Simplify segfault fix

Take advantage of the fact that `chainLog <= windowLog`.
diff --git a/lib/compress/zstd_compress.c b/lib/compress/zstd_compress.c
index a575534..aef769f 100644
--- a/lib/compress/zstd_compress.c
+++ b/lib/compress/zstd_compress.c
@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@
         if (cctx->lowLimit > (1<<30)) {
             U32 const btplus = (cctx->params.cParams.strategy == ZSTD_btlazy2) | (cctx->params.cParams.strategy == ZSTD_btopt) | (cctx->params.cParams.strategy == ZSTD_btopt2);
             U32 const chainMask = (1 << (cctx->params.cParams.chainLog - btplus)) - 1;
-            U32 const supLog = MAX(MAX(cctx->params.cParams.chainLog, 17 /* blockSize */), cctx->params.cParams.windowLog);
+            U32 const supLog = MAX(cctx->params.cParams.windowLog, 17 /* blockSize */);
             U32 const newLowLimit = (cctx->lowLimit & chainMask) + (1 << supLog);   /* preserve position % chainSize, ensure current-repcode doesn't underflow */
             U32 const correction = cctx->lowLimit - newLowLimit;
             ZSTD_reduceIndex(cctx, correction);