blob: 916d41e3bb787b95759b6f4f7d3c36b36f844209 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef CODEC_BASE_H_
#define CODEC_BASE_H_
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <media/hardware/CryptoAPI.h>
#include <media/hardware/HardwareAPI.h>
#include <media/MediaCodecInfo.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AHandler.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ColorUtils.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaErrors.h>
#include <system/graphics.h>
#include <utils/NativeHandle.h>
class C2Buffer;
namespace android {
class BufferChannelBase;
struct BufferProducerWrapper;
class MediaCodecBuffer;
struct PersistentSurface;
struct RenderedFrameInfo;
class Surface;
struct ICrypto;
class IMemory;
namespace hardware {
class HidlMemory;
namespace cas {
namespace native {
namespace V1_0 {
struct IDescrambler;
namespace drm {
namespace V1_0 {
struct SharedBuffer;
using hardware::cas::native::V1_0::IDescrambler;
struct CodecParameterDescriptor {
std::string name;
AMessage::Type type;
struct CodecBase : public AHandler, /* static */ ColorUtils {
* This interface defines events firing from CodecBase back to MediaCodec.
* All methods must not block.
class CodecCallback {
virtual ~CodecCallback() = default;
* Notify MediaCodec for seeing an output EOS.
* @param err the underlying cause of the EOS. If the value is neither
* OK nor ERROR_END_OF_STREAM, the EOS is declared
* prematurely for that error.
virtual void onEos(status_t err) = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that start operation is complete.
virtual void onStartCompleted() = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that stop operation is complete.
virtual void onStopCompleted() = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that release operation is complete.
virtual void onReleaseCompleted() = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that flush operation is complete.
virtual void onFlushCompleted() = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that an error is occurred.
* @param err an error code for the occurred error.
* @param actionCode an action code for severity of the error.
virtual void onError(status_t err, enum ActionCode actionCode) = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that the underlying component is allocated.
* @param componentName the unique name of the component specified in
* MediaCodecList.
virtual void onComponentAllocated(const char *componentName) = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that the underlying component is configured.
* @param inputFormat an input format at configure time.
* @param outputFormat an output format at configure time.
virtual void onComponentConfigured(
const sp<AMessage> &inputFormat, const sp<AMessage> &outputFormat) = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that the input surface is created.
* @param inputFormat an input format at surface creation. Formats
* could change from the previous state as a result
* of creating a surface.
* @param outputFormat an output format at surface creation.
* @param inputSurface the created surface.
virtual void onInputSurfaceCreated(
const sp<AMessage> &inputFormat,
const sp<AMessage> &outputFormat,
const sp<BufferProducerWrapper> &inputSurface) = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that the input surface creation is failed.
* @param err an error code of the cause.
virtual void onInputSurfaceCreationFailed(status_t err) = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that the component accepted the provided input
* surface.
* @param inputFormat an input format at surface assignment. Formats
* could change from the previous state as a result
* of assigning a surface.
* @param outputFormat an output format at surface assignment.
virtual void onInputSurfaceAccepted(
const sp<AMessage> &inputFormat,
const sp<AMessage> &outputFormat) = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that the component declined the provided input
* surface.
* @param err an error code of the cause.
virtual void onInputSurfaceDeclined(status_t err) = 0;
* Noitfy MediaCodec that the requested input EOS is sent to the input
* surface.
* @param err an error code returned from the surface. If there is no
* input surface, the value is INVALID_OPERATION.
virtual void onSignaledInputEOS(status_t err) = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that output frames are rendered with information on
* those frames.
* @param done a list of rendered frames.
virtual void onOutputFramesRendered(const std::list<RenderedFrameInfo> &done) = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that output buffers are changed.
virtual void onOutputBuffersChanged() = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that the first tunnel frame is ready.
virtual void onFirstTunnelFrameReady() = 0;
* This interface defines events firing from BufferChannelBase back to MediaCodec.
