blob: 3aa0107d55086b8c43477365bf2a4e11839ef190 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "MPEG4Writer"
#include <algorithm>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <functional>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaSource.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ADebug.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AMessage.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ALookup.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AUtils.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ByteUtils.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ColorUtils.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/avc_utils.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MPEG4Writer.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaBuffer.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MetaData.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaDefs.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaCodecConstants.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaErrors.h>
#include <media/stagefright/Utils.h>
#include <media/mediarecorder.h>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <media/esds/ESDS.h>
#include "include/HevcUtils.h"
#include <com_android_media_editing_flags.h>
#ifndef __predict_false
#define __predict_false(exp) __builtin_expect((exp) != 0, 0)
#define WARN_UNLESS(condition, message, ...) \
( (__predict_false(condition)) ? false : ({ \
ALOGW("Condition %s failed " message, #condition, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
true; \
namespace android {
static const int64_t kMinStreamableFileSizeInBytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
static const uint8_t kNalUnitTypeSeqParamSet = 0x07;
static const uint8_t kNalUnitTypePicParamSet = 0x08;
static const int64_t kInitialDelayTimeUs = 700000LL;
static const int64_t kMaxMetadataSize = 0x4000000LL; // 64MB max per-frame metadata size
static const int64_t kMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs = 30 * 60 * 1000000LL; // 30 minutes
static const size_t kESDSScratchBufferSize = 10; // kMaxAtomSize in Mpeg4Extractor 64MB
// Allow up to 100 milli second, which is safely above the maximum delay observed in manual testing
// between posting from setNextFd and handling it
static const int64_t kFdCondWaitTimeoutNs = 100000000;
static const char kMetaKey_Version[] = "";
static const char kMetaKey_Manufacturer[] = "";
static const char kMetaKey_Model[] = "";
static const char kMetaKey_Build[] = "";
static const char kMetaKey_CaptureFps[] = "";
static const char kMetaKey_TemporalLayerCount[] = "";
static const int kTimestampDebugCount = 10;
static const int kItemIdBase = 10000;
static const char kExifHeader[] = {'E', 'x', 'i', 'f', '\0', '\0'};
static const uint8_t kExifApp1Marker[] = {'E', 'x', 'i', 'f', 0xff, 0xe1};
static const uint8_t kMandatoryHevcNalUnitTypes[3] = {
static const uint8_t kHevcNalUnitTypes[5] = {
/* uncomment to include build in meta */
//#define SHOW_MODEL_BUILD 1
class MPEG4Writer::Track {
struct TrackId {
TrackId(uint32_t aId)
mTrackIdValid(false) {
bool isValid(bool akKey4BitTrackIds) {
// trackId cannot be zero, ISO/IEC 14496-12
if (mId == 0) {
return false;
/* MediaRecorder uses only 4 bit to represent track ids during notifying clients.
* MediaMuxer's track ids are restricted by container allowed size only.
* MPEG4 Container defines unsigned int (32), ISO/IEC 14496-12
if (akKey4BitTrackIds && mId > 15) {
return false;
mTrackIdValid = true;
return true;
uint32_t getId() const {
return mId;
TrackId() = delete;
// unsigned int (32), ISO/IEC 14496-12
uint32_t mId;
bool mTrackIdValid;
Track(MPEG4Writer *owner, const sp<MediaSource> &source, uint32_t aTrackId);
status_t start(MetaData *params);
status_t stop(bool stopSource = true);
status_t pause();
bool reachedEOS();
int64_t getDurationUs() const;
int64_t getEstimatedTrackSizeBytes() const;
int32_t getMetaSizeIncrease(int32_t angle, int32_t trackCount) const;
void writeTrackHeader();
int64_t getMinCttsOffsetTimeUs();
void bufferChunk(int64_t timestampUs);
bool isAvc() const { return mIsAvc; }
bool isHevc() const { return mIsHevc; }
bool isAv1() const { return mIsAv1; }
bool isHeic() const { return mIsHeic; }
bool isAvif() const { return mIsAvif; }
bool isHeif() const { return mIsHeif; }
bool isAudio() const { return mIsAudio; }
bool isMPEG4() const { return mIsMPEG4; }
bool usePrefix() const { return mIsAvc || mIsHevc || mIsHeic || mIsDovi; }
bool isExifData(MediaBufferBase *buffer, uint32_t *tiffHdrOffset) const;
void addChunkOffset(off64_t offset);
void addItemOffsetAndSize(off64_t offset, size_t size, bool isExif);
void flushItemRefs();
TrackId& getTrackId() { return mTrackId; }
status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const;
static const char *getFourCCForMime(const char *mime);
const char *getDoviFourCC() const;
const char *getTrackType() const;
void resetInternal();
int64_t trackMetaDataSize();
bool isTimestampValid(int64_t timeUs);
// A helper class to handle faster write box with table entries
template<class TYPE, unsigned ENTRY_SIZE>
// ENTRY_SIZE: # of values in each entry
struct ListTableEntries {
static_assert(ENTRY_SIZE > 0, "ENTRY_SIZE must be positive");
ListTableEntries(uint32_t elementCapacity)
: mElementCapacity(elementCapacity),
mCurrTableEntriesElement(NULL) {
CHECK_GT(mElementCapacity, 0u);
// Ensure no integer overflow on allocation in add().
CHECK_LT(ENTRY_SIZE, UINT32_MAX / mElementCapacity);
// Free the allocated memory.
~ListTableEntries() {
while (!mTableEntryList.empty()) {
typename List<TYPE *>::iterator it = mTableEntryList.begin();
delete[] (*it);
// Replace the value at the given position by the given value.
// There must be an existing value at the given position.
// @arg value must be in network byte order
// @arg pos location the value must be in.
void set(const TYPE& value, uint32_t pos) {
CHECK_LT(pos, mTotalNumTableEntries * ENTRY_SIZE);
typename List<TYPE *>::iterator it = mTableEntryList.begin();
uint32_t iterations = (pos / (mElementCapacity * ENTRY_SIZE));
while (it != mTableEntryList.end() && iterations > 0) {
CHECK(it != mTableEntryList.end());
CHECK_EQ(iterations, 0u);
(*it)[(pos % (mElementCapacity * ENTRY_SIZE))] = value;
// Get the value at the given position by the given value.
// @arg value the retrieved value at the position in network byte order.
// @arg pos location the value must be in.
// @return true if a value is found.
bool get(TYPE& value, uint32_t pos) const {
if (pos >= mTotalNumTableEntries * ENTRY_SIZE) {
return false;
typename List<TYPE *>::iterator it = mTableEntryList.begin();
uint32_t iterations = (pos / (mElementCapacity * ENTRY_SIZE));
while (it != mTableEntryList.end() && iterations > 0) {
CHECK(it != mTableEntryList.end());
CHECK_EQ(iterations, 0u);
value = (*it)[(pos % (mElementCapacity * ENTRY_SIZE))];
return true;
// adjusts all values by |adjust(value)|
void adjustEntries(
std::function<void(size_t /* ix */, TYPE(& /* entry */)[ENTRY_SIZE])> update) {
size_t nEntries = mTotalNumTableEntries + mNumValuesInCurrEntry / ENTRY_SIZE;
size_t ix = 0;
for (TYPE *entryArray : mTableEntryList) {
size_t num = std::min(nEntries, (size_t)mElementCapacity);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
update(ix++, (TYPE(&)[ENTRY_SIZE])(*entryArray));
entryArray += ENTRY_SIZE;
nEntries -= num;
// Store a single value.
// @arg value must be in network byte order.
void add(const TYPE& value) {
CHECK_LT(mNumValuesInCurrEntry, mElementCapacity);
uint32_t nEntries = mTotalNumTableEntries % mElementCapacity;
uint32_t nValues = mNumValuesInCurrEntry % ENTRY_SIZE;
if (nEntries == 0 && nValues == 0) {
mCurrTableEntriesElement = new TYPE[ENTRY_SIZE * mElementCapacity];
CHECK(mCurrTableEntriesElement != NULL);
uint32_t pos = nEntries * ENTRY_SIZE + nValues;
mCurrTableEntriesElement[pos] = value;
if ((mNumValuesInCurrEntry % ENTRY_SIZE) == 0) {
mNumValuesInCurrEntry = 0;
// Write out the table entries:
// 1. the number of entries goes first
// 2. followed by the values in the table enties in order
// @arg writer the writer to actual write to the storage
void write(MPEG4Writer *writer) const {
CHECK_EQ(mNumValuesInCurrEntry % ENTRY_SIZE, 0u);
uint32_t nEntries = mTotalNumTableEntries;
for (typename List<TYPE *>::iterator it = mTableEntryList.begin();
it != mTableEntryList.end(); ++it) {
CHECK_GT(nEntries, 0u);
if (nEntries >= mElementCapacity) {
writer->write(*it, sizeof(TYPE) * ENTRY_SIZE, mElementCapacity);
nEntries -= mElementCapacity;
} else {
writer->write(*it, sizeof(TYPE) * ENTRY_SIZE, nEntries);
// Return the number of entries in the table.
uint32_t count() const { return mTotalNumTableEntries; }
uint32_t mElementCapacity; // # entries in an element
uint32_t mTotalNumTableEntries;
uint32_t mNumValuesInCurrEntry; // up to ENTRY_SIZE
TYPE *mCurrTableEntriesElement;
mutable List<TYPE *> mTableEntryList;
MPEG4Writer *mOwner;
sp<MetaData> mMeta;
sp<MediaSource> mSource;
volatile bool mDone;
volatile bool mPaused;
volatile bool mResumed;
volatile bool mStarted;
bool mIsAvc;
bool mIsHevc;
bool mIsAv1;
bool mIsDovi;
bool mIsAudio;
bool mIsVideo;
bool mIsHeic;
bool mIsAvif;
bool mIsHeif;
bool mIsMPEG4;
bool mGotStartKeyFrame;
bool mIsMalformed;
TrackId mTrackId;
int64_t mTrackDurationUs;
int64_t mMaxChunkDurationUs;
int64_t mLastDecodingTimeUs;
int64_t mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes;
int64_t mMdatSizeBytes;
int32_t mTimeScale;
pthread_t mThread;
List<MediaBuffer *> mChunkSamples;
bool mSamplesHaveSameSize;
ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 1> *mStszTableEntries;
ListTableEntries<off64_t, 1> *mCo64TableEntries;
ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 3> *mStscTableEntries;
ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 1> *mStssTableEntries;
ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 2> *mSttsTableEntries;
ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 2> *mCttsTableEntries;
ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 3> *mElstTableEntries; // 3columns: segDuration, mediaTime, mediaRate
int64_t mMinCttsOffsetTimeUs;
int64_t mMinCttsOffsetTicks;
int64_t mMaxCttsOffsetTicks;
// Save the last 10 frames' timestamp and frame type for debug.
