blob: e6fc3fa6a73b39aee82ea0e039e2ed6dc70a6f53 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/intelligibility/intelligibility_utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
using std::complex;
namespace {
// Return |current| changed towards |target|, with the change being at most
// |limit|.
inline float UpdateFactor(float target, float current, float limit) {
float delta = fabsf(target - current);
float sign = copysign(1.0f, target - current);
return current + sign * fminf(delta, limit);
// std::isfinite for complex numbers.
inline bool cplxfinite(complex<float> c) {
return std::isfinite(c.real()) && std::isfinite(c.imag());
// std::isnormal for complex numbers.
inline bool cplxnormal(complex<float> c) {
return std::isnormal(c.real()) && std::isnormal(c.imag());
// Apply a small fudge to degenerate complex values. The numbers in the array
// were chosen randomly, so that even a series of all zeroes has some small
// variability.
inline complex<float> zerofudge(complex<float> c) {
const static complex<float> fudge[7] = {
{0.001f, 0.002f}, {0.008f, 0.001f}, {0.003f, 0.008f}, {0.0006f, 0.0009f},
{0.001f, 0.004f}, {0.003f, 0.004f}, {0.002f, 0.009f}
static int fudge_index = 0;
if (cplxfinite(c) && !cplxnormal(c)) {
fudge_index = (fudge_index + 1) % 7;
return c + fudge[fudge_index];
return c;
// Incremental mean computation. Return the mean of the series with the
// mean |mean| with added |data|.
inline complex<float> NewMean(complex<float> mean, complex<float> data,
int count) {
return mean + (data - mean) / static_cast<float>(count);
inline void AddToMean(complex<float> data, int count, complex<float>* mean) {
(*mean) = NewMean(*mean, data, count);
} // namespace
using std::min;
namespace webrtc {
namespace intelligibility {
static const int kWindowBlockSize = 10;
VarianceArray::VarianceArray(int freqs, StepType type, int window_size,
float decay)
: running_mean_(new complex<float>[freqs]()),
running_mean_sq_(new complex<float>[freqs]()),
sub_running_mean_(new complex<float>[freqs]()),
sub_running_mean_sq_(new complex<float>[freqs]()),
variance_(new float[freqs]()),
conj_sum_(new float[freqs]()),
array_mean_(0.0f) {
history_.reset(new scoped_ptr<complex<float>[]>[freqs_]());
for (int i = 0; i < freqs_; ++i) {
history_[i].reset(new complex<float>[window_size_]());
subhistory_.reset(new scoped_ptr<complex<float>[]>[freqs_]());
for (int i = 0; i < freqs_; ++i) {
subhistory_[i].reset(new complex<float>[window_size_]());
subhistory_sq_.reset(new scoped_ptr<complex<float>[]>[freqs_]());
for (int i = 0; i < freqs_; ++i) {
subhistory_sq_[i].reset(new complex<float>[window_size_]());
switch (type) {
case kStepInfinite:
step_func_ = &VarianceArray::InfiniteStep;
case kStepDecaying:
step_func_ = &VarianceArray::DecayStep;
case kStepWindowed:
step_func_ = &VarianceArray::WindowedStep;
case kStepBlocked:
step_func_ = &VarianceArray::BlockedStep;
// Compute the variance with Welford's algorithm, adding some fudge to
// the input in case of all-zeroes.
void VarianceArray::InfiniteStep(const complex<float>* data, bool skip_fudge) {
array_mean_ = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < freqs_; ++i) {
complex<float> sample = data[i];
if (!skip_fudge) {
sample = zerofudge(sample);
if (count_ == 1) {
running_mean_[i] = sample;
variance_[i] = 0.0f;
} else {
float old_sum = conj_sum_[i];
complex<float> old_mean = running_mean_[i];
running_mean_[i] = old_mean + (sample - old_mean) /
conj_sum_[i] = (old_sum + std::conj(sample - old_mean) *
(sample - running_mean_[i])).real();
variance_[i] = conj_sum_[i] / (count_ - 1); // + fudge[fudge_index].real();
if (skip_fudge && false) {
//variance_[i] -= fudge[fudge_index].real();
array_mean_ += (variance_[i] - array_mean_) / (i + 1);
// Compute the variance from the beginning, with exponential decaying of the
// series data.
