba602fddd51b8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "VideoRenderQualityTracker"
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/Trace.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <media/stagefright/VideoRenderQualityTracker.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <charconv>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <android-base/macros.h>
#include <android-base/parsebool.h>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
namespace android {
using android::base::ParseBoolResult;
static constexpr float FRAME_RATE_UNDETERMINED = VideoRenderQualityMetrics::FRAME_RATE_UNDETERMINED;
static constexpr float FRAME_RATE_24_3_2_PULLDOWN =
typedef VideoRenderQualityTracker::Configuration::GetServerConfigurableFlagFn
typedef VideoRenderQualityTracker::TraceTriggerFn TraceTriggerFn;
static void getServerConfigurableFlag(GetServerConfigurableFlagFn getServerConfigurableFlagFn,
char const *flagNameSuffix, bool *value) {
std::string flagName("render_metrics_");
std::string valueStr = (*getServerConfigurableFlagFn)("media_native", flagName,
*value ? "true" : "false");
switch (android::base::ParseBool(valueStr)) {
case ParseBoolResult::kTrue: *value = true; break;
case ParseBoolResult::kFalse: *value = false; break;
case ParseBoolResult::kError:
ALOGW("failed to parse server-configurable flag '%s' from '%s'", flagNameSuffix,
static void getServerConfigurableFlag(GetServerConfigurableFlagFn getServerConfigurableFlagFn,
char const *flagNameSuffix, int32_t *value) {
char defaultStr[11];
sprintf(defaultStr, "%d", int(*value));
std::string flagName("render_metrics_");
std::string valueStr = (*getServerConfigurableFlagFn)("media_native", flagName, defaultStr);
if (!android::base::ParseInt(valueStr.c_str(), value) || valueStr.size() == 0) {
ALOGW("failed to parse server-configurable flag '%s' from '%s'", flagNameSuffix,
template<typename T>
static void getServerConfigurableFlag(GetServerConfigurableFlagFn getServerConfigurableFlagFn,
char const *flagNameSuffix, std::vector<T> *value) {
std::stringstream sstr;
for (int i = 0; i < value->size(); ++i) {
if (i != 0) {
sstr << ",";
sstr << (*value)[i];
std::string flagName("render_metrics_");
std::string valueStr = (*getServerConfigurableFlagFn)("media_native", flagName, sstr.str());
if (valueStr.size() == 0) {
// note: using android::base::Tokenize fails to catch parsing failures for values ending in ','
std::vector<T> newValues;
const char *p = valueStr.c_str();
const char *last = p + valueStr.size();
while (p != last) {
if (*p == ',') {
T value = -1;
auto [ptr, error] = std::from_chars(p, last, value);
if (error == std::errc::invalid_argument || error == std::errc::result_out_of_range) {
ALOGW("failed to parse server-configurable flag '%s' from '%s'", flagNameSuffix,
p = ptr;
*value = std::move(newValues);
VideoRenderQualityMetrics::VideoRenderQualityMetrics() {
void VideoRenderQualityMetrics::clear() {
firstRenderTimeUs = 0;
frameReleasedCount = 0;
frameRenderedCount = 0;
frameDroppedCount = 0;
frameSkippedCount = 0;
maxContentDroppedAfterPauseMs = 0;
freezeEventCount = 0;
judderEventCount = 0;
GetServerConfigurableFlagFn getServerConfigurableFlagFn) {
VideoRenderQualityTracker::Configuration c;
#define getFlag(FIELDNAME, FLAGNAME) \
getServerConfigurableFlag(getServerConfigurableFlagFn, FLAGNAME, &c.FIELDNAME)
getFlag(enabled, "enabled");
getFlag(areSkippedFramesDropped, "are_skipped_frames_dropped");
getFlag(maxExpectedContentFrameDurationUs, "max_expected_content_frame_duration_us");
getFlag(frameRateDetectionToleranceUs, "frame_rate_detection_tolerance_us");
getFlag(liveContentFrameDropToleranceUs, "live_content_frame_drop_tolerance_us");
getFlag(pauseAudioLatencyUs, "pause_audio_latency_us");
getFlag(freezeDurationMsHistogramBuckets, "freeze_duration_ms_histogram_buckets");