struct TimestampDebugHelperEntry {
int64_t pts;
int64_t dts;
std::string frameType;
std::list<TimestampDebugHelperEntry> mTimestampDebugHelper;
// Sequence parameter set or picture parameter set
struct AVCParamSet {
AVCParamSet(uint16_t length, const uint8_t *data)
: mLength(length), mData(data) {}
uint16_t mLength;
const uint8_t *mData;
List<AVCParamSet> mSeqParamSets;
List<AVCParamSet> mPicParamSets;
uint8_t mProfileIdc;
uint8_t mProfileCompatible;
uint8_t mLevelIdc;
int32_t mDoviProfile;
void *mCodecSpecificData;
size_t mCodecSpecificDataSize;
bool mGotAllCodecSpecificData;
bool mTrackingProgressStatus;
bool mReachedEOS;
int64_t mStartTimestampUs;
int64_t mStartTimeRealUs;
int64_t mFirstSampleTimeRealUs;
// Captures negative start offset of a track(track starttime < 0).
int64_t mFirstSampleStartOffsetUs;
int64_t mPreviousTrackTimeUs;
int64_t mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs;
int32_t mRotation;
Vector<uint16_t> mProperties;
ItemRefs mDimgRefs;
Vector<uint16_t> mExifList;
uint16_t mImageItemId;
uint16_t mItemIdBase;
int32_t mIsPrimary;
int32_t mWidth, mHeight;
int32_t mTileWidth, mTileHeight;
int32_t mGridRows, mGridCols;
size_t mNumTiles, mTileIndex;
// Update the audio track's drift information.
void updateDriftTime(const sp<MetaData>& meta);
void dumpTimeStamps();
int64_t getStartTimeOffsetTimeUs() const;
int32_t getStartTimeOffsetScaledTime() const;
static void *ThreadWrapper(void *me);
status_t threadEntry();
const uint8_t *parseParamSet(
const uint8_t *data, size_t length, int type, size_t *paramSetLen);
status_t copyCodecSpecificData(const uint8_t *data, size_t size, size_t minLength = 0);
status_t makeAVCCodecSpecificData(const uint8_t *data, size_t size);
status_t copyAVCCodecSpecificData(const uint8_t *data, size_t size);
status_t parseAVCCodecSpecificData(const uint8_t *data, size_t size);
status_t makeHEVCCodecSpecificData(const uint8_t *data, size_t size);
status_t copyHEVCCodecSpecificData(const uint8_t *data, size_t size);
status_t parseHEVCCodecSpecificData(
const uint8_t *data, size_t size, HevcParameterSets &paramSets);
status_t getDolbyVisionProfile();
// Track authoring progress status
void trackProgressStatus(int64_t timeUs, status_t err = OK);
void initTrackingProgressStatus(MetaData *params);
void getCodecSpecificDataFromInputFormatIfPossible();
// Determine the track time scale
// If it is an audio track, try to use the sampling rate as
// the time scale; however, if user chooses the overwrite
// value, the user-supplied time scale will be used.
void setTimeScale();
// Simple validation on the codec specific data
status_t checkCodecSpecificData() const;
void updateTrackSizeEstimate();
void addOneStscTableEntry(size_t chunkId, size_t sampleId);
void addOneStssTableEntry(size_t sampleId);
void addOneSttsTableEntry(size_t sampleCount, int32_t delta /* media time scale based */);
void addOneCttsTableEntry(size_t sampleCount, int32_t sampleOffset);
void addOneElstTableEntry(uint32_t segmentDuration, int32_t mediaTime,
int16_t mediaRate, int16_t mediaRateFraction);
bool isTrackMalFormed();
void sendTrackSummary(bool hasMultipleTracks);
// Write the boxes
void writeCo64Box();
void writeStscBox();
void writeStszBox();
void writeStssBox();
void writeSttsBox();
void writeCttsBox();
void writeD263Box();
void writePaspBox();
void writeAvccBox();
void writeHvccBox();
void writeAv1cBox();
void writeDoviConfigBox();
void writeUrlBox();
void writeDrefBox();
void writeDinfBox();
void writeDamrBox();
void writeMdhdBox(uint32_t now);
void writeSmhdBox();
void writeVmhdBox();
void writeNmhdBox();
void writeHdlrBox();
void writeTkhdBox(uint32_t now);
void writeColrBox();
void writeMdcvAndClliBoxes();
void writeMp4aEsdsBox();
void writeMp4vEsdsBox();
void writeAudioFourCCBox();
void writeVideoFourCCBox();
void writeMetadataFourCCBox();
void writeStblBox();
void writeEdtsBox();
Track(const Track &);
Track &operator=(const Track &);
MPEG4Writer::MPEG4Writer(int fd) {
initInternal(dup(fd), true /*isFirstSession*/);
MPEG4Writer::~MPEG4Writer() {
while (!mTracks.empty()) {
List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
delete *it;
(*it) = NULL;
if (mNextFd != -1) {
void MPEG4Writer::initInternal(int fd, bool isFirstSession) {
mFd = fd;
mNextFd = -1;
mInitCheck = mFd < 0? NO_INIT: OK;
mInterleaveDurationUs = 1000000;
mStartTimestampUs = -1LL;
mStartTimeOffsetMs = -1;
mStartTimeOffsetBFramesUs = 0;
mPaused = false;
mStarted = false;
mWriterThreadStarted = false;
mSendNotify = false;
mWriteSeekErr = false;
mFallocateErr = false;
// Reset following variables for all the sessions and they will be
// initialized in start(MetaData *param).
mIsRealTimeRecording = true;
mIsBackgroundMode = false;
mUse4ByteNalLength = true;
mOffset = 0;
mMaxOffsetAppend = 0;
mPreAllocateFileEndOffset = 0;
mMdatOffset = 0;
mMdatEndOffset = 0;
mInMemoryCache = NULL;
mInMemoryCacheOffset = 0;
mInMemoryCacheSize = 0;
mWriteBoxToMemory = false;
mFreeBoxOffset = 0;
mStreamableFile = false;
mTimeScale = -1;
mHasFileLevelMeta = false;
mIsAvif = false;
mFileLevelMetaDataSize = 0;
mPrimaryItemId = 0;
mAssociationEntryCount = 0;
mNumGrids = 0;
mNextItemId = kItemIdBase;
mHasRefs = false;
mResetStatus = OK;
mPreAllocFirstTime = true;
mPrevAllTracksTotalMetaDataSizeEstimate = 0;
mIsFirstChunk = false;
mDone = false;
mThread = 0;
mDriftTimeUs = 0;
mHasDolbyVision = false;
// Following variables only need to be set for the first recording session.
// And they will stay the same for all the recording sessions.
if (isFirstSession) {
mMoovExtraSize = 0;
mHasMoovBox = false;
mMetaKeys = new AMessage();
mLatitudex10000 = 0;
mLongitudex10000 = 0;
mAreGeoTagsAvailable = false;
mSwitchPending = false;
mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested = false;
// Verify mFd is seekable
off64_t off = lseek64(mFd, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (off < 0) {
ALOGE("cannot seek mFd: %s (%d) %lld", strerror(errno), errno, (long long)mFd);
if (fallocate64(mFd, FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE, 0, 1) == 0) {
ALOGD("PreAllocation enabled");
mPreAllocationEnabled = true;
} else {
ALOGD("PreAllocation disabled. fallocate : %s, %d", strerror(errno), errno);
mPreAllocationEnabled = false;
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
status_t MPEG4Writer::dump(
int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) {
const size_t SIZE = 256;
char buffer[SIZE];
String8 result;
snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " MPEG4Writer %p\n", this);
snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " mStarted: %s\n", mStarted? "true": "false");
::write(fd, result.c_str(), result.size());
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
(*it)->dump(fd, args);
return OK;
status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::dump(
int fd, const Vector<String16>& /* args */) const {
const size_t SIZE = 256;
char buffer[SIZE];
String8 result;
snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " %s track\n", getTrackType());
snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " reached EOS: %s\n",
mReachedEOS? "true": "false");
snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " frames encoded : %d\n", mStszTableEntries->count());
snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " duration encoded : %" PRId64 " us\n", mTrackDurationUs);
::write(fd, result.c_str(), result.size());
return OK;
const char *MPEG4Writer::Track::getDoviFourCC() const {
if (mDoviProfile == DolbyVisionProfileDvheStn) {
return "dvh1";
} else if (mDoviProfile == DolbyVisionProfileDvheSt) {
return "hvc1";
} else if (mDoviProfile == DolbyVisionProfileDvavSe) {
return "avc1";
return nullptr;
// static
const char *MPEG4Writer::Track::getFourCCForMime(const char *mime) {
if (mime == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (!strncasecmp(mime, "audio/", 6)) {
if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB, mime)) {
return "samr";
} else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB, mime)) {
return "sawb";
} else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC, mime)) {
return "mp4a";
} else if (!strncasecmp(mime, "video/", 6)) {
if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4, mime)) {
return "mp4v";
} else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263, mime)) {
return "s263";
} else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, mime)) {
return "avc1";
} else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC, mime)) {
return "hvc1";
} else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AV1, mime)) {
return "av01";
} else if (!strncasecmp(mime, "application/", 12)) {
return "mett";
} else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_IMAGE_ANDROID_HEIC, mime)) {
return "heic";
} else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_IMAGE_AVIF, mime)) {
return "avif";
} else {
ALOGE("Track (%s) other than video/audio/metadata is not supported", mime);
return NULL;
status_t MPEG4Writer::addSource(const sp<MediaSource> &source) {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
if (mStarted) {
ALOGE("Attempt to add source AFTER recording is started");
CHECK(source.get() != NULL);
const char *mime = NULL;
sp<MetaData> meta = source->getFormat();
meta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime);
// Background mode for media transcoding. If either audio or video track signal this is in
// background mode, we will set all the threads to run in background priority.
int32_t isBackgroundMode;
if (meta && meta->findInt32(kKeyBackgroundMode, &isBackgroundMode)) {
mIsBackgroundMode |= isBackgroundMode;
// getFourCCForMime() requires profile information
// to decide the final FourCC codes.
