blob: bb0da882712962b6720b74a868111ddd8ac94979 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "MediaSampleWriter"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <media/MediaSampleWriter.h>
#include <media/NdkMediaMuxer.h>
namespace android {
class DefaultMuxer : public MediaSampleWriterMuxerInterface {
// MediaSampleWriterMuxerInterface
ssize_t addTrack(AMediaFormat* trackFormat) override {
// If the track format has rotation, need to call AMediaMuxer_setOrientationHint
// to set the rotation. Muxer doesn't take rotation specified on the track.
const char* mime;
if (AMediaFormat_getString(trackFormat, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, &mime) &&
strncmp(mime, "video/", 6) == 0) {
int32_t rotation;
if (AMediaFormat_getInt32(trackFormat, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_ROTATION, &rotation) &&
(rotation != 0)) {
AMediaMuxer_setOrientationHint(mMuxer, rotation);
return AMediaMuxer_addTrack(mMuxer, trackFormat);
media_status_t start() override { return AMediaMuxer_start(mMuxer); }
media_status_t writeSampleData(size_t trackIndex, const uint8_t* data,
const AMediaCodecBufferInfo* info) override {
return AMediaMuxer_writeSampleData(mMuxer, trackIndex, data, info);
media_status_t stop() override { return AMediaMuxer_stop(mMuxer); }
// ~MediaSampleWriterMuxerInterface
static std::shared_ptr<DefaultMuxer> create(int fd) {
AMediaMuxer* ndkMuxer = AMediaMuxer_new(fd, AMEDIAMUXER_OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4);
if (ndkMuxer == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create AMediaMuxer";
return nullptr;
return std::make_shared<DefaultMuxer>(ndkMuxer);
~DefaultMuxer() {
if (mMuxer != nullptr) {
DefaultMuxer(AMediaMuxer* muxer) : mMuxer(muxer){};
DefaultMuxer() = delete;
AMediaMuxer* mMuxer;
MediaSampleWriter::~MediaSampleWriter() {
if (mState == STARTED) {
stop(); // Join thread.
bool MediaSampleWriter::init(int fd, const std::weak_ptr<CallbackInterface>& callbacks) {
return init(DefaultMuxer::create(fd), callbacks);
bool MediaSampleWriter::init(const std::shared_ptr<MediaSampleWriterMuxerInterface>& muxer,
const std::weak_ptr<CallbackInterface>& callbacks) {
if (callbacks.lock() == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Callback object cannot be null";
return false;
} else if (muxer == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Muxer cannot be null";
return false;
std::scoped_lock lock(mStateMutex);
if (mState != UNINITIALIZED) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Sample writer is already initialized";
return false;
mMuxer = muxer;
mCallbacks = callbacks;
return true;
bool MediaSampleWriter::addTrack(const std::shared_ptr<MediaSampleQueue>& sampleQueue,
const std::shared_ptr<AMediaFormat>& trackFormat) {
if (sampleQueue == nullptr || trackFormat == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Sample queue and track format must be non-null";
return false;
std::scoped_lock lock(mStateMutex);
if (mState != INITIALIZED) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Muxer needs to be initialized when adding tracks.";
return false;
ssize_t trackIndex = mMuxer->addTrack(trackFormat.get());
if (trackIndex < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add media track to muxer: " << trackIndex;
return false;
int64_t durationUs;
if (!AMediaFormat_getInt64(trackFormat.get(), AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_DURATION, &durationUs)) {
durationUs = 0;
mAllTracks.push_back(std::make_unique<TrackRecord>(sampleQueue, static_cast<size_t>(trackIndex),
return true;
bool MediaSampleWriter::start() {
std::scoped_lock lock(mStateMutex);
if (mAllTracks.size() == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No tracks to write.";
return false;
} else if (mState != INITIALIZED) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Sample writer is not initialized";
return false;
mThread = std::thread([this] {
media_status_t status = writeSamples();
if (auto callbacks = mCallbacks.lock()) {
callbacks->onFinished(this, status);
mState = STARTED;
return true;
bool MediaSampleWriter::stop() {
std::scoped_lock lock(mStateMutex);
if (mState != STARTED) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Sample writer is not started.";
return false;
// Stop the sources, and wait for thread to join.
