blob: 7efb83ccadc50e24cea84b40a87e450b51e3ac37 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/time_util.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace webrtc {
TEST(TimeUtilTest, CompactNtp) {
const uint32_t kNtpSec = 0x12345678;
const uint32_t kNtpFrac = 0x23456789;
const NtpTime kNtp(kNtpSec, kNtpFrac);
const uint32_t kNtpMid = 0x56782345;
EXPECT_EQ(kNtpMid, CompactNtp(kNtp));
TEST(TimeUtilTest, CompactNtpToMs) {
const NtpTime ntp1(0x12345, 0x23456);
const NtpTime ntp2(0x12654, 0x64335);
uint32_t ms_diff = ntp2.ToMs() - ntp1.ToMs();
uint32_t ntp_diff = CompactNtp(ntp2) - CompactNtp(ntp1);
uint32_t ntp_to_ms_diff = CompactNtpIntervalToMs(ntp_diff);
EXPECT_NEAR(ms_diff, ntp_to_ms_diff, 1);
TEST(TimeUtilTest, CompactNtpToMsWithWrap) {
const NtpTime ntp1(0x1ffff, 0x23456);
const NtpTime ntp2(0x20000, 0x64335);
uint32_t ms_diff = ntp2.ToMs() - ntp1.ToMs();
// While ntp2 > ntp1, there compact ntp presentation happen to be opposite.
// That shouldn't be a problem as long as unsigned arithmetic is used.
ASSERT_GT(ntp2.ToMs(), ntp1.ToMs());
ASSERT_LT(CompactNtp(ntp2), CompactNtp(ntp1));
uint32_t ntp_diff = CompactNtp(ntp2) - CompactNtp(ntp1);
uint32_t ntp_to_ms_diff = CompactNtpIntervalToMs(ntp_diff);
EXPECT_NEAR(ms_diff, ntp_to_ms_diff, 1);
TEST(TimeUtilTest, CompactNtpToMsLarge) {
const NtpTime ntp1(0x10000, 0x23456);
const NtpTime ntp2(0x1ffff, 0x64335);
uint32_t ms_diff = ntp2.ToMs() - ntp1.ToMs();
// Ntp difference close to maximum of ~18 hours should convert correctly too.
ASSERT_GT(ms_diff, 18u * 3600 * 1000);
uint32_t ntp_diff = CompactNtp(ntp2) - CompactNtp(ntp1);
uint32_t ntp_to_ms_diff = CompactNtpIntervalToMs(ntp_diff);
EXPECT_NEAR(ms_diff, ntp_to_ms_diff, 1);
} // namespace webrtc