// So we let the creation of the new track now and
// assign FourCC codes later using getDoviFourCC()
ALOGV("Add source mime '%s'", mime);
mHasDolbyVision = true;
} else if (Track::getFourCCForMime(mime) == NULL) {
ALOGE("Unsupported mime '%s'", mime);
// This is a metadata track or the first track of either audio or video
// Go ahead to add the track.
Track *track = new Track(this, source, 1 + mTracks.size());
mHasMoovBox |= !track->isHeif();
mHasFileLevelMeta |= track->isHeif();
mIsAvif |= track->isAvif();
return OK;
status_t MPEG4Writer::startTracks(MetaData *params) {
if (mTracks.empty()) {
ALOGE("No source added");
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
status_t err = (*it)->start(params);
if (err != OK) {
for (List<Track *>::iterator it2 = mTracks.begin();
it2 != it; ++it2) {
return err;
return OK;
void MPEG4Writer::addDeviceMeta() {
// add device info and estimate space in 'moov'
size_t n;
// meta size is estimated by adding up the following:
// - meta header structures, which occur only once (total 66 bytes)
// - size for each key, which consists of a fixed header (32 bytes),
// plus key length and data length.
mMoovExtraSize += 66;
if (property_get("", val, NULL)
&& (n = strlen(val)) > 0) {
mMetaKeys->setString(kMetaKey_Version, val, n + 1);
mMoovExtraSize += sizeof(kMetaKey_Version) + n + 32;
if (property_get_bool("media.recorder.show_manufacturer_and_model", false)) {
if (property_get("ro.product.manufacturer", val, NULL)
&& (n = strlen(val)) > 0) {
mMetaKeys->setString(kMetaKey_Manufacturer, val, n + 1);
mMoovExtraSize += sizeof(kMetaKey_Manufacturer) + n + 32;
if (property_get("ro.product.model", val, NULL)
&& (n = strlen(val)) > 0) {
mMetaKeys->setString(kMetaKey_Model, val, n + 1);
mMoovExtraSize += sizeof(kMetaKey_Model) + n + 32;
if (property_get("", val, NULL)
&& (n = strlen(val)) > 0) {
mMetaKeys->setString(kMetaKey_Build, val, n + 1);
mMoovExtraSize += sizeof(kMetaKey_Build) + n + 32;
int64_t MPEG4Writer::estimateFileLevelMetaSize(MetaData *params) {
int32_t rotation;
if (!params || !params->findInt32(kKeyRotation, &rotation)) {
rotation = 0;
// base meta size
int64_t metaSize = 12 // meta fullbox header
+ 33 // hdlr box
+ 14 // pitm box
+ 16 // iloc box (fixed size portion)
+ 14 // iinf box (fixed size portion)
+ 32 // iprp box (fixed size protion)
+ 8 // idat box (when empty)
+ 12 // iref box (when empty)
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->isHeif()) {
metaSize += (*it)->getMetaSizeIncrease(rotation, mTracks.size());
ALOGV("estimated meta size: %lld", (long long) metaSize);
// Need at least 8-byte padding at the end, otherwise the left-over
// freebox may become malformed
return metaSize + 8;
int64_t MPEG4Writer::estimateMoovBoxSize(int32_t bitRate) {
// This implementation is highly experimental/heurisitic.
// Statistical analysis shows that metadata usually accounts
// for a small portion of the total file size, usually < 0.6%.
// The default MIN_MOOV_BOX_SIZE is set to 0.6% x 1MB / 2,
// where 1MB is the common file size limit for MMS application.
// The default MAX _MOOV_BOX_SIZE value is based on about 3
// minute video recording with a bit rate about 3 Mbps, because
// statistics show that most captured videos are less than 3 minutes.
// If the estimation is wrong, we will pay the price of wasting
// some reserved space. This should not happen so often statistically.
static const int64_t MIN_MOOV_BOX_SIZE = 3 * 1024; // 3 KibiBytes
static const int64_t MAX_MOOV_BOX_SIZE = (180 * 3000000 * 6LL / 8000); // 395.5 KibiBytes
int64_t size = MIN_MOOV_BOX_SIZE;
// Max file size limit is set
if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0 && mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested) {
size = mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes * 6 / 1000;
// Max file duration limit is set
if (mMaxFileDurationLimitUs != 0) {
if (bitRate > 0) {
int64_t size2 =
((mMaxFileDurationLimitUs / 1000) * bitRate * 6) / 8000000;
if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0 && mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested) {
// When both file size and duration limits are set,
// we use the smaller limit of the two.
if (size > size2) {
size = size2;
} else {
// Only max file duration limit is set
size = size2;
if (size < MIN_MOOV_BOX_SIZE) {
// Any long duration recording will be probably end up with
// non-streamable mp4 file.
if (size > MAX_MOOV_BOX_SIZE) {
// Account for the extra stuff (Geo, meta keys, etc.)
size += mMoovExtraSize;
ALOGI("limits: %" PRId64 "/%" PRId64 " bytes/us, bit rate: %d bps and the"
" estimated moov size %" PRId64 " bytes",
mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes, mMaxFileDurationLimitUs, bitRate, size);
return size;
status_t MPEG4Writer::validateAllTracksId(bool akKey4BitTrackIds) {
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
if (!(*it)->getTrackId().isValid(akKey4BitTrackIds)) {
return BAD_VALUE;
return OK;
status_t MPEG4Writer::start(MetaData *param) {
if (mInitCheck != OK) {
mStartMeta = param;
* Check mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes at the beginning since mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes may be implicitly
* changed later as per filesizebits of filesystem even if user does not set it explicitly.
if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0) {
mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested = true;
/* mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes has to be set everytime fd is switched, hence the following code is
* appropriate in start() method.
int32_t fileSizeBits = fpathconf(mFd, _PC_FILESIZEBITS);
ALOGD("fpathconf _PC_FILESIZEBITS:%" PRId32, fileSizeBits);
fileSizeBits = std::min(fileSizeBits, 52 /* cap it below 4 peta bytes */);
int64_t maxFileSizeBytes = ((int64_t)1 << fileSizeBits) - 1;
if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes > maxFileSizeBytes) {
mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes = maxFileSizeBytes;
ALOGD("File size limit (%" PRId64 " bytes) too big. It is changed to %" PRId64 " bytes",
mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes, maxFileSizeBytes);
} else if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes == 0) {
mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes = maxFileSizeBytes;
ALOGD("File size limit set to %" PRId64 " bytes implicitly", maxFileSizeBytes);
int32_t use2ByteNalLength;
if (param &&
param->findInt32(kKey2ByteNalLength, &use2ByteNalLength) &&
use2ByteNalLength) {
mUse4ByteNalLength = false;
int32_t isRealTimeRecording;
if (param && param->findInt32(kKeyRealTimeRecording, &isRealTimeRecording)) {
mIsRealTimeRecording = isRealTimeRecording;
mStartTimestampUs = -1;
if (mStarted) {
if (mPaused) {
mPaused = false;
return startTracks(param);
return OK;
if (!param ||
!param->findInt32(kKeyTimeScale, &mTimeScale)) {
// Increased by a factor of 10 to improve precision of segment duration in edit list entry.
mTimeScale = 10000;
CHECK_GT(mTimeScale, 0);
ALOGV("movie time scale: %d", mTimeScale);
* When the requested file size limit is small, the priority
* is to meet the file size limit requirement, rather than
* to make the file streamable. mStreamableFile does not tell
* whether the actual recorded file is streamable or not.
mStreamableFile =
(mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0 &&
mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes >= kMinStreamableFileSizeInBytes);
* mWriteBoxToMemory is true if the amount of data in a file-level meta or
* moov box is smaller than the reserved free space at the beginning of a
* file, AND when the content of the box is constructed. Note that video/
* audio frame data is always written to the file but not in the memory.
* Before stop()/reset() is called, mWriteBoxToMemory is always
* false. When reset() is called at the end of a recording session,
* file-level meta and/or moov box needs to be constructed.
* 1) Right before the box is constructed, mWriteBoxToMemory to set to
* mStreamableFile so that if the file is intended to be streamable, it
* is set to true; otherwise, it is set to false. When the value is set
* to false, all the content of that box is written immediately to
* the end of the file. When the value is set to true, all the
* content of that box is written to an in-memory cache,
* mInMemoryCache, util the following condition happens. Note
* that the size of the in-memory cache is the same as the
* reserved free space at the beginning of the file.
* 2) While the data of the box is written to an in-memory
* cache, the data size is checked against the reserved space.
* If the data size surpasses the reserved space, subsequent box data
* could no longer be hold in the in-memory cache. This also
* indicates that the reserved space was too small. At this point,
* _all_ subsequent box data must be written to the end of the file.
* mWriteBoxToMemory must be set to false to direct the write
* to the file.
* 3) If the data size in the box is smaller than the reserved
* space after the box is completely constructed, the in-memory
* cache copy of the box is written to the reserved free space.
