blob: 12d4a3ee93122a9a3496af486c9c7f5d0d148276 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/include/remote_bitrate_estimator.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace testing {
namespace bwe {
class Packet {
enum Type { kMedia, kFeedback };
Packet(int flow_id, int64_t send_time_us, size_t payload_size);
virtual ~Packet();
virtual bool operator<(const Packet& rhs) const;
virtual int flow_id() const { return flow_id_; }
virtual int64_t creation_time_us() const { return creation_time_us_; }
virtual void set_send_time_us(int64_t send_time_us);
virtual int64_t send_time_us() const { return send_time_us_; }
virtual size_t payload_size() const { return payload_size_; }
virtual Packet::Type GetPacketType() const = 0;
int flow_id_;
int64_t creation_time_us_; // Time when the packet was created.
int64_t send_time_us_; // Time the packet left last processor touching it.
size_t payload_size_; // Size of the (non-existent, simulated) payload.
class MediaPacket : public Packet {
MediaPacket(int flow_id,
int64_t send_time_us,
size_t payload_size,
const RTPHeader& header);
MediaPacket(int64_t send_time_us, uint32_t sequence_number);
virtual ~MediaPacket() {}
int64_t GetAbsSendTimeInMs() const {
int64_t timestamp = header_.extension.absoluteSendTime
<< kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift;
return 1000.0 * timestamp / static_cast<double>(1 << kInterArrivalShift);
void SetAbsSendTimeMs(int64_t abs_send_time_ms);
const RTPHeader& header() const { return header_; }
virtual Packet::Type GetPacketType() const { return kMedia; }
static const int kAbsSendTimeFraction = 18;
static const int kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift = 8;
static const int kInterArrivalShift =
kAbsSendTimeFraction + kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift;
RTPHeader header_;
class FeedbackPacket : public Packet {
FeedbackPacket(int flow_id, int64_t send_time_us)
: Packet(flow_id, send_time_us, 0) {}
virtual ~FeedbackPacket() {}
virtual Packet::Type GetPacketType() const { return kFeedback; }
class RembFeedback : public FeedbackPacket {
RembFeedback(int flow_id,
int64_t send_time_us,
uint32_t estimated_bps,
RTCPReportBlock report_block);
virtual ~RembFeedback() {}
uint32_t estimated_bps() const { return estimated_bps_; }
RTCPReportBlock report_block() const { return report_block_; }
const uint32_t estimated_bps_;
const RTCPReportBlock report_block_;
class SendSideBweFeedback : public FeedbackPacket {
typedef std::map<uint16_t, int64_t> ArrivalTimesMap;
SendSideBweFeedback(int flow_id,
int64_t send_time_us,
const std::vector<PacketInfo>& packet_feedback_vector);
virtual ~SendSideBweFeedback() {}
const std::vector<PacketInfo>& packet_feedback_vector() const {
return packet_feedback_vector_;
const std::vector<PacketInfo> packet_feedback_vector_;
class NadaFeedback : public FeedbackPacket {
NadaFeedback(int flow_id,
int64_t send_time_us,
int64_t congestion_signal,
float derivative)
: FeedbackPacket(flow_id, send_time_us),
derivative_(derivative) {}
virtual ~NadaFeedback() {}
int64_t congestion_signal() const { return congestion_signal_; }
float derivative() const { return derivative_; }
int64_t congestion_signal_;
float derivative_;
typedef std::list<Packet*> Packets;
typedef std::list<Packet*>::iterator PacketsIt;
typedef std::list<Packet*>::const_iterator PacketsConstIt;
} // namespace bwe
} // namespace testing
} // namespace webrtc