* All methods must not block.
class BufferCallback {
virtual ~BufferCallback() = default;
* Notify MediaCodec that an input buffer is available with given index.
* When BufferChannelBase::getInputBufferArray() is not called,
* BufferChannelBase may report different buffers with the same index if
* MediaCodec already queued/discarded the buffer. After calling
* BufferChannelBase::getInputBufferArray(), the buffer and index match the
* returned array.
virtual void onInputBufferAvailable(
size_t index, const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer) = 0;
* Notify MediaCodec that an output buffer is available with given index.
* When BufferChannelBase::getOutputBufferArray() is not called,
* BufferChannelBase may report different buffers with the same index if
* MediaCodec already queued/discarded the buffer. After calling
* BufferChannelBase::getOutputBufferArray(), the buffer and index match the
* returned array.
virtual void onOutputBufferAvailable(
size_t index, const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer) = 0;
enum {
kMaxCodecBufferSize = 8192 * 4096 * 4, // 8K RGBA
inline void setCallback(std::unique_ptr<CodecCallback> &&callback) {
mCallback = std::move(callback);
virtual std::shared_ptr<BufferChannelBase> getBufferChannel() = 0;
virtual void initiateAllocateComponent(const sp<AMessage> &msg) = 0;
virtual void initiateConfigureComponent(const sp<AMessage> &msg) = 0;
virtual void initiateCreateInputSurface() = 0;
virtual void initiateSetInputSurface(
const sp<PersistentSurface> &surface) = 0;
virtual void initiateStart() = 0;
virtual void initiateShutdown(bool keepComponentAllocated = false) = 0;
// require an explicit message handler
virtual void onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) = 0;
virtual status_t setSurface(const sp<Surface>& /*surface*/) { return INVALID_OPERATION; }
virtual void signalFlush() = 0;
virtual void signalResume() = 0;
virtual void signalRequestIDRFrame() = 0;
virtual void signalSetParameters(const sp<AMessage> &msg) = 0;
virtual void signalEndOfInputStream() = 0;
* Query supported parameters from this instance, and fill |names| with the
* names of the parameters.
* \param names string vector to fill with supported parameters.
* \return OK if successful;
* BAD_VALUE if |names| is null;
* INVALID_OPERATION if already released;
* ERROR_UNSUPPORTED if not supported.
virtual status_t querySupportedParameters(std::vector<std::string> *names);
* Fill |desc| with description of the parameter with |name|.
* \param name name of the parameter to describe
* \param desc pointer to CodecParameterDescriptor to be filled
* \return OK if successful;
* BAD_VALUE if |desc| is null;
* NAME_NOT_FOUND if |name| is not recognized by the component;
* INVALID_OPERATION if already released;
* ERROR_UNSUPPORTED if not supported.
virtual status_t describeParameter(
const std::string &name,
CodecParameterDescriptor *desc);
* Subscribe to parameters in |names| and get output format change event
* when they change.
* Unrecognized / already subscribed parameters are ignored.
* \param names names of parameters to subscribe
* \return OK if successful;
* INVALID_OPERATION if already released;
* ERROR_UNSUPPORTED if not supported.
virtual status_t subscribeToParameters(const std::vector<std::string> &names);
* Unsubscribe from parameters in |names| and no longer get
* output format change event when they change.
* Unrecognized / already unsubscribed parameters are ignored.
* \param names names of parameters to unsubscribe
* \return OK if successful;
* INVALID_OPERATION if already released;
* ERROR_UNSUPPORTED if not supported.
virtual status_t unsubscribeFromParameters(const std::vector<std::string> &names);
typedef CodecBase *(*CreateCodecFunc)(void);
typedef PersistentSurface *(*CreateInputSurfaceFunc)(void);
CodecBase() = default;
virtual ~CodecBase() = default;
std::unique_ptr<CodecCallback> mCallback;
* A channel between MediaCodec and CodecBase object which manages buffer
* passing. Only MediaCodec is expected to call these methods, and
* underlying CodecBase implementation should define its own interface
* separately for itself.