getFlag(freezeDurationMsHistogramToScore, "freeze_duration_ms_histogram_to_score");
getFlag(freezeDistanceMsHistogramBuckets, "freeze_distance_ms_histogram_buckets");
getFlag(freezeEventMax, "freeze_event_max");
getFlag(freezeEventDetailsMax, "freeze_event_details_max");
getFlag(freezeEventDistanceToleranceMs, "freeze_event_distance_tolerance_ms");
getFlag(judderErrorToleranceUs, "judder_error_tolerance_us");
getFlag(judderScoreHistogramBuckets, "judder_score_histogram_buckets");
getFlag(judderScoreHistogramToScore, "judder_score_histogram_to_score");
getFlag(judderEventMax, "judder_event_max");
getFlag(judderEventDetailsMax, "judder_event_details_max");
getFlag(judderEventDistanceToleranceMs, "judder_event_distance_tolerance_ms");
getFlag(traceTriggerEnabled, "trace_trigger_enabled");
getFlag(traceTriggerThrottleMs, "trace_trigger_throttle_ms");
getFlag(traceMinFreezeDurationMs, "trace_minimum_freeze_duration_ms");
#undef getFlag
return c;
VideoRenderQualityTracker::Configuration::Configuration() {
enabled = false;
// Assume that the app is skipping frames because it's detected that the frame couldn't be
// rendered in time.
areSkippedFramesDropped = true;
// 400ms is 8 frames at 20 frames per second and 24 frames at 60 frames per second
maxExpectedContentFrameDurationUs = 400 * 1000;
// Allow for 2 milliseconds of deviation when detecting frame rates
frameRateDetectionToleranceUs = 2 * 1000;
// Allow for a tolerance of 200 milliseconds for determining if we moved forward in content time
// because of frame drops for live content, or because the user is seeking.
liveContentFrameDropToleranceUs = 200 * 1000;
// After a pause is initiated, audio should likely stop playback within 200ms.
pauseAudioLatencyUs = 200 * 1000;
// Freeze configuration
freezeDurationMsHistogramBuckets = {1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 175, 225, 300, 400, 500};
freezeDurationMsHistogramToScore = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
freezeDistanceMsHistogramBuckets = {0, 20, 100, 400, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 8000, 15000, 30000,
freezeEventMax = 0; // enabled only when debugging
freezeEventDetailsMax = 20;
freezeEventDistanceToleranceMs = 60000; // lump freeze occurrences together when 60s or less
// Judder configuration
judderErrorToleranceUs = 2000;
judderScoreHistogramBuckets = {1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80};
judderScoreHistogramToScore = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
judderEventMax = 0; // enabled only when debugging
judderEventDetailsMax = 20;
judderEventDistanceToleranceMs = 5000; // lump judder occurrences together when 5s or less
// Perfetto trigger configuration.
traceTriggerEnabled = android::base::GetProperty(
"", "user") != "user"; // Enabled for non-user builds for debugging.
traceTriggerThrottleMs = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 mins.
traceMinFreezeDurationMs = 400;
: mConfiguration(Configuration()), mTraceTriggerFn(triggerTrace) {
configureHistograms(mMetrics, mConfiguration);
VideoRenderQualityTracker::VideoRenderQualityTracker(const Configuration &configuration,
const TraceTriggerFn traceTriggerFn)
: mConfiguration(configuration),
mTraceTriggerFn(traceTriggerFn == nullptr ? triggerTrace : traceTriggerFn) {
configureHistograms(mMetrics, mConfiguration);
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::onTunnelFrameQueued(int64_t contentTimeUs) {
if (!mConfiguration.enabled) {
// Since P-frames are queued out of order, hold onto the P-frame until we can track it in
// render order. This only works because it depends on today's encoding algorithms that only
// allow B-frames to refer to ONE P-frame that comes after it. If the cardinality of P-frames
// in a single mini-GOP is increased, this algorithm breaks down.
