blob: b8174b91b4ead7c143c0b4bf75d2fd890113efaf [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
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* File: p_med_ol.c *
* *
* Description: Compute the open loop pitch lag *
* output: open loop pitch lag *
#include "typedef.h"
#include "basic_op.h"
#include "acelp.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "math_op.h"
#include ""
Word16 Pitch_med_ol(
Word16 wsp[], /* i: signal used to compute the open loop pitch*/
/* wsp[-pit_max] to wsp[-1] should be known */
Coder_State *st, /* i/o: codec global structure */
Word16 L_frame /* i: length of frame to compute pitch */
Word16 Tm;
Word16 hi, lo;
Word16 *ww, *we, *hp_wsp;
Word16 exp_R0, exp_R1, exp_R2;
Word32 i, j, max, R0, R1, R2;
Word16 *p1, *p2;
Word16 L_min = 17; /* minimum pitch lag: PIT_MIN / OPL_DECIM */
Word16 L_max = 115; /* maximum pitch lag: PIT_MAX / OPL_DECIM */
Word16 L_0 = st->old_T0_med; /* old open-loop pitch */
Word16 *gain = &(st->ol_gain); /* normalize correlation of hp_wsp for the lag */
Word16 *hp_wsp_mem = st->hp_wsp_mem; /* memory of the hypass filter for hp_wsp[] (lg = 9)*/
Word16 *old_hp_wsp = st->old_hp_wsp; /* hypass wsp[] */
Word16 wght_flg = st->ol_wght_flg; /* is weighting function used */
ww = &corrweight[198];
we = &corrweight[98 + L_max - L_0];
max = MIN_32;
Tm = 0;
for (i = L_max; i > L_min; i--)
/* Compute the correlation */
R0 = 0;
p1 = wsp;
p2 = &wsp[-i];
for (j = 0; j < L_frame; j+=4)
R0 += vo_L_mult((*p1++), (*p2++));
R0 += vo_L_mult((*p1++), (*p2++));
R0 += vo_L_mult((*p1++), (*p2++));
R0 += vo_L_mult((*p1++), (*p2++));
/* Weighting of the correlation function. */
hi = R0>>16;
lo = (R0 & 0xffff)>>1;
R0 = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, *ww);
if ((L_0 > 0) && (wght_flg > 0))
/* Weight the neighbourhood of the old lag. */
hi = R0>>16;
lo = (R0 & 0xffff)>>1;
R0 = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, *we);
if(R0 >= max)
max = R0;
Tm = i;
/* Hypass the wsp[] vector */
hp_wsp = old_hp_wsp + L_max;
Hp_wsp(wsp, hp_wsp, L_frame, hp_wsp_mem);
/* Compute normalize correlation at delay Tm */
R0 = 0;
R1 = 0;
R2 = 0;
p1 = hp_wsp;
p2 = hp_wsp - Tm;
for (j = 0; j < L_frame; j+=4)
R2 += vo_mult32(*p1, *p1);
R1 += vo_mult32(*p2, *p2);
R0 += vo_mult32(*p1++, *p2++);
R2 += vo_mult32(*p1, *p1);
R1 += vo_mult32(*p2, *p2);
R0 += vo_mult32(*p1++, *p2++);
R2 += vo_mult32(*p1, *p1);
R1 += vo_mult32(*p2, *p2);
R0 += vo_mult32(*p1++, *p2++);
R2 += vo_mult32(*p1, *p1);
R1 += vo_mult32(*p2, *p2);
R0 += vo_mult32(*p1++, *p2++);
R0 = R0 <<1;
R1 = (R1 <<1) + 1L;
R2 = (R2 <<1) + 1L;
/* gain = R0/ sqrt(R1*R2) */
exp_R0 = norm_l(R0);
R0 = (R0 << exp_R0);
exp_R1 = norm_l(R1);
R1 = (R1 << exp_R1);
exp_R2 = norm_l(R2);
R2 = (R2 << exp_R2);
R1 = vo_L_mult(vo_round(R1), vo_round(R2));
i = norm_l(R1);
R1 = (R1 << i);
exp_R1 += exp_R2;
exp_R1 += i;
exp_R1 = 62 - exp_R1;
Isqrt_n(&R1, &exp_R1);
R0 = vo_L_mult(voround(R0), voround(R1));
exp_R0 = 31 - exp_R0;
exp_R0 += exp_R1;
*gain = vo_round(L_shl(R0, exp_R0));
/* Shitf hp_wsp[] for next frame */
for (i = 0; i < L_max; i++)
old_hp_wsp[i] = old_hp_wsp[i + L_frame];
return (Tm);
* Function: median5 *
* *
* Returns the median of the set {X[-2], X[-1],..., X[2]}, *
* whose elements are 16-bit integers. *
* *
* Input: *
* X[-2:2] 16-bit integers. *
* *
* Return: *
* The median of {X[-2], X[-1],..., X[2]}. *
Word16 median5(Word16 x[])
Word16 x1, x2, x3, x4, x5;
Word16 tmp;
x1 = x[-2];
x2 = x[-1];
x3 = x[0];
x4 = x[1];
x5 = x[2];
if (x2 < x1)
tmp = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = tmp;
if (x3 < x1)
tmp = x1;
x1 = x3;
x3 = tmp;
if (x4 < x1)
tmp = x1;
x1 = x4;
x4 = tmp;
if (x5 < x1)
x5 = x1;
if (x3 < x2)
tmp = x2;
x2 = x3;
x3 = tmp;
if (x4 < x2)
tmp = x2;
x2 = x4;
x4 = tmp;
if (x5 < x2)
x5 = x2;
if (x4 < x3)
x3 = x4;
if (x5 < x3)
x3 = x5;
return (x3);
Word16 Med_olag( /* output : median of 5 previous open-loop lags */
Word16 prev_ol_lag, /* input : previous open-loop lag */
Word16 old_ol_lag[5]
Word32 i;
/* Use median of 5 previous open-loop lags as old lag */
for (i = 4; i > 0; i--)
old_ol_lag[i] = old_ol_lag[i - 1];
old_ol_lag[0] = prev_ol_lag;
i = median5(&old_ol_lag[2]);
return i;