Revert "Add a frame generator that allows scrolling over a larger still image, for use with new screen sharing quality tests."

This reverts commit 89934133988feaf14fb88f5258f727232a283d0f.


Review URL: .

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#9653}
diff --git a/webrtc/test/ b/webrtc/test/
index 9a14ff1..55e5a41 100644
--- a/webrtc/test/
+++ b/webrtc/test/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
 #include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/clock.h"
 namespace webrtc {
 namespace test {
@@ -127,108 +126,6 @@
   VideoFrame last_read_frame_;
   VideoFrame temp_frame_copy_;
-class ScrollingImageFrameGenerator : public FrameGenerator {
- public:
-  ScrollingImageFrameGenerator(Clock* clock,
-                               const std::vector<FILE*>& files,
-                               size_t source_width,
-                               size_t source_height,
-                               size_t target_width,
-                               size_t target_height,
-                               int64_t scroll_time_ms,
-                               int64_t pause_time_ms)
-      : clock_(clock),
-        start_time_(clock->TimeInMilliseconds()),
-        scroll_time_(scroll_time_ms),
-        pause_time_(pause_time_ms),
-        num_frames_(files.size()),
-        current_frame_num_(num_frames_ - 1),
-        current_source_frame_(nullptr),
-        file_generator_(files, source_width, source_height, 1) {
-    DCHECK(clock_ != nullptr);
-    DCHECK_GT(num_frames_, 0u);
-    DCHECK_GE(source_height, target_height);
-    DCHECK_GE(source_width, target_width);
-    DCHECK_GE(scroll_time_ms, 0);
-    DCHECK_GE(pause_time_ms, 0);
-    DCHECK_GT(scroll_time_ms + pause_time_ms, 0);
-    current_frame_.CreateEmptyFrame(target_width, target_height, target_width,
-                                    (target_width + 1) / 2,
-                                    (target_width + 1) / 2);
-  }
-  virtual ~ScrollingImageFrameGenerator() {}
-  VideoFrame* NextFrame() override {
-    const int64_t kFrameDisplayTime = scroll_time_ + pause_time_;
-    const int64_t now = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
-    int64_t ms_since_start = now - start_time_;
-    size_t frame_num = (ms_since_start / kFrameDisplayTime) % num_frames_;
-    UpdateSourceFrame(frame_num);
-    double scroll_factor;
-    int64_t time_into_frame = ms_since_start % kFrameDisplayTime;
-    if (time_into_frame < scroll_time_) {
-      scroll_factor = static_cast<double>(time_into_frame) / scroll_time_;
-    } else {
-      scroll_factor = 1.0;
-    }
-    CropSourceToScrolledImage(scroll_factor);
-    return &current_frame_;
-  }
-  void UpdateSourceFrame(size_t frame_num) {
-    while (current_frame_num_ != frame_num) {
-      current_source_frame_ = file_generator_.NextFrame();
-      current_frame_num_ = (current_frame_num_ + 1) % num_frames_;
-    }
-    DCHECK(current_source_frame_ != nullptr);
-  }
-  void CropSourceToScrolledImage(double scroll_factor) {
-    const int kTargetWidth = current_frame_.width();
-    const int kTargetHeight = current_frame_.height();
-    int scroll_margin_x = current_source_frame_->width() - kTargetWidth;
-    int pixels_scrolled_x =
-        static_cast<int>(scroll_margin_x * scroll_factor + 0.5);
-    int scroll_margin_y = current_source_frame_->height() - kTargetHeight;
-    int pixels_scrolled_y =
-        static_cast<int>(scroll_margin_y * scroll_factor + 0.5);
-    int offset_y = (current_source_frame_->stride(PlaneType::kYPlane) *
-                    pixels_scrolled_y) +
-                   pixels_scrolled_x;
-    int offset_u = (current_source_frame_->stride(PlaneType::kUPlane) *
-                    (pixels_scrolled_y / 2)) +
-                   (pixels_scrolled_x / 2);
-    int offset_v = (current_source_frame_->stride(PlaneType::kVPlane) *
-                    (pixels_scrolled_y / 2)) +
-                   (pixels_scrolled_x / 2);
-    current_frame_.CreateFrame(
-        &current_source_frame_->buffer(PlaneType::kYPlane)[offset_y],
-        &current_source_frame_->buffer(PlaneType::kUPlane)[offset_u],
-        &current_source_frame_->buffer(PlaneType::kVPlane)[offset_v],
-        kTargetWidth, kTargetHeight,
-        current_source_frame_->stride(PlaneType::kYPlane),
-        current_source_frame_->stride(PlaneType::kUPlane),
-        current_source_frame_->stride(PlaneType::kVPlane));
-  }
-  Clock* const clock_;
-  const int64_t start_time_;
-  const int64_t scroll_time_;
-  const int64_t pause_time_;
-  const size_t num_frames_;
-  size_t current_frame_num_;
-  VideoFrame* current_source_frame_;
-  VideoFrame current_frame_;
-  YuvFileGenerator file_generator_;
 }  // namespace
 FrameGenerator* FrameGenerator::CreateChromaGenerator(size_t width,
@@ -252,27 +149,5 @@
   return new YuvFileGenerator(files, width, height, frame_repeat_count);
