Merge "libwebp: update to 0.6.0"
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index afcd679..3391834 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@
 - 1/12: Release version 0.5.0 (tag: v0.5.0)
 - 7/12: Release version 0.5.1 (tag: v0.5.1)
 - 12/20: Release version 0.5.2 (tag: v0.5.2)
+- 1/30: Release version 0.6.0 (tag: v0.6.0)
diff --git a/README b/README
index f2a719c..4c15c4a 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
           \__\__/\____/\_____/__/ ____  ___
                 / _/ /    \    \ /  _ \/ _/
                /  \_/   / /   \ \   __/  \__
-               \____/____/\_____/_____/____/v0.5.2
+               \____/____/\_____/_____/____/v0.6.0
@@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
   -sharpness <int> ....... filter sharpness (0:most .. 7:least sharp), default=0
   -strong ................ use strong filter instead of simple (default)
   -nostrong .............. use simple filter instead of strong
+  -sharp_yuv ............. use sharper (and slower) RGB->YUV conversion
   -partition_limit <int> . limit quality to fit the 512k limit on
                            the first partition (0=no degradation ... 100=full)
   -pass <int> ............ analysis pass number (1..10)
@@ -384,6 +385,7 @@
 Keyboard shortcuts:
   'c' ................ toggle use of color profile
   'i' ................ overlay file information
+  'd' ................ disable blending & disposal (debug)
   'q' / 'Q' / ESC .... quit
@@ -412,6 +414,37 @@
 > nmake /f CFG=release-static \
+Animation creation tool:
+The utility 'img2webp' can turn a sequence of input images (PNG, JPEG, ...)
+into an animated WebP file. It offers fine control over duration, encoding
+modes, etc.
+  img2webp [file-level options] [image files...] [per-frame options...]
+File-level options (only used at the start of compression):
+ -min_size ............ minimize size
+ -loop <int> .......... loop count (default: 0, = infinite loop)
+ -kmax <int> .......... maximum number of frame between key-frames
+                        (0=only keyframes)
+ -kmin <int> .......... minimum number of frame between key-frames
+                        (0=disable key-frames altogether)
+ -mixed ............... use mixed lossy/lossless automatic mode
+ -v ................... verbose mode
+ -h ................... this help
+Per-frame options (only used for subsequent images input):
+ -d <int> ............. frame duration in ms (default: 100)
+ -lossless  ........... use lossless mode (default)
+ -lossy ... ........... use lossy mode
+ -q <float> ........... quality
+ -m <int> ............. method to use
+example: img2webp -loop 2 in0.png -lossy in1.jpg
+                  -d 80 in2.tiff -o out.webp
 Animated GIF conversion:
 Animated GIF files can be converted to WebP files with animation using the
diff --git a/ b/
index 1fa26e5..1171d7e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Version: v0.5.2
+Version: v0.6.0
 License: Google BSD like
 Local modifications:
diff --git a/README.version b/README.version
index d9b8795..3e2461a 100644
--- a/README.version
+++ b/README.version
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Version: 0.5.2
+Version: 0.6.0
 BugComponent: 20174
diff --git a/include/webp/encode.h b/include/webp/encode.h
index b65e27e..35fde1d 100644
--- a/include/webp/encode.h
+++ b/include/webp/encode.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 extern "C" {
-#define WEBP_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION 0x0209    // MAJOR(8b) + MINOR(8b)
+#define WEBP_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION 0x020e    // MAJOR(8b) + MINOR(8b)
 // Note: forward declaring enumerations is not allowed in (strict) C and C++,
 // the types are left here for reference.
@@ -141,12 +141,10 @@
                           // RGB information for better compression. The default
                           // value is 0.
-  int delta_palettization;
+  int use_delta_palette;  // reserved for future lossless feature
+  int use_sharp_yuv;      // if needed, use sharp (and slow) RGB->YUV conversion
   uint32_t pad[2];        // padding for later use
-  uint32_t pad[3];        // padding for later use
 // Enumerate some predefined settings for WebPConfig, depending on the type
@@ -388,9 +386,24 @@
 // Returns false in case of memory allocation error.
 WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPictureCopy(const WebPPicture* src, WebPPicture* dst);
+// Compute the single distortion for packed planes of samples.
+// 'src' will be compared to 'ref', and the raw distortion stored into
+// '*distortion'. The refined metric (log(MSE), log(1 - ssim),...' will be
+// stored in '*result'.
+// 'x_step' is the horizontal stride (in bytes) between samples.
+// 'src/ref_stride' is the byte distance between rows.
+// Returns false in case of error (bad parameter, memory allocation error, ...).
+WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPlaneDistortion(const uint8_t* src, size_t src_stride,
+                                     const uint8_t* ref, size_t ref_stride,
+                                     int width, int height,
+                                     size_t x_step,
+                                     int type,   // 0 = PSNR, 1 = SSIM, 2 = LSIM
+                                     float* distortion, float* result);
 // Compute PSNR, SSIM or LSIM distortion metric between two pictures. Results
-// are in dB, stored in result[] in the Y/U/V/Alpha/All or B/G/R/A/All order.
-// Returns false in case of error (src and ref don't have same dimension, ...)
+// are in dB, stored in result[] in the B/G/R/A/All order. The distortion is
+// always performed using ARGB samples. Hence if the input is YUV(A), the
+// picture will be internally converted to ARGB (just for the measurement).
 // Warning: this function is rather CPU-intensive.
 WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPictureDistortion(
     const WebPPicture* src, const WebPPicture* ref,
@@ -473,11 +486,13 @@
 WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPictureARGBToYUVADithered(
     WebPPicture* picture, WebPEncCSP colorspace, float dithering);
-// Performs 'smart' RGBA->YUVA420 downsampling and colorspace conversion.
+// Performs 'sharp' RGBA->YUVA420 downsampling and colorspace conversion.
 // Downsampling is handled with extra care in case of color clipping. This
 // method is roughly 2x slower than WebPPictureARGBToYUVA() but produces better
-// YUV representation.
+// and sharper YUV representation.
 // Returns false in case of error.
+WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPictureSharpARGBToYUVA(WebPPicture* picture);
+// kept for backward compatibility:
 WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPictureSmartARGBToYUVA(WebPPicture* picture);
 // Converts picture->yuv to picture->argb and sets picture->use_argb to true.
diff --git a/include/webp/format_constants.h b/include/webp/format_constants.h
index b6e78a6..329fc8a 100644
--- a/include/webp/format_constants.h
+++ b/include/webp/format_constants.h
@@ -72,14 +72,13 @@
 #define RIFF_HEADER_SIZE   12    // Size of the RIFF header ("RIFFnnnnWEBP").
 #define ANMF_CHUNK_SIZE    16    // Size of an ANMF chunk.
 #define ANIM_CHUNK_SIZE    6     // Size of an ANIM chunk.
-#define FRGM_CHUNK_SIZE    6     // Size of a FRGM chunk.
 #define VP8X_CHUNK_SIZE    10    // Size of a VP8X chunk.
 #define MAX_CANVAS_SIZE     (1 << 24)     // 24-bit max for VP8X width/height.
 #define MAX_IMAGE_AREA      (1ULL << 32)  // 32-bit max for width x height.
 #define MAX_LOOP_COUNT      (1 << 16)     // maximum value for loop-count
 #define MAX_DURATION        (1 << 24)     // maximum duration
-#define MAX_POSITION_OFFSET (1 << 24)     // maximum frame/fragment x/y offset
+#define MAX_POSITION_OFFSET (1 << 24)     // maximum frame x/y offset
 // Maximum chunk payload is such that adding the header and padding won't
 // overflow a uint32_t.
diff --git a/include/webp/mux_types.h b/include/webp/mux_types.h
index c94043a..b37e2c6 100644
--- a/include/webp/mux_types.h
+++ b/include/webp/mux_types.h
@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@
 // VP8X Feature Flags.
 typedef enum WebPFeatureFlags {
-  FRAGMENTS_FLAG  = 0x00000001,
   ANIMATION_FLAG  = 0x00000002,
   XMP_FLAG        = 0x00000004,
   EXIF_FLAG       = 0x00000008,
   ALPHA_FLAG      = 0x00000010,
-  ICCP_FLAG       = 0x00000020
+  ICCP_FLAG       = 0x00000020,
+  ALL_VALID_FLAGS = 0x0000003e
 } WebPFeatureFlags;
 // Dispose method (animation only). Indicates how the area used by the current
diff --git a/src/Android.bp b/src/Android.bp
index a3a6525..df075ec 100644
--- a/src/Android.bp
+++ b/src/Android.bp
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
     srcs: [
+        "dsp/alpha_processing_neon.c",
@@ -33,47 +34,50 @@
+        "dsp/enc_msa.c",
+        "dsp/lossless_enc_msa.c",
-        "enc/alpha.c",
-        "enc/analysis.c",
-        "enc/backward_references.c",
-        "enc/config.c",
-        "enc/cost.c",
-        "enc/delta_palettization.c",
-        "enc/filter.c",
-        "enc/frame.c",
-        "enc/histogram.c",
-        "enc/iterator.c",
-        "enc/near_lossless.c",
-        "enc/picture.c",
-        "enc/picture_csp.c",
-        "enc/picture_psnr.c",
-        "enc/picture_rescale.c",
-        "enc/picture_tools.c",
-        "enc/quant.c",
-        "enc/syntax.c",
-        "enc/token.c",
-        "enc/tree.c",
-        "enc/vp8l.c",
-        "enc/webpenc.c",
-        "utils/bit_reader.c",
-        "utils/bit_writer.c",
-        "utils/color_cache.c",
-        "utils/filters.c",
-        "utils/huffman.c",
-        "utils/huffman_encode.c",
-        "utils/quant_levels.c",
-        "utils/random.c",
-        "utils/rescaler.c",
-        "utils/thread.c",
+        "enc/alpha_enc.c",
+        "enc/analysis_enc.c",
+        "enc/backward_references_enc.c",
+        "enc/config_enc.c",
+        "enc/cost_enc.c",
+        "enc/delta_palettization_enc.c",
+        "enc/filter_enc.c",
+        "enc/frame_enc.c",
+        "enc/histogram_enc.c",
+        "enc/iterator_enc.c",
+        "enc/near_lossless_enc.c",
+        "enc/picture_csp_enc.c",
+        "enc/picture_enc.c",
+        "enc/picture_psnr_enc.c",
+        "enc/picture_rescale_enc.c",
+        "enc/picture_tools_enc.c",
+        "enc/predictor_enc.c",
+        "enc/quant_enc.c",
+        "enc/syntax_enc.c",
+        "enc/token_enc.c",
+        "enc/tree_enc.c",
+        "enc/vp8l_enc.c",
+        "enc/webp_enc.c",
+        "utils/bit_reader_utils.c",
+        "utils/bit_writer_utils.c",
+        "utils/color_cache_utils.c",
+        "utils/filters_utils.c",
+        "utils/huffman_encode_utils.c",
+        "utils/huffman_utils.c",
+        "utils/quant_levels_utils.c",
+        "utils/random_utils.c",
+        "utils/rescaler_utils.c",
+        "utils/thread_utils.c",
@@ -98,16 +102,16 @@
 cc_library_static {
     name: "libwebp-decode",
     srcs: [
-        "dec/alpha.c",
-        "dec/buffer.c",
-        "dec/frame.c",
-        "dec/idec.c",
-        "dec/io.c",
-        "dec/quant.c",
-        "dec/tree.c",
-        "dec/vp8.c",
-        "dec/vp8l.c",
-        "dec/webp.c",
+        "dec/alpha_dec.c",
+        "dec/buffer_dec.c",
+        "dec/frame_dec.c",
+        "dec/idec_dec.c",
+        "dec/io_dec.c",
+        "dec/quant_dec.c",
+        "dec/tree_dec.c",
+        "dec/vp8_dec.c",
+        "dec/vp8l_dec.c",
+        "dec/webp_dec.c",
@@ -125,32 +129,37 @@
+        "dsp/filters_msa.c",
+        "dsp/filters_neon.c",
+        "dsp/lossless_msa.c",
+        "dsp/rescaler_msa.c",
+        "dsp/upsampling_msa.c",
-        "utils/bit_reader.c",
-        "utils/color_cache.c",
-        "utils/filters.c",
-        "utils/huffman.c",
-        "utils/quant_levels_dec.c",
-        "utils/random.c",
-        "utils/rescaler.c",
-        "utils/thread.c",
+        "utils/bit_reader_utils.c",
+        "utils/color_cache_utils.c",
+        "utils/filters_utils.c",
+        "utils/huffman_utils.c",
+        "utils/quant_levels_dec_utils.c",
+        "utils/random_utils.c",
+        "utils/rescaler_utils.c",
+        "utils/thread_utils.c",
diff --git a/src/dec/alpha.c b/src/dec/alpha_dec.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/dec/alpha.c
rename to src/dec/alpha_dec.c
index d88f01d..83ffd4b 100644
--- a/src/dec/alpha.c
+++ b/src/dec/alpha_dec.c
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 // Author: Skal (
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./alphai.h"
-#include "./vp8i.h"
-#include "./vp8li.h"
+#include "./alphai_dec.h"
+#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
+#include "./vp8li_dec.h"
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
-#include "../utils/quant_levels_dec.h"
+#include "../utils/quant_levels_dec_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #include "../webp/format_constants.h"
diff --git a/src/dec/alphai.h b/src/dec/alphai_dec.h
similarity index 95%
rename from src/dec/alphai.h
rename to src/dec/alphai_dec.h
index 69dd7c0..561e815 100644
--- a/src/dec/alphai.h
+++ b/src/dec/alphai_dec.h
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
-#include "./webpi.h"
-#include "../utils/filters.h"
+#include "./webpi_dec.h"
+#include "../utils/filters_utils.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
diff --git a/src/dec/buffer.c b/src/dec/buffer_dec.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/dec/buffer.c
rename to src/dec/buffer_dec.c
index 547e69b..c685fd5 100644
--- a/src/dec/buffer.c
+++ b/src/dec/buffer_dec.c
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./vp8i.h"
-#include "./webpi.h"
+#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
+#include "./webpi_dec.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
diff --git a/src/dec/common.h b/src/dec/common_dec.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/dec/common.h
rename to src/dec/common_dec.h
diff --git a/src/dec/frame.c b/src/dec/frame_dec.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/dec/frame.c
rename to src/dec/frame_dec.c
index 22d291d..f91e27f 100644
--- a/src/dec/frame.c
+++ b/src/dec/frame_dec.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Author: Skal (
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./vp8i.h"
+#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@
       return VP8SetError(dec, VP8_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY,
                          "no memory during frame initialization.");
-    // down-cast is ok, thanks to WebPSafeAlloc() above.
+    // down-cast is ok, thanks to WebPSafeMalloc() above.
     dec->mem_size_ = (size_t)needed;
diff --git a/src/dec/idec.c b/src/dec/idec_dec.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/dec/idec.c
rename to src/dec/idec_dec.c
index 8de1319..78fb2e7 100644
--- a/src/dec/idec.c
+++ b/src/dec/idec_dec.c
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./alphai.h"
-#include "./webpi.h"
-#include "./vp8i.h"
+#include "./alphai_dec.h"
+#include "./webpi_dec.h"
+#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 // In append mode, buffer allocations increase as multiples of this value.
diff --git a/src/dec/io.c b/src/dec/io_dec.c
similarity index 86%
rename from src/dec/io.c
rename to src/dec/io_dec.c
index 8d5c43f..8bfab86 100644
--- a/src/dec/io.c
+++ b/src/dec/io_dec.c
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "../dec/vp8i.h"
-#include "./webpi.h"
+#include "../dec/vp8i_dec.h"
+#include "./webpi_dec.h"
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
 #include "../dsp/yuv.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
 static int EmitRescaledYUV(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p) {
   const int mb_h = io->mb_h;
   const int uv_mb_h = (mb_h + 1) >> 1;
-  WebPRescaler* const scaler = &p->scaler_y;
+  WebPRescaler* const scaler = p->scaler_y;
   int num_lines_out = 0;
   if (WebPIsAlphaMode(p->output->colorspace) && io->a != NULL) {
     // Before rescaling, we premultiply the luma directly into the io->y
@@ -267,29 +267,28 @@
                  io->a, io->width, io->mb_w, mb_h, 0);
   num_lines_out = Rescale(io->y, io->y_stride, mb_h, scaler);
-  Rescale(io->u, io->uv_stride, uv_mb_h, &p->scaler_u);
-  Rescale(io->v, io->uv_stride, uv_mb_h, &p->scaler_v);
+  Rescale(io->u, io->uv_stride, uv_mb_h, p->scaler_u);
+  Rescale(io->v, io->uv_stride, uv_mb_h, p->scaler_v);
   return num_lines_out;
 static int EmitRescaledAlphaYUV(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p,
                                 int expected_num_lines_out) {
   const WebPYUVABuffer* const buf = &p->output->u.YUVA;
+  uint8_t* const dst_a = buf->a + p->last_y * buf->a_stride;
   if (io->a != NULL) {
-    uint8_t* dst_y = buf->y + p->last_y * buf->y_stride;
-    const uint8_t* src_a = buf->a + p->last_y * buf->a_stride;
-    const int num_lines_out = Rescale(io->a, io->width, io->mb_h, &p->scaler_a);
-    (void)expected_num_lines_out;
+    uint8_t* const dst_y = buf->y + p->last_y * buf->y_stride;
+    const int num_lines_out = Rescale(io->a, io->width, io->mb_h, p->scaler_a);
     assert(expected_num_lines_out == num_lines_out);
     if (num_lines_out > 0) {   // unmultiply the Y
-      WebPMultRows(dst_y, buf->y_stride, src_a, buf->a_stride,
-                   p->scaler_a.dst_width, num_lines_out, 1);
+      WebPMultRows(dst_y, buf->y_stride, dst_a, buf->a_stride,
+                   p->scaler_a->dst_width, num_lines_out, 1);
   } else if (buf->a != NULL) {
     // the user requested alpha, but there is none, set it to opaque.
     assert(p->last_y + expected_num_lines_out <= io->scaled_height);
-    FillAlphaPlane(buf->a + p->last_y * buf->a_stride,
-                   io->scaled_width, expected_num_lines_out, buf->a_stride);
+    FillAlphaPlane(dst_a, io->scaled_width, expected_num_lines_out,
+                   buf->a_stride);
   return 0;
@@ -305,31 +304,42 @@
   const int uv_in_height = (io->mb_h + 1) >> 1;
   const size_t work_size = 2 * out_width;   // scratch memory for luma rescaler
   const size_t uv_work_size = 2 * uv_out_width;  // and for each u/v ones
-  size_t tmp_size;
+  size_t tmp_size, rescaler_size;
   rescaler_t* work;
+  WebPRescaler* scalers;
+  const int num_rescalers = has_alpha ? 4 : 3;
   tmp_size = (work_size + 2 * uv_work_size) * sizeof(*work);
   if (has_alpha) {
     tmp_size += work_size * sizeof(*work);
-  p->memory = WebPSafeMalloc(1ULL, tmp_size);
+  rescaler_size = num_rescalers * sizeof(*p->scaler_y) + WEBP_ALIGN_CST;
+  p->memory = WebPSafeMalloc(1ULL, tmp_size + rescaler_size);
   if (p->memory == NULL) {
     return 0;   // memory error
   work = (rescaler_t*)p->memory;
-  WebPRescalerInit(&p->scaler_y, io->mb_w, io->mb_h,
+  scalers = (WebPRescaler*)WEBP_ALIGN((const uint8_t*)work + tmp_size);
+  p->scaler_y = &scalers[0];
+  p->scaler_u = &scalers[1];
+  p->scaler_v = &scalers[2];
+  p->scaler_a = has_alpha ? &scalers[3] : NULL;
+  WebPRescalerInit(p->scaler_y, io->mb_w, io->mb_h,
                    buf->y, out_width, out_height, buf->y_stride, 1,
-  WebPRescalerInit(&p->scaler_u, uv_in_width, uv_in_height,
+  WebPRescalerInit(p->scaler_u, uv_in_width, uv_in_height,
                    buf->u, uv_out_width, uv_out_height, buf->u_stride, 1,
                    work + work_size);
-  WebPRescalerInit(&p->scaler_v, uv_in_width, uv_in_height,
+  WebPRescalerInit(p->scaler_v, uv_in_width, uv_in_height,
                    buf->v, uv_out_width, uv_out_height, buf->v_stride, 1,
                    work + work_size + uv_work_size);
   p->emit = EmitRescaledYUV;
   if (has_alpha) {
-    WebPRescalerInit(&p->scaler_a, io->mb_w, io->mb_h,
+    WebPRescalerInit(p->scaler_a, io->mb_w, io->mb_h,
                      buf->a, out_width, out_height, buf->a_stride, 1,
                      work + work_size + 2 * uv_work_size);
     p->emit_alpha = EmitRescaledAlphaYUV;
@@ -349,15 +359,15 @@
   int num_lines_out = 0;
   // For RGB rescaling, because of the YUV420, current scan position
   // U/V can be +1/-1 line from the Y one.  Hence the double test.
-  while (WebPRescalerHasPendingOutput(&p->scaler_y) &&
-         WebPRescalerHasPendingOutput(&p->scaler_u)) {
+  while (WebPRescalerHasPendingOutput(p->scaler_y) &&
+         WebPRescalerHasPendingOutput(p->scaler_u)) {
     assert(y_pos + num_lines_out < p->output->height);
-    assert(p->scaler_u.y_accum == p->scaler_v.y_accum);
-    WebPRescalerExportRow(&p->scaler_y);
-    WebPRescalerExportRow(&p->scaler_u);
-    WebPRescalerExportRow(&p->scaler_v);
-    convert(p->scaler_y.dst, p->scaler_u.dst, p->scaler_v.dst,
-            dst, p->scaler_y.dst_width);
+    assert(p->scaler_u->y_accum == p->scaler_v->y_accum);
+    WebPRescalerExportRow(p->scaler_y);
+    WebPRescalerExportRow(p->scaler_u);
+    WebPRescalerExportRow(p->scaler_v);
+    convert(p->scaler_y->dst, p->scaler_u->dst, p->scaler_v->dst,
+            dst, p->scaler_y->dst_width);
     dst += buf->stride;
@@ -371,15 +381,15 @@
   int num_lines_out = 0;
   while (j < mb_h) {
     const int y_lines_in =
-        WebPRescalerImport(&p->scaler_y, mb_h - j,
+        WebPRescalerImport(p->scaler_y, mb_h - j,
                            io->y + j * io->y_stride, io->y_stride);
     j += y_lines_in;
-    if (WebPRescaleNeededLines(&p->scaler_u, uv_mb_h - uv_j)) {
+    if (WebPRescaleNeededLines(p->scaler_u, uv_mb_h - uv_j)) {
       const int u_lines_in =
-          WebPRescalerImport(&p->scaler_u, uv_mb_h - uv_j,
+          WebPRescalerImport(p->scaler_u, uv_mb_h - uv_j,
                              io->u + uv_j * io->uv_stride, io->uv_stride);
       const int v_lines_in =
-          WebPRescalerImport(&p->scaler_v, uv_mb_h - uv_j,
+          WebPRescalerImport(p->scaler_v, uv_mb_h - uv_j,
                              io->v + uv_j * io->uv_stride, io->uv_stride);
       (void)v_lines_in;   // remove a gcc warning
       assert(u_lines_in == v_lines_in);
@@ -400,13 +410,13 @@
   int num_lines_out = 0;
   const int is_premult_alpha = WebPIsPremultipliedMode(colorspace);
   uint32_t non_opaque = 0;
-  const int width = p->scaler_a.dst_width;
+  const int width = p->scaler_a->dst_width;
-  while (WebPRescalerHasPendingOutput(&p->scaler_a) &&
+  while (WebPRescalerHasPendingOutput(p->scaler_a) &&
          num_lines_out < max_lines_out) {
     assert(y_pos + num_lines_out < p->output->height);
-    WebPRescalerExportRow(&p->scaler_a);
-    non_opaque |= WebPDispatchAlpha(p->scaler_a.dst, 0, width, 1, dst, 0);
+    WebPRescalerExportRow(p->scaler_a);
+    non_opaque |= WebPDispatchAlpha(p->scaler_a->dst, 0, width, 1, dst, 0);
     dst += buf->stride;
@@ -428,18 +438,18 @@
   int num_lines_out = 0;
   const WEBP_CSP_MODE colorspace = p->output->colorspace;
-  const int width = p->scaler_a.dst_width;
+  const int width = p->scaler_a->dst_width;
   const int is_premult_alpha = WebPIsPremultipliedMode(colorspace);
   uint32_t alpha_mask = 0x0f;
-  while (WebPRescalerHasPendingOutput(&p->scaler_a) &&
+  while (WebPRescalerHasPendingOutput(p->scaler_a) &&
          num_lines_out < max_lines_out) {
     int i;
     assert(y_pos + num_lines_out < p->output->height);
-    WebPRescalerExportRow(&p->scaler_a);
+    WebPRescalerExportRow(p->scaler_a);
     for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
       // Fill in the alpha value (converted to 4 bits).
-      const uint32_t alpha_value = p->scaler_a.dst[i] >> 4;
+      const uint32_t alpha_value = p->scaler_a->dst[i] >> 4;
       alpha_dst[2 * i] = (alpha_dst[2 * i] & 0xf0) | alpha_value;
       alpha_mask &= alpha_value;
@@ -455,7 +465,7 @@
 static int EmitRescaledAlphaRGB(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p,
                                 int expected_num_out_lines) {
   if (io->a != NULL) {
-    WebPRescaler* const scaler = &p->scaler_a;
+    WebPRescaler* const scaler = p->scaler_a;
     int lines_left = expected_num_out_lines;
     const int y_end = p->last_y + lines_left;
     while (lines_left > 0) {
@@ -477,7 +487,9 @@
   const size_t work_size = 2 * out_width;   // scratch memory for one rescaler
   rescaler_t* work;  // rescalers work area
   uint8_t* tmp;   // tmp storage for scaled YUV444 samples before RGB conversion
-  size_t tmp_size1, tmp_size2, total_size;
+  size_t tmp_size1, tmp_size2, total_size, rescaler_size;
+  WebPRescaler* scalers;
+  const int num_rescalers = has_alpha ? 4 : 3;
   tmp_size1 = 3 * work_size;
   tmp_size2 = 3 * out_width;
@@ -486,26 +498,35 @@
     tmp_size2 += out_width;
   total_size = tmp_size1 * sizeof(*work) + tmp_size2 * sizeof(*tmp);
-  p->memory = WebPSafeMalloc(1ULL, total_size);
+  rescaler_size = num_rescalers * sizeof(*p->scaler_y) + WEBP_ALIGN_CST;
+  p->memory = WebPSafeMalloc(1ULL, total_size + rescaler_size);
   if (p->memory == NULL) {
     return 0;   // memory error
   work = (rescaler_t*)p->memory;
   tmp = (uint8_t*)(work + tmp_size1);
-  WebPRescalerInit(&p->scaler_y, io->mb_w, io->mb_h,
+  scalers = (WebPRescaler*)WEBP_ALIGN((const uint8_t*)work + total_size);
+  p->scaler_y = &scalers[0];
+  p->scaler_u = &scalers[1];
+  p->scaler_v = &scalers[2];
+  p->scaler_a = has_alpha ? &scalers[3] : NULL;
+  WebPRescalerInit(p->scaler_y, io->mb_w, io->mb_h,
                    tmp + 0 * out_width, out_width, out_height, 0, 1,
                    work + 0 * work_size);
-  WebPRescalerInit(&p->scaler_u, uv_in_width, uv_in_height,
+  WebPRescalerInit(p->scaler_u, uv_in_width, uv_in_height,
                    tmp + 1 * out_width, out_width, out_height, 0, 1,
                    work + 1 * work_size);
-  WebPRescalerInit(&p->scaler_v, uv_in_width, uv_in_height,
+  WebPRescalerInit(p->scaler_v, uv_in_width, uv_in_height,
                    tmp + 2 * out_width, out_width, out_height, 0, 1,
                    work + 2 * work_size);
   p->emit = EmitRescaledRGB;
   if (has_alpha) {
-    WebPRescalerInit(&p->scaler_a, io->mb_w, io->mb_h,
+    WebPRescalerInit(p->scaler_a, io->mb_w, io->mb_h,
                      tmp + 3 * out_width, out_width, out_height, 0, 1,
                      work + 3 * work_size);
     p->emit_alpha = EmitRescaledAlphaRGB;
diff --git a/src/dec/quant.c b/src/dec/quant_dec.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/dec/quant.c
rename to src/dec/quant_dec.c
index 5b648f9..14e3198 100644
--- a/src/dec/quant.c
+++ b/src/dec/quant_dec.c
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 // Author: Skal (
-#include "./vp8i.h"
+#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
 static WEBP_INLINE int clip(int v, int M) {
   return v < 0 ? 0 : v > M ? M : v;
diff --git a/src/dec/tree.c b/src/dec/tree_dec.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/dec/tree.c
rename to src/dec/tree_dec.c
index c2007ea..9e805f6 100644
--- a/src/dec/tree.c
+++ b/src/dec/tree_dec.c
@@ -11,10 +11,13 @@
 // Author: Skal (
-#include "./vp8i.h"
-#include "../utils/bit_reader_inl.h"
+#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
+#include "../utils/bit_reader_inl_utils.h"
+#if !defined(__arm__) && !defined(_M_ARM) && !defined(__aarch64__)
+// using a table is ~1-2% slower on ARM. Prefer the coded-tree approach then.
 static const int8_t kYModesIntra4[18] = {
diff --git a/src/dec/vp8.c b/src/dec/vp8_dec.c
similarity index 90%
rename from src/dec/vp8.c
rename to src/dec/vp8_dec.c
index 336680c..fad8d9c 100644
--- a/src/dec/vp8.c
+++ b/src/dec/vp8_dec.c
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./alphai.h"
-#include "./vp8i.h"
-#include "./vp8li.h"
-#include "./webpi.h"
-#include "../utils/bit_reader_inl.h"
+#include "./alphai_dec.h"
+#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
+#include "./vp8li_dec.h"
+#include "./webpi_dec.h"
+#include "../utils/bit_reader_inl_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
@@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
+// Signature and pointer-to-function for GetCoeffs() variants below.
+typedef int (*GetCoeffsFunc)(VP8BitReader* const br,
+                             const VP8BandProbas* const prob[],
+                             int ctx, const quant_t dq, int n, int16_t* out);
+static volatile GetCoeffsFunc GetCoeffs = NULL;
+static void InitGetCoeffs(void);
 // VP8Decoder
 static void SetOk(VP8Decoder* const dec) {
@@ -51,6 +61,7 @@
     dec->ready_ = 0;
     dec->num_parts_minus_one_ = 0;
+    InitGetCoeffs();
   return dec;
@@ -273,12 +284,14 @@
     frm_hdr->profile_ = (bits >> 1) & 7;
     frm_hdr->show_ = (bits >> 4) & 1;
     frm_hdr->partition_length_ = (bits >> 5);
-    if (frm_hdr->profile_ > 3)
+    if (frm_hdr->profile_ > 3) {
       return VP8SetError(dec, VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR,
                          "Incorrect keyframe parameters.");
-    if (!frm_hdr->show_)
+    }
+    if (!frm_hdr->show_) {
       return VP8SetError(dec, VP8_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE,
                          "Frame not displayable.");
+    }
     buf += 3;
     buf_size -= 3;
@@ -420,8 +433,9 @@
 // Returns the position of the last non-zero coeff plus one
-static int GetCoeffs(VP8BitReader* const br, const VP8BandProbas* const prob[],
-                     int ctx, const quant_t dq, int n, int16_t* out) {
+static int GetCoeffsFast(VP8BitReader* const br,
+                         const VP8BandProbas* const prob[],
+                         int ctx, const quant_t dq, int n, int16_t* out) {
   const uint8_t* p = prob[n]->probas_[ctx];
   for (; n < 16; ++n) {
     if (!VP8GetBit(br, p[0])) {
@@ -447,6 +461,46 @@
   return 16;
+// This version of GetCoeffs() uses VP8GetBitAlt() which is an alternate version
+// of VP8GetBitAlt() targeting specific platforms.
+static int GetCoeffsAlt(VP8BitReader* const br,
+                        const VP8BandProbas* const prob[],
+                        int ctx, const quant_t dq, int n, int16_t* out) {
+  const uint8_t* p = prob[n]->probas_[ctx];
+  for (; n < 16; ++n) {
+    if (!VP8GetBitAlt(br, p[0])) {
+      return n;  // previous coeff was last non-zero coeff
+    }
+    while (!VP8GetBitAlt(br, p[1])) {       // sequence of zero coeffs
+      p = prob[++n]->probas_[0];
+      if (n == 16) return 16;
+    }
+    {        // non zero coeff
+      const VP8ProbaArray* const p_ctx = &prob[n + 1]->probas_[0];
+      int v;
+      if (!VP8GetBitAlt(br, p[2])) {
+        v = 1;
+        p = p_ctx[1];
+      } else {
+        v = GetLargeValue(br, p);
+        p = p_ctx[2];
+      }
+      out[kZigzag[n]] = VP8GetSigned(br, v) * dq[n > 0];
+    }
+  }
+  return 16;
+WEBP_TSAN_IGNORE_FUNCTION static void InitGetCoeffs(void) {
+  if (GetCoeffs == NULL) {
+    if (VP8GetCPUInfo != NULL && VP8GetCPUInfo(kSlowSSSE3)) {
+      GetCoeffs = GetCoeffsAlt;
+    } else {
+      GetCoeffs = GetCoeffsFast;
+    }
+  }
 static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t NzCodeBits(uint32_t nz_coeffs, int nz, int dc_nz) {
   nz_coeffs <<= 2;
   nz_coeffs |= (nz > 3) ? 3 : (nz > 1) ? 2 : dc_nz;
diff --git a/src/dec/decode_vp8.h b/src/dec/vp8_dec.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/dec/decode_vp8.h
rename to src/dec/vp8_dec.h
diff --git a/src/dec/vp8i.h b/src/dec/vp8i_dec.h
similarity index 97%
rename from src/dec/vp8i.h
rename to src/dec/vp8i_dec.h
index 313d8a7..555853e 100644
--- a/src/dec/vp8i.h
+++ b/src/dec/vp8i_dec.h
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
 #define WEBP_DEC_VP8I_H_
 #include <string.h>     // for memcpy()
-#include "./common.h"
-#include "./vp8li.h"
-#include "../utils/bit_reader.h"
-#include "../utils/random.h"
-#include "../utils/thread.h"
+#include "./common_dec.h"
+#include "./vp8li_dec.h"
+#include "../utils/bit_reader_utils.h"
+#include "../utils/random_utils.h"
+#include "../utils/thread_utils.h"
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
 // version numbers
 #define DEC_MAJ_VERSION 0
-#define DEC_MIN_VERSION 5
-#define DEC_REV_VERSION 2
+#define DEC_MIN_VERSION 6
+#define DEC_REV_VERSION 0
 // YUV-cache parameters. Cache is 32-bytes wide (= one cacheline).
 // Constraints are: We need to store one 16x16 block of luma samples (y),
diff --git a/src/dec/vp8l.c b/src/dec/vp8l_dec.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/dec/vp8l.c
rename to src/dec/vp8l_dec.c
index cb2e317..ef359a9 100644
--- a/src/dec/vp8l.c
+++ b/src/dec/vp8l_dec.c
@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./alphai.h"
-#include "./vp8li.h"
+#include "./alphai_dec.h"
+#include "./vp8li_dec.h"
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
 #include "../dsp/lossless.h"
+#include "../dsp/lossless_common.h"
 #include "../dsp/yuv.h"
-#include "../utils/endian_inl.h"
-#include "../utils/huffman.h"
+#include "../utils/endian_inl_utils.h"
+#include "../utils/huffman_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #define NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS          16
@@ -547,11 +548,14 @@
     uint8_t* const row_out = out + num_lines_out * out_stride;
     const int lines_left = mb_h - num_lines_in;
     const int needed_lines = WebPRescaleNeededLines(dec->rescaler, lines_left);
+    int lines_imported;
     assert(needed_lines > 0 && needed_lines <= lines_left);
     WebPMultARGBRows(row_in, in_stride,
                      dec->rescaler->src_width, needed_lines, 0);
-    WebPRescalerImport(dec->rescaler, lines_left, row_in, in_stride);
-    num_lines_in += needed_lines;
+    lines_imported =
+        WebPRescalerImport(dec->rescaler, lines_left, row_in, in_stride);
+    assert(lines_imported == needed_lines);
+    num_lines_in += lines_imported;
     num_lines_out += Export(dec->rescaler, colorspace, out_stride, row_out);
   return num_lines_out;
@@ -623,9 +627,12 @@
   while (num_lines_in < mb_h) {
     const int lines_left = mb_h - num_lines_in;
     const int needed_lines = WebPRescaleNeededLines(dec->rescaler, lines_left);
+    int lines_imported;
     WebPMultARGBRows(in, in_stride, dec->rescaler->src_width, needed_lines, 0);
-    WebPRescalerImport(dec->rescaler, lines_left, in, in_stride);
-    num_lines_in += needed_lines;
+    lines_imported =
+        WebPRescalerImport(dec->rescaler, lines_left, in, in_stride);
+    assert(lines_imported == needed_lines);
+    num_lines_in += lines_imported;
     in += needed_lines * in_stride;
     y_pos += ExportYUVA(dec, y_pos);
@@ -705,13 +712,15 @@
   uint32_t* const rows_out = dec->argb_cache_;
   // Inverse transforms.
-  // TODO: most transforms only need to operate on the cropped region only.
-  memcpy(rows_out, rows_in, cache_pixs * sizeof(*rows_out));
   while (n-- > 0) {
     VP8LTransform* const transform = &dec->transforms_[n];
     VP8LInverseTransform(transform, start_row, end_row, rows_in, rows_out);
     rows_in = rows_out;
+  if (rows_in != rows_out) {
+    // No transform called, hence just copy.
+    memcpy(rows_out, rows_in, cache_pixs * sizeof(*rows_out));
+  }
 // Processes (transforms, scales & color-converts) the rows decoded after the
@@ -1210,8 +1219,9 @@
       // Equivalent to AddPixelEq(), on a byte-basis.
       new_data[i] = (data[i] + new_data[i - 4]) & 0xff;
-    for (; i < 4 * final_num_colors; ++i)
+    for (; i < 4 * final_num_colors; ++i) {
       new_data[i] = 0;  // black tail.
+    }
     transform->data_ = new_color_map;
@@ -1482,9 +1492,8 @@
     const int cache_pixs = width * num_rows_to_process;
     uint8_t* const dst = output + width * cur_row;
     const uint32_t* const src = dec->argb_cache_;
-    int i;
     ApplyInverseTransforms(dec, num_rows_to_process, in);
-    for (i = 0; i < cache_pixs; ++i) dst[i] = (src[i] >> 8) & 0xff;
+    WebPExtractGreen(src, dst, cache_pixs);
                      cur_row, cur_row + num_rows_to_process, dst, width);
     num_rows -= num_rows_to_process;
@@ -1552,6 +1561,8 @@
     return 1;  // done
+  if (!alph_dec->use_8b_decode_) WebPInitAlphaProcessing();
   // Decode (with special row processing).
   return alph_dec->use_8b_decode_ ?
       DecodeAlphaData(dec, (uint8_t*)dec->pixels_, dec->width_, dec->height_,
diff --git a/src/dec/vp8li.h b/src/dec/vp8li_dec.h
similarity index 96%
rename from src/dec/vp8li.h
rename to src/dec/vp8li_dec.h
index 9313bdc..097a9d0 100644
--- a/src/dec/vp8li.h
+++ b/src/dec/vp8li_dec.h
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
 #define WEBP_DEC_VP8LI_H_
 #include <string.h>     // for memcpy()
-#include "./webpi.h"
-#include "../utils/bit_reader.h"
-#include "../utils/color_cache.h"
-#include "../utils/huffman.h"
+#include "./webpi_dec.h"
+#include "../utils/bit_reader_utils.h"
+#include "../utils/color_cache_utils.h"
+#include "../utils/huffman_utils.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
diff --git a/src/dec/webp.c b/src/dec/webp_dec.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/dec/webp.c
rename to src/dec/webp_dec.c
index d0b912f..a8e9c2c 100644
--- a/src/dec/webp.c
+++ b/src/dec/webp_dec.c
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./vp8i.h"
-#include "./vp8li.h"
-#include "./webpi.h"
+#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
+#include "./vp8li_dec.h"
+#include "./webpi_dec.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #include "../webp/mux_types.h"  // ALPHA_FLAG
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 //   20..23  VP8X flags bit-map corresponding to the chunk-types present.
 //   24..26  Width of the Canvas Image.
 //   27..29  Height of the Canvas Image.
-// There can be extra chunks after the "VP8X" chunk (ICCP, FRGM, ANMF, VP8,
-// VP8L, XMP, EXIF  ...)
+// There can be extra chunks after the "VP8X" chunk (ICCP, ANMF, VP8, VP8L,
+// XMP, EXIF  ...)
 // All sizes are in little-endian order.
 // Note: chunk data size must be padded to multiple of 2 when written.
@@ -289,7 +289,6 @@
   int found_riff = 0;
   int found_vp8x = 0;
   int animation_present = 0;
-  int fragments_present = 0;
   const int have_all_data = (headers != NULL) ? headers->have_all_data : 0;
   VP8StatusCode status;
@@ -318,7 +317,6 @@
       return status;  // Wrong VP8X / insufficient data.
     animation_present = !!(flags & ANIMATION_FLAG);
-    fragments_present = !!(flags & FRAGMENTS_FLAG);
     if (!found_riff && found_vp8x) {
       // Note: This restriction may be removed in the future, if it becomes
       // necessary to send VP8X chunk to the decoder.
@@ -330,8 +328,7 @@
     image_width = canvas_width;
     image_height = canvas_height;
-    if (found_vp8x && (animation_present || fragments_present) &&
-        headers == NULL) {
+    if (found_vp8x && animation_present && headers == NULL) {
       status = VP8_STATUS_OK;
       goto ReturnWidthHeight;  // Just return features from VP8X header.
@@ -362,7 +359,7 @@
-  if (format != NULL && !(animation_present || fragments_present)) {
+  if (format != NULL && !animation_present) {
     *format = hdrs.is_lossless ? 2 : 1;
diff --git a/src/dec/webpi.h b/src/dec/webpi_dec.h
similarity index 90%
rename from src/dec/webpi.h
rename to src/dec/webpi_dec.h
index 991b194..696abc1 100644
--- a/src/dec/webpi.h
+++ b/src/dec/webpi_dec.h
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 extern "C" {
-#include "../utils/rescaler.h"
-#include "./decode_vp8.h"
+#include "../utils/rescaler_utils.h"
+#include "./vp8_dec.h"
 // WebPDecParams: Decoding output parameters. Transient internal object.
@@ -38,27 +38,18 @@
   int last_y;                 // coordinate of the line that was last output
   const WebPDecoderOptions* options;  // if not NULL, use alt decoding features
-  // rescalers
-  WebPRescaler scaler_y, scaler_u, scaler_v, scaler_a;
+  WebPRescaler* scaler_y, *scaler_u, *scaler_v, *scaler_a;  // rescalers
   void* memory;                  // overall scratch memory for the output work.
   OutputFunc emit;               // output RGB or YUV samples
   OutputAlphaFunc emit_alpha;    // output alpha channel
   OutputRowFunc emit_alpha_row;  // output one line of rescaled alpha values
-  WebPDecBuffer* final_output;   // In case the user supplied a slow-memory
-                                 // output, we decode image in temporary buffer
-                                 // (this::output) and copy it here.
-  WebPDecBuffer tmp_buffer;      // this::output will point to this one in case
-                                 // of slow memory.