* Concurrency assumptions:
* 1) Clients may access the object at multiple threads concurrently.
* 2) All methods do not call underlying CodecBase object while holding a lock.
* 3) Code inside critical section executes within 1ms.
class BufferChannelBase {
BufferChannelBase() = default;
virtual ~BufferChannelBase() = default;
inline void setCallback(std::unique_ptr<CodecBase::BufferCallback> &&callback) {
mCallback = std::move(callback);
virtual void setCrypto(const sp<ICrypto> &) {}
virtual void setDescrambler(const sp<IDescrambler> &) {}
* Queue an input buffer into the buffer channel.
* @return OK if successful;
* -ENOENT if the buffer is not known (TODO: this should be
* handled gracefully in the future, here and below).
virtual status_t queueInputBuffer(const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer) = 0;
* Queue a secure input buffer into the buffer channel.
* @return OK if successful;
* -ENOENT if the buffer is not known;
* -ENOSYS if mCrypto is not set so that decryption is not
* possible;
* other errors if decryption failed.
virtual status_t queueSecureInputBuffer(
const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer,
bool secure,
const uint8_t *key,
const uint8_t *iv,
CryptoPlugin::Mode mode,
CryptoPlugin::Pattern pattern,
const CryptoPlugin::SubSample *subSamples,
size_t numSubSamples,
AString *errorDetailMsg) = 0;
* Attach a Codec 2.0 buffer to MediaCodecBuffer.
* @return OK if successful;
* -ENOENT if index is not recognized
* -ENOSYS if attaching buffer is not possible or not supported
virtual status_t attachBuffer(
const std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> &c2Buffer,
const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer) {
return -ENOSYS;
* Attach an encrypted HidlMemory buffer to an index
* @return OK if successful;
* -ENOENT if index is not recognized
* -ENOSYS if attaching buffer is not possible or not supported
virtual status_t attachEncryptedBuffer(
const sp<hardware::HidlMemory> &memory,
bool secure,
const uint8_t *key,
const uint8_t *iv,
CryptoPlugin::Mode mode,
CryptoPlugin::Pattern pattern,
size_t offset,
const CryptoPlugin::SubSample *subSamples,
size_t numSubSamples,
const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer,
AString* errorDetailMsg) {
return -ENOSYS;
* Request buffer rendering at specified time.
* @param timestampNs nanosecond timestamp for rendering time.
* @return OK if successful;
* -ENOENT if the buffer is not known.
virtual status_t renderOutputBuffer(
const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer, int64_t timestampNs) = 0;
* Poll for updates about rendered buffers.
* Triggers callbacks to CodecCallback::onOutputFramesRendered.
virtual void pollForRenderedBuffers() = 0;
* Discard a buffer to the underlying CodecBase object.
* TODO: remove once this operation can be handled by just clearing the
* reference.
* @return OK if successful;
* -ENOENT if the buffer is not known.
virtual status_t discardBuffer(const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer) = 0;
* Clear and fill array with input buffers.
virtual void getInputBufferArray(Vector<sp<MediaCodecBuffer>> *array) = 0;
* Clear and fill array with output buffers.
virtual void getOutputBufferArray(Vector<sp<MediaCodecBuffer>> *array) = 0;
* Convert binder IMemory to drm SharedBuffer
* \param memory IMemory object to store encrypted content.
* \param heapSeqNum Heap sequence number from ICrypto; -1 if N/A
* \param buf SharedBuffer structure to fill.
static void IMemoryToSharedBuffer(
const sp<IMemory> &memory,
int32_t heapSeqNum,
hardware::drm::V1_0::SharedBuffer *buf);
std::unique_ptr<CodecBase::BufferCallback> mCallback;
} // namespace android
#endif // CODEC_BASE_H_