blob: 8b211325853c7c2148c7f271f2e8da6d6be5d478 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
#include "webrtc/base/thread_checker.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_device/audio_device_generic.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/thread_wrapper.h"
namespace webrtc {
const uint32_t N_REC_SAMPLES_PER_SEC = 44100;
const uint32_t N_PLAY_SAMPLES_PER_SEC = 44100;
// Number of 10 ms recording blocks in recording buffer
const uint16_t N_REC_BUFFERS = 20;
class AudioDeviceIOS : public AudioDeviceGeneric {
void AttachAudioBuffer(AudioDeviceBuffer* audioBuffer) override;
int32_t Init() override;
int32_t Terminate() override;
bool Initialized() const override { return _initialized; }
int32_t InitPlayout() override;
bool PlayoutIsInitialized() const override { return _playIsInitialized; }
int32_t InitRecording() override;
bool RecordingIsInitialized() const override { return _recIsInitialized; }
int32_t StartPlayout() override;
int32_t StopPlayout() override;
bool Playing() const override { return _playing; }
int32_t StartRecording() override;
int32_t StopRecording() override;
bool Recording() const override { return _recording; }
int32_t SetLoudspeakerStatus(bool enable) override;
int32_t GetLoudspeakerStatus(bool& enabled) const override;
// TODO(henrika): investigate if we can reduce the complexity here.
// Do we even need delay estimates?
int32_t PlayoutDelay(uint16_t& delayMS) const override;
int32_t RecordingDelay(uint16_t& delayMS) const override;
int32_t PlayoutBuffer(AudioDeviceModule::BufferType& type,
uint16_t& sizeMS) const override;
// These methods are unique for the iOS implementation.
// Native audio parameters stored during construction.
int GetPlayoutAudioParameters(AudioParameters* params) const override;
int GetRecordAudioParameters(AudioParameters* params) const override;
// These methods are currently not implemented on iOS.
// See for dummy implementations.
int32_t ActiveAudioLayer(AudioDeviceModule::AudioLayer& audioLayer) const;
int32_t ResetAudioDevice() override;
int32_t PlayoutIsAvailable(bool& available) override;
int32_t RecordingIsAvailable(bool& available) override;
int32_t SetAGC(bool enable) override;
bool AGC() const override;
int16_t PlayoutDevices() override;
int16_t RecordingDevices() override;
int32_t PlayoutDeviceName(uint16_t index,
char name[kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize],
char guid[kAdmMaxGuidSize]) override;
int32_t RecordingDeviceName(uint16_t index,
char name[kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize],
char guid[kAdmMaxGuidSize]) override;
int32_t SetPlayoutDevice(uint16_t index) override;
int32_t SetPlayoutDevice(
AudioDeviceModule::WindowsDeviceType device) override;
int32_t SetRecordingDevice(uint16_t index) override;
int32_t SetRecordingDevice(
AudioDeviceModule::WindowsDeviceType device) override;
int32_t SetWaveOutVolume(uint16_t volumeLeft, uint16_t volumeRight) override;
int32_t WaveOutVolume(uint16_t& volumeLeft,
uint16_t& volumeRight) const override;
int32_t InitSpeaker() override;
bool SpeakerIsInitialized() const override;
int32_t InitMicrophone() override;
bool MicrophoneIsInitialized() const override;
int32_t SpeakerVolumeIsAvailable(bool& available) override;
int32_t SetSpeakerVolume(uint32_t volume) override;
int32_t SpeakerVolume(uint32_t& volume) const override;
int32_t MaxSpeakerVolume(uint32_t& maxVolume) const override;
int32_t MinSpeakerVolume(uint32_t& minVolume) const override;
int32_t SpeakerVolumeStepSize(uint16_t& stepSize) const override;
int32_t MicrophoneVolumeIsAvailable(bool& available) override;
int32_t SetMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t volume) override;
int32_t MicrophoneVolume(uint32_t& volume) const override;