 // Should be called first, before any use of the WebPDecParams object.
 void WebPResetDecParams(WebPDecParams* const params);
-// Delete all memory (after an error occurred, for instance)
-void WebPFreeDecParams(WebPDecParams* const params);
 // Header parsing helpers
diff --git a/src/demux/demux.c b/src/demux/demux.c
index 1cb9bd5..100eab8 100644
--- a/src/demux/demux.c
+++ b/src/demux/demux.c
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 typedef struct {
   size_t start_;        // start location of the data
@@ -590,7 +590,6 @@
 static int IsValidExtendedFormat(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux) {
   const int is_animation = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & ANIMATION_FLAG);
-  const int is_fragmented = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & FRAGMENTS_FLAG);
   const Frame* f = dmux->frames_;
   if (dmux->state_ == WEBP_DEMUX_PARSING_HEADER) return 1;
@@ -598,7 +597,7 @@
   if (dmux->canvas_width_ <= 0 || dmux->canvas_height_ <= 0) return 0;
   if (dmux->loop_count_ < 0) return 0;
   if (dmux->state_ == WEBP_DEMUX_DONE && dmux->frames_ == NULL) return 0;
-  if (is_fragmented) return 0;
+  if (dmux->feature_flags_ & ~ALL_VALID_FLAGS) return 0;  // invalid bitstream
   while (f != NULL) {
     const int cur_frame_set = f->frame_num_;
diff --git a/src/dsp/alpha_processing.c b/src/dsp/alpha_processing.c
index 1716cac..4b60e09 100644
--- a/src/dsp/alpha_processing.c
+++ b/src/dsp/alpha_processing.c
@@ -284,9 +284,9 @@
-static int DispatchAlpha(const uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride,
-                         int width, int height,
-                         uint8_t* dst, int dst_stride) {
+static int DispatchAlpha_C(const uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride,
+                           int width, int height,
+                           uint8_t* dst, int dst_stride) {
   uint32_t alpha_mask = 0xff;
   int i, j;
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@
   return (alpha_mask != 0xff);
-static void DispatchAlphaToGreen(const uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride,
-                                 int width, int height,
-                                 uint32_t* dst, int dst_stride) {
+static void DispatchAlphaToGreen_C(const uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride,
+                                   int width, int height,
+                                   uint32_t* dst, int dst_stride) {
   int i, j;
   for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
     for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
@@ -316,9 +316,9 @@
-static int ExtractAlpha(const uint8_t* argb, int argb_stride,
-                        int width, int height,
-                        uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride) {
+static int ExtractAlpha_C(const uint8_t* argb, int argb_stride,
+                          int width, int height,
+                          uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride) {
   uint8_t alpha_mask = 0xff;
   int i, j;
@@ -334,11 +334,17 @@
   return (alpha_mask == 0xff);
+static void ExtractGreen_C(const uint32_t* argb, uint8_t* alpha, int size) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) alpha[i] = argb[i] >> 8;
 void (*WebPApplyAlphaMultiply)(uint8_t*, int, int, int, int);
 void (*WebPApplyAlphaMultiply4444)(uint8_t*, int, int, int);
 int (*WebPDispatchAlpha)(const uint8_t*, int, int, int, uint8_t*, int);
 void (*WebPDispatchAlphaToGreen)(const uint8_t*, int, int, int, uint32_t*, int);
 int (*WebPExtractAlpha)(const uint8_t*, int, int, int, uint8_t*, int);
+void (*WebPExtractGreen)(const uint32_t* argb, uint8_t* alpha, int size);
 // Init function
@@ -346,6 +352,7 @@
 extern void WebPInitAlphaProcessingMIPSdspR2(void);
 extern void WebPInitAlphaProcessingSSE2(void);
 extern void WebPInitAlphaProcessingSSE41(void);
+extern void WebPInitAlphaProcessingNEON(void);
 static volatile VP8CPUInfo alpha_processing_last_cpuinfo_used =
@@ -357,9 +364,11 @@
   WebPMultRow = WebPMultRowC;
   WebPApplyAlphaMultiply = ApplyAlphaMultiply;
   WebPApplyAlphaMultiply4444 = ApplyAlphaMultiply_16b;
-  WebPDispatchAlpha = DispatchAlpha;
-  WebPDispatchAlphaToGreen = DispatchAlphaToGreen;
-  WebPExtractAlpha = ExtractAlpha;
+  WebPDispatchAlpha = DispatchAlpha_C;
+  WebPDispatchAlphaToGreen = DispatchAlphaToGreen_C;
+  WebPExtractAlpha = ExtractAlpha_C;
+  WebPExtractGreen = ExtractGreen_C;
   // If defined, use CPUInfo() to overwrite some pointers with faster versions.
   if (VP8GetCPUInfo != NULL) {
@@ -373,6 +382,11 @@
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_NEON)
+    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kNEON)) {
+      WebPInitAlphaProcessingNEON();
+    }
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS_DSP_R2)
     if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kMIPSdspR2)) {
diff --git a/src/dsp/alpha_processing_neon.c b/src/dsp/alpha_processing_neon.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..606a401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dsp/alpha_processing_neon.c
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Utilities for processing transparent channel, NEON version.
+// Author: Skal (
+#include "./dsp.h"
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_NEON)
+#include "./neon.h"
+#define MULTIPLIER(a) ((a) * 0x8081)
+#define PREMULTIPLY(x, m) (((x) * (m)) >> 23)
+#define MULTIPLY_BY_ALPHA(V, ALPHA, OTHER) do {                        \
+  const uint8x8_t alpha = (V).val[(ALPHA)];                            \
+  const uint16x8_t r1 = vmull_u8((V).val[1], alpha);                   \
+  const uint16x8_t g1 = vmull_u8((V).val[2], alpha);                   \
+  const uint16x8_t b1 = vmull_u8((V).val[(OTHER)], alpha);             \
+  /* we use: v / 255 = (v + 1 + (v >> 8)) >> 8 */                      \
+  const uint16x8_t r2 = vsraq_n_u16(r1, r1, 8);                        \
+  const uint16x8_t g2 = vsraq_n_u16(g1, g1, 8);                        \
+  const uint16x8_t b2 = vsraq_n_u16(b1, b1, 8);                        \
+  const uint16x8_t r3 = vaddq_u16(r2, kOne);                           \
+  const uint16x8_t g3 = vaddq_u16(g2, kOne);                           \
+  const uint16x8_t b3 = vaddq_u16(b2, kOne);                           \
+  (V).val[1] = vshrn_n_u16(r3, 8);                                     \
+  (V).val[2] = vshrn_n_u16(g3, 8);                                     \
+  (V).val[(OTHER)] = vshrn_n_u16(b3, 8);                               \
+} while (0)
+static void ApplyAlphaMultiply_NEON(uint8_t* rgba, int alpha_first,
+                                    int w, int h, int stride) {
+  const uint16x8_t kOne = vdupq_n_u16(1u);
+  while (h-- > 0) {
+    uint32_t* const rgbx = (uint32_t*)rgba;
+    int i = 0;
+    if (alpha_first) {
+      for (; i + 8 <= w; i += 8) {
+        // load aaaa...|rrrr...|gggg...|bbbb...
+        uint8x8x4_t RGBX = vld4_u8((const uint8_t*)(rgbx + i));
+        MULTIPLY_BY_ALPHA(RGBX, 0, 3);
+        vst4_u8((uint8_t*)(rgbx + i), RGBX);
+      }
+    } else {
+      for (; i + 8 <= w; i += 8) {
+        uint8x8x4_t RGBX = vld4_u8((const uint8_t*)(rgbx + i));
+        MULTIPLY_BY_ALPHA(RGBX, 3, 0);
+        vst4_u8((uint8_t*)(rgbx + i), RGBX);
+      }
+    }
+    // Finish with left-overs.
+    for (; i < w; ++i) {
+      uint8_t* const rgb = rgba + (alpha_first ? 1 : 0);
+      const uint8_t* const alpha = rgba + (alpha_first ? 0 : 3);
+      const uint32_t a = alpha[4 * i];
+      if (a != 0xff) {
+        const uint32_t mult = MULTIPLIER(a);
+        rgb[4 * i + 0] = PREMULTIPLY(rgb[4 * i + 0], mult);
+        rgb[4 * i + 1] = PREMULTIPLY(rgb[4 * i + 1], mult);
+        rgb[4 * i + 2] = PREMULTIPLY(rgb[4 * i + 2], mult);
+      }
+    }
+    rgba += stride;
+  }
+static int DispatchAlpha_NEON(const uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride,
+                              int width, int height,
+                              uint8_t* dst, int dst_stride) {
+  uint32_t alpha_mask = 0xffffffffu;
+  uint8x8_t mask8 = vdup_n_u8(0xff);
+  uint32_t tmp[2];
+  int i, j;
+  for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
+    // We don't know if alpha is first or last in dst[] (depending on rgbA/Argb
+    // mode). So we must be sure dst[4*i + 8 - 1] is writable for the store.
+    // Hence the test with 'width - 1' instead of just 'width'.
+    for (i = 0; i + 8 <= width - 1; i += 8) {
+      uint8x8x4_t rgbX = vld4_u8((const uint8_t*)(dst + 4 * i));
+      const uint8x8_t alphas = vld1_u8(alpha + i);
+      rgbX.val[0] = alphas;
+      vst4_u8((uint8_t*)(dst + 4 * i), rgbX);
+      mask8 = vand_u8(mask8, alphas);
+    }
+    for (; i < width; ++i) {
+      const uint32_t alpha_value = alpha[i];
+      dst[4 * i] = alpha_value;
+      alpha_mask &= alpha_value;
+    }
+    alpha += alpha_stride;
+    dst += dst_stride;
+  }
+  vst1_u8((uint8_t*)tmp, mask8);
+  alpha_mask &= tmp[0];
+  alpha_mask &= tmp[1];
+  return (alpha_mask != 0xffffffffu);
+static void DispatchAlphaToGreen_NEON(const uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride,
+                                      int width, int height,
+                                      uint32_t* dst, int dst_stride) {
+  int i, j;
+  uint8x8x4_t greens;   // leave A/R/B channels zero'd.
+  greens.val[0] = vdup_n_u8(0);
+  greens.val[2] = vdup_n_u8(0);
+  greens.val[3] = vdup_n_u8(0);
+  for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
+    for (i = 0; i + 8 <= width; i += 8) {
+      greens.val[1] = vld1_u8(alpha + i);
+      vst4_u8((uint8_t*)(dst + i), greens);
+    }
+    for (; i < width; ++i) dst[i] = alpha[i] << 8;
+    alpha += alpha_stride;
+    dst += dst_stride;
+  }
+static int ExtractAlpha_NEON(const uint8_t* argb, int argb_stride,
+                             int width, int height,
+                             uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride) {
+  uint32_t alpha_mask = 0xffffffffu;
+  uint8x8_t mask8 = vdup_n_u8(0xff);
+  uint32_t tmp[2];
+  int i, j;
+  for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
+    // We don't know if alpha is first or last in dst[] (depending on rgbA/Argb
+    // mode). So we must be sure dst[4*i + 8 - 1] is writable for the store.
+    // Hence the test with 'width - 1' instead of just 'width'.
+    for (i = 0; i + 8 <= width - 1; i += 8) {
+      const uint8x8x4_t rgbX = vld4_u8((const uint8_t*)(argb + 4 * i));
+      const uint8x8_t alphas = rgbX.val[0];
+      vst1_u8((uint8_t*)(alpha + i), alphas);
+      mask8 = vand_u8(mask8, alphas);
+    }
+    for (; i < width; ++i) {
+      alpha[i] = argb[4 * i];
+      alpha_mask &= alpha[i];
+    }
+    argb += argb_stride;
+    alpha += alpha_stride;
+  }
+  vst1_u8((uint8_t*)tmp, mask8);
+  alpha_mask &= tmp[0];
+  alpha_mask &= tmp[1];
+  return (alpha_mask == 0xffffffffu);
+static void ExtractGreen_NEON(const uint32_t* argb,
+                              uint8_t* alpha, int size) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i + 16 <= size; i += 16) {
+    const uint8x16x4_t rgbX = vld4q_u8((const uint8_t*)(argb + i));
+    const uint8x16_t greens = rgbX.val[1];
+    vst1q_u8(alpha + i, greens);
+  }
+  for (; i < size; ++i) alpha[i] = (argb[i] >> 8) & 0xff;
+extern void WebPInitAlphaProcessingNEON(void);
+WEBP_TSAN_IGNORE_FUNCTION void WebPInitAlphaProcessingNEON(void) {
+  WebPApplyAlphaMultiply = ApplyAlphaMultiply_NEON;
+  WebPDispatchAlpha = DispatchAlpha_NEON;
+  WebPDispatchAlphaToGreen = DispatchAlphaToGreen_NEON;
+  WebPExtractAlpha = ExtractAlpha_NEON;
+  WebPExtractGreen = ExtractGreen_NEON;
+#else  // !WEBP_USE_NEON
+#endif  // WEBP_USE_NEON
diff --git a/src/dsp/alpha_processing_sse2.c b/src/dsp/alpha_processing_sse2.c
index 5acb481..83dc559 100644
--- a/src/dsp/alpha_processing_sse2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/alpha_processing_sse2.c
@@ -150,46 +150,46 @@
 #define PREMULTIPLY(x, m) (((x) * (m)) >> 23)
 // We can't use a 'const int' for the SHUFFLE value, because it has to be an
-// immediate in the _mm_shufflexx_epi16() instruction. We really a macro here.
-#define APPLY_ALPHA(RGBX, SHUFFLE, MASK, MULT) do {             \
-  const __m128i argb0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)&(RGBX));     \
-  const __m128i argb1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(argb0, zero);         \
-  const __m128i alpha0 = _mm_and_si128(argb1, MASK);            \
-  const __m128i alpha1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(alpha0, SHUFFLE);  \
-  const __m128i alpha2 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(alpha1, SHUFFLE);  \
-  /* alpha2 = [0 a0 a0 a0][0 a1 a1 a1] */                       \
-  const __m128i scale0 = _mm_mullo_epi16(alpha2, MULT);         \
-  const __m128i scale1 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(alpha2, MULT);         \
-  const __m128i argb2 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(argb1, scale0);         \
-  const __m128i argb3 = _mm_mullo_epi16(argb1, scale1);         \
-  const __m128i argb4 = _mm_adds_epu16(argb2, argb3);           \
-  const __m128i argb5 = _mm_srli_epi16(argb4, 7);               \
-  const __m128i argb6 = _mm_or_si128(argb5, alpha0);            \
-  const __m128i argb7 = _mm_packus_epi16(argb6, zero);          \
-  _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)&(RGBX), argb7);                   \
+// immediate in the _mm_shufflexx_epi16() instruction. We really need a macro.
+// We use: v / 255 = (v * 0x8081) >> 23, where v = alpha * {r,g,b} is a 16bit
+// value.
+#define APPLY_ALPHA(RGBX, SHUFFLE) do {                              \
+  const __m128i argb0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&(RGBX));    \
+  const __m128i argb1_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(argb0, zero);           \
+  const __m128i argb1_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(argb0, zero);           \
+  const __m128i alpha0_lo = _mm_or_si128(argb1_lo, kMask);           \
+  const __m128i alpha0_hi = _mm_or_si128(argb1_hi, kMask);           \
+  const __m128i alpha1_lo = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(alpha0_lo, SHUFFLE); \
+  const __m128i alpha1_hi = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(alpha0_hi, SHUFFLE); \
+  const __m128i alpha2_lo = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(alpha1_lo, SHUFFLE); \
+  const __m128i alpha2_hi = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(alpha1_hi, SHUFFLE); \
+  /* alpha2 = [ff a0 a0 a0][ff a1 a1 a1] */                          \
+  const __m128i A0_lo = _mm_mullo_epi16(alpha2_lo, argb1_lo);        \
+  const __m128i A0_hi = _mm_mullo_epi16(alpha2_hi, argb1_hi);        \
+  const __m128i A1_lo = _mm_mulhi_epu16(A0_lo, kMult);               \
+  const __m128i A1_hi = _mm_mulhi_epu16(A0_hi, kMult);               \
+  const __m128i A2_lo = _mm_srli_epi16(A1_lo, 7);                    \
+  const __m128i A2_hi = _mm_srli_epi16(A1_hi, 7);                    \
+  const __m128i A3 = _mm_packus_epi16(A2_lo, A2_hi);                 \
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&(RGBX), A3);                           \
 } while (0)
-static void ApplyAlphaMultiply(uint8_t* rgba, int alpha_first,
-                               int w, int h, int stride) {
+static void ApplyAlphaMultiply_SSE2(uint8_t* rgba, int alpha_first,
+                                    int w, int h, int stride) {
   const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
-  const int kSpan = 2;
-  const int w2 = w & ~(kSpan - 1);
+  const __m128i kMult = _mm_set1_epi16(0x8081u);
+  const __m128i kMask = _mm_set_epi16(0, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0);
+  const int kSpan = 4;
   while (h-- > 0) {
     uint32_t* const rgbx = (uint32_t*)rgba;
     int i;
     if (!alpha_first) {
-      const __m128i kMask = _mm_set_epi16(0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0, 0, 0);
-      const __m128i kMult =
-          _mm_set_epi16(0, 0x8081, 0x8081, 0x8081, 0, 0x8081, 0x8081, 0x8081);
-      for (i = 0; i < w2; i += kSpan) {
-        APPLY_ALPHA(rgbx[i], _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 3, 3), kMask, kMult);
+      for (i = 0; i + kSpan <= w; i += kSpan) {
+        APPLY_ALPHA(rgbx[i], _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 3, 3));
     } else {
-      const __m128i kMask = _mm_set_epi16(0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0xff);
-      const __m128i kMult =
-          _mm_set_epi16(0x8081, 0x8081, 0x8081, 0, 0x8081, 0x8081, 0x8081, 0);
-      for (i = 0; i < w2; i += kSpan) {
-        APPLY_ALPHA(rgbx[i], _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 3), kMask, kMult);
+      for (i = 0; i + kSpan <= w; i += kSpan) {
+        APPLY_ALPHA(rgbx[i], _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 1));
     // Finish with left-overs.
@@ -213,64 +213,51 @@
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Apply alpha value to rows
-// We use: kINV255 = (1 << 24) / 255 = 0x010101
-// So: a * kINV255 = (a << 16) | [(a << 8) | a]
-// -> _mm_mulhi_epu16() takes care of the (a<<16) part,
-// and _mm_mullo_epu16(a * 0x0101,...) takes care of the "(a << 8) | a" one.
-static void MultARGBRow(uint32_t* const ptr, int width, int inverse) {
+static void MultARGBRow_SSE2(uint32_t* const ptr, int width, int inverse) {
   int x = 0;
   if (!inverse) {
     const int kSpan = 2;
     const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
-    const __m128i kRound =
-        _mm_set_epi16(0, 1 << 7, 1 << 7, 1 << 7, 0, 1 << 7, 1 << 7, 1 << 7);
-    const __m128i kMult =
-        _mm_set_epi16(0, 0x0101, 0x0101, 0x0101, 0, 0x0101, 0x0101, 0x0101);
-    const __m128i kOne64 = _mm_set_epi16(1u << 8, 0, 0, 0, 1u << 8, 0, 0, 0);
-    const int w2 = width & ~(kSpan - 1);
-    for (x = 0; x < w2; x += kSpan) {
-      const __m128i argb0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)&ptr[x]);
-      const __m128i argb1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(argb0, zero);
-      const __m128i tmp0 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(argb1, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3));
-      const __m128i tmp1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(tmp0, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3));
-      const __m128i tmp2 = _mm_srli_epi64(tmp1, 16);
-      const __m128i scale0 = _mm_mullo_epi16(tmp1, kMult);
-      const __m128i scale1 = _mm_or_si128(tmp2, kOne64);
-      const __m128i argb2 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(argb1, scale0);
-      const __m128i argb3 = _mm_mullo_epi16(argb1, scale1);
-      const __m128i argb4 = _mm_adds_epu16(argb2, argb3);
-      const __m128i argb5 = _mm_adds_epu16(argb4, kRound);
-      const __m128i argb6 = _mm_srli_epi16(argb5, 8);
-      const __m128i argb7 = _mm_packus_epi16(argb6, zero);
-      _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)&ptr[x], argb7);
+    const __m128i k128 = _mm_set1_epi16(128);
+    const __m128i kMult = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0101);
+    const __m128i kMask = _mm_set_epi16(0, 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0, 0);
+    for (x = 0; x + kSpan <= width; x += kSpan) {
+      // To compute 'result = (int)(a * x / 255. + .5)', we use:
+      //   tmp = a * v + 128, result = (tmp * 0x0101u) >> 16
+      const __m128i A0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)&ptr[x]);
+      const __m128i A1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(A0, zero);
+      const __m128i A2 = _mm_or_si128(A1, kMask);
+      const __m128i A3 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(A2, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 3, 3));
+      const __m128i A4 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(A3, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 3, 3));
+      // here, A4 = [ff a0 a0 a0][ff a1 a1 a1]
+      const __m128i A5 = _mm_mullo_epi16(A4, A1);
+      const __m128i A6 = _mm_add_epi16(A5, k128);
+      const __m128i A7 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(A6, kMult);
+      const __m128i A10 = _mm_packus_epi16(A7, zero);
+      _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)&ptr[x], A10);
   width -= x;
   if (width > 0) WebPMultARGBRowC(ptr + x, width, inverse);
-static void MultRow(uint8_t* const ptr, const uint8_t* const alpha,
-                    int width, int inverse) {
+static void MultRow_SSE2(uint8_t* const ptr, const uint8_t* const alpha,
+                         int width, int inverse) {
   int x = 0;
   if (!inverse) {
-    const int kSpan = 8;
     const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
-    const __m128i kRound = _mm_set1_epi16(1 << 7);
-    const int w2 = width & ~(kSpan - 1);
-    for (x = 0; x < w2; x += kSpan) {
+    const __m128i k128 = _mm_set1_epi16(128);
+    const __m128i kMult = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0101);
+    for (x = 0; x + 8 <= width; x += 8) {
       const __m128i v0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)&ptr[x]);
+      const __m128i a0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)&alpha[x]);
       const __m128i v1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(v0, zero);
-      const __m128i alpha0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)&alpha[x]);
-      const __m128i alpha1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(alpha0, zero);
-      const __m128i alpha2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(alpha0, alpha0);
-      const __m128i v2 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(v1, alpha2);
-      const __m128i v3 = _mm_mullo_epi16(v1, alpha1);
-      const __m128i v4 = _mm_adds_epu16(v2, v3);
-      const __m128i v5 = _mm_adds_epu16(v4, kRound);
-      const __m128i v6 = _mm_srli_epi16(v5, 8);
-      const __m128i v7 = _mm_packus_epi16(v6, zero);
-      _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)&ptr[x], v7);
+      const __m128i a1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(a0, zero);
+      const __m128i v2 = _mm_mullo_epi16(v1, a1);
+      const __m128i v3 = _mm_add_epi16(v2, k128);
+      const __m128i v4 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(v3, kMult);
+      const __m128i v5 = _mm_packus_epi16(v4, zero);
+      _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)&ptr[x], v5);
   width -= x;
@@ -283,9 +270,9 @@
 extern void WebPInitAlphaProcessingSSE2(void);
 WEBP_TSAN_IGNORE_FUNCTION void WebPInitAlphaProcessingSSE2(void) {
-  WebPMultARGBRow = MultARGBRow;
-  WebPMultRow = MultRow;
-  WebPApplyAlphaMultiply = ApplyAlphaMultiply;
+  WebPMultARGBRow = MultARGBRow_SSE2;
+  WebPMultRow = MultRow_SSE2;
+  WebPApplyAlphaMultiply = ApplyAlphaMultiply_SSE2;
   WebPDispatchAlpha = DispatchAlpha;
   WebPDispatchAlphaToGreen = DispatchAlphaToGreen;
   WebPExtractAlpha = ExtractAlpha;
diff --git a/src/dsp/common_sse2.h b/src/dsp/common_sse2.h
index 7cea13f..995d7cf 100644
--- a/src/dsp/common_sse2.h
+++ b/src/dsp/common_sse2.h
@@ -100,6 +100,91 @@
   // a03 a13 a23 a33   b03 b13 b23 b33
+// Channel mixing.
+// Function used several times in VP8PlanarTo24b.
+// It samples the in buffer as follows: one every two unsigned char is stored
+// at the beginning of the buffer, while the other half is stored at the end.
+#define VP8PlanarTo24bHelper(IN, OUT)                            \
+  do {                                                           \
+    const __m128i v_mask = _mm_set1_epi16(0x00ff);               \
+    /* Take one every two upper 8b values.*/                     \
+    (OUT##0) = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_and_si128((IN##0), v_mask),  \
+                                _mm_and_si128((IN##1), v_mask)); \
+    (OUT##1) = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_and_si128((IN##2), v_mask),  \
+                                _mm_and_si128((IN##3), v_mask)); \
+    (OUT##2) = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_and_si128((IN##4), v_mask),  \
+                                _mm_and_si128((IN##5), v_mask)); \
+    /* Take one every two lower 8b values.*/                     \
+    (OUT##3) = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16((IN##0), 8),      \
+                                _mm_srli_epi16((IN##1), 8));     \
+    (OUT##4) = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16((IN##2), 8),      \
+                                _mm_srli_epi16((IN##3), 8));     \
+    (OUT##5) = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16((IN##4), 8),      \
+                                _mm_srli_epi16((IN##5), 8));     \
+  } while (0)
+// Pack the planar buffers
+// rrrr... rrrr... gggg... gggg... bbbb... bbbb....
+// triplet by triplet in the output buffer rgb as rgbrgbrgbrgb ...
+static WEBP_INLINE void VP8PlanarTo24b(__m128i* const in0, __m128i* const in1,
+                                       __m128i* const in2, __m128i* const in3,
+                                       __m128i* const in4, __m128i* const in5) {
+  // The input is 6 registers of sixteen 8b but for the sake of explanation,
+  // let's take 6 registers of four 8b values.
+  // To pack, we will keep taking one every two 8b integer and move it
+  // around as follows:
+  // Input:
+  //   r0r1r2r3 | r4r5r6r7 | g0g1g2g3 | g4g5g6g7 | b0b1b2b3 | b4b5b6b7
+  // Split the 6 registers in two sets of 3 registers: the first set as the even
+  // 8b bytes, the second the odd ones:
+  //   r0r2r4r6 | g0g2g4g6 | b0b2b4b6 | r1r3r5r7 | g1g3g5g7 | b1b3b5b7
+  // Repeat the same permutations twice more:
+  //   r0r4g0g4 | b0b4r1r5 | g1g5b1b5 | r2r6g2g6 | b2b6r3r7 | g3g7b3b7
+  //   r0g0b0r1 | g1b1r2g2 | b2r3g3b3 | r4g4b4r5 | g5b5r6g6 | b6r7g7b7
+  __m128i tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5;
+  VP8PlanarTo24bHelper(*in, tmp);
+  VP8PlanarTo24bHelper(tmp, *in);
+  VP8PlanarTo24bHelper(*in, tmp);
+  // We need to do it two more times than the example as we have sixteen bytes.
+  {
+    __m128i out0, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5;
+    VP8PlanarTo24bHelper(tmp, out);
+    VP8PlanarTo24bHelper(out, *in);
+  }
+#undef VP8PlanarTo24bHelper
+// Convert four packed four-channel buffers like argbargbargbargb... into the
+// split channels aaaaa ... rrrr ... gggg .... bbbbb ......
+static WEBP_INLINE void VP8L32bToPlanar(__m128i* const in0,
+                                        __m128i* const in1,
+                                        __m128i* const in2,
+                                        __m128i* const in3) {
+  // Column-wise transpose.
+  const __m128i A0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(*in0, *in1);
+  const __m128i A1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(*in0, *in1);
+  const __m128i A2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(*in2, *in3);
+  const __m128i A3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(*in2, *in3);
+  const __m128i B0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(A0, A1);
+  const __m128i B1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(A0, A1);
+  const __m128i B2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(A2, A3);
+  const __m128i B3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(A2, A3);
+  // C0 = g7 g6 ... g1 g0 | b7 b6 ... b1 b0
+  // C1 = a7 a6 ... a1 a0 | r7 r6 ... r1 r0
+  const __m128i C0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(B0, B1);
+  const __m128i C1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(B0, B1);
+  const __m128i C2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(B2, B3);
+  const __m128i C3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(B2, B3);
+  // Gather the channels.
+  *in0 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(C1, C3);
+  *in1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(C1, C3);
+  *in2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(C0, C2);
+  *in3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(C0, C2);
 #endif  // WEBP_USE_SSE2
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/dsp/cost.c b/src/dsp/cost.c
index fe72d26..58ddea7 100644
--- a/src/dsp/cost.c
+++ b/src/dsp/cost.c
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 // Author: Skal (
 #include "./dsp.h"
-#include "../enc/cost.h"
+#include "../enc/cost_enc.h"
 // Boolean-cost cost table
diff --git a/src/dsp/cost_mips32.c b/src/dsp/cost_mips32.c
index d1e240e..3102da8 100644
--- a/src/dsp/cost_mips32.c
+++ b/src/dsp/cost_mips32.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS32)
-#include "../enc/cost.h"
+#include "../enc/cost_enc.h"
 static int GetResidualCost(int ctx0, const VP8Residual* const res) {
   int temp0, temp1;
diff --git a/src/dsp/cost_mips_dsp_r2.c b/src/dsp/cost_mips_dsp_r2.c
index ce64067..6ec8aeb 100644
--- a/src/dsp/cost_mips_dsp_r2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/cost_mips_dsp_r2.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS_DSP_R2)
-#include "../enc/cost.h"
+#include "../enc/cost_enc.h"
 static int GetResidualCost(int ctx0, const VP8Residual* const res) {
   int temp0, temp1;
diff --git a/src/dsp/cost_sse2.c b/src/dsp/cost_sse2.c
index 0cb1c1f..421d51f 100644
--- a/src/dsp/cost_sse2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/cost_sse2.c
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_SSE2)
 #include <emmintrin.h>
-#include "../enc/cost.h"
-#include "../enc/vp8enci.h"
+#include "../enc/cost_enc.h"
+#include "../enc/vp8i_enc.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
diff --git a/src/dsp/cpu.c b/src/dsp/cpu.c
index b8cd003..938b83c 100644
--- a/src/dsp/cpu.c
+++ b/src/dsp/cpu.c
@@ -95,26 +95,62 @@
 #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(WEBP_MSC_SSE2)
+// helper function for run-time detection of slow SSSE3 platforms
+static int CheckSlowModel(int info) {
+  // Table listing display models with longer latencies for the bsr instruction
+  // (ie 2 cycles vs 10/16 cycles) and some SSSE3 instructions like pshufb.
+  // Refer to Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual.
+  static const uint8_t kSlowModels[] = {
+    0x37, 0x4a, 0x4d,  // Silvermont Microarchitecture
+    0x1c, 0x26, 0x27   // Atom Microarchitecture
+  };
+  const uint32_t model = ((info & 0xf0000) >> 12) | ((info >> 4) & 0xf);
+  const uint32_t family = (info >> 8) & 0xf;
+  if (family == 0x06) {
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(kSlowModels) / sizeof(kSlowModels[0]); ++i) {
+      if (model == kSlowModels[i]) return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
 static int x86CPUInfo(CPUFeature feature) {
   int max_cpuid_value;
   int cpu_info[4];
+  int is_intel = 0;
   // get the highest feature value cpuid supports
   GetCPUInfo(cpu_info, 0);
   max_cpuid_value = cpu_info[0];
   if (max_cpuid_value < 1) {
     return 0;
+  } else {
+    const int VENDOR_ID_INTEL_EBX = 0x756e6547;  // uneG
+    const int VENDOR_ID_INTEL_EDX = 0x49656e69;  // Ieni
+    const int VENDOR_ID_INTEL_ECX = 0x6c65746e;  // letn
+    is_intel = (cpu_info[1] == VENDOR_ID_INTEL_EBX &&
+                cpu_info[2] == VENDOR_ID_INTEL_ECX &&
+                cpu_info[3] == VENDOR_ID_INTEL_EDX);    // genuine Intel?
   GetCPUInfo(cpu_info, 1);
   if (feature == kSSE2) {
-    return 0 != (cpu_info[3] & 0x04000000);
+    return !!(cpu_info[3] & (1 << 26));
   if (feature == kSSE3) {
-    return 0 != (cpu_info[2] & 0x00000001);
+    return !!(cpu_info[2] & (1 << 0));
+  if (feature == kSlowSSSE3) {
+    if (is_intel && (cpu_info[2] & (1 << 0))) {   // SSSE3?
+      return CheckSlowModel(cpu_info[0]);
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
   if (feature == kSSE4_1) {
-    return 0 != (cpu_info[2] & 0x00080000);
+    return !!(cpu_info[2] & (1 << 19));
   if (feature == kAVX) {
     // bits 27 (OSXSAVE) & 28 (256-bit AVX)
@@ -126,7 +162,7 @@
   if (feature == kAVX2) {
     if (x86CPUInfo(kAVX) && max_cpuid_value >= 7) {
       GetCPUInfo(cpu_info, 7);
-      return ((cpu_info[1] & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020);
+      return !!(cpu_info[1] & (1 << 5));
   return 0;
@@ -184,4 +220,3 @@
diff --git a/src/dsp/dec.c b/src/dsp/dec.c
index 49bd16d..007e985 100644
--- a/src/dsp/dec.c
+++ b/src/dsp/dec.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Author: Skal (
 #include "./dsp.h"
-#include "../dec/vp8i.h"
+#include "../dec/vp8i_dec.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
diff --git a/src/dsp/dec_clip_tables.c b/src/dsp/dec_clip_tables.c
index 3b6dde8..74ba34c 100644
--- a/src/dsp/dec_clip_tables.c
+++ b/src/dsp/dec_clip_tables.c
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
   0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
-static const int8_t sclip1[1020 + 1020 + 1] = {
+static const uint8_t sclip1[1020 + 1020 + 1] = {
   0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
   0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
   0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
   0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f
-static const int8_t sclip2[112 + 112 + 1] = {
+static const uint8_t sclip2[112 + 112 + 1] = {
   0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0,
   0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0,
   0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0,
@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@
-const int8_t* const VP8ksclip1 = &sclip1[1020];
-const int8_t* const VP8ksclip2 = &sclip2[112];
+const int8_t* const VP8ksclip1 = (const int8_t*)&sclip1[1020];
+const int8_t* const VP8ksclip2 = (const int8_t*)&sclip2[112];
 const uint8_t* const VP8kclip1 = &clip1[255];
 const uint8_t* const VP8kabs0 = &abs0[255];
diff --git a/src/dsp/dec_msa.c b/src/dsp/dec_msa.c
index f76055c..8d9c98c 100644
--- a/src/dsp/dec_msa.c
+++ b/src/dsp/dec_msa.c
@@ -154,6 +154,820 @@
+// Edge filtering functions
+#define FLIP_SIGN2(in0, in1, out0, out1) {  \
+  out0 = (v16i8)__msa_xori_b(in0, 0x80);    \
+  out1 = (v16i8)__msa_xori_b(in1, 0x80);    \
+#define FLIP_SIGN4(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3) {  \
+  FLIP_SIGN2(in0, in1, out0, out1);                               \
+  FLIP_SIGN2(in2, in3, out2, out3);                               \
+#define FILT_VAL(q0_m, p0_m, mask, filt) do {  \
+  v16i8 q0_sub_p0;                             \
+  q0_sub_p0 = __msa_subs_s_b(q0_m, p0_m);      \
+  filt = __msa_adds_s_b(filt, q0_sub_p0);      \
+  filt = __msa_adds_s_b(filt, q0_sub_p0);      \
+  filt = __msa_adds_s_b(filt, q0_sub_p0);      \
+  filt = filt & mask;                          \
+} while (0)
+#define FILT2(q_m, p_m, q, p) do {            \
+  u_r = SRAI_H(temp1, 7);                     \
+  u_r = __msa_sat_s_h(u_r, 7);                \
+  u_l = SRAI_H(temp3, 7);                     \
+  u_l = __msa_sat_s_h(u_l, 7);                \
+  u = __msa_pckev_b((v16i8)u_l, (v16i8)u_r);  \
+  q_m = __msa_subs_s_b(q_m, u);               \
+  p_m = __msa_adds_s_b(p_m, u);               \
+  q = __msa_xori_b((v16u8)q_m, 0x80);         \
+  p = __msa_xori_b((v16u8)p_m, 0x80);         \
+} while (0)
+#define LPF_FILTER4_4W(p1, p0, q0, q1, mask, hev) do {  \
+  v16i8 p1_m, p0_m, q0_m, q1_m;                         \
+  v16i8 filt, t1, t2;                                   \
+  const v16i8 cnst4b = __msa_ldi_b(4);                  \
+  const v16i8 cnst3b = __msa_ldi_b(3);                  \
+                                                        \
+  FLIP_SIGN4(p1, p0, q0, q1, p1_m, p0_m, q0_m, q1_m);   \
+  filt = __msa_subs_s_b(p1_m, q1_m);                    \
+  filt = filt & hev;                                    \
+  FILT_VAL(q0_m, p0_m, mask, filt);                     \
+  t1 = __msa_adds_s_b(filt, cnst4b);                    \
+  t1 = SRAI_B(t1, 3);                                   \
+  t2 = __msa_adds_s_b(filt, cnst3b);                    \
+  t2 = SRAI_B(t2, 3);                                   \
+  q0_m = __msa_subs_s_b(q0_m, t1);                      \
+  q0 = __msa_xori_b((v16u8)q0_m, 0x80);                 \
+  p0_m = __msa_adds_s_b(p0_m, t2);                      \
+  p0 = __msa_xori_b((v16u8)p0_m, 0x80);                 \
+  filt = __msa_srari_b(t1, 1);                          \
+  hev = __msa_xori_b(hev, 0xff);                        \
+  filt = filt & hev;                                    \
+  q1_m = __msa_subs_s_b(q1_m, filt);                    \
+  q1 = __msa_xori_b((v16u8)q1_m, 0x80);                 \
+  p1_m = __msa_adds_s_b(p1_m, filt);                    \
+  p1 = __msa_xori_b((v16u8)p1_m, 0x80);                 \
+} while (0)
+#define LPF_MBFILTER(p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, mask, hev) do {  \
+  v16i8 p2_m, p1_m, p0_m, q2_m, q1_m, q0_m;                   \
+  v16i8 u, filt, t1, t2, filt_sign;                           \
+  v8i16 filt_r, filt_l, u_r, u_l;                             \
+  v8i16 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3;                           \
+  const v16i8 cnst4b = __msa_ldi_b(4);                        \
+  const v16i8 cnst3b = __msa_ldi_b(3);                        \
+  const v8i16 cnst9h = __msa_ldi_h(9);                        \
+                                                              \
+  FLIP_SIGN4(p1, p0, q0, q1, p1_m, p0_m, q0_m, q1_m);         \
+  filt = __msa_subs_s_b(p1_m, q1_m);                          \
+  FILT_VAL(q0_m, p0_m, mask, filt);                           \
+  FLIP_SIGN2(p2, q2, p2_m, q2_m);                             \
+  t2 = filt & hev;                                            \
+  /* filt_val &= ~hev */                                      \
+  hev = __msa_xori_b(hev, 0xff);                              \
+  filt = filt & hev;                                          \
+  t1 = __msa_adds_s_b(t2, cnst4b);                            \
+  t1 = SRAI_B(t1, 3);                                         \
+  t2 = __msa_adds_s_b(t2, cnst3b);                            \
+  t2 = SRAI_B(t2, 3);                                         \
+  q0_m = __msa_subs_s_b(q0_m, t1);                            \
+  p0_m = __msa_adds_s_b(p0_m, t2);                            \
+  filt_sign = __msa_clti_s_b(filt, 0);                        \
+  ILVRL_B2_SH(filt_sign, filt, filt_r, filt_l);               \
+  /* update q2/p2 */                                          \
+  temp0 = filt_r * cnst9h;                                    \
+  temp1 = ADDVI_H(temp0, 63);                                 \
+  temp2 = filt_l * cnst9h;                                    \
+  temp3 = ADDVI_H(temp2, 63);                                 \
+  FILT2(q2_m, p2_m, q2, p2);                                  \
+  /* update q1/p1 */                                          \
+  temp1 = temp1 + temp0;                                      \
+  temp3 = temp3 + temp2;                                      \
+  FILT2(q1_m, p1_m, q1, p1);                                  \
+  /* update q0/p0 */                                          \
+  temp1 = temp1 + temp0;                                      \
+  temp3 = temp3 + temp2;                                      \
+  FILT2(q0_m, p0_m, q0, p0);                                  \
+} while (0)
+#define LPF_MASK_HEV(p3_in, p2_in, p1_in, p0_in,                 \
+                     q0_in, q1_in, q2_in, q3_in,                 \
+                     limit_in, b_limit_in, thresh_in,            \
+                     hev_out, mask_out) do {                     \
+  v16u8 p3_asub_p2_m, p2_asub_p1_m, p1_asub_p0_m, q1_asub_q0_m;  \
+  v16u8 p1_asub_q1_m, p0_asub_q0_m, q3_asub_q2_m, q2_asub_q1_m;  \
+  v16u8 flat_out;                                                \
+                                                                 \
+  /* absolute subtraction of pixel values */                     \
+  p3_asub_p2_m = __msa_asub_u_b(p3_in, p2_in);                   \
+  p2_asub_p1_m = __msa_asub_u_b(p2_in, p1_in);                   \
+  p1_asub_p0_m = __msa_asub_u_b(p1_in, p0_in);                   \
+  q1_asub_q0_m = __msa_asub_u_b(q1_in, q0_in);                   \
+  q2_asub_q1_m = __msa_asub_u_b(q2_in, q1_in);                   \
+  q3_asub_q2_m = __msa_asub_u_b(q3_in, q2_in);                   \
+  p0_asub_q0_m = __msa_asub_u_b(p0_in, q0_in);                   \
+  p1_asub_q1_m = __msa_asub_u_b(p1_in, q1_in);                   \
+  /* calculation of hev */                                       \
+  flat_out = __msa_max_u_b(p1_asub_p0_m, q1_asub_q0_m);          \
+  hev_out = (thresh_in < flat_out);                              \
+  /* calculation of mask */                                      \
+  p0_asub_q0_m = __msa_adds_u_b(p0_asub_q0_m, p0_asub_q0_m);     \
+  p1_asub_q1_m = SRAI_B(p1_asub_q1_m, 1);                        \
+  p0_asub_q0_m = __msa_adds_u_b(p0_asub_q0_m, p1_asub_q1_m);     \
+  mask_out = (b_limit_in < p0_asub_q0_m);                        \
+  mask_out = __msa_max_u_b(flat_out, mask_out);                  \
+  p3_asub_p2_m = __msa_max_u_b(p3_asub_p2_m, p2_asub_p1_m);      \
+  mask_out = __msa_max_u_b(p3_asub_p2_m, mask_out);              \
+  q2_asub_q1_m = __msa_max_u_b(q2_asub_q1_m, q3_asub_q2_m);      \
+  mask_out = __msa_max_u_b(q2_asub_q1_m, mask_out);              \
+  mask_out = (limit_in < mask_out);                              \
+  mask_out = __msa_xori_b(mask_out, 0xff);                       \
+} while (0)
+#define ST6x1_UB(in0, in0_idx, in1, in1_idx, pdst, stride) do { \
+  const uint16_t tmp0_h = __msa_copy_s_h((v8i16)in1, in1_idx);  \
+  const uint32_t tmp0_w = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)in0, in0_idx);  \
+  SW(tmp0_w, pdst);                                             \
+  SH(tmp0_h, pdst + stride);                                    \
+} while (0)
+#define ST6x4_UB(in0, start_in0_idx, in1, start_in1_idx, pdst, stride) do { \
+  uint8_t* ptmp1 = (uint8_t*)pdst;                                          \
+  ST6x1_UB(in0, start_in0_idx, in1, start_in1_idx, ptmp1, 4);               \
+  ptmp1 += stride;                                                          \
+  ST6x1_UB(in0, start_in0_idx + 1, in1, start_in1_idx + 1, ptmp1, 4);       \
+  ptmp1 += stride;                                                          \
+  ST6x1_UB(in0, start_in0_idx + 2, in1, start_in1_idx + 2, ptmp1, 4);       \
+  ptmp1 += stride;                                                          \
+  ST6x1_UB(in0, start_in0_idx + 3, in1, start_in1_idx + 3, ptmp1, 4);       \
+} while (0)
+#define LPF_SIMPLE_FILT(p1_in, p0_in, q0_in, q1_in, mask) do {       \
