blob: 2970ab34a064f0e7c7d133cb10d498ac25eaf630 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/voice_engine/test/auto_test/fixtures/after_streaming_fixture.h"
#include "webrtc/voice_engine/voice_engine_defines.h"
class CodecTest : public AfterStreamingFixture {
void SetUp() {
memset(&codec_instance_, 0, sizeof(codec_instance_));
void SetArbitrarySendCodec() {
// Just grab the first codec.
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->GetCodec(0, codec_instance_));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->SetSendCodec(channel_, codec_instance_));
webrtc::CodecInst codec_instance_;
static void SetRateIfILBC(webrtc::CodecInst* codec_instance, int packet_size) {
if (!_stricmp(codec_instance->plname, "ilbc")) {
if (packet_size == 160 || packet_size == 320) {
codec_instance->rate = 15200;
} else {
codec_instance->rate = 13300;
static bool IsNotViableSendCodec(const char* codec_name) {
return !_stricmp(codec_name, "CN") ||
!_stricmp(codec_name, "telephone-event") ||
!_stricmp(codec_name, "red");
TEST_F(CodecTest, PcmuIsDefaultCodecAndHasTheRightValues) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->GetSendCodec(channel_, codec_instance_));
EXPECT_EQ(1, codec_instance_.channels);
EXPECT_EQ(160, codec_instance_.pacsize);
EXPECT_EQ(8000, codec_instance_.plfreq);
EXPECT_EQ(0, codec_instance_.pltype);
EXPECT_EQ(64000, codec_instance_.rate);
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("PCMU", codec_instance_.plname);
TEST_F(CodecTest, VoiceActivityDetectionIsOffByDefault) {
bool vad_enabled = false;
bool dtx_disabled = false;
webrtc::VadModes vad_mode = webrtc::kVadAggressiveMid;
voe_codec_->GetVADStatus(channel_, vad_enabled, vad_mode, dtx_disabled);
EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::kVadConventional, vad_mode);
TEST_F(CodecTest, VoiceActivityDetectionCanBeEnabled) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->SetVADStatus(channel_, true));
bool vad_enabled = false;
bool dtx_disabled = false;
webrtc::VadModes vad_mode = webrtc::kVadAggressiveMid;
voe_codec_->GetVADStatus(channel_, vad_enabled, vad_mode, dtx_disabled);
EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::kVadConventional, vad_mode);
TEST_F(CodecTest, VoiceActivityDetectionTypeSettingsCanBeChanged) {
bool vad_enabled = false;
bool dtx_disabled = false;
webrtc::VadModes vad_mode = webrtc::kVadAggressiveMid;
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->SetVADStatus(
channel_, true, webrtc::kVadAggressiveLow, false));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->GetVADStatus(
channel_, vad_enabled, vad_mode, dtx_disabled));
EXPECT_EQ(vad_mode, webrtc::kVadAggressiveLow);
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->SetVADStatus(
channel_, true, webrtc::kVadAggressiveMid, false));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->GetVADStatus(
channel_, vad_enabled, vad_mode, dtx_disabled));
EXPECT_EQ(vad_mode, webrtc::kVadAggressiveMid);
// The fourth argument is the DTX disable flag.
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->SetVADStatus(
channel_, true, webrtc::kVadAggressiveHigh, true));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->GetVADStatus(
channel_, vad_enabled, vad_mode, dtx_disabled));
EXPECT_EQ(vad_mode, webrtc::kVadAggressiveHigh);
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->SetVADStatus(
channel_, true, webrtc::kVadConventional, true));
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->GetVADStatus(
channel_, vad_enabled, vad_mode, dtx_disabled));
EXPECT_EQ(vad_mode, webrtc::kVadConventional);
TEST_F(CodecTest, VoiceActivityDetectionCanBeTurnedOff) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->SetVADStatus(channel_, true));
// VAD is always on when DTX is on, so we need to turn off DTX too.
EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec_->SetVADStatus(
channel_, false, webrtc::kVadConventional, true));
bool vad_enabled = false;
bool dtx_disabled = false;
webrtc::VadModes vad_mode = webrtc::kVadAggressiveMid;
voe_codec_->GetVADStatus(channel_, vad_enabled, vad_mode, dtx_disabled);
EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::kVadConventional, vad_mode);
// TODO(xians, phoglund): Re-enable when issue 372 is resolved.
TEST_F(CodecTest, DISABLED_ManualVerifySendCodecsForAllPacketSizes) {
for (int i = 0; i < voe_codec_->NumOfCodecs(); ++i) {
voe_codec_->GetCodec(i, codec_instance_);
if (IsNotViableSendCodec(codec_instance_.plname)) {
TEST_LOG("Skipping %s.\n", codec_instance_.plname);
EXPECT_NE(-1, codec_instance_.pltype) <<
"The codec database should suggest a payload type.";
// Test with default packet size:
TEST_LOG("%s (pt=%d): default packet size(%d), accepts sizes ",
codec_instance_.plname, codec_instance_.pltype,
voe_codec_->SetSendCodec(channel_, codec_instance_);
// Now test other reasonable packet sizes:
bool at_least_one_succeeded = false;
for (int packet_size = 80; packet_size < 1000; packet_size += 80) {
SetRateIfILBC(&codec_instance_, packet_size);
codec_instance_.pacsize = packet_size;
if (voe_codec_->SetSendCodec(channel_, codec_instance_) != -1) {
// Note that it's fine for SetSendCodec to fail - what packet sizes
// it accepts depends on the codec. It should accept one at minimum.
TEST_LOG("%d ", packet_size);
at_least_one_succeeded = true;