p2p: pick 5g channel from more possible channels

There are more possible available channels for 5G currently.
Especially in EU region, the operating class 115 channels are
no longer available.

Bug: 169424006
Test: manual test
      * execute "adb shell cmd wifi force-country-code enabled GB"
      * modify CtsVerifier "GO with config" test to use 5G band.
      * use modified CtsVerifier to execute "GO with config" test
Change-Id: If88fdc220609339fae20c69e3ac15fa8b421490e
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/p2p_supplicant.c b/wpa_supplicant/p2p_supplicant.c
index b0bea61..2f4682e 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/p2p_supplicant.c
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/p2p_supplicant.c
@@ -5961,8 +5961,31 @@
 		} else {
 			if (os_get_random((u8 *) &r, sizeof(r)) < 0)
 				return -1;
-			freq = 5180 + (r % 4) * 20;
-			if (!p2p_supported_freq_go(wpa_s->global->p2p, freq)) {
+			/*
+			 * most of 5G channels are DFS, only operating class 115 and 124
+			 * are available possibly, randomly pick a start to check them.
+			 */
+			int possible_5g_freqs[] = {
+				/* operating class 115 */
+				5180, 5200, 5220, 5240,
+				/* operating class 124 */
+				5745, 5765, 5785, 5805,
+			};
+			int possible_5g_freqs_num =
+			    sizeof(possible_5g_freqs)/sizeof(possible_5g_freqs[0]);
+			int i;
+			for (i = 0; i < possible_5g_freqs_num; i++, r++) {
+				if (p2p_supported_freq_go(
+				    wpa_s->global->p2p,
+				    possible_5g_freqs[r % possible_5g_freqs_num])) {
+					freq = possible_5g_freqs[r % possible_5g_freqs_num];
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (i >= possible_5g_freqs_num) {
 				wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "P2P: Could not select "
 					   "5 GHz channel for P2P group");
 				return -1;