+    v16i8 p1_m, p0_m, q0_m, q1_m, filt, filt1, filt2;                \
+    const v16i8 cnst4b = __msa_ldi_b(4);                             \
+    const v16i8 cnst3b =  __msa_ldi_b(3);                            \
+                                                                     \
+    FLIP_SIGN4(p1_in, p0_in, q0_in, q1_in, p1_m, p0_m, q0_m, q1_m);  \
+    filt = __msa_subs_s_b(p1_m, q1_m);                               \
+    FILT_VAL(q0_m, p0_m, mask, filt);                                \
+    filt1 = __msa_adds_s_b(filt, cnst4b);                            \
+    filt1 = SRAI_B(filt1, 3);                                        \
+    filt2 = __msa_adds_s_b(filt, cnst3b);                            \
+    filt2 = SRAI_B(filt2, 3);                                        \
+    q0_m = __msa_subs_s_b(q0_m, filt1);                              \
+    p0_m = __msa_adds_s_b(p0_m, filt2);                              \
+    q0_in = __msa_xori_b((v16u8)q0_m, 0x80);                         \
+    p0_in = __msa_xori_b((v16u8)p0_m, 0x80);                         \
+} while (0)
+#define LPF_SIMPLE_MASK(p1, p0, q0, q1, b_limit, mask) do {    \
+    v16u8 p1_a_sub_q1, p0_a_sub_q0;                            \
+                                                               \
+    p0_a_sub_q0 = __msa_asub_u_b(p0, q0);                      \
+    p1_a_sub_q1 = __msa_asub_u_b(p1, q1);                      \
+    p1_a_sub_q1 = (v16u8)__msa_srli_b((v16i8)p1_a_sub_q1, 1);  \
+    p0_a_sub_q0 = __msa_adds_u_b(p0_a_sub_q0, p0_a_sub_q0);    \
+    mask = __msa_adds_u_b(p0_a_sub_q0, p1_a_sub_q1);           \
+    mask = (mask <= b_limit);                                  \
+} while (0)
+static void VFilter16(uint8_t* src, int stride,
+                      int b_limit_in, int limit_in, int thresh_in) {
+  uint8_t* ptemp = src - 4 * stride;
+  v16u8 p3, p2, p1, p0, q3, q2, q1, q0;
+  v16u8 mask, hev;
+  const v16u8 thresh = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(thresh_in);
+  const v16u8 limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(limit_in);
+  const v16u8 b_limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(b_limit_in);
+  LD_UB8(ptemp, stride, p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3);
+  LPF_MASK_HEV(p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3, limit, b_limit, thresh,
+               hev, mask);
+  LPF_MBFILTER(p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, mask, hev);
+  ptemp = src - 3 * stride;
+  ST_UB4(p2, p1, p0, q0, ptemp, stride);
+  ptemp += (4 * stride);
+  ST_UB2(q1, q2, ptemp, stride);
+static void HFilter16(uint8_t* src, int stride,
+                      int b_limit_in, int limit_in, int thresh_in) {
+  uint8_t* ptmp  = src - 4;
+  v16u8 p3, p2, p1, p0, q3, q2, q1, q0;
+  v16u8 mask, hev;
+  v16u8 row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7, row8;
+  v16u8 row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15;
+  v8i16 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7;
+  const v16u8 b_limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(b_limit_in);
+  const v16u8 limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(limit_in);
+  const v16u8 thresh = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(thresh_in);
+  LD_UB8(ptmp, stride, row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7);
+  ptmp += (8 * stride);
+  LD_UB8(ptmp, stride, row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15);
+  TRANSPOSE16x8_UB_UB(row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7,
+                      row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15,
+                      p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3);
+  LPF_MASK_HEV(p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3, limit, b_limit, thresh,
+               hev, mask);
+  LPF_MBFILTER(p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, mask, hev);
+  ILVR_B2_SH(p1, p2, q0, p0, tmp0, tmp1);
+  ILVRL_H2_SH(tmp1, tmp0, tmp3, tmp4);
+  ILVL_B2_SH(p1, p2, q0, p0, tmp0, tmp1);
+  ILVRL_H2_SH(tmp1, tmp0, tmp6, tmp7);
+  ILVRL_B2_SH(q2, q1, tmp2, tmp5);
+  ptmp = src - 3;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp3, 0, tmp2, 0, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp3, 1, tmp2, 1, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp3, 2, tmp2, 2, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp3, 3, tmp2, 3, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp4, 0, tmp2, 4, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp4, 1, tmp2, 5, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp4, 2, tmp2, 6, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp4, 3, tmp2, 7, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp6, 0, tmp5, 0, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp6, 1, tmp5, 1, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp6, 2, tmp5, 2, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp6, 3, tmp5, 3, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp7, 0, tmp5, 4, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp7, 1, tmp5, 5, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp7, 2, tmp5, 6, ptmp, 4);
+  ptmp += stride;
+  ST6x1_UB(tmp7, 3, tmp5, 7, ptmp, 4);
+// on three inner edges
+static void VFilterHorEdge16i(uint8_t* src, int stride,
+                              int b_limit, int limit, int thresh) {
+  v16u8 mask, hev;
+  v16u8 p3, p2, p1, p0, q3, q2, q1, q0;
+  const v16u8 thresh0 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(thresh);
+  const v16u8 b_limit0 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(b_limit);
+  const v16u8 limit0 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(limit);
+  LD_UB8((src - 4 * stride), stride, p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3);
+  LPF_MASK_HEV(p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3, limit0, b_limit0, thresh0,
+               hev, mask);
+  LPF_FILTER4_4W(p1, p0, q0, q1, mask, hev);
+  ST_UB4(p1, p0, q0, q1, (src - 2 * stride), stride);
+static void VFilter16i(uint8_t* src_y, int stride,
+                       int b_limit, int limit, int thresh) {
+  VFilterHorEdge16i(src_y +  4 * stride, stride, b_limit, limit, thresh);
+  VFilterHorEdge16i(src_y +  8 * stride, stride, b_limit, limit, thresh);
+  VFilterHorEdge16i(src_y + 12 * stride, stride, b_limit, limit, thresh);
+static void HFilterVertEdge16i(uint8_t* src, int stride,
+                               int b_limit, int limit, int thresh) {
+  v16u8 mask, hev;
+  v16u8 p3, p2, p1, p0, q3, q2, q1, q0;
+  v16u8 row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7;
+  v16u8 row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15;
+  v8i16 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5;
+  const v16u8 thresh0 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(thresh);
+  const v16u8 b_limit0 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(b_limit);
+  const v16u8 limit0 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(limit);
+  LD_UB8(src - 4, stride, row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7);
+  LD_UB8(src - 4 + (8 * stride), stride,
+         row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15);
+  TRANSPOSE16x8_UB_UB(row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7,
+                      row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15,
+                      p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3);
+  LPF_MASK_HEV(p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3, limit0, b_limit0, thresh0,
+               hev, mask);
+  LPF_FILTER4_4W(p1, p0, q0, q1, mask, hev);
+  ILVR_B2_SH(p0, p1, q1, q0, tmp0, tmp1);
+  ILVRL_H2_SH(tmp1, tmp0, tmp2, tmp3);
+  ILVL_B2_SH(p0, p1, q1, q0, tmp0, tmp1);
+  ILVRL_H2_SH(tmp1, tmp0, tmp4, tmp5);
+  src -= 2;
+  ST4x8_UB(tmp2, tmp3, src, stride);
+  src += (8 * stride);
+  ST4x8_UB(tmp4, tmp5, src, stride);
+static void HFilter16i(uint8_t* src_y, int stride,
+                       int b_limit, int limit, int thresh) {
+  HFilterVertEdge16i(src_y +  4, stride, b_limit, limit, thresh);
+  HFilterVertEdge16i(src_y +  8, stride, b_limit, limit, thresh);
+  HFilterVertEdge16i(src_y + 12, stride, b_limit, limit, thresh);
+// 8-pixels wide variants, for chroma filtering
+static void VFilter8(uint8_t* src_u, uint8_t* src_v, int stride,
+                     int b_limit_in, int limit_in, int thresh_in) {
+  uint8_t* ptmp_src_u = src_u - 4 * stride;
+  uint8_t* ptmp_src_v = src_v - 4 * stride;
+  uint64_t p2_d, p1_d, p0_d, q0_d, q1_d, q2_d;
+  v16u8 p3, p2, p1, p0, q3, q2, q1, q0, mask, hev;
+  v16u8 p3_u, p2_u, p1_u, p0_u, q3_u, q2_u, q1_u, q0_u;
+  v16u8 p3_v, p2_v, p1_v, p0_v, q3_v, q2_v, q1_v, q0_v;
+  const v16u8 b_limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(b_limit_in);
+  const v16u8 limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(limit_in);
+  const v16u8 thresh = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(thresh_in);
+  LD_UB8(ptmp_src_u, stride, p3_u, p2_u, p1_u, p0_u, q0_u, q1_u, q2_u, q3_u);
+  LD_UB8(ptmp_src_v, stride, p3_v, p2_v, p1_v, p0_v, q0_v, q1_v, q2_v, q3_v);
+  ILVR_D4_UB(p3_v, p3_u, p2_v, p2_u, p1_v, p1_u, p0_v, p0_u, p3, p2, p1, p0);
+  ILVR_D4_UB(q0_v, q0_u, q1_v, q1_u, q2_v, q2_u, q3_v, q3_u, q0, q1, q2, q3);
+  LPF_MASK_HEV(p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3, limit, b_limit, thresh,
+               hev, mask);
+  LPF_MBFILTER(p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, mask, hev);
+  p2_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)p2, 0);
+  p1_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)p1, 0);
+  p0_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)p0, 0);
+  q0_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)q0, 0);
+  q1_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)q1, 0);
+  q2_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)q2, 0);
+  ptmp_src_u += stride;
+  SD4(p2_d, p1_d, p0_d, q0_d, ptmp_src_u, stride);
+  ptmp_src_u += (4 * stride);
+  SD(q1_d, ptmp_src_u);
+  ptmp_src_u += stride;
+  SD(q2_d, ptmp_src_u);
+  p2_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)p2, 1);
+  p1_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)p1, 1);
+  p0_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)p0, 1);
+  q0_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)q0, 1);
+  q1_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)q1, 1);
+  q2_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)q2, 1);
+  ptmp_src_v += stride;
+  SD4(p2_d, p1_d, p0_d, q0_d, ptmp_src_v, stride);
+  ptmp_src_v += (4 * stride);
+  SD(q1_d, ptmp_src_v);
+  ptmp_src_v += stride;
+  SD(q2_d, ptmp_src_v);
+static void HFilter8(uint8_t* src_u, uint8_t* src_v, int stride,
+                     int b_limit_in, int limit_in, int thresh_in) {
+  uint8_t* ptmp_src_u = src_u - 4;
+  uint8_t* ptmp_src_v = src_v - 4;
+  v16u8 p3, p2, p1, p0, q3, q2, q1, q0, mask, hev;
+  v16u8 row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7, row8;
+  v16u8 row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15;
+  v8i16 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7;
+  const v16u8 b_limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(b_limit_in);
+  const v16u8 limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(limit_in);
+  const v16u8 thresh = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(thresh_in);
+  LD_UB8(ptmp_src_u, stride, row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7);
+  LD_UB8(ptmp_src_v, stride,
+         row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15);
+  TRANSPOSE16x8_UB_UB(row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7,
+                      row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15,
+                      p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3);
+  LPF_MASK_HEV(p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3, limit, b_limit, thresh,
+               hev, mask);
+  LPF_MBFILTER(p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, mask, hev);
+  ILVR_B2_SH(p1, p2, q0, p0, tmp0, tmp1);
+  ILVRL_H2_SH(tmp1, tmp0, tmp3, tmp4);
+  ILVL_B2_SH(p1, p2, q0, p0, tmp0, tmp1);
+  ILVRL_H2_SH(tmp1, tmp0, tmp6, tmp7);
+  ILVRL_B2_SH(q2, q1, tmp2, tmp5);
+  ptmp_src_u += 1;
+  ST6x4_UB(tmp3, 0, tmp2, 0, ptmp_src_u, stride);
+  ptmp_src_u += 4 * stride;
+  ST6x4_UB(tmp4, 0, tmp2, 4, ptmp_src_u, stride);
+  ptmp_src_v += 1;
+  ST6x4_UB(tmp6, 0, tmp5, 0, ptmp_src_v, stride);
+  ptmp_src_v += 4 * stride;
+  ST6x4_UB(tmp7, 0, tmp5, 4, ptmp_src_v, stride);
+static void VFilter8i(uint8_t* src_u, uint8_t* src_v, int stride,
+                      int b_limit_in, int limit_in, int thresh_in) {
+  uint64_t p1_d, p0_d, q0_d, q1_d;
+  v16u8 p3, p2, p1, p0, q3, q2, q1, q0, mask, hev;
+  v16u8 p3_u, p2_u, p1_u, p0_u, q3_u, q2_u, q1_u, q0_u;
+  v16u8 p3_v, p2_v, p1_v, p0_v, q3_v, q2_v, q1_v, q0_v;
+  const v16u8 thresh = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(thresh_in);
+  const v16u8 limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(limit_in);
+  const v16u8 b_limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(b_limit_in);
+  LD_UB8(src_u, stride, p3_u, p2_u, p1_u, p0_u, q0_u, q1_u, q2_u, q3_u);
+  src_u += (5 * stride);
+  LD_UB8(src_v, stride, p3_v, p2_v, p1_v, p0_v, q0_v, q1_v, q2_v, q3_v);
+  src_v += (5 * stride);
+  ILVR_D4_UB(p3_v, p3_u, p2_v, p2_u, p1_v, p1_u, p0_v, p0_u, p3, p2, p1, p0);
+  ILVR_D4_UB(q0_v, q0_u, q1_v, q1_u, q2_v, q2_u, q3_v, q3_u, q0, q1, q2, q3);
+  LPF_MASK_HEV(p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3, limit, b_limit, thresh,
+               hev, mask);
+  LPF_FILTER4_4W(p1, p0, q0, q1, mask, hev);
+  p1_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)p1, 0);
+  p0_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)p0, 0);
+  q0_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)q0, 0);
+  q1_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)q1, 0);
+  SD4(q1_d, q0_d, p0_d, p1_d, src_u, -stride);
+  p1_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)p1, 1);
+  p0_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)p0, 1);
+  q0_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)q0, 1);
+  q1_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)q1, 1);
+  SD4(q1_d, q0_d, p0_d, p1_d, src_v, -stride);
+static void HFilter8i(uint8_t* src_u, uint8_t* src_v, int stride,
+                      int b_limit_in, int limit_in, int thresh_in) {
+  v16u8 p3, p2, p1, p0, q3, q2, q1, q0, mask, hev;
+  v16u8 row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7, row8;
+  v16u8 row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15;
+  v4i32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5;
+  const v16u8 thresh = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(thresh_in);
+  const v16u8 limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(limit_in);
+  const v16u8 b_limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(b_limit_in);
+  LD_UB8(src_u, stride, row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7);
+  LD_UB8(src_v, stride,
+         row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15);
+  TRANSPOSE16x8_UB_UB(row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7,
+                      row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15,
+                      p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3);
+  LPF_MASK_HEV(p3, p2, p1, p0, q0, q1, q2, q3, limit, b_limit, thresh,
+               hev, mask);
+  LPF_FILTER4_4W(p1, p0, q0, q1, mask, hev);
+  ILVR_B2_SW(p0, p1, q1, q0, tmp0, tmp1);
+  ILVRL_H2_SW(tmp1, tmp0, tmp2, tmp3);
+  ILVL_B2_SW(p0, p1, q1, q0, tmp0, tmp1);
+  ILVRL_H2_SW(tmp1, tmp0, tmp4, tmp5);
+  src_u += 2;
+  ST4x4_UB(tmp2, tmp2, 0, 1, 2, 3, src_u, stride);
+  src_u += 4 * stride;
+  ST4x4_UB(tmp3, tmp3, 0, 1, 2, 3, src_u, stride);
+  src_v += 2;
+  ST4x4_UB(tmp4, tmp4, 0, 1, 2, 3, src_v, stride);
+  src_v += 4 * stride;
+  ST4x4_UB(tmp5, tmp5, 0, 1, 2, 3, src_v, stride);
+static void SimpleVFilter16(uint8_t* src, int stride, int b_limit_in) {
+  v16u8 p1, p0, q1, q0, mask;
+  const v16u8 b_limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(b_limit_in);
+  LD_UB4(src - 2 * stride, stride, p1, p0, q0, q1);
+  LPF_SIMPLE_MASK(p1, p0, q0, q1, b_limit, mask);
+  LPF_SIMPLE_FILT(p1, p0, q0, q1, mask);
+  ST_UB2(p0, q0, src - stride, stride);
+static void SimpleHFilter16(uint8_t* src, int stride, int b_limit_in) {
+  v16u8 p1, p0, q1, q0, mask, row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7;
+  v16u8 row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15;
+  v8i16 tmp0, tmp1;
+  const v16u8 b_limit = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(b_limit_in);
+  uint8_t* ptemp_src = src - 2;
+  LD_UB8(ptemp_src, stride, row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7);
+  LD_UB8(ptemp_src + 8 * stride, stride,
+         row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15);
+  TRANSPOSE16x4_UB_UB(row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7,
+                      row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15,
+                      p1, p0, q0, q1);
+  LPF_SIMPLE_MASK(p1, p0, q0, q1, b_limit, mask);
+  LPF_SIMPLE_FILT(p1, p0, q0, q1, mask);
+  ILVRL_B2_SH(q0, p0, tmp1, tmp0);
+  ptemp_src += 1;
+  ST2x4_UB(tmp1, 0, ptemp_src, stride);
+  ptemp_src += 4 * stride;
+  ST2x4_UB(tmp1, 4, ptemp_src, stride);
+  ptemp_src += 4 * stride;
+  ST2x4_UB(tmp0, 0, ptemp_src, stride);
+  ptemp_src += 4 * stride;
+  ST2x4_UB(tmp0, 4, ptemp_src, stride);
+  ptemp_src += 4 * stride;
+static void SimpleVFilter16i(uint8_t* src_y, int stride, int b_limit_in) {
+  SimpleVFilter16(src_y +  4 * stride, stride, b_limit_in);
+  SimpleVFilter16(src_y +  8 * stride, stride, b_limit_in);
+  SimpleVFilter16(src_y + 12 * stride, stride, b_limit_in);
+static void SimpleHFilter16i(uint8_t* src_y, int stride, int b_limit_in) {
+  SimpleHFilter16(src_y +  4, stride, b_limit_in);
+  SimpleHFilter16(src_y +  8, stride, b_limit_in);
+  SimpleHFilter16(src_y + 12, stride, b_limit_in);
+// Intra predictions
+// 4x4
+static void DC4(uint8_t* dst) {   // DC
+  uint32_t dc = 4;
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) dc += dst[i - BPS] + dst[-1 + i * BPS];
+  dc >>= 3;
+  dc = dc | (dc << 8) | (dc << 16) | (dc << 24);
+  SW4(dc, dc, dc, dc, dst, BPS);
+static void TM4(uint8_t* dst) {
+  const uint8_t* const ptemp = dst - BPS - 1;
+  v8i16 T, d, r0, r1, r2, r3;
+  const v16i8 zero = { 0 };
+  const v8i16 TL = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(ptemp[0 * BPS]);
+  const v8i16 L0 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(ptemp[1 * BPS]);
+  const v8i16 L1 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(ptemp[2 * BPS]);
+  const v8i16 L2 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(ptemp[3 * BPS]);
+  const v8i16 L3 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(ptemp[4 * BPS]);
+  const v16u8 T1 = LD_UB(ptemp + 1);
+  T  = (v8i16)__msa_ilvr_b(zero, (v16i8)T1);
+  d = T - TL;
+  ADD4(d, L0, d, L1, d, L2, d, L3, r0, r1, r2, r3);
+  CLIP_SH4_0_255(r0, r1, r2, r3);
+  PCKEV_ST4x4_UB(r0, r1, r2, r3, dst, BPS);
+static void VE4(uint8_t* dst) {    // vertical
+  const uint8_t* const ptop = dst - BPS - 1;
+  const uint32_t val0 = LW(ptop + 0);
+  const uint32_t val1 = LW(ptop + 4);
+  uint32_t out;
+  v16u8 A, B, C, AC, B2, R;
+  INSERT_W2_UB(val0, val1, A);
+  B = SLDI_UB(A, A, 1);
+  C = SLDI_UB(A, A, 2);
+  AC = __msa_ave_u_b(A, C);
+  B2 = __msa_ave_u_b(B, B);
+  R = __msa_aver_u_b(AC, B2);
+  out = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R, 0);
+  SW4(out, out, out, out, dst, BPS);
+static void RD4(uint8_t* dst) {   // Down-right
+  const uint8_t* const ptop = dst - 1 - BPS;
+  uint32_t val0 = LW(ptop + 0);
+  uint32_t val1 = LW(ptop + 4);
+  uint32_t val2, val3;
+  v16u8 A, B, C, AC, B2, R, A1;
+  INSERT_W2_UB(val0, val1, A1);
+  A = SLDI_UB(A1, A1, 12);
+  A = (v16u8)__msa_insert_b((v16i8)A, 3, ptop[1 * BPS]);
+  A = (v16u8)__msa_insert_b((v16i8)A, 2, ptop[2 * BPS]);
+  A = (v16u8)__msa_insert_b((v16i8)A, 1, ptop[3 * BPS]);
+  A = (v16u8)__msa_insert_b((v16i8)A, 0, ptop[4 * BPS]);
+  B = SLDI_UB(A, A, 1);
+  C = SLDI_UB(A, A, 2);
+  AC = __msa_ave_u_b(A, C);
+  B2 = __msa_ave_u_b(B, B);
+  R = __msa_aver_u_b(AC, B2);
+  val3 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R, 0);
+  R = SLDI_UB(R, R, 1);
+  val2 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R, 0);
+  R = SLDI_UB(R, R, 1);
+  val1 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R, 0);
+  R = SLDI_UB(R, R, 1);
+  val0 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R, 0);
+  SW4(val0, val1, val2, val3, dst, BPS);
+static void LD4(uint8_t* dst) {   // Down-Left
+  const uint8_t* const ptop = dst - BPS;
+  uint32_t val0 = LW(ptop + 0);
+  uint32_t val1 = LW(ptop + 4);
+  uint32_t val2, val3;
+  v16u8 A, B, C, AC, B2, R;
+  INSERT_W2_UB(val0, val1, A);
+  B = SLDI_UB(A, A, 1);
+  C = SLDI_UB(A, A, 2);
+  C = (v16u8)__msa_insert_b((v16i8)C, 6, ptop[7]);
+  AC = __msa_ave_u_b(A, C);
+  B2 = __msa_ave_u_b(B, B);
+  R = __msa_aver_u_b(AC, B2);
+  val0 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R, 0);
+  R = SLDI_UB(R, R, 1);
+  val1 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R, 0);
+  R = SLDI_UB(R, R, 1);
+  val2 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R, 0);
+  R = SLDI_UB(R, R, 1);
+  val3 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R, 0);
+  SW4(val0, val1, val2, val3, dst, BPS);
+// 16x16
+static void DC16(uint8_t* dst) {   // DC
+  uint32_t dc = 16;
+  int i;
+  const v16u8 rtop = LD_UB(dst - BPS);
+  const v8u16 dctop = __msa_hadd_u_h(rtop, rtop);
+  v16u8 out;
+  for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+    dc += dst[-1 + i * BPS];
+  }
+  dc += HADD_UH_U32(dctop);
+  out = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dc >> 5);
+  ST_UB8(out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, dst, BPS);
+  ST_UB8(out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, dst + 8 * BPS, BPS);
+static void TM16(uint8_t* dst) {
+  int j;
+  v8i16 d1, d2;
+  const v16i8 zero = { 0 };
+  const v8i16 TL = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(dst[-1 - BPS]);
+  const v16i8 T = LD_SB(dst - BPS);
+  ILVRL_B2_SH(zero, T, d1, d2);
+  SUB2(d1, TL, d2, TL, d1, d2);
+  for (j = 0; j < 16; j += 4) {
+    v16i8 t0, t1, t2, t3;
+    v8i16 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7;
+    const v8i16 L0 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(dst[-1 + 0 * BPS]);
+    const v8i16 L1 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(dst[-1 + 1 * BPS]);
+    const v8i16 L2 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(dst[-1 + 2 * BPS]);
+    const v8i16 L3 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(dst[-1 + 3 * BPS]);
+    ADD4(d1, L0, d1, L1, d1, L2, d1, L3, r0, r1, r2, r3);
+    ADD4(d2, L0, d2, L1, d2, L2, d2, L3, r4, r5, r6, r7);
+    CLIP_SH4_0_255(r0, r1, r2, r3);
+    CLIP_SH4_0_255(r4, r5, r6, r7);
+    PCKEV_B4_SB(r4, r0, r5, r1, r6, r2, r7, r3, t0, t1, t2, t3);
+    ST_SB4(t0, t1, t2, t3, dst, BPS);
+    dst += 4 * BPS;
+  }
+static void VE16(uint8_t* dst) {   // vertical
+  const v16u8 rtop = LD_UB(dst - BPS);
+  ST_UB8(rtop, rtop, rtop, rtop, rtop, rtop, rtop, rtop, dst, BPS);
+  ST_UB8(rtop, rtop, rtop, rtop, rtop, rtop, rtop, rtop, dst + 8 * BPS, BPS);
+static void HE16(uint8_t* dst) {   // horizontal
+  int j;
+  for (j = 16; j > 0; j -= 4) {
+    const v16u8 L0 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dst[-1 + 0 * BPS]);
+    const v16u8 L1 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dst[-1 + 1 * BPS]);
+    const v16u8 L2 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dst[-1 + 2 * BPS]);
+    const v16u8 L3 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dst[-1 + 3 * BPS]);
+    ST_UB4(L0, L1, L2, L3, dst, BPS);
+    dst += 4 * BPS;
+  }
+static void DC16NoTop(uint8_t* dst) {   // DC with top samples not available
+  int j;
+  uint32_t dc = 8;
+  v16u8 out;
+  for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
+    dc += dst[-1 + j * BPS];
+  }
+  out = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dc >> 4);
+  ST_UB8(out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, dst, BPS);
+  ST_UB8(out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, dst + 8 * BPS, BPS);
+static void DC16NoLeft(uint8_t* dst) {   // DC with left samples not available
+  uint32_t dc = 8;
+  const v16u8 rtop = LD_UB(dst - BPS);
+  const v8u16 dctop = __msa_hadd_u_h(rtop, rtop);
+  v16u8 out;
+  dc += HADD_UH_U32(dctop);
+  out = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dc >> 4);
+  ST_UB8(out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, dst, BPS);
+  ST_UB8(out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, dst + 8 * BPS, BPS);
+static void DC16NoTopLeft(uint8_t* dst) {   // DC with nothing
+  const v16u8 out = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(0x80);
+  ST_UB8(out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, dst, BPS);
+  ST_UB8(out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, dst + 8 * BPS, BPS);
+// Chroma
+#define STORE8x8(out, dst) do {                 \
+  SD4(out, out, out, out, dst + 0 * BPS, BPS);  \
+  SD4(out, out, out, out, dst + 4 * BPS, BPS);  \
+} while (0)
+static void DC8uv(uint8_t* dst) {   // DC
+  uint32_t dc = 8;
+  int i;
+  uint64_t out;
+  const v16u8 rtop = LD_UB(dst - BPS);
+  const v8u16 temp0 = __msa_hadd_u_h(rtop, rtop);
+  const v4u32 temp1 = __msa_hadd_u_w(temp0, temp0);
+  const v2u64 temp2 = __msa_hadd_u_d(temp1, temp1);
+  v16u8 dctemp;
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+    dc += dst[-1 + i * BPS];
+  }
+  dc += __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)temp2, 0);
+  dctemp = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dc >> 4);
+  out = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)dctemp, 0);
+  STORE8x8(out, dst);
+static void TM8uv(uint8_t* dst) {
+  int j;
+  const v16i8 T1 = LD_SB(dst - BPS);
+  const v16i8 zero = { 0 };
+  const v8i16 T  = (v8i16)__msa_ilvr_b(zero, T1);
+  const v8i16 TL = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(dst[-1 - BPS]);
+  const v8i16 d = T - TL;
+  for (j = 0; j < 8; j += 4) {
+    v16i8 t0, t1;
+    v8i16 r0 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(dst[-1 + 0 * BPS]);
+    v8i16 r1 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(dst[-1 + 1 * BPS]);
+    v8i16 r2 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(dst[-1 + 2 * BPS]);
+    v8i16 r3 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(dst[-1 + 3 * BPS]);
+    ADD4(d, r0, d, r1, d, r2, d, r3, r0, r1, r2, r3);
+    CLIP_SH4_0_255(r0, r1, r2, r3);
+    PCKEV_B2_SB(r1, r0, r3, r2, t0, t1);
+    ST4x4_UB(t0, t1, 0, 2, 0, 2, dst, BPS);
+    ST4x4_UB(t0, t1, 1, 3, 1, 3, dst + 4, BPS);
+    dst += 4 * BPS;
+  }
+static void VE8uv(uint8_t* dst) {   // vertical
+  const v16u8 rtop = LD_UB(dst - BPS);
+  const uint64_t out = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)rtop, 0);
+  STORE8x8(out, dst);
+static void HE8uv(uint8_t* dst) {   // horizontal
+  int j;
+  for (j = 0; j < 8; j += 4) {
+    const v16u8 L0 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dst[-1 + 0 * BPS]);
+    const v16u8 L1 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dst[-1 + 1 * BPS]);
+    const v16u8 L2 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dst[-1 + 2 * BPS]);
+    const v16u8 L3 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dst[-1 + 3 * BPS]);
+    const uint64_t out0 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)L0, 0);
+    const uint64_t out1 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)L1, 0);
+    const uint64_t out2 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)L2, 0);
+    const uint64_t out3 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)L3, 0);
+    SD4(out0, out1, out2, out3, dst, BPS);
+    dst += 4 * BPS;
+  }
+static void DC8uvNoLeft(uint8_t* dst) {   // DC with no left samples
+  const uint32_t dc = 4;
+  const v16u8 rtop = LD_UB(dst - BPS);
+  const v8u16 temp0 = __msa_hadd_u_h(rtop, rtop);
+  const v4u32 temp1 = __msa_hadd_u_w(temp0, temp0);
+  const v2u64 temp2 = __msa_hadd_u_d(temp1, temp1);
+  const uint32_t sum_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)temp2, 0);
+  const v16u8 dcval = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b((dc + sum_m) >> 3);
+  const uint64_t out = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)dcval, 0);
+  STORE8x8(out, dst);
+static void DC8uvNoTop(uint8_t* dst) {   // DC with no top samples
+  uint32_t dc = 4;
+  int i;
+  uint64_t out;
+  v16u8 dctemp;
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+    dc += dst[-1 + i * BPS];
+  }
+  dctemp = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(dc >> 3);
+  out = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)dctemp, 0);
+  STORE8x8(out, dst);
+static void DC8uvNoTopLeft(uint8_t* dst) {   // DC with nothing
+  const uint64_t out = 0x8080808080808080ULL;
+  STORE8x8(out, dst);
 // Entry point
 extern void VP8DspInitMSA(void);
@@ -163,6 +977,39 @@
   VP8Transform = TransformTwo;
   VP8TransformDC = TransformDC;
   VP8TransformAC3 = TransformAC3;
+  VP8VFilter16  = VFilter16;
+  VP8HFilter16  = HFilter16;
+  VP8VFilter16i = VFilter16i;
+  VP8HFilter16i = HFilter16i;
+  VP8VFilter8  = VFilter8;
+  VP8HFilter8  = HFilter8;
+  VP8VFilter8i = VFilter8i;
+  VP8HFilter8i = HFilter8i;
+  VP8SimpleVFilter16  = SimpleVFilter16;
+  VP8SimpleHFilter16  = SimpleHFilter16;
+  VP8SimpleVFilter16i = SimpleVFilter16i;
+  VP8SimpleHFilter16i = SimpleHFilter16i;
+  VP8PredLuma4[0] = DC4;
+  VP8PredLuma4[1] = TM4;
+  VP8PredLuma4[2] = VE4;
+  VP8PredLuma4[4] = RD4;
+  VP8PredLuma4[6] = LD4;
+  VP8PredLuma16[0] = DC16;
+  VP8PredLuma16[1] = TM16;
+  VP8PredLuma16[2] = VE16;
+  VP8PredLuma16[3] = HE16;
+  VP8PredLuma16[4] = DC16NoTop;
+  VP8PredLuma16[5] = DC16NoLeft;
+  VP8PredLuma16[6] = DC16NoTopLeft;
+  VP8PredChroma8[0] = DC8uv;
+  VP8PredChroma8[1] = TM8uv;
+  VP8PredChroma8[2] = VE8uv;
+  VP8PredChroma8[3] = HE8uv;
+  VP8PredChroma8[4] = DC8uvNoTop;
+  VP8PredChroma8[5] = DC8uvNoLeft;
+  VP8PredChroma8[6] = DC8uvNoTopLeft;
 #else  // !WEBP_USE_MSA
diff --git a/src/dsp/dec_neon.c b/src/dsp/dec_neon.c
index a63f43f..34796cf 100644
--- a/src/dsp/dec_neon.c
+++ b/src/dsp/dec_neon.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_NEON)
 #include "./neon.h"
-#include "../dec/vp8i.h"
+#include "../dec/vp8i_dec.h"
 // NxM Loading functions
@@ -666,9 +666,8 @@
   const uint8x16_t hev_thresh_v = vdupq_n_u8((uint8_t)hev_thresh);
   const uint8x16_t a_p1_p0 = vabdq_u8(p1, p0);  // abs(p1 - p0)
   const uint8x16_t a_q1_q0 = vabdq_u8(q1, q0);  // abs(q1 - q0)
-  const uint8x16_t mask1 = vcgtq_u8(a_p1_p0, hev_thresh_v);
-  const uint8x16_t mask2 = vcgtq_u8(a_q1_q0, hev_thresh_v);
-  const uint8x16_t mask = vorrq_u8(mask1, mask2);
+  const uint8x16_t a_max = vmaxq_u8(a_p1_p0, a_q1_q0);
+  const uint8x16_t mask = vcgtq_u8(a_max, hev_thresh_v);
   return mask;
@@ -756,24 +755,25 @@
     const int8x16_t delta,
     uint8x16_t* const op2, uint8x16_t* const op1, uint8x16_t* const op0,
     uint8x16_t* const oq0, uint8x16_t* const oq1, uint8x16_t* const oq2) {
-  const int16x8_t kCst63 = vdupq_n_s16(63);
-  const int8x8_t kCst27 = vdup_n_s8(27);
-  const int8x8_t kCst18 = vdup_n_s8(18);
-  const int8x8_t kCst9 = vdup_n_s8(9);
+  // We have to compute: X = (9*a+63) >> 7, Y = (18*a+63)>>7, Z = (27*a+63) >> 7
+  // Turns out, there's a common sub-expression S=9 * a - 1 that can be used
+  // with the special vqrshrn_n_s16 rounding-shift-and-narrow instruction:
+  //   X = (S + 64) >> 7, Y = (S + 32) >> 6, Z = (18 * a + S + 64) >> 7
   const int8x8_t delta_lo = vget_low_s8(delta);
   const int8x8_t delta_hi = vget_high_s8(delta);
-  const int16x8_t s1_lo = vmlal_s8(kCst63, kCst27, delta_lo);  // 63 + 27 * a
-  const int16x8_t s1_hi = vmlal_s8(kCst63, kCst27, delta_hi);  // 63 + 27 * a
-  const int16x8_t s2_lo = vmlal_s8(kCst63, kCst18, delta_lo);  // 63 + 18 * a
-  const int16x8_t s2_hi = vmlal_s8(kCst63, kCst18, delta_hi);  // 63 + 18 * a
-  const int16x8_t s3_lo = vmlal_s8(kCst63, kCst9, delta_lo);   // 63 + 9 * a
-  const int16x8_t s3_hi = vmlal_s8(kCst63, kCst9, delta_hi);   // 63 + 9 * a
-  const int8x8_t a1_lo = vqshrn_n_s16(s1_lo, 7);
-  const int8x8_t a1_hi = vqshrn_n_s16(s1_hi, 7);
-  const int8x8_t a2_lo = vqshrn_n_s16(s2_lo, 7);
-  const int8x8_t a2_hi = vqshrn_n_s16(s2_hi, 7);
-  const int8x8_t a3_lo = vqshrn_n_s16(s3_lo, 7);
-  const int8x8_t a3_hi = vqshrn_n_s16(s3_hi, 7);
+  const int8x8_t kCst9 = vdup_n_s8(9);
+  const int16x8_t kCstm1 = vdupq_n_s16(-1);
+  const int8x8_t kCst18 = vdup_n_s8(18);
+  const int16x8_t S_lo = vmlal_s8(kCstm1, kCst9, delta_lo);  // S = 9 * a - 1
+  const int16x8_t S_hi = vmlal_s8(kCstm1, kCst9, delta_hi);
+  const int16x8_t Z_lo = vmlal_s8(S_lo, kCst18, delta_lo);   // S + 18 * a
+  const int16x8_t Z_hi = vmlal_s8(S_hi, kCst18, delta_hi);
+  const int8x8_t a3_lo = vqrshrn_n_s16(S_lo, 7);   // (9 * a + 63) >> 7
+  const int8x8_t a3_hi = vqrshrn_n_s16(S_hi, 7);
+  const int8x8_t a2_lo = vqrshrn_n_s16(S_lo, 6);   // (9 * a + 31) >> 6
+  const int8x8_t a2_hi = vqrshrn_n_s16(S_hi, 6);
+  const int8x8_t a1_lo = vqrshrn_n_s16(Z_lo, 7);   // (27 * a + 63) >> 7
+  const int8x8_t a1_hi = vqrshrn_n_s16(Z_hi, 7);
   const int8x16_t a1 = vcombine_s8(a1_lo, a1_hi);
   const int8x16_t a2 = vcombine_s8(a2_lo, a2_hi);
   const int8x16_t a3 = vcombine_s8(a3_lo, a3_hi);
diff --git a/src/dsp/dec_sse2.c b/src/dsp/dec_sse2.c
index f0a8ddc..411fb02 100644
--- a/src/dsp/dec_sse2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/dec_sse2.c
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include <emmintrin.h>
 #include "./common_sse2.h"
-#include "../dec/vp8i.h"
+#include "../dec/vp8i_dec.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
     // Transpose the two 4x4.
     VP8Transpose_2_4x4_16b(&shifted0, &shifted1, &shifted2, &shifted3, &T0, &T1,
-                        &T2, &T3);
+                           &T2, &T3);
   // Add inverse transform to 'dst' and store.
diff --git a/src/dsp/dec_sse41.c b/src/dsp/dec_sse41.c
index 8d6aed1..4e81ec4 100644
--- a/src/dsp/dec_sse41.c
+++ b/src/dsp/dec_sse41.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_SSE41)
 #include <smmintrin.h>
-#include "../dec/vp8i.h"
+#include "../dec/vp8i_dec.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 static void HE16(uint8_t* dst) {     // horizontal
diff --git a/src/dsp/dsp.h b/src/dsp/dsp.h
index e0f59ce..6c2ebbc 100644
--- a/src/dsp/dsp.h
+++ b/src/dsp/dsp.h
@@ -111,8 +111,7 @@
-#if !defined(WEBP_FORCE_ALIGNED) && defined(__clang__) && \
-    defined(__has_attribute)
+#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__has_attribute)
 #if __has_attribute(no_sanitize)
 // This macro prevents the undefined behavior sanitizer from reporting
 // failures. This is only meant to silence unaligned loads on platforms that
@@ -133,6 +132,7 @@
 typedef enum {
+  kSlowSSSE3,  // special feature for slow SSSE3 architectures
@@ -185,6 +185,11 @@
 // 4 by 4 symmetric matrix.
 extern VP8WMetric VP8TDisto4x4, VP8TDisto16x16;
+// Compute the average (DC) of four 4x4 blocks.
+// Each sub-4x4 block #i sum is stored in dc[i].
+typedef void (*VP8MeanMetric)(const uint8_t* ref, uint32_t dc[4]);
+extern VP8MeanMetric VP8Mean16x4;
 typedef void (*VP8BlockCopy)(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst);
 extern VP8BlockCopy VP8Copy4x4;
 extern VP8BlockCopy VP8Copy16x8;
@@ -246,30 +251,37 @@
 void VP8EncDspCostInit(void);
-// SSIM utils
+// SSIM / PSNR utils
 // struct for accumulating statistical moments
 typedef struct {
-  double w;              // sum(w_i) : sum of weights
-  double xm, ym;         // sum(w_i * x_i), sum(w_i * y_i)
-  double xxm, xym, yym;  // sum(w_i * x_i * x_i), etc.
+  uint32_t w;              // sum(w_i) : sum of weights
+  uint32_t xm, ym;         // sum(w_i * x_i), sum(w_i * y_i)
+  uint32_t xxm, xym, yym;  // sum(w_i * x_i * x_i), etc.
 } VP8DistoStats;
+// Compute the final SSIM value
+// The non-clipped version assumes stats->w = (2 * VP8_SSIM_KERNEL + 1)^2.
+double VP8SSIMFromStats(const VP8DistoStats* const stats);
+double VP8SSIMFromStatsClipped(const VP8DistoStats* const stats);
 #define VP8_SSIM_KERNEL 3   // total size of the kernel: 2 * VP8_SSIM_KERNEL + 1
-typedef void (*VP8SSIMAccumulateClippedFunc)(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
-                                             const uint8_t* src2, int stride2,
-                                             int xo, int yo,  // center position
-                                             int W, int H,    // plane dimension
-                                             VP8DistoStats* const stats);
+typedef double (*VP8SSIMGetClippedFunc)(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
+                                        const uint8_t* src2, int stride2,
+                                        int xo, int yo,  // center position
+                                        int W, int H);   // plane dimension
 // This version is called with the guarantee that you can load 8 bytes and
 // 8 rows at offset src1 and src2
-typedef void (*VP8SSIMAccumulateFunc)(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
-                                      const uint8_t* src2, int stride2,
-                                      VP8DistoStats* const stats);
+typedef double (*VP8SSIMGetFunc)(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
+                                 const uint8_t* src2, int stride2);
-extern VP8SSIMAccumulateFunc VP8SSIMAccumulate;         // unclipped / unchecked
-extern VP8SSIMAccumulateClippedFunc VP8SSIMAccumulateClipped;   // with clipping
+extern VP8SSIMGetFunc VP8SSIMGet;         // unclipped / unchecked
+extern VP8SSIMGetClippedFunc VP8SSIMGetClipped;   // with clipping
+typedef uint32_t (*VP8AccumulateSSEFunc)(const uint8_t* src1,
+                                         const uint8_t* src2, int len);
+extern VP8AccumulateSSEFunc VP8AccumulateSSE;
 // must be called before using any of the above directly
 void VP8SSIMDspInit(void);
@@ -416,6 +428,15 @@
 extern void WebPConvertRGBA32ToUV_C(const uint16_t* rgb,
                                     uint8_t* u, uint8_t* v, int width);
+// utilities for accurate RGB->YUV conversion
+extern uint64_t (*WebPSharpYUVUpdateY)(const uint16_t* src, const uint16_t* ref,
+                                       uint16_t* dst, int len);
+extern void (*WebPSharpYUVUpdateRGB)(const int16_t* src, const int16_t* ref,
+                                     int16_t* dst, int len);
+extern void (*WebPSharpYUVFilterRow)(const int16_t* A, const int16_t* B,
+                                     int len,
+                                     const uint16_t* best_y, uint16_t* out);
 // Must be called before using the above.
 void WebPInitConvertARGBToYUV(void);
@@ -488,6 +509,10 @@
                                int width, int height,
                                uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride);
+// Extract the green values from 32b values in argb[] and pack them into alpha[]
+// (this is the opposite of WebPDispatchAlphaToGreen).
+extern void (*WebPExtractGreen)(const uint32_t* argb, uint8_t* alpha, int size);
 // Pre-Multiply operation transforms x into x * A / 255  (where x=Y,R,G or B).
 // Un-Multiply operation transforms x into x * 255 / A.
diff --git a/src/dsp/enc.c b/src/dsp/enc.c
index db0e9e7..f31bc6d 100644
--- a/src/dsp/enc.c
+++ b/src/dsp/enc.c
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>  // for abs()
 #include "./dsp.h"
-#include "../enc/vp8enci.h"
+#include "../enc/vp8i_enc.h"
 static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t clip_8b(int v) {
   return (!(v & ~0xff)) ? v : (v < 0) ? 0 : 255;
@@ -551,6 +551,20 @@
   return GetSSE(a, b, 4, 4);
+static void Mean16x4(const uint8_t* ref, uint32_t dc[4]) {
+  int k, x, y;
+  for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
+    uint32_t avg = 0;
+    for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
+      for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
+        avg += ref[x + y * BPS];
+      }
+    }
+    dc[k] = avg;
+    ref += 4;   // go to next 4x4 block.
+  }
 // Texture distortion
@@ -656,32 +670,6 @@
   return nz;
-static int QuantizeBlockWHT(int16_t in[16], int16_t out[16],
-                            const VP8Matrix* const mtx) {
-  int n, last = -1;
-  for (n = 0; n < 16; ++n) {
-    const int j = kZigzag[n];
-    const int sign = (in[j] < 0);
-    const uint32_t coeff = sign ? -in[j] : in[j];
-    assert(mtx->sharpen_[j] == 0);
-    if (coeff > mtx->zthresh_[j]) {
-      const uint32_t Q = mtx->q_[j];
-      const uint32_t iQ = mtx->iq_[j];
-      const uint32_t B = mtx->bias_[j];
-      int level = QUANTDIV(coeff, iQ, B);
-      if (level > MAX_LEVEL) level = MAX_LEVEL;
-      if (sign) level = -level;
-      in[j] = level * (int)Q;
-      out[n] = level;
-      if (level) last = n;
-    } else {
-      out[n] = 0;
-      in[j] = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  return (last >= 0);
 // Block copy
@@ -703,11 +691,51 @@
-static void SSIMAccumulateClipped(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
-                                  const uint8_t* src2, int stride2,
-                                  int xo, int yo, int W, int H,
-                                  VP8DistoStats* const stats) {
+// hat-shaped filter. Sum of coefficients is equal to 16.
+static const uint32_t kWeight[2 * VP8_SSIM_KERNEL + 1] = {
+  1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1
+static const uint32_t kWeightSum = 16 * 16;   // sum{kWeight}^2
+static WEBP_INLINE double SSIMCalculation(
+    const VP8DistoStats* const stats, uint32_t N  /*num samples*/) {
+  const uint32_t w2 =  N * N;
+  const uint32_t C1 = 20 * w2;
+  const uint32_t C2 = 60 * w2;
+  const uint32_t C3 = 8 * 8 * w2;   // 'dark' limit ~= 6
+  const uint64_t xmxm = (uint64_t)stats->xm * stats->xm;
+  const uint64_t ymym = (uint64_t)stats->ym * stats->ym;
+  if (xmxm + ymym >= C3) {
+    const int64_t xmym = (int64_t)stats->xm * stats->ym;
+    const int64_t sxy = (int64_t)stats->xym * N - xmym;    // can be negative
+    const uint64_t sxx = (uint64_t)stats->xxm * N - xmxm;
+    const uint64_t syy = (uint64_t)stats->yym * N - ymym;
+    // we descale by 8 to prevent overflow during the fnum/fden multiply.