* mWriteBoxToMemory is always set to false after all boxes that
* using the in-memory cache have been constructed.
mWriteBoxToMemory = false;
mInMemoryCache = NULL;
mInMemoryCacheOffset = 0;
status_t err = OK;
int32_t is4bitTrackId = false;
if (param && param->findInt32(kKey4BitTrackIds, &is4bitTrackId) && is4bitTrackId) {
err = validateAllTracksId(true);
} else {
err = validateAllTracksId(false);
if (err != OK) {
return err;
ALOGV("muxer starting: mHasMoovBox %d, mHasFileLevelMeta %d, mIsAvif %d",
mHasMoovBox, mHasFileLevelMeta, mIsAvif);
err = startWriterThread();
if (err != OK) {
return err;
err = setupAndStartLooper();
if (err != OK) {
return err;
mFreeBoxOffset = mOffset;
if (mInMemoryCacheSize == 0) {
int32_t bitRate = -1;
if (mHasFileLevelMeta) {
mFileLevelMetaDataSize = estimateFileLevelMetaSize(param);
mInMemoryCacheSize += mFileLevelMetaDataSize;
if (mHasMoovBox) {
if (param) {
param->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate);
mInMemoryCacheSize += estimateMoovBoxSize(bitRate);
if (mStreamableFile) {
// Reserve a 'free' box only for streamable file
seekOrPostError(mFd, mFreeBoxOffset, SEEK_SET);
write("free", 4);
if (mInMemoryCacheSize >= 8) {
off64_t bufSize = mInMemoryCacheSize - 8;
char* zeroBuffer = new (std::nothrow) char[bufSize];
if (zeroBuffer) {
std::fill_n(zeroBuffer, bufSize, '0');
writeOrPostError(mFd, zeroBuffer, bufSize);
delete [] zeroBuffer;
} else {
ALOGW("freebox in file isn't initialized to 0");
} else {
ALOGW("freebox size is less than 8:%" PRId64, mInMemoryCacheSize);
mMdatOffset = mFreeBoxOffset + mInMemoryCacheSize;
} else {
mMdatOffset = mOffset;
mOffset = mMdatOffset;
seekOrPostError(mFd, mMdatOffset, SEEK_SET);
write("\x00\x00\x00\x01mdat????????", 16);
/* Confirm whether the writing of the initial file atoms, ftyp and free,
* are written to the file properly by posting kWhatNoIOErrorSoFar to the
* MP4WtrCtrlHlpLooper that's handling write and seek errors also. If there
* was kWhatIOError, the following two scenarios should be handled.
* 1) If kWhatIOError was delivered and processed, MP4WtrCtrlHlpLooper
* would have stopped all threads gracefully already and posting
* kWhatNoIOErrorSoFar would fail.
* 2) If kWhatIOError wasn't delivered or getting processed,
* kWhatNoIOErrorSoFar should get posted successfully. Wait for
* response from MP4WtrCtrlHlpLooper.
sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatNoIOErrorSoFar, mReflector);
sp<AMessage> response;
err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response);
if (err != OK || !response->findInt32("err", &err) || err != OK) {
return ERROR_IO;
err = startTracks(param);
if (err != OK) {
return err;
mStarted = true;
return OK;
status_t MPEG4Writer::stop() {
// If reset was in progress, wait for it to complete.
return reset(true, true);
status_t MPEG4Writer::pause() {
ALOGW("MPEG4Writer: pause is not supported");
status_t MPEG4Writer::stopWriterThread() {
ALOGV("Stopping writer thread");
if (!mWriterThreadStarted) {
ALOGD("Writer thread not started");
return OK;
Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock);
mDone = true;
void *dummy;
status_t err = OK;
int retVal = pthread_join(mThread, &dummy);
if (retVal == 0) {
err = static_cast<status_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dummy));
ALOGD("WriterThread stopped. Status:%d", err);
} else {
ALOGE("stopWriterThread pthread_join status:%d", retVal);
mWriterThreadStarted = false;
return err;
* MP4 file standard defines a composition matrix:
* | a b u |
* | c d v |
* | x y w |
* the element in the matrix is stored in the following
* order: {a, b, u, c, d, v, x, y, w},
* where a, b, c, d, x, and y is in 16.16 format, while
* u, v and w is in 2.30 format.
void MPEG4Writer::writeCompositionMatrix(int degrees) {
uint32_t a = 0x00010000;
uint32_t b = 0;
uint32_t c = 0;
uint32_t d = 0x00010000;
switch (degrees) {
case 0:
case 90:
a = 0;
b = 0x00010000;
c = 0xFFFF0000;
d = 0;
case 180:
a = 0xFFFF0000;
d = 0xFFFF0000;
case 270:
a = 0;
b = 0xFFFF0000;
c = 0x00010000;
d = 0;
CHECK(!"Should never reach this unknown rotation");
writeInt32(a); // a
writeInt32(b); // b
writeInt32(0); // u
writeInt32(c); // c
writeInt32(d); // d
writeInt32(0); // v
writeInt32(0); // x
writeInt32(0); // y
writeInt32(0x40000000); // w
void MPEG4Writer::printWriteDurations() {
if (mWriteDurationPQ.empty()) {
std::string writeDurationsString =
"Top " + std::to_string(mWriteDurationPQ.size()) + " write durations(microseconds):";
uint8_t i = 0;
while (!mWriteDurationPQ.empty()) {
writeDurationsString +=
" #" + std::to_string(++i) + ":" + std::to_string(;
ALOGD("%s", writeDurationsString.c_str());
status_t MPEG4Writer::release() {
status_t err = OK;
if (!truncatePreAllocation()) {
if (err == OK) { err = ERROR_IO; }
// TODO(b/174770856) remove this measurement (and perhaps the fsync)
nsecs_t sync_started = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_REALTIME);
if (fsync(mFd) != 0) {
ALOGW("(ignored)fsync err:%s(%d)", std::strerror(errno), errno);
// Don't bubble up fsync error, b/157291505.
// if (err == OK) { err = ERROR_IO; }
nsecs_t sync_finished = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_REALTIME);
nsecs_t sync_elapsed_ns = sync_finished - sync_started;
int64_t filesize = -1;
struct stat statbuf;
if (fstat(mFd, &statbuf) == 0) {
filesize = statbuf.st_size;
ALOGD("final fsync() takes %" PRId64 " ms, file size %" PRId64,
sync_elapsed_ns / 1000000, (int64_t) filesize);
if (close(mFd) != 0) {
ALOGE("close err:%s(%d)", std::strerror(errno), errno);
if (err == OK) { err = ERROR_IO; }
mFd = -1;
if (mNextFd != -1) {
if (close(mNextFd) != 0) {
ALOGE("close(mNextFd) error:%s(%d)", std::strerror(errno), errno);
if (err == OK) { err = ERROR_IO; }
mNextFd = -1;
mInitCheck = NO_INIT;
mStarted = false;
mInMemoryCache = NULL;
return err;
status_t MPEG4Writer::finishCurrentSession() {
/* Don't wait if reset is in progress already, that avoids deadlock
* as finishCurrentSession() is called from control looper thread.
return reset(false, false);
status_t MPEG4Writer::switchFd() {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
if (mSwitchPending) {
return OK;
// Wait for the signal only if the new file is not available.
if (mNextFd == -1) {
status_t res = mFdCond.waitRelative(mLock, kFdCondWaitTimeoutNs);
if (res != OK) {
ALOGW("No FileDescriptor for next recording");
mSwitchPending = true;
sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatSwitch, mReflector);
status_t err = msg->post();
return err;
status_t MPEG4Writer::reset(bool stopSource, bool waitForAnyPreviousCallToComplete) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mResetMutex, std::defer_lock);
if (waitForAnyPreviousCallToComplete) {
/* stop=>reset from client needs the return value of reset call, hence wait here
* if a reset was in process already.
} else if (!lk.try_lock()) {
/* Internal reset from control looper thread shouldn't wait for any reset in
* process already.
if (mResetStatus != OK) {
/* Don't have to proceed if reset has finished with an error before.
* If there was no error before, proceeding reset would be harmless, as the
* the call would return from the mInitCheck condition below.
return mResetStatus;
if (mInitCheck != OK) {
mResetStatus = OK;
return mResetStatus;
} else {
if (!mWriterThreadStarted ||
!mStarted) {
status_t writerErr = OK;
if (mWriterThreadStarted) {
writerErr = stopWriterThread();
status_t retErr = release();
if (writerErr != OK) {
retErr = writerErr;
mResetStatus = retErr;
return mResetStatus;
status_t err = OK;
int64_t maxDurationUs = 0;
int64_t minDurationUs = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
int32_t nonImageTrackCount = 0;
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
status_t trackErr = (*it)->stop(stopSource);
WARN_UNLESS(trackErr == OK, "%s track stopped with an error",
if (err == OK && trackErr != OK) {
err = trackErr;
// skip image tracks
if ((*it)->isHeif()) continue;
int64_t durationUs = (*it)->getDurationUs();
if (durationUs > maxDurationUs) {
maxDurationUs = durationUs;
if (durationUs < minDurationUs) {
minDurationUs = durationUs;
if (nonImageTrackCount > 1) {
ALOGD("Duration from tracks range is [%" PRId64 ", %" PRId64 "] us",
minDurationUs, maxDurationUs);
status_t writerErr = stopWriterThread();
// Propagating writer error
if (err == OK && writerErr != OK) {
err = writerErr;
// Do not write out movie header on error except malformed track.
// TODO: Remove samples of malformed tracks added in mdat.
if (err != OK && err != ERROR_MALFORMED) {
// Ignoring release() return value as there was an "err" already.
mResetStatus = err;
return mResetStatus;
// Fix up the size of the 'mdat' chunk.
seekOrPostError(mFd, mMdatOffset + 8, SEEK_SET);
uint64_t size = mOffset - mMdatOffset;
size = hton64(size);
writeOrPostError(mFd, &size, 8);
seekOrPostError(mFd, mOffset, SEEK_SET);
mMdatEndOffset = mOffset;
// Construct file-level meta and moov box now
mInMemoryCacheOffset = 0;
mWriteBoxToMemory = mStreamableFile;
if (mWriteBoxToMemory) {
// There is no need to allocate in-memory cache
// if the file is not streamable.
mInMemoryCache = (uint8_t *) malloc(mInMemoryCacheSize);
CHECK(mInMemoryCache != NULL);
if (mHasFileLevelMeta) {
if (mWriteBoxToMemory) {
} else {
ALOGI("The file meta box is written at the end.");
if (mHasMoovBox) {
// mWriteBoxToMemory could be set to false in
// MPEG4Writer::write() method
if (mWriteBoxToMemory) {
} else {
ALOGI("The mp4 file will not be streamable.");
ALOGI("MOOV atom was written to the file");
mWriteBoxToMemory = false;
// Free in-memory cache for box writing
if (mInMemoryCache != NULL) {
mInMemoryCache = NULL;
mInMemoryCacheOffset = 0;
status_t errRelease = release();
// Prioritize the error that occurred before release().
if (err == OK) {
err = errRelease;
mResetStatus = err;
return mResetStatus;
* Writes currently cached box into file.