for (auto& track : mAllTracks) {
mState = STOPPED;
return true;
media_status_t MediaSampleWriter::writeSamples() {
media_status_t muxerStatus = mMuxer->start();
if (muxerStatus != AMEDIA_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error starting muxer: " << muxerStatus;
return muxerStatus;
media_status_t writeStatus = runWriterLoop();
if (writeStatus != AMEDIA_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error writing samples: " << writeStatus;
muxerStatus = mMuxer->stop();
if (muxerStatus != AMEDIA_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error stopping muxer: " << muxerStatus;
return writeStatus != AMEDIA_OK ? writeStatus : muxerStatus;
std::multiset<MediaSampleWriter::TrackRecord*>::iterator MediaSampleWriter::getNextOutputTrack() {
// Find the first track that has samples ready in its queue AND is not more than
// mMaxTrackDivergenceUs ahead of the slowest track. If no such track exists then return the
// slowest track and let the writer wait for samples to become ready. Note that mSortedTracks is
// sorted by each track's previous sample timestamp in ascending order.
auto slowestTrack = mSortedTracks.begin();
if (slowestTrack == mSortedTracks.end() || !(*slowestTrack)->mSampleQueue->isEmpty()) {
return slowestTrack;
const int64_t slowestTimeUs = (*slowestTrack)->mPrevSampleTimeUs;
int64_t divergenceUs;
for (auto it = std::next(slowestTrack); it != mSortedTracks.end(); ++it) {
// If the current track has diverged then the rest will have too, so we can stop the search.
// If not and it has samples ready then return it, otherwise keep looking.
if (__builtin_sub_overflow((*it)->mPrevSampleTimeUs, slowestTimeUs, &divergenceUs) ||
divergenceUs >= mMaxTrackDivergenceUs) {
} else if (!(*it)->mSampleQueue->isEmpty()) {
return it;
// No track with pending samples within acceptable time interval was found, so let the writer
// wait for the slowest track to produce a new sample.
return slowestTrack;
media_status_t MediaSampleWriter::runWriterLoop() {
AMediaCodecBufferInfo bufferInfo;
int32_t lastProgressUpdate = 0;
// Set the "primary" track that will be used to determine progress to the track with longest
// duration.
int primaryTrackIndex = -1;
int64_t longestDurationUs = 0;
for (auto& track : mAllTracks) {
if (track->mDurationUs > longestDurationUs) {
primaryTrackIndex = track->mTrackIndex;
longestDurationUs = track->mDurationUs;
while (true) {
auto outputTrackIter = getNextOutputTrack();
// Exit if all tracks have reached end of stream.
if (outputTrackIter == mSortedTracks.end()) {
// Remove the track from the set, update it, and then reinsert it to keep the set in order.
TrackRecord* track = *outputTrackIter;
std::shared_ptr<MediaSample> sample;
if (track->mSampleQueue->dequeue(&sample)) {
// Track queue was aborted.
return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN; // TODO(lnilsson): Custom error code.
} else if (sample->info.flags & SAMPLE_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) {
// Track reached end of stream.
track->mReachedEos = true;
// Preserve source track duration by setting the appropriate timestamp on the
// empty End-Of-Stream sample.
if (track->mDurationUs > 0 && track->mFirstSampleTimeSet) {
sample->info.presentationTimeUs = track->mDurationUs + track->mFirstSampleTimeUs;
track->mPrevSampleTimeUs = sample->info.presentationTimeUs;
if (!track->mFirstSampleTimeSet) {
// Record the first sample's timestamp in order to translate duration to EOS
// time for tracks that does not start at 0.
track->mFirstSampleTimeUs = sample->info.presentationTimeUs;
track->mFirstSampleTimeSet = true;
bufferInfo.offset = sample->dataOffset;
bufferInfo.size = sample->info.size;
bufferInfo.flags = sample->info.flags;
bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = sample->info.presentationTimeUs;
media_status_t status =
mMuxer->writeSampleData(track->mTrackIndex, sample->buffer, &bufferInfo);
if (status != AMEDIA_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "writeSampleData returned " << status;
return status;
// TODO(lnilsson): Add option to toggle progress reporting on/off.
if (track->mTrackIndex == primaryTrackIndex) {
const int64_t elapsed = track->mPrevSampleTimeUs - track->mFirstSampleTimeUs;
int32_t progress = (elapsed * 100) / track->mDurationUs;
progress = std::clamp(progress, 0, 100);
if (progress > lastProgressUpdate) {
if (auto callbacks = mCallbacks.lock()) {
callbacks->onProgressUpdate(this, progress);
lastProgressUpdate = progress;
if (!track->mReachedEos) {
return AMEDIA_OK;
} // namespace android