+    const uint64_t num_S = (2 * (uint64_t)(sxy < 0 ? 0 : sxy) + C2) >> 8;
+    const uint64_t den_S = (sxx + syy + C2) >> 8;
+    const uint64_t fnum = (2 * xmym + C1) * num_S;
+    const uint64_t fden = (xmxm + ymym + C1) * den_S;
+    const double r = (double)fnum / fden;
+    assert(r >= 0. && r <= 1.0);
+    return r;
+  }
+  return 1.;   // area is too dark to contribute meaningfully
+double VP8SSIMFromStats(const VP8DistoStats* const stats) {
+  return SSIMCalculation(stats, kWeightSum);
+double VP8SSIMFromStatsClipped(const VP8DistoStats* const stats) {
+  return SSIMCalculation(stats, stats->w);
+static double SSIMGetClipped_C(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
+                               const uint8_t* src2, int stride2,
+                               int xo, int yo, int W, int H) {
+  VP8DistoStats stats = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
   const int ymin = (yo - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL < 0) ? 0 : yo - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL;
   const int ymax = (yo + VP8_SSIM_KERNEL > H - 1) ? H - 1
                                                   : yo + VP8_SSIM_KERNEL;
@@ -719,38 +747,61 @@
   src2 += ymin * stride2;
   for (y = ymin; y <= ymax; ++y, src1 += stride1, src2 += stride2) {
     for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; ++x) {
-      const int s1 = src1[x];
-      const int s2 = src2[x];
-      stats->w   += 1;
-      stats->xm  += s1;
-      stats->ym  += s2;
-      stats->xxm += s1 * s1;
-      stats->xym += s1 * s2;
-      stats->yym += s2 * s2;
+      const uint32_t w = kWeight[VP8_SSIM_KERNEL + x - xo]
+                       * kWeight[VP8_SSIM_KERNEL + y - yo];
+      const uint32_t s1 = src1[x];
+      const uint32_t s2 = src2[x];
+      stats.w   += w;
+      stats.xm  += w * s1;
+      stats.ym  += w * s2;
+      stats.xxm += w * s1 * s1;
+      stats.xym += w * s1 * s2;
+      stats.yym += w * s2 * s2;
+  return VP8SSIMFromStatsClipped(&stats);
-static void SSIMAccumulate(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
-                           const uint8_t* src2, int stride2,
-                           VP8DistoStats* const stats) {
+static double SSIMGet_C(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
+                        const uint8_t* src2, int stride2) {
+  VP8DistoStats stats = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
   int x, y;
   for (y = 0; y <= 2 * VP8_SSIM_KERNEL; ++y, src1 += stride1, src2 += stride2) {
     for (x = 0; x <= 2 * VP8_SSIM_KERNEL; ++x) {
-      const int s1 = src1[x];
-      const int s2 = src2[x];
-      stats->w   += 1;
-      stats->xm  += s1;
-      stats->ym  += s2;
-      stats->xxm += s1 * s1;
-      stats->xym += s1 * s2;
-      stats->yym += s2 * s2;
+      const uint32_t w = kWeight[x] * kWeight[y];
+      const uint32_t s1 = src1[x];
+      const uint32_t s2 = src2[x];
+      stats.xm  += w * s1;
+      stats.ym  += w * s2;
+      stats.xxm += w * s1 * s1;
+      stats.xym += w * s1 * s2;
+      stats.yym += w * s2 * s2;
+  return VP8SSIMFromStats(&stats);
-VP8SSIMAccumulateFunc VP8SSIMAccumulate;
-VP8SSIMAccumulateClippedFunc VP8SSIMAccumulateClipped;
+static uint32_t AccumulateSSE(const uint8_t* src1,
+                              const uint8_t* src2, int len) {
+  int i;
+  uint32_t sse2 = 0;
+  assert(len <= 65535);  // to ensure that accumulation fits within uint32_t
+  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+    const int32_t diff = src1[i] - src2[i];
+    sse2 += diff * diff;
+  }
+  return sse2;
+VP8SSIMGetClippedFunc VP8SSIMGetClipped;
+VP8AccumulateSSEFunc VP8AccumulateSSE;
+extern void VP8SSIMDspInitSSE2(void);
 static volatile VP8CPUInfo ssim_last_cpuinfo_used =
@@ -758,8 +809,17 @@
   if (ssim_last_cpuinfo_used == VP8GetCPUInfo) return;
-  VP8SSIMAccumulate = SSIMAccumulate;
-  VP8SSIMAccumulateClipped = SSIMAccumulateClipped;
+  VP8SSIMGetClipped = SSIMGetClipped_C;
+  VP8SSIMGet = SSIMGet_C;
+  VP8AccumulateSSE = AccumulateSSE;
+  if (VP8GetCPUInfo != NULL) {
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_SSE2)
+    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kSSE2)) {
+      VP8SSIMDspInitSSE2();
+    }
+  }
   ssim_last_cpuinfo_used = VP8GetCPUInfo;
@@ -783,6 +843,7 @@
 VP8Metric VP8SSE4x4;
 VP8WMetric VP8TDisto4x4;
 VP8WMetric VP8TDisto16x16;
+VP8MeanMetric VP8Mean16x4;
 VP8QuantizeBlock VP8EncQuantizeBlock;
 VP8Quantize2Blocks VP8EncQuantize2Blocks;
 VP8QuantizeBlockWHT VP8EncQuantizeBlockWHT;
@@ -795,6 +856,7 @@
 extern void VP8EncDspInitNEON(void);
 extern void VP8EncDspInitMIPS32(void);
 extern void VP8EncDspInitMIPSdspR2(void);
+extern void VP8EncDspInitMSA(void);
 static volatile VP8CPUInfo enc_last_cpuinfo_used =
@@ -820,9 +882,10 @@
   VP8SSE4x4 = SSE4x4;
   VP8TDisto4x4 = Disto4x4;
   VP8TDisto16x16 = Disto16x16;
+  VP8Mean16x4 = Mean16x4;
   VP8EncQuantizeBlock = QuantizeBlock;
   VP8EncQuantize2Blocks = Quantize2Blocks;
-  VP8EncQuantizeBlockWHT = QuantizeBlockWHT;
+  VP8EncQuantizeBlockWHT = QuantizeBlock;
   VP8Copy4x4 = Copy4x4;
   VP8Copy16x8 = Copy16x8;
@@ -858,6 +921,11 @@
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kMSA)) {
+      VP8EncDspInitMSA();
+    }
   enc_last_cpuinfo_used = VP8GetCPUInfo;
diff --git a/src/dsp/enc_mips32.c b/src/dsp/enc_mips32.c
index fd10143..752b14d 100644
--- a/src/dsp/enc_mips32.c
+++ b/src/dsp/enc_mips32.c
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS32)
 #include "./mips_macro.h"
-#include "../enc/vp8enci.h"
-#include "../enc/cost.h"
+#include "../enc/vp8i_enc.h"
+#include "../enc/cost_enc.h"
 static const int kC1 = 20091 + (1 << 16);
 static const int kC2 = 35468;
diff --git a/src/dsp/enc_mips_dsp_r2.c b/src/dsp/enc_mips_dsp_r2.c
index 7ab96f6..6c8c1c6 100644
--- a/src/dsp/enc_mips_dsp_r2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/enc_mips_dsp_r2.c
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS_DSP_R2)
 #include "./mips_macro.h"
-#include "../enc/cost.h"
-#include "../enc/vp8enci.h"
+#include "../enc/cost_enc.h"
+#include "../enc/vp8i_enc.h"
 static const int kC1 = 20091 + (1 << 16);
 static const int kC2 = 35468;
diff --git a/src/dsp/enc_msa.c b/src/dsp/enc_msa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..909b46d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dsp/enc_msa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MSA version of encoder dsp functions.
+// Author:  Prashant Patil   (
+#include "./dsp.h"
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "./msa_macro.h"
+#include "../enc/vp8i_enc.h"
+// Transforms
+#define IDCT_1D_W(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3) do {  \
+  v4i32 a1_m, b1_m, c1_m, d1_m;                                     \
+  const v4i32 cospi8sqrt2minus1 = __msa_fill_w(20091);              \
+  const v4i32 sinpi8sqrt2 = __msa_fill_w(35468);                    \
+  v4i32 c_tmp1_m = in1 * sinpi8sqrt2;                               \
+  v4i32 c_tmp2_m = in3 * cospi8sqrt2minus1;                         \
+  v4i32 d_tmp1_m = in1 * cospi8sqrt2minus1;                         \
+  v4i32 d_tmp2_m = in3 * sinpi8sqrt2;                               \
+                                                                    \
+  ADDSUB2(in0, in2, a1_m, b1_m);                                    \
+  SRAI_W2_SW(c_tmp1_m, c_tmp2_m, 16);                               \
+  c_tmp2_m = c_tmp2_m + in3;                                        \
+  c1_m = c_tmp1_m - c_tmp2_m;                                       \
+  SRAI_W2_SW(d_tmp1_m, d_tmp2_m, 16);                               \
+  d_tmp1_m = d_tmp1_m + in1;                                        \
+  d1_m = d_tmp1_m + d_tmp2_m;                                       \
+  BUTTERFLY_4(a1_m, b1_m, c1_m, d1_m, out0, out1, out2, out3);      \
+} while (0)
+static WEBP_INLINE void ITransformOne(const uint8_t* ref, const int16_t* in,
+                                      uint8_t* dst) {
+  v8i16 input0, input1;
+  v4i32 in0, in1, in2, in3, hz0, hz1, hz2, hz3, vt0, vt1, vt2, vt3;
+  v4i32 res0, res1, res2, res3;
+  v16i8 dest0, dest1, dest2, dest3;
+  const v16i8 zero = { 0 };
+  LD_SH2(in, 8, input0, input1);
+  UNPCK_SH_SW(input0, in0, in1);
+  UNPCK_SH_SW(input1, in2, in3);
+  IDCT_1D_W(in0, in1, in2, in3, hz0, hz1, hz2, hz3);
+  TRANSPOSE4x4_SW_SW(hz0, hz1, hz2, hz3, hz0, hz1, hz2, hz3);
+  IDCT_1D_W(hz0, hz1, hz2, hz3, vt0, vt1, vt2, vt3);
+  SRARI_W4_SW(vt0, vt1, vt2, vt3, 3);
+  TRANSPOSE4x4_SW_SW(vt0, vt1, vt2, vt3, vt0, vt1, vt2, vt3);
+  LD_SB4(ref, BPS, dest0, dest1, dest2, dest3);
+  ILVR_B4_SW(zero, dest0, zero, dest1, zero, dest2, zero, dest3,
+             res0, res1, res2, res3);
+  ILVR_H4_SW(zero, res0, zero, res1, zero, res2, zero, res3,
+             res0, res1, res2, res3);
+  ADD4(res0, vt0, res1, vt1, res2, vt2, res3, vt3, res0, res1, res2, res3);
+  CLIP_SW4_0_255(res0, res1, res2, res3);
+  PCKEV_B2_SW(res0, res1, res2, res3, vt0, vt1);
+  res0 = (v4i32)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)vt0, (v16i8)vt1);
+  ST4x4_UB(res0, res0, 3, 2, 1, 0, dst, BPS);
+static void ITransform(const uint8_t* ref, const int16_t* in, uint8_t* dst,
+                       int do_two) {
+  ITransformOne(ref, in, dst);
+  if (do_two) {
+    ITransformOne(ref + 4, in + 16, dst + 4);
+  }
+static void FTransform(const uint8_t* src, const uint8_t* ref, int16_t* out) {
+  uint64_t out0, out1, out2, out3;
+  uint32_t in0, in1, in2, in3;
+  v4i32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5;
+  v8i16 t0, t1, t2, t3;
+  v16u8 srcl0, srcl1, src0, src1;
+  const v8i16 mask0 = { 0, 4, 8, 12, 1, 5, 9, 13 };
+  const v8i16 mask1 = { 3, 7, 11, 15, 2, 6, 10, 14 };
+  const v8i16 mask2 = { 4, 0, 5, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3 };
+  const v8i16 mask3 = { 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7 };
+  const v8i16 cnst0 = { 2217, -5352, 2217, -5352, 2217, -5352, 2217, -5352 };
+  const v8i16 cnst1 = { 5352, 2217, 5352, 2217, 5352, 2217, 5352, 2217 };
+  LW4(src, BPS, in0, in1, in2, in3);
+  INSERT_W4_UB(in0, in1, in2, in3, src0);
+  LW4(ref, BPS, in0, in1, in2, in3);
+  INSERT_W4_UB(in0, in1, in2, in3, src1);
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(src0, src1, srcl0, srcl1);
+  HSUB_UB2_SH(srcl0, srcl1, t0, t1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(t0, t1, t0, t1, mask0, mask1, t2, t3);
+  ADDSUB2(t2, t3, t0, t1);
+  t0 = SRLI_H(t0, 3);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(t0, t0, t1, t1, mask2, mask3, t3, t2);
+  tmp0 = __msa_hadd_s_w(t3, t3);
+  tmp2 = __msa_hsub_s_w(t3, t3);
+  FILL_W2_SW(1812, 937, tmp1, tmp3);
+  DPADD_SH2_SW(t2, t2, cnst0, cnst1, tmp3, tmp1);
+  SRAI_W2_SW(tmp1, tmp3, 9);
+  PCKEV_H2_SH(tmp1, tmp0, tmp3, tmp2, t0, t1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(t0, t1, t0, t1, mask0, mask1, t2, t3);
+  ADDSUB2(t2, t3, t0, t1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(t0, t0, t1, t1, mask2, mask3, t3, t2);
+  tmp0 = __msa_hadd_s_w(t3, t3);
+  tmp2 = __msa_hsub_s_w(t3, t3);
+  ADDVI_W2_SW(tmp0, 7, tmp2, 7, tmp0, tmp2);
+  SRAI_W2_SW(tmp0, tmp2, 4);
+  FILL_W2_SW(12000, 51000, tmp1, tmp3);
+  DPADD_SH2_SW(t2, t2, cnst0, cnst1, tmp3, tmp1);
+  SRAI_W2_SW(tmp1, tmp3, 16);
+  UNPCK_R_SH_SW(t1, tmp4);
+  tmp5 = __msa_ceqi_w(tmp4, 0);
+  tmp4 = (v4i32)__msa_nor_v((v16u8)tmp5, (v16u8)tmp5);
+  tmp5 = __msa_fill_w(1);
+  tmp5 = (v4i32)__msa_and_v((v16u8)tmp5, (v16u8)tmp4);
+  tmp1 += tmp5;
+  PCKEV_H2_SH(tmp1, tmp0, tmp3, tmp2, t0, t1);
+  out0 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)t0, 0);
+  out1 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)t0, 1);
+  out2 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)t1, 0);
+  out3 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)t1, 1);
+  SD4(out0, out1, out2, out3, out, 8);
+static void FTransformWHT(const int16_t* in, int16_t* out) {
+  v8i16 in0 = { 0 };
+  v8i16 in1 = { 0 };
+  v8i16 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
+  v8i16 out0, out1;
+  const v8i16 mask0 = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 };
+  const v8i16 mask1 = { 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
+  const v8i16 mask2 = { 0, 4, 8, 12, 1, 5, 9, 13 };
+  const v8i16 mask3 = { 3, 7, 11, 15, 2, 6, 10, 14 };
+  in0 = __msa_insert_h(in0, 0, in[  0]);
+  in0 = __msa_insert_h(in0, 1, in[ 64]);
+  in0 = __msa_insert_h(in0, 2, in[128]);
+  in0 = __msa_insert_h(in0, 3, in[192]);
+  in0 = __msa_insert_h(in0, 4, in[ 16]);
+  in0 = __msa_insert_h(in0, 5, in[ 80]);
+  in0 = __msa_insert_h(in0, 6, in[144]);
+  in0 = __msa_insert_h(in0, 7, in[208]);
+  in1 = __msa_insert_h(in1, 0, in[ 48]);
+  in1 = __msa_insert_h(in1, 1, in[112]);
+  in1 = __msa_insert_h(in1, 2, in[176]);
+  in1 = __msa_insert_h(in1, 3, in[240]);
+  in1 = __msa_insert_h(in1, 4, in[ 32]);
+  in1 = __msa_insert_h(in1, 5, in[ 96]);
+  in1 = __msa_insert_h(in1, 6, in[160]);
+  in1 = __msa_insert_h(in1, 7, in[224]);
+  ADDSUB2(in0, in1, tmp0, tmp1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp0, tmp1, mask0, mask1, tmp2, tmp3);
+  ADDSUB2(tmp2, tmp3, tmp0, tmp1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp0, tmp1, mask2, mask3, in0, in1);
+  ADDSUB2(in0, in1, tmp0, tmp1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp0, tmp1, mask0, mask1, tmp2, tmp3);
+  ADDSUB2(tmp2, tmp3, out0, out1);
+  SRAI_H2_SH(out0, out1, 1);
+  ST_SH2(out0, out1, out, 8);
+static int TTransform(const uint8_t* in, const uint16_t* w) {
+  int sum;
+  uint32_t in0_m, in1_m, in2_m, in3_m;
+  v16i8 src0;
+  v8i16 in0, in1, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
+  v4i32 dst0, dst1;
+  const v16i8 zero = { 0 };
+  const v8i16 mask0 = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 };
+  const v8i16 mask1 = { 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
+  const v8i16 mask2 = { 0, 4, 8, 12, 1, 5, 9, 13 };
+  const v8i16 mask3 = { 3, 7, 11, 15, 2, 6, 10, 14 };
+  LW4(in, BPS, in0_m, in1_m, in2_m, in3_m);
+  INSERT_W4_SB(in0_m, in1_m, in2_m, in3_m, src0);
+  ILVRL_B2_SH(zero, src0, tmp0, tmp1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp0, tmp1, mask2, mask3, in0, in1);
+  ADDSUB2(in0, in1, tmp0, tmp1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp0, tmp1, mask0, mask1, tmp2, tmp3);
+  ADDSUB2(tmp2, tmp3, tmp0, tmp1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp0, tmp1, mask2, mask3, in0, in1);
+  ADDSUB2(in0, in1, tmp0, tmp1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp0, tmp1, mask0, mask1, tmp2, tmp3);
+  ADDSUB2(tmp2, tmp3, tmp0, tmp1);
+  tmp0 = __msa_add_a_h(tmp0, (v8i16)zero);
+  tmp1 = __msa_add_a_h(tmp1, (v8i16)zero);
+  LD_SH2(w, 8, tmp2, tmp3);
+  DOTP_SH2_SW(tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, dst0, dst1);
+  dst0 = dst0 + dst1;
+  sum = HADD_SW_S32(dst0);
+  return sum;
+static int Disto4x4(const uint8_t* const a, const uint8_t* const b,
+                    const uint16_t* const w) {
+  const int sum1 = TTransform(a, w);
+  const int sum2 = TTransform(b, w);
+  return abs(sum2 - sum1) >> 5;
+static int Disto16x16(const uint8_t* const a, const uint8_t* const b,
+                      const uint16_t* const w) {
+  int D = 0;
+  int x, y;
+  for (y = 0; y < 16 * BPS; y += 4 * BPS) {
+    for (x = 0; x < 16; x += 4) {
+      D += Disto4x4(a + x + y, b + x + y, w);
+    }
+  }
+  return D;
+// Histogram
+static void CollectHistogram(const uint8_t* ref, const uint8_t* pred,
+                             int start_block, int end_block,
+                             VP8Histogram* const histo) {
+  int j;
+  int distribution[MAX_COEFF_THRESH + 1] = { 0 };
+  for (j = start_block; j < end_block; ++j) {
+    int16_t out[16];
+    VP8FTransform(ref + VP8DspScan[j], pred + VP8DspScan[j], out);
+    {
+      int k;
+      v8i16 coeff0, coeff1;
+      const v8i16 zero = { 0 };
+      const v8i16 max_coeff_thr = __msa_ldi_h(MAX_COEFF_THRESH);
+      LD_SH2(&out[0], 8, coeff0, coeff1);
+      coeff0 = __msa_add_a_h(coeff0, zero);
+      coeff1 = __msa_add_a_h(coeff1, zero);
+      SRAI_H2_SH(coeff0, coeff1, 3);
+      coeff0 = __msa_min_s_h(coeff0, max_coeff_thr);
+      coeff1 = __msa_min_s_h(coeff1, max_coeff_thr);
+      ST_SH2(coeff0, coeff1, &out[0], 8);
+      for (k = 0; k < 16; ++k) {
+        ++distribution[out[k]];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  VP8SetHistogramData(distribution, histo);
+// Intra predictions
+// luma 4x4 prediction
+#define DST(x, y) dst[(x) + (y) * BPS]
+#define AVG3(a, b, c) (((a) + 2 * (b) + (c) + 2) >> 2)
+#define AVG2(a, b) (((a) + (b) + 1) >> 1)
+static WEBP_INLINE void VE4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {    // vertical
+  const uint64_t val_m = LD(top - 1);
+  const v16u8 A = (v16u8)__msa_insert_d((v2i64)A, 0, val_m);
+  const v16u8 B = SLDI_UB(A, A, 1);
+  const v16u8 C = SLDI_UB(A, A, 2);
+  const v16u8 AC = __msa_ave_u_b(A, C);
+  const v16u8 B2 = __msa_ave_u_b(B, B);
+  const v16u8 R = __msa_aver_u_b(AC, B2);
+  const uint32_t out = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R, 0);
+  SW4(out, out, out, out, dst, BPS);
+static WEBP_INLINE void HE4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {    // horizontal
+  const int X = top[-1];
+  const int I = top[-2];
+  const int J = top[-3];
+  const int K = top[-4];
+  const int L = top[-5];
+  WebPUint32ToMem(dst + 0 * BPS, 0x01010101U * AVG3(X, I, J));
+  WebPUint32ToMem(dst + 1 * BPS, 0x01010101U * AVG3(I, J, K));
+  WebPUint32ToMem(dst + 2 * BPS, 0x01010101U * AVG3(J, K, L));
+  WebPUint32ToMem(dst + 3 * BPS, 0x01010101U * AVG3(K, L, L));
+static WEBP_INLINE void DC4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  uint32_t dc = 4;
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) dc += top[i] + top[-5 + i];
+  dc >>= 3;
+  dc = dc | (dc << 8) | (dc << 16) | (dc << 24);
+  SW4(dc, dc, dc, dc, dst, BPS);
+static WEBP_INLINE void RD4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  const uint64_t val_m = LD(top - 5);
+  const v16u8 A1 = (v16u8)__msa_insert_d((v2i64)A1, 0, val_m);
+  const v16u8 A = (v16u8)__msa_insert_b((v16i8)A1, 8, top[3]);
+  const v16u8 B = SLDI_UB(A, A, 1);
+  const v16u8 C = SLDI_UB(A, A, 2);
+  const v16u8 AC = __msa_ave_u_b(A, C);
+  const v16u8 B2 = __msa_ave_u_b(B, B);
+  const v16u8 R0 = __msa_aver_u_b(AC, B2);
+  const v16u8 R1 = SLDI_UB(R0, R0, 1);
+  const v16u8 R2 = SLDI_UB(R1, R1, 1);
+  const v16u8 R3 = SLDI_UB(R2, R2, 1);
+  const uint32_t val0 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R0, 0);
+  const uint32_t val1 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R1, 0);
+  const uint32_t val2 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R2, 0);
+  const uint32_t val3 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R3, 0);
+  SW4(val3, val2, val1, val0, dst, BPS);
+static WEBP_INLINE void LD4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  const uint64_t val_m = LD(top);
+  const v16u8 A = (v16u8)__msa_insert_d((v2i64)A, 0, val_m);
+  const v16u8 B = SLDI_UB(A, A, 1);
+  const v16u8 C1 = SLDI_UB(A, A, 2);
+  const v16u8 C = (v16u8)__msa_insert_b((v16i8)C1, 6, top[7]);
+  const v16u8 AC = __msa_ave_u_b(A, C);
+  const v16u8 B2 = __msa_ave_u_b(B, B);
+  const v16u8 R0 = __msa_aver_u_b(AC, B2);
+  const v16u8 R1 = SLDI_UB(R0, R0, 1);
+  const v16u8 R2 = SLDI_UB(R1, R1, 1);
+  const v16u8 R3 = SLDI_UB(R2, R2, 1);
+  const uint32_t val0 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R0, 0);
+  const uint32_t val1 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R1, 0);
+  const uint32_t val2 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R2, 0);
+  const uint32_t val3 = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)R3, 0);
+  SW4(val0, val1, val2, val3, dst, BPS);
+static WEBP_INLINE void VR4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  const int X = top[-1];
+  const int I = top[-2];
+  const int J = top[-3];
+  const int K = top[-4];
+  const int A = top[0];
+  const int B = top[1];
+  const int C = top[2];
+  const int D = top[3];
+  DST(0, 0) = DST(1, 2) = AVG2(X, A);
+  DST(1, 0) = DST(2, 2) = AVG2(A, B);
+  DST(2, 0) = DST(3, 2) = AVG2(B, C);
+  DST(3, 0)             = AVG2(C, D);
+  DST(0, 3) =             AVG3(K, J, I);
+  DST(0, 2) =             AVG3(J, I, X);
+  DST(0, 1) = DST(1, 3) = AVG3(I, X, A);
+  DST(1, 1) = DST(2, 3) = AVG3(X, A, B);
+  DST(2, 1) = DST(3, 3) = AVG3(A, B, C);
+  DST(3, 1) =             AVG3(B, C, D);
+static WEBP_INLINE void VL4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  const int A = top[0];
+  const int B = top[1];
+  const int C = top[2];
+  const int D = top[3];
+  const int E = top[4];
+  const int F = top[5];
+  const int G = top[6];
+  const int H = top[7];
+  DST(0, 0) =             AVG2(A, B);
+  DST(1, 0) = DST(0, 2) = AVG2(B, C);
+  DST(2, 0) = DST(1, 2) = AVG2(C, D);
+  DST(3, 0) = DST(2, 2) = AVG2(D, E);
+  DST(0, 1) =             AVG3(A, B, C);
+  DST(1, 1) = DST(0, 3) = AVG3(B, C, D);
+  DST(2, 1) = DST(1, 3) = AVG3(C, D, E);
+  DST(3, 1) = DST(2, 3) = AVG3(D, E, F);
+              DST(3, 2) = AVG3(E, F, G);
+              DST(3, 3) = AVG3(F, G, H);
+static WEBP_INLINE void HU4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  const int I = top[-2];
+  const int J = top[-3];
+  const int K = top[-4];
+  const int L = top[-5];
+  DST(0, 0) =             AVG2(I, J);
+  DST(2, 0) = DST(0, 1) = AVG2(J, K);
+  DST(2, 1) = DST(0, 2) = AVG2(K, L);
+  DST(1, 0) =             AVG3(I, J, K);
+  DST(3, 0) = DST(1, 1) = AVG3(J, K, L);
+  DST(3, 1) = DST(1, 2) = AVG3(K, L, L);
+  DST(3, 2) = DST(2, 2) =
+  DST(0, 3) = DST(1, 3) = DST(2, 3) = DST(3, 3) = L;
+static WEBP_INLINE void HD4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  const int X = top[-1];
+  const int I = top[-2];
+  const int J = top[-3];
+  const int K = top[-4];
+  const int L = top[-5];
+  const int A = top[0];
+  const int B = top[1];
+  const int C = top[2];
+  DST(0, 0) = DST(2, 1) = AVG2(I, X);
+  DST(0, 1) = DST(2, 2) = AVG2(J, I);
+  DST(0, 2) = DST(2, 3) = AVG2(K, J);
+  DST(0, 3)             = AVG2(L, K);
+  DST(3, 0)             = AVG3(A, B, C);
+  DST(2, 0)             = AVG3(X, A, B);
+  DST(1, 0) = DST(3, 1) = AVG3(I, X, A);
+  DST(1, 1) = DST(3, 2) = AVG3(J, I, X);
+  DST(1, 2) = DST(3, 3) = AVG3(K, J, I);
+  DST(1, 3)             = AVG3(L, K, J);
+static WEBP_INLINE void TM4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  const v16i8 zero = { 0 };
+  const v8i16 TL = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(top[-1]);
+  const v8i16 L0 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(top[-2]);
+  const v8i16 L1 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(top[-3]);
+  const v8i16 L2 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(top[-4]);
+  const v8i16 L3 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(top[-5]);
+  const v16u8 T1 = LD_UB(top);
+  const v8i16 T  = (v8i16)__msa_ilvr_b(zero, (v16i8)T1);
+  const v8i16 d = T - TL;
+  v8i16 r0, r1, r2, r3;
+  ADD4(d, L0, d, L1, d, L2, d, L3, r0, r1, r2, r3);
+  CLIP_SH4_0_255(r0, r1, r2, r3);
+  PCKEV_ST4x4_UB(r0, r1, r2, r3, dst, BPS);
+#undef DST
+#undef AVG3
+#undef AVG2
+static void Intra4Preds(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  DC4(I4DC4 + dst, top);
+  TM4(I4TM4 + dst, top);
+  VE4(I4VE4 + dst, top);
+  HE4(I4HE4 + dst, top);
+  RD4(I4RD4 + dst, top);
+  VR4(I4VR4 + dst, top);
+  LD4(I4LD4 + dst, top);
+  VL4(I4VL4 + dst, top);
+  HD4(I4HD4 + dst, top);
+  HU4(I4HU4 + dst, top);
+// luma 16x16 prediction
+#define STORE16x16(out, dst) do {                                        \
+    ST_UB8(out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, dst + 0 * BPS, BPS);  \
+    ST_UB8(out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, dst + 8 * BPS, BPS);  \
+} while (0)
+static WEBP_INLINE void VerticalPred16x16(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  if (top != NULL) {
+    const v16u8 out = LD_UB(top);
+    STORE16x16(out, dst);
+  } else {
+    const v16u8 out = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(0x7f);
+    STORE16x16(out, dst);
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void HorizontalPred16x16(uint8_t* dst,
+                                            const uint8_t* left) {
+  if (left != NULL) {
+    int j;
+    for (j = 0; j < 16; j += 4) {
+      const v16u8 L0 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(left[0]);
+      const v16u8 L1 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(left[1]);
+      const v16u8 L2 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(left[2]);
+      const v16u8 L3 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(left[3]);
+      ST_UB4(L0, L1, L2, L3, dst, BPS);
+      dst += 4 * BPS;
+      left += 4;
+    }
+  } else {
+    const v16u8 out = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(0x81);
+    STORE16x16(out, dst);
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void TrueMotion16x16(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* left,
+                                        const uint8_t* top) {
+  if (left != NULL) {
+    if (top != NULL) {
+      int j;
+      v8i16 d1, d2;
+      const v16i8 zero = { 0 };
+      const v8i16 TL = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(left[-1]);
+      const v16u8 T = LD_UB(top);
+      ILVRL_B2_SH(zero, T, d1, d2);
+      SUB2(d1, TL, d2, TL, d1, d2);
+      for (j = 0; j < 16; j += 4) {
+        v16i8 t0, t1, t2, t3;
+        v8i16 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7;
+        const v8i16 L0 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(left[j + 0]);
+        const v8i16 L1 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(left[j + 1]);
+        const v8i16 L2 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(left[j + 2]);
+        const v8i16 L3 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(left[j + 3]);
+        ADD4(d1, L0, d1, L1, d1, L2, d1, L3, r0, r1, r2, r3);
+        ADD4(d2, L0, d2, L1, d2, L2, d2, L3, r4, r5, r6, r7);
+        CLIP_SH4_0_255(r0, r1, r2, r3);
+        CLIP_SH4_0_255(r4, r5, r6, r7);
+        PCKEV_B4_SB(r4, r0, r5, r1, r6, r2, r7, r3, t0, t1, t2, t3);
+        ST_SB4(t0, t1, t2, t3, dst, BPS);
+        dst += 4 * BPS;
+      }
+    } else {
+      HorizontalPred16x16(dst, left);
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (top != NULL) {
+      VerticalPred16x16(dst, top);
+    } else {
+      const v16u8 out = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(0x81);
+      STORE16x16(out, dst);
+    }
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void DCMode16x16(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* left,
+                                    const uint8_t* top) {
+  int DC;
+  v16u8 out;
+  if (top != NULL && left != NULL) {
+    const v16u8 rtop = LD_UB(top);
+    const v8u16 dctop = __msa_hadd_u_h(rtop, rtop);
+    const v16u8 rleft = LD_UB(left);
+    const v8u16 dcleft = __msa_hadd_u_h(rleft, rleft);
+    const v8u16 dctemp = dctop + dcleft;
+    DC = HADD_UH_U32(dctemp);
+    DC = (DC + 16) >> 5;
+  } else if (left != NULL) {   // left but no top
+    const v16u8 rleft = LD_UB(left);
+    const v8u16 dcleft = __msa_hadd_u_h(rleft, rleft);
+    DC = HADD_UH_U32(dcleft);
+    DC = (DC + DC + 16) >> 5;
+  } else if (top != NULL) {   // top but no left
+    const v16u8 rtop = LD_UB(top);
+    const v8u16 dctop = __msa_hadd_u_h(rtop, rtop);
+    DC = HADD_UH_U32(dctop);
+    DC = (DC + DC + 16) >> 5;
+  } else {   // no top, no left, nothing.
+    DC = 0x80;
+  }
+  out = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(DC);
+  STORE16x16(out, dst);
+static void Intra16Preds(uint8_t* dst,
+                         const uint8_t* left, const uint8_t* top) {
+  DCMode16x16(I16DC16 + dst, left, top);
+  VerticalPred16x16(I16VE16 + dst, top);
+  HorizontalPred16x16(I16HE16 + dst, left);
+  TrueMotion16x16(I16TM16 + dst, left, top);
+// Chroma 8x8 prediction
+#define CALC_DC8(in, out) do {                              \
+  const v8u16 temp0 = __msa_hadd_u_h(in, in);               \
+  const v4u32 temp1 = __msa_hadd_u_w(temp0, temp0);         \
+  const v2i64 temp2 = (v2i64)__msa_hadd_u_d(temp1, temp1);  \
+  const v2i64 temp3 = __msa_splati_d(temp2, 1);             \
+  const v2i64 temp4 = temp3 + temp2;                        \
+  const v16i8 temp5 = (v16i8)__msa_srari_d(temp4, 4);       \
+  const v2i64 temp6 = (v2i64)__msa_splati_b(temp5, 0);      \
+  out = __msa_copy_s_d(temp6, 0);                           \
+} while (0)
+#define STORE8x8(out, dst) do {                 \
+  SD4(out, out, out, out, dst + 0 * BPS, BPS);  \
+  SD4(out, out, out, out, dst + 4 * BPS, BPS);  \
+} while (0)
+static WEBP_INLINE void VerticalPred8x8(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
+  if (top != NULL) {
+    const uint64_t out = LD(top);
+    STORE8x8(out, dst);
+  } else {
+    const uint64_t out = 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7fULL;
+    STORE8x8(out, dst);
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void HorizontalPred8x8(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* left) {
+  if (left != NULL) {
+    int j;
+    for (j = 0; j < 8; j += 4) {
+      const v16u8 L0 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(left[0]);
+      const v16u8 L1 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(left[1]);
+      const v16u8 L2 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(left[2]);
+      const v16u8 L3 = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(left[3]);
+      const uint64_t out0 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)L0, 0);
+      const uint64_t out1 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)L1, 0);
+      const uint64_t out2 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)L2, 0);
+      const uint64_t out3 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)L3, 0);
+      SD4(out0, out1, out2, out3, dst, BPS);
+      dst += 4 * BPS;
+      left += 4;
+    }
+  } else {
+    const uint64_t out = 0x8181818181818181ULL;
+    STORE8x8(out, dst);
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void TrueMotion8x8(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* left,
+                                      const uint8_t* top) {
+  if (left != NULL) {
+    if (top != NULL) {
+      int j;
+      const v8i16 TL = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(left[-1]);
+      const v16u8 T1 = LD_UB(top);
+      const v16i8 zero = { 0 };
+      const v8i16 T  = (v8i16)__msa_ilvr_b(zero, (v16i8)T1);
+      const v8i16 d = T - TL;
+      for (j = 0; j < 8; j += 4) {
+        uint64_t out0, out1, out2, out3;
+        v16i8 t0, t1;
+        v8i16 r0 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(left[j + 0]);
+        v8i16 r1 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(left[j + 1]);
+        v8i16 r2 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(left[j + 2]);
+        v8i16 r3 = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(left[j + 3]);
+        ADD4(d, r0, d, r1, d, r2, d, r3, r0, r1, r2, r3);
+        CLIP_SH4_0_255(r0, r1, r2, r3);
+        PCKEV_B2_SB(r1, r0, r3, r2, t0, t1);
+        out0 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)t0, 0);
+        out1 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)t0, 1);
+        out2 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)t1, 0);
+        out3 = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)t1, 1);
+        SD4(out0, out1, out2, out3, dst, BPS);
+        dst += 4 * BPS;
+      }
+    } else {
+      HorizontalPred8x8(dst, left);
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (top != NULL) {
+      VerticalPred8x8(dst, top);
+    } else {
+      const uint64_t out = 0x8181818181818181ULL;
+      STORE8x8(out, dst);
+    }
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void DCMode8x8(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* left,
+                                  const uint8_t* top) {
+  uint64_t out;
+  v16u8 src;
+  if (top != NULL && left != NULL) {
+    const uint64_t left_m = LD(left);
+    const uint64_t top_m = LD(top);
+    INSERT_D2_UB(left_m, top_m, src);
+    CALC_DC8(src, out);
+  } else if (left != NULL) {   // left but no top
+    const uint64_t left_m = LD(left);
+    INSERT_D2_UB(left_m, left_m, src);
+    CALC_DC8(src, out);
+  } else if (top != NULL) {   // top but no left
+    const uint64_t top_m = LD(top);
+    INSERT_D2_UB(top_m, top_m, src);
+    CALC_DC8(src, out);
+  } else {   // no top, no left, nothing.
+    src = (v16u8)__msa_fill_b(0x80);
+    out = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)src, 0);
+  }
+  STORE8x8(out, dst);
+static void IntraChromaPreds(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* left,
+                             const uint8_t* top) {
+  // U block
+  DCMode8x8(C8DC8 + dst, left, top);
+  VerticalPred8x8(C8VE8 + dst, top);
+  HorizontalPred8x8(C8HE8 + dst, left);
+  TrueMotion8x8(C8TM8 + dst, left, top);
+  // V block
+  dst += 8;
+  if (top != NULL) top += 8;
+  if (left != NULL) left += 16;
+  DCMode8x8(C8DC8 + dst, left, top);
+  VerticalPred8x8(C8VE8 + dst, top);
+  HorizontalPred8x8(C8HE8 + dst, left);
+  TrueMotion8x8(C8TM8 + dst, left, top);
+// Metric
+#define PACK_DOTP_UB4_SW(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3) do {  \
+  v16u8 tmp0, tmp1;                                                        \
+  v8i16 tmp2, tmp3;                                                        \
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(in0, in1, tmp0, tmp1);                                       \
+  HSUB_UB2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);                                     \
+  DOTP_SH2_SW(tmp2, tmp3, tmp2, tmp3, out0, out1);                         \
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(in2, in3, tmp0, tmp1);                                       \
+  HSUB_UB2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);                                     \
+  DOTP_SH2_SW(tmp2, tmp3, tmp2, tmp3, out2, out3);                         \
+} while (0)
+#define PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3) do {  \
+  v16u8 tmp0, tmp1;                                                         \
+  v8i16 tmp2, tmp3;                                                         \
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(in0, in1, tmp0, tmp1);                                        \
+  HSUB_UB2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);                                      \
+  DPADD_SH2_SW(tmp2, tmp3, tmp2, tmp3, out0, out1);                         \
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(in2, in3, tmp0, tmp1);                                        \
+  HSUB_UB2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);                                      \
+  DPADD_SH2_SW(tmp2, tmp3, tmp2, tmp3, out2, out3);                         \
+} while (0)
+static int SSE16x16(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
+  uint32_t sum;
+  v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7;
+  v16u8 ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7;
+  v4i32 out0, out1, out2, out3;
+  LD_UB8(a, BPS, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7);
+  LD_UB8(b, BPS, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7);
+  PACK_DOTP_UB4_SW(src0, ref0, src1, ref1, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(src2, ref2, src3, ref3, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(src4, ref4, src5, ref5, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(src6, ref6, src7, ref7, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  a += 8 * BPS;
+  b += 8 * BPS;
+  LD_UB8(a, BPS, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7);
+  LD_UB8(b, BPS, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(src0, ref0, src1, ref1, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(src2, ref2, src3, ref3, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(src4, ref4, src5, ref5, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(src6, ref6, src7, ref7, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  out0 += out1;
+  out2 += out3;
+  out0 += out2;
+  sum = HADD_SW_S32(out0);
+  return sum;
+static int SSE16x8(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
+  uint32_t sum;
+  v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7;
+  v16u8 ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7;
+  v4i32 out0, out1, out2, out3;
+  LD_UB8(a, BPS, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7);
+  LD_UB8(b, BPS, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7);
+  PACK_DOTP_UB4_SW(src0, ref0, src1, ref1, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(src2, ref2, src3, ref3, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(src4, ref4, src5, ref5, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(src6, ref6, src7, ref7, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  out0 += out1;
+  out2 += out3;
+  out0 += out2;
+  sum = HADD_SW_S32(out0);
+  return sum;
+static int SSE8x8(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
+  uint32_t sum;
+  v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7;
+  v16u8 ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7;
+  v16u8 t0, t1, t2, t3;
+  v4i32 out0, out1, out2, out3;
+  LD_UB8(a, BPS, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7);
+  LD_UB8(b, BPS, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7);
+  ILVR_B4_UB(src0, src1, src2, src3, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, t0, t1, t2, t3);
+  PACK_DOTP_UB4_SW(t0, t2, t1, t3, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  ILVR_B4_UB(src4, src5, src6, src7, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, t0, t1, t2, t3);
+  PACK_DPADD_UB4_SW(t0, t2, t1, t3, out0, out1, out2, out3);
+  out0 += out1;
+  out2 += out3;
+  out0 += out2;
+  sum = HADD_SW_S32(out0);
+  return sum;
+static int SSE4x4(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
+  uint32_t sum = 0;
+  uint32_t src0, src1, src2, src3, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3;
+  v16u8 src, ref, tmp0, tmp1;
+  v8i16 diff0, diff1;
+  v4i32 out0, out1;
+  LW4(a, BPS, src0, src1, src2, src3);
+  LW4(b, BPS, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3);
+  INSERT_W4_UB(src0, src1, src2, src3, src);
+  INSERT_W4_UB(ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref);
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(src, ref, tmp0, tmp1);
+  HSUB_UB2_SH(tmp0, tmp1, diff0, diff1);
+  DOTP_SH2_SW(diff0, diff1, diff0, diff1, out0, out1);
+  out0 += out1;
+  sum = HADD_SW_S32(out0);
+  return sum;
+// Quantization
+static int QuantizeBlock(int16_t in[16], int16_t out[16],
+                         const VP8Matrix* const mtx) {
+  int sum;
+  v8i16 in0, in1, sh0, sh1, out0, out1;
+  v8i16 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, sign0, sign1;
+  v4i32 s0, s1, s2, s3, b0, b1, b2, b3, t0, t1, t2, t3;
+  const v8i16 zero = { 0 };
+  const v8i16 zigzag0 = { 0, 1, 4, 8, 5, 2, 3, 6 };
+  const v8i16 zigzag1 = { 9, 12, 13, 10, 7, 11, 14, 15 };
+  const v8i16 maxlevel = __msa_fill_h(MAX_LEVEL);
+  LD_SH2(&in[0], 8, in0, in1);
+  LD_SH2(&mtx->sharpen_[0], 8, sh0, sh1);
+  tmp4 = __msa_add_a_h(in0, zero);
+  tmp5 = __msa_add_a_h(in1, zero);
+  ILVRL_H2_SH(sh0, tmp4, tmp0, tmp1);
+  ILVRL_H2_SH(sh1, tmp5, tmp2, tmp3);
+  HADD_SH4_SW(tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, s0, s1, s2, s3);
+  sign0 = (in0 < zero);
+  sign1 = (in1 < zero);                           // sign
+  LD_SH2(&mtx->iq_[0], 8, tmp0, tmp1);            // iq
+  ILVRL_H2_SW(zero, tmp0, t0, t1);
+  ILVRL_H2_SW(zero, tmp1, t2, t3);
+  LD_SW4(&mtx->bias_[0], 4, b0, b1, b2, b3);      // bias
+  MUL4(t0, s0, t1, s1, t2, s2, t3, s3, t0, t1, t2, t3);
+  ADD4(b0, t0, b1, t1, b2, t2, b3, t3, b0, b1, b2, b3);
+  SRAI_W4_SW(b0, b1, b2, b3, 17);
+  PCKEV_H2_SH(b1, b0, b3, b2, tmp2, tmp3);
+  tmp0 = (tmp2 > maxlevel);
+  tmp1 = (tmp3 > maxlevel);
+  tmp2 = (v8i16)__msa_bmnz_v((v16u8)tmp2, (v16u8)maxlevel, (v16u8)tmp0);
+  tmp3 = (v8i16)__msa_bmnz_v((v16u8)tmp3, (v16u8)maxlevel, (v16u8)tmp1);
+  SUB2(0, tmp2, 0, tmp3, tmp0, tmp1);
+  tmp2 = (v8i16)__msa_bmnz_v((v16u8)tmp2, (v16u8)tmp0, (v16u8)sign0);
+  tmp3 = (v8i16)__msa_bmnz_v((v16u8)tmp3, (v16u8)tmp1, (v16u8)sign1);
+  LD_SW4(&mtx->zthresh_[0], 4, t0, t1, t2, t3);   // zthresh
+  t0 = (s0 > t0);
+  t1 = (s1 > t1);
+  t2 = (s2 > t2);
+  t3 = (s3 > t3);
+  PCKEV_H2_SH(t1, t0, t3, t2, tmp0, tmp1);
+  tmp4 = (v8i16)__msa_bmnz_v((v16u8)zero, (v16u8)tmp2, (v16u8)tmp0);
+  tmp5 = (v8i16)__msa_bmnz_v((v16u8)zero, (v16u8)tmp3, (v16u8)tmp1);
+  LD_SH2(&mtx->q_[0], 8, tmp0, tmp1);
+  MUL2(tmp4, tmp0, tmp5, tmp1, in0, in1);
+  VSHF_H2_SH(tmp4, tmp5, tmp4, tmp5, zigzag0, zigzag1, out0, out1);
+  ST_SH2(in0, in1, &in[0], 8);
+  ST_SH2(out0, out1, &out[0], 8);
+  out0 = __msa_add_a_h(out0, out1);
+  sum = HADD_SH_S32(out0);
+  return (sum > 0);
+static int Quantize2Blocks(int16_t in[32], int16_t out[32],
+                           const VP8Matrix* const mtx) {
+  int nz;
+  nz  = VP8EncQuantizeBlock(in + 0 * 16, out + 0 * 16, mtx) << 0;
+  nz |= VP8EncQuantizeBlock(in + 1 * 16, out + 1 * 16, mtx) << 1;
+  return nz;
+// Entry point
+extern void VP8EncDspInitMSA(void);
+  VP8ITransform = ITransform;
+  VP8FTransform = FTransform;
+  VP8FTransformWHT = FTransformWHT;
+  VP8TDisto4x4 = Disto4x4;
+  VP8TDisto16x16 = Disto16x16;
+  VP8CollectHistogram = CollectHistogram;
+  VP8EncPredLuma4 = Intra4Preds;
+  VP8EncPredLuma16 = Intra16Preds;
+  VP8EncPredChroma8 = IntraChromaPreds;
+  VP8SSE16x16 = SSE16x16;
+  VP8SSE16x8 = SSE16x8;
+  VP8SSE8x8 = SSE8x8;
+  VP8SSE4x4 = SSE4x4;
+  VP8EncQuantizeBlock = QuantizeBlock;
+  VP8EncQuantize2Blocks = Quantize2Blocks;
+  VP8EncQuantizeBlockWHT = QuantizeBlock;
+#else  // !WEBP_USE_MSA
+#endif  // WEBP_USE_MSA
diff --git a/src/dsp/enc_neon.c b/src/dsp/enc_neon.c
index 46f6bf9..6a078d6 100644
--- a/src/dsp/enc_neon.c
+++ b/src/dsp/enc_neon.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include "./neon.h"
-#include "../enc/vp8enci.h"
+#include "../enc/vp8i_enc.h"
 // Transforms (Paragraph 14.4)
@@ -746,9 +746,14 @@
   const uint8x16_t a0 = vld1q_u8(a);
   const uint8x16_t b0 = vld1q_u8(b);
   const uint8x16_t abs_diff = vabdq_u8(a0, b0);
-  uint16x8_t prod = vmull_u8(vget_low_u8(abs_diff), vget_low_u8(abs_diff));
-  prod = vmlal_u8(prod, vget_high_u8(abs_diff), vget_high_u8(abs_diff));
-  *sum = vpadalq_u16(*sum, prod);      // pair-wise add and accumulate
+  const uint16x8_t prod1 = vmull_u8(vget_low_u8(abs_diff),
+                                    vget_low_u8(abs_diff));
+  const uint16x8_t prod2 = vmull_u8(vget_high_u8(abs_diff),
+                                    vget_high_u8(abs_diff));
+  /* pair-wise adds and widen */
+  const uint32x4_t sum1 = vpaddlq_u16(prod1);
+  const uint32x4_t sum2 = vpaddlq_u16(prod2);
+  *sum = vaddq_u32(*sum, vaddq_u32(sum1, sum2));
 // Horizontal sum of all four uint32_t values in 'sum'.
