Roll gtest-parallel.


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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#11055}
diff --git a/third_party/gtest-parallel/README.webrtc b/third_party/gtest-parallel/README.webrtc
index 65974c4..6e0c066 100644
--- a/third_party/gtest-parallel/README.webrtc
+++ b/third_party/gtest-parallel/README.webrtc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Version: 8e26fe7e305353f1217baf5ff409b1dd1bd5ab39
+Version: c65f666eebfedde586cba0bd3381666edc6c4afe
 License: Apache 2.0
 License File: LICENSE
diff --git a/third_party/gtest-parallel/gtest-parallel b/third_party/gtest-parallel/gtest-parallel
index b847180..b609ab9 100755
--- a/third_party/gtest-parallel/gtest-parallel
+++ b/third_party/gtest-parallel/gtest-parallel
@@ -18,13 +18,62 @@
 import multiprocessing
 import optparse
 import os
+import signal
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import tempfile
+import thread
 import threading
 import time
 import zlib
+# An object that catches SIGINT sent to the Python process and notices
+# if processes passed to wait() die by SIGINT (we need to look for
+# both of those cases, because pressing Ctrl+C can result in either
+# the main process or one of the subprocesses getting the signal).
+# Before a SIGINT is seen, wait(p) will simply call p.wait() and
+# return the result. Once a SIGINT has been seen (in the main process
+# or a subprocess, including the one the current call is waiting for),
+# wait(p) will call p.terminate() and raise ProcessWasInterrupted.
+class SigintHandler(object):
+  class ProcessWasInterrupted(Exception): pass
+  sigint_returncodes = {-signal.SIGINT,  # Unix
+                        -1073741510,     # Windows
+                        }
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.__lock = threading.Lock()
+    self.__processes = set()
+    self.__got_sigint = False
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.__sigint_handler)
+  def __on_sigint(self):
+    self.__got_sigint = True
+    while self.__processes:
+      try:
+        self.__processes.pop().terminate()
+      except OSError:
+        pass
+  def __sigint_handler(self, signal_num, frame):
+    with self.__lock:
+      self.__on_sigint()
+  def got_sigint(self):
+    with self.__lock:
+      return self.__got_sigint
+  def wait(self, p):
+    with self.__lock:
+      if self.__got_sigint:
+        p.terminate()
+      self.__processes.add(p)
+    code = p.wait()
+    with self.__lock:
+      self.__processes.discard(p)
+      if code in self.sigint_returncodes:
+        self.__on_sigint()
+      if self.__got_sigint:
+        raise self.ProcessWasInterrupted
+    return code
+sigint_handler = SigintHandler()
 # Return the width of the terminal, or None if it couldn't be
 # determined (e.g. because we're not being run interactively).
 def term_width(out):
@@ -301,7 +350,10 @@
                              ['--gtest_color=' + options.gtest_color],
-    code = sub.wait()
+    try:
+      code = sigint_handler.wait(sub)
+    except sigint_handler.ProcessWasInterrupted:
+      thread.exit()
     runtime_ms = int(1000 * (time.time() - begin))
@@ -344,4 +396,4 @@
               if times.get_test_time(test_binary, test) is not None)
   for (time_ms, test_binary, test) in ts:
     print "%8s %s" % ("%dms" % time_ms, test)
+sys.exit(-signal.SIGINT if sigint_handler.got_sigint() else exit_code)