blob: c078a9411fef4bf16e267e5b3f4aa39b97e0a1fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 ZXing authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Encapsulates logic that can detect an Aztec Code in an image, even if the Aztec Code
* is rotated or skewed, or partially obscured.
* @author David Olivier
* @author Frank Yellin
public final class Detector {
private static final int[] EXPECTED_CORNER_BITS = {
0xee0, // 07340 XXX .XX X.. ...
0x1dc, // 00734 ... XXX .XX X..
0x83b, // 04073 X.. ... XXX .XX
0x707, // 03407 .XX X.. ... XXX
private final BitMatrix image;
private boolean compact;
private int nbLayers;
private int nbDataBlocks;
private int nbCenterLayers;
private int shift;
public Detector(BitMatrix image) {
this.image = image;
public AztecDetectorResult detect() throws NotFoundException {
return detect(false);
* Detects an Aztec Code in an image.
* @param isMirror if true, image is a mirror-image of original
* @return {@link AztecDetectorResult} encapsulating results of detecting an Aztec Code
* @throws NotFoundException if no Aztec Code can be found
public AztecDetectorResult detect(boolean isMirror) throws NotFoundException {
// 1. Get the center of the aztec matrix
Point pCenter = getMatrixCenter();
// 2. Get the center points of the four diagonal points just outside the bull's eye
// [topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft, topLeft]
ResultPoint[] bullsEyeCorners = getBullsEyeCorners(pCenter);
if (isMirror) {
ResultPoint temp = bullsEyeCorners[0];
bullsEyeCorners[0] = bullsEyeCorners[2];
bullsEyeCorners[2] = temp;
// 3. Get the size of the matrix and other parameters from the bull's eye
// 4. Sample the grid
BitMatrix bits = sampleGrid(image,
bullsEyeCorners[shift % 4],
bullsEyeCorners[(shift + 1) % 4],
bullsEyeCorners[(shift + 2) % 4],
bullsEyeCorners[(shift + 3) % 4]);
// 5. Get the corners of the matrix.
ResultPoint[] corners = getMatrixCornerPoints(bullsEyeCorners);
return new AztecDetectorResult(bits, corners, compact, nbDataBlocks, nbLayers);
* Extracts the number of data layers and data blocks from the layer around the bull's eye.
* @param bullsEyeCorners the array of bull's eye corners
* @throws NotFoundException in case of too many errors or invalid parameters
private void extractParameters(ResultPoint[] bullsEyeCorners) throws NotFoundException {
if (!isValid(bullsEyeCorners[0]) || !isValid(bullsEyeCorners[1]) ||
!isValid(bullsEyeCorners[2]) || !isValid(bullsEyeCorners[3])) {
throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();
int length = 2 * nbCenterLayers;
// Get the bits around the bull's eye
int[] sides = {
sampleLine(bullsEyeCorners[0], bullsEyeCorners[1], length), // Right side
sampleLine(bullsEyeCorners[1], bullsEyeCorners[2], length), // Bottom
sampleLine(bullsEyeCorners[2], bullsEyeCorners[3], length), // Left side
sampleLine(bullsEyeCorners[3], bullsEyeCorners[0], length) // Top
// bullsEyeCorners[shift] is the corner of the bulls'eye that has three
// orientation marks.
// sides[shift] is the row/column that goes from the corner with three
// orientation marks to the corner with two.
shift = getRotation(sides, length);
// Flatten the parameter bits into a single 28- or 40-bit long
long parameterData = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int side = sides[(shift + i) % 4];
if (compact) {
// Each side of the form ..XXXXXXX. where Xs are parameter data
parameterData <<= 7;
parameterData += (side >> 1) & 0x7F;
} else {
// Each side of the form ..XXXXX.XXXXX. where Xs are parameter data
parameterData <<= 10;
parameterData += ((side >> 2) & (0x1f << 5)) + ((side >> 1) & 0x1F);
// Corrects parameter data using RS. Returns just the data portion
// without the error correction.