@@ -758,7 +763,7 @@
   return (int)sum3;
-static int SSE16x16(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
+static int SSE16x16_NEON(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
   uint32x4_t sum = vdupq_n_u32(0);
   int y;
   for (y = 0; y < 16; ++y) {
@@ -767,7 +772,7 @@
   return SumToInt(sum);
-static int SSE16x8(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
+static int SSE16x8_NEON(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
   uint32x4_t sum = vdupq_n_u32(0);
   int y;
   for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) {
@@ -776,7 +781,7 @@
   return SumToInt(sum);
-static int SSE8x8(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
+static int SSE8x8_NEON(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
   uint32x4_t sum = vdupq_n_u32(0);
   int y;
   for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) {
@@ -789,13 +794,18 @@
   return SumToInt(sum);
-static int SSE4x4(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
+static int SSE4x4_NEON(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
   const uint8x16_t a0 = Load4x4(a);
   const uint8x16_t b0 = Load4x4(b);
   const uint8x16_t abs_diff = vabdq_u8(a0, b0);
-  uint16x8_t prod = vmull_u8(vget_low_u8(abs_diff), vget_low_u8(abs_diff));
-  prod = vmlal_u8(prod, vget_high_u8(abs_diff), vget_high_u8(abs_diff));
-  return SumToInt(vpaddlq_u16(prod));
+  const uint16x8_t prod1 = vmull_u8(vget_low_u8(abs_diff),
+                                    vget_low_u8(abs_diff));
+  const uint16x8_t prod2 = vmull_u8(vget_high_u8(abs_diff),
+                                    vget_high_u8(abs_diff));
+  /* pair-wise adds and widen */
+  const uint32x4_t sum1 = vpaddlq_u16(prod1);
+  const uint32x4_t sum2 = vpaddlq_u16(prod2);
+  return SumToInt(vaddq_u32(sum1, sum2));
@@ -903,10 +913,12 @@
   VP8TDisto4x4 = Disto4x4;
   VP8TDisto16x16 = Disto16x16;
   VP8CollectHistogram = CollectHistogram;
-  VP8SSE16x16 = SSE16x16;
-  VP8SSE16x8 = SSE16x8;
-  VP8SSE8x8 = SSE8x8;
-  VP8SSE4x4 = SSE4x4;
+  VP8SSE16x16 = SSE16x16_NEON;
+  VP8SSE16x8 = SSE16x8_NEON;
+  VP8SSE8x8 = SSE8x8_NEON;
+  VP8SSE4x4 = SSE4x4_NEON;
 #if !defined(WORK_AROUND_GCC)
   VP8EncQuantizeBlock = QuantizeBlock;
   VP8EncQuantize2Blocks = Quantize2Blocks;
diff --git a/src/dsp/enc_sse2.c b/src/dsp/enc_sse2.c
index 4a2e3ce..2026a74 100644
--- a/src/dsp/enc_sse2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/enc_sse2.c
@@ -14,12 +14,13 @@
 #include "./dsp.h"
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_SSE2)
+#include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>  // for abs()
 #include <emmintrin.h>
 #include "./common_sse2.h"
-#include "../enc/cost.h"
-#include "../enc/vp8enci.h"
+#include "../enc/cost_enc.h"
+#include "../enc/vp8i_enc.h"
 // Transforms (Paragraph 14.4)
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@
     // Transpose the two 4x4.
     VP8Transpose_2_4x4_16b(&shifted0, &shifted1, &shifted2, &shifted3, &T0, &T1,
-                        &T2, &T3);
+                           &T2, &T3);
   // Add inverse transform to 'ref' and store.
@@ -250,25 +251,11 @@
   const __m128i k51000 = _mm_set1_epi32(51000);
   // Same operations are done on the (0,3) and (1,2) pairs.
-  // a0 = v0 + v3
-  // a1 = v1 + v2
   // a3 = v0 - v3
   // a2 = v1 - v2
-  const __m128i a01 = _mm_add_epi16(*v01, *v32);
   const __m128i a32 = _mm_sub_epi16(*v01, *v32);
-  const __m128i a11 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(a01, a01);
   const __m128i a22 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(a32, a32);
-  const __m128i a01_plus_7 = _mm_add_epi16(a01, seven);
-  // d0 = (a0 + a1 + 7) >> 4;
-  // d2 = (a0 - a1 + 7) >> 4;
-  const __m128i c0 = _mm_add_epi16(a01_plus_7, a11);
-  const __m128i c2 = _mm_sub_epi16(a01_plus_7, a11);
-  const __m128i d0 = _mm_srai_epi16(c0, 4);
-  const __m128i d2 = _mm_srai_epi16(c2, 4);
-  // f1 = ((b3 * 5352 + b2 * 2217 + 12000) >> 16)
-  // f3 = ((b3 * 2217 - b2 * 5352 + 51000) >> 16)
   const __m128i b23 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(a22, a32);
   const __m128i c1 = _mm_madd_epi16(b23, k5352_2217);
   const __m128i c3 = _mm_madd_epi16(b23, k2217_5352);
@@ -276,14 +263,28 @@
   const __m128i d3 = _mm_add_epi32(c3, k51000);
   const __m128i e1 = _mm_srai_epi32(d1, 16);
   const __m128i e3 = _mm_srai_epi32(d3, 16);
+  // f1 = ((b3 * 5352 + b2 * 2217 + 12000) >> 16)
+  // f3 = ((b3 * 2217 - b2 * 5352 + 51000) >> 16)
   const __m128i f1 = _mm_packs_epi32(e1, e1);
   const __m128i f3 = _mm_packs_epi32(e3, e3);
-  // f1 = f1 + (a3 != 0);
+  // g1 = f1 + (a3 != 0);
   // The compare will return (0xffff, 0) for (==0, !=0). To turn that into the
   // desired (0, 1), we add one earlier through k12000_plus_one.
-  // -> f1 = f1 + 1 - (a3 == 0)
+  // -> g1 = f1 + 1 - (a3 == 0)
   const __m128i g1 = _mm_add_epi16(f1, _mm_cmpeq_epi16(a32, zero));
+  // a0 = v0 + v3
+  // a1 = v1 + v2
+  const __m128i a01 = _mm_add_epi16(*v01, *v32);
+  const __m128i a01_plus_7 = _mm_add_epi16(a01, seven);
+  const __m128i a11 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(a01, a01);
+  const __m128i c0 = _mm_add_epi16(a01_plus_7, a11);
+  const __m128i c2 = _mm_sub_epi16(a01_plus_7, a11);
+  // d0 = (a0 + a1 + 7) >> 4;
+  // d2 = (a0 - a1 + 7) >> 4;
+  const __m128i d0 = _mm_srai_epi16(c0, 4);
+  const __m128i d2 = _mm_srai_epi16(c2, 4);
   const __m128i d0_g1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(d0, g1);
   const __m128i d2_f3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(d2, f3);
   _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[0], d0_g1);
@@ -1046,6 +1047,37 @@
+static void Mean16x4(const uint8_t* ref, uint32_t dc[4]) {
+  const __m128i mask = _mm_set1_epi16(0x00ff);
+  const __m128i a0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&ref[BPS * 0]);
+  const __m128i a1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&ref[BPS * 1]);
+  const __m128i a2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&ref[BPS * 2]);
+  const __m128i a3 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&ref[BPS * 3]);
+  const __m128i b0 = _mm_srli_epi16(a0, 8);     // hi byte
+  const __m128i b1 = _mm_srli_epi16(a1, 8);
+  const __m128i b2 = _mm_srli_epi16(a2, 8);
+  const __m128i b3 = _mm_srli_epi16(a3, 8);
+  const __m128i c0 = _mm_and_si128(a0, mask);   // lo byte
+  const __m128i c1 = _mm_and_si128(a1, mask);
+  const __m128i c2 = _mm_and_si128(a2, mask);
+  const __m128i c3 = _mm_and_si128(a3, mask);
+  const __m128i d0 = _mm_add_epi32(b0, c0);
+  const __m128i d1 = _mm_add_epi32(b1, c1);
+  const __m128i d2 = _mm_add_epi32(b2, c2);
+  const __m128i d3 = _mm_add_epi32(b3, c3);
+  const __m128i e0 = _mm_add_epi32(d0, d1);
+  const __m128i e1 = _mm_add_epi32(d2, d3);
+  const __m128i f0 = _mm_add_epi32(e0, e1);
+  uint16_t tmp[8];
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)tmp, f0);
+  dc[0] = tmp[0] + tmp[1];
+  dc[1] = tmp[2] + tmp[3];
+  dc[2] = tmp[4] + tmp[5];
+  dc[3] = tmp[6] + tmp[7];
 // Texture distortion
 // We try to match the spectral content (weighted) between source and
@@ -1331,10 +1363,122 @@
   VP8SSE4x4 = SSE4x4;
   VP8TDisto4x4 = Disto4x4;
   VP8TDisto16x16 = Disto16x16;
+  VP8Mean16x4 = Mean16x4;
+// SSIM / PSNR entry point (TODO(skal): move to its own file later)
+static uint32_t AccumulateSSE_SSE2(const uint8_t* src1,
+                                   const uint8_t* src2, int len) {
+  int i = 0;
+  uint32_t sse2 = 0;
+  if (len >= 16) {
+    const int limit = len - 32;
+    int32_t tmp[4];
+    __m128i sum1;
+    __m128i sum = _mm_setzero_si128();
+    __m128i a0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&src1[i]);
+    __m128i b0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&src2[i]);
+    i += 16;
+    while (i <= limit) {
+      const __m128i a1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&src1[i]);
+      const __m128i b1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&src2[i]);
+      __m128i sum2;
+      i += 16;
+      SubtractAndAccumulate(a0, b0, &sum1);
+      sum = _mm_add_epi32(sum, sum1);
+      a0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&src1[i]);
+      b0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&src2[i]);
+      i += 16;
+      SubtractAndAccumulate(a1, b1, &sum2);
+      sum = _mm_add_epi32(sum, sum2);
+    }
+    SubtractAndAccumulate(a0, b0, &sum1);
+    sum = _mm_add_epi32(sum, sum1);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)tmp, sum);
+    sse2 += (tmp[3] + tmp[2] + tmp[1] + tmp[0]);
+  }
+  for (; i < len; ++i) {
+    const int32_t diff = src1[i] - src2[i];
+    sse2 += diff * diff;
+  }
+  return sse2;
+static uint32_t HorizontalAdd16b(const __m128i* const m) {
+  uint16_t tmp[8];
+  const __m128i a = _mm_srli_si128(*m, 8);
+  const __m128i b = _mm_add_epi16(*m, a);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)tmp, b);
+  return (uint32_t)tmp[3] + tmp[2] + tmp[1] + tmp[0];
+static uint32_t HorizontalAdd32b(const __m128i* const m) {
+  const __m128i a = _mm_srli_si128(*m, 8);
+  const __m128i b = _mm_add_epi32(*m, a);
+  const __m128i c = _mm_add_epi32(b, _mm_srli_si128(b, 4));
+  return (uint32_t)_mm_cvtsi128_si32(c);
+static const uint16_t kWeight[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
+#define ACCUMULATE_ROW(WEIGHT) do {                         \
+  /* compute row weight (Wx * Wy) */                        \
+  const __m128i Wy = _mm_set1_epi16((WEIGHT));              \
+  const __m128i W = _mm_mullo_epi16(Wx, Wy);                \
+  /* process 8 bytes at a time (7 bytes, actually) */       \
+  const __m128i a0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)src1); \
+  const __m128i b0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)src2); \
+  /* convert to 16b and multiply by weight */               \
+  const __m128i a1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(a0, zero);           \
+  const __m128i b1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(b0, zero);           \
+  const __m128i wa1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(a1, W);               \
+  const __m128i wb1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(b1, W);               \
+  /* accumulate */                                          \
+  xm  = _mm_add_epi16(xm, wa1);                             \
+  ym  = _mm_add_epi16(ym, wb1);                             \
+  xxm = _mm_add_epi32(xxm, _mm_madd_epi16(a1, wa1));        \
+  xym = _mm_add_epi32(xym, _mm_madd_epi16(a1, wb1));        \
+  yym = _mm_add_epi32(yym, _mm_madd_epi16(b1, wb1));        \
+  src1 += stride1;                                          \
+  src2 += stride2;                                          \
+} while (0)
+static double SSIMGet_SSE2(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
+                           const uint8_t* src2, int stride2) {
+  VP8DistoStats stats;
+  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+  __m128i xm = zero, ym = zero;                // 16b accums
+  __m128i xxm = zero, yym = zero, xym = zero;  // 32b accum
+  const __m128i Wx = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)kWeight);
+  assert(2 * VP8_SSIM_KERNEL + 1 == 7);
+  stats.xm  = HorizontalAdd16b(&xm);
+  stats.ym  = HorizontalAdd16b(&ym);
+  stats.xxm = HorizontalAdd32b(&xxm);
+  stats.xym = HorizontalAdd32b(&xym);
+  stats.yym = HorizontalAdd32b(&yym);
+  return VP8SSIMFromStats(&stats);
+extern void VP8SSIMDspInitSSE2(void);
+  VP8AccumulateSSE = AccumulateSSE_SSE2;
 #else  // !WEBP_USE_SSE2
 #endif  // WEBP_USE_SSE2
diff --git a/src/dsp/enc_sse41.c b/src/dsp/enc_sse41.c
index a178390..e32086d 100644
--- a/src/dsp/enc_sse41.c
+++ b/src/dsp/enc_sse41.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>  // for abs()
 #include "./common_sse2.h"
-#include "../enc/vp8enci.h"
+#include "../enc/vp8i_enc.h"
 // Compute susceptibility based on DCT-coeff histograms.
diff --git a/src/dsp/filters.c b/src/dsp/filters.c
index 9f04faf..65f34aa 100644
--- a/src/dsp/filters.c
+++ b/src/dsp/filters.c
@@ -227,6 +227,8 @@
 WebPUnfilterFunc WebPUnfilters[WEBP_FILTER_LAST];
 extern void VP8FiltersInitMIPSdspR2(void);
+extern void VP8FiltersInitMSA(void);
+extern void VP8FiltersInitNEON(void);
 extern void VP8FiltersInitSSE2(void);
 static volatile VP8CPUInfo filters_last_cpuinfo_used =
@@ -251,11 +253,21 @@
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_NEON)
+    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kNEON)) {
+      VP8FiltersInitNEON();
+    }
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS_DSP_R2)
     if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kMIPSdspR2)) {
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kMSA)) {
+      VP8FiltersInitMSA();
+    }
   filters_last_cpuinfo_used = VP8GetCPUInfo;
diff --git a/src/dsp/filters_msa.c b/src/dsp/filters_msa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b8922d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dsp/filters_msa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MSA variant of alpha filters
+// Author: Prashant Patil (
+#include "./dsp.h"
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+#include "./msa_macro.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+static WEBP_INLINE void PredictLineInverse0(const uint8_t* src,
+                                            const uint8_t* pred,
+                                            uint8_t* dst, int length) {
+  v16u8 src0, pred0, dst0;
+  assert(length >= 0);
+  while (length >= 32) {
+    v16u8 src1, pred1, dst1;
+    LD_UB2(src, 16, src0, src1);
+    LD_UB2(pred, 16, pred0, pred1);
+    SUB2(src0, pred0, src1, pred1, dst0, dst1);
+    ST_UB2(dst0, dst1, dst, 16);
+    src += 32;
+    pred += 32;
+    dst += 32;
+    length -= 32;
+  }
+  if (length > 0) {
+    int i;
+    if (length >= 16) {
+      src0 = LD_UB(src);
+      pred0 = LD_UB(pred);
+      dst0 = src0 - pred0;
+      ST_UB(dst0, dst);
+      src += 16;
+      pred += 16;
+      dst += 16;
+      length -= 16;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+      dst[i] = src[i] - pred[i];
+    }
+  }
+// Helpful macro.
+#define SANITY_CHECK(in, out)  \
+  assert(in != NULL);          \
+  assert(out != NULL);         \
+  assert(width > 0);           \
+  assert(height > 0);          \
+  assert(stride >= width);
+// Horrizontal filter
+static void HorizontalFilter(const uint8_t* data, int width, int height,
+                             int stride, uint8_t* filtered_data) {
+  const uint8_t* preds = data;
+  const uint8_t* in = data;
+  uint8_t* out = filtered_data;
+  int row = 1;
+  SANITY_CHECK(in, out);
+  // Leftmost pixel is the same as input for topmost scanline.
+  out[0] = in[0];
+  PredictLineInverse0(in + 1, preds, out + 1, width - 1);
+  preds += stride;
+  in += stride;
+  out += stride;
+  // Filter line-by-line.
+  while (row < height) {
+    // Leftmost pixel is predicted from above.
+    PredictLineInverse0(in, preds - stride, out, 1);
+    PredictLineInverse0(in + 1, preds, out + 1, width - 1);
+    ++row;
+    preds += stride;
+    in += stride;
+    out += stride;
+  }
+// Gradient filter
+static WEBP_INLINE void PredictLineGradient(const uint8_t* pinput,
+                                            const uint8_t* ppred,
+                                            uint8_t* poutput, int stride,
+                                            int size) {
+  int w;
+  const v16i8 zero = { 0 };
+  while (size >= 16) {
+    v16u8 pred0, dst0;
+    v8i16 a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1;
+    const v16u8 tmp0 = LD_UB(ppred - 1);
+    const v16u8 tmp1 = LD_UB(ppred - stride);
+    const v16u8 tmp2 = LD_UB(ppred - stride - 1);
+    const v16u8 src0 = LD_UB(pinput);
+    ILVRL_B2_SH(zero, tmp0, a0, a1);
+    ILVRL_B2_SH(zero, tmp1, b0, b1);
+    ILVRL_B2_SH(zero, tmp2, c0, c1);
+    ADD2(a0, b0, a1, b1, a0, a1);
+    SUB2(a0, c0, a1, c1, a0, a1);
+    CLIP_SH2_0_255(a0, a1);
+    pred0 = (v16u8)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)a1, (v16i8)a0);
+    dst0 = src0 - pred0;
+    ST_UB(dst0, poutput);
+    ppred += 16;
+    pinput += 16;
+    poutput += 16;
+    size -= 16;
+  }
+  for (w = 0; w < size; ++w) {
+    const int pred = ppred[w - 1] + ppred[w - stride] - ppred[w - stride - 1];
+    poutput[w] = pinput[w] - (pred < 0 ? 0 : pred > 255 ? 255 : pred);
+  }
+static void GradientFilter(const uint8_t* data, int width, int height,
+                           int stride, uint8_t* filtered_data) {
+  const uint8_t* in = data;
+  const uint8_t* preds = data;
+  uint8_t* out = filtered_data;
+  int row = 1;
+  SANITY_CHECK(in, out);
+  // left prediction for top scan-line
+  out[0] = in[0];
+  PredictLineInverse0(in + 1, preds, out + 1, width - 1);
+  preds += stride;
+  in += stride;
+  out += stride;
+  // Filter line-by-line.
+  while (row < height) {
+    out[0] = in[0] - preds[- stride];
+    PredictLineGradient(preds + 1, in + 1, out + 1, stride, width - 1);
+    ++row;
+    preds += stride;
+    in += stride;
+    out += stride;
+  }
+// Vertical filter
+static void VerticalFilter(const uint8_t* data, int width, int height,
+                           int stride, uint8_t* filtered_data) {
+  const uint8_t* in = data;
+  const uint8_t* preds = data;
+  uint8_t* out = filtered_data;
+  int row = 1;
+  SANITY_CHECK(in, out);
+  // Very first top-left pixel is copied.
+  out[0] = in[0];
+  // Rest of top scan-line is left-predicted.
+  PredictLineInverse0(in + 1, preds, out + 1, width - 1);
+  in += stride;
+  out += stride;
+  // Filter line-by-line.
+  while (row < height) {
+    PredictLineInverse0(in, preds, out, width);
+    ++row;
+    preds += stride;
+    in += stride;
+    out += stride;
+  }
+// Entry point
+extern void VP8FiltersInitMSA(void);
+  WebPFilters[WEBP_FILTER_HORIZONTAL] = HorizontalFilter;
+  WebPFilters[WEBP_FILTER_VERTICAL] = VerticalFilter;
+  WebPFilters[WEBP_FILTER_GRADIENT] = GradientFilter;
+#else  // !WEBP_USE_MSA
+#endif  // WEBP_USE_MSA
diff --git a/src/dsp/filters_neon.c b/src/dsp/filters_neon.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d6e50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dsp/filters_neon.c
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// NEON variant of alpha filters
+// Author: Skal (
+#include "./dsp.h"
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_NEON)
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "./neon.h"
+// Helpful macros.
+# define SANITY_CHECK(in, out)                                                 \
+  assert(in != NULL);                                                          \
+  assert(out != NULL);                                                         \
+  assert(width > 0);                                                           \
+  assert(height > 0);                                                          \
+  assert(stride >= width);                                                     \
+  assert(row >= 0 && num_rows > 0 && row + num_rows <= height);                \
+  (void)height;  // Silence unused warning.
+// load eight u8 and widen to s16
+#define U8_TO_S16(A) vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(A))
+#define LOAD_U8_TO_S16(A) U8_TO_S16(vld1_u8(A))
+// shift left or right by N byte, inserting zeros
+#define SHIFT_RIGHT_N_Q(A, N) vextq_u8((A), zero, (N))
+#define SHIFT_LEFT_N_Q(A, N) vextq_u8(zero, (A), (16 - (N)) % 16)
+// rotate left by N bytes
+#define ROTATE_LEFT_N(A, N)   vext_u8((A), (A), (N))
+// rotate right by N bytes
+#define ROTATE_RIGHT_N(A, N)   vext_u8((A), (A), (8 - (N)) % 8)
+static void PredictLine_NEON(const uint8_t* src, const uint8_t* pred,
+                             uint8_t* dst, int length) {
+  int i;
+  assert(length >= 0);
+  for (i = 0; i + 16 <= length; i += 16) {
+    const uint8x16_t A = vld1q_u8(&src[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t B = vld1q_u8(&pred[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t C = vsubq_u8(A, B);
+    vst1q_u8(&dst[i], C);
+  }
+  for (; i < length; ++i) dst[i] = src[i] - pred[i];
+// Special case for left-based prediction (when preds==dst-1 or preds==src-1).
+static void PredictLineLeft_NEON(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst, int length) {
+  PredictLine_NEON(src, src - 1, dst, length);
+// Horizontal filter.
+static WEBP_INLINE void DoHorizontalFilter_NEON(const uint8_t* in,
+                                                int width, int height,
+                                                int stride,
+                                                int row, int num_rows,
+                                                uint8_t* out) {
+  const size_t start_offset = row * stride;
+  const int last_row = row + num_rows;
+  SANITY_CHECK(in, out);
+  in += start_offset;
+  out += start_offset;
+  if (row == 0) {
+    // Leftmost pixel is the same as input for topmost scanline.
+    out[0] = in[0];
+    PredictLineLeft_NEON(in + 1, out + 1, width - 1);
+    row = 1;
+    in += stride;
+    out += stride;
+  }
+  // Filter line-by-line.
+  while (row < last_row) {
+    // Leftmost pixel is predicted from above.
+    out[0] = in[0] - in[-stride];
+    PredictLineLeft_NEON(in + 1, out + 1, width - 1);
+    ++row;
+    in += stride;
+    out += stride;
+  }
+static void HorizontalFilter_NEON(const uint8_t* data, int width, int height,
+                                  int stride, uint8_t* filtered_data) {
+  DoHorizontalFilter_NEON(data, width, height, stride, 0, height,
+                          filtered_data);
+// Vertical filter.
+static WEBP_INLINE void DoVerticalFilter_NEON(const uint8_t* in,
+                                              int width, int height, int stride,
+                                              int row, int num_rows,
+                                              uint8_t* out) {
+  const size_t start_offset = row * stride;
+  const int last_row = row + num_rows;
+  SANITY_CHECK(in, out);
+  in += start_offset;
+  out += start_offset;
+  if (row == 0) {
+    // Very first top-left pixel is copied.
+    out[0] = in[0];
+    // Rest of top scan-line is left-predicted.
+    PredictLineLeft_NEON(in + 1, out + 1, width - 1);
+    row = 1;
+    in += stride;
+    out += stride;
+  }
+  // Filter line-by-line.
+  while (row < last_row) {
+    PredictLine_NEON(in, in - stride, out, width);
+    ++row;
+    in += stride;
+    out += stride;
+  }
+static void VerticalFilter_NEON(const uint8_t* data, int width, int height,
+                               int stride, uint8_t* filtered_data) {
+  DoVerticalFilter_NEON(data, width, height, stride, 0, height,
+                        filtered_data);
+// Gradient filter.
+static WEBP_INLINE int GradientPredictor_C(uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c) {
+  const int g = a + b - c;
+  return ((g & ~0xff) == 0) ? g : (g < 0) ? 0 : 255;  // clip to 8bit
+static void GradientPredictDirect_NEON(const uint8_t* const row,
+                                       const uint8_t* const top,
+                                       uint8_t* const out, int length) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i + 8 <= length; i += 8) {
+    const uint8x8_t A = vld1_u8(&row[i - 1]);
+    const uint8x8_t B = vld1_u8(&top[i + 0]);
+    const int16x8_t C = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vaddl_u8(A, B));
+    const int16x8_t D = LOAD_U8_TO_S16(&top[i - 1]);
+    const uint8x8_t E = vqmovun_s16(vsubq_s16(C, D));
+    const uint8x8_t F = vld1_u8(&row[i + 0]);
+    vst1_u8(&out[i], vsub_u8(F, E));
+  }
+  for (; i < length; ++i) {
+    out[i] = row[i] - GradientPredictor_C(row[i - 1], top[i], top[i - 1]);
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void DoGradientFilter_NEON(const uint8_t* in,
+                                              int width, int height,
+                                              int stride,
+                                              int row, int num_rows,
+                                              uint8_t* out) {
+  const size_t start_offset = row * stride;
+  const int last_row = row + num_rows;
+  SANITY_CHECK(in, out);
+  in += start_offset;
+  out += start_offset;
+  // left prediction for top scan-line
+  if (row == 0) {
+    out[0] = in[0];
+    PredictLineLeft_NEON(in + 1, out + 1, width - 1);
+    row = 1;
+    in += stride;
+    out += stride;
+  }
+  // Filter line-by-line.
+  while (row < last_row) {
+    out[0] = in[0] - in[-stride];
+    GradientPredictDirect_NEON(in + 1, in + 1 - stride, out + 1, width - 1);
+    ++row;
+    in += stride;
+    out += stride;
+  }
+static void GradientFilter_NEON(const uint8_t* data, int width, int height,
+                               int stride, uint8_t* filtered_data) {
+  DoGradientFilter_NEON(data, width, height, stride, 0, height,
+                        filtered_data);
+// Inverse transforms
+static void HorizontalUnfilter_NEON(const uint8_t* prev, const uint8_t* in,
+                                    uint8_t* out, int width) {
+  int i;
+  const uint8x16_t zero = vdupq_n_u8(0);
+  uint8x16_t last;
+  out[0] = in[0] + (prev == NULL ? 0 : prev[0]);
+  if (width <= 1) return;
+  last = vsetq_lane_u8(out[0], zero, 0);
+  for (i = 1; i + 16 <= width; i += 16) {
+    const uint8x16_t A0 = vld1q_u8(&in[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t A1 = vaddq_u8(A0, last);
+    const uint8x16_t A2 = SHIFT_LEFT_N_Q(A1, 1);
+    const uint8x16_t A3 = vaddq_u8(A1, A2);
+    const uint8x16_t A4 = SHIFT_LEFT_N_Q(A3, 2);
+    const uint8x16_t A5 = vaddq_u8(A3, A4);
+    const uint8x16_t A6 = SHIFT_LEFT_N_Q(A5, 4);
+    const uint8x16_t A7 = vaddq_u8(A5, A6);
+    const uint8x16_t A8 = SHIFT_LEFT_N_Q(A7, 8);
+    const uint8x16_t A9 = vaddq_u8(A7, A8);
+    vst1q_u8(&out[i], A9);
+    last = SHIFT_RIGHT_N_Q(A9, 15);
+  }
+  for (; i < width; ++i) out[i] = in[i] + out[i - 1];
+static void VerticalUnfilter_NEON(const uint8_t* prev, const uint8_t* in,
+                                  uint8_t* out, int width) {
+  if (prev == NULL) {
+    HorizontalUnfilter_NEON(NULL, in, out, width);
+  } else {
+    int i;
+    assert(width >= 0);
+    for (i = 0; i + 16 <= width; i += 16) {
+      const uint8x16_t A = vld1q_u8(&in[i]);
+      const uint8x16_t B = vld1q_u8(&prev[i]);
+      const uint8x16_t C = vaddq_u8(A, B);
+      vst1q_u8(&out[i], C);
+    }
+    for (; i < width; ++i) out[i] = in[i] + prev[i];
+  }
+// GradientUnfilter_NEON is correct but slower than the C-version,
+// at least on ARM64. For armv7, it's a wash.
+// So best is to disable it for now, but keep the idea around...
+#define GRAD_PROCESS_LANE(L)  do {                                             \
+  const uint8x8_t tmp1 = ROTATE_RIGHT_N(pred, 1);  /* rotate predictor in */   \
+  const int16x8_t tmp2 = vaddq_s16(BC, U8_TO_S16(tmp1));                       \
+  const uint8x8_t delta = vqmovun_s16(tmp2);                                   \
+  pred = vadd_u8(D, delta);                                                    \
+  out = vext_u8(out, ROTATE_LEFT_N(pred, (L)), 1);                             \
+} while (0)
+static void GradientPredictInverse_NEON(const uint8_t* const in,
+                                        const uint8_t* const top,
+                                        uint8_t* const row, int length) {
+  if (length > 0) {
+    int i;
+    uint8x8_t pred = vdup_n_u8(row[-1]);   // left sample
+    uint8x8_t out = vdup_n_u8(0);
+    for (i = 0; i + 8 <= length; i += 8) {
+      const int16x8_t B = LOAD_U8_TO_S16(&top[i + 0]);
+      const int16x8_t C = LOAD_U8_TO_S16(&top[i - 1]);
+      const int16x8_t BC = vsubq_s16(B, C);  // unclipped gradient basis B - C
+      const uint8x8_t D = vld1_u8(&in[i]);   // base input
+      vst1_u8(&row[i], out);
+    }
+    for (; i < length; ++i) {
+      row[i] = in[i] + GradientPredictor_C(row[i - 1], top[i], top[i - 1]);
+    }
+  }
+static void GradientUnfilter_NEON(const uint8_t* prev, const uint8_t* in,
+                                 uint8_t* out, int width) {
+  if (prev == NULL) {
+    HorizontalUnfilter_NEON(NULL, in, out, width);
+  } else {
+    out[0] = in[0] + prev[0];  // predict from above
+    GradientPredictInverse_NEON(in + 1, prev + 1, out + 1, width - 1);
+  }
+// Entry point
+extern void VP8FiltersInitNEON(void);
+  WebPUnfilters[WEBP_FILTER_HORIZONTAL] = HorizontalUnfilter_NEON;
+  WebPUnfilters[WEBP_FILTER_VERTICAL] = VerticalUnfilter_NEON;
+  WebPUnfilters[WEBP_FILTER_GRADIENT] = GradientUnfilter_NEON;
+  WebPFilters[WEBP_FILTER_HORIZONTAL] = HorizontalFilter_NEON;
+  WebPFilters[WEBP_FILTER_VERTICAL] = VerticalFilter_NEON;
+  WebPFilters[WEBP_FILTER_GRADIENT] = GradientFilter_NEON;
+#else  // !WEBP_USE_NEON
+#endif  // WEBP_USE_NEON
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless.c b/src/dsp/lossless.c
index af913ef..20d18f6 100644
--- a/src/dsp/lossless.c
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless.c
@@ -17,20 +17,16 @@
 #include <math.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "../dec/vp8li.h"
-#include "../utils/endian_inl.h"
+#include "../dec/vp8li_dec.h"
+#include "../utils/endian_inl_utils.h"
 #include "./lossless.h"
+#include "./lossless_common.h"
 #define MAX_DIFF_COST (1e30f)
 // Image transforms.
-// In-place sum of each component with mod 256.
-static WEBP_INLINE void AddPixelsEq(uint32_t* a, uint32_t b) {
-  *a = VP8LAddPixels(*a, b);
 static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Average2(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1) {
   return (((a0 ^ a1) & 0xfefefefeu) >> 1) + (a0 & a1);
@@ -171,21 +167,41 @@
   return pred;
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor0, PredictorAdd0)
+static void PredictorAdd1(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                          int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  uint32_t left = out[-1];
+  for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; ++i) {
+    out[i] = left = VP8LAddPixels(in[i], left);
+  }
+  (void)upper;
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor2, PredictorAdd2)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor3, PredictorAdd3)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor4, PredictorAdd4)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor5, PredictorAdd5)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor6, PredictorAdd6)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor7, PredictorAdd7)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor8, PredictorAdd8)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor9, PredictorAdd9)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor10, PredictorAdd10)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor11, PredictorAdd11)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor12, PredictorAdd12)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor13, PredictorAdd13)
 // Inverse prediction.
 static void PredictorInverseTransform(const VP8LTransform* const transform,
-                                      int y_start, int y_end, uint32_t* data) {
+                                      int y_start, int y_end,
+                                      const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
   const int width = transform->xsize_;
   if (y_start == 0) {  // First Row follows the L (mode=1) mode.
-    int x;
-    const uint32_t pred0 = Predictor0(data[-1], NULL);
-    AddPixelsEq(data, pred0);
-    for (x = 1; x < width; ++x) {
-      const uint32_t pred1 = Predictor1(data[x - 1], NULL);
-      AddPixelsEq(data + x, pred1);
-    }
-    data += width;
+    PredictorAdd0(in, NULL, 1, out);
+    PredictorAdd1(in + 1, NULL, width - 1, out + 1);
+    in += width;
+    out += width;
@@ -193,36 +209,26 @@
     int y = y_start;
     const int tile_width = 1 << transform->bits_;
     const int mask = tile_width - 1;
-    const int safe_width = width & ~mask;
     const int tiles_per_row = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, transform->bits_);
     const uint32_t* pred_mode_base =
         transform->data_ + (y >> transform->bits_) * tiles_per_row;
     while (y < y_end) {
-      const uint32_t pred2 = Predictor2(data[-1], data - width);
       const uint32_t* pred_mode_src = pred_mode_base;
-      VP8LPredictorFunc pred_func;
       int x = 1;
-      int t = 1;
       // First pixel follows the T (mode=2) mode.
-      AddPixelsEq(data, pred2);
+      PredictorAdd2(in, out - width, 1, out);
       // .. the rest:
-      while (x < safe_width) {
-        pred_func = VP8LPredictors[((*pred_mode_src++) >> 8) & 0xf];
-        for (; t < tile_width; ++t, ++x) {
-          const uint32_t pred = pred_func(data[x - 1], data + x - width);
-          AddPixelsEq(data + x, pred);
-        }
-        t = 0;
+      while (x < width) {
+        const VP8LPredictorAddSubFunc pred_func =
+            VP8LPredictorsAdd[((*pred_mode_src++) >> 8) & 0xf];
+        int x_end = (x & ~mask) + tile_width;
+        if (x_end > width) x_end = width;
+        pred_func(in + x, out + x - width, x_end - x, out + x);
+        x = x_end;
-      if (x < width) {
-        pred_func = VP8LPredictors[((*pred_mode_src++) >> 8) & 0xf];
-        for (; x < width; ++x) {
-          const uint32_t pred = pred_func(data[x - 1], data + x - width);
-          AddPixelsEq(data + x, pred);
-        }
-      }
-      data += width;
+      in += width;
+      out += width;
       if ((y & mask) == 0) {   // Use the same mask, since tiles are squares.
         pred_mode_base += tiles_per_row;
@@ -233,21 +239,22 @@
 // Add green to blue and red channels (i.e. perform the inverse transform of
 // 'subtract green').
-void VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed_C(uint32_t* data, int num_pixels) {
+void VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed_C(const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels,
+                                uint32_t* dst) {
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; ++i) {
-    const uint32_t argb = data[i];
+    const uint32_t argb = src[i];
     const uint32_t green = ((argb >> 8) & 0xff);
     uint32_t red_blue = (argb & 0x00ff00ffu);
     red_blue += (green << 16) | green;
     red_blue &= 0x00ff00ffu;
-    data[i] = (argb & 0xff00ff00u) | red_blue;
+    dst[i] = (argb & 0xff00ff00u) | red_blue;
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ColorTransformDelta(int8_t color_pred,
-                                                int8_t color) {
-  return (uint32_t)((int)(color_pred) * color) >> 5;
+static WEBP_INLINE int ColorTransformDelta(int8_t color_pred,
+                                           int8_t color) {
+  return ((int)color_pred * color) >> 5;
 static WEBP_INLINE void ColorCodeToMultipliers(uint32_t color_code,
@@ -257,27 +264,29 @@
   m->red_to_blue_   = (color_code >> 16) & 0xff;
-void VP8LTransformColorInverse_C(const VP8LMultipliers* const m, uint32_t* data,
-                                 int num_pixels) {
+void VP8LTransformColorInverse_C(const VP8LMultipliers* const m,
+                                 const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels,
+                                 uint32_t* dst) {
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; ++i) {
-    const uint32_t argb = data[i];
+    const uint32_t argb = src[i];
     const uint32_t green = argb >> 8;
     const uint32_t red = argb >> 16;
-    uint32_t new_red = red;
-    uint32_t new_blue = argb;
+    int new_red = red;
+    int new_blue = argb;
     new_red += ColorTransformDelta(m->green_to_red_, green);
     new_red &= 0xff;
     new_blue += ColorTransformDelta(m->green_to_blue_, green);
     new_blue += ColorTransformDelta(m->red_to_blue_, new_red);
     new_blue &= 0xff;
-    data[i] = (argb & 0xff00ff00u) | (new_red << 16) | (new_blue);
+    dst[i] = (argb & 0xff00ff00u) | (new_red << 16) | (new_blue);
 // Color space inverse transform.
 static void ColorSpaceInverseTransform(const VP8LTransform* const transform,
-                                       int y_start, int y_end, uint32_t* data) {
+                                       int y_start, int y_end,
+                                       const uint32_t* src, uint32_t* dst) {
   const int width = transform->xsize_;
   const int tile_width = 1 << transform->bits_;
   const int mask = tile_width - 1;
@@ -291,17 +300,19 @@
   while (y < y_end) {
     const uint32_t* pred = pred_row;
     VP8LMultipliers m = { 0, 0, 0 };
-    const uint32_t* const data_safe_end = data + safe_width;
-    const uint32_t* const data_end = data + width;
-    while (data < data_safe_end) {
+    const uint32_t* const src_safe_end = src + safe_width;
+    const uint32_t* const src_end = src + width;
+    while (src < src_safe_end) {
       ColorCodeToMultipliers(*pred++, &m);
-      VP8LTransformColorInverse(&m, data, tile_width);
-      data += tile_width;
+      VP8LTransformColorInverse(&m, src, tile_width, dst);
+      src += tile_width;
+      dst += tile_width;
-    if (data < data_end) {  // Left-overs using C-version.
+    if (src < src_end) {  // Left-overs using C-version.
       ColorCodeToMultipliers(*pred++, &m);
-      VP8LTransformColorInverse(&m, data, remaining_width);
-      data += remaining_width;
+      VP8LTransformColorInverse(&m, src, remaining_width, dst);
+      src += remaining_width;
+      dst += remaining_width;
     if ((y & mask) == 0) pred_row += tiles_per_row;
@@ -366,10 +377,10 @@
   assert(row_end <= transform->ysize_);
   switch (transform->type_) {
-      VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed(out, (row_end - row_start) * width);
+      VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed(in, (row_end - row_start) * width, out);
-      PredictorInverseTransform(transform, row_start, row_end, out);
+      PredictorInverseTransform(transform, row_start, row_end, in, out);
       if (row_end != transform->ysize_) {
         // The last predicted row in this iteration will be the top-pred row
         // for the first row in next iteration.
