blob: a932cb0cce4192a23dbdda525ddd813dddc772a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/base/basictypes.h"
#include "webrtc/base/bytebuffer.h"
#include "webrtc/base/callback.h"
#include "webrtc/base/ipaddress.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/base/socketaddress.h"
#include "webrtc/base/thread_checker.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
namespace stunprober {
static const int kMaxUdpBufferSize = 1200;
typedef rtc::Callback1<void, int> AsyncCallback;
class HostNameResolverInterface {
HostNameResolverInterface() {}
virtual void Resolve(const rtc::SocketAddress& addr,
std::vector<rtc::IPAddress>* addresses,
AsyncCallback callback) = 0;
virtual ~HostNameResolverInterface() {}
// Chrome has client and server socket. Client socket supports Connect but not
// Bind. Server is opposite.
class SocketInterface {
enum {
FAILED = -2,
SocketInterface() {}
virtual int GetLocalAddress(rtc::SocketAddress* local_address) = 0;
virtual void Close() = 0;
virtual ~SocketInterface() {}
class ClientSocketInterface : public SocketInterface {
ClientSocketInterface() {}
// Even though we have SendTo and RecvFrom, if Connect is not called first,
// getsockname will only return
virtual int Connect(const rtc::SocketAddress& addr) = 0;
class ServerSocketInterface : public SocketInterface {
ServerSocketInterface() {}
virtual int Bind(const rtc::SocketAddress& addr) = 0;
virtual int SendTo(const rtc::SocketAddress& addr,
char* buf,
size_t buf_len,
AsyncCallback callback) = 0;
// If the returned value is positive, it means that buf has been
// sent. Otherwise, it should return IO_PENDING. Callback will be invoked
// after the data is successfully read into buf.
virtual int RecvFrom(char* buf,
size_t buf_len,
rtc::SocketAddress* addr,
AsyncCallback callback) = 0;
class SocketFactoryInterface {
SocketFactoryInterface() {}
virtual ClientSocketInterface* CreateClientSocket() = 0;
virtual ServerSocketInterface* CreateServerSocket(
size_t send_buffer_size,
size_t receive_buffer_size) = 0;
virtual ~SocketFactoryInterface() {}
class TaskRunnerInterface {
TaskRunnerInterface() {}
virtual void PostTask(rtc::Callback0<void>, uint32_t delay_ms) = 0;
virtual ~TaskRunnerInterface() {}
class StunProber {
enum Status { // Used in UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION.
SUCCESS, // Successfully received bytes from the server.
GENERIC_FAILURE, // Generic failure.
RESOLVE_FAILED, // Host resolution failed.
WRITE_FAILED, // Sending a message to the server failed.
READ_FAILED, // Reading the reply from the server failed.
struct Stats {
Stats() {}
int num_request_sent = 0;
int num_response_received = 0;
bool behind_nat = false;
int average_rtt_ms = -1;
int success_percent = 0;
int target_request_interval_ns = 0;
int actual_request_interval_ns = 0;
std::string host_ip;
// If the srflx_ips has more than 1 element, the NAT is symmetric.
std::set<std::string> srflx_ips;
bool symmetric_nat() { return srflx_ips.size() > 1; }
// StunProber is not thread safe. It's task_runner's responsibility to ensure
// all calls happen sequentially.
StunProber(HostNameResolverInterface* host_name_resolver,
SocketFactoryInterface* socket_factory,
TaskRunnerInterface* task_runner);
virtual ~StunProber();
// Begin performing the probe test against the |server| with |port|. If
// |shared_socket_mode| is false, each request will be done with a new socket.
// Otherwise, a unique socket will be used for a single round of requests
// against all resolved IPs. No single socket will be used against a given IP
// more than once. The interval of requests will be as close to the requested
// inter-probe interval |stun_ta_interval_ms| as possible. After sending out
// the last scheduled request, the probe will wait |timeout_ms| for request
// responses and then call |finish_callback|. |requests_per_ip| indicates how
// many requests should be tried for each resolved IP address. In shared mode,
// (the number of sockets to be created) equals to |requests_per_ip|. In
// non-shared mode, (the number of sockets) equals to requests_per_ip * (the
// number of resolved IP addresses).