int correctedData = getCorrectedParameterData(parameterData, compact);
if (compact) {
// 8 bits: 2 bits layers and 6 bits data blocks
nbLayers = (correctedData >> 6) + 1;
nbDataBlocks = (correctedData & 0x3F) + 1;
} else {
// 16 bits: 5 bits layers and 11 bits data blocks
nbLayers = (correctedData >> 11) + 1;
nbDataBlocks = (correctedData & 0x7FF) + 1;
private static int getRotation(int[] sides, int length) throws NotFoundException {
// In a normal pattern, we expect to See
// ** .* D A
// * *
// . *
// .. .. C B
// Grab the 3 bits from each of the sides the form the locator pattern and concatenate
// into a 12-bit integer. Start with the bit at A
int cornerBits = 0;
for (int side : sides) {
// XX......X where X's are orientation marks
int t = ((side >> (length - 2)) << 1) + (side & 1);
cornerBits = (cornerBits << 3) + t;
// Mov the bottom bit to the top, so that the three bits of the locator pattern at A are
// together. cornerBits is now:
// 3 orientation bits at A || 3 orientation bits at B || ... || 3 orientation bits at D
cornerBits = ((cornerBits & 1) << 11) + (cornerBits >> 1);
// The result shift indicates which element of BullsEyeCorners[] goes into the top-left
// corner. Since the four rotation values have a Hamming distance of 8, we
// can easily tolerate two errors.
for (int shift = 0; shift < 4; shift++) {
if (Integer.bitCount(cornerBits ^ EXPECTED_CORNER_BITS[shift]) <= 2) {
return shift;
throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();
* Corrects the parameter bits using Reed-Solomon algorithm.
* @param parameterData parameter bits
* @param compact true if this is a compact Aztec code
* @throws NotFoundException if the array contains too many errors
private static int getCorrectedParameterData(long parameterData, boolean compact) throws NotFoundException {
int numCodewords;
int numDataCodewords;
if (compact) {
numCodewords = 7;
numDataCodewords = 2;
} else {
numCodewords = 10;
numDataCodewords = 4;
int numECCodewords = numCodewords - numDataCodewords;
int[] parameterWords = new int[numCodewords];
for (int i = numCodewords - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
parameterWords[i] = (int) parameterData & 0xF;
parameterData >>= 4;
try {
ReedSolomonDecoder rsDecoder = new ReedSolomonDecoder(GenericGF.AZTEC_PARAM);
rsDecoder.decode(parameterWords, numECCodewords);
} catch (ReedSolomonException ignored) {
throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();
// Toss the error correction. Just return the data as an integer
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numDataCodewords; i++) {
result = (result << 4) + parameterWords[i];
return result;
* Finds the corners of a bull-eye centered on the passed point.
* This returns the centers of the diagonal points just outside the bull's eye
* Returns [topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft, topLeft]
* @param pCenter Center point
* @return The corners of the bull-eye
* @throws NotFoundException If no valid bull-eye can be found
private ResultPoint[] getBullsEyeCorners(Point pCenter) throws NotFoundException {
Point pina = pCenter;
Point pinb = pCenter;
Point pinc = pCenter;
Point pind = pCenter;
boolean color = true;
for (nbCenterLayers = 1; nbCenterLayers < 9; nbCenterLayers++) {
Point pouta = getFirstDifferent(pina, color, 1, -1);
Point poutb = getFirstDifferent(pinb, color, 1, 1);
Point poutc = getFirstDifferent(pinc, color, -1, 1);
Point poutd = getFirstDifferent(pind, color, -1, -1);
//d a
//c b
if (nbCenterLayers > 2) {
float q = distance(poutd, pouta) * nbCenterLayers / (distance(pind, pina) * (nbCenterLayers + 2));
if (q < 0.75 || q > 1.25 || !isWhiteOrBlackRectangle(pouta, poutb, poutc, poutd)) {
pina = pouta;
pinb = poutb;
pinc = poutc;
pind = poutd;
color = !color;
if (nbCenterLayers != 5 && nbCenterLayers != 7) {
throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();
compact = nbCenterLayers == 5;
// Expand the square by .5 pixel in each direction so that we're on the border
// between the white square and the black square
ResultPoint pinax = new ResultPoint(pina.getX() + 0.5f, pina.getY() - 0.5f);
ResultPoint pinbx = new ResultPoint(pinb.getX() + 0.5f, pinb.getY() + 0.5f);
ResultPoint pincx = new ResultPoint(pinc.getX() - 0.5f, pinc.getY() + 0.5f);
ResultPoint pindx = new ResultPoint(pind.getX() - 0.5f, pind.getY() - 0.5f);
// Expand the square so that its corners are the centers of the points
// just outside the bull's eye.
return expandSquare(new ResultPoint[]{pinax, pinbx, pincx, pindx},
2 * nbCenterLayers - 3,
2 * nbCenterLayers);
* Finds a candidate center point of an Aztec code from an image
* @return the center point
private Point getMatrixCenter() {
ResultPoint pointA;
ResultPoint pointB;
ResultPoint pointC;
ResultPoint pointD;
//Get a white rectangle that can be the border of the matrix in center bull's eye or
try {
ResultPoint[] cornerPoints = new WhiteRectangleDetector(image).detect();
pointA = cornerPoints[0];
pointB = cornerPoints[1];
pointC = cornerPoints[2];
pointD = cornerPoints[3];
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
// This exception can be in case the initial rectangle is white
// In that case, surely in the bull's eye, we try to expand the rectangle.