@@ -378,7 +389,7 @@
-      ColorSpaceInverseTransform(transform, row_start, row_end, out);
+      ColorSpaceInverseTransform(transform, row_start, row_end, in, out);
       if (in == out && transform->bits_ > 0) {
@@ -555,10 +566,15 @@
-VP8LProcessBlueAndRedFunc VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed;
+VP8LProcessDecBlueAndRedFunc VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed;
+VP8LPredictorAddSubFunc VP8LPredictorsAdd[16];
 VP8LPredictorFunc VP8LPredictors[16];
-VP8LTransformColorFunc VP8LTransformColorInverse;
+// exposed plain-C implementations
+VP8LPredictorAddSubFunc VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[16];
+VP8LPredictorFunc VP8LPredictors_C[16];
+VP8LTransformColorInverseFunc VP8LTransformColorInverse;
 VP8LConvertFunc VP8LConvertBGRAToRGB;
 VP8LConvertFunc VP8LConvertBGRAToRGBA;
@@ -572,29 +588,37 @@
 extern void VP8LDspInitSSE2(void);
 extern void VP8LDspInitNEON(void);
 extern void VP8LDspInitMIPSdspR2(void);
+extern void VP8LDspInitMSA(void);
 static volatile VP8CPUInfo lossless_last_cpuinfo_used =
+#define COPY_PREDICTOR_ARRAY(IN, OUT) do {              \
+  (OUT)[0] = IN##0;                                     \
+  (OUT)[1] = IN##1;                                     \
+  (OUT)[2] = IN##2;                                     \
+  (OUT)[3] = IN##3;                                     \
+  (OUT)[4] = IN##4;                                     \
+  (OUT)[5] = IN##5;                                     \
+  (OUT)[6] = IN##6;                                     \
+  (OUT)[7] = IN##7;                                     \
+  (OUT)[8] = IN##8;                                     \
+  (OUT)[9] = IN##9;                                     \
+  (OUT)[10] = IN##10;                                   \
+  (OUT)[11] = IN##11;                                   \
+  (OUT)[12] = IN##12;                                   \
+  (OUT)[13] = IN##13;                                   \
+  (OUT)[14] = IN##0; /* <- padding security sentinels*/ \
+  (OUT)[15] = IN##0;                                    \
+} while (0);
   if (lossless_last_cpuinfo_used == VP8GetCPUInfo) return;
-  VP8LPredictors[0] = Predictor0;
-  VP8LPredictors[1] = Predictor1;
-  VP8LPredictors[2] = Predictor2;
-  VP8LPredictors[3] = Predictor3;
-  VP8LPredictors[4] = Predictor4;
-  VP8LPredictors[5] = Predictor5;
-  VP8LPredictors[6] = Predictor6;
-  VP8LPredictors[7] = Predictor7;
-  VP8LPredictors[8] = Predictor8;
-  VP8LPredictors[9] = Predictor9;
-  VP8LPredictors[10] = Predictor10;
-  VP8LPredictors[11] = Predictor11;
-  VP8LPredictors[12] = Predictor12;
-  VP8LPredictors[13] = Predictor13;
-  VP8LPredictors[14] = Predictor0;     // <- padding security sentinels
-  VP8LPredictors[15] = Predictor0;
+  COPY_PREDICTOR_ARRAY(Predictor, VP8LPredictors)
+  COPY_PREDICTOR_ARRAY(Predictor, VP8LPredictors_C)
+  COPY_PREDICTOR_ARRAY(PredictorAdd, VP8LPredictorsAdd)
+  COPY_PREDICTOR_ARRAY(PredictorAdd, VP8LPredictorsAdd_C)
   VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed = VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed_C;
@@ -626,8 +650,14 @@
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kMSA)) {
+      VP8LDspInitMSA();
+    }
   lossless_last_cpuinfo_used = VP8GetCPUInfo;
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless.h b/src/dsp/lossless.h
index 9f0d7a2..352a54e 100644
--- a/src/dsp/lossless.h
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "../webp/types.h"
 #include "../webp/decode.h"
-#include "../enc/histogram.h"
+#include "../enc/histogram_enc.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-#include "../enc/delta_palettization.h"
+#include "../enc/delta_palettization_enc.h"
@@ -34,9 +34,17 @@
 typedef uint32_t (*VP8LPredictorFunc)(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top);
 extern VP8LPredictorFunc VP8LPredictors[16];
+extern VP8LPredictorFunc VP8LPredictors_C[16];
+// These Add/Sub function expects upper[-1] and out[-1] to be readable.
+typedef void (*VP8LPredictorAddSubFunc)(const uint32_t* in,
+                                        const uint32_t* upper, int num_pixels,
+                                        uint32_t* out);
+extern VP8LPredictorAddSubFunc VP8LPredictorsAdd[16];
+extern VP8LPredictorAddSubFunc VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[16];
-typedef void (*VP8LProcessBlueAndRedFunc)(uint32_t* argb_data, int num_pixels);
-extern VP8LProcessBlueAndRedFunc VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed;
+typedef void (*VP8LProcessDecBlueAndRedFunc)(const uint32_t* src,
+                                             int num_pixels, uint32_t* dst);
+extern VP8LProcessDecBlueAndRedFunc VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed;
 typedef struct {
   // Note: the members are uint8_t, so that any negative values are
@@ -45,9 +53,10 @@
   uint8_t green_to_blue_;
   uint8_t red_to_blue_;
 } VP8LMultipliers;
-typedef void (*VP8LTransformColorFunc)(const VP8LMultipliers* const m,
-                                       uint32_t* argb_data, int num_pixels);
-extern VP8LTransformColorFunc VP8LTransformColorInverse;
+typedef void (*VP8LTransformColorInverseFunc)(const VP8LMultipliers* const m,
+                                              const uint32_t* src,
+                                              int num_pixels, uint32_t* dst);
+extern VP8LTransformColorInverseFunc VP8LTransformColorInverse;
 struct VP8LTransform;  // Defined in dec/vp8li.h.
@@ -72,23 +81,6 @@
 void VP8LConvertFromBGRA(const uint32_t* const in_data, int num_pixels,
                          WEBP_CSP_MODE out_colorspace, uint8_t* const rgba);
-// color mapping related functions.
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t VP8GetARGBIndex(uint32_t idx) {
-  return (idx >> 8) & 0xff;
-static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t VP8GetAlphaIndex(uint8_t idx) {
-  return idx;
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t VP8GetARGBValue(uint32_t val) {
-  return val;
-static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t VP8GetAlphaValue(uint32_t val) {
-  return (val >> 8) & 0xff;
 typedef void (*VP8LMapARGBFunc)(const uint32_t* src,
                                 const uint32_t* const color_map,
                                 uint32_t* dst, int y_start,
@@ -110,7 +102,8 @@
 // Expose some C-only fallback functions
 void VP8LTransformColorInverse_C(const VP8LMultipliers* const m,
-                                 uint32_t* data, int num_pixels);
+                                 const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels,
+                                 uint32_t* dst);
 void VP8LConvertBGRAToRGB_C(const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels, uint8_t* dst);
 void VP8LConvertBGRAToRGBA_C(const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels, uint8_t* dst);
@@ -119,7 +112,8 @@
 void VP8LConvertBGRAToRGB565_C(const uint32_t* src,
                                int num_pixels, uint8_t* dst);
 void VP8LConvertBGRAToBGR_C(const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels, uint8_t* dst);
-void VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed_C(uint32_t* data, int num_pixels);
+void VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed_C(const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels,
+                                uint32_t* dst);
 // Must be called before calling any of the above methods.
 void VP8LDspInit(void);
@@ -127,7 +121,10 @@
 // Encoding
-extern VP8LProcessBlueAndRedFunc VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed;
+typedef void (*VP8LProcessEncBlueAndRedFunc)(uint32_t* dst, int num_pixels);
+extern VP8LProcessEncBlueAndRedFunc VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed;
+typedef void (*VP8LTransformColorFunc)(const VP8LMultipliers* const m,
+                                       uint32_t* const dst, int num_pixels);
 extern VP8LTransformColorFunc VP8LTransformColor;
 typedef void (*VP8LCollectColorBlueTransformsFunc)(
     const uint32_t* argb, int stride,
@@ -153,62 +150,8 @@
                                       int green_to_blue, int red_to_blue,
                                       int histo[]);
-// Image transforms.
-void VP8LResidualImage(int width, int height, int bits, int low_effort,
-                       uint32_t* const argb, uint32_t* const argb_scratch,
-                       uint32_t* const image, int near_lossless, int exact,
-                       int used_subtract_green);
-void VP8LColorSpaceTransform(int width, int height, int bits, int quality,
-                             uint32_t* const argb, uint32_t* image);
-// Misc methods.
-// Computes sampled size of 'size' when sampling using 'sampling bits'.
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t VP8LSubSampleSize(uint32_t size,
-                                              uint32_t sampling_bits) {
-  return (size + (1 << sampling_bits) - 1) >> sampling_bits;
-// Converts near lossless quality into max number of bits shaved off.
-static WEBP_INLINE int VP8LNearLosslessBits(int near_lossless_quality) {
-  //    100 -> 0
-  // 80..99 -> 1
-  // 60..79 -> 2
-  // 40..59 -> 3
-  // 20..39 -> 4
-  //  0..19 -> 5
-  return 5 - near_lossless_quality / 20;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Faster logarithm for integers. Small values use a look-up table.
-// The threshold till approximate version of log_2 can be used.
-// Practically, we can get rid of the call to log() as the two values match to
-// very high degree (the ratio of these two is 0.99999x).
-// Keeping a high threshold for now.
-#define APPROX_LOG_MAX                   4096
-#define LOG_2_RECIPROCAL 1.44269504088896338700465094007086
-#define LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX 256
-extern const float kLog2Table[LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX];
-extern const float kSLog2Table[LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX];
-typedef float (*VP8LFastLog2SlowFunc)(uint32_t v);
-extern VP8LFastLog2SlowFunc VP8LFastLog2Slow;
-extern VP8LFastLog2SlowFunc VP8LFastSLog2Slow;
-static WEBP_INLINE float VP8LFastLog2(uint32_t v) {
-  return (v < LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX) ? kLog2Table[v] : VP8LFastLog2Slow(v);
-// Fast calculation of v * log2(v) for integer input.
-static WEBP_INLINE float VP8LFastSLog2(uint32_t v) {
-  return (v < LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX) ? kSLog2Table[v] : VP8LFastSLog2Slow(v);
+extern VP8LPredictorAddSubFunc VP8LPredictorsSub[16];
+extern VP8LPredictorAddSubFunc VP8LPredictorsSub_C[16];
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Huffman-cost related functions.
@@ -228,11 +171,6 @@
   int streaks[2][2];    // [zero/non-zero][streak<3 / streak>=3]
 } VP8LStreaks;
-typedef VP8LStreaks (*VP8LCostCombinedCountFunc)(const uint32_t* X,
-                                                 const uint32_t* Y, int length);
-extern VP8LCostCombinedCountFunc VP8LHuffmanCostCombinedCount;
 typedef struct {            // small struct to hold bit entropy results
   double entropy;           // entropy
   uint32_t sum;             // sum of the population
@@ -246,26 +184,20 @@
 // Get the combined symbol bit entropy and Huffman cost stats for the
 // distributions 'X' and 'Y'. Those results can then be refined according to
 // codec specific heuristics.
-void VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefined(const uint32_t* const X,
-                                     const uint32_t* const Y, int length,
-                                     VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy,
-                                     VP8LStreaks* const stats);
+typedef void (*VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefinedFunc)(
+    const uint32_t X[], const uint32_t Y[], int length,
+    VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy, VP8LStreaks* const stats);
+extern VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefinedFunc VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefined;
 // Get the entropy for the distribution 'X'.
-void VP8LGetEntropyUnrefined(const uint32_t* const X, int length,
-                             VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy,
-                             VP8LStreaks* const stats);
+typedef void (*VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedFunc)(const uint32_t X[], int length,
+                                            VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy,
+                                            VP8LStreaks* const stats);
+extern VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedFunc VP8LGetEntropyUnrefined;
 void VP8LBitsEntropyUnrefined(const uint32_t* const array, int n,
                               VP8LBitEntropy* const entropy);
-typedef void (*GetEntropyUnrefinedHelperFunc)(uint32_t val, int i,
-                                              uint32_t* const val_prev,
-                                              int* const i_prev,
-                                              VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy,
-                                              VP8LStreaks* const stats);
-// Internal function used by VP8LGet*EntropyUnrefined.
-extern GetEntropyUnrefinedHelperFunc VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedHelper;
 typedef void (*VP8LHistogramAddFunc)(const VP8LHistogram* const a,
                                      const VP8LHistogram* const b,
                                      VP8LHistogram* const out);
@@ -279,86 +211,11 @@
 // Returns the first index where array1 and array2 are different.
 extern VP8LVectorMismatchFunc VP8LVectorMismatch;
-static WEBP_INLINE int VP8LBitsLog2Ceiling(uint32_t n) {
-  const int log_floor = BitsLog2Floor(n);
-  if (n == (n & ~(n - 1)))  // zero or a power of two.
-    return log_floor;
-  else
-    return log_floor + 1;
-// Splitting of distance and length codes into prefixes and
-// extra bits. The prefixes are encoded with an entropy code
-// while the extra bits are stored just as normal bits.
-static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LPrefixEncodeBitsNoLUT(int distance, int* const code,
-                                                  int* const extra_bits) {
-  const int highest_bit = BitsLog2Floor(--distance);
-  const int second_highest_bit = (distance >> (highest_bit - 1)) & 1;
-  *extra_bits = highest_bit - 1;
-  *code = 2 * highest_bit + second_highest_bit;
-static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LPrefixEncodeNoLUT(int distance, int* const code,
-                                              int* const extra_bits,
-                                              int* const extra_bits_value) {
-  const int highest_bit = BitsLog2Floor(--distance);
-  const int second_highest_bit = (distance >> (highest_bit - 1)) & 1;
-  *extra_bits = highest_bit - 1;
-  *extra_bits_value = distance & ((1 << *extra_bits) - 1);
-  *code = 2 * highest_bit + second_highest_bit;
-#define PREFIX_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX   512
-typedef struct {
-  int8_t code_;
-  int8_t extra_bits_;
-} VP8LPrefixCode;
-// These tables are derived using VP8LPrefixEncodeNoLUT.
-extern const VP8LPrefixCode kPrefixEncodeCode[PREFIX_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX];
-extern const uint8_t kPrefixEncodeExtraBitsValue[PREFIX_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX];
-static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LPrefixEncodeBits(int distance, int* const code,
-                                             int* const extra_bits) {
-  if (distance < PREFIX_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX) {
-    const VP8LPrefixCode prefix_code = kPrefixEncodeCode[distance];
-    *code = prefix_code.code_;
-    *extra_bits = prefix_code.extra_bits_;
-  } else {
-    VP8LPrefixEncodeBitsNoLUT(distance, code, extra_bits);
-  }
-static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LPrefixEncode(int distance, int* const code,
-                                         int* const extra_bits,
-                                         int* const extra_bits_value) {
-  if (distance < PREFIX_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX) {
-    const VP8LPrefixCode prefix_code = kPrefixEncodeCode[distance];
-    *code = prefix_code.code_;
-    *extra_bits = prefix_code.extra_bits_;
-    *extra_bits_value = kPrefixEncodeExtraBitsValue[distance];
-  } else {
-    VP8LPrefixEncodeNoLUT(distance, code, extra_bits, extra_bits_value);
-  }
-// Sum of each component, mod 256.
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t VP8LAddPixels(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
-  const uint32_t alpha_and_green = (a & 0xff00ff00u) + (b & 0xff00ff00u);
-  const uint32_t red_and_blue = (a & 0x00ff00ffu) + (b & 0x00ff00ffu);
-  return (alpha_and_green & 0xff00ff00u) | (red_and_blue & 0x00ff00ffu);
-// Difference of each component, mod 256.
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t VP8LSubPixels(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
-  const uint32_t alpha_and_green =
-      0x00ff00ffu + (a & 0xff00ff00u) - (b & 0xff00ff00u);
-  const uint32_t red_and_blue =
-      0xff00ff00u + (a & 0x00ff00ffu) - (b & 0x00ff00ffu);
-  return (alpha_and_green & 0xff00ff00u) | (red_and_blue & 0x00ff00ffu);
-void VP8LBundleColorMap(const uint8_t* const row, int width,
-                        int xbits, uint32_t* const dst);
+typedef void (*VP8LBundleColorMapFunc)(const uint8_t* const row, int width,
+                                       int xbits, uint32_t* dst);
+extern VP8LBundleColorMapFunc VP8LBundleColorMap;
+void VP8LBundleColorMap_C(const uint8_t* const row, int width, int xbits,
+                          uint32_t* dst);
 // Must be called before calling any of the above methods.
 void VP8LEncDspInit(void);
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless_common.h b/src/dsp/lossless_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40f711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Image transforms and color space conversion methods for lossless decoder.
+// Authors: Vikas Arora (
+//          Jyrki Alakuijala (
+//          Vincent Rabaud (
+#include "../webp/types.h"
+#include "../utils/utils.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Decoding
+// color mapping related functions.
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t VP8GetARGBIndex(uint32_t idx) {
+  return (idx >> 8) & 0xff;
+static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t VP8GetAlphaIndex(uint8_t idx) {
+  return idx;
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t VP8GetARGBValue(uint32_t val) {
+  return val;
+static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t VP8GetAlphaValue(uint32_t val) {
+  return (val >> 8) & 0xff;
+// Misc methods.
+// Computes sampled size of 'size' when sampling using 'sampling bits'.
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t VP8LSubSampleSize(uint32_t size,
+                                              uint32_t sampling_bits) {
+  return (size + (1 << sampling_bits) - 1) >> sampling_bits;
+// Converts near lossless quality into max number of bits shaved off.
+static WEBP_INLINE int VP8LNearLosslessBits(int near_lossless_quality) {
+  //    100 -> 0
+  // 80..99 -> 1
+  // 60..79 -> 2
+  // 40..59 -> 3
+  // 20..39 -> 4
+  //  0..19 -> 5
+  return 5 - near_lossless_quality / 20;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Faster logarithm for integers. Small values use a look-up table.
+// The threshold till approximate version of log_2 can be used.
+// Practically, we can get rid of the call to log() as the two values match to
+// very high degree (the ratio of these two is 0.99999x).
+// Keeping a high threshold for now.
+#define APPROX_LOG_MAX                   4096
+#define LOG_2_RECIPROCAL 1.44269504088896338700465094007086
+#define LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX 256
+extern const float kLog2Table[LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX];
+extern const float kSLog2Table[LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX];
+typedef float (*VP8LFastLog2SlowFunc)(uint32_t v);
+extern VP8LFastLog2SlowFunc VP8LFastLog2Slow;
+extern VP8LFastLog2SlowFunc VP8LFastSLog2Slow;
+static WEBP_INLINE float VP8LFastLog2(uint32_t v) {
+  return (v < LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX) ? kLog2Table[v] : VP8LFastLog2Slow(v);
+// Fast calculation of v * log2(v) for integer input.
+static WEBP_INLINE float VP8LFastSLog2(uint32_t v) {
+  return (v < LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX) ? kSLog2Table[v] : VP8LFastSLog2Slow(v);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// PrefixEncode()
+static WEBP_INLINE int VP8LBitsLog2Ceiling(uint32_t n) {
+  const int log_floor = BitsLog2Floor(n);
+  if (n == (n & ~(n - 1))) {  // zero or a power of two.
+    return log_floor;
+  }
+  return log_floor + 1;
+// Splitting of distance and length codes into prefixes and
+// extra bits. The prefixes are encoded with an entropy code
+// while the extra bits are stored just as normal bits.
+static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LPrefixEncodeBitsNoLUT(int distance, int* const code,
+                                                  int* const extra_bits) {
+  const int highest_bit = BitsLog2Floor(--distance);
+  const int second_highest_bit = (distance >> (highest_bit - 1)) & 1;
+  *extra_bits = highest_bit - 1;
+  *code = 2 * highest_bit + second_highest_bit;
+static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LPrefixEncodeNoLUT(int distance, int* const code,
+                                              int* const extra_bits,
+                                              int* const extra_bits_value) {
+  const int highest_bit = BitsLog2Floor(--distance);
+  const int second_highest_bit = (distance >> (highest_bit - 1)) & 1;
+  *extra_bits = highest_bit - 1;
+  *extra_bits_value = distance & ((1 << *extra_bits) - 1);
+  *code = 2 * highest_bit + second_highest_bit;
+#define PREFIX_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX   512
+typedef struct {
+  int8_t code_;
+  int8_t extra_bits_;
+} VP8LPrefixCode;
+// These tables are derived using VP8LPrefixEncodeNoLUT.
+extern const VP8LPrefixCode kPrefixEncodeCode[PREFIX_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX];
+extern const uint8_t kPrefixEncodeExtraBitsValue[PREFIX_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX];
+static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LPrefixEncodeBits(int distance, int* const code,
+                                             int* const extra_bits) {
+  if (distance < PREFIX_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX) {
+    const VP8LPrefixCode prefix_code = kPrefixEncodeCode[distance];
+    *code = prefix_code.code_;
+    *extra_bits = prefix_code.extra_bits_;
+  } else {
+    VP8LPrefixEncodeBitsNoLUT(distance, code, extra_bits);
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LPrefixEncode(int distance, int* const code,
+                                         int* const extra_bits,
+                                         int* const extra_bits_value) {
+  if (distance < PREFIX_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX) {
+    const VP8LPrefixCode prefix_code = kPrefixEncodeCode[distance];
+    *code = prefix_code.code_;
+    *extra_bits = prefix_code.extra_bits_;
+    *extra_bits_value = kPrefixEncodeExtraBitsValue[distance];
+  } else {
+    VP8LPrefixEncodeNoLUT(distance, code, extra_bits, extra_bits_value);
+  }
+// Sum of each component, mod 256.
+uint32_t VP8LAddPixels(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
+  const uint32_t alpha_and_green = (a & 0xff00ff00u) + (b & 0xff00ff00u);
+  const uint32_t red_and_blue = (a & 0x00ff00ffu) + (b & 0x00ff00ffu);
+  return (alpha_and_green & 0xff00ff00u) | (red_and_blue & 0x00ff00ffu);
+// Difference of each component, mod 256.
+uint32_t VP8LSubPixels(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
+  const uint32_t alpha_and_green =
+      0x00ff00ffu + (a & 0xff00ff00u) - (b & 0xff00ff00u);
+  const uint32_t red_and_blue =
+      0xff00ff00u + (a & 0x00ff00ffu) - (b & 0x00ff00ffu);
+  return (alpha_and_green & 0xff00ff00u) | (red_and_blue & 0x00ff00ffu);
+// Transform-related functions use din both encoding and decoding.
+// Macros used to create a batch predictor that iteratively uses a
+// one-pixel predictor.
+// The predictor is added to the output pixel (which
+// is therefore considered as a residual) to get the final prediction.
+static void PREDICTOR_ADD(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper, \
+                          int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {           \
+  int x;                                                             \
+  for (x = 0; x < num_pixels; ++x) {                                 \
+    const uint32_t pred = (PREDICTOR)(out[x - 1], upper + x);        \
+    out[x] = VP8LAddPixels(in[x], pred);                             \
+  }                                                                  \
+// It subtracts the prediction from the input pixel and stores the residual
+// in the output pixel.
+static void PREDICTOR_SUB(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper, \
+                          int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {           \
+  int x;                                                             \
+  for (x = 0; x < num_pixels; ++x) {                                 \
+    const uint32_t pred = (PREDICTOR)(in[x - 1], upper + x);         \
+    out[x] = VP8LSubPixels(in[x], pred);                             \
+  }                                                                  \
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+}    // extern "C"
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless_enc.c b/src/dsp/lossless_enc.c
index 256f6f5..4e46fba 100644
--- a/src/dsp/lossless_enc.c
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless_enc.c
@@ -17,16 +17,12 @@
 #include <math.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "../dec/vp8li.h"
-#include "../utils/endian_inl.h"
+#include "../dec/vp8li_dec.h"
+#include "../utils/endian_inl_utils.h"
 #include "./lossless.h"
+#include "./lossless_common.h"
 #include "./yuv.h"
-#define MAX_DIFF_COST (1e30f)
-static const int kPredLowEffort = 11;
-static const uint32_t kMaskAlpha = 0xff000000;
 // lookup table for small values of log2(int)
 const float kLog2Table[LOG_LOOKUP_IDX_MAX] = {
   0.0000000000000000f, 0.0000000000000000f,
@@ -380,26 +376,9 @@
-// Mostly used to reduce code size + readability
-static WEBP_INLINE int GetMin(int a, int b) { return (a > b) ? b : a; }
-static WEBP_INLINE int GetMax(int a, int b) { return (a < b) ? b : a; }
 // Methods to calculate Entropy (Shannon).
-static float PredictionCostSpatial(const int counts[256], int weight_0,
-                                   double exp_val) {
-  const int significant_symbols = 256 >> 4;
-  const double exp_decay_factor = 0.6;
-  double bits = weight_0 * counts[0];
-  int i;
-  for (i = 1; i < significant_symbols; ++i) {
-    bits += exp_val * (counts[i] + counts[256 - i]);
-    exp_val *= exp_decay_factor;
-  }
-  return (float)(-0.1 * bits);
 // Compute the combined Shanon's entropy for distribution {X} and {X+Y}
 static float CombinedShannonEntropy(const int X[256], const int Y[256]) {
   int i;
@@ -422,18 +401,6 @@
   return (float)retval;
-static float PredictionCostSpatialHistogram(const int accumulated[4][256],
-                                            const int tile[4][256]) {
-  int i;
-  double retval = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-    const double kExpValue = 0.94;
-    retval += PredictionCostSpatial(tile[i], 1, kExpValue);
-    retval += VP8LCombinedShannonEntropy(tile[i], accumulated[i]);
-  }
-  return (float)retval;
 void VP8LBitEntropyInit(VP8LBitEntropy* const entropy) {
   entropy->entropy = 0.;
   entropy->sum = 0;
@@ -486,9 +453,9 @@
   *i_prev = i;
-void VP8LGetEntropyUnrefined(const uint32_t* const X, int length,
-                             VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy,
-                             VP8LStreaks* const stats) {
+static void GetEntropyUnrefined(const uint32_t X[], int length,
+                                VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy,
+                                VP8LStreaks* const stats) {
   int i;
   int i_prev = 0;
   uint32_t x_prev = X[0];
@@ -499,18 +466,18 @@
   for (i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
     const uint32_t x = X[i];
     if (x != x_prev) {
-      VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(x, i, &x_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
+      GetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(x, i, &x_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
-  VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(0, i, &x_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
+  GetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(0, i, &x_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
   bit_entropy->entropy += VP8LFastSLog2(bit_entropy->sum);
-void VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefined(const uint32_t* const X,
-                                     const uint32_t* const Y, int length,
-                                     VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy,
-                                     VP8LStreaks* const stats) {
+static void GetCombinedEntropyUnrefined(const uint32_t X[], const uint32_t Y[],
+                                        int length,
+                                        VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy,
+                                        VP8LStreaks* const stats) {
   int i = 1;
   int i_prev = 0;
   uint32_t xy_prev = X[0] + Y[0];
@@ -521,439 +488,29 @@
   for (i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
     const uint32_t xy = X[i] + Y[i];
     if (xy != xy_prev) {
-      VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(xy, i, &xy_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy,
-                                    stats);
+      GetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(xy, i, &xy_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
-  VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(0, i, &xy_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
+  GetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(0, i, &xy_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
   bit_entropy->entropy += VP8LFastSLog2(bit_entropy->sum);
-static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateHisto(int histo_argb[4][256], uint32_t argb) {
-  ++histo_argb[0][argb >> 24];
-  ++histo_argb[1][(argb >> 16) & 0xff];
-  ++histo_argb[2][(argb >> 8) & 0xff];
-  ++histo_argb[3][argb & 0xff];
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Predict(VP8LPredictorFunc pred_func,
-                                    int x, int y,
-                                    const uint32_t* current_row,
-                                    const uint32_t* upper_row) {
-  if (y == 0) {
-    return (x == 0) ? ARGB_BLACK : current_row[x - 1];  // Left.
-  } else if (x == 0) {
-    return upper_row[x];  // Top.
-  } else {
-    return pred_func(current_row[x - 1], upper_row + x);
-  }
-static int MaxDiffBetweenPixels(uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2) {
-  const int diff_a = abs((int)(p1 >> 24) - (int)(p2 >> 24));
-  const int diff_r = abs((int)((p1 >> 16) & 0xff) - (int)((p2 >> 16) & 0xff));
-  const int diff_g = abs((int)((p1 >> 8) & 0xff) - (int)((p2 >> 8) & 0xff));
-  const int diff_b = abs((int)(p1 & 0xff) - (int)(p2 & 0xff));
-  return GetMax(GetMax(diff_a, diff_r), GetMax(diff_g, diff_b));
-static int MaxDiffAroundPixel(uint32_t current, uint32_t up, uint32_t down,
-                              uint32_t left, uint32_t right) {
-  const int diff_up = MaxDiffBetweenPixels(current, up);
-  const int diff_down = MaxDiffBetweenPixels(current, down);
-  const int diff_left = MaxDiffBetweenPixels(current, left);
-  const int diff_right = MaxDiffBetweenPixels(current, right);
-  return GetMax(GetMax(diff_up, diff_down), GetMax(diff_left, diff_right));
-static uint32_t AddGreenToBlueAndRed(uint32_t argb) {
-  const uint32_t green = (argb >> 8) & 0xff;
-  uint32_t red_blue = argb & 0x00ff00ffu;
-  red_blue += (green << 16) | green;
-  red_blue &= 0x00ff00ffu;
-  return (argb & 0xff00ff00u) | red_blue;
-static void MaxDiffsForRow(int width, int stride, const uint32_t* const argb,
-                           uint8_t* const max_diffs, int used_subtract_green) {
-  uint32_t current, up, down, left, right;
-  int x;
-  if (width <= 2) return;
-  current = argb[0];
-  right = argb[1];
-  if (used_subtract_green) {
-    current = AddGreenToBlueAndRed(current);
-    right = AddGreenToBlueAndRed(right);
-  }
-  // max_diffs[0] and max_diffs[width - 1] are never used.
-  for (x = 1; x < width - 1; ++x) {
-    up = argb[-stride + x];
-    down = argb[stride + x];
-    left = current;
-    current = right;
-    right = argb[x + 1];
-    if (used_subtract_green) {
-      up = AddGreenToBlueAndRed(up);
-      down = AddGreenToBlueAndRed(down);
-      right = AddGreenToBlueAndRed(right);
-    }
-    max_diffs[x] = MaxDiffAroundPixel(current, up, down, left, right);
-  }
-// Quantize the difference between the actual component value and its prediction
-// to a multiple of quantization, working modulo 256, taking care not to cross
-// a boundary (inclusive upper limit).
-static uint8_t NearLosslessComponent(uint8_t value, uint8_t predict,
-                                     uint8_t boundary, int quantization) {
-  const int residual = (value - predict) & 0xff;
-  const int boundary_residual = (boundary - predict) & 0xff;
-  const int lower = residual & ~(quantization - 1);
-  const int upper = lower + quantization;
-  // Resolve ties towards a value closer to the prediction (i.e. towards lower
-  // if value comes after prediction and towards upper otherwise).
-  const int bias = ((boundary - value) & 0xff) < boundary_residual;
-  if (residual - lower < upper - residual + bias) {
-    // lower is closer to residual than upper.
-    if (residual > boundary_residual && lower <= boundary_residual) {
-      // Halve quantization step to avoid crossing boundary. This midpoint is
-      // on the same side of boundary as residual because midpoint >= residual
-      // (since lower is closer than upper) and residual is above the boundary.
-      return lower + (quantization >> 1);
-    }
-    return lower;
-  } else {
-    // upper is closer to residual than lower.
-    if (residual <= boundary_residual && upper > boundary_residual) {
-      // Halve quantization step to avoid crossing boundary. This midpoint is
-      // on the same side of boundary as residual because midpoint <= residual
-      // (since upper is closer than lower) and residual is below the boundary.
-      return lower + (quantization >> 1);
-    }
-    return upper & 0xff;
-  }
-// Quantize every component of the difference between the actual pixel value and
-// its prediction to a multiple of a quantization (a power of 2, not larger than
-// max_quantization which is a power of 2, smaller than max_diff). Take care if
-// value and predict have undergone subtract green, which means that red and
-// blue are represented as offsets from green.
-static uint32_t NearLossless(uint32_t value, uint32_t predict,
-                             int max_quantization, int max_diff,
-                             int used_subtract_green) {
-  int quantization;
-  uint8_t new_green = 0;
-  uint8_t green_diff = 0;
-  uint8_t a, r, g, b;
-  if (max_diff <= 2) {
-    return VP8LSubPixels(value, predict);
-  }
-  quantization = max_quantization;
-  while (quantization >= max_diff) {
-    quantization >>= 1;
-  }
-  if ((value >> 24) == 0 || (value >> 24) == 0xff) {
-    // Preserve transparency of fully transparent or fully opaque pixels.
-    a = ((value >> 24) - (predict >> 24)) & 0xff;
-  } else {
-    a = NearLosslessComponent(value >> 24, predict >> 24, 0xff, quantization);
-  }
-  g = NearLosslessComponent((value >> 8) & 0xff, (predict >> 8) & 0xff, 0xff,
-                            quantization);
-  if (used_subtract_green) {
-    // The green offset will be added to red and blue components during decoding
-    // to obtain the actual red and blue values.
-    new_green = ((predict >> 8) + g) & 0xff;
-    // The amount by which green has been adjusted during quantization. It is
-    // subtracted from red and blue for compensation, to avoid accumulating two
-    // quantization errors in them.
-    green_diff = (new_green - (value >> 8)) & 0xff;
-  }
-  r = NearLosslessComponent(((value >> 16) - green_diff) & 0xff,
-                            (predict >> 16) & 0xff, 0xff - new_green,
-                            quantization);
-  b = NearLosslessComponent((value - green_diff) & 0xff, predict & 0xff,
-                            0xff - new_green, quantization);
-  return ((uint32_t)a << 24) | ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g << 8) | b;
-// Returns the difference between the pixel and its prediction. In case of a
-// lossy encoding, updates the source image to avoid propagating the deviation
-// further to pixels which depend on the current pixel for their predictions.
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t GetResidual(int width, int height,
-                                        uint32_t* const upper_row,
-                                        uint32_t* const current_row,
-                                        const uint8_t* const max_diffs,
-                                        int mode, VP8LPredictorFunc pred_func,
-                                        int x, int y, int max_quantization,
-                                        int exact, int used_subtract_green) {
-  const uint32_t predict = Predict(pred_func, x, y, current_row, upper_row);
-  uint32_t residual;
-  if (max_quantization == 1 || mode == 0 || y == 0 || y == height - 1 ||
-      x == 0 || x == width - 1) {
-    residual = VP8LSubPixels(current_row[x], predict);
-  } else {
-    residual = NearLossless(current_row[x], predict, max_quantization,
-                            max_diffs[x], used_subtract_green);
-    // Update the source image.
-    current_row[x] = VP8LAddPixels(predict, residual);
-    // x is never 0 here so we do not need to update upper_row like below.
-  }
-  if (!exact && (current_row[x] & kMaskAlpha) == 0) {
-    // If alpha is 0, cleanup RGB. We can choose the RGB values of the residual
-    // for best compression. The prediction of alpha itself can be non-zero and
-    // must be kept though. We choose RGB of the residual to be 0.
-    residual &= kMaskAlpha;
-    // Update the source image.
-    current_row[x] = predict & ~kMaskAlpha;
-    // The prediction for the rightmost pixel in a row uses the leftmost pixel
-    // in that row as its top-right context pixel. Hence if we change the
-    // leftmost pixel of current_row, the corresponding change must be applied
-    // to upper_row as well where top-right context is being read from.
-    if (x == 0 && y != 0) upper_row[width] = current_row[0];
-  }
-  return residual;
-// Returns best predictor and updates the accumulated histogram.
-// If max_quantization > 1, assumes that near lossless processing will be
-// applied, quantizing residuals to multiples of quantization levels up to
-// max_quantization (the actual quantization level depends on smoothness near
-// the given pixel).
-static int GetBestPredictorForTile(int width, int height,
-                                   int tile_x, int tile_y, int bits,
-                                   int accumulated[4][256],
-                                   uint32_t* const argb_scratch,
-                                   const uint32_t* const argb,
-                                   int max_quantization,
-                                   int exact, int used_subtract_green) {
-  const int kNumPredModes = 14;
-  const int start_x = tile_x << bits;
-  const int start_y = tile_y << bits;
-  const int tile_size = 1 << bits;
-  const int max_y = GetMin(tile_size, height - start_y);
-  const int max_x = GetMin(tile_size, width - start_x);
-  // Whether there exist columns just outside the tile.
-  const int have_left = (start_x > 0);
-  const int have_right = (max_x < width - start_x);
-  // Position and size of the strip covering the tile and adjacent columns if
-  // they exist.
-  const int context_start_x = start_x - have_left;
-  const int context_width = max_x + have_left + have_right;
-  // The width of upper_row and current_row is one pixel larger than image width
-  // to allow the top right pixel to point to the leftmost pixel of the next row
-  // when at the right edge.
-  uint32_t* upper_row = argb_scratch;
-  uint32_t* current_row = upper_row + width + 1;
-  uint8_t* const max_diffs = (uint8_t*)(current_row + width + 1);
-  float best_diff = MAX_DIFF_COST;
-  int best_mode = 0;
-  int mode;
-  int histo_stack_1[4][256];
-  int histo_stack_2[4][256];
-  // Need pointers to be able to swap arrays.
-  int (*histo_argb)[256] = histo_stack_1;
-  int (*best_histo)[256] = histo_stack_2;
-  int i, j;
-  for (mode = 0; mode < kNumPredModes; ++mode) {
-    const VP8LPredictorFunc pred_func = VP8LPredictors[mode];
-    float cur_diff;
-    int relative_y;
-    memset(histo_argb, 0, sizeof(histo_stack_1));
-    if (start_y > 0) {
-      // Read the row above the tile which will become the first upper_row.
-      // Include a pixel to the left if it exists; include a pixel to the right
-      // in all cases (wrapping to the leftmost pixel of the next row if it does
-      // not exist).
-      memcpy(current_row + context_start_x,
-             argb + (start_y - 1) * width + context_start_x,
-             sizeof(*argb) * (max_x + have_left + 1));
-    }
-    for (relative_y = 0; relative_y < max_y; ++relative_y) {
-      const int y = start_y + relative_y;
-      int relative_x;
-      uint32_t* tmp = upper_row;
-      upper_row = current_row;
-      current_row = tmp;
-      // Read current_row. Include a pixel to the left if it exists; include a
-      // pixel to the right in all cases except at the bottom right corner of
-      // the image (wrapping to the leftmost pixel of the next row if it does
-      // not exist in the current row).
-      memcpy(current_row + context_start_x,
-             argb + y * width + context_start_x,
-             sizeof(*argb) * (max_x + have_left + (y + 1 < height)));
-      if (max_quantization > 1 && y >= 1 && y + 1 < height) {
-        MaxDiffsForRow(context_width, width, argb + y * width + context_start_x,
-                       max_diffs + context_start_x, used_subtract_green);
-      }
-      for (relative_x = 0; relative_x < max_x; ++relative_x) {
-        const int x = start_x + relative_x;
-        UpdateHisto(histo_argb,
-                    GetResidual(width, height, upper_row, current_row,
-                                max_diffs, mode, pred_func, x, y,
-                                max_quantization, exact, used_subtract_green));
-      }
-    }
-    cur_diff = PredictionCostSpatialHistogram(
-        (const int (*)[256])accumulated, (const int (*)[256])histo_argb);
-    if (cur_diff < best_diff) {
-      int (*tmp)[256] = histo_argb;
-      histo_argb = best_histo;
-      best_histo = tmp;
-      best_diff = cur_diff;
-      best_mode = mode;
-    }
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-    for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
-      accumulated[i][j] += best_histo[i][j];
-    }
-  }
-  return best_mode;
-// Converts pixels of the image to residuals with respect to predictions.
-// If max_quantization > 1, applies near lossless processing, quantizing
-// residuals to multiples of quantization levels up to max_quantization
-// (the actual quantization level depends on smoothness near the given pixel).
-static void CopyImageWithPrediction(int width, int height,
-                                    int bits, uint32_t* const modes,
-                                    uint32_t* const argb_scratch,
-                                    uint32_t* const argb,
-                                    int low_effort, int max_quantization,
-                                    int exact, int used_subtract_green) {
-  const int tiles_per_row = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, bits);
-  const int mask = (1 << bits) - 1;
-  // The width of upper_row and current_row is one pixel larger than image width
-  // to allow the top right pixel to point to the leftmost pixel of the next row
-  // when at the right edge.
-  uint32_t* upper_row = argb_scratch;
-  uint32_t* current_row = upper_row + width + 1;
-  uint8_t* current_max_diffs = (uint8_t*)(current_row + width + 1);
-  uint8_t* lower_max_diffs = current_max_diffs + width;
-  int y;
-  int mode = 0;
-  VP8LPredictorFunc pred_func = NULL;
-  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-    int x;
-    uint32_t* const tmp32 = upper_row;
-    upper_row = current_row;
-    current_row = tmp32;
-    memcpy(current_row, argb + y * width,
-           sizeof(*argb) * (width + (y + 1 < height)));
-    if (low_effort) {
-      for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
-        const uint32_t predict = Predict(VP8LPredictors[kPredLowEffort], x, y,
-                                         current_row, upper_row);
-        argb[y * width + x] = VP8LSubPixels(current_row[x], predict);
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (max_quantization > 1) {
-        // Compute max_diffs for the lower row now, because that needs the
-        // contents of argb for the current row, which we will overwrite with
-        // residuals before proceeding with the next row.
-        uint8_t* const tmp8 = current_max_diffs;
-        current_max_diffs = lower_max_diffs;
-        lower_max_diffs = tmp8;
-        if (y + 2 < height) {
-          MaxDiffsForRow(width, width, argb + (y + 1) * width, lower_max_diffs,
-                         used_subtract_green);
-        }
-      }
-      for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
-        if ((x & mask) == 0) {
-          mode = (modes[(y >> bits) * tiles_per_row + (x >> bits)] >> 8) & 0xff;
-          pred_func = VP8LPredictors[mode];
-        }
-        argb[y * width + x] = GetResidual(
-            width, height, upper_row, current_row, current_max_diffs, mode,
-            pred_func, x, y, max_quantization, exact, used_subtract_green);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Finds the best predictor for each tile, and converts the image to residuals
-// with respect to predictions. If near_lossless_quality < 100, applies
-// near lossless processing, shaving off more bits of residuals for lower
-// qualities.
-void VP8LResidualImage(int width, int height, int bits, int low_effort,
-                       uint32_t* const argb, uint32_t* const argb_scratch,
-                       uint32_t* const image, int near_lossless_quality,
-                       int exact, int used_subtract_green) {
-  const int tiles_per_row = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, bits);
-  const int tiles_per_col = VP8LSubSampleSize(height, bits);
-  int tile_y;
-  int histo[4][256];
-  const int max_quantization = 1 << VP8LNearLosslessBits(near_lossless_quality);
-  if (low_effort) {
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < tiles_per_row * tiles_per_col; ++i) {
-      image[i] = ARGB_BLACK | (kPredLowEffort << 8);
-    }
-  } else {
-    memset(histo, 0, sizeof(histo));
-    for (tile_y = 0; tile_y < tiles_per_col; ++tile_y) {
-      int tile_x;
-      for (tile_x = 0; tile_x < tiles_per_row; ++tile_x) {
-        const int pred = GetBestPredictorForTile(width, height, tile_x, tile_y,
-            bits, histo, argb_scratch, argb, max_quantization, exact,
-            used_subtract_green);
-        image[tile_y * tiles_per_row + tile_x] = ARGB_BLACK | (pred << 8);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  CopyImageWithPrediction(width, height, bits, image, argb_scratch, argb,
-                          low_effort, max_quantization, exact,
-                          used_subtract_green);
 void VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed_C(uint32_t* argb_data, int num_pixels) {
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; ++i) {
-    const uint32_t argb = argb_data[i];
-    const uint32_t green = (argb >> 8) & 0xff;
+    const int argb = argb_data[i];
+    const int green = (argb >> 8) & 0xff;
     const uint32_t new_r = (((argb >> 16) & 0xff) - green) & 0xff;
-    const uint32_t new_b = ((argb & 0xff) - green) & 0xff;
-    argb_data[i] = (argb & 0xff00ff00) | (new_r << 16) | new_b;
+    const uint32_t new_b = (((argb >>  0) & 0xff) - green) & 0xff;
+    argb_data[i] = (argb & 0xff00ff00u) | (new_r << 16) | new_b;
-static WEBP_INLINE void MultipliersClear(VP8LMultipliers* const m) {
-  m->green_to_red_ = 0;
-  m->green_to_blue_ = 0;
-  m->red_to_blue_ = 0;
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ColorTransformDelta(int8_t color_pred,
-                                                int8_t color) {
-  return (uint32_t)((int)(color_pred) * color) >> 5;
-static WEBP_INLINE void ColorCodeToMultipliers(uint32_t color_code,
-                                               VP8LMultipliers* const m) {
-  m->green_to_red_  = (color_code >>  0) & 0xff;
-  m->green_to_blue_ = (color_code >>  8) & 0xff;
-  m->red_to_blue_   = (color_code >> 16) & 0xff;
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t MultipliersToColorCode(
-    const VP8LMultipliers* const m) {
-  return 0xff000000u |
-         ((uint32_t)(m->red_to_blue_) << 16) |
-         ((uint32_t)(m->green_to_blue_) << 8) |
-         m->green_to_red_;
+static WEBP_INLINE int ColorTransformDelta(int8_t color_pred, int8_t color) {
+  return ((int)color_pred * color) >> 5;
 void VP8LTransformColor_C(const VP8LMultipliers* const m, uint32_t* data,
@@ -963,8 +520,8 @@
     const uint32_t argb = data[i];
     const uint32_t green = argb >> 8;
     const uint32_t red = argb >> 16;
-    uint32_t new_red = red;
-    uint32_t new_blue = argb;
+    int new_red = red;
+    int new_blue = argb;
     new_red -= ColorTransformDelta(m->green_to_red_, green);
     new_red &= 0xff;
     new_blue -= ColorTransformDelta(m->green_to_blue_, green);
@@ -977,7 +534,7 @@
 static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t TransformColorRed(uint8_t green_to_red,
                                              uint32_t argb) {
   const uint32_t green = argb >> 8;
-  uint32_t new_red = argb >> 16;
+  int new_red = argb >> 16;
   new_red -= ColorTransformDelta(green_to_red, green);
   return (new_red & 0xff);
@@ -993,15 +550,6 @@
   return (new_blue & 0xff);
-static float PredictionCostCrossColor(const int accumulated[256],
-                                      const int counts[256]) {
-  // Favor low entropy, locally and globally.
