blob: 32c78a1640b9019c99706b99eaa9b17116b36faf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <DeviceDescriptor.h>
#include <HwModule.h>
#include <error/Result.h>
#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
namespace android {
// This class gathers together various bits of AudioPolicyManager configuration. It can be filled
// out either as a result of parsing the audio_policy_configuration.xml file, from the HAL data, or
// to default fallback data.
// The data in this class is immutable once loaded, this is why a pointer to a const is returned
// from the factory methods. However, this does not prevent modifications of data bits that
// are held inside collections, for example, individual modules, devices, etc.
class AudioPolicyConfig : public RefBase
// Surround formats, with an optional list of subformats that are equivalent from users' POV.
using SurroundFormats = std::unordered_map<audio_format_t, std::unordered_set<audio_format_t>>;
// The source used to indicate the default fallback configuration.
static const constexpr char* const kDefaultConfigSource = "AudioPolicyConfig::setDefault";
// The suffix of the "engine default" implementation shared library name.
static const constexpr char* const kDefaultEngineLibraryNameSuffix = "default";
// Creates the default (fallback) configuration.
static sp<const AudioPolicyConfig> createDefault();
// Attempts to load the configuration from the XML file, falls back to default on failure.
// If the XML file path is not provided, uses `audio_get_audio_policy_config_file` function.
static sp<const AudioPolicyConfig> loadFromApmXmlConfigWithFallback(
const std::string& xmlFilePath = "");
// The factory method to use in APM tests which craft the configuration manually.
static sp<AudioPolicyConfig> createWritableForTests();
// The factory method to use in APM tests which use a custom XML file.
static error::Result<sp<AudioPolicyConfig>> loadFromCustomXmlConfigForTests(
const std::string& xmlFilePath);
// The factory method to use in VTS tests. If the 'configPath' is empty,
// it is determined automatically from the list of known config paths.
static error::Result<sp<AudioPolicyConfig>> loadFromCustomXmlConfigForVtsTests(
const std::string& configPath, const std::string& xmlFileName);
~AudioPolicyConfig() = default;
const std::string& getSource() const {
return mSource;
void setSource(const std::string& file) {
mSource = file;
const std::string& getEngineLibraryNameSuffix() const {
return mEngineLibraryNameSuffix;
void setEngineLibraryNameSuffix(const std::string& suffix) {
mEngineLibraryNameSuffix = suffix;
const HwModuleCollection& getHwModules() const { return mHwModules; }
void setHwModules(const HwModuleCollection &hwModules)
mHwModules = hwModules;
const DeviceVector& getInputDevices() const
return mInputDevices;
const DeviceVector& getOutputDevices() const
return mOutputDevices;
void addDevice(const sp<DeviceDescriptor> &device)
if (audio_is_output_device(device->type())) {
} else if (audio_is_input_device(device->type())) {
void addInputDevices(const DeviceVector &inputDevices)
void addOutputDevices(const DeviceVector &outputDevices)
const sp<DeviceDescriptor>& getDefaultOutputDevice() const { return mDefaultOutputDevice; }
void setDefaultOutputDevice(const sp<DeviceDescriptor> &defaultDevice)
mDefaultOutputDevice = defaultDevice;
bool isCallScreenModeSupported() const { return mIsCallScreenModeSupported; }
void setCallScreenModeSupported(bool isCallScreenModeSupported)
mIsCallScreenModeSupported = isCallScreenModeSupported;
const SurroundFormats &getSurroundFormats() const
return mSurroundFormats;
void setDefaultSurroundFormats();
void setSurroundFormats(const SurroundFormats &surroundFormats)
mSurroundFormats = surroundFormats;
void setDefault();
friend class sp<AudioPolicyConfig>;
AudioPolicyConfig() = default;
void augmentData();
status_t loadFromXml(const std::string& xmlFilePath, bool forVts);
std::string mSource; // Not kDefaultConfigSource. Empty source means an empty config.
std::string mEngineLibraryNameSuffix = kDefaultEngineLibraryNameSuffix;
HwModuleCollection mHwModules; /**< Collection of Module, with Profiles, i.e. Mix Ports. */
DeviceVector mOutputDevices; // Attached output devices.
DeviceVector mInputDevices; // Attached input devices.
sp<DeviceDescriptor> mDefaultOutputDevice;
bool mIsCallScreenModeSupported = false;
SurroundFormats mSurroundFormats;
} // namespace android