int cx = image.getWidth() / 2;
int cy = image.getHeight() / 2;
pointA = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx + 7, cy - 7), false, 1, -1).toResultPoint();
pointB = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx + 7, cy + 7), false, 1, 1).toResultPoint();
pointC = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx - 7, cy + 7), false, -1, 1).toResultPoint();
pointD = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx - 7, cy - 7), false, -1, -1).toResultPoint();
//Compute the center of the rectangle
int cx = MathUtils.round((pointA.getX() + pointD.getX() + pointB.getX() + pointC.getX()) / 4.0f);
int cy = MathUtils.round((pointA.getY() + pointD.getY() + pointB.getY() + pointC.getY()) / 4.0f);
// Redetermine the white rectangle starting from previously computed center.
// This will ensure that we end up with a white rectangle in center bull's eye
// in order to compute a more accurate center.
try {
ResultPoint[] cornerPoints = new WhiteRectangleDetector(image, 15, cx, cy).detect();
pointA = cornerPoints[0];
pointB = cornerPoints[1];
pointC = cornerPoints[2];
pointD = cornerPoints[3];
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
// This exception can be in case the initial rectangle is white
// In that case we try to expand the rectangle.
pointA = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx + 7, cy - 7), false, 1, -1).toResultPoint();
pointB = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx + 7, cy + 7), false, 1, 1).toResultPoint();
pointC = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx - 7, cy + 7), false, -1, 1).toResultPoint();
pointD = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx - 7, cy - 7), false, -1, -1).toResultPoint();
// Recompute the center of the rectangle
cx = MathUtils.round((pointA.getX() + pointD.getX() + pointB.getX() + pointC.getX()) / 4.0f);
cy = MathUtils.round((pointA.getY() + pointD.getY() + pointB.getY() + pointC.getY()) / 4.0f);
return new Point(cx, cy);
* Gets the Aztec code corners from the bull's eye corners and the parameters.
* @param bullsEyeCorners the array of bull's eye corners
* @return the array of aztec code corners
private ResultPoint[] getMatrixCornerPoints(ResultPoint[] bullsEyeCorners) {
return expandSquare(bullsEyeCorners, 2 * nbCenterLayers, getDimension());
* Creates a BitMatrix by sampling the provided image.
* topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, and bottomLeft are the centers of the squares on the
* diagonal just outside the bull's eye.
private BitMatrix sampleGrid(BitMatrix image,
ResultPoint topLeft,
ResultPoint topRight,
ResultPoint bottomRight,
ResultPoint bottomLeft) throws NotFoundException {
GridSampler sampler = GridSampler.getInstance();
int dimension = getDimension();
float low = dimension / 2.0f - nbCenterLayers;
float high = dimension / 2.0f + nbCenterLayers;
return sampler.sampleGrid(image,
low, low, // topleft
high, low, // topright
high, high, // bottomright
low, high, // bottomleft
topLeft.getX(), topLeft.getY(),
topRight.getX(), topRight.getY(),
bottomRight.getX(), bottomRight.getY(),
bottomLeft.getX(), bottomLeft.getY());
* Samples a line.
