blob: 9b4a94b41a9bde343ef960ceb9476393d7a46619 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "components/zucchini/disassembler.h"
#include "components/zucchini/image_utils.h"
#include "components/zucchini/type_ztf.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace zucchini {
// Disassembler for text based files. This file format is supported for
// debugging Zucchini and is not intended for production usage.
// A valid Zucchini Text Format (ZTF) file is specified as follows:
// Header:
// The first four bytes must be - 'Z' 'T' 'x' 't'
// Footer:
// The last five bytes must be - 't' 'x' 'T' 'Z' '\n'
// (note that terminating new line is required).
// Content:
// The content can be any sequence of printable ASCII characters and new line
// (but not carriage return). This excludes the sequence that comprises the
// Footer.
// References:
// A reference is either Absolute or Relative. All references must begin and
// end with a pair of enclosing characters <open>, <close>. The options are:
// - Angles: '<' and '>'
// - Braces: '{' and '}'
// - Brackets: '[' and ']'
// - Parentheses: '(' and ')'
// A reference contains three items:
// - A line number <line>
// - A delimiter ',' <delimiter>
// - A column number <col>
// <line> and <col> may contain 1-3 digits and both must contain the same
// number of digits. If a number is too short then it can be left-padded
// with '0'.
// For Absolute references, <line> and <col> are 1-based (i.e. positive)
// index of line and column numbers of a character in the ZTF. This follows
// standard convention for text editors. Note that "\n" is considered to be
// part of a preceding line.
// <open><line><delimiter><col><close>
// For Relative references, <line> and <col> are integer offsets deltas of the
// target's (absolute) line and column relative to the line and column of the
// reference's first byte (i.e. <open>). Relative references have <sign> ('+'
// or '-') before <line> and <col>. For the special case of "0", "00", etc.,
// <sign> must be "+".
// <open><sign><line><delimiter><sign><col><close>
// If a reference points outside the target either in writing or reading it is
// considered invalid and ignored. Similarly if it overflows a line. i.e. if a
// line is 10 characters long and a references targets character 11 of that
// line it is rejected. Lines are delimited with '\n' which is counted toward
// the line length.
// If a reference is to be written that would overwrite a '\n' character it is
// ignored as this would break all other line values.
enum : size_t { kMaxDigitCount = 3 };
// Helper class for translating among offset_t, ztf::LineCol and
// ztf::DeltaLineCol.
class ZtfTranslator {
ZtfTranslator(const ZtfTranslator&) = delete;
const ZtfTranslator& operator=(const ZtfTranslator&) = delete;
// Initializes |line_starts_| with the contents of |image|.
bool Init(ConstBufferView image);
// Checks if |lc| is a valid location in the file.
bool IsValid(ztf::LineCol lc) const;
// Checks if |dlc| relative to |offset| is a valid location in the file.
bool IsValid(offset_t offset, ztf::DeltaLineCol dlc) const;
// Returns the offset corresponding to |line_col| if it is valid. Otherwise
// returns |kInvalidOffset|.
offset_t LineColToOffset(ztf::LineCol line_col) const;
// Returns the ztf::LineCol for an |offset| if it is valid. Otherwise returns
// absl::nullopt.
absl::optional<ztf::LineCol> OffsetToLineCol(offset_t offset) const;
// Returns an iterator to the range containing |offset|. Which is represented
// by the starting offset. The next element will contain the upper bound of
// the range.
std::vector<offset_t>::const_iterator SearchForRange(offset_t offset) const;
// Returns the length of a 1-indexed line. The caller is expected to check
// that the requested line exists.
offset_t LineLength(uint16_t line) const;
offset_t NumLines() const {
return static_cast<offset_t>(line_starts_.size() - 1);
// |line_starts_| is a sorted list of each line's starting offset, along with
// the image size as the sentinel; it looks like {0, ..., image.size}.
std::vector<offset_t> line_starts_;
// Disassembler for Zucchini Text Format (ZTF).
class DisassemblerZtf : public Disassembler {
static constexpr uint16_t kVersion = 1;
// Target Pools
enum ReferencePool : uint8_t {
kAngles, // <>
kBraces, // {}
kBrackets, // []
kParentheses // ()
// Type breakdown. Should contain all permutations of ReferencePool, Abs|Rel
// and the possible number of digits (1-3).
enum ReferenceType : uint8_t {
DisassemblerZtf(const DisassemblerZtf&) = delete;
const DisassemblerZtf& operator=(const DisassemblerZtf&) = delete;
~DisassemblerZtf() override;
// Applies quick checks to determine if |image| *may* point to the start of a
// ZTF file. Returns true on success.
static bool QuickDetect(ConstBufferView image);
// Disassembler:
ExecutableType GetExeType() const override;
std::string GetExeTypeString() const override;
std::vector<ReferenceGroup> MakeReferenceGroups() const override;
// Reference Readers, templated to allow configurable digit count and pool.
template <uint8_t digits, ReferencePool pool>
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceReader> MakeReadAbs(offset_t lo, offset_t hi);
template <uint8_t digits, ReferencePool pool>
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceReader> MakeReadRel(offset_t lo, offset_t hi);
// Reference Writers, templated to allow configurable digit count and pool.
template <uint8_t digits, ReferencePool pool>
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceWriter> MakeWriteAbs(MutableBufferView image);
template <uint8_t digits, ReferencePool pool>
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceWriter> MakeWriteRel(MutableBufferView image);
friend Disassembler;
// Disassembler:
bool Parse(ConstBufferView image) override;
ZtfTranslator translator_;
} // namespace zucchini