* Must be called while mWriteBoxToMemory is true, and will not modify
* mWriteBoxToMemory. After the call, remaining cache size will be
* reduced and buffer offset will be set to the beginning of the cache.
void MPEG4Writer::writeCachedBoxToFile(const char *type) {
mWriteBoxToMemory = false;
// Content of the box is saved in the cache, and the in-memory
// box needs to be written to the file in a single shot.
CHECK_LE(mInMemoryCacheOffset + 8, mInMemoryCacheSize);
// Cached box
seekOrPostError(mFd, mFreeBoxOffset, SEEK_SET);
mOffset = mFreeBoxOffset;
write(mInMemoryCache, 1, mInMemoryCacheOffset);
// Free box
seekOrPostError(mFd, mOffset, SEEK_SET);
mFreeBoxOffset = mOffset;
writeInt32(mInMemoryCacheSize - mInMemoryCacheOffset);
write("free", 4);
// Rewind buffering to the beginning, and restore mWriteBoxToMemory flag
mInMemoryCacheSize -= mInMemoryCacheOffset;
mInMemoryCacheOffset = 0;
mWriteBoxToMemory = true;
ALOGV("dumped out %s box, estimated size remaining %lld",
type, (long long)mInMemoryCacheSize);
uint32_t MPEG4Writer::getMpeg4Time() {
time_t now = time(NULL);
// MP4 file uses time counting seconds since midnight, Jan. 1, 1904
// while time function returns Unix epoch values which starts
// at 1970-01-01. Lets add the number of seconds between them
static const uint32_t delta = (66 * 365 + 17) * (24 * 60 * 60);
if (now < 0 || uint32_t(now) > UINT32_MAX - delta) {
return 0;
uint32_t mpeg4Time = uint32_t(now) + delta;
return mpeg4Time;
void MPEG4Writer::writeMvhdBox(int64_t durationUs) {
uint32_t now = getMpeg4Time();
writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0
writeInt32(now); // creation time
writeInt32(now); // modification time
writeInt32(mTimeScale); // mvhd timescale
int32_t duration = (durationUs * mTimeScale + 5E5) / 1E6;
writeInt32(0x10000); // rate: 1.0
writeInt16(0x100); // volume
writeInt16(0); // reserved
writeInt32(0); // reserved
writeInt32(0); // reserved
writeCompositionMatrix(0); // matrix
writeInt32(0); // predefined
writeInt32(0); // predefined
writeInt32(0); // predefined
writeInt32(0); // predefined
writeInt32(0); // predefined
writeInt32(0); // predefined
writeInt32(mTracks.size() + 1); // nextTrackID
endBox(); // mvhd
void MPEG4Writer::writeMoovBox(int64_t durationUs) {
if (mAreGeoTagsAvailable) {
// Loop through all the tracks to get the global time offset if there is
// any ctts table appears in a video track.
int64_t minCttsOffsetTimeUs = kMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs;
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
if (!(*it)->isHeif()) {
minCttsOffsetTimeUs =
std::min(minCttsOffsetTimeUs, (*it)->getMinCttsOffsetTimeUs());
ALOGI("Adjust the moov start time from %lld us -> %lld us", (long long)mStartTimestampUs,
(long long)(mStartTimestampUs + minCttsOffsetTimeUs - kMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs));
// Adjust movie start time.
mStartTimestampUs += minCttsOffsetTimeUs - kMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs;
// Add mStartTimeOffsetBFramesUs(-ve or zero) to the start offset of tracks.
mStartTimeOffsetBFramesUs = minCttsOffsetTimeUs - kMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs;
ALOGV("mStartTimeOffsetBFramesUs :%" PRId32, mStartTimeOffsetBFramesUs);
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
if (!(*it)->isHeif()) {
endBox(); // moov
void MPEG4Writer::writeFtypBox(MetaData *param) {
int32_t fileType;
if (!param || !param->findInt32(kKeyFileType, &fileType)) {
if (fileType != OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 && fileType != OUTPUT_FORMAT_HEIF) {
} else {
// Only write "heic"/"avif" as major brand if the client specified HEIF/AVIF
// AND we indeed receive some image heic/avif tracks.
if (fileType == OUTPUT_FORMAT_HEIF && mHasFileLevelMeta) {
if (mIsAvif) {
} else {
} else {
if (mHasFileLevelMeta) {
if (mIsAvif) {
} else {
if (mHasMoovBox) {
// If an AV1 video track is present, write "av01" as one of the
// compatible brands.
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end();
++it) {
if ((*it)->isAv1()) {
// The brand ‘dby1’ should be used in the compatible_brands field to indicate that the file
// is compliant with all Dolby Extensions. For details, refer to
// Chapter 7, Dolby Vision Files.
if (fileType == OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 && mHasDolbyVision) {
static bool isTestModeEnabled() {
#error "PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX must be at least 5"
// Test mode is enabled only if system
// property is enabled.
if (property_get_bool("", false)) {
return true;
return false;
void MPEG4Writer::sendSessionSummary() {
// Send session summary only if test mode is enabled
if (!isTestModeEnabled()) {
for (List<ChunkInfo>::iterator it = mChunkInfos.begin();
it != mChunkInfos.end(); ++it) {
uint32_t trackNum = (it->mTrack->getTrackId().getId() << 28);
status_t MPEG4Writer::setInterleaveDuration(uint32_t durationUs) {
mInterleaveDurationUs = durationUs;
return OK;
void MPEG4Writer::lock() {
void MPEG4Writer::unlock() {
off64_t MPEG4Writer::addSample_l(
MediaBuffer *buffer, bool usePrefix,
uint32_t tiffHdrOffset, size_t *bytesWritten) {
off64_t old_offset = mOffset;
int64_t offset;
ALOGV("buffer->range_length:%lld", (long long)buffer->range_length());
if (buffer->meta_data().findInt64(kKeySampleFileOffset, &offset)) {
ALOGV("offset:%lld, old_offset:%lld", (long long)offset, (long long)old_offset);
if (mMaxOffsetAppend > offset) {
// This has already been appended, skip updating mOffset value.
*bytesWritten = buffer->range_length();
return offset;
if (old_offset == offset) {
mOffset += buffer->range_length();
} else {
ALOGV("offset and old_offset are not equal! diff:%lld", (long long)offset - old_offset);
mOffset = offset + buffer->range_length();
// mOffset += buffer->range_length() + offset - old_offset;
*bytesWritten = buffer->range_length();
ALOGV("mOffset:%lld, mMaxOffsetAppend:%lld, bytesWritten:%lld", (long long)mOffset,
(long long)mMaxOffsetAppend, (long long)*bytesWritten);
mMaxOffsetAppend = std::max(mOffset, mMaxOffsetAppend);
seekOrPostError(mFd, mMaxOffsetAppend, SEEK_SET);
return offset;
ALOGV("mOffset:%lld, mMaxOffsetAppend:%lld", (long long)mOffset, (long long)mMaxOffsetAppend);
if (usePrefix) {
} else {
if (tiffHdrOffset > 0) {
tiffHdrOffset = htonl(tiffHdrOffset);
writeOrPostError(mFd, &tiffHdrOffset, 4); // exif_tiff_header_offset field
mOffset += 4;
writeOrPostError(mFd, (const uint8_t*)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(),
mOffset += buffer->range_length();
*bytesWritten = mOffset - old_offset;
ALOGV("mOffset:%lld, old_offset:%lld, bytesWritten:%lld", (long long)mOffset,
(long long)old_offset, (long long)*bytesWritten);
return old_offset;
static void StripStartcode(MediaBuffer *buffer) {
if (buffer->range_length() < 4) {
const uint8_t *ptr =
(const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset();
if (!memcmp(ptr, "\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4)) {
ALOGV("stripping start code");
buffer->range_offset() + 4, buffer->range_length() - 4);
void MPEG4Writer::addMultipleLengthPrefixedSamples_l(MediaBuffer *buffer) {
const uint8_t *dataStart = (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset();
const uint8_t *currentNalStart = dataStart;
const uint8_t *nextNalStart;
const uint8_t *data = dataStart;
size_t nextNalSize;
size_t searchSize = buffer->range_length();
while (getNextNALUnit(&data, &searchSize, &nextNalStart,
&nextNalSize, true) == OK) {
size_t currentNalSize = nextNalStart - currentNalStart - 4 /* strip start-code */;
MediaBuffer *nalBuf = new MediaBuffer((void *)currentNalStart, currentNalSize);
currentNalStart = nextNalStart;
size_t currentNalOffset = currentNalStart - dataStart;
buffer->set_range(buffer->range_offset() + currentNalOffset,
buffer->range_length() - currentNalOffset);
void MPEG4Writer::addLengthPrefixedSample_l(MediaBuffer *buffer) {
ALOGV("alp:buffer->range_length:%lld", (long long)buffer->range_length());
size_t length = buffer->range_length();
if (mUse4ByteNalLength) {
uint8_t x[4];
x[0] = length >> 24;
x[1] = (length >> 16) & 0xff;
x[2] = (length >> 8) & 0xff;
x[3] = length & 0xff;
writeOrPostError(mFd, &x, 4);
writeOrPostError(mFd, (const uint8_t*)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), length);
mOffset += length + 4;
} else {
CHECK_LT(length, 65536u);
uint8_t x[2];
x[0] = length >> 8;
x[1] = length & 0xff;
writeOrPostError(mFd, &x, 2);
writeOrPostError(mFd, (const uint8_t*)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), length);
mOffset += length + 2;
size_t MPEG4Writer::write(
const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb) {
const size_t bytes = size * nmemb;
if (mWriteBoxToMemory) {
off64_t boxSize = 8 + mInMemoryCacheOffset + bytes;
if (boxSize > mInMemoryCacheSize) {
// The reserved free space at the beginning of the file is not big
// enough. Boxes should be written to the end of the file from now
// on, but not to the in-memory cache.
