blob: d0818f688c5e6750b430dd81a429ccb3432a7f10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <complex>
#include "webrtc/common_audio/lapped_transform.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/intelligibility/intelligibility_utils.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
struct WebRtcVadInst;
typedef struct WebRtcVadInst VadInst;
namespace webrtc {
// Speech intelligibility enhancement module. Reads render and capture
// audio streams and modifies the render stream with a set of gains per
// frequency bin to enhance speech against the noise background.
class IntelligibilityEnhancer {
// Construct a new instance with the given filter bank resolution,
// sampling rate, number of channels and analysis rates.
// |analysis_rate| sets the number of input blocks (containing speech!)
// to elapse before a new gain computation is made. |variance_rate| specifies
// the number of gain recomputations after which the variances are reset.
// |cv_*| are parameters for the VarianceArray constructor for the
// lear speech stream.
// TODO(bercic): the |cv_*|, |*_rate| and |gain_limit| parameters should
// probably go away once fine tuning is done. They override the internal
// constants in the class (kGainChangeLimit, kAnalyzeRate, kVarianceRate).
IntelligibilityEnhancer(int erb_resolution, int sample_rate_hz, int channels,
int cv_type, float cv_alpha, int cv_win,
int analysis_rate, int variance_rate,
float gain_limit);
void ProcessRenderAudio(float* const* audio);
void ProcessCaptureAudio(float* const* audio);
enum AudioSource {
kRenderStream = 0,
class TransformCallback : public LappedTransform::Callback {
TransformCallback(IntelligibilityEnhancer* parent, AudioSource source);
virtual void ProcessAudioBlock(const std::complex<float>* const* in_block,
int in_channels, int frames,
int out_channels,
std::complex<float>* const* out_block);
IntelligibilityEnhancer* parent_;
AudioSource source_;
friend class TransformCallback;
void DispatchAudio(AudioSource source, const std::complex<float>* in_block,
std::complex<float>* out_block);
void ProcessClearBlock(const std::complex<float>* in_block,
std::complex<float>* out_block);
void AnalyzeClearBlock(float power_target);
void ProcessNoiseBlock(const std::complex<float>* in_block,
std::complex<float>* out_block);
static int GetBankSize(int sample_rate, int erb_resolution);
void CreateErbBank();
void SolveEquation14(float lambda, int start_freq, float* sols);
void FilterVariance(const float* var, float* result);
static float DotProduct(const float* a, const float* b, int length);
static const int kErbResolution;
static const int kWindowSizeMs;
static const int kChunkSizeMs;
static const int kAnalyzeRate;
static const int kVarianceRate;
static const float kClipFreq;
static const float kConfigRho;
static const float kKbdAlpha;
static const float kGainChangeLimit;
const int freqs_;
const int window_size_; // window size in samples; also the block size
const int chunk_length_; // chunk size in samples
const int bank_size_;
const int sample_rate_hz_;
const int erb_resolution_;
const int channels_;
const int analysis_rate_;
const int variance_rate_;
intelligibility::VarianceArray clear_variance_;
intelligibility::VarianceArray noise_variance_;
scoped_ptr<float[]> filtered_clear_var_;
scoped_ptr<float[]> filtered_noise_var_;
float** filter_bank_;
scoped_ptr<float[]> center_freqs_;
int start_freq_;
scoped_ptr<float[]> rho_;
scoped_ptr<float[]> gains_eq_;
intelligibility::GainApplier gain_applier_;
// Destination buffer used to reassemble blocked chunks before overwriting
// the original input array with modifications.
float** temp_out_buffer_;
scoped_ptr<float*[]> input_audio_;
scoped_ptr<float[]> kbd_window_;
TransformCallback render_callback_;
TransformCallback capture_callback_;
scoped_ptr<LappedTransform> render_mangler_;
scoped_ptr<LappedTransform> capture_mangler_;
int block_count_;
int analysis_step_;
// TODO(bercic): Quick stopgap measure for voice detection in the clear
// and noise streams.
VadInst* vad_high_;
VadInst* vad_low_;
scoped_ptr<int16_t[]> vad_tmp_buffer_;
bool has_voice_low_;
} // namespace webrtc