-  // Favor small absolute values for PredictionCostSpatial
-  static const double kExpValue = 2.4;
-  return VP8LCombinedShannonEntropy(counts, accumulated) +
-         PredictionCostSpatial(counts, 3, kExpValue);
 void VP8LCollectColorRedTransforms_C(const uint32_t* argb, int stride,
                                      int tile_width, int tile_height,
                                      int green_to_red, int histo[]) {
@@ -1014,59 +562,6 @@
-static float GetPredictionCostCrossColorRed(
-    const uint32_t* argb, int stride, int tile_width, int tile_height,
-    VP8LMultipliers prev_x, VP8LMultipliers prev_y, int green_to_red,
-    const int accumulated_red_histo[256]) {
-  int histo[256] = { 0 };
-  float cur_diff;
-  VP8LCollectColorRedTransforms(argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height,
-                                green_to_red, histo);
-  cur_diff = PredictionCostCrossColor(accumulated_red_histo, histo);
-  if ((uint8_t)green_to_red == prev_x.green_to_red_) {
-    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
-  }
-  if ((uint8_t)green_to_red == prev_y.green_to_red_) {
-    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
-  }
-  if (green_to_red == 0) {
-    cur_diff -= 3;
-  }
-  return cur_diff;
-static void GetBestGreenToRed(
-    const uint32_t* argb, int stride, int tile_width, int tile_height,
-    VP8LMultipliers prev_x, VP8LMultipliers prev_y, int quality,
-    const int accumulated_red_histo[256], VP8LMultipliers* const best_tx) {
-  const int kMaxIters = 4 + ((7 * quality) >> 8);  // in range [4..6]
-  int green_to_red_best = 0;
-  int iter, offset;
-  float best_diff = GetPredictionCostCrossColorRed(
-      argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height, prev_x, prev_y,
-      green_to_red_best, accumulated_red_histo);
-  for (iter = 0; iter < kMaxIters; ++iter) {
-    // ColorTransformDelta is a 3.5 bit fixed point, so 32 is equal to
-    // one in color computation. Having initial delta here as 1 is sufficient
-    // to explore the range of (-2, 2).
-    const int delta = 32 >> iter;
-    // Try a negative and a positive delta from the best known value.
-    for (offset = -delta; offset <= delta; offset += 2 * delta) {
-      const int green_to_red_cur = offset + green_to_red_best;
-      const float cur_diff = GetPredictionCostCrossColorRed(
-          argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height, prev_x, prev_y,
-          green_to_red_cur, accumulated_red_histo);
-      if (cur_diff < best_diff) {
-        best_diff = cur_diff;
-        green_to_red_best = green_to_red_cur;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  best_tx->green_to_red_ = green_to_red_best;
 void VP8LCollectColorBlueTransforms_C(const uint32_t* argb, int stride,
                                       int tile_width, int tile_height,
                                       int green_to_blue, int red_to_blue,
@@ -1080,187 +575,6 @@
-static float GetPredictionCostCrossColorBlue(
-    const uint32_t* argb, int stride, int tile_width, int tile_height,
-    VP8LMultipliers prev_x, VP8LMultipliers prev_y,
-    int green_to_blue, int red_to_blue, const int accumulated_blue_histo[256]) {
-  int histo[256] = { 0 };
-  float cur_diff;
-  VP8LCollectColorBlueTransforms(argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height,
-                                 green_to_blue, red_to_blue, histo);
-  cur_diff = PredictionCostCrossColor(accumulated_blue_histo, histo);
-  if ((uint8_t)green_to_blue == prev_x.green_to_blue_) {
-    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
-  }
-  if ((uint8_t)green_to_blue == prev_y.green_to_blue_) {
-    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
-  }
-  if ((uint8_t)red_to_blue == prev_x.red_to_blue_) {
-    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
-  }
-  if ((uint8_t)red_to_blue == prev_y.red_to_blue_) {
-    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
-  }
-  if (green_to_blue == 0) {
-    cur_diff -= 3;
-  }
-  if (red_to_blue == 0) {
-    cur_diff -= 3;
-  }
-  return cur_diff;
-#define kGreenRedToBlueNumAxis 8
-#define kGreenRedToBlueMaxIters 7
-static void GetBestGreenRedToBlue(
-    const uint32_t* argb, int stride, int tile_width, int tile_height,
-    VP8LMultipliers prev_x, VP8LMultipliers prev_y, int quality,
-    const int accumulated_blue_histo[256],
-    VP8LMultipliers* const best_tx) {
-  const int8_t offset[kGreenRedToBlueNumAxis][2] =
-      {{0, -1}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {-1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {1, -1}, {1, 1}};
-  const int8_t delta_lut[kGreenRedToBlueMaxIters] = { 16, 16, 8, 4, 2, 2, 2 };
-  const int iters =
-      (quality < 25) ? 1 : (quality > 50) ? kGreenRedToBlueMaxIters : 4;
-  int green_to_blue_best = 0;
-  int red_to_blue_best = 0;
-  int iter;
-  // Initial value at origin:
-  float best_diff = GetPredictionCostCrossColorBlue(
-      argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height, prev_x, prev_y,
-      green_to_blue_best, red_to_blue_best, accumulated_blue_histo);
-  for (iter = 0; iter < iters; ++iter) {
-    const int delta = delta_lut[iter];
-    int axis;
-    for (axis = 0; axis < kGreenRedToBlueNumAxis; ++axis) {
-      const int green_to_blue_cur =
-          offset[axis][0] * delta + green_to_blue_best;
-      const int red_to_blue_cur = offset[axis][1] * delta + red_to_blue_best;
-      const float cur_diff = GetPredictionCostCrossColorBlue(
-          argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height, prev_x, prev_y,
-          green_to_blue_cur, red_to_blue_cur, accumulated_blue_histo);
-      if (cur_diff < best_diff) {
-        best_diff = cur_diff;
-        green_to_blue_best = green_to_blue_cur;
-        red_to_blue_best = red_to_blue_cur;
-      }
-      if (quality < 25 && iter == 4) {
-        // Only axis aligned diffs for lower quality.
-        break;  // next iter.
-      }
-    }
-    if (delta == 2 && green_to_blue_best == 0 && red_to_blue_best == 0) {
-      // Further iterations would not help.
-      break;  // out of iter-loop.
-    }
-  }
-  best_tx->green_to_blue_ = green_to_blue_best;
-  best_tx->red_to_blue_ = red_to_blue_best;
-#undef kGreenRedToBlueMaxIters
-#undef kGreenRedToBlueNumAxis
-static VP8LMultipliers GetBestColorTransformForTile(
-    int tile_x, int tile_y, int bits,
-    VP8LMultipliers prev_x,
-    VP8LMultipliers prev_y,
-    int quality, int xsize, int ysize,
-    const int accumulated_red_histo[256],
-    const int accumulated_blue_histo[256],
-    const uint32_t* const argb) {
-  const int max_tile_size = 1 << bits;
-  const int tile_y_offset = tile_y * max_tile_size;
-  const int tile_x_offset = tile_x * max_tile_size;
-  const int all_x_max = GetMin(tile_x_offset + max_tile_size, xsize);
-  const int all_y_max = GetMin(tile_y_offset + max_tile_size, ysize);
-  const int tile_width = all_x_max - tile_x_offset;
-  const int tile_height = all_y_max - tile_y_offset;
-  const uint32_t* const tile_argb = argb + tile_y_offset * xsize
-                                  + tile_x_offset;
-  VP8LMultipliers best_tx;
-  MultipliersClear(&best_tx);
-  GetBestGreenToRed(tile_argb, xsize, tile_width, tile_height,
-                    prev_x, prev_y, quality, accumulated_red_histo, &best_tx);
-  GetBestGreenRedToBlue(tile_argb, xsize, tile_width, tile_height,
-                        prev_x, prev_y, quality, accumulated_blue_histo,
-                        &best_tx);
-  return best_tx;
-static void CopyTileWithColorTransform(int xsize, int ysize,
-                                       int tile_x, int tile_y,
-                                       int max_tile_size,
-                                       VP8LMultipliers color_transform,
-                                       uint32_t* argb) {
-  const int xscan = GetMin(max_tile_size, xsize - tile_x);
-  int yscan = GetMin(max_tile_size, ysize - tile_y);
-  argb += tile_y * xsize + tile_x;
-  while (yscan-- > 0) {
-    VP8LTransformColor(&color_transform, argb, xscan);
-    argb += xsize;
-  }
-void VP8LColorSpaceTransform(int width, int height, int bits, int quality,
-                             uint32_t* const argb, uint32_t* image) {
-  const int max_tile_size = 1 << bits;
-  const int tile_xsize = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, bits);
-  const int tile_ysize = VP8LSubSampleSize(height, bits);
-  int accumulated_red_histo[256] = { 0 };
-  int accumulated_blue_histo[256] = { 0 };
-  int tile_x, tile_y;
-  VP8LMultipliers prev_x, prev_y;
-  MultipliersClear(&prev_y);
-  MultipliersClear(&prev_x);
-  for (tile_y = 0; tile_y < tile_ysize; ++tile_y) {
-    for (tile_x = 0; tile_x < tile_xsize; ++tile_x) {
-      int y;
-      const int tile_x_offset = tile_x * max_tile_size;
-      const int tile_y_offset = tile_y * max_tile_size;
-      const int all_x_max = GetMin(tile_x_offset + max_tile_size, width);
-      const int all_y_max = GetMin(tile_y_offset + max_tile_size, height);
-      const int offset = tile_y * tile_xsize + tile_x;
-      if (tile_y != 0) {
-        ColorCodeToMultipliers(image[offset - tile_xsize], &prev_y);
-      }
-      prev_x = GetBestColorTransformForTile(tile_x, tile_y, bits,
-                                            prev_x, prev_y,
-                                            quality, width, height,
-                                            accumulated_red_histo,
-                                            accumulated_blue_histo,
-                                            argb);
-      image[offset] = MultipliersToColorCode(&prev_x);
-      CopyTileWithColorTransform(width, height, tile_x_offset, tile_y_offset,
-                                 max_tile_size, prev_x, argb);
-      // Gather accumulated histogram data.
-      for (y = tile_y_offset; y < all_y_max; ++y) {
-        int ix = y * width + tile_x_offset;
-        const int ix_end = ix + all_x_max - tile_x_offset;
-        for (; ix < ix_end; ++ix) {
-          const uint32_t pix = argb[ix];
-          if (ix >= 2 &&
-              pix == argb[ix - 2] &&
-              pix == argb[ix - 1]) {
-            continue;  // repeated pixels are handled by backward references
-          }
-          if (ix >= width + 2 &&
-              argb[ix - 2] == argb[ix - width - 2] &&
-              argb[ix - 1] == argb[ix - width - 1] &&
-              pix == argb[ix - width]) {
-            continue;  // repeated pixels are handled by backward references
-          }
-          ++accumulated_red_histo[(pix >> 16) & 0xff];
-          ++accumulated_blue_histo[(pix >> 0) & 0xff];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
 static int VectorMismatch(const uint32_t* const array1,
@@ -1274,8 +588,8 @@
 // Bundles multiple (1, 2, 4 or 8) pixels into a single pixel.
-void VP8LBundleColorMap(const uint8_t* const row, int width,
-                        int xbits, uint32_t* const dst) {
+void VP8LBundleColorMap_C(const uint8_t* const row, int width, int xbits,
+                          uint32_t* dst) {
   int x;
   if (xbits > 0) {
     const int bit_depth = 1 << (3 - xbits);
@@ -1350,8 +664,172 @@
+// Image transforms.
-VP8LProcessBlueAndRedFunc VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed;
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Average2(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1) {
+  return (((a0 ^ a1) & 0xfefefefeu) >> 1) + (a0 & a1);
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Average3(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1, uint32_t a2) {
+  return Average2(Average2(a0, a2), a1);
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Average4(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1,
+                                     uint32_t a2, uint32_t a3) {
+  return Average2(Average2(a0, a1), Average2(a2, a3));
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Clip255(uint32_t a) {
+  if (a < 256) {
+    return a;
+  }
+  // return 0, when a is a negative integer.
+  // return 255, when a is positive.
+  return ~a >> 24;
+static WEBP_INLINE int AddSubtractComponentFull(int a, int b, int c) {
+  return Clip255(a + b - c);
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ClampedAddSubtractFull(uint32_t c0, uint32_t c1,
+                                                   uint32_t c2) {
+  const int a = AddSubtractComponentFull(c0 >> 24, c1 >> 24, c2 >> 24);
+  const int r = AddSubtractComponentFull((c0 >> 16) & 0xff,
+                                         (c1 >> 16) & 0xff,
+                                         (c2 >> 16) & 0xff);
+  const int g = AddSubtractComponentFull((c0 >> 8) & 0xff,
+                                         (c1 >> 8) & 0xff,
+                                         (c2 >> 8) & 0xff);
+  const int b = AddSubtractComponentFull(c0 & 0xff, c1 & 0xff, c2 & 0xff);
+  return ((uint32_t)a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
+static WEBP_INLINE int AddSubtractComponentHalf(int a, int b) {
+  return Clip255(a + (a - b) / 2);
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ClampedAddSubtractHalf(uint32_t c0, uint32_t c1,
+                                                   uint32_t c2) {
+  const uint32_t ave = Average2(c0, c1);
+  const int a = AddSubtractComponentHalf(ave >> 24, c2 >> 24);
+  const int r = AddSubtractComponentHalf((ave >> 16) & 0xff, (c2 >> 16) & 0xff);
+  const int g = AddSubtractComponentHalf((ave >> 8) & 0xff, (c2 >> 8) & 0xff);
+  const int b = AddSubtractComponentHalf((ave >> 0) & 0xff, (c2 >> 0) & 0xff);
+  return ((uint32_t)a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
+// gcc-4.9 on ARM generates incorrect code in Select() when Sub3() is inlined.
+#if defined(__arm__) && \
+    (LOCAL_GCC_VERSION == 0x409 || LOCAL_GCC_VERSION == 0x408)
+# define LOCAL_INLINE __attribute__ ((noinline))
+static LOCAL_INLINE int Sub3(int a, int b, int c) {
+  const int pb = b - c;
+  const int pa = a - c;
+  return abs(pb) - abs(pa);
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Select(uint32_t a, uint32_t b, uint32_t c) {
+  const int pa_minus_pb =
+      Sub3((a >> 24)       , (b >> 24)       , (c >> 24)       ) +
+      Sub3((a >> 16) & 0xff, (b >> 16) & 0xff, (c >> 16) & 0xff) +
+      Sub3((a >>  8) & 0xff, (b >>  8) & 0xff, (c >>  8) & 0xff) +
+      Sub3((a      ) & 0xff, (b      ) & 0xff, (c      ) & 0xff);
+  return (pa_minus_pb <= 0) ? a : b;
+// Predictors
+static uint32_t Predictor2(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  (void)left;
+  return top[0];
+static uint32_t Predictor3(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  (void)left;
+  return top[1];
+static uint32_t Predictor4(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  (void)left;
+  return top[-1];
+static uint32_t Predictor5(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  const uint32_t pred = Average3(left, top[0], top[1]);
+  return pred;
+static uint32_t Predictor6(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  const uint32_t pred = Average2(left, top[-1]);
+  return pred;
+static uint32_t Predictor7(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  const uint32_t pred = Average2(left, top[0]);
+  return pred;
+static uint32_t Predictor8(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  const uint32_t pred = Average2(top[-1], top[0]);
+  (void)left;
+  return pred;
+static uint32_t Predictor9(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  const uint32_t pred = Average2(top[0], top[1]);
+  (void)left;
+  return pred;
+static uint32_t Predictor10(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  const uint32_t pred = Average4(left, top[-1], top[0], top[1]);
+  return pred;
+static uint32_t Predictor11(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  const uint32_t pred = Select(top[0], left, top[-1]);
+  return pred;
+static uint32_t Predictor12(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  const uint32_t pred = ClampedAddSubtractFull(left, top[0], top[-1]);
+  return pred;
+static uint32_t Predictor13(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  const uint32_t pred = ClampedAddSubtractHalf(left, top[0], top[-1]);
+  return pred;
+static void PredictorSub0_C(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                            int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; ++i) out[i] = VP8LSubPixels(in[i], ARGB_BLACK);
+  (void)upper;
+static void PredictorSub1_C(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                            int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; ++i) out[i] = VP8LSubPixels(in[i], in[i - 1]);
+  (void)upper;
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor2, PredictorSub2_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor3, PredictorSub3_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor4, PredictorSub4_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor5, PredictorSub5_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor6, PredictorSub6_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor7, PredictorSub7_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor8, PredictorSub8_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor9, PredictorSub9_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor10, PredictorSub10_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor11, PredictorSub11_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor12, PredictorSub12_C)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_SUB(Predictor13, PredictorSub13_C)
+VP8LProcessEncBlueAndRedFunc VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed;
 VP8LTransformColorFunc VP8LTransformColor;
@@ -1365,17 +843,23 @@
 VP8LCostCombinedFunc VP8LExtraCostCombined;
 VP8LCombinedShannonEntropyFunc VP8LCombinedShannonEntropy;
-GetEntropyUnrefinedHelperFunc VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedHelper;
+VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedFunc VP8LGetEntropyUnrefined;
+VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefinedFunc VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefined;
 VP8LHistogramAddFunc VP8LHistogramAdd;
 VP8LVectorMismatchFunc VP8LVectorMismatch;
+VP8LBundleColorMapFunc VP8LBundleColorMap;
+VP8LPredictorAddSubFunc VP8LPredictorsSub[16];
+VP8LPredictorAddSubFunc VP8LPredictorsSub_C[16];
 extern void VP8LEncDspInitSSE2(void);
 extern void VP8LEncDspInitSSE41(void);
 extern void VP8LEncDspInitNEON(void);
 extern void VP8LEncDspInitMIPS32(void);
 extern void VP8LEncDspInitMIPSdspR2(void);
+extern void VP8LEncDspInitMSA(void);
 static volatile VP8CPUInfo lossless_enc_last_cpuinfo_used =
@@ -1399,11 +883,47 @@
   VP8LExtraCostCombined = ExtraCostCombined;
   VP8LCombinedShannonEntropy = CombinedShannonEntropy;
-  VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedHelper = GetEntropyUnrefinedHelper;
+  VP8LGetEntropyUnrefined = GetEntropyUnrefined;
+  VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefined = GetCombinedEntropyUnrefined;
   VP8LHistogramAdd = HistogramAdd;
   VP8LVectorMismatch = VectorMismatch;
+  VP8LBundleColorMap = VP8LBundleColorMap_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[0] = PredictorSub0_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[1] = PredictorSub1_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[2] = PredictorSub2_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[3] = PredictorSub3_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[4] = PredictorSub4_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[5] = PredictorSub5_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[6] = PredictorSub6_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[7] = PredictorSub7_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[8] = PredictorSub8_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[9] = PredictorSub9_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[10] = PredictorSub10_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[11] = PredictorSub11_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[12] = PredictorSub12_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[13] = PredictorSub13_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[14] = PredictorSub0_C;  // <- padding security sentinels
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[15] = PredictorSub0_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[0] = PredictorSub0_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[1] = PredictorSub1_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[2] = PredictorSub2_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[3] = PredictorSub3_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[4] = PredictorSub4_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[5] = PredictorSub5_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[6] = PredictorSub6_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[7] = PredictorSub7_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[8] = PredictorSub8_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[9] = PredictorSub9_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[10] = PredictorSub10_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[11] = PredictorSub11_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[12] = PredictorSub12_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[13] = PredictorSub13_C;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[14] = PredictorSub0_C;  // <- padding security sentinels
+  VP8LPredictorsSub_C[15] = PredictorSub0_C;
   // If defined, use CPUInfo() to overwrite some pointers with faster versions.
   if (VP8GetCPUInfo != NULL) {
@@ -1432,6 +952,11 @@
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kMSA)) {
+      VP8LEncDspInitMSA();
+    }
   lossless_enc_last_cpuinfo_used = VP8GetCPUInfo;
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless_enc_mips32.c b/src/dsp/lossless_enc_mips32.c
index 49c666d..4186b9f 100644
--- a/src/dsp/lossless_enc_mips32.c
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless_enc_mips32.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "./dsp.h"
 #include "./lossless.h"
+#include "./lossless_common.h"
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS32)
@@ -240,6 +241,49 @@
   *i_prev = i;
+static void GetEntropyUnrefined(const uint32_t X[], int length,
+                                VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy,
+                                VP8LStreaks* const stats) {
+  int i;
+  int i_prev = 0;
+  uint32_t x_prev = X[0];
+  memset(stats, 0, sizeof(*stats));
+  VP8LBitEntropyInit(bit_entropy);
+  for (i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
+    const uint32_t x = X[i];
+    if (x != x_prev) {
+      GetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(x, i, &x_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
+    }
+  }
+  GetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(0, i, &x_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
+  bit_entropy->entropy += VP8LFastSLog2(bit_entropy->sum);
+static void GetCombinedEntropyUnrefined(const uint32_t X[], const uint32_t Y[],
+                                        int length,
+                                        VP8LBitEntropy* const bit_entropy,
+                                        VP8LStreaks* const stats) {
+  int i = 1;
+  int i_prev = 0;
+  uint32_t xy_prev = X[0] + Y[0];
+  memset(stats, 0, sizeof(*stats));
+  VP8LBitEntropyInit(bit_entropy);
+  for (i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
+    const uint32_t xy = X[i] + Y[i];
+    if (xy != xy_prev) {
+      GetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(xy, i, &xy_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
+    }
+  }
+  GetEntropyUnrefinedHelper(0, i, &xy_prev, &i_prev, bit_entropy, stats);
+  bit_entropy->entropy += VP8LFastSLog2(bit_entropy->sum);
 #define ASM_START                                       \
   __asm__ volatile(                                     \
     ".set   push                            \n\t"       \
@@ -375,7 +419,8 @@
   VP8LFastLog2Slow = FastLog2Slow;
   VP8LExtraCost = ExtraCost;
   VP8LExtraCostCombined = ExtraCostCombined;
-  VP8LGetEntropyUnrefinedHelper = GetEntropyUnrefinedHelper;
+  VP8LGetEntropyUnrefined = GetEntropyUnrefined;
+  VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefined = GetCombinedEntropyUnrefined;
   VP8LHistogramAdd = HistogramAdd;
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless_enc_msa.c b/src/dsp/lossless_enc_msa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f69ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless_enc_msa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MSA variant of Image transform methods for lossless encoder.
+// Authors: Prashant Patil (
+#include "./dsp.h"
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+#include "./lossless.h"
+#include "./msa_macro.h"
+#define TRANSFORM_COLOR_8(src0, src1, dst0, dst1, c0, c1, mask0, mask1) do {  \
+  v8i16 g0, g1, t0, t1, t2, t3;                                               \
+  v4i32 t4, t5;                                                               \
+  VSHF_B2_SH(src0, src0, src1, src1, mask0, mask0, g0, g1);                   \
+  DOTP_SB2_SH(g0, g1, c0, c0, t0, t1);                                        \
+  SRAI_H2_SH(t0, t1, 5);                                                      \
+  t0 = __msa_subv_h((v8i16)src0, t0);                                         \
+  t1 = __msa_subv_h((v8i16)src1, t1);                                         \
+  t4 = __msa_srli_w((v4i32)src0, 16);                                         \
+  t5 = __msa_srli_w((v4i32)src1, 16);                                         \
+  DOTP_SB2_SH(t4, t5, c1, c1, t2, t3);                                        \
+  SRAI_H2_SH(t2, t3, 5);                                                      \
+  SUB2(t0, t2, t1, t3, t0, t1);                                               \
+  VSHF_B2_UB(src0, t0, src1, t1, mask1, mask1, dst0, dst1);                   \
+} while (0)
+#define TRANSFORM_COLOR_4(src, dst, c0, c1, mask0, mask1) do {  \
+  const v16i8 g0 = VSHF_SB(src, src, mask0);                    \
+  v8i16 t0 = __msa_dotp_s_h(c0, g0);                            \
+  v8i16 t1;                                                     \
+  v4i32 t2;                                                     \
+  t0 = SRAI_H(t0, 5);                                           \
+  t0 = __msa_subv_h((v8i16)src, t0);                            \
+  t2 = __msa_srli_w((v4i32)src, 16);                            \
+  t1 = __msa_dotp_s_h(c1, (v16i8)t2);                           \
+  t1 = SRAI_H(t1, 5);                                           \
+  t0 = t0 - t1;                                                 \
+  dst = VSHF_UB(src, t0, mask1);                                \
+} while (0)
+static void TransformColor(const VP8LMultipliers* const m, uint32_t* data,
+                           int num_pixels) {
+  v16u8 src0, dst0;
+  const v16i8 g2br = (v16i8)__msa_fill_w(m->green_to_blue_ |
+                                         (m->green_to_red_ << 16));
+  const v16i8 r2b = (v16i8)__msa_fill_w(m->red_to_blue_);
+  const v16u8 mask0 = { 1, 255, 1, 255, 5, 255, 5, 255, 9, 255, 9, 255,
+                        13, 255, 13, 255 };
+  const v16u8 mask1 = { 16, 1, 18, 3, 20, 5, 22, 7, 24, 9, 26, 11,
+                        28, 13, 30, 15 };
+  while (num_pixels >= 8) {
+    v16u8 src1, dst1;
+    LD_UB2(data, 4, src0, src1);
+    TRANSFORM_COLOR_8(src0, src1, dst0, dst1, g2br, r2b, mask0, mask1);
+    ST_UB2(dst0, dst1, data, 4);
+    data += 8;
+    num_pixels -= 8;
+  }
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    if (num_pixels >= 4) {
+      src0 = LD_UB(data);
+      TRANSFORM_COLOR_4(src0, dst0, g2br, r2b, mask0, mask1);
+      ST_UB(dst0, data);
+      data += 4;
+      num_pixels -= 4;
+    }
+    if (num_pixels > 0) {
+      src0 = LD_UB(data);
+      TRANSFORM_COLOR_4(src0, dst0, g2br, r2b, mask0, mask1);
+      if (num_pixels == 3) {
+        const uint64_t pix_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)dst0, 0);
+        const uint32_t pix_w = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)dst0, 2);
+        SD(pix_d, data + 0);
+        SW(pix_w, data + 2);
+      } else if (num_pixels == 2) {
+        const uint64_t pix_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)dst0, 0);
+        SD(pix_d, data);
+      } else {
+        const uint32_t pix_w = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)dst0, 0);
+        SW(pix_w, data);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static void SubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed(uint32_t* argb_data, int num_pixels) {
+  int i;
+  uint8_t* ptemp_data = (uint8_t*)argb_data;
+  v16u8 src0, dst0, tmp0;
+  const v16u8 mask = { 1, 255, 1, 255, 5, 255, 5, 255, 9, 255, 9, 255,
+                       13, 255, 13, 255 };
+  while (num_pixels >= 8) {
+    v16u8 src1, dst1, tmp1;
+    LD_UB2(ptemp_data, 16, src0, src1);
+    VSHF_B2_UB(src0, src1, src1, src0, mask, mask, tmp0, tmp1);
+    SUB2(src0, tmp0, src1, tmp1, dst0, dst1);
+    ST_UB2(dst0, dst1, ptemp_data, 16);
+    ptemp_data += 8 * 4;
+    num_pixels -= 8;
+  }
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    if (num_pixels >= 4) {
+      src0 = LD_UB(ptemp_data);
+      tmp0 = VSHF_UB(src0, src0, mask);
+      dst0 = src0 - tmp0;
+      ST_UB(dst0, ptemp_data);
+      ptemp_data += 4 * 4;
+      num_pixels -= 4;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
+      const uint8_t b = ptemp_data[0];
+      const uint8_t g = ptemp_data[1];
+      const uint8_t r = ptemp_data[2];
+      ptemp_data[0] = (b - g) & 0xff;
+      ptemp_data[2] = (r - g) & 0xff;
+      ptemp_data += 4;
+    }
+  }
+// Entry point
+extern void VP8LEncDspInitMSA(void);
+  VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed = SubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed;
+  VP8LTransformColor = TransformColor;
+#else  // !WEBP_USE_MSA
+#endif  // WEBP_USE_MSA
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless_enc_sse2.c b/src/dsp/lossless_enc_sse2.c
index 7c894e7..8ad85d9 100644
--- a/src/dsp/lossless_enc_sse2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless_enc_sse2.c
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <emmintrin.h>
 #include "./lossless.h"
+#include "./common_sse2.h"
+#include "./lossless_common.h"
 // For sign-extended multiplying constants, pre-shifted by 5:
 #define CST_5b(X)  (((int16_t)((uint16_t)X << 8)) >> 5)
@@ -35,7 +37,9 @@
     _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&argb_data[i], out);
   // fallthrough and finish off with plain-C
-  VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed_C(argb_data + i, num_pixels - i);
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed_C(argb_data + i, num_pixels - i);
+  }
@@ -69,7 +73,9 @@
     _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&argb_data[i], out);
   // fallthrough and finish off with plain-C
-  VP8LTransformColor_C(m, argb_data + i, num_pixels - i);
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LTransformColor_C(m, argb_data + i, num_pixels - i);
+  }
@@ -364,8 +370,9 @@
       if (length >= 8 &&
               _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&array1[4]),
-              _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&array2[4]))) == 0xffff)
+              _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&array2[4]))) == 0xffff) {
         match_len = 8;
+      }
@@ -375,6 +382,295 @@
   return match_len;
+// Bundles multiple (1, 2, 4 or 8) pixels into a single pixel.
+static void BundleColorMap_SSE2(const uint8_t* const row, int width, int xbits,
+                                uint32_t* dst) {
+  int x;
+  assert(xbits >= 0);
+  assert(xbits <= 3);
+  switch (xbits) {
+    case 0: {
+      const __m128i ff = _mm_set1_epi16(0xff00);
+      const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+      // Store 0xff000000 | (row[x] << 8).
+      for (x = 0; x + 16 <= width; x += 16, dst += 16) {
+        const __m128i in = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&row[x]);
+        const __m128i in_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(zero, in);
+        const __m128i dst0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(in_lo, ff);
+        const __m128i dst1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(in_lo, ff);
+        const __m128i in_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(zero, in);
+        const __m128i dst2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(in_hi, ff);
+        const __m128i dst3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(in_hi, ff);
+        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&dst[0], dst0);
+        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&dst[4], dst1);
+        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&dst[8], dst2);
+        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&dst[12], dst3);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case 1: {
+      const __m128i ff = _mm_set1_epi16(0xff00);
+      const __m128i mul = _mm_set1_epi16(0x110);
+      for (x = 0; x + 16 <= width; x += 16, dst += 8) {
+        // 0a0b | (where a/b are 4 bits).
+        const __m128i in = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&row[x]);
+        const __m128i tmp = _mm_mullo_epi16(in, mul);  // aba0
+        const __m128i pack = _mm_and_si128(tmp, ff);   // ab00
+        const __m128i dst0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(pack, ff);
+        const __m128i dst1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(pack, ff);
+        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&dst[0], dst0);
+        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&dst[4], dst1);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case 2: {
+      const __m128i mask_or = _mm_set1_epi32(0xff000000);
+      const __m128i mul_cst = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0104);
+      const __m128i mask_mul = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0f00);
+      for (x = 0; x + 16 <= width; x += 16, dst += 4) {
+        // 000a000b000c000d | (where a/b/c/d are 2 bits).
+        const __m128i in = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&row[x]);
+        const __m128i mul = _mm_mullo_epi16(in, mul_cst);  // 00ab00b000cd00d0
+        const __m128i tmp = _mm_and_si128(mul, mask_mul);  // 00ab000000cd0000
+        const __m128i shift = _mm_srli_epi32(tmp, 12);     // 00000000ab000000
+        const __m128i pack = _mm_or_si128(shift, tmp);     // 00000000abcd0000
+        // Convert to 0xff00**00.
+        const __m128i res = _mm_or_si128(pack, mask_or);
+        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)dst, res);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      assert(xbits == 3);
+      for (x = 0; x + 16 <= width; x += 16, dst += 2) {
+        // 0000000a00000000b... | (where a/b are 1 bit).
+        const __m128i in = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&row[x]);
+        const __m128i shift = _mm_slli_epi64(in, 7);
+        const uint32_t move = _mm_movemask_epi8(shift);
+        dst[0] = 0xff000000 | ((move & 0xff) << 8);
+        dst[1] = 0xff000000 | (move & 0xff00);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (x != width) {
+    VP8LBundleColorMap_C(row + x, width - x, xbits, dst);
+  }
+// Batch version of Predictor Transform subtraction
+static WEBP_INLINE void Average2_m128i(const __m128i* const a0,
+                                       const __m128i* const a1,
+                                       __m128i* const avg) {
+  // (a + b) >> 1 = ((a + b + 1) >> 1) - ((a ^ b) & 1)
+  const __m128i ones = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
+  const __m128i avg1 = _mm_avg_epu8(*a0, *a1);
+  const __m128i one = _mm_and_si128(_mm_xor_si128(*a0, *a1), ones);
+  *avg = _mm_sub_epi8(avg1, one);
+// Predictor0: ARGB_BLACK.
+static void PredictorSub0_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                               int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  const __m128i black = _mm_set1_epi32(ARGB_BLACK);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    const __m128i res = _mm_sub_epi8(src, black);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsSub_C[0](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
+#define GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(X, IN)                                           \
+static void PredictorSub##X##_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper, \
+                                   int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {           \
+  int i;                                                                      \
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {                                  \
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);              \
+    const __m128i pred = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&(IN));              \
+    const __m128i res = _mm_sub_epi8(src, pred);                              \
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);                                 \
+  }                                                                           \
+  if (i != num_pixels) {                                                      \
+    VP8LPredictorsSub_C[(X)](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);     \
+  }                                                                           \
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(1, in[i - 1])       // Predictor1: L
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(2, upper[i])        // Predictor2: T
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(3, upper[i + 1])    // Predictor3: TR
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(4, upper[i - 1])    // Predictor4: TL
+// Predictor5: avg2(avg2(L, TR), T)
+static void PredictorSub5_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                               int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const __m128i L = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i T = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i]);
+    const __m128i TR = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i + 1]);
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    __m128i avg, pred, res;
+    Average2_m128i(&L, &TR, &avg);
+    Average2_m128i(&avg, &T, &pred);
+    res = _mm_sub_epi8(src, pred);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsSub_C[5](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
+#define GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(X, A, B)                                         \
+static void PredictorSub##X##_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper, \
+                                   int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {           \
+  int i;                                                                      \
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {                                  \
+    const __m128i tA = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&(A));                 \
+    const __m128i tB = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&(B));                 \
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);              \
+    __m128i pred, res;                                                        \
+    Average2_m128i(&tA, &tB, &pred);                                          \
+    res = _mm_sub_epi8(src, pred);                                            \
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);                                 \
+  }                                                                           \
+  if (i != num_pixels) {                                                      \
+    VP8LPredictorsSub_C[(X)](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);     \
+  }                                                                           \
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(6, in[i - 1], upper[i - 1])   // Predictor6: avg(L, TL)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(7, in[i - 1], upper[i])       // Predictor7: avg(L, T)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(8, upper[i - 1], upper[i])    // Predictor8: avg(TL, T)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(9, upper[i], upper[i + 1])    // Predictor9: average(T, TR)
+// Predictor10: avg(avg(L,TL), avg(T, TR)).
+static void PredictorSub10_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const __m128i L = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    const __m128i TL = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i T = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i]);
+    const __m128i TR = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i + 1]);
+    __m128i avgTTR, avgLTL, avg, res;
+    Average2_m128i(&T, &TR, &avgTTR);
+    Average2_m128i(&L, &TL, &avgLTL);
+    Average2_m128i(&avgTTR, &avgLTL, &avg);
+    res = _mm_sub_epi8(src, avg);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsSub_C[10](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
+// Predictor11: select.
+static void GetSumAbsDiff32(const __m128i* const A, const __m128i* const B,
+                            __m128i* const out) {
+  // We can unpack with any value on the upper 32 bits, provided it's the same
+  // on both operands (to that their sum of abs diff is zero). Here we use *A.
+  const __m128i A_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(*A, *A);
+  const __m128i B_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(*B, *A);
+  const __m128i A_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(*A, *A);
+  const __m128i B_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(*B, *A);
+  const __m128i s_lo = _mm_sad_epu8(A_lo, B_lo);
+  const __m128i s_hi = _mm_sad_epu8(A_hi, B_hi);
+  *out = _mm_packs_epi32(s_lo, s_hi);
+static void PredictorSub11_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const __m128i L = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i T = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i]);
+    const __m128i TL = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    __m128i pa, pb;
+    GetSumAbsDiff32(&T, &TL, &pa);   // pa = sum |T-TL|
+    GetSumAbsDiff32(&L, &TL, &pb);   // pb = sum |L-TL|
+    {
+      const __m128i mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi32(pb, pa);
+      const __m128i A = _mm_and_si128(mask, L);
+      const __m128i B = _mm_andnot_si128(mask, T);
+      const __m128i pred = _mm_or_si128(A, B);    // pred = (L > T)? L : T
+      const __m128i res = _mm_sub_epi8(src, pred);
+      _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);
+    }
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsSub_C[11](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
+// Predictor12: ClampedSubSubtractFull.
+static void PredictorSub12_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    const __m128i L = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i L_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(L, zero);
+    const __m128i L_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(L, zero);
+    const __m128i T = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i]);
+    const __m128i T_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(T, zero);
+    const __m128i T_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(T, zero);
+    const __m128i TL = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i TL_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(TL, zero);
+    const __m128i TL_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(TL, zero);
+    const __m128i diff_lo = _mm_sub_epi16(T_lo, TL_lo);
+    const __m128i diff_hi = _mm_sub_epi16(T_hi, TL_hi);
+    const __m128i pred_lo = _mm_add_epi16(L_lo, diff_lo);
+    const __m128i pred_hi = _mm_add_epi16(L_hi, diff_hi);
+    const __m128i pred = _mm_packus_epi16(pred_lo, pred_hi);
+    const __m128i res = _mm_sub_epi8(src, pred);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsSub_C[12](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
+// Predictors13: ClampedAddSubtractHalf
+static void PredictorSub13_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+  for (i = 0; i + 2 <= num_pixels; i += 2) {
+    // we can only process two pixels at a time
+    const __m128i L = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)&in[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    const __m128i T = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)&upper[i]);
+    const __m128i TL = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)&upper[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i L_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(L, zero);
+    const __m128i T_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(T, zero);
+    const __m128i TL_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(TL, zero);
+    const __m128i sum = _mm_add_epi16(T_lo, L_lo);
+    const __m128i avg = _mm_srli_epi16(sum, 1);
+    const __m128i A1 = _mm_sub_epi16(avg, TL_lo);
+    const __m128i bit_fix = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(TL_lo, avg);
+    const __m128i A2 = _mm_sub_epi16(A1, bit_fix);
+    const __m128i A3 = _mm_srai_epi16(A2, 1);
+    const __m128i A4 = _mm_add_epi16(avg, A3);
+    const __m128i pred = _mm_packus_epi16(A4, A4);
+    const __m128i res = _mm_sub_epi8(src, pred);
+    _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)&out[i], res);
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsSub_C[13](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
 // Entry point
@@ -388,6 +684,24 @@
   VP8LHistogramAdd = HistogramAdd;
   VP8LCombinedShannonEntropy = CombinedShannonEntropy;
   VP8LVectorMismatch = VectorMismatch;
+  VP8LBundleColorMap = BundleColorMap_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[0] = PredictorSub0_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[1] = PredictorSub1_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[2] = PredictorSub2_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[3] = PredictorSub3_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[4] = PredictorSub4_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[5] = PredictorSub5_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[6] = PredictorSub6_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[7] = PredictorSub7_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[8] = PredictorSub8_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[9] = PredictorSub9_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[10] = PredictorSub10_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[11] = PredictorSub11_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[12] = PredictorSub12_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[13] = PredictorSub13_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[14] = PredictorSub0_SSE2;  // <- padding security sentinels
+  VP8LPredictorsSub[15] = PredictorSub0_SSE2;
 #else  // !WEBP_USE_SSE2
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless_enc_sse41.c b/src/dsp/lossless_enc_sse41.c
index 3e49319..821057c 100644
--- a/src/dsp/lossless_enc_sse41.c
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless_enc_sse41.c
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@
     _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&argb_data[i], out);
   // fallthrough and finish off with plain-C
-  VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed_C(argb_data + i, num_pixels - i);
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LSubtractGreenFromBlueAndRed_C(argb_data + i, num_pixels - i);
+  }
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless_mips_dsp_r2.c b/src/dsp/lossless_mips_dsp_r2.c
index 90aed7f..2984ce8 100644
--- a/src/dsp/lossless_mips_dsp_r2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless_mips_dsp_r2.c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS_DSP_R2)
 #include "./lossless.h"
+#include "./lossless_common.h"
 static void FUNC_NAME(const TYPE* src,                                         \
@@ -227,25 +228,27 @@
 // Add green to blue and red channels (i.e. perform the inverse transform of
 // 'subtract green').
-static void AddGreenToBlueAndRed(uint32_t* data, int num_pixels) {
+static void AddGreenToBlueAndRed(const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels,
+                                 uint32_t* dst) {
   uint32_t temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7;
-  uint32_t* const p_loop1_end = data + (num_pixels & ~3);
-  uint32_t* const p_loop2_end = data + num_pixels;
+  const uint32_t* const p_loop1_end = src + (num_pixels & ~3);
+  const uint32_t* const p_loop2_end = src + num_pixels;
   __asm__ volatile (
     ".set       push                                          \n\t"
     ".set       noreorder                                     \n\t"
-    "beq        %[data],         %[p_loop1_end],     3f       \n\t"
+    "beq        %[src],          %[p_loop1_end],     3f       \n\t"
     " nop                                                     \n\t"
   "0:                                                         \n\t"
-    "lw         %[temp0],        0(%[data])                   \n\t"
-    "lw         %[temp1],        4(%[data])                   \n\t"
-    "lw         %[temp2],        8(%[data])                   \n\t"
-    "lw         %[temp3],        12(%[data])                  \n\t"
+    "lw         %[temp0],        0(%[src])                    \n\t"
+    "lw         %[temp1],        4(%[src])                    \n\t"
+    "lw         %[temp2],        8(%[src])                    \n\t"
+    "lw         %[temp3],        12(%[src])                   \n\t"
     "ext        %[temp4],        %[temp0],           8,    8  \n\t"
     "ext        %[temp5],        %[temp1],           8,    8  \n\t"
     "ext        %[temp6],        %[temp2],           8,    8  \n\t"
     "ext        %[temp7],        %[temp3],           8,    8  \n\t"
-    "addiu      %[data],         %[data],            16       \n\t"
+    "addiu      %[src],          %[src],             16       \n\t"
+    "addiu      %[dst],          %[dst],             16       \n\t"
     "   %[temp4],        %[temp4]                     \n\t"
     "   %[temp5],        %[temp5]                     \n\t"
     "   %[temp6],        %[temp6]                     \n\t"
@@ -254,44 +257,47 @@
     "addu.qb    %[temp1],        %[temp1],           %[temp5] \n\t"
     "addu.qb    %[temp2],        %[temp2],           %[temp6] \n\t"
     "addu.qb    %[temp3],        %[temp3],           %[temp7] \n\t"
-    "sw         %[temp0],        -16(%[data])                 \n\t"
-    "sw         %[temp1],        -12(%[data])                 \n\t"
-    "sw         %[temp2],        -8(%[data])                  \n\t"
-    "bne        %[data],         %[p_loop1_end],     0b       \n\t"
-    " sw        %[temp3],        -4(%[data])                  \n\t"
+    "sw         %[temp0],        -16(%[dst])                  \n\t"
+    "sw         %[temp1],        -12(%[dst])                  \n\t"
+    "sw         %[temp2],        -8(%[dst])                   \n\t"
+    "bne        %[src],          %[p_loop1_end],     0b       \n\t"
+    " sw        %[temp3],        -4(%[dst])                   \n\t"
   "3:                                                         \n\t"
-    "beq        %[data],         %[p_loop2_end],     2f       \n\t"
+    "beq        %[src],          %[p_loop2_end],     2f       \n\t"
     " nop                                                     \n\t"
   "1:                                                         \n\t"
-    "lw         %[temp0],        0(%[data])                   \n\t"
-    "addiu      %[data],         %[data],            4        \n\t"
+    "lw         %[temp0],        0(%[src])                    \n\t"
+    "addiu      %[src],          %[src],             4        \n\t"
+    "addiu      %[dst],          %[dst],             4        \n\t"
     "ext        %[temp4],        %[temp0],           8,    8  \n\t"
     "   %[temp4],        %[temp4]                     \n\t"
     "addu.qb    %[temp0],        %[temp0],           %[temp4] \n\t"
-    "bne        %[data],         %[p_loop2_end],     1b       \n\t"
-    " sw        %[temp0],        -4(%[data])                  \n\t"
+    "bne        %[src],          %[p_loop2_end],     1b       \n\t"
+    " sw        %[temp0],        -4(%[dst])                   \n\t"
   "2:                                                         \n\t"
     ".set       pop                                           \n\t"
-    : [data]"+&r"(data), [temp0]"=&r"(temp0), [temp1]"=&r"(temp1),
-      [temp2]"=&r"(temp2), [temp3]"=&r"(temp3), [temp4]"=&r"(temp4),
-      [temp5]"=&r"(temp5), [temp6]"=&r"(temp6), [temp7]"=&r"(temp7)
+    : [dst]"+&r"(dst), [src]"+&r"(src), [temp0]"=&r"(temp0),
+      [temp1]"=&r"(temp1), [temp2]"=&r"(temp2), [temp3]"=&r"(temp3),
+      [temp4]"=&r"(temp4), [temp5]"=&r"(temp5), [temp6]"=&r"(temp6),
+      [temp7]"=&r"(temp7)
     : [p_loop1_end]"r"(p_loop1_end), [p_loop2_end]"r"(p_loop2_end)
     : "memory"
 static void TransformColorInverse(const VP8LMultipliers* const m,
-                                  uint32_t* data, int num_pixels) {
+                                  const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels,
+                                  uint32_t* dst) {
   int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5;
   uint32_t argb, argb1, new_red;
   const uint32_t G_to_R = m->green_to_red_;
   const uint32_t G_to_B = m->green_to_blue_;
   const uint32_t R_to_B = m->red_to_blue_;
-  uint32_t* const p_loop_end = data + (num_pixels & ~1);
+  const uint32_t* const p_loop_end = src + (num_pixels & ~1);
   __asm__ volatile (
     ".set            push                                    \n\t"
     ".set            noreorder                               \n\t"
-    "beq             %[data],      %[p_loop_end],  1f        \n\t"
+    "beq             %[src],       %[p_loop_end],  1f        \n\t"
     " nop                                                    \n\t"
     "        %[temp0],     %[G_to_R]                 \n\t"
     "        %[temp1],     %[G_to_B]                 \n\t"
@@ -303,9 +309,12 @@
     "         %[temp1],     %[temp1],       8         \n\t"
     "         %[temp2],     %[temp2],       8         \n\t"
   "0:                                                        \n\t"
-    "lw              %[argb],      0(%[data])                \n\t"
-    "lw              %[argb1],     4(%[data])                \n\t"
-    "addiu           %[data],      %[data],        8         \n\t"
+    "lw              %[argb],      0(%[src])                 \n\t"
+    "lw              %[argb1],     4(%[src])                 \n\t"
+    "sw              %[argb],      0(%[dst])                 \n\t"
+    "sw              %[argb1],     4(%[dst])                 \n\t"
+    "addiu           %[src],       %[src],         8         \n\t"
+    "addiu           %[dst],       %[dst],         8         \n\t"
     "    %[temp3],     %[argb],        %[argb1]  \n\t"
     "  %[temp3],     %[temp3]                  \n\t"
     "         %[temp3],     %[temp3],       8         \n\t"
@@ -322,29 +331,29 @@
     "         %[temp4],     %[temp5],       8         \n\t"
     "         %[temp4],     %[temp4],       8         \n\t"
     "          %[temp4],     %[temp4],       %[temp2]  \n\t"
-    "sb              %[temp5],     -2(%[data])               \n\t"
+    "sb              %[temp5],     -2(%[dst])                \n\t"
     "sra             %[temp5],     %[temp5],       16        \n\t"
     "         %[temp4],     %[temp4],       5         \n\t"
     "         %[argb1],     %[argb1],       %[temp4]  \n\t"
     "  %[temp3],     %[argb1]                  \n\t"
-    "sb              %[temp5],     -6(%[data])               \n\t"
-    "sb              %[temp3],     -4(%[data])               \n\t"
+    "sb              %[temp5],     -6(%[dst])                \n\t"
+    "sb              %[temp3],     -4(%[dst])                \n\t"
     "sra             %[temp3],     %[temp3],       16        \n\t"
-    "bne             %[data],      %[p_loop_end],  0b        \n\t"
-    " sb             %[temp3],     -8(%[data])               \n\t"
+    "bne             %[src],       %[p_loop_end],  0b        \n\t"
+    " sb             %[temp3],     -8(%[dst])                \n\t"
   "1:                                                        \n\t"
     ".set            pop                                     \n\t"
     : [temp0]"=&r"(temp0), [temp1]"=&r"(temp1), [temp2]"=&r"(temp2),
       [temp3]"=&r"(temp3), [temp4]"=&r"(temp4), [temp5]"=&r"(temp5),
       [new_red]"=&r"(new_red), [argb]"=&r"(argb),
-      [argb1]"=&r"(argb1), [data]"+&r"(data)
+      [argb1]"=&r"(argb1), [dst]"+&r"(dst), [src]"+&r"(src)
     : [G_to_R]"r"(G_to_R), [R_to_B]"r"(R_to_B),
       [G_to_B]"r"(G_to_B), [p_loop_end]"r"(p_loop_end)
     : "memory", "hi", "lo"
   // Fall-back to C-version for left-overs.