* @param p1 start point (inclusive)
* @param p2 end point (exclusive)
* @param size number of bits
* @return the array of bits as an int (first bit is high-order bit of result)
private int sampleLine(ResultPoint p1, ResultPoint p2, int size) {
int result = 0;
float d = distance(p1, p2);
float moduleSize = d / size;
float px = p1.getX();
float py = p1.getY();
float dx = moduleSize * (p2.getX() - p1.getX()) / d;
float dy = moduleSize * (p2.getY() - p1.getY()) / d;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (image.get(MathUtils.round(px + i * dx), MathUtils.round(py + i * dy))) {
result |= 1 << (size - i - 1);
return result;
* @return true if the border of the rectangle passed in parameter is compound of white points only
* or black points only
private boolean isWhiteOrBlackRectangle(Point p1,
Point p2,
Point p3,
Point p4) {
int corr = 3;
p1 = new Point(Math.max(0, p1.getX() - corr), Math.min(image.getHeight() - 1, p1.getY() + corr));
p2 = new Point(Math.max(0, p2.getX() - corr), Math.max(0, p2.getY() - corr));
p3 = new Point(Math.min(image.getWidth() - 1, p3.getX() + corr),
Math.max(0, Math.min(image.getHeight() - 1, p3.getY() - corr)));
p4 = new Point(Math.min(image.getWidth() - 1, p4.getX() + corr),
Math.min(image.getHeight() - 1, p4.getY() + corr));
int cInit = getColor(p4, p1);
if (cInit == 0) {
return false;
int c = getColor(p1, p2);
if (c != cInit) {
return false;
c = getColor(p2, p3);
if (c != cInit) {
return false;
c = getColor(p3, p4);
return c == cInit;
* Gets the color of a segment
* @return 1 if segment more than 90% black, -1 if segment is more than 90% white, 0 else
private int getColor(Point p1, Point p2) {
float d = distance(p1, p2);
if (d == 0.0f) {
return 0;
float dx = (p2.getX() - p1.getX()) / d;
float dy = (p2.getY() - p1.getY()) / d;
int error = 0;
float px = p1.getX();
float py = p1.getY();
boolean colorModel = image.get(p1.getX(), p1.getY());
int iMax = (int) Math.floor(d);
for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
if (image.get(MathUtils.round(px), MathUtils.round(py)) != colorModel) {
px += dx;
py += dy;
float errRatio = error / d;
if (errRatio > 0.1f && errRatio < 0.9f) {
return 0;
return (errRatio <= 0.1f) == colorModel ? 1 : -1;
* Gets the coordinate of the first point with a different color in the given direction
private Point getFirstDifferent(Point init, boolean color, int dx, int dy) {
int x = init.getX() + dx;
int y = init.getY() + dy;
while (isValid(x, y) && image.get(x, y) == color) {
x += dx;
y += dy;
x -= dx;
y -= dy;
while (isValid(x, y) && image.get(x, y) == color) {
x += dx;
x -= dx;
while (isValid(x, y) && image.get(x, y) == color) {
y += dy;
y -= dy;
return new Point(x, y);
* Expand the square represented by the corner points by pushing out equally in all directions
* @param cornerPoints the corners of the square, which has the bull's eye at its center
* @param oldSide the original length of the side of the square in the target bit matrix
* @param newSide the new length of the size of the square in the target bit matrix
* @return the corners of the expanded square
private static ResultPoint[] expandSquare(ResultPoint[] cornerPoints, int oldSide, int newSide) {
float ratio = newSide / (2.0f * oldSide);
float dx = cornerPoints[0].getX() - cornerPoints[2].getX();
float dy = cornerPoints[0].getY() - cornerPoints[2].getY();
float centerx = (cornerPoints[0].getX() + cornerPoints[2].getX()) / 2.0f;
float centery = (cornerPoints[0].getY() + cornerPoints[2].getY()) / 2.0f;
ResultPoint result0 = new ResultPoint(centerx + ratio * dx, centery + ratio * dy);
ResultPoint result2 = new ResultPoint(centerx - ratio * dx, centery - ratio * dy);
dx = cornerPoints[1].getX() - cornerPoints[3].getX();
dy = cornerPoints[1].getY() - cornerPoints[3].getY();
centerx = (cornerPoints[1].getX() + cornerPoints[3].getX()) / 2.0f;
centery = (cornerPoints[1].getY() + cornerPoints[3].getY()) / 2.0f;
ResultPoint result1 = new ResultPoint(centerx + ratio * dx, centery + ratio * dy);
ResultPoint result3 = new ResultPoint(centerx - ratio * dx, centery - ratio * dy);
return new ResultPoint[]{result0, result1, result2, result3};
private boolean isValid(int x, int y) {
return x >= 0 && x < image.getWidth() && y >= 0 && y < image.getHeight();
private boolean isValid(ResultPoint point) {
int x = MathUtils.round(point.getX());
int y = MathUtils.round(point.getY());
return isValid(x, y);
private static float distance(Point a, Point b) {
return MathUtils.distance(a.getX(), a.getY(), b.getX(), b.getY());
private static float distance(ResultPoint a, ResultPoint b) {
return MathUtils.distance(a.getX(), a.getY(), b.getX(), b.getY());
private int getDimension() {
if (compact) {
return 4 * nbLayers + 11;
return 4 * nbLayers + 2 * ((2 * nbLayers + 6) / 15) + 15;
static final class Point {
private final int x;
private final int y;
ResultPoint toResultPoint() {
return new ResultPoint(x, y);
Point(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
int getX() {
return x;
int getY() {
return y;
public String toString() {
return "<" + x + ' ' + y + '>';