if (mTunnelFrameQueuedContentTimeUs == -1) {
mTunnelFrameQueuedContentTimeUs = contentTimeUs;
} else if (contentTimeUs < mTunnelFrameQueuedContentTimeUs) {
onFrameReleased(contentTimeUs, 0);
} else {
onFrameReleased(mTunnelFrameQueuedContentTimeUs, 0);
mTunnelFrameQueuedContentTimeUs = contentTimeUs;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::onFrameSkipped(int64_t contentTimeUs) {
if (!mConfiguration.enabled) {
// Frames skipped at the beginning shouldn't really be counted as skipped frames, since the
// app might be seeking to a starting point that isn't the first key frame.
if (mLastRenderTimeUs == -1) {
resetIfDiscontinuity(contentTimeUs, -1);
if (mTraceFrameSkippedToken == -1) {
mTraceFrameSkippedToken = contentTimeUs;
ATRACE_ASYNC_BEGIN("Video frame(s) skipped", mTraceFrameSkippedToken);
// Frames skipped at the end of playback shouldn't be counted as skipped frames, since the
// app could be terminating the playback. The pending count will be added to the metrics if and
// when the next frame is rendered.
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::onFrameReleased(int64_t contentTimeUs) {
onFrameReleased(contentTimeUs, nowUs() * 1000);
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::onFrameReleased(int64_t contentTimeUs,
int64_t desiredRenderTimeNs) {
if (!mConfiguration.enabled) {
int64_t desiredRenderTimeUs = desiredRenderTimeNs / 1000;
resetIfDiscontinuity(contentTimeUs, desiredRenderTimeUs);
mNextExpectedRenderedFrameQueue.push({contentTimeUs, desiredRenderTimeUs});
mLastContentTimeUs = contentTimeUs;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::onFrameRendered(int64_t contentTimeUs, int64_t actualRenderTimeNs,
FreezeEvent *freezeEventOut,
JudderEvent *judderEventOut) {
if (!mConfiguration.enabled) {
if (mTraceFrameSkippedToken != -1) {
ATRACE_ASYNC_END("Video frame(s) skipped", mTraceFrameSkippedToken);
mTraceFrameSkippedToken = -1;
int64_t actualRenderTimeUs = actualRenderTimeNs / 1000;
if (mLastRenderTimeUs != -1) {
mRenderDurationMs += (actualRenderTimeUs - mLastRenderTimeUs) / 1000;
// We can render a pending queued frame if it's the last frame of the video, so release it
// immediately.
if (contentTimeUs == mTunnelFrameQueuedContentTimeUs && mTunnelFrameQueuedContentTimeUs != -1) {
onFrameReleased(mTunnelFrameQueuedContentTimeUs, 0);
mTunnelFrameQueuedContentTimeUs = -1;
static const FrameInfo noFrame = {-1, -1};
FrameInfo nextExpectedFrame = noFrame;
while (!mNextExpectedRenderedFrameQueue.empty()) {
nextExpectedFrame = mNextExpectedRenderedFrameQueue.front();
// Happy path - the rendered frame is what we expected it to be
if (contentTimeUs == nextExpectedFrame.contentTimeUs) {
// This isn't really supposed to happen - the next rendered frame should be the expected
// frame, or, if there's frame drops, it will be a frame later in the content stream
if (contentTimeUs < nextExpectedFrame.contentTimeUs) {
ALOGW("Rendered frame is earlier than the next expected frame (%lld, %lld)",
(long long) contentTimeUs, (long long) nextExpectedFrame.contentTimeUs);
// Process all skipped frames before the dropped frame.
while (!mPendingSkippedFrameContentTimeUsList.empty()) {
if (mPendingSkippedFrameContentTimeUsList.front() >= nextExpectedFrame.contentTimeUs) {
// Process all skipped frames before the rendered frame.