// We write partial box that is in the memory to the file first.
for (List<off64_t>::iterator it = mBoxes.begin();
it != mBoxes.end(); ++it) {
(*it) += mOffset;
seekOrPostError(mFd, mOffset, SEEK_SET);
writeOrPostError(mFd, mInMemoryCache, mInMemoryCacheOffset);
writeOrPostError(mFd, ptr, bytes);
mOffset += (bytes + mInMemoryCacheOffset);
// All subsequent boxes will be written to the end of the file.
mWriteBoxToMemory = false;
} else {
memcpy(mInMemoryCache + mInMemoryCacheOffset, ptr, bytes);
mInMemoryCacheOffset += bytes;
} else {
writeOrPostError(mFd, ptr, bytes);
mOffset += bytes;
return bytes;
void MPEG4Writer::writeOrPostError(int fd, const void* buf, size_t count) {
if (mWriteSeekErr == true)
auto beforeTP = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
ssize_t bytesWritten = ::write(fd, buf, count);
auto afterTP = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto writeDuration =
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(afterTP - beforeTP).count();
if (mWriteDurationPQ.size() > kWriteDurationsCount) {
/* Write as much as possible during stop() execution when there was an error
* (mWriteSeekErr == true) in the previous call to write() or lseek64().
if (bytesWritten == count)
mWriteSeekErr = true;
// Note that errno is not changed even when bytesWritten < count.
ALOGE("writeOrPostError bytesWritten:%zd, count:%zu, error:%s(%d)", bytesWritten, count,
std::strerror(errno), errno);
// Can't guarantee that file is usable or write would succeed anymore, hence signal to stop.
sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatIOError, mReflector);
msg->setInt32("err", ERROR_IO);
WARN_UNLESS(msg->post() == OK, "writeOrPostError:error posting ERROR_IO");
void MPEG4Writer::seekOrPostError(int fd, off64_t offset, int whence) {
if (mWriteSeekErr == true)
off64_t resOffset = lseek64(fd, offset, whence);
/* Allow to seek during stop() execution even when there was an error
* (mWriteSeekErr == true) in the previous call to write() or lseek64().
if (resOffset == offset)
mWriteSeekErr = true;
ALOGE("seekOrPostError resOffset:%" PRIu64 ", offset:%" PRIu64 ", error:%s(%d)", resOffset,
offset, std::strerror(errno), errno);
// Can't guarantee that file is usable or seek would succeed anymore, hence signal to stop.
sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatIOError, mReflector);
msg->setInt32("err", ERROR_IO);
WARN_UNLESS(msg->post() == OK, "seekOrPostError:error posting ERROR_IO");
void MPEG4Writer::beginBox(uint32_t id) {
ALOGV("beginBox:%" PRIu32, id);
mInMemoryCacheOffset: mOffset);
void MPEG4Writer::beginBox(const char *fourcc) {
ALOGV("beginBox:%s", fourcc);
CHECK_EQ(strlen(fourcc), 4u);
mInMemoryCacheOffset: mOffset);
void MPEG4Writer::endBox() {
off64_t offset = *--mBoxes.end();
if (mWriteBoxToMemory) {
int32_t x = htonl(mInMemoryCacheOffset - offset);
memcpy(mInMemoryCache + offset, &x, 4);
} else {
seekOrPostError(mFd, offset, SEEK_SET);
writeInt32(mOffset - offset);
ALOGV("box size:%" PRIu64, mOffset - offset);
mOffset -= 4;
seekOrPostError(mFd, mOffset, SEEK_SET);
void MPEG4Writer::writeInt8(int8_t x) {
write(&x, 1, 1);
void MPEG4Writer::writeInt16(int16_t x) {
x = htons(x);
write(&x, 1, 2);
void MPEG4Writer::writeInt32(int32_t x) {
x = htonl(x);
write(&x, 1, 4);
void MPEG4Writer::writeInt64(int64_t x) {
x = hton64(x);
write(&x, 1, 8);
void MPEG4Writer::writeCString(const char *s) {
size_t n = strlen(s);
write(s, 1, n + 1);
void MPEG4Writer::writeFourcc(const char *s) {
CHECK_EQ(strlen(s), 4u);
write(s, 1, 4);
// Written in +/-DD.DDDD format
void MPEG4Writer::writeLatitude(int degreex10000) {
bool isNegative = (degreex10000 < 0);
char sign = isNegative? '-': '+';
// Handle the whole part
char str[9];
int wholePart = degreex10000 / 10000;
if (wholePart == 0) {
snprintf(str, 5, "%c%.2d.", sign, wholePart);
} else {
snprintf(str, 5, "%+.2d.", wholePart);
// Handle the fractional part
int fractionalPart = degreex10000 - (wholePart * 10000);
if (fractionalPart < 0) {
fractionalPart = -fractionalPart;
snprintf(&str[4], 5, "%.4d", fractionalPart);
// Do not write the null terminator
write(str, 1, 8);
// Written in +/- DDD.DDDD format
void MPEG4Writer::writeLongitude(int degreex10000) {
bool isNegative = (degreex10000 < 0);
char sign = isNegative? '-': '+';
// Handle the whole part
char str[10];
int wholePart = degreex10000 / 10000;
if (wholePart == 0) {
snprintf(str, 6, "%c%.3d.", sign, wholePart);
} else {
snprintf(str, 6, "%+.3d.", wholePart);
// Handle the fractional part
int fractionalPart = degreex10000 - (wholePart * 10000);
if (fractionalPart < 0) {
fractionalPart = -fractionalPart;
snprintf(&str[5], 5, "%.4d", fractionalPart);
// Do not write the null terminator
write(str, 1, 9);
* Geodata is stored according to ISO-6709 standard.
* latitudex10000 is latitude in degrees times 10000, and
* longitudex10000 is longitude in degrees times 10000.
* The range for the latitude is in [-90, +90], and
* The range for the longitude is in [-180, +180]
status_t MPEG4Writer::setGeoData(int latitudex10000, int longitudex10000) {
// Is latitude or longitude out of range?
if (latitudex10000 < -900000 || latitudex10000 > 900000 ||
longitudex10000 < -1800000 || longitudex10000 > 1800000) {
return BAD_VALUE;
mLatitudex10000 = latitudex10000;
mLongitudex10000 = longitudex10000;
mAreGeoTagsAvailable = true;
mMoovExtraSize += 30;
return OK;
status_t MPEG4Writer::setCaptureRate(float captureFps) {
if (captureFps <= 0.0f) {
return BAD_VALUE;
// Increase moovExtraSize once only irrespective of how many times
// setCaptureRate is called.
bool containsCaptureFps = mMetaKeys->contains(kMetaKey_CaptureFps);
mMetaKeys->setFloat(kMetaKey_CaptureFps, captureFps);
if (!containsCaptureFps) {
mMoovExtraSize += sizeof(kMetaKey_CaptureFps) + 4 + 32;
return OK;
status_t MPEG4Writer::setTemporalLayerCount(uint32_t layerCount) {
if (layerCount > 9) {
return BAD_VALUE;
if (layerCount > 0) {
mMetaKeys->setInt32(kMetaKey_TemporalLayerCount, layerCount);
mMoovExtraSize += sizeof(kMetaKey_TemporalLayerCount) + 4 + 32;
return OK;
void MPEG4Writer::notifyApproachingLimit() {
Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock);
// Only notify once.
if (mSendNotify) {
ALOGW("Recorded file size is approaching limit %" PRId64 "bytes",
mSendNotify = true;
void MPEG4Writer::write(const void *data, size_t size) {
write(data, 1, size);
bool MPEG4Writer::isFileStreamable() const {
return mStreamableFile;
bool MPEG4Writer::preAllocate(uint64_t wantSize) {
if (!mPreAllocationEnabled)
return true;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mFallocMutex);
if (mFallocateErr == true)
return false;
// approxMOOVHeadersSize has to be changed whenever its needed in the future.
uint64_t approxMOOVHeadersSize = 500;
// approxTrackHeadersSize has to be changed whenever its needed in the future.
const uint64_t approxTrackHeadersSize = 800;
uint64_t approxMOOVBoxSize = 0;
if (mPreAllocFirstTime) {
mPreAllocFirstTime = false;
approxMOOVBoxSize = approxMOOVHeadersSize + mFileLevelMetaDataSize + mMoovExtraSize +
(approxTrackHeadersSize * numTracks());
ALOGV("firstTimeAllocation approxMOOVBoxSize:%" PRIu64, approxMOOVBoxSize);
uint64_t allTracksTotalMetaDataSizeEstimate = 0;
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
allTracksTotalMetaDataSizeEstimate += ((*it)->trackMetaDataSize());
ALOGV(" allTracksTotalMetaDataSizeEstimate:%" PRIu64, allTracksTotalMetaDataSizeEstimate);
/* MOOVBoxSize will increase whenever a sample gets written to the file. Enough to allocate
* the delta increase for each sample after the very first allocation.
uint64_t approxMetaDataSizeIncrease =
allTracksTotalMetaDataSizeEstimate - mPrevAllTracksTotalMetaDataSizeEstimate;
ALOGV("approxMetaDataSizeIncrease:%" PRIu64 " wantSize:%" PRIu64, approxMetaDataSizeIncrease,
mPrevAllTracksTotalMetaDataSizeEstimate = allTracksTotalMetaDataSizeEstimate;
ALOGV("mPreAllocateFileEndOffset:%" PRIu64 " mOffset:%" PRIu64, mPreAllocateFileEndOffset,
off64_t lastFileEndOffset = std::max(mPreAllocateFileEndOffset, mOffset);
uint64_t preAllocateSize = wantSize + approxMOOVBoxSize + approxMetaDataSizeIncrease;
ALOGV("preAllocateSize :%" PRIu64 " lastFileEndOffset:%" PRIu64, preAllocateSize,
int res = fallocate64(mFd, FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE, lastFileEndOffset, preAllocateSize);
if (res == -1) {
ALOGE("fallocate err:%s, %d, fd:%d", strerror(errno), errno, mFd);
sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatFallocateError, mReflector);
msg->setInt32("err", ERROR_IO);
status_t err = msg->post();
mFallocateErr = true;
ALOGD("preAllocation post:%d", err);
} else {
mPreAllocateFileEndOffset = lastFileEndOffset + preAllocateSize;
ALOGV("mPreAllocateFileEndOffset:%" PRIu64, mPreAllocateFileEndOffset);
return (res == -1) ? false : true;
bool MPEG4Writer::truncatePreAllocation() {
if (!mPreAllocationEnabled)
return true;
bool status = true;
off64_t endOffset = std::max(mMdatEndOffset, mOffset);
/* if mPreAllocateFileEndOffset >= endOffset, then preallocation logic works good. (diff >= 0).
* Otherwise, the logic needs to be modified.
