blob: 8b9e93e0bec4f869e93f3357f0227fbd1d202795 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef A_CODEC_H_
#define A_CODEC_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <android/native_window.h>
#include <media/hardware/MetadataBufferType.h>
#include <media/IOMX.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AHierarchicalStateMachine.h>
#include <media/stagefright/CodecBase.h>
#include <media/stagefright/FrameRenderTracker.h>
#include <media/stagefright/SkipCutBuffer.h>
#include <OMX_Audio.h>
namespace android {
struct ABuffer;
struct MemoryDealer;
struct DescribeColorFormatParams;
struct ACodec : public AHierarchicalStateMachine, public CodecBase {
virtual void setNotificationMessage(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
void initiateSetup(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
virtual void initiateAllocateComponent(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
virtual void initiateConfigureComponent(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
virtual void initiateCreateInputSurface();
virtual void initiateSetInputSurface(const sp<PersistentSurface> &surface);
virtual void initiateStart();
virtual void initiateShutdown(bool keepComponentAllocated = false);
virtual status_t setSurface(const sp<Surface> &surface);
virtual void signalFlush();
virtual void signalResume();
virtual void signalSetParameters(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
virtual void signalEndOfInputStream();
virtual void signalRequestIDRFrame();
// AHierarchicalStateMachine implements the message handling
virtual void onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) {
struct PortDescription : public CodecBase::PortDescription {
size_t countBuffers();
IOMX::buffer_id bufferIDAt(size_t index) const;
sp<ABuffer> bufferAt(size_t index) const;
friend struct ACodec;
Vector<IOMX::buffer_id> mBufferIDs;
Vector<sp<ABuffer> > mBuffers;
void addBuffer(IOMX::buffer_id id, const sp<ABuffer> &buffer);
static bool isFlexibleColorFormat(
const sp<IOMX> &omx, IOMX::node_id node,
uint32_t colorFormat, bool usingNativeBuffers, OMX_U32 *flexibleEquivalent);
// Returns 0 if configuration is not supported. NOTE: this is treated by
// some OMX components as auto level, and by others as invalid level.
static int /* OMX_VIDEO_AVCLEVELTYPE */ getAVCLevelFor(
int width, int height, int rate, int bitrate,
virtual ~ACodec();
struct BaseState;
struct UninitializedState;
struct LoadedState;
struct LoadedToIdleState;
struct IdleToExecutingState;
struct ExecutingState;
struct OutputPortSettingsChangedState;
struct ExecutingToIdleState;
struct IdleToLoadedState;
struct FlushingState;
struct DeathNotifier;
enum {
kWhatSetup = 'setu',
kWhatOMXMessage = 'omx ',
// same as kWhatOMXMessage - but only used with
// handleMessage during OMX message-list handling
kWhatOMXMessageItem = 'omxI',
kWhatOMXMessageList = 'omxL',
kWhatInputBufferFilled = 'inpF',
kWhatOutputBufferDrained = 'outD',
kWhatShutdown = 'shut',
kWhatFlush = 'flus',
kWhatResume = 'resm',
kWhatDrainDeferredMessages = 'drai',
kWhatAllocateComponent = 'allo',
kWhatConfigureComponent = 'conf',
kWhatSetSurface = 'setS',
kWhatCreateInputSurface = 'cisf',
kWhatSetInputSurface = 'sisf',
kWhatSignalEndOfInputStream = 'eois',
kWhatStart = 'star',
kWhatRequestIDRFrame = 'ridr',
kWhatSetParameters = 'setP',
kWhatSubmitOutputMetadataBufferIfEOS = 'subm',
kWhatOMXDied = 'OMXd',
kWhatReleaseCodecInstance = 'relC',
enum {
kPortIndexInput = 0,
kPortIndexOutput = 1
enum {
kFlagIsSecure = 1,
kFlagPushBlankBuffersToNativeWindowOnShutdown = 2,
kFlagIsGrallocUsageProtected = 4,
enum {
struct BufferInfo {
enum Status {
UNRECOGNIZED, // not a tracked buffer
static inline Status getSafeStatus(BufferInfo *info) {
return info == NULL ? UNRECOGNIZED : info->mStatus;
IOMX::buffer_id mBufferID;
Status mStatus;
unsigned mDequeuedAt;
sp<ABuffer> mData;
sp<GraphicBuffer> mGraphicBuffer;
int mFenceFd;
FrameRenderTracker::Info *mRenderInfo;
// The following field and 4 methods are used for debugging only
bool mIsReadFence;
// Store |fenceFd| and set read/write flag. Log error, if there is already a fence stored.