while (!mPendingSkippedFrameContentTimeUsList.empty()) {
if (mPendingSkippedFrameContentTimeUsList.front() >= nextExpectedFrame.contentTimeUs) {
nextExpectedFrame.desiredRenderTimeUs, actualRenderTimeUs,
freezeEventOut, judderEventOut);
mLastRenderTimeUs = actualRenderTimeUs;
VideoRenderQualityTracker::FreezeEvent VideoRenderQualityTracker::getAndResetFreezeEvent() {
FreezeEvent event = std::move(mFreezeEvent);
mFreezeEvent.valid = false;
return event;
VideoRenderQualityTracker::JudderEvent VideoRenderQualityTracker::getAndResetJudderEvent() {
JudderEvent event = std::move(mJudderEvent);
mJudderEvent.valid = false;
return event;
const VideoRenderQualityMetrics &VideoRenderQualityTracker::getMetrics() {
if (!mConfiguration.enabled) {
return mMetrics;
mMetrics.freezeScore = 0;
if (mConfiguration.freezeDurationMsHistogramToScore.size() ==
mMetrics.freezeDurationMsHistogram.size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < mMetrics.freezeDurationMsHistogram.size(); ++i) {
mMetrics.freezeScore += mMetrics.freezeDurationMsHistogram[i] *
mMetrics.freezeRate = float(double(mMetrics.freezeDurationMsHistogram.getSum()) /
mMetrics.judderScore = 0;
if (mConfiguration.judderScoreHistogramToScore.size() == mMetrics.judderScoreHistogram.size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < mMetrics.judderScoreHistogram.size(); ++i) {
mMetrics.judderScore += mMetrics.judderScoreHistogram[i] *
mMetrics.judderRate = float(double(mMetrics.judderScoreHistogram.getCount()) /
(mMetrics.frameReleasedCount + mMetrics.frameSkippedCount));
return mMetrics;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::clear() {
mRenderDurationMs = 0;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::resetForDiscontinuity() {
mLastContentTimeUs = -1;
mLastRenderTimeUs = -1;
mLastFreezeEndTimeUs = -1;
mLastJudderEndTimeUs = -1;
mDroppedContentDurationUs = 0;
mFreezeEvent.valid = false;
mJudderEvent.valid = false;
// Don't worry about tracking frame rendering times from now up until playback catches up to
// the discontinuity. While stuttering or freezing could be found in the next few frames, the
// impact to the user is is minimal, so better to just keep things simple and don't bother.
mNextExpectedRenderedFrameQueue = {};
mTunnelFrameQueuedContentTimeUs = -1;
// Ignore any frames that were skipped just prior to the discontinuity.
mPendingSkippedFrameContentTimeUsList = {};
// All frame durations can be now ignored since all bets are off now on what the render
// durations should be after the discontinuity.
for (int i = 0; i < FrameDurationUs::SIZE; ++i) {
mActualFrameDurationUs[i] = -1;
mDesiredFrameDurationUs[i] = -1;
mContentFrameDurationUs[i] = -1;
mActualFrameDurationUs.priorTimestampUs = -1;
mDesiredFrameDurationUs.priorTimestampUs = -1;
mContentFrameDurationUs.priorTimestampUs = -1;
bool VideoRenderQualityTracker::resetIfDiscontinuity(int64_t contentTimeUs,
int64_t desiredRenderTimeUs) {
if (mLastContentTimeUs == -1) {
return true;
if (contentTimeUs < mLastContentTimeUs) {
ALOGI("Video playback jumped %d ms backwards in content time (%d -> %d)",
int((mLastContentTimeUs - contentTimeUs) / 1000), int(mLastContentTimeUs / 1000),
int(contentTimeUs / 1000));
return true;
if (contentTimeUs - mLastContentTimeUs > mConfiguration.maxExpectedContentFrameDurationUs) {
// The content frame duration could be long due to frame drops for live content. This can be
// detected by looking at the app's desired rendering duration. If the app's rendered frame
// duration is roughly the same as the content's frame duration, then it is assumed that
// the forward discontinuity is due to frame drops for live content. A false positive can
// occur if the time the user spends seeking is equal to the duration of the seek. This is
// very unlikely to occur in practice but CAN occur - the user starts seeking forward, gets
// distracted, and then returns to seeking forward.