ALOGD("ftruncate mPreAllocateFileEndOffset:%" PRId64 " mOffset:%" PRIu64
" mMdatEndOffset:%" PRIu64 " diff:%" PRId64, mPreAllocateFileEndOffset, mOffset,
mMdatEndOffset, mPreAllocateFileEndOffset - endOffset);
if (ftruncate64(mFd, endOffset) == -1) {
ALOGE("ftruncate err:%s, %d, fd:%d", strerror(errno), errno, mFd);
status = false;
/* No need to post and handle(stop & notify client) error like it's done in preAllocate(),
* because ftruncate() is called during release() only and the error here would be
* reported from there as this function is returning false on any error in ftruncate().
return status;
bool MPEG4Writer::exceedsFileSizeLimit() {
// No limit
if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes == 0) {
return false;
int64_t nTotalBytesEstimate = static_cast<int64_t>(mInMemoryCacheSize);
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
nTotalBytesEstimate += (*it)->getEstimatedTrackSizeBytes();
if (!mStreamableFile) {
// Add 1024 bytes as error tolerance
return nTotalBytesEstimate + 1024 >= mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes;
// Be conservative in the estimate: do not exceed 95% of
// the target file limit. For small target file size limit, though,
// this will not help.
return (nTotalBytesEstimate >= (95 * mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes) / 100);
bool MPEG4Writer::approachingFileSizeLimit() {
// No limit
if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes == 0) {
return false;
int64_t nTotalBytesEstimate = static_cast<int64_t>(mInMemoryCacheSize);
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
nTotalBytesEstimate += (*it)->getEstimatedTrackSizeBytes();
if (!mStreamableFile) {
// Add 1024 bytes as error tolerance
return nTotalBytesEstimate + 1024 >= (90 * mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes) / 100;
return (nTotalBytesEstimate >= (90 * mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes) / 100);
bool MPEG4Writer::exceedsFileDurationLimit() {
// No limit
if (mMaxFileDurationLimitUs == 0) {
return false;
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
if (!(*it)->isHeif() &&
(*it)->getDurationUs() >= mMaxFileDurationLimitUs) {
return true;
return false;
bool MPEG4Writer::reachedEOS() {
bool allDone = true;
for (List<Track *>::iterator it = mTracks.begin();
it != mTracks.end(); ++it) {
if (!(*it)->reachedEOS()) {
allDone = false;
return allDone;
void MPEG4Writer::setStartTimestampUs(int64_t timeUs) {
ALOGI("setStartTimestampUs: %" PRId64, timeUs);
CHECK_GE(timeUs, 0LL);
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock);
if (mStartTimestampUs < 0 || mStartTimestampUs > timeUs) {
mStartTimestampUs = timeUs;
ALOGI("Earliest track starting time: %" PRId64, mStartTimestampUs);
int64_t MPEG4Writer::getStartTimestampUs() {
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock);
return mStartTimestampUs;
/* Returns negative when reordering is needed because of BFrames or zero otherwise.
* CTTS values for tracks with BFrames offsets this negative value.
int32_t MPEG4Writer::getStartTimeOffsetBFramesUs() {
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock);
return mStartTimeOffsetBFramesUs;
size_t MPEG4Writer::numTracks() {
Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock);
return mTracks.size();
MPEG4Writer *owner, const sp<MediaSource> &source, uint32_t aTrackId)
: mOwner(owner),
mStszTableEntries(new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 1>(1000)),
mCo64TableEntries(new ListTableEntries<off64_t, 1>(1000)),
mStscTableEntries(new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 3>(1000)),
mStssTableEntries(new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 1>(1000)),
mSttsTableEntries(new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 2>(1000)),
mCttsTableEntries(new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 2>(1000)),
mElstTableEntries(new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 3>(3)), // Reserve 3 rows, a row has 3 items
mTileIndex(0) {
const char *mime;
mMeta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime);
mIsAvc = !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC);
mIsHevc = !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC);
mIsAv1 = !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AV1);
mIsDovi = !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_DOLBY_VISION);
mIsAudio = !strncasecmp(mime, "audio/", 6);
mIsVideo = !strncasecmp(mime, "video/", 6);
mIsHeic = !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_IMAGE_ANDROID_HEIC);
mIsAvif = !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_IMAGE_AVIF);
mIsHeif = mIsHeic || mIsAvif;
mIsMPEG4 = !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4) ||
!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC);
// store temporal layer count
if (mIsVideo) {
int32_t count;
if (mMeta->findInt32(kKeyTemporalLayerCount, &count) && count > 1) {
if (!mIsHeif) {
} else {
CHECK(mMeta->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &mWidth) && (mWidth > 0));
CHECK(mMeta->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &mHeight) && (mHeight > 0));
int32_t tileWidth, tileHeight, gridRows, gridCols;
if (mMeta->findInt32(kKeyTileWidth, &tileWidth) && (tileWidth > 0) &&
mMeta->findInt32(kKeyTileHeight, &tileHeight) && (tileHeight > 0) &&
mMeta->findInt32(kKeyGridRows, &gridRows) && (gridRows > 0) &&
mMeta->findInt32(kKeyGridCols, &gridCols) && (gridCols > 0)) {
mTileWidth = tileWidth;
mTileHeight = tileHeight;
mGridRows = gridRows;
mGridCols = gridCols;
mNumTiles = gridRows * gridCols;
if (!mMeta->findInt32(kKeyTrackIsDefault, &mIsPrimary)) {
mIsPrimary = false;
// Clear all the internal states except the CSD data.
void MPEG4Writer::Track::resetInternal() {
mDone = false;
mPaused = false;
mResumed = false;
mStarted = false;
mGotStartKeyFrame = false;
mIsMalformed = false;
mTrackDurationUs = 0;
mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes = 0;
mSamplesHaveSameSize = false;
if (mStszTableEntries != NULL) {
delete mStszTableEntries;
mStszTableEntries = new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 1>(1000);
if (mCo64TableEntries != NULL) {
delete mCo64TableEntries;
mCo64TableEntries = new ListTableEntries<off64_t, 1>(1000);
if (mStscTableEntries != NULL) {
delete mStscTableEntries;
mStscTableEntries = new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 3>(1000);
if (mStssTableEntries != NULL) {
delete mStssTableEntries;
mStssTableEntries = new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 1>(1000);
if (mSttsTableEntries != NULL) {
delete mSttsTableEntries;
mSttsTableEntries = new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 2>(1000);
if (mCttsTableEntries != NULL) {
delete mCttsTableEntries;
mCttsTableEntries = new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 2>(1000);
if (mElstTableEntries != NULL) {
delete mElstTableEntries;
mElstTableEntries = new ListTableEntries<uint32_t, 3>(3);
mReachedEOS = false;
int64_t MPEG4Writer::Track::trackMetaDataSize() {
int64_t co64BoxSizeBytes = mCo64TableEntries->count() * 8;
int64_t stszBoxSizeBytes = mStszTableEntries->count() * 4;
int64_t trackMetaDataSize = mStscTableEntries->count() * 12 + // stsc box size
mStssTableEntries->count() * 4 + // stss box size
mSttsTableEntries->count() * 8 + // stts box size
mCttsTableEntries->count() * 8 + // ctts box size
mElstTableEntries->count() * 12 + // elst box size
co64BoxSizeBytes + // stco box size
stszBoxSizeBytes; // stsz box size
return trackMetaDataSize;
void MPEG4Writer::Track::updateTrackSizeEstimate() {
mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes = mMdatSizeBytes; // media data size
if (!isHeif() && !mOwner->isFileStreamable()) {
mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes += trackMetaDataSize();
void MPEG4Writer::Track::addOneStscTableEntry(
size_t chunkId, size_t sampleId) {
void MPEG4Writer::Track::addOneStssTableEntry(size_t sampleId) {
void MPEG4Writer::Track::addOneSttsTableEntry(size_t sampleCount, int32_t delta) {
if (delta == 0) {
ALOGW("0-duration samples found: %zu", sampleCount);
void MPEG4Writer::Track::addOneCttsTableEntry(size_t sampleCount, int32_t sampleOffset) {
if (!mIsVideo) {
void MPEG4Writer::Track::addOneElstTableEntry(
uint32_t segmentDuration, int32_t mediaTime, int16_t mediaRate, int16_t mediaRateFraction) {
ALOGV("segmentDuration:%u, mediaTime:%d", segmentDuration, mediaTime);
ALOGV("mediaRate :%" PRId16 ", mediaRateFraction :%" PRId16 ", Ored %u", mediaRate,
mediaRateFraction, ((((uint32_t)mediaRate) << 16) | ((uint32_t)mediaRateFraction)));
mElstTableEntries->add(htonl((((uint32_t)mediaRate) << 16) | (uint32_t)mediaRateFraction));
status_t MPEG4Writer::setupAndStartLooper() {
status_t err = OK;
if (mLooper == nullptr) {
mLooper = new ALooper;
if (mIsBackgroundMode) {
err = mLooper->start(false, false, ANDROID_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND);
} else {
err = mLooper->start();
mReflector = new AHandlerReflector<MPEG4Writer>(this);
ALOGD("MP4WtrCtrlHlpLooper Started");
return err;
void MPEG4Writer::stopAndReleaseLooper() {
if (mLooper != nullptr) {
if (mReflector != nullptr) {
ALOGD("MP4WtrCtrlHlpLooper stopped");
status_t MPEG4Writer::setNextFd(int fd) {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
if (mNextFd != -1) {
// No need to set a new FD yet.
mNextFd = dup(fd);
return OK;
bool MPEG4Writer::Track::isExifData(
MediaBufferBase *buffer, uint32_t *tiffHdrOffset) const {
if (!mIsHeif) {
return false;
// Exif block starting with 'Exif\0\0'
size_t length = buffer->range_length();
uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset();
if ((length > sizeof(kExifHeader))
&& !memcmp(data, kExifHeader, sizeof(kExifHeader))) {
*tiffHdrOffset = sizeof(kExifHeader);
return true;
// Exif block starting with fourcc 'Exif' followed by APP1 marker
if ((length > sizeof(kExifApp1Marker) + 2 + sizeof(kExifHeader))
&& !memcmp(data, kExifApp1Marker, sizeof(kExifApp1Marker))
&& !memcmp(data + sizeof(kExifApp1Marker) + 2, kExifHeader, sizeof(kExifHeader))) {
// skip 'Exif' fourcc
buffer->set_range(4, buffer->range_length() - 4);
// 2-byte APP1 + 2-byte size followed by kExifHeader
*tiffHdrOffset = 2 + 2 + sizeof(kExifHeader);
return true;
return false;
void MPEG4Writer::Track::addChunkOffset(off64_t offset) {
void MPEG4Writer::Track::addItemOffsetAndSize(off64_t offset, size_t size, bool isExif) {
if (offset > UINT32_MAX || size > UINT32_MAX) {
ALOGE("offset or size is out of range: %lld, %lld",
(long long) offset, (long long) size);
mIsMalformed = true;
if (mIsMalformed) {
if (isExif) {
uint16_t exifItemId;
if (mOwner->reserveItemId_l(1, &exifItemId) != OK) {
.itemType = "Exif",
.itemId = exifItemId,
.isPrimary = false,
.isHidden = false,
.offset = (uint32_t)offset,
.size = (uint32_t)size,
if (mTileIndex >= mNumTiles) {
ALOGW("Ignoring excess tiles!");
// Rotation angle in HEIF is CCW, framework angle is CW.
int32_t heifRotation = 0;
switch(mRotation) {
case 90: heifRotation = 3; break;
case 180: heifRotation = 2; break;
case 270: heifRotation = 1; break;
default: break; // don't set if invalid
bool hasGrid = (mTileWidth > 0);
if (mProperties.empty()) {
.type = static_cast<uint32_t>(mIsAvif ?