int32_t MaxMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t& maxVolume) const override;
int32_t MinMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t& minVolume) const override;
int32_t MicrophoneVolumeStepSize(uint16_t& stepSize) const override;
int32_t MicrophoneMuteIsAvailable(bool& available) override;
int32_t SetMicrophoneMute(bool enable) override;
int32_t MicrophoneMute(bool& enabled) const override;
int32_t SpeakerMuteIsAvailable(bool& available) override;
int32_t SetSpeakerMute(bool enable) override;
int32_t SpeakerMute(bool& enabled) const override;
int32_t MicrophoneBoostIsAvailable(bool& available) override;
int32_t SetMicrophoneBoost(bool enable) override;
int32_t MicrophoneBoost(bool& enabled) const override;
int32_t StereoPlayoutIsAvailable(bool& available) override;
int32_t SetStereoPlayout(bool enable) override;
int32_t StereoPlayout(bool& enabled) const override;
int32_t StereoRecordingIsAvailable(bool& available) override;
int32_t SetStereoRecording(bool enable) override;
int32_t StereoRecording(bool& enabled) const override;
int32_t SetPlayoutBuffer(const AudioDeviceModule::BufferType type,
uint16_t sizeMS) override;
int32_t CPULoad(uint16_t& load) const override;
bool PlayoutWarning() const override;
bool PlayoutError() const override;
bool RecordingWarning() const override;
bool RecordingError() const override;
void ClearPlayoutWarning() override{};
void ClearPlayoutError() override{};
void ClearRecordingWarning() override{};
void ClearRecordingError() override{};
// TODO(henrika): try to remove these.
void Lock() {
void UnLock() {
// Init and shutdown
int32_t InitPlayOrRecord();
int32_t ShutdownPlayOrRecord();
void UpdateRecordingDelay();
void UpdatePlayoutDelay();
static OSStatus RecordProcess(void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *timeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData);
static OSStatus PlayoutProcess(void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *timeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData);
OSStatus RecordProcessImpl(AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *timeStamp,
uint32_t inBusNumber,
uint32_t inNumberFrames);
OSStatus PlayoutProcessImpl(uint32_t inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData);
static bool RunCapture(void* ptrThis);
bool CaptureWorkerThread();
rtc::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
// Raw pointer handle provided to us in AttachAudioBuffer(). Owned by the
// AudioDeviceModuleImpl class and called by AudioDeviceModuleImpl::Create().
// The AudioDeviceBuffer is a member of the AudioDeviceModuleImpl instance
// and therefore outlives this object.
AudioDeviceBuffer* audio_device_buffer_;
CriticalSectionWrapper& _critSect;
AudioParameters playout_parameters_;
AudioParameters record_parameters_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<ThreadWrapper> _captureWorkerThread;
AudioUnit _auVoiceProcessing;
void* _audioInterruptionObserver;
bool _initialized;
bool _isShutDown;
bool _recording;
bool _playing;
bool _recIsInitialized;
bool _playIsInitialized;
// The sampling rate to use with Audio Device Buffer
int _adbSampFreq;
// Delay calculation
uint32_t _recordingDelay;
uint32_t _playoutDelay;
uint32_t _playoutDelayMeasurementCounter;
uint32_t _recordingDelayHWAndOS;
uint32_t _recordingDelayMeasurementCounter;
// Playout buffer, needed for 44.0 / 44.1 kHz mismatch
int16_t _playoutBuffer[ENGINE_PLAY_BUF_SIZE_IN_SAMPLES];
uint32_t _playoutBufferUsed; // How much is filled
// Recording buffers
uint32_t _recordingLength[N_REC_BUFFERS];
uint32_t _recordingSeqNumber[N_REC_BUFFERS];
uint32_t _recordingCurrentSeq;
// Current total size all data in buffers, used for delay estimate
uint32_t _recordingBufferTotalSize;
} // namespace webrtc