blob: 214dccd0210a33bf110f053797f6aa3e7bdf08ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
/* kenny.c - Main function for the iSAC coder */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include "windows.h"
#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
/* include API */
#include "isac.h"
#include "utility.h"
//#include "commonDefs.h"
/* max number of samples per frame (= 60 ms frame) */
/* number of samples per 10ms frame */
#define FRAMESAMPLES_SWB_10ms 320
#define FRAMESAMPLES_WB_10ms 160
/* sampling frequency (Hz) */
#define FS_SWB 32000
#define FS_WB 16000
#include "debugUtility.h"
debugStruct debugInfo;
unsigned long framecnt = 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
//--- File IO ----
FILE* inp;
FILE* outp;
char inname[500];
char outname[500];
/* Runtime statistics */
double rate;
double rateRCU;
unsigned long totalbits = 0;
unsigned long totalBitsRCU = 0;
unsigned long totalsmpls = 0;
int32_t bottleneck = 39;
int frameSize = 30; /* ms */
int16_t codingMode = 1;
int16_t shortdata[FRAMESAMPLES_SWB_10ms];
int16_t decoded[MAX_FRAMESAMPLES_SWB];
// uint16_t streamdata[1000];
int16_t speechType[1];
int16_t payloadLimit;
int32_t rateLimit;
ISACStruct* ISAC_main_inst;
int16_t stream_len = 0;
int declen = 0;
int16_t err;
int cur_framesmpls;
int endfile;
#ifdef WIN32
double length_file;
double runtime;
char outDrive[10];
char outPath[500];
char outPrefix[500];
char outSuffix[500];
char bitrateFileName[500];
FILE* bitrateFile;
double starttime;
double rateLB = 0;
double rateUB = 0;
FILE* histFile;
FILE* averageFile;
int sampFreqKHz;
int samplesIn10Ms;
int16_t maxStreamLen = 0;
char histFileName[500];
char averageFileName[500];
unsigned int hist[600];
double tmpSumStreamLen = 0;
unsigned int packetCntr = 0;
unsigned int lostPacketCntr = 0;
uint8_t payload[1200];
uint8_t payloadRCU[1200];
uint16_t packetLossPercent = 0;
int16_t rcuStreamLen = 0;
int onlyEncode;
int onlyDecode;
BottleNeckModel packetData;
packetData.arrival_time = 0;
packetData.sample_count = 0;
packetData.rtp_number = 0;
memset(hist, 0, sizeof(hist));
/* handling wrong input arguments in the command line */
if (argc < 5) {
int size;
printf("\n\nWrong number of arguments or flag values.\n\n");
printf("%s infile outfile -bn bottleneck [options]\n\n", argv[0]);
printf("-I.............. indicates encoding in instantaneous mode.\n");
printf("-bn bottleneck.. the value of the bottleneck in bit/sec, e.g.\n");
printf(" 39742, in instantaneous (channel-independent)\n");
printf(" mode.\n\n");
printf("infile.......... Normal speech input file\n\n");
printf("outfile......... Speech output file\n\n");
printf("-fs sampFreq.... sampling frequency of codec 16 or 32 (default)\n");
printf(" kHz.\n");
printf("-plim payloadLim payload limit in bytes, default is the maximum\n");
printf(" possible.\n");
printf("-rlim rateLim... rate limit in bits/sec, default is the maximum\n");
printf(" possible.\n");
printf("-h file......... record histogram and *append* to 'file'.\n");
printf("-ave file....... record average rate of 3 sec intervales and\n");
printf(" *append* to 'file'.\n");
printf("-ploss.......... packet-loss percentage.\n");
printf("-enc............ do only encoding and store the bit-stream\n");
printf("-dec............ the input file is a bit-stream, decode it.\n\n");
printf("Example usage:\n\n");
printf("%s speechIn.pcm speechOut.pcm -B 40000 -fs 32\n\n", argv[0]);
printf("structure size %d bytes\n", size);
/* Get Bottleneck value */
bottleneck = readParamInt(argc, argv, "-bn", 50000);