void setReadFence(int fenceFd, const char *dbg);
void setWriteFence(int fenceFd, const char *dbg);
// Log error, if the current fence is not a read/write fence.
void checkReadFence(const char *dbg);
void checkWriteFence(const char *dbg);
static const char *_asString(BufferInfo::Status s);
void dumpBuffers(OMX_U32 portIndex);
// If |fd| is non-negative, waits for fence with |fd| and logs an error if it fails. Returns
// the error code or OK on success. If |fd| is negative, it returns OK
status_t waitForFence(int fd, const char *dbg);
struct BufferStats {
int64_t mEmptyBufferTimeUs;
int64_t mFillBufferDoneTimeUs;
KeyedVector<int64_t, BufferStats> mBufferStats;
sp<AMessage> mNotify;
sp<UninitializedState> mUninitializedState;
sp<LoadedState> mLoadedState;
sp<LoadedToIdleState> mLoadedToIdleState;
sp<IdleToExecutingState> mIdleToExecutingState;
sp<ExecutingState> mExecutingState;
sp<OutputPortSettingsChangedState> mOutputPortSettingsChangedState;
sp<ExecutingToIdleState> mExecutingToIdleState;
sp<IdleToLoadedState> mIdleToLoadedState;
sp<FlushingState> mFlushingState;
sp<SkipCutBuffer> mSkipCutBuffer;
AString mComponentName;
uint32_t mFlags;
uint32_t mQuirks;
sp<IOMX> mOMX;
IOMX::node_id mNode;
sp<MemoryDealer> mDealer[2];
sp<ANativeWindow> mNativeWindow;
int mNativeWindowUsageBits;
sp<AMessage> mInputFormat;
sp<AMessage> mOutputFormat;
sp<AMessage> mBaseOutputFormat;
FrameRenderTracker mRenderTracker; // render information for buffers rendered by ACodec
Vector<BufferInfo> mBuffers[2];
bool mPortEOS[2];
status_t mInputEOSResult;
List<sp<AMessage> > mDeferredQueue;
bool mSentFormat;
bool mIsVideo;
bool mIsEncoder;
bool mFatalError;
bool mShutdownInProgress;
bool mExplicitShutdown;
bool mHasLastCrop;
android_native_rect_t mLastCrop;
// If "mKeepComponentAllocated" we only transition back to Loaded state
// and do not release the component instance.
bool mKeepComponentAllocated;
int32_t mEncoderDelay;
int32_t mEncoderPadding;
int32_t mRotationDegrees;
bool mChannelMaskPresent;
int32_t mChannelMask;
unsigned mDequeueCounter;
MetadataBufferType mInputMetadataType;
MetadataBufferType mOutputMetadataType;
bool mLegacyAdaptiveExperiment;
int32_t mMetadataBuffersToSubmit;
size_t mNumUndequeuedBuffers;
int64_t mRepeatFrameDelayUs;
int64_t mMaxPtsGapUs;
float mMaxFps;
int64_t mTimePerFrameUs;
int64_t mTimePerCaptureUs;
bool mCreateInputBuffersSuspended;
bool mTunneled;
status_t setCyclicIntraMacroblockRefresh(const sp<AMessage> &msg, int32_t mode);
status_t allocateBuffersOnPort(OMX_U32 portIndex);
status_t freeBuffersOnPort(OMX_U32 portIndex);
status_t freeBuffer(OMX_U32 portIndex, size_t i);
status_t handleSetSurface(const sp<Surface> &surface);
status_t setupNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage(
ANativeWindow *nativeWindow /* nonnull */, int *finalUsage /* nonnull */);
status_t configureOutputBuffersFromNativeWindow(
OMX_U32 *nBufferCount, OMX_U32 *nBufferSize,
OMX_U32 *nMinUndequeuedBuffers);
status_t allocateOutputMetadataBuffers();
status_t submitOutputMetadataBuffer();
void signalSubmitOutputMetadataBufferIfEOS_workaround();
status_t allocateOutputBuffersFromNativeWindow();
status_t cancelBufferToNativeWindow(BufferInfo *info);
status_t freeOutputBuffersNotOwnedByComponent();
BufferInfo *dequeueBufferFromNativeWindow();
inline bool storingMetadataInDecodedBuffers() {
return mOutputMetadataType >= 0 && !mIsEncoder;
inline bool usingMetadataOnEncoderOutput() {
return mOutputMetadataType >= 0 && mIsEncoder;
BufferInfo *findBufferByID(
uint32_t portIndex, IOMX::buffer_id bufferID,
ssize_t *index = NULL);
status_t setComponentRole(bool isEncoder, const char *mime);
status_t configureCodec(const char *mime, const sp<AMessage> &msg);
status_t configureTunneledVideoPlayback(int32_t audioHwSync,
const sp<ANativeWindow> &nativeWindow);
status_t setVideoPortFormatType(
OMX_U32 portIndex,
OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE compressionFormat,
bool usingNativeBuffers = false);
status_t setSupportedOutputFormat(bool getLegacyFlexibleFormat);
status_t setupVideoDecoder(
const char *mime, const sp<AMessage> &msg, bool usingNativeBuffers);
status_t setupVideoEncoder(
const char *mime, const sp<AMessage> &msg);