-FrameGenerator* FrameGenerator::CreateScrollingInputFromYuvFiles(
-    Clock* clock,
-    std::vector<std::string> filenames,
-    size_t source_width,
-    size_t source_height,
-    size_t target_width,
-    size_t target_height,
-    int64_t scroll_time_ms,
-    int64_t pause_time_ms) {
-  assert(!filenames.empty());
-  std::vector<FILE*> files;
-  for (const std::string& filename : filenames) {
-    FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
-    DCHECK(file != nullptr);
-    files.push_back(file);
-  }
-  return new ScrollingImageFrameGenerator(
-      clock, files, source_width, source_height, target_width, target_height,
-      scroll_time_ms, pause_time_ms);
 }  // namespace test
 }  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/webrtc/test/frame_generator.h b/webrtc/test/frame_generator.h
index 7f20c74..03afacc 100644
--- a/webrtc/test/frame_generator.h
+++ b/webrtc/test/frame_generator.h
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 #include "webrtc/video_frame.h"
 namespace webrtc {
-class Clock;
 namespace test {
 class FrameGenerator {
@@ -39,24 +38,6 @@
                                            size_t width,
                                            size_t height,
                                            int frame_repeat_count);
-  // Creates a frame generator which takes a set of yuv files (wrapping a
-  // frame generator created by CreateFromYuvFile() above), but outputs frames
-  // that have been cropped to specified resolution: source_width/source_height
-  // is the size of the source images, target_width/target_height is the size of
-  // the cropped output. For each source image read, the cropped viewport will
-  // be scrolled top to bottom/left to right for scroll_tim_ms milliseconds.
-  // After that the image will stay in place for pause_time_ms milliseconds,
-  // and then this will be repeated with the next file from the input set.
-  static FrameGenerator* CreateScrollingInputFromYuvFiles(
-      Clock* clock,
-      std::vector<std::string> filenames,
-      size_t source_width,
-      size_t source_height,
-      size_t target_width,
-      size_t target_height,
-      int64_t scroll_time_ms,
-      int64_t pause_time_ms);
 }  // namespace test
 }  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/webrtc/video/ b/webrtc/video/
index a308424..f2133a2 100644
--- a/webrtc/video/
+++ b/webrtc/video/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "gflags/gflags.h"
 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
 #include "webrtc/test/field_trial.h"
 #include "webrtc/test/frame_generator.h"
 #include "webrtc/test/frame_generator_capturer.h"
@@ -28,14 +27,12 @@
 namespace webrtc {
 namespace flags {
-DEFINE_int32(width, 1850, "Video width (crops source).");
+// Fixed for prerecorded screenshare content.
 size_t Width() {
-  return static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_width);
+  return 1850;
-DEFINE_int32(height, 1110, "Video height (crops source).");
 size_t Height() {
-  return static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_height);
+  return 1110;
 DEFINE_int32(fps, 5, "Frames per second.");
@@ -43,21 +40,6 @@
   return static_cast<int>(FLAGS_fps);
-             10,
-             "Interval (in seconds) between simulated slide changes.");
-int SlideChangeInterval() {
-  return static_cast<int>(FLAGS_slide_change_interval);
-    scroll_duration,
-    0,
-    "Duration (in seconds) during which a slide will be scrolled into place.");
-int ScrollDuration() {
-  return static_cast<int>(FLAGS_scroll_duration);
 DEFINE_int32(min_bitrate, 50, "Minimum video bitrate.");
 size_t MinBitrate() {
   return static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_min_bitrate);
@@ -156,21 +138,9 @@
     slides.push_back(test::ResourcePath("photo_1850_1110", "yuv"));
     slides.push_back(test::ResourcePath("difficult_photo_1850_1110", "yuv"));
-    // Fixed for input resolution for prerecorded screenshare content.
-    const size_t kWidth = 1850;
-    const size_t kHeight = 1110;
-    CHECK_LE(flags::Width(), kWidth);
-    CHECK_LE(flags::Height(), kHeight);
-    CHECK_GT(flags::SlideChangeInterval(), 0);
-    const int kPauseDurationMs =
-        (flags::SlideChangeInterval() - flags::ScrollDuration()) * 1000;
-    CHECK_LE(flags::ScrollDuration(), flags::SlideChangeInterval());
     test::FrameGenerator* frame_generator =
-        test::FrameGenerator::CreateScrollingInputFromYuvFiles(
-            Clock::GetRealTimeClock(), slides, kWidth, kHeight, flags::Width(),
-            flags::Height(), flags::ScrollDuration() * 1000, kPauseDurationMs);
+        test::FrameGenerator::CreateFromYuvFile(
+            slides, flags::Width(), flags::Height(), 10 * flags::Fps());
     test::FrameGeneratorCapturer* capturer(new test::FrameGeneratorCapturer(
         clock_, send_stream->Input(), frame_generator, flags::Fps()));