fprintf(stderr, "\nfixed bottleneck rate of %d bits/s\n\n", bottleneck);
/* Get Input and Output files */
sscanf(argv[1], "%s", inname);
sscanf(argv[2], "%s", outname);
codingMode = readSwitch(argc, argv, "-I");
sampFreqKHz = (int16_t)readParamInt(argc, argv, "-fs", 32);
if (readParamString(argc, argv, "-h", histFileName, 500) > 0) {
histFile = fopen(histFileName, "a");
if (histFile == NULL) {
printf("cannot open hist file %s", histFileName);
} else {
// NO recording of hitstogram
histFile = NULL;
packetLossPercent = readParamInt(argc, argv, "-ploss", 0);
if (readParamString(argc, argv, "-ave", averageFileName, 500) > 0) {
averageFile = fopen(averageFileName, "a");
if (averageFile == NULL) {
printf("cannot open file to write rate %s", averageFileName);
} else {
averageFile = NULL;
onlyEncode = readSwitch(argc, argv, "-enc");
onlyDecode = readSwitch(argc, argv, "-dec");
switch (sampFreqKHz) {
case 16: {
samplesIn10Ms = 160;
case 32: {
samplesIn10Ms = 320;
printf("A sampling frequency of %d kHz is not supported, valid values are"
" 8 and 16.\n", sampFreqKHz);
payloadLimit = (int16_t)readParamInt(argc, argv, "-plim", 400);
rateLimit = readParamInt(argc, argv, "-rlim", 106800);
if ((inp = fopen(inname, "rb")) == NULL) {
printf(" iSAC: Cannot read file %s.\n", inname);
if ((outp = fopen(outname, "wb")) == NULL) {
printf(" iSAC: Cannot write file %s.\n", outname);
#ifdef WIN32
_splitpath(outname, outDrive, outPath, outPrefix, outSuffix);
_makepath(bitrateFileName, outDrive, outPath, "bitrate", ".txt");
bitrateFile = fopen(bitrateFileName, "a");
fprintf(bitrateFile, "% %%s \n", inname);
printf("Input.................... %s\n", inname);
printf("Output................... %s\n", outname);
printf("Encoding Mode............ %s\n",
(codingMode == 1) ? "Channel-Independent" : "Channel-Adaptive");
printf("Bottleneck............... %d bits/sec\n", bottleneck);
printf("Packet-loss Percentage... %d\n", packetLossPercent);
#ifdef WIN32
starttime = clock() / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; /* Runtime statistics */
/* Initialize the ISAC and BN structs */
err = WebRtcIsac_Create(&ISAC_main_inst);
WebRtcIsac_SetEncSampRate(ISAC_main_inst, sampFreqKHz * 1000);
WebRtcIsac_SetDecSampRate(ISAC_main_inst, sampFreqKHz >= 32 ? 32000 : 16000);
/* Error check */
if (err < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n\n Error in create.\n\n");
framecnt = 0;
endfile = 0;
/* Initialize encoder and decoder */
if (WebRtcIsac_EncoderInit(ISAC_main_inst, codingMode) < 0) {
printf("cannot initialize encoder\n");
return -1;
if (WebRtcIsac_DecoderInit(ISAC_main_inst) < 0) {
printf("cannot initialize decoder\n");
return -1;
// {
// int32_t b1, b2;
// FILE* fileID = fopen("GetBNTest.txt", "w");
// b2 = 32100;
// while (b2 <= 52000) {
// WebRtcIsac_Control(ISAC_main_inst, b2, frameSize);
// WebRtcIsac_GetUplinkBw(ISAC_main_inst, &b1);
// fprintf(fileID, "%5d %5d\n", b2, b1);
// b2 += 10;
// }
// }
if (codingMode == 1) {
if (WebRtcIsac_Control(ISAC_main_inst, bottleneck, frameSize) < 0) {
printf("cannot set bottleneck\n");
return -1;
} else {
if (WebRtcIsac_ControlBwe(ISAC_main_inst, 15000, 30, 1) < 0) {
printf("cannot configure BWE\n");
return -1;
if (WebRtcIsac_SetMaxPayloadSize(ISAC_main_inst, payloadLimit) < 0) {
printf("cannot set maximum payload size %d.\n", payloadLimit);
return -1;
if (rateLimit < 106800) {
if (WebRtcIsac_SetMaxRate(ISAC_main_inst, rateLimit) < 0) {
printf("cannot set the maximum rate %d.\n", rateLimit);
return -1;
// if(setupDebugStruct(&debugInfo) < 0)
// {
// exit(1);
// }