status_t setVideoFormatOnPort(
OMX_U32 portIndex,
int32_t width, int32_t height,
OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE compressionFormat, float frameRate = -1.0);
typedef struct drcParams {
int32_t drcCut;
int32_t drcBoost;
int32_t heavyCompression;
int32_t targetRefLevel;
int32_t encodedTargetLevel;
} drcParams_t;
status_t setupAACCodec(
bool encoder,
int32_t numChannels, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t bitRate,
int32_t aacProfile, bool isADTS, int32_t sbrMode,
int32_t maxOutputChannelCount, const drcParams_t& drc,
int32_t pcmLimiterEnable);
status_t setupAC3Codec(bool encoder, int32_t numChannels, int32_t sampleRate);
status_t setupEAC3Codec(bool encoder, int32_t numChannels, int32_t sampleRate);
status_t selectAudioPortFormat(
OMX_U32 portIndex, OMX_AUDIO_CODINGTYPE desiredFormat);
status_t setupAMRCodec(bool encoder, bool isWAMR, int32_t bitRate);
status_t setupG711Codec(bool encoder, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t numChannels);
status_t setupFlacCodec(
bool encoder, int32_t numChannels, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t compressionLevel);
status_t setupRawAudioFormat(
OMX_U32 portIndex, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t numChannels);
status_t setPriority(int32_t priority);
status_t setOperatingRate(float rateFloat, bool isVideo);
status_t setMinBufferSize(OMX_U32 portIndex, size_t size);
status_t setupMPEG4EncoderParameters(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
status_t setupH263EncoderParameters(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
status_t setupAVCEncoderParameters(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
status_t setupHEVCEncoderParameters(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
status_t setupVPXEncoderParameters(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
status_t verifySupportForProfileAndLevel(int32_t profile, int32_t level);
status_t configureBitrate(
int32_t bitrate, OMX_VIDEO_CONTROLRATETYPE bitrateMode);
status_t setupErrorCorrectionParameters();
status_t initNativeWindow();
// Returns true iff all buffers on the given port have status
bool allYourBuffersAreBelongToUs(OMX_U32 portIndex);
bool allYourBuffersAreBelongToUs();
void waitUntilAllPossibleNativeWindowBuffersAreReturnedToUs();
size_t countBuffersOwnedByComponent(OMX_U32 portIndex) const;
size_t countBuffersOwnedByNativeWindow() const;
void deferMessage(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
void processDeferredMessages();
void onFrameRendered(int64_t mediaTimeUs, nsecs_t systemNano);
// called when we have dequeued a buffer |buf| from the native window to track render info.
// |fenceFd| is the dequeue fence, and |info| points to the buffer info where this buffer is
// stored.
void updateRenderInfoForDequeuedBuffer(
ANativeWindowBuffer *buf, int fenceFd, BufferInfo *info);
// Checks to see if any frames have rendered up until |until|, and to notify client
// (MediaCodec) of rendered frames up-until the frame pointed to by |until| or the first
// unrendered frame. These frames are removed from the render queue.
// If |dropIncomplete| is true, unrendered frames up-until |until| will be dropped from the
// queue, allowing all rendered framed up till then to be notified of.
// (This will effectively clear the render queue up-until (and including) |until|.)
// If |until| is NULL, or is not in the rendered queue, this method will check all frames.
void notifyOfRenderedFrames(
bool dropIncomplete = false, FrameRenderTracker::Info *until = NULL);
void sendFormatChange(const sp<AMessage> &reply);
status_t getPortFormat(OMX_U32 portIndex, sp<AMessage> &notify);
void signalError(
OMX_ERRORTYPE error = OMX_ErrorUndefined,
status_t internalError = UNKNOWN_ERROR);
static bool describeDefaultColorFormat(DescribeColorFormatParams &describeParams);
static bool describeColorFormat(
const sp<IOMX> &omx, IOMX::node_id node,
DescribeColorFormatParams &describeParams);
status_t requestIDRFrame();
status_t setParameters(const sp<AMessage> &params);
// Send EOS on input stream.
void onSignalEndOfInputStream();
} // namespace android
#endif // A_CODEC_H_