bool skippedForwardDueToLiveContentFrameDrops = false;
if (desiredRenderTimeUs != -1) {
int64_t contentFrameDurationUs = contentTimeUs - mLastContentTimeUs;
int64_t desiredFrameDurationUs = desiredRenderTimeUs - mLastRenderTimeUs;
skippedForwardDueToLiveContentFrameDrops =
abs(contentFrameDurationUs - desiredFrameDurationUs) <
if (!skippedForwardDueToLiveContentFrameDrops) {
ALOGI("Video playback jumped %d ms forward in content time (%d -> %d) ",
int((contentTimeUs - mLastContentTimeUs) / 1000), int(mLastContentTimeUs / 1000),
int(contentTimeUs / 1000));
return true;
return false;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::processMetricsForSkippedFrame(int64_t contentTimeUs) {
if (mConfiguration.areSkippedFramesDropped) {
processMetricsForDroppedFrame(contentTimeUs, -1);
updateFrameDurations(mContentFrameDurationUs, contentTimeUs);
updateFrameDurations(mDesiredFrameDurationUs, -1);
updateFrameDurations(mActualFrameDurationUs, -1);
updateFrameRate(mMetrics.contentFrameRate, mContentFrameDurationUs, mConfiguration);
mDroppedContentDurationUs = 0;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::processMetricsForDroppedFrame(int64_t contentTimeUs,
int64_t desiredRenderTimeUs) {
updateFrameDurations(mContentFrameDurationUs, contentTimeUs);
updateFrameDurations(mDesiredFrameDurationUs, desiredRenderTimeUs);
updateFrameDurations(mActualFrameDurationUs, -1);
updateFrameRate(mMetrics.contentFrameRate, mContentFrameDurationUs, mConfiguration);
updateFrameRate(mMetrics.desiredFrameRate, mDesiredFrameDurationUs, mConfiguration);
if (mContentFrameDurationUs[0] != -1) {
mDroppedContentDurationUs += mContentFrameDurationUs[0];
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::processMetricsForRenderedFrame(int64_t contentTimeUs,
int64_t desiredRenderTimeUs,
int64_t actualRenderTimeUs,
FreezeEvent *freezeEventOut,
JudderEvent *judderEventOut) {
const Configuration& c = mConfiguration;
// Capture the timestamp at which the first frame was rendered
if (mMetrics.firstRenderTimeUs == 0) {
mMetrics.firstRenderTimeUs = actualRenderTimeUs;
// Capture the timestamp at which the last frame was rendered
mMetrics.lastRenderTimeUs = actualRenderTimeUs;
// The content time is -1 when it was rendered after a discontinuity (e.g. seek) was detected.
// So, even though a frame was rendered, it's impact on the user is insignificant, so don't do
// anything other than count it as a rendered frame.
if (contentTimeUs == -1) {
updateFrameDurations(mContentFrameDurationUs, contentTimeUs);
updateFrameDurations(mDesiredFrameDurationUs, desiredRenderTimeUs);
updateFrameDurations(mActualFrameDurationUs, actualRenderTimeUs);
updateFrameRate(mMetrics.contentFrameRate, mContentFrameDurationUs, mConfiguration);
updateFrameRate(mMetrics.desiredFrameRate, mDesiredFrameDurationUs, mConfiguration);
updateFrameRate(mMetrics.actualFrameRate, mActualFrameDurationUs, mConfiguration);
// A freeze occurs if frames were dropped NOT after a discontinuity
if (mDroppedContentDurationUs != 0 && mLastRenderTimeUs != -1) {
// When pausing, audio playback may continue for a brief period of time after video
// pauses while the audio buffers drain. When resuming, a small number of video frames
// might be dropped to catch up to the audio position. This is acceptable behacvior and
// should not count as a freeze.
bool isLikelyCatchingUpAfterPause = false;
// A pause can be detected if a freeze occurs for a longer period of time than the
// content duration of the dropped frames. This strategy works because, for freeze
// events (no video pause), the content duration of the dropped frames will closely track
// the wall clock time (freeze duration). When pausing, however, the wall clock time
// (freeze duration) will be longer than the content duration of the dropped frames
// required to catch up to the audio position.
const int64_t wallClockDurationUs = actualRenderTimeUs - mLastRenderTimeUs;
// 200ms is chosen because it is larger than what a hiccup in the display pipeline could
// likely be, but shorter than the duration for which a user could pause for.
static const int32_t MAX_PIPELINE_HICCUP_DURATION_US = 200 * 1000;
if (wallClockDurationUs > mDroppedContentDurationUs + MAX_PIPELINE_HICCUP_DURATION_US) {
// Capture the amount of content that is dropped after pause, so we can push apps to be
// better about this behavior.