while (endfile == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, " \rframe = %7li", framecnt);
//============== Readind from the file and encoding =================
cur_framesmpls = 0;
stream_len = 0;
if (onlyDecode) {
uint8_t auxUW8;
size_t auxSizet;
if (fread(&auxUW8, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, inp) < 1) {
stream_len = ((uint8_t)auxUW8) << 8;
if (fread(&auxUW8, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, inp) < 1) {
stream_len |= (uint16_t)auxUW8;
auxSizet = (size_t)stream_len;
if (fread(payload, 1, auxSizet, inp) < auxSizet) {
printf("last payload is corrupted\n");
} else {
while (stream_len == 0) {
// Read 10 ms speech block
endfile = readframe(shortdata, inp, samplesIn10Ms);
if (endfile) {
cur_framesmpls += samplesIn10Ms;
//-------- iSAC encoding ---------
stream_len = WebRtcIsac_Encode(ISAC_main_inst, shortdata, payload);
if (stream_len < 0) {
// exit if returned with error
// errType=WebRtcIsac_GetErrorCode(ISAC_main_inst);
fprintf(stderr, "\nError in encoder\n");
if (endfile) {
rcuStreamLen = WebRtcIsac_GetRedPayload(ISAC_main_inst, payloadRCU);
if (rcuStreamLen < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nError getting RED payload\n");
get_arrival_time(cur_framesmpls, stream_len, bottleneck, &packetData,
sampFreqKHz * 1000, sampFreqKHz * 1000);
if (WebRtcIsac_UpdateBwEstimate(
ISAC_main_inst, payload, stream_len, packetData.rtp_number,
packetData.sample_count, packetData.arrival_time) < 0) {
printf(" BWE Error at client\n");
return -1;
if (endfile) {
maxStreamLen = (stream_len > maxStreamLen) ? stream_len : maxStreamLen;
if (averageFile != NULL) {
tmpSumStreamLen += stream_len;
if (packetCntr == 100) {
// kbps
fprintf(averageFile, "%8.3f ",
tmpSumStreamLen * 8.0 / (30.0 * packetCntr));
packetCntr = 0;
tmpSumStreamLen = 0;
if (onlyEncode) {
uint8_t auxUW8;
auxUW8 = (uint8_t)(((stream_len & 0x7F00) >> 8) & 0xFF);
if (fwrite(&auxUW8, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, outp) != 1) {
return -1;
auxUW8 = (uint8_t)(stream_len & 0xFF);
if (fwrite(&auxUW8, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, outp) != 1) {
return -1;
if (fwrite(payload, 1, stream_len, outp) != (size_t)stream_len) {
return -1;
} else {
//======================= iSAC decoding ===========================
if ((rand() % 100) < packetLossPercent) {
declen = WebRtcIsac_DecodeRcu(ISAC_main_inst, payloadRCU, rcuStreamLen,
decoded, speechType);
} else {
declen = WebRtcIsac_Decode(ISAC_main_inst, payload, stream_len, decoded,
if (declen <= 0) {
// errType=WebRtcIsac_GetErrorCode(ISAC_main_inst);
fprintf(stderr, "\nError in decoder.\n");
// Write decoded speech frame to file
if (fwrite(decoded, sizeof(int16_t), declen, outp) != (size_t)declen) {
return -1;
cur_framesmpls = declen;
// Update Statistics
totalsmpls += cur_framesmpls;
if (stream_len > 0) {
totalbits += 8 * stream_len;
if (rcuStreamLen > 0) {
totalBitsRCU += 8 * rcuStreamLen;
rate = ((double)totalbits * (sampFreqKHz)) / (double)totalsmpls;
rateRCU = ((double)totalBitsRCU * (sampFreqKHz)) / (double)totalsmpls;
printf("Sampling Rate............... %d kHz\n", sampFreqKHz);
printf("Payload Limit............... %d bytes \n", payloadLimit);
printf("Rate Limit.................. %d bits/sec \n", rateLimit);
#ifdef WIN32
rateLB =
((double)debugInfo.lbBytes * 8. * (sampFreqKHz)) / (double)totalsmpls;
rateUB =
((double)debugInfo.ubBytes * 8. * (sampFreqKHz)) / (double)totalsmpls;
fprintf(bitrateFile, "%d %10u %d %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n",
sampFreqKHz, framecnt, bottleneck, rateLB, rateUB, rate);
#endif // WIN32
