blob: f2d92ef64ea6512fe0a8100965e60b410c0ca24d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/port.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/portallocator.h"
#include "webrtc/base/messagequeue.h"
#include "webrtc/base/network.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/base/thread.h"
namespace cricket {
struct RelayCredentials {
RelayCredentials() {}
RelayCredentials(const std::string& username,
const std::string& password)
: username(username),
password(password) {
std::string username;
std::string password;
typedef std::vector<ProtocolAddress> PortList;
struct RelayServerConfig {
RelayServerConfig(RelayType type) : type(type), priority(0) {}
RelayType type;
PortList ports;
RelayCredentials credentials;
int priority;
class BasicPortAllocator : public PortAllocator {
BasicPortAllocator(rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager,
rtc::PacketSocketFactory* socket_factory);
explicit BasicPortAllocator(rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager);
BasicPortAllocator(rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager,
rtc::PacketSocketFactory* socket_factory,
const ServerAddresses& stun_servers);
BasicPortAllocator(rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager,
const ServerAddresses& stun_servers,
const rtc::SocketAddress& relay_server_udp,
const rtc::SocketAddress& relay_server_tcp,
const rtc::SocketAddress& relay_server_ssl);
virtual ~BasicPortAllocator();
rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager() { return network_manager_; }
// If socket_factory() is set to NULL each PortAllocatorSession
// creates its own socket factory.
rtc::PacketSocketFactory* socket_factory() { return socket_factory_; }
const ServerAddresses& stun_servers() const {
return stun_servers_;
const std::vector<RelayServerConfig>& relays() const {
return relays_;
virtual void AddRelay(const RelayServerConfig& relay) {
virtual PortAllocatorSession* CreateSessionInternal(
const std::string& content_name,
int component,
const std::string& ice_ufrag,
const std::string& ice_pwd);
void Construct();
rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager_;
rtc::PacketSocketFactory* socket_factory_;
const ServerAddresses stun_servers_;
std::vector<RelayServerConfig> relays_;
bool allow_tcp_listen_;
struct PortConfiguration;
class AllocationSequence;
class BasicPortAllocatorSession : public PortAllocatorSession,
public rtc::MessageHandler {
BasicPortAllocatorSession(BasicPortAllocator* allocator,
const std::string& content_name,
int component,
const std::string& ice_ufrag,
const std::string& ice_pwd);
virtual BasicPortAllocator* allocator() { return allocator_; }
rtc::Thread* network_thread() { return network_thread_; }
rtc::PacketSocketFactory* socket_factory() { return socket_factory_; }
virtual void StartGettingPorts();
virtual void StopGettingPorts();
virtual bool IsGettingPorts() { return running_; }
// Starts the process of getting the port configurations.
virtual void GetPortConfigurations();
// Adds a port configuration that is now ready. Once we have one for each
// network (or a timeout occurs), we will start allocating ports.
virtual void ConfigReady(PortConfiguration* config);
// MessageHandler. Can be overriden if message IDs do not conflict.
virtual void OnMessage(rtc::Message *message);
class PortData {
PortData() : port_(NULL), sequence_(NULL), state_(STATE_INIT) {}
PortData(Port* port, AllocationSequence* seq)
: port_(port), sequence_(seq), state_(STATE_INIT) {
Port* port() { return port_; }
AllocationSequence* sequence() { return sequence_; }
bool ready() const { return state_ == STATE_READY; }
bool complete() const {
// Returns true if candidate allocation has completed one way or another.
return ((state_ == STATE_COMPLETE) || (state_ == STATE_ERROR));
void set_ready() { ASSERT(state_ == STATE_INIT); state_ = STATE_READY; }
void set_complete() {
void set_error() {
ASSERT(state_ == STATE_INIT || state_ == STATE_READY);
state_ = STATE_ERROR;
enum State {
STATE_INIT, // No candidates allocated yet.
STATE_READY, // At least one candidate is ready for process.
STATE_COMPLETE, // All candidates allocated and ready for process.
STATE_ERROR // Error in gathering candidates.
Port* port_;
AllocationSequence* sequence_;
State state_;
void OnConfigReady(PortConfiguration* config);
void OnConfigStop();
void AllocatePorts();
void OnAllocate();
void DoAllocate();
void OnNetworksChanged();
void OnAllocationSequenceObjectsCreated();
void DisableEquivalentPhases(rtc::Network* network,
PortConfiguration* config, uint32* flags);
void AddAllocatedPort(Port* port, AllocationSequence* seq,
bool prepare_address);
void OnCandidateReady(Port* port, const Candidate& c);
void OnPortComplete(Port* port);
void OnPortError(Port* port);
void OnProtocolEnabled(AllocationSequence* seq, ProtocolType proto);
void OnPortDestroyed(PortInterface* port);
void OnShake();
void MaybeSignalCandidatesAllocationDone();
void OnPortAllocationComplete(AllocationSequence* seq);
PortData* FindPort(Port* port);
bool CheckCandidateFilter(const Candidate& c);
BasicPortAllocator* allocator_;
rtc::Thread* network_thread_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::PacketSocketFactory> owned_socket_factory_;
rtc::PacketSocketFactory* socket_factory_;
bool allocation_started_;
bool network_manager_started_;
bool running_; // set when StartGetAllPorts is called
bool allocation_sequences_created_;
std::vector<PortConfiguration*> configs_;
std::vector<AllocationSequence*> sequences_;
std::vector<PortData> ports_;
friend class AllocationSequence;
// Records configuration information useful in creating ports.
struct PortConfiguration : public rtc::MessageData {
// TODO(jiayl): remove |stun_address| when Chrome is updated.
rtc::SocketAddress stun_address;
ServerAddresses stun_servers;
std::string username;
std::string password;
typedef std::vector<RelayServerConfig> RelayList;
RelayList relays;
// TODO(jiayl): remove this ctor when Chrome is updated.
PortConfiguration(const rtc::SocketAddress& stun_address,
const std::string& username,
const std::string& password);
PortConfiguration(const ServerAddresses& stun_servers,
const std::string& username,
const std::string& password);
// Returns addresses of both the explicitly configured STUN servers,
// and TURN servers that should be used as STUN servers.
ServerAddresses StunServers();
// Adds another relay server, with the given ports and modifier, to the list.
void AddRelay(const RelayServerConfig& config);
// Determines whether the given relay server supports the given protocol.
bool SupportsProtocol(const RelayServerConfig& relay,
ProtocolType type) const;
bool SupportsProtocol(RelayType turn_type, ProtocolType type) const;
// Helper method returns the server addresses for the matching RelayType and
// Protocol type.
ServerAddresses GetRelayServerAddresses(
RelayType turn_type, ProtocolType type) const;
} // namespace cricket