if (mDroppedContentDurationUs / 1000 > mMetrics.maxContentDroppedAfterPauseMs) {
mMetrics.maxContentDroppedAfterPauseMs = int32_t(mDroppedContentDurationUs / 1000);
isLikelyCatchingUpAfterPause = mDroppedContentDurationUs <= c.pauseAudioLatencyUs;
if (!isLikelyCatchingUpAfterPause) {
processFreeze(actualRenderTimeUs, mLastRenderTimeUs, mLastFreezeEndTimeUs, mFreezeEvent,
mMetrics, mConfiguration, mTraceTriggerFn);
mLastFreezeEndTimeUs = actualRenderTimeUs;
maybeCaptureFreezeEvent(actualRenderTimeUs, mLastFreezeEndTimeUs, mFreezeEvent, mMetrics,
mConfiguration, freezeEventOut);
// Judder is computed on the prior video frame, not the current video frame
int64_t judderScore = computePreviousJudderScore(mActualFrameDurationUs,
if (judderScore != 0) {
int64_t judderTimeUs = actualRenderTimeUs - mActualFrameDurationUs[0] -
processJudder(judderScore, judderTimeUs, mLastJudderEndTimeUs, mActualFrameDurationUs,
mContentFrameDurationUs, mJudderEvent, mMetrics, mConfiguration);
mLastJudderEndTimeUs = judderTimeUs + mActualFrameDurationUs[1];
maybeCaptureJudderEvent(actualRenderTimeUs, mLastJudderEndTimeUs, mJudderEvent, mMetrics,
mConfiguration, judderEventOut);
mDroppedContentDurationUs = 0;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::processFreeze(int64_t actualRenderTimeUs, int64_t lastRenderTimeUs,
int64_t lastFreezeEndTimeUs, FreezeEvent &e,
VideoRenderQualityMetrics &m, const Configuration &c,
const TraceTriggerFn traceTriggerFn) {
int32_t durationMs = int32_t((actualRenderTimeUs - lastRenderTimeUs) / 1000);
int32_t distanceMs = -1;
if (lastFreezeEndTimeUs != -1) {
// The distance to the last freeze is measured from the end of the last freze to the start
// of this freeze.
distanceMs = int32_t((lastRenderTimeUs - lastFreezeEndTimeUs) / 1000);
if (c.freezeEventMax > 0) {
if (e.valid == false) {
e.valid = true;
e.initialTimeUs = lastRenderTimeUs;
e.durationMs = 0;
e.sumDurationMs = 0;
e.sumDistanceMs = 0;
e.count = 0;
// The first occurrence in the event should not have the distance recorded as part of the
// event, because it belongs in a vacuum between two events. However we still want the
// distance recorded in the details to calculate times in all details in all events.
} else if (distanceMs != -1) {
e.durationMs += distanceMs;
e.sumDistanceMs += distanceMs;
e.durationMs += durationMs;
e.sumDurationMs += durationMs;
if (e.details.durationMs.size() < c.freezeEventDetailsMax) {
e.details.distanceMs.push_back(distanceMs); // -1 for first detail in the first event
if (c.traceTriggerEnabled && durationMs >= c.traceMinFreezeDurationMs) {
ALOGI("Video freezed %lld ms", (long long) durationMs);
triggerTraceWithThrottle(traceTriggerFn, c, actualRenderTimeUs);
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::maybeCaptureFreezeEvent(int64_t actualRenderTimeUs,
int64_t lastFreezeEndTimeUs, FreezeEvent &e,
const VideoRenderQualityMetrics & m,
const Configuration &c,
FreezeEvent *freezeEventOut) {
if (lastFreezeEndTimeUs == -1 || !e.valid) {
// Future freeze occurrences are still pulled into the current freeze event if under tolerance
int64_t distanceMs = (actualRenderTimeUs - lastFreezeEndTimeUs) / 1000;
if (distanceMs < c.freezeEventDistanceToleranceMs) {
if (freezeEventOut != nullptr && m.freezeEventCount <= c.freezeEventMax) {
*freezeEventOut = std::move(e);
// start recording a new freeze event after pushing the current one back to the caller
e.valid = false;
int64_t VideoRenderQualityTracker::computePreviousJudderScore(
const FrameDurationUs &actualFrameDurationUs,
const FrameDurationUs &contentFrameDurationUs,
const Configuration &c) {
// If the frame before or after was dropped, then don't generate a judder score, since any
// problems with frame drops are scored as a freeze instead.