printf("Measured bit-rate........... %0.3f kbps\n", rate);
printf("Measured RCU bit-ratre...... %0.3f kbps\n", rateRCU);
printf("Maximum bit-rate/payloadsize %0.3f / %d\n",
maxStreamLen * 8 / 0.03, maxStreamLen);
printf("Measured packet-loss........ %0.1f%% \n",
100.0f * (float)lostPacketCntr / (float)packetCntr);
// printf("Measured lower-band bit-rate %0.3f kbps (%.0f%%)\n",
// rateLB, (double)(rateLB) * 100. /(double)(rate));
// printf("Measured upper-band bit-rate %0.3f kbps (%.0f%%)\n",
// rateUB, (double)(rateUB) * 100. /(double)(rate));
// printf("Maximum payload lower-band.. %d bytes (%0.3f kbps)\n",
// debugInfo.maxPayloadLB, debugInfo.maxPayloadLB * 8.0 / 0.03);
// printf("Maximum payload upper-band.. %d bytes (%0.3f kbps)\n",
// debugInfo.maxPayloadUB, debugInfo.maxPayloadUB * 8.0 / 0.03);
// #endif
/* Runtime statistics */
#ifdef WIN32
runtime = (double)(clock() / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC - starttime);
length_file = ((double)framecnt * (double)declen / (sampFreqKHz * 1000));
printf("Length of speech file....... %.1f s\n", length_file);
printf("Time to run iSAC............ %.2f s (%.2f %% of realtime)\n\n",
runtime, (100 * runtime / length_file));
if (histFile != NULL) {
int n;
for (n = 0; n < 600; n++) {
fprintf(histFile, "%6d ", hist[n]);
fprintf(histFile, "\n");
if (averageFile != NULL) {
if (packetCntr > 0) {
fprintf(averageFile, "%8.3f ",
tmpSumStreamLen * 8.0 / (30.0 * packetCntr));
fprintf(averageFile, "\n");
char* p;
char myExt[50];
char bitRateStr[10];
char newOutName[500];
strcpy(newOutName, outname);
myExt[0] = '\0';
p = strchr(newOutName, '.');
if (p != NULL) {
strcpy(myExt, p);
*p = '_';
*p = '\0';
} else {
strcat(newOutName, "_");
sprintf(bitRateStr, "%0.0fkbps", rate);
strcat(newOutName, bitRateStr);
strcat(newOutName, myExt);
rename(outname, newOutName);
int setupDebugStruct(debugStruct* str) {
str->prevPacketLost = 0;
str->currPacketLost = 0;
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->res0to4FilePtr, "Res0to4.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->res4to8FilePtr, "Res4to8.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->res8to12FilePtr, "Res8to12.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->res8to16FilePtr, "Res8to16.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->res0to4DecFilePtr, "Res0to4Dec.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->res4to8DecFilePtr, "Res4to8Dec.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->res8to12DecFilePtr, "Res8to12Dec.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->res8to16DecFilePtr, "Res8to16Dec.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->in0to4FilePtr, "in0to4.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->in4to8FilePtr, "in4to8.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->in8to12FilePtr, "in8to12.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->in8to16FilePtr, "in8to16.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->out0to4FilePtr, "out0to4.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->out4to8FilePtr, "out4to8.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->out8to12FilePtr, "out8to12.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->out8to16FilePtr, "out8to16.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->fftFilePtr, "riFFT.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->fftDecFilePtr, "riFFTDec.dat");
OPEN_FILE_WB(str->arrivalTime, NULL /*"ArivalTime.dat"*/);
str->lastArrivalTime = 0;
str->maxPayloadLB = 0;
str->maxPayloadUB = 0;
str->lbBytes = 0;
str->ubBytes = 0;
return 0;