blob: 508d3313af48d87fc454fa87a8e801427e527e86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace zucchini {
namespace dex {
// Contains types that models DEX executable format data structures.
// See
// The supported versions are 035 and 037.
enum class FormatId : uint8_t {
b, // 22b.
c, // 21c, 22c, 31c, 35c, 3rc.
h, // 21h.
i, // 31i.
l, // 51l.
n, // 11n.
s, // 21s, 22s.
t, // 10t, 20t, 21t, 22t, 30t, 31t.
x, // 10x, 11x, 12x, 22x, 23x, 32x.
struct Instruction {
Instruction() = default;
constexpr Instruction(uint8_t opcode_in,
uint8_t layout_in,
FormatId format_in,
uint8_t variant_in = 1)
: opcode(opcode_in),
variant(variant_in) {}
// The opcode that identifies the instruction.
uint8_t opcode;
// Number of uint16_t units for the instruction.
uint8_t layout;
// Identifier that groups similar instructions, as quick filter.
FormatId format;
// Number of successive opcodes that have the same format.
uint8_t variant = 1;
constexpr Instruction kByteCode[] = {
{0x00, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x01, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x02, 2, FormatId::x},
{0x03, 3, FormatId::x},
{0x04, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x05, 2, FormatId::x},
{0x06, 3, FormatId::x},
{0x07, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x08, 2, FormatId::x},
{0x09, 3, FormatId::x},
{0x0A, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x0B, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x0C, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x0D, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x0E, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x0F, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x10, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x11, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x12, 1, FormatId::n},
{0x13, 2, FormatId::s},
{0x14, 3, FormatId::i},
{0x15, 2, FormatId::h},
{0x16, 2, FormatId::s},
{0x17, 3, FormatId::i},
{0x18, 5, FormatId::l},
{0x19, 2, FormatId::h},
{0x1A, 2, FormatId::c},
{0x1B, 3, FormatId::c},
{0x1C, 2, FormatId::c},
{0x1D, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x1E, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x1F, 2, FormatId::c},
{0x20, 2, FormatId::c},
{0x21, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x22, 2, FormatId::c},
{0x23, 2, FormatId::c},
{0x24, 3, FormatId::c},
{0x25, 3, FormatId::c},
{0x26, 3, FormatId::t},
{0x27, 1, FormatId::x},
{0x28, 1, FormatId::t},
{0x29, 2, FormatId::t},
{0x2A, 3, FormatId::t},
{0x2B, 3, FormatId::t},
{0x2C, 3, FormatId::t},
{0x2D, 2, FormatId::x, 5},
{0x32, 2, FormatId::t, 6},
{0x38, 2, FormatId::t, 6},
// {0x3E, 1, FormatId::x, 6}, unused
{0x44, 2, FormatId::x, 14},
{0x52, 2, FormatId::c, 14},
{0x60, 2, FormatId::c, 14},
{0x6E, 3, FormatId::c, 5},
// {0x73, 1, FormatId::x}, unused
{0x74, 3, FormatId::c, 5},
// {0x79, 1, FormatId::x, 2}, unused
{0x7B, 1, FormatId::x, 21},
{0x90, 2, FormatId::x, 32},
{0xB0, 1, FormatId::x, 32},
{0xD0, 2, FormatId::s, 8},
{0xD8, 2, FormatId::b, 11},
// {0xE3, 1, FormatId::x, 29}, unused
// Supported by MSVC, g++, and clang++. Ensures no gaps in packing.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// header_item: Appears in the header section.
struct HeaderItem {
uint8_t magic[8];
uint32_t checksum;
uint8_t signature[20];
uint32_t file_size;
uint32_t header_size;
uint32_t endian_tag;
uint32_t link_size;
uint32_t link_off;
uint32_t map_off;
uint32_t string_ids_size;
uint32_t string_ids_off;
uint32_t type_ids_size;
uint32_t type_ids_off;
uint32_t proto_ids_size;
uint32_t proto_ids_off;
uint32_t field_ids_size;
uint32_t field_ids_off;
uint32_t method_ids_size;
uint32_t method_ids_off;
uint32_t class_defs_size;
uint32_t class_defs_off;
uint32_t data_size;
uint32_t data_off;
// string_id_item: String identifiers list.
struct StringIdItem {
uint32_t string_data_off;
// type_id_item: Type identifiers list.
struct TypeIdItem {
uint32_t descriptor_idx;
// proto_id_item: Method prototype identifiers list.
struct ProtoIdItem {
uint32_t shorty_idx;
uint32_t return_type_idx;
uint32_t parameters_off;
// field_id_item: Field identifiers list.
struct FieldIdItem {
uint16_t class_idx;
uint16_t type_idx;
uint32_t name_idx;
// method_id_item: Method identifiers list.
struct MethodIdItem {
uint16_t class_idx;
uint16_t proto_idx;
uint32_t name_idx;
// class_def_item: Class definitions list.
struct ClassDefItem {
uint32_t class_idx;
uint32_t access_flags;
uint32_t superclass_idx;
uint32_t interfaces_off;
uint32_t source_file_idx;
uint32_t annotations_off;
uint32_t class_data_off;
uint32_t static_values_off;
// code_item: Header of a code item.
struct CodeItem {
uint16_t registers_size;
uint16_t ins_size;
uint16_t outs_size;
uint16_t tries_size;
uint32_t debug_info_off;
uint32_t insns_size;
// Variable length data follow for complete code item.
constexpr uint32_t kMaxItemListSize = 18;
// map_item
struct MapItem {
uint16_t type;
uint16_t unused;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t offset;
// map_list
struct MapList {
uint32_t size;
MapItem list[kMaxItemListSize];
// type_item
struct TypeItem {
uint16_t type_idx;
// annotation_set_ref_item
struct AnnotationSetRefItem {
uint32_t annotations_off;
// annotation_off_item
struct AnnotationOffItem {
uint32_t annotation_off;
// try_item
struct TryItem {
uint32_t start_addr;
uint16_t insn_count;
uint16_t handler_off;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeHeaderItem = 0x0000;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeStringIdItem = 0x0001;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeTypeIdItem = 0x0002;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeProtoIdItem = 0x0003;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeFieldIdItem = 0x0004;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeMethodIdItem = 0x0005;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeClassDefItem = 0x0006;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeMapList = 0x1000;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeTypeList = 0x1001;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeAnnotationSetRefList = 0x1002;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeAnnotationSetItem = 0x1003;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeClassDataItem = 0x2000;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeCodeItem = 0x2001;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeStringDataItem = 0x2002;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeDebugInfoItem = 0x2003;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeAnnotationItem = 0x2004;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeEncodedArrayItem = 0x2005;
constexpr uint16_t kTypeAnnotationsDirectoryItem = 0x2006;
#pragma pack(pop)
} // namespace dex
} // namespace zucchini