if (actualFrameDurationUs[0] == -1 || actualFrameDurationUs[1] == -1 ||
actualFrameDurationUs[2] == -1) {
return 0;
// Don't score judder for when playback is paused or rebuffering (long frame duration), or if
// the player is intentionally playing each frame at a slow rate (e.g. half-rate). If the long
// frame duration was unintentional, it is assumed that this will be coupled with a later frame
// drop, and be scored as a freeze instead of judder.
if (actualFrameDurationUs[1] >= 2 * contentFrameDurationUs[1]) {
return 0;
// The judder score is based on the error of this frame
int64_t errorUs = actualFrameDurationUs[1] - contentFrameDurationUs[1];
// Don't score judder if the previous frame has high error, but this frame has low error
if (abs(errorUs) < c.judderErrorToleranceUs) {
return 0;
// Add a penalty if this frame has judder that amplifies the problem introduced by previous
// judder, instead of catching up for the previous judder (50, 16, 16, 50) vs (50, 16, 50, 16)
int64_t previousErrorUs = actualFrameDurationUs[2] - contentFrameDurationUs[2];
// Don't add the pentalty for errors from the previous frame if the previous frame has low error
if (abs(previousErrorUs) >= c.judderErrorToleranceUs) {
errorUs = abs(errorUs) + abs(errorUs + previousErrorUs);
// Avoid scoring judder for 3:2 pulldown or other minimally-small frame duration errors
if (abs(errorUs) < contentFrameDurationUs[1] / 4) {
return 0;
return abs(errorUs) / 1000; // error in millis to keep numbers small
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::processJudder(int32_t judderScore, int64_t judderTimeUs,
int64_t lastJudderEndTime,
const FrameDurationUs &actualDurationUs,
const FrameDurationUs &contentDurationUs,
JudderEvent &e, VideoRenderQualityMetrics &m,
const Configuration &c) {
int32_t distanceMs = -1;
if (lastJudderEndTime != -1) {
distanceMs = int32_t((judderTimeUs - lastJudderEndTime) / 1000);
if (c.judderEventMax > 0) {
if (!e.valid) {
e.valid = true;
e.initialTimeUs = judderTimeUs;
e.durationMs = 0;
e.sumScore = 0;
e.sumDistanceMs = 0;
e.count = 0;
// The first occurrence in the event should not have the distance recorded as part of the
// event, because it belongs in a vacuum between two events. However we still want the
// distance recorded in the details to calculate the times using all details in all events.
} else if (distanceMs != -1) {
e.durationMs += distanceMs;
e.sumDistanceMs += distanceMs;
e.durationMs += actualDurationUs[1] / 1000;
e.sumScore += judderScore;
if (e.details.contentRenderDurationUs.size() < c.judderEventDetailsMax) {
e.details.distanceMs.push_back(distanceMs); // -1 for first detail in the first event
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::maybeCaptureJudderEvent(int64_t actualRenderTimeUs,
int64_t lastJudderEndTimeUs, JudderEvent &e,
const VideoRenderQualityMetrics &m,
const Configuration &c,
JudderEvent *judderEventOut) {
if (lastJudderEndTimeUs == -1 || !e.valid) {
// Future judder occurrences are still pulled into the current judder event if under tolerance
int64_t distanceMs = (actualRenderTimeUs - lastJudderEndTimeUs) / 1000;
if (distanceMs < c.judderEventDistanceToleranceMs) {
if (judderEventOut != nullptr && m.judderEventCount <= c.judderEventMax) {
*judderEventOut = std::move(e);
// start recording a new judder event after pushing the current one back to the caller
e.valid = false;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::configureHistograms(VideoRenderQualityMetrics &m,
const Configuration &c) {
int64_t VideoRenderQualityTracker::nowUs() {
struct timespec t;
t.tv_sec = t.tv_nsec = 0;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);
return (t.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + t.tv_nsec) / 1000LL;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::updateFrameDurations(FrameDurationUs &durationUs,
int64_t newTimestampUs) {