void VarianceArray::DecayStep(const complex<float>* data, bool /*dummy*/) {
array_mean_ = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < freqs_; ++i) {
complex<float> sample = data[i];
sample = zerofudge(sample);
if (count_ == 1) {
running_mean_[i] = sample;
running_mean_sq_[i] = sample * std::conj(sample);
variance_[i] = 0.0f;
} else {
complex<float> prev = running_mean_[i];
complex<float> prev2 = running_mean_sq_[i];
running_mean_[i] = decay_ * prev + (1.0f - decay_) * sample;
running_mean_sq_[i] = decay_ * prev2 +
(1.0f - decay_) * sample * std::conj(sample);
//variance_[i] = decay_ * variance_[i] + (1.0f - decay_) * (
// (sample - running_mean_[i]) * std::conj(sample - running_mean_[i])).real();
variance_[i] = (running_mean_sq_[i] - running_mean_[i] * std::conj(running_mean_[i])).real();
array_mean_ += (variance_[i] - array_mean_) / (i + 1);
// Windowed variance computation. On each step, the variances for the
// window are recomputed from scratch, using Welford's algorithm.
void VarianceArray::WindowedStep(const complex<float>* data, bool /*dummy*/) {
int num = min(count_ + 1, window_size_);
array_mean_ = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < freqs_; ++i) {
complex<float> mean;
float conj_sum = 0.0f;
history_[i][history_cursor_] = data[i];
mean = history_[i][history_cursor_];
variance_[i] = 0.0f;
for (int j = 1; j < num; ++j) {
complex<float> sample = zerofudge(
history_[i][(history_cursor_ + j) % window_size_]);
sample = history_[i][(history_cursor_ + j) % window_size_];
float old_sum = conj_sum;
complex<float> old_mean = mean;
mean = old_mean + (sample - old_mean) / static_cast<float>(j + 1);
conj_sum = (old_sum + std::conj(sample - old_mean) *
(sample - mean)).real();
variance_[i] = conj_sum / (j);
array_mean_ += (variance_[i] - array_mean_) / (i + 1);
history_cursor_ = (history_cursor_ + 1) % window_size_;
// Variance with a window of blocks. Within each block, the variances are
// recomputed from scratch at every stp, using |Var(X) = E(X^2) - E^2(X)|.
// Once a block is filled with kWindowBlockSize samples, it is added to the
// history window and a new block is started. The variances for the window
// are recomputed from scratch at each of these transitions.
void VarianceArray::BlockedStep(const complex<float>* data, bool /*dummy*/) {
int blocks = min(window_size_, history_cursor_);
for (int i = 0; i < freqs_; ++i) {
AddToMean(data[i], count_ + 1, &sub_running_mean_[i]);
AddToMean(data[i] * std::conj(data[i]), count_ + 1,
subhistory_[i][history_cursor_ % window_size_] = sub_running_mean_[i];
subhistory_sq_[i][history_cursor_ % window_size_] = sub_running_mean_sq_[i];
variance_[i] = (NewMean(running_mean_sq_[i], sub_running_mean_sq_[i],
blocks) -
NewMean(running_mean_[i], sub_running_mean_[i], blocks) *
std::conj(NewMean(running_mean_[i], sub_running_mean_[i],
if (count_ == kWindowBlockSize - 1) {
sub_running_mean_[i] = complex<float>(0.0f, 0.0f);
sub_running_mean_sq_[i] = complex<float>(0.0f, 0.0f);
running_mean_[i] = complex<float>(0.0f, 0.0f);
running_mean_sq_[i] = complex<float>(0.0f, 0.0f);
for (int j = 0; j < min(window_size_, history_cursor_); ++j) {
AddToMean(subhistory_[i][j], j, &running_mean_[i]);
AddToMean(subhistory_sq_[i][j], j, &running_mean_sq_[i]);
if (count_ == kWindowBlockSize) {
count_ = 0;
void VarianceArray::Clear() {
memset(running_mean_.get(), 0, sizeof(*running_mean_.get()) * freqs_);
memset(running_mean_sq_.get(), 0, sizeof(*running_mean_sq_.get()) * freqs_);
memset(variance_.get(), 0, sizeof(*variance_.get()) * freqs_);
memset(conj_sum_.get(), 0, sizeof(*conj_sum_.get()) * freqs_);
history_cursor_ = 0;
count_ = 0;
array_mean_ = 0.0f;
void VarianceArray::ApplyScale(float scale) {
array_mean_ = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < freqs_; ++i) {
variance_[i] *= scale * scale;
array_mean_ += (variance_[i] - array_mean_) / (i + 1);
GainApplier::GainApplier(int freqs, float change_limit)
: freqs_(freqs),
target_(new float[freqs]()),
current_(new float[freqs]()) {
for (int i = 0; i < freqs; ++i) {
target_[i] = 1.0f;
current_[i] = 1.0f;
void GainApplier::Apply(const complex<float>* in_block,
complex<float>* out_block) {
for (int i = 0; i < freqs_; ++i) {
float factor = sqrtf(fabsf(current_[i]));
if (!std::isnormal(factor)) {
factor = 1.0f;
out_block[i] = factor * in_block[i];
current_[i] = UpdateFactor(target_[i], current_[i], change_limit_);
} // namespace intelligibility
} // namespace webrtc