bool Start(const std::string& server,
uint16 port,
bool shared_socket_mode,
int stun_ta_interval_ms,
int requests_per_ip,
int timeout_ms,
const AsyncCallback finish_callback);
// Method to retrieve the Stats once |finish_callback| is invoked. Returning
// false when the result is inconclusive, for example, whether it's behind a
// NAT or not.
bool GetStats(Stats* stats);
// A requester tracks the requests and responses from a single socket to many
// STUN servers
class Requester {
// Each Request maps to a request and response.
struct Request {
// Actual time the STUN bind request was sent.
int64 sent_time_ns = 0;
// Time the response was received.
int64 received_time_ns = 0;
// See whether the observed address returned matches the
// local address as in StunProber.local_addr_.
bool behind_nat = false;
// Server reflexive address from STUN response for this given request.
std::string srflx_ip;
rtc::IPAddress server_addr;
int64 rtt() { return received_time_ns - sent_time_ns; }
void ProcessResponse(rtc::ByteBuffer* message,
int buf_len,
const rtc::IPAddress& local_addr);
// StunProber provides |server_ips| for Requester to probe. For shared
// socket mode, it'll be all the resolved IP addresses. For non-shared mode,
// it'll just be a single address.
Requester(StunProber* prober,
ServerSocketInterface* socket,
const std::vector<rtc::IPAddress> server_ips,
uint16 port);
virtual ~Requester();
// There is no callback for SendStunRequest as the underneath socket send is
// expected to be completed immediately. Otherwise, it'll skip this request
// and move to the next one.
void SendStunRequest();
void ReadStunResponse();
// |result| is the positive return value from RecvFrom when data is
// available.
void OnStunResponseReceived(int result);
const std::vector<Request*>& requests() { return requests_; }
// Whether this Requester has completed all requests.
bool Done() {
return static_cast<size_t>(num_request_sent_) == server_ips_.size();
Request* GetRequestByAddress(const rtc::IPAddress& ip);
StunProber* prober_;
// The socket for this session.
rtc::scoped_ptr<ServerSocketInterface> socket_;
// Temporary SocketAddress and buffer for RecvFrom.
rtc::SocketAddress addr_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::ByteBuffer> response_packet_;
std::vector<Request*> requests_;
std::vector<rtc::IPAddress> server_ips_;
int16 num_request_sent_ = 0;
int16 num_response_received_ = 0;
uint16 port_ = 0;
rtc::ThreadChecker& thread_checker_;
void OnServerResolved(int result);
bool Done() {
return num_request_sent_ >= requests_per_ip_ * server_ips_.size();
bool SendNextRequest();
// Will be invoked in 1ms intervals and schedule the next request from the
// |current_requester_| if the time has passed for another request.
void MaybeScheduleStunRequests();
// End the probe with the given |status|. Invokes |fininsh_callback|, which
// may destroy the class.
void End(StunProber::Status status, int result);
// Create a socket, connect to the first resolved server, and return the
// result of getsockname(). All Requesters will bind to this name. We do this
// because if a socket is not bound nor connected, getsockname will return
// We can't connect to a single STUN server IP either as that will
// fail subsequent requests in shared mode.
int GetLocalAddress(rtc::IPAddress* addr);
Requester* CreateRequester();
Requester* current_requester_ = nullptr;
// The time when the next request should go out.
uint64 next_request_time_ms_ = 0;
// Total requests sent so far.
uint32 num_request_sent_ = 0;
bool shared_socket_mode_ = false;
// How many requests should be done against each resolved IP.
uint32 requests_per_ip_ = 0;
// Milliseconds to pause between each STUN request.
int interval_ms_;
// Timeout period after the last request is sent.
int timeout_ms_;
// STUN server name to be resolved.
rtc::SocketAddress server_;
// The local address that each probing socket will be bound to.
rtc::IPAddress local_addr_;
// Owned pointers.
rtc::scoped_ptr<SocketFactoryInterface> socket_factory_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<HostNameResolverInterface> resolver_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<TaskRunnerInterface> task_runner_;
// Addresses filled out by HostNameResolver after host resolution is
// completed.
std::vector<rtc::IPAddress> server_ips_;
// Caller-supplied callback executed when testing is completed, called by
// End().
AsyncCallback finished_callback_;
// The set of STUN probe sockets and their state.
std::vector<Requester*> requesters_;
rtc::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
} // namespace stunprober