FOURCC('a', 'v', '1', 'C') :
FOURCC('h', 'v', 'c', 'C')),
.data = ABuffer::CreateAsCopy(mCodecSpecificData, mCodecSpecificDataSize)
.type = FOURCC('i', 's', 'p', 'e'),
.width = hasGrid ? mTileWidth : mWidth,
.height = hasGrid ? mTileHeight : mHeight,
if (!hasGrid && heifRotation > 0) {
.type = FOURCC('i', 'r', 'o', 't'),
.rotation = heifRotation,
if (hasGrid) {
.itemType = mIsAvif ? "av01" : "hvc1",
.itemId = mItemIdBase++,
.isPrimary = false,
.isHidden = true,
.offset = (uint32_t)offset,
.size = (uint32_t)size,
.properties = mProperties,
if (mTileIndex == mNumTiles) {
.type = FOURCC('i', 's', 'p', 'e'),
.width = mWidth,
.height = mHeight,
if (heifRotation > 0) {
.type = FOURCC('i', 'r', 'o', 't'),
.rotation = heifRotation,
mImageItemId = mOwner->addItem_l({
.itemType = "grid",
.itemId = mItemIdBase++,
.isPrimary = (mIsPrimary != 0),
.isHidden = false,
.rows = (uint32_t)mGridRows,
.cols = (uint32_t)mGridCols,
.width = (uint32_t)mWidth,
.height = (uint32_t)mHeight,
.properties = mProperties,
} else {
mImageItemId = mOwner->addItem_l({
.itemType = mIsAvif ? "av01" : "hvc1",
.itemId = mItemIdBase++,
.isPrimary = (mIsPrimary != 0),
.isHidden = false,
.offset = (uint32_t)offset,
.size = (uint32_t)size,
.properties = mProperties,
// Flush out the item refs for this track. Note that it must be called after the
// writer thread has stopped, because there might be pending items in the last
// few chunks written by the writer thread (as opposed to the track). In particular,
// it affects the 'dimg' refs for tiled image, as we only have the refs after the
// last tile sample is written.
void MPEG4Writer::Track::flushItemRefs() {
if (mImageItemId > 0) {
mOwner->addRefs_l(mImageItemId, mDimgRefs);
if (!mExifList.empty()) {
// The "cdsc" ref is from the metadata/exif item to the image item.
// So the refs all contain the image item.
ItemRefs cdscRefs("cdsc");
for (uint16_t exifItem : mExifList) {
mOwner->addRefs_l(exifItem, cdscRefs);
void MPEG4Writer::Track::setTimeScale() {
// Default time scale
mTimeScale = 90000;
if (mIsAudio) {
// Use the sampling rate as the default time scale for audio track.
int32_t sampleRate;
bool success = mMeta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate);
mTimeScale = sampleRate;
// If someone would like to overwrite the timescale, use user-supplied value.
int32_t timeScale;
if (mMeta->findInt32(kKeyTimeScale, &timeScale)) {
mTimeScale = timeScale;
CHECK_GT(mTimeScale, 0);
void MPEG4Writer::onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) {
switch (msg->what()) {
case kWhatSwitch:
int fd = mNextFd;
mNextFd = -1;
if (finishCurrentSession() == OK) {
initInternal(fd, false /*isFirstSession*/);
status_t status = start(mStartMeta.get());
mSwitchPending = false;
if (status == OK) {
/* ::write() or lseek64() wasn't a success, file could be malformed.
* Or fallocate() failed. reset() and notify client on both the cases.
case kWhatFallocateError: // fallthrough
case kWhatIOError: {
int32_t err;
CHECK(msg->findInt32("err", &err));
// If reset already in process, don't wait for it complete to avoid deadlock.
reset(true, false);
/* Response to kWhatNoIOErrorSoFar would be OK always as of now.
* Responding with other options could be added later if required.
case kWhatNoIOErrorSoFar: {
sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage;
response->setInt32("err", OK);
sp<AReplyToken> replyID;
void MPEG4Writer::Track::getCodecSpecificDataFromInputFormatIfPossible() {
const char *mime;
CHECK(mMeta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime));
uint32_t type;
const void *data = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC)) {
mMeta->findData(kKeyAVCC, &type, &data, &size);
} else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC) ||
mMeta->findData(kKeyHVCC, &type, &data, &size);
} else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AV1) ||
!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_IMAGE_AVIF)) {
mMeta->findData(kKeyAV1C, &type, &data, &size);
} else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_DOLBY_VISION)) {
if (!mMeta->findData(kKeyAVCC, &type, &data, &size) &&
!mMeta->findData(kKeyHVCC, &type, &data, &size)) {
ALOGE("Failed: No HVCC/AVCC for Dolby Vision ..\n");
} else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4) ||
!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC)) {
if (mMeta->findData(kKeyESDS, &type, &data, &size)) {
ESDS esds(data, size);
if (esds.getCodecSpecificInfo(&data, &size) == OK &&
data != NULL &&
copyCodecSpecificData((uint8_t*)data, size) == OK) {
mGotAllCodecSpecificData = true;
if (data != NULL && copyCodecSpecificData((uint8_t *)data, size) == OK) {
mGotAllCodecSpecificData = true;
MPEG4Writer::Track::~Track() {
delete mStszTableEntries;
delete mCo64TableEntries;
delete mStscTableEntries;
delete mSttsTableEntries;
delete mStssTableEntries;
delete mCttsTableEntries;
delete mElstTableEntries;
mStszTableEntries = NULL;
mCo64TableEntries = NULL;
mStscTableEntries = NULL;
mSttsTableEntries = NULL;
mStssTableEntries = NULL;
mCttsTableEntries = NULL;
mElstTableEntries = NULL;
if (mCodecSpecificData != NULL) {
mCodecSpecificData = NULL;
void MPEG4Writer::Track::initTrackingProgressStatus(MetaData *params) {
mPreviousTrackTimeUs = -1;
mTrackingProgressStatus = false;
mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs = 0;
int64_t timeUs;
if (params && params->findInt64(kKeyTrackTimeStatus, &timeUs)) {
ALOGV("Receive request to track progress status for every %" PRId64 " us", timeUs);
mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs = timeUs;
mTrackingProgressStatus = true;
// static
void *MPEG4Writer::ThreadWrapper(void *me) {
ALOGV("ThreadWrapper: %p", me);
MPEG4Writer *writer = static_cast<MPEG4Writer *>(me);
return NULL;
void MPEG4Writer::bufferChunk(const Chunk& chunk) {
ALOGV("bufferChunk: %p", chunk.mTrack);
Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock);
CHECK_EQ(mDone, false);
for (List<ChunkInfo>::iterator it = mChunkInfos.begin();
it != mChunkInfos.end(); ++it) {
if (chunk.mTrack == it->mTrack) { // Found owner
CHECK(!"Received a chunk for a unknown track");
void MPEG4Writer::writeChunkToFile(Chunk* chunk) {
ALOGV("writeChunkToFile: %" PRId64 " from %s track",
chunk->mTimeStampUs, chunk->mTrack->getTrackType());
int32_t isFirstSample = true;
while (!chunk->mSamples.empty()) {
List<MediaBuffer *>::iterator it = chunk->mSamples.begin();
uint32_t tiffHdrOffset;
if (!(*it)->meta_data().findInt32(
kKeyExifTiffOffset, (int32_t*)&tiffHdrOffset)) {
tiffHdrOffset = 0;
bool isExif = (tiffHdrOffset > 0);
bool usePrefix = chunk->mTrack->usePrefix() && !isExif;
size_t bytesWritten;
off64_t offset = addSample_l(*it, usePrefix, tiffHdrOffset, &bytesWritten);
if (chunk->mTrack->isHeif()) {
chunk->mTrack->addItemOffsetAndSize(offset, bytesWritten, isExif);
} else if (isFirstSample) {
isFirstSample = false;
(*it) = NULL;
void MPEG4Writer::writeAllChunks() {
size_t outstandingChunks = 0;
Chunk chunk;
while (findChunkToWrite(&chunk)) {
ALOGD("%zu chunks are written in the last batch", outstandingChunks);
bool MPEG4Writer::findChunkToWrite(Chunk *chunk) {
int64_t minTimestampUs = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
Track *track = NULL;
for (List<ChunkInfo>::iterator it = mChunkInfos.begin();
it != mChunkInfos.end(); ++it) {
if (!it->mChunks.empty()) {
List<Chunk>::iterator chunkIt = it->mChunks.begin();
if (chunkIt->mTimeStampUs < minTimestampUs) {
minTimestampUs = chunkIt->mTimeStampUs;
track = it->mTrack;
if (track == NULL) {
ALOGV("Nothing to be written after all");
return false;
if (mIsFirstChunk) {
mIsFirstChunk = false;
for (List<ChunkInfo>::iterator it = mChunkInfos.begin();
it != mChunkInfos.end(); ++it) {