for (int i = FrameDurationUs::SIZE - 1; i > 0; --i ) {
durationUs[i] = durationUs[i - 1];
if (newTimestampUs == -1) {
durationUs[0] = -1;
} else {
durationUs[0] = durationUs.priorTimestampUs == -1 ? -1 :
newTimestampUs - durationUs.priorTimestampUs;
durationUs.priorTimestampUs = newTimestampUs;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::updateFrameRate(float &frameRate, const FrameDurationUs &durationUs,
const Configuration &c) {
float newFrameRate = detectFrameRate(durationUs, c);
if (newFrameRate != FRAME_RATE_UNDETERMINED) {
frameRate = newFrameRate;
float VideoRenderQualityTracker::detectFrameRate(const FrameDurationUs &durationUs,
const Configuration &c) {
// At least 3 frames are necessary to detect stable frame rates
assert(FrameDurationUs::SIZE >= 3);
if (durationUs[0] == -1 || durationUs[1] == -1 || durationUs[2] == -1) {
// Only determine frame rate if the render durations are stable across 3 frames
if (abs(durationUs[0] - durationUs[1]) > c.frameRateDetectionToleranceUs ||
abs(durationUs[0] - durationUs[2]) > c.frameRateDetectionToleranceUs) {
return is32pulldown(durationUs, c) ? FRAME_RATE_24_3_2_PULLDOWN : FRAME_RATE_UNDETERMINED;
return 1000.0 * 1000.0 / durationUs[0];
bool VideoRenderQualityTracker::is32pulldown(const FrameDurationUs &durationUs,
const Configuration &c) {
// At least 5 frames are necessary to detect stable 3:2 pulldown
assert(FrameDurationUs::SIZE >= 5);
if (durationUs[0] == -1 || durationUs[1] == -1 || durationUs[2] == -1 || durationUs[3] == -1 ||
durationUs[4] == -1) {
return false;
// 3:2 pulldown expects that every other frame has identical duration...
if (abs(durationUs[0] - durationUs[2]) > c.frameRateDetectionToleranceUs ||
abs(durationUs[1] - durationUs[3]) > c.frameRateDetectionToleranceUs ||
abs(durationUs[0] - durationUs[4]) > c.frameRateDetectionToleranceUs) {
return false;
// ... for either 2 vsysncs or 3 vsyncs
if ((abs(durationUs[0] - 33333) < c.frameRateDetectionToleranceUs &&
abs(durationUs[1] - 50000) < c.frameRateDetectionToleranceUs) ||
(abs(durationUs[0] - 50000) < c.frameRateDetectionToleranceUs &&
abs(durationUs[1] - 33333) < c.frameRateDetectionToleranceUs)) {
return true;
return false;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::triggerTraceWithThrottle(const TraceTriggerFn traceTriggerFn,
const Configuration &c,
const int64_t triggerTimeUs) {
static int64_t lastTriggerUs = -1;
static Mutex updateLastTriggerLock;
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(updateLastTriggerLock);
if (lastTriggerUs != -1) {
int32_t sinceLastTriggerMs = int32_t((triggerTimeUs - lastTriggerUs) / 1000);
// Throttle the trace trigger calls to reduce continuous PID fork calls in a short time
// to impact device performance, and reduce spamming trace reports.
if (sinceLastTriggerMs < c.traceTriggerThrottleMs) {
ALOGI("Not triggering trace - not enough time since last trigger");
lastTriggerUs = triggerTimeUs;
void VideoRenderQualityTracker::triggerTrace() {
// Trigger perfetto to stop always-on-tracing (AOT) to collect trace into a file for video
// freeze event, the collected trace categories are configured by AOT.
static const char* args[] = {"/system/bin/trigger_perfetto",
"", NULL};
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) {
ALOGI("Failed to fork for triggering trace");
} else if (pid == 0) {
// Child process.
ALOGI("Trigger trace %s", args[1]);
execvp(args[0], const_cast<char**>(args));
ALOGW("Failed to trigger trace %s", args[1]);
} else {
// Parent process.
int status;
// Wait for the child process (pid) gets terminated, and allow the system to release
// the resource associated with the child. Or the child process will remain in a
// zombie state and get killed by llkd to cause foreground app crash.
if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0) {
ALOGW("Failed to waitpid for triggering trace");
} // namespace android