blob: 9c12cbd895980db19de205c7129f032540ba3703 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <jni.h>
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_device/android/audio_common.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_device/include/audio_device_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_device/audio_device_generic.h"
namespace webrtc {
class EventWrapper;
class ThreadWrapper;
const uint32_t N_PLAY_SAMPLES_PER_SEC = 16000; // Default is 16 kHz
const uint32_t N_PLAY_CHANNELS = 1; // default is mono playout
class AudioTrackJni : public PlayoutDelayProvider {
static int32_t SetAndroidAudioDeviceObjects(void* javaVM, void* env,
void* context);
static void ClearAndroidAudioDeviceObjects();
explicit AudioTrackJni(const int32_t id);
virtual ~AudioTrackJni();
// Main initializaton and termination
int32_t Init();
int32_t Terminate();
bool Initialized() const { return _initialized; }
// Device enumeration
int16_t PlayoutDevices() { return 1; } // There is one device only.
int32_t PlayoutDeviceName(uint16_t index,
char name[kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize],
char guid[kAdmMaxGuidSize]);
// Device selection
int32_t SetPlayoutDevice(uint16_t index);
int32_t SetPlayoutDevice(
AudioDeviceModule::WindowsDeviceType device);
// Audio transport initialization
int32_t PlayoutIsAvailable(bool& available); // NOLINT
int32_t InitPlayout();
bool PlayoutIsInitialized() const { return _playIsInitialized; }
// Audio transport control
int32_t StartPlayout();
int32_t StopPlayout();
bool Playing() const { return _playing; }
// Audio mixer initialization
int32_t InitSpeaker();
bool SpeakerIsInitialized() const { return _speakerIsInitialized; }
// Speaker volume controls
int32_t SpeakerVolumeIsAvailable(bool& available); // NOLINT
int32_t SetSpeakerVolume(uint32_t volume);
int32_t SpeakerVolume(uint32_t& volume) const; // NOLINT
int32_t MaxSpeakerVolume(uint32_t& maxVolume) const; // NOLINT
int32_t MinSpeakerVolume(uint32_t& minVolume) const; // NOLINT
int32_t SpeakerVolumeStepSize(uint16_t& stepSize) const; // NOLINT
// Speaker mute control
int32_t SpeakerMuteIsAvailable(bool& available); // NOLINT
int32_t SetSpeakerMute(bool enable);
int32_t SpeakerMute(bool& enabled) const; // NOLINT
// Stereo support
int32_t StereoPlayoutIsAvailable(bool& available); // NOLINT
int32_t SetStereoPlayout(bool enable);
int32_t StereoPlayout(bool& enabled) const; // NOLINT
// Delay information and control
int32_t SetPlayoutBuffer(const AudioDeviceModule::BufferType type,
uint16_t sizeMS);
int32_t PlayoutBuffer(AudioDeviceModule::BufferType& type, // NOLINT
uint16_t& sizeMS) const;
int32_t PlayoutDelay(uint16_t& delayMS) const; // NOLINT
// Attach audio buffer
void AttachAudioBuffer(AudioDeviceBuffer* audioBuffer);
int32_t SetPlayoutSampleRate(const uint32_t samplesPerSec);
// Error and warning information
bool PlayoutWarning() const;
bool PlayoutError() const;
void ClearPlayoutWarning();
void ClearPlayoutError();
// Speaker audio routing
int32_t SetLoudspeakerStatus(bool enable);
int32_t GetLoudspeakerStatus(bool& enable) const; // NOLINT
virtual int PlayoutDelayMs() { return 0; }
void Lock() EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(_critSect) {
void UnLock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION(_critSect) {
int32_t InitJavaResources();
int32_t InitSampleRate();
static bool PlayThreadFunc(void*);
bool PlayThreadProcess();
// TODO(leozwang): Android holds only one JVM, all these jni handling
// will be consolidated into a single place to make it consistant and
// reliable. Chromium has a good example at base/android.
static JavaVM* globalJvm;
static JNIEnv* globalJNIEnv;
static jobject globalContext;
static jclass globalScClass;
JavaVM* _javaVM; // denotes a Java VM
JNIEnv* _jniEnvPlay; // The JNI env for playout thread
jclass _javaScClass; // AudioDeviceAndroid class
jobject _javaScObj; // AudioDeviceAndroid object
jobject _javaPlayBuffer;
void* _javaDirectPlayBuffer; // Direct buffer pointer to play buffer
jmethodID _javaMidPlayAudio; // Method ID of play in AudioDeviceAndroid
AudioDeviceBuffer* _ptrAudioBuffer;
CriticalSectionWrapper& _critSect;
int32_t _id;
bool _initialized;
EventWrapper& _timeEventPlay;
EventWrapper& _playStartStopEvent;
ThreadWrapper* _ptrThreadPlay;
uint32_t _playThreadID;
bool _playThreadIsInitialized;
bool _shutdownPlayThread;
bool _playoutDeviceIsSpecified;
bool _playing;
bool _playIsInitialized;
bool _speakerIsInitialized;
bool _startPlay;
uint16_t _playWarning;
uint16_t _playError;
uint16_t _delayPlayout;
uint16_t _samplingFreqOut; // Sampling frequency for Speaker
uint32_t _maxSpeakerVolume; // The maximum speaker volume value
bool _loudSpeakerOn;
} // namespace webrtc