-  if (num_pixels & 1) VP8LTransformColorInverse_C(m, data, 1);
+  if (num_pixels & 1) VP8LTransformColorInverse_C(m, src, 1, dst);
 static void ConvertBGRAToRGB(const uint32_t* src,
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless_msa.c b/src/dsp/lossless_msa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6dd564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless_msa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MSA variant of methods for lossless decoder
+// Author: Prashant Patil (
+#include "./dsp.h"
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+#include "./lossless.h"
+#include "./msa_macro.h"
+// Colorspace conversion functions
+#define CONVERT16_BGRA_XXX(psrc, pdst, m0, m1, m2) do {    \
+  v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3, dst0, dst1, dst2;          \
+  LD_UB4(psrc, 16, src0, src1, src2, src3);                \
+  VSHF_B2_UB(src0, src1, src1, src2, m0, m1, dst0, dst1);  \
+  dst2 = VSHF_UB(src2, src3, m2);                          \
+  ST_UB2(dst0, dst1, pdst, 16);                            \
+  ST_UB(dst2, pdst + 32);                                  \
+} while (0)
+#define CONVERT12_BGRA_XXX(psrc, pdst, m0, m1, m2) do {    \
+  uint32_t pix_w;                                          \
+  v16u8 src0, src1, src2, dst0, dst1, dst2;                \
+  LD_UB3(psrc, 16, src0, src1, src2);                      \
+  VSHF_B2_UB(src0, src1, src1, src2, m0, m1, dst0, dst1);  \
+  dst2 = VSHF_UB(src2, src2, m2);                          \
+  ST_UB2(dst0, dst1, pdst, 16);                            \
+  pix_w = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)dst2, 0);                  \
+  SW(pix_w, pdst + 32);                                    \
+} while (0)
+#define CONVERT8_BGRA_XXX(psrc, pdst, m0, m1) do {         \
+  uint64_t pix_d;                                          \
+  v16u8 src0, src1, src2, dst0, dst1;                      \
+  LD_UB2(psrc, 16, src0, src1);                            \
+  VSHF_B2_UB(src0, src1, src1, src2, m0, m1, dst0, dst1);  \
+  ST_UB(dst0, pdst);                                       \
+  pix_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)dst1, 0);                  \
+  SD(pix_d, pdst + 16);                                    \
+} while (0)
+#define CONVERT4_BGRA_XXX(psrc, pdst, m) do {       \
+  const v16u8 src0 = LD_UB(psrc);                   \
+  const v16u8 dst0 = VSHF_UB(src0, src0, m);        \
+  uint64_t pix_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)dst0, 0);  \
+  uint32_t pix_w = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)dst0, 2);  \
+  SD(pix_d, pdst + 0);                              \
+  SW(pix_w, pdst + 8);                              \
+} while (0)
+#define CONVERT1_BGRA_BGR(psrc, pdst) do {  \
+  const int32_t b = (psrc)[0];              \
+  const int32_t g = (psrc)[1];              \
+  const int32_t r = (psrc)[2];              \
+  (pdst)[0] = b;                            \
+  (pdst)[1] = g;                            \
+  (pdst)[2] = r;                            \
+} while (0)
+#define CONVERT1_BGRA_RGB(psrc, pdst) do {  \
+  const int32_t b = (psrc)[0];              \
+  const int32_t g = (psrc)[1];              \
+  const int32_t r = (psrc)[2];              \
+  (pdst)[0] = r;                            \
+  (pdst)[1] = g;                            \
+  (pdst)[2] = b;                            \
+} while (0)
+#define TRANSFORM_COLOR_INVERSE_8(src0, src1, dst0, dst1,     \
+                                  c0, c1, mask0, mask1) do {  \
+  v8i16 g0, g1, t0, t1, t2, t3;                               \
+  v4i32 t4, t5;                                               \
+  VSHF_B2_SH(src0, src0, src1, src1, mask0, mask0, g0, g1);   \
+  DOTP_SB2_SH(g0, g1, c0, c0, t0, t1);                        \
+  SRAI_H2_SH(t0, t1, 5);                                      \
+  t0 = __msa_addv_h(t0, (v8i16)src0);                         \
+  t1 = __msa_addv_h(t1, (v8i16)src1);                         \
+  t4 = __msa_srli_w((v4i32)t0, 16);                           \
+  t5 = __msa_srli_w((v4i32)t1, 16);                           \
+  DOTP_SB2_SH(t4, t5, c1, c1, t2, t3);                        \
+  SRAI_H2_SH(t2, t3, 5);                                      \
+  ADD2(t0, t2, t1, t3, t0, t1);                               \
+  VSHF_B2_UB(src0, t0, src1, t1, mask1, mask1, dst0, dst1);   \
+} while (0)
+#define TRANSFORM_COLOR_INVERSE_4(src, dst, c0, c1, mask0, mask1) do {  \
+  const v16i8 g0 = VSHF_SB(src, src, mask0);                            \
+  v8i16 t0 = __msa_dotp_s_h(c0, g0);                                    \
+  v8i16 t1;                                                             \
+  v4i32 t2;                                                             \
+  t0 = SRAI_H(t0, 5);                                                   \
+  t0 = __msa_addv_h(t0, (v8i16)src);                                    \
+  t2 = __msa_srli_w((v4i32)t0, 16);                                     \
+  t1 = __msa_dotp_s_h(c1, (v16i8)t2);                                   \
+  t1 = SRAI_H(t1, 5);                                                   \
+  t0 = t0 + t1;                                                         \
+  dst = VSHF_UB(src, t0, mask1);                                        \
+} while (0)
+static void ConvertBGRAToRGBA(const uint32_t* src,
+                              int num_pixels, uint8_t* dst) {
+  int i;
+  const uint8_t* ptemp_src = (const uint8_t*)src;
+  uint8_t* ptemp_dst = (uint8_t*)dst;
+  v16u8 src0, dst0;
+  const v16u8 mask = { 2, 1, 0, 3, 6, 5, 4, 7, 10, 9, 8, 11, 14, 13, 12, 15 };
+  while (num_pixels >= 8) {
+    v16u8 src1, dst1;
+    LD_UB2(ptemp_src, 16, src0, src1);
+    VSHF_B2_UB(src0, src0, src1, src1, mask, mask, dst0, dst1);
+    ST_UB2(dst0, dst1, ptemp_dst, 16);
+    ptemp_src += 32;
+    ptemp_dst += 32;
+    num_pixels -= 8;
+  }
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    if (num_pixels >= 4) {
+      src0 = LD_UB(ptemp_src);
+      dst0 = VSHF_UB(src0, src0, mask);
+      ST_UB(dst0, ptemp_dst);
+      ptemp_src += 16;
+      ptemp_dst += 16;
+      num_pixels -= 4;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
+      const uint8_t b = ptemp_src[2];
+      const uint8_t g = ptemp_src[1];
+      const uint8_t r = ptemp_src[0];
+      const uint8_t a = ptemp_src[3];
+      ptemp_dst[0] = b;
+      ptemp_dst[1] = g;
+      ptemp_dst[2] = r;
+      ptemp_dst[3] = a;
+      ptemp_src += 4;
+      ptemp_dst += 4;
+    }
+  }
+static void ConvertBGRAToBGR(const uint32_t* src,
+                             int num_pixels, uint8_t* dst) {
+  const uint8_t* ptemp_src = (const uint8_t*)src;
+  uint8_t* ptemp_dst = (uint8_t*)dst;
+  const v16u8 mask0 = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14,
+                        16, 17, 18, 20 };
+  const v16u8 mask1 = { 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20,
+                        21, 22, 24, 25 };
+  const v16u8 mask2 = { 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25,
+                        26, 28, 29, 30 };
+  while (num_pixels >= 16) {
+    CONVERT16_BGRA_XXX(ptemp_src, ptemp_dst, mask0, mask1, mask2);
+    ptemp_src += 64;
+    ptemp_dst += 48;
+    num_pixels -= 16;
+  }
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    if (num_pixels >= 12) {
+      CONVERT12_BGRA_XXX(ptemp_src, ptemp_dst, mask0, mask1, mask2);
+      ptemp_src += 48;
+      ptemp_dst += 36;
+      num_pixels -= 12;
+    } else if (num_pixels >= 8) {
+      CONVERT8_BGRA_XXX(ptemp_src, ptemp_dst, mask0, mask1);
+      ptemp_src += 32;
+      ptemp_dst += 24;
+      num_pixels -= 8;
+    } else if (num_pixels >= 4) {
+      CONVERT4_BGRA_XXX(ptemp_src, ptemp_dst, mask0);
+      ptemp_src += 16;
+      ptemp_dst += 12;
+      num_pixels -= 4;
+    }
+    if (num_pixels == 3) {
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_BGR(ptemp_src + 0, ptemp_dst + 0);
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_BGR(ptemp_src + 4, ptemp_dst + 3);
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_BGR(ptemp_src + 8, ptemp_dst + 6);
+    } else if (num_pixels == 2) {
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_BGR(ptemp_src + 0, ptemp_dst + 0);
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_BGR(ptemp_src + 4, ptemp_dst + 3);
+    } else if (num_pixels == 1) {
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_BGR(ptemp_src, ptemp_dst);
+    }
+  }
+static void ConvertBGRAToRGB(const uint32_t* src,
+                             int num_pixels, uint8_t* dst) {
+  const uint8_t* ptemp_src = (const uint8_t*)src;
+  uint8_t* ptemp_dst = (uint8_t*)dst;
+  const v16u8 mask0 = { 2, 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 10, 9, 8, 14, 13, 12,
+                        18, 17, 16, 22 };
+  const v16u8 mask1 = { 5, 4, 10, 9, 8, 14, 13, 12, 18, 17, 16, 22,
+                        21, 20, 26, 25 };
+  const v16u8 mask2 = { 8, 14, 13, 12, 18, 17, 16, 22, 21, 20, 26, 25,
+                        24, 30, 29, 28 };
+  while (num_pixels >= 16) {
+    CONVERT16_BGRA_XXX(ptemp_src, ptemp_dst, mask0, mask1, mask2);
+    ptemp_src += 64;
+    ptemp_dst += 48;
+    num_pixels -= 16;
+  }
+  if (num_pixels) {
+    if (num_pixels >= 12) {
+      CONVERT12_BGRA_XXX(ptemp_src, ptemp_dst, mask0, mask1, mask2);
+      ptemp_src += 48;
+      ptemp_dst += 36;
+      num_pixels -= 12;
+    } else if (num_pixels >= 8) {
+      CONVERT8_BGRA_XXX(ptemp_src, ptemp_dst, mask0, mask1);
+      ptemp_src += 32;
+      ptemp_dst += 24;
+      num_pixels -= 8;
+    } else if (num_pixels >= 4) {
+      CONVERT4_BGRA_XXX(ptemp_src, ptemp_dst, mask0);
+      ptemp_src += 16;
+      ptemp_dst += 12;
+      num_pixels -= 4;
+    }
+    if (num_pixels == 3) {
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_RGB(ptemp_src + 0, ptemp_dst + 0);
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_RGB(ptemp_src + 4, ptemp_dst + 3);
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_RGB(ptemp_src + 8, ptemp_dst + 6);
+    } else if (num_pixels == 2) {
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_RGB(ptemp_src + 0, ptemp_dst + 0);
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_RGB(ptemp_src + 4, ptemp_dst + 3);
+    } else if (num_pixels == 1) {
+      CONVERT1_BGRA_RGB(ptemp_src, ptemp_dst);
+    }
+  }
+static void AddGreenToBlueAndRed(const uint32_t* const src, int num_pixels,
+                                 uint32_t* dst) {
+  int i;
+  const uint8_t* in = (const uint8_t*)src;
+  uint8_t* out = (uint8_t*)dst;
+  v16u8 src0, dst0, tmp0;
+  const v16u8 mask = { 1, 255, 1, 255, 5, 255, 5, 255, 9, 255, 9, 255,
+                       13, 255, 13, 255 };
+  while (num_pixels >= 8) {
+    v16u8 src1, dst1, tmp1;
+    LD_UB2(in, 16, src0, src1);
+    VSHF_B2_UB(src0, src1, src1, src0, mask, mask, tmp0, tmp1);
+    ADD2(src0, tmp0, src1, tmp1, dst0, dst1);
+    ST_UB2(dst0, dst1, out, 16);
+    in += 32;
+    out += 32;
+    num_pixels -= 8;
+  }
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    if (num_pixels >= 4) {
+      src0 = LD_UB(in);
+      tmp0 = VSHF_UB(src0, src0, mask);
+      dst0 = src0 + tmp0;
+      ST_UB(dst0, out);
+      in += 16;
+      out += 16;
+      num_pixels -= 4;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
+      const uint8_t b = in[0];
+      const uint8_t g = in[1];
+      const uint8_t r = in[2];
+      out[0] = (b + g) & 0xff;
+      out[1] = g;
+      out[2] = (r + g) & 0xff;
+      out[4] = in[4];
+      out += 4;
+    }
+  }
+static void TransformColorInverse(const VP8LMultipliers* const m,
+                                  const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels,
+                                  uint32_t* dst) {
+  v16u8 src0, dst0;
+  const v16i8 g2br = (v16i8)__msa_fill_w(m->green_to_blue_ |
+                                         (m->green_to_red_ << 16));
+  const v16i8 r2b = (v16i8)__msa_fill_w(m->red_to_blue_);
+  const v16u8 mask0 = { 1, 255, 1, 255, 5, 255, 5, 255, 9, 255, 9, 255,
+                        13, 255, 13, 255 };
+  const v16u8 mask1 = { 16, 1, 18, 3, 20, 5, 22, 7, 24, 9, 26, 11,
+                        28, 13, 30, 15 };
+  while (num_pixels >= 8) {
+    v16u8 src1, dst1;
+    LD_UB2(src, 4, src0, src1);
+    TRANSFORM_COLOR_INVERSE_8(src0, src1, dst0, dst1, g2br, r2b, mask0, mask1);
+    ST_UB2(dst0, dst1, dst, 4);
+    src += 8;
+    dst += 8;
+    num_pixels -= 8;
+  }
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    if (num_pixels >= 4) {
+      src0 = LD_UB(src);
+      TRANSFORM_COLOR_INVERSE_4(src0, dst0, g2br, r2b, mask0, mask1);
+      ST_UB(dst0, dst);
+      src += 4;
+      dst += 4;
+      num_pixels -= 4;
+    }
+    if (num_pixels > 0) {
+      src0 = LD_UB(src);
+      TRANSFORM_COLOR_INVERSE_4(src0, dst0, g2br, r2b, mask0, mask1);
+      if (num_pixels == 3) {
+        const uint64_t pix_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)dst0, 0);
+        const uint32_t pix_w = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)dst0, 2);
+        SD(pix_d, dst + 0);
+        SW(pix_w, dst + 2);
+      } else if (num_pixels == 2) {
+        const uint64_t pix_d = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)dst0, 0);
+        SD(pix_d, dst);
+      } else {
+        const uint32_t pix_w = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)dst0, 0);
+        SW(pix_w, dst);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Entry point
+extern void VP8LDspInitMSA(void);
+  VP8LConvertBGRAToBGR = ConvertBGRAToBGR;
+  VP8LConvertBGRAToRGB = ConvertBGRAToRGB;
+  VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed = AddGreenToBlueAndRed;
+  VP8LTransformColorInverse = TransformColorInverse;
+#else  // !WEBP_USE_MSA
+#endif  // WEBP_USE_MSA
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless_neon.c b/src/dsp/lossless_neon.c
index 6faccb8..1145d5f 100644
--- a/src/dsp/lossless_neon.c
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless_neon.c
@@ -139,6 +139,357 @@
 #endif   // !WORK_AROUND_GCC
+// Predictor Transform
+#define LOAD_U32_AS_U8(IN) vreinterpret_u8_u32(vdup_n_u32((IN)))
+#define LOAD_U32P_AS_U8(IN) vreinterpret_u8_u32(vld1_u32((IN)))
+#define LOADQ_U32_AS_U8(IN) vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vdupq_n_u32((IN)))
+#define LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(IN) vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vld1q_u32((IN)))
+#define GET_U8_AS_U32(IN) vget_lane_u32(vreinterpret_u32_u8((IN)), 0);
+#define GETQ_U8_AS_U32(IN) vgetq_lane_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u8((IN)), 0);
+#define STOREQ_U8_AS_U32P(OUT, IN) vst1q_u32((OUT), vreinterpretq_u32_u8((IN)));
+#define ROTATE32_LEFT(L) vextq_u8((L), (L), 12)    // D|C|B|A -> C|B|A|D
+static WEBP_INLINE uint8x8_t Average2_u8_NEON(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1) {
+  const uint8x8_t A0 = LOAD_U32_AS_U8(a0);
+  const uint8x8_t A1 = LOAD_U32_AS_U8(a1);
+  return vhadd_u8(A0, A1);
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ClampedAddSubtractHalf_NEON(uint32_t c0,
+                                                        uint32_t c1,
+                                                        uint32_t c2) {
+  const uint8x8_t avg = Average2_u8_NEON(c0, c1);
+  // Remove one to c2 when bigger than avg.
+  const uint8x8_t C2 = LOAD_U32_AS_U8(c2);
+  const uint8x8_t cmp = vcgt_u8(C2, avg);
+  const uint8x8_t C2_1 = vadd_u8(C2, cmp);
+  // Compute half of the difference between avg and c2.
+  const int8x8_t diff_avg = vreinterpret_s8_u8(vhsub_u8(avg, C2_1));
+  // Compute the sum with avg and saturate.
+  const int16x8_t avg_16 = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(avg));
+  const uint8x8_t res = vqmovun_s16(vaddw_s8(avg_16, diff_avg));
+  const uint32_t output = GET_U8_AS_U32(res);
+  return output;
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Average2_NEON(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1) {
+  const uint8x8_t avg_u8x8 = Average2_u8_NEON(a0, a1);
+  const uint32_t avg = GET_U8_AS_U32(avg_u8x8);
+  return avg;
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Average3_NEON(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1,
+                                          uint32_t a2) {
+  const uint8x8_t avg0 = Average2_u8_NEON(a0, a2);
+  const uint8x8_t A1 = LOAD_U32_AS_U8(a1);
+  const uint32_t avg = GET_U8_AS_U32(vhadd_u8(avg0, A1));
+  return avg;
+static uint32_t Predictor5_NEON(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  return Average3_NEON(left, top[0], top[1]);
+static uint32_t Predictor6_NEON(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  return Average2_NEON(left, top[-1]);
+static uint32_t Predictor7_NEON(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  return Average2_NEON(left, top[0]);
+static uint32_t Predictor13_NEON(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+  return ClampedAddSubtractHalf_NEON(left, top[0], top[-1]);
+// Batch versions of those functions.
+// Predictor0: ARGB_BLACK.
+static void PredictorAdd0_NEON(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                               int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  const uint8x16_t black = vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vdupq_n_u32(ARGB_BLACK));
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t res = vaddq_u8(src, black);
+    STOREQ_U8_AS_U32P(&out[i], res);
+  }
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[0](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+// Predictor1: left.
+static void PredictorAdd1_NEON(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                               int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  const uint8x16_t zero = LOADQ_U32_AS_U8(0);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    // a | b | c | d
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);
+    // 0 | a | b | c
+    const uint8x16_t shift0 = vextq_u8(zero, src, 12);
+    // a | a + b | b + c | c + d
+    const uint8x16_t sum0 = vaddq_u8(src, shift0);
+    // 0 | 0 | a | a + b
+    const uint8x16_t shift1 = vextq_u8(zero, sum0, 8);
+    // a | a + b | a + b + c | a + b + c + d
+    const uint8x16_t sum1 = vaddq_u8(sum0, shift1);
+    const uint8x16_t prev = LOADQ_U32_AS_U8(out[i - 1]);
+    const uint8x16_t res = vaddq_u8(sum1, prev);
+    STOREQ_U8_AS_U32P(&out[i], res);
+  }
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[1](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+// Macro that adds 32-bit integers from IN using mod 256 arithmetic
+// per 8 bit channel.
+#define GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(X, IN)                                       \
+static void PredictorAdd##X##_NEON(const uint32_t* in,                    \
+                                   const uint32_t* upper, int num_pixels, \
+                                   uint32_t* out) {                       \
+  int i;                                                                  \
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {                              \
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);                      \
+    const uint8x16_t other = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&(IN));                     \
+    const uint8x16_t res = vaddq_u8(src, other);                          \
+    STOREQ_U8_AS_U32P(&out[i], res);                                      \
+  }                                                                       \
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[(X)](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);   \
+// Predictor2: Top.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(2, upper[i])
+// Predictor3: Top-right.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(3, upper[i + 1])
+// Predictor4: Top-left.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(4, upper[i - 1])
+// Predictor5: average(average(left, TR), T)
+#define DO_PRED5(LANE) do {                                              \
+  const uint8x16_t avgLTR = vhaddq_u8(L, TR);                            \
+  const uint8x16_t avg = vhaddq_u8(avgLTR, T);                           \
+  const uint8x16_t res = vaddq_u8(avg, src);                             \
+  vst1q_lane_u32(&out[i + (LANE)], vreinterpretq_u32_u8(res), (LANE));   \
+  L = ROTATE32_LEFT(res);                                                \
+} while (0)
+static void PredictorAdd5_NEON(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                               int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  uint8x16_t L = LOADQ_U32_AS_U8(out[-1]);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t T = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i + 0]);
+    const uint8x16_t TR = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i + 1]);
+    DO_PRED5(0);
+    DO_PRED5(1);
+    DO_PRED5(2);
+    DO_PRED5(3);
+  }
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[5](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+#undef DO_PRED5
+#define DO_PRED67(LANE) do {                                             \
+  const uint8x16_t avg = vhaddq_u8(L, top);                              \
+  const uint8x16_t res = vaddq_u8(avg, src);                             \
+  vst1q_lane_u32(&out[i + (LANE)], vreinterpretq_u32_u8(res), (LANE));   \
+  L = ROTATE32_LEFT(res);                                                \
+} while (0)
+// Predictor6: average(left, TL)
+static void PredictorAdd6_NEON(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                               int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  uint8x16_t L = LOADQ_U32_AS_U8(out[-1]);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t top = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i - 1]);
+    DO_PRED67(0);
+    DO_PRED67(1);
+    DO_PRED67(2);
+    DO_PRED67(3);
+  }
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[6](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+// Predictor7: average(left, T)
+static void PredictorAdd7_NEON(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                               int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  uint8x16_t L = LOADQ_U32_AS_U8(out[-1]);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t top = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i]);
+    DO_PRED67(0);
+    DO_PRED67(1);
+    DO_PRED67(2);
+    DO_PRED67(3);
+  }
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[7](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+#undef DO_PRED67
+#define GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(X, IN)                                       \
+static void PredictorAdd##X##_NEON(const uint32_t* in,                    \
+                                   const uint32_t* upper, int num_pixels, \
+                                   uint32_t* out) {                       \
+  int i;                                                                  \
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {                              \
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);                      \
+    const uint8x16_t Tother = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&(IN));                    \
+    const uint8x16_t T = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i]);                     \
+    const uint8x16_t avg = vhaddq_u8(T, Tother);                          \
+    const uint8x16_t res = vaddq_u8(avg, src);                            \
+    STOREQ_U8_AS_U32P(&out[i], res);                                      \
+  }                                                                       \
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[(X)](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);   \
+// Predictor8: average TL T.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(8, upper[i - 1])
+// Predictor9: average T TR.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(9, upper[i + 1])
+// Predictor10: average of (average of (L,TL), average of (T, TR)).
+#define DO_PRED10(LANE) do {                                             \
+  const uint8x16_t avgLTL = vhaddq_u8(L, TL);                            \
+  const uint8x16_t avg = vhaddq_u8(avgTTR, avgLTL);                      \
+  const uint8x16_t res = vaddq_u8(avg, src);                             \
+  vst1q_lane_u32(&out[i + (LANE)], vreinterpretq_u32_u8(res), (LANE));   \
+  L = ROTATE32_LEFT(res);                                                \
+} while (0)
+static void PredictorAdd10_NEON(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  uint8x16_t L = LOADQ_U32_AS_U8(out[-1]);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t TL = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i - 1]);
+    const uint8x16_t T = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t TR = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i + 1]);
+    const uint8x16_t avgTTR = vhaddq_u8(T, TR);
+    DO_PRED10(0);
+    DO_PRED10(1);
+    DO_PRED10(2);
+    DO_PRED10(3);
+  }
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[10](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+#undef DO_PRED10
+// Predictor11: select.
+#define DO_PRED11(LANE) do {                                                   \
+  const uint8x16_t sumLin = vaddq_u8(L, src);  /* in + L */                    \
+  const uint8x16_t pLTL = vabdq_u8(L, TL);  /* |L - TL| */                     \
+  const uint16x8_t sum_LTL = vpaddlq_u8(pLTL);                                 \
+  const uint32x4_t pa = vpaddlq_u16(sum_LTL);                                  \
+  const uint32x4_t mask = vcleq_u32(pa, pb);                                   \
+  const uint8x16_t res = vbslq_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_u32(mask), sumTin, sumLin); \
+  vst1q_lane_u32(&out[i + (LANE)], vreinterpretq_u32_u8(res), (LANE));         \
+  L = ROTATE32_LEFT(res);                                                      \
+} while (0)
+static void PredictorAdd11_NEON(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  uint8x16_t L = LOADQ_U32_AS_U8(out[-1]);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const uint8x16_t T = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t TL = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i - 1]);
+    const uint8x16_t pTTL = vabdq_u8(T, TL);   // |T - TL|
+    const uint16x8_t sum_TTL = vpaddlq_u8(pTTL);
+    const uint32x4_t pb = vpaddlq_u16(sum_TTL);
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t sumTin = vaddq_u8(T, src);   // in + T
+    DO_PRED11(0);
+    DO_PRED11(1);
+    DO_PRED11(2);
+    DO_PRED11(3);
+  }
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[11](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+#undef DO_PRED11
+// Predictor12: ClampedAddSubtractFull.
+#define DO_PRED12(DIFF, LANE) do {                                       \
+  const uint8x8_t pred =                                                 \
+      vqmovun_s16(vaddq_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(L), (DIFF)));          \
+  const uint8x8_t res =                                                  \
+      vadd_u8(pred, (LANE <= 1) ? vget_low_u8(src) : vget_high_u8(src)); \
+  const uint16x8_t res16 = vmovl_u8(res);                                \
+  vst1_lane_u32(&out[i + (LANE)], vreinterpret_u32_u8(res), (LANE) & 1); \
+  /* rotate in the left predictor for next iteration */                  \
+  L = vextq_u16(res16, res16, 4);                                        \
+} while (0)
+static void PredictorAdd12_NEON(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  uint16x8_t L = vmovl_u8(LOAD_U32_AS_U8(out[-1]));
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    // load four pixels of source
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);
+    // precompute the difference T - TL once for all, stored as s16
+    const uint8x16_t TL = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i - 1]);
+    const uint8x16_t T = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i]);
+    const int16x8_t diff_lo =
+        vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vsubl_u8(vget_low_u8(T), vget_low_u8(TL)));
+    const int16x8_t diff_hi =
+        vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vsubl_u8(vget_high_u8(T), vget_high_u8(TL)));
+    // loop over the four reconstructed pixels
+    DO_PRED12(diff_lo, 0);
+    DO_PRED12(diff_lo, 1);
+    DO_PRED12(diff_hi, 2);
+    DO_PRED12(diff_hi, 3);
+  }
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[12](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+#undef DO_PRED12
+// Predictor13: ClampedAddSubtractHalf
+#define DO_PRED13(LANE, LOW_OR_HI) do {                                        \
+  const uint8x16_t avg = vhaddq_u8(L, T);                                      \
+  const uint8x16_t cmp = vcgtq_u8(TL, avg);                                    \
+  const uint8x16_t TL_1 = vaddq_u8(TL, cmp);                                   \
+  /* Compute half of the difference between avg and TL'. */                    \
+  const int8x8_t diff_avg =                                                    \
+      vreinterpret_s8_u8(LOW_OR_HI(vhsubq_u8(avg, TL_1)));                     \
+  /* Compute the sum with avg and saturate. */                                 \
+  const int16x8_t avg_16 = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(LOW_OR_HI(avg)));    \
+  const uint8x8_t delta = vqmovun_s16(vaddw_s8(avg_16, diff_avg));             \
+  const uint8x8_t res = vadd_u8(LOW_OR_HI(src), delta);                        \
+  const uint8x16_t res2 = vcombine_u8(res, res);                               \
+  vst1_lane_u32(&out[i + (LANE)], vreinterpret_u32_u8(res), (LANE) & 1);       \
+  L = ROTATE32_LEFT(res2);                                                     \
+} while (0)
+static void PredictorAdd13_NEON(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  uint8x16_t L = LOADQ_U32_AS_U8(out[-1]);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const uint8x16_t src = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&in[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t T = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i]);
+    const uint8x16_t TL = LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8(&upper[i - 1]);
+    DO_PRED13(0, vget_low_u8);
+    DO_PRED13(1, vget_low_u8);
+    DO_PRED13(2, vget_high_u8);
+    DO_PRED13(3, vget_high_u8);
+  }
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[13](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+#undef DO_PRED13
+#undef LOAD_U32_AS_U8
+#undef LOAD_U32P_AS_U8
+#undef LOADQ_U32_AS_U8
+#undef LOADQ_U32P_AS_U8
+#undef GET_U8_AS_U32
+#undef GETQ_U8_AS_U32
+#undef STOREQ_U8_AS_U32P
+#undef ROTATE32_LEFT
 // Subtract-Green Transform
@@ -171,28 +522,30 @@
 #endif  // USE_VTBLQ
-static void AddGreenToBlueAndRed(uint32_t* argb_data, int num_pixels) {
-  const uint32_t* const end = argb_data + (num_pixels & ~3);
+static void AddGreenToBlueAndRed(const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels,
+                                 uint32_t* dst) {
+  const uint32_t* const end = src + (num_pixels & ~3);
 #ifdef USE_VTBLQ
   const uint8x16_t shuffle = vld1q_u8(kGreenShuffle);
   const uint8x8_t shuffle = vld1_u8(kGreenShuffle);
-  for (; argb_data < end; argb_data += 4) {
-    const uint8x16_t argb = vld1q_u8((uint8_t*)argb_data);
+  for (; src < end; src += 4, dst += 4) {
+    const uint8x16_t argb = vld1q_u8((const uint8_t*)src);
     const uint8x16_t greens = DoGreenShuffle(argb, shuffle);
-    vst1q_u8((uint8_t*)argb_data, vaddq_u8(argb, greens));
+    vst1q_u8((uint8_t*)dst, vaddq_u8(argb, greens));
   // fallthrough and finish off with plain-C
-  VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed_C(argb_data, num_pixels & 3);
+  VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed_C(src, num_pixels & 3, dst);
 // Color Transform
 static void TransformColorInverse(const VP8LMultipliers* const m,
-                                  uint32_t* argb_data, int num_pixels) {
-  // sign-extended multiplying constants, pre-shifted by 6.
+                                  const uint32_t* const src, int num_pixels,
+                                  uint32_t* dst) {
+// sign-extended multiplying constants, pre-shifted by 6.
 #define CST(X)  (((int16_t)(m->X << 8)) >> 6)
   const int16_t rb[8] = {
     CST(green_to_blue_), CST(green_to_red_),
@@ -219,7 +572,7 @@
   const uint32x4_t mask_ag = vdupq_n_u32(0xff00ff00u);
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
-    const uint8x16_t in = vld1q_u8((uint8_t*)(argb_data + i));
+    const uint8x16_t in = vld1q_u8((const uint8_t*)(src + i));
     const uint32x4_t a0g0 = vandq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u8(in), mask_ag);
     // 0 g 0 g
     const uint8x16_t greens = DoGreenShuffle(in, shuffle);
@@ -240,10 +593,10 @@
     // 0  r'  0  b''
     const uint16x8_t G = vshrq_n_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s8(F), 8);
     const uint32x4_t out = vorrq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u16(G), a0g0);
-    vst1q_u32(argb_data + i, out);
+    vst1q_u32(dst + i, out);
   // Fall-back to C-version for left-overs.
-  VP8LTransformColorInverse_C(m, argb_data + i, num_pixels - i);
+  VP8LTransformColorInverse_C(m, src + i, num_pixels - i, dst + i);
 #undef USE_VTBLQ
@@ -254,6 +607,26 @@
 extern void VP8LDspInitNEON(void);
+  VP8LPredictors[5] = Predictor5_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictors[6] = Predictor6_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictors[7] = Predictor7_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictors[13] = Predictor13_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[0] = PredictorAdd0_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[1] = PredictorAdd1_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[2] = PredictorAdd2_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[3] = PredictorAdd3_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[4] = PredictorAdd4_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[5] = PredictorAdd5_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[6] = PredictorAdd6_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[7] = PredictorAdd7_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[8] = PredictorAdd8_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[9] = PredictorAdd9_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[10] = PredictorAdd10_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[11] = PredictorAdd11_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[12] = PredictorAdd12_NEON;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[13] = PredictorAdd13_NEON;
   VP8LConvertBGRAToBGR = ConvertBGRAToBGR;
   VP8LConvertBGRAToRGB = ConvertBGRAToRGB;
diff --git a/src/dsp/lossless_sse2.c b/src/dsp/lossless_sse2.c
index 2d016c2..15aae93 100644
--- a/src/dsp/lossless_sse2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/lossless_sse2.c
@@ -14,9 +14,12 @@
 #include "./dsp.h"
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_SSE2)
+#include "./common_sse2.h"
+#include "./lossless.h"
+#include "./lossless_common.h"
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <emmintrin.h>
-#include "./lossless.h"
 // Predictor Transform
@@ -75,25 +78,44 @@
   return (pa_minus_pb <= 0) ? a : b;
-static WEBP_INLINE __m128i Average2_128i(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1) {
+static WEBP_INLINE void Average2_m128i(const __m128i* const a0,
+                                       const __m128i* const a1,
+                                       __m128i* const avg) {
+  // (a + b) >> 1 = ((a + b + 1) >> 1) - ((a ^ b) & 1)
+  const __m128i ones = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
+  const __m128i avg1 = _mm_avg_epu8(*a0, *a1);
+  const __m128i one = _mm_and_si128(_mm_xor_si128(*a0, *a1), ones);
+  *avg = _mm_sub_epi8(avg1, one);
+static WEBP_INLINE void Average2_uint32(const uint32_t a0, const uint32_t a1,
+                                        __m128i* const avg) {
+  // (a + b) >> 1 = ((a + b + 1) >> 1) - ((a ^ b) & 1)
+  const __m128i ones = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
+  const __m128i A0 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(a0);
+  const __m128i A1 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(a1);
+  const __m128i avg1 = _mm_avg_epu8(A0, A1);
+  const __m128i one = _mm_and_si128(_mm_xor_si128(A0, A1), ones);
+  *avg = _mm_sub_epi8(avg1, one);
+static WEBP_INLINE __m128i Average2_uint32_16(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1) {
   const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
   const __m128i A0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(a0), zero);
   const __m128i A1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(a1), zero);
   const __m128i sum = _mm_add_epi16(A1, A0);
-  const __m128i avg = _mm_srli_epi16(sum, 1);
-  return avg;
+  return _mm_srli_epi16(sum, 1);
 static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Average2(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1) {
-  const __m128i avg = Average2_128i(a0, a1);
-  const __m128i A2 = _mm_packus_epi16(avg, avg);
-  const uint32_t output = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(A2);
-  return output;
+  __m128i output;
+  Average2_uint32(a0, a1, &output);
+  return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(output);
 static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Average3(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1, uint32_t a2) {
   const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
-  const __m128i avg1 = Average2_128i(a0, a2);
+  const __m128i avg1 = Average2_uint32_16(a0, a2);
   const __m128i A1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(a1), zero);
   const __m128i sum = _mm_add_epi16(avg1, A1);
   const __m128i avg2 = _mm_srli_epi16(sum, 1);
@@ -104,8 +126,8 @@
 static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Average4(uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1,
                                      uint32_t a2, uint32_t a3) {
-  const __m128i avg1 = Average2_128i(a0, a1);
-  const __m128i avg2 = Average2_128i(a2, a3);
+  const __m128i avg1 = Average2_uint32_16(a0, a1);
+  const __m128i avg2 = Average2_uint32_16(a2, a3);
   const __m128i sum = _mm_add_epi16(avg2, avg1);
   const __m128i avg3 = _mm_srli_epi16(sum, 1);
   const __m128i A0 = _mm_packus_epi16(avg3, avg3);
@@ -113,68 +135,289 @@
   return output;
-static uint32_t Predictor5(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+static uint32_t Predictor5_SSE2(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
   const uint32_t pred = Average3(left, top[0], top[1]);
   return pred;
-static uint32_t Predictor6(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+static uint32_t Predictor6_SSE2(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
   const uint32_t pred = Average2(left, top[-1]);
   return pred;
-static uint32_t Predictor7(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+static uint32_t Predictor7_SSE2(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
   const uint32_t pred = Average2(left, top[0]);
   return pred;
-static uint32_t Predictor8(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+static uint32_t Predictor8_SSE2(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
   const uint32_t pred = Average2(top[-1], top[0]);
   return pred;
-static uint32_t Predictor9(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+static uint32_t Predictor9_SSE2(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
   const uint32_t pred = Average2(top[0], top[1]);
   return pred;
-static uint32_t Predictor10(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+static uint32_t Predictor10_SSE2(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
   const uint32_t pred = Average4(left, top[-1], top[0], top[1]);
   return pred;
-static uint32_t Predictor11(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+static uint32_t Predictor11_SSE2(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
   const uint32_t pred = Select(top[0], left, top[-1]);
   return pred;
-static uint32_t Predictor12(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+static uint32_t Predictor12_SSE2(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
   const uint32_t pred = ClampedAddSubtractFull(left, top[0], top[-1]);
   return pred;
-static uint32_t Predictor13(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
+static uint32_t Predictor13_SSE2(uint32_t left, const uint32_t* const top) {
   const uint32_t pred = ClampedAddSubtractHalf(left, top[0], top[-1]);
   return pred;
+// Batch versions of those functions.
+// Predictor0: ARGB_BLACK.
+static void PredictorAdd0_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                               int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  const __m128i black = _mm_set1_epi32(ARGB_BLACK);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    const __m128i res = _mm_add_epi8(src, black);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[0](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
+// Predictor1: left.
+static void PredictorAdd1_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                               int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  __m128i prev = _mm_set1_epi32(out[-1]);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    // a | b | c | d
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    // 0 | a | b | c
+    const __m128i shift0 = _mm_slli_si128(src, 4);
+    // a | a + b | b + c | c + d
+    const __m128i sum0 = _mm_add_epi8(src, shift0);
+    // 0 | 0 | a | a + b
+    const __m128i shift1 = _mm_slli_si128(sum0, 8);
+    // a | a + b | a + b + c | a + b + c + d
+    const __m128i sum1 = _mm_add_epi8(sum0, shift1);
+    const __m128i res = _mm_add_epi8(sum1, prev);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);
+    // replicate prev output on the four lanes
+    prev = _mm_shuffle_epi32(res, (3 << 0) | (3 << 2) | (3 << 4) | (3 << 6));
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[1](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
+// Macro that adds 32-bit integers from IN using mod 256 arithmetic
+// per 8 bit channel.
+#define GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(X, IN)                                           \
+static void PredictorAdd##X##_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper, \
+                                  int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {            \
+  int i;                                                                      \
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {                                  \
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);              \
+    const __m128i other = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&(IN));             \
+    const __m128i res = _mm_add_epi8(src, other);                             \
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);                                 \
+  }                                                                           \
+  if (i != num_pixels) {                                                      \
+    VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[(X)](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);     \
+  }                                                                           \
+// Predictor2: Top.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(2, upper[i])
+// Predictor3: Top-right.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(3, upper[i + 1])
+// Predictor4: Top-left.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_1(4, upper[i - 1])
+// Due to averages with integers, values cannot be accumulated in parallel for
+// predictors 5 to 7.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor5_SSE2, PredictorAdd5_SSE2)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor6_SSE2, PredictorAdd6_SSE2)
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor7_SSE2, PredictorAdd7_SSE2)
+#define GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(X, IN)                                           \
+static void PredictorAdd##X##_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper, \
+                                   int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {           \
+  int i;                                                                      \
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {                                  \
+    const __m128i Tother = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&(IN));            \
+    const __m128i T = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i]);             \
+    const __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);              \
+    __m128i avg, res;                                                         \
+    Average2_m128i(&T, &Tother, &avg);                                        \
+    res = _mm_add_epi8(avg, src);                                             \
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[i], res);                                 \
+  }                                                                           \
+  if (i != num_pixels) {                                                      \
+    VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[(X)](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);     \
+  }                                                                           \
+// Predictor8: average TL T.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(8, upper[i - 1])
+// Predictor9: average T TR.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_2(9, upper[i + 1])
+// Predictor10: average of (average of (L,TL), average of (T, TR)).
+static void PredictorAdd10_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i, j;
+  __m128i L = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(out[-1]);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    __m128i TL = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i T = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i]);
+    const __m128i TR = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i + 1]);
+    __m128i avgTTR;
+    Average2_m128i(&T, &TR, &avgTTR);
+    for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
+      __m128i avgLTL, avg;
+      Average2_m128i(&L, &TL, &avgLTL);
+      Average2_m128i(&avgTTR, &avgLTL, &avg);
+      L = _mm_add_epi8(avg, src);
+      out[i + j] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(L);
+      // Rotate the pre-computed values for the next iteration.
+      avgTTR = _mm_srli_si128(avgTTR, 4);
+      TL = _mm_srli_si128(TL, 4);
+      src = _mm_srli_si128(src, 4);
+    }
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[10](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
+// Predictor11: select.
+static void GetSumAbsDiff32(const __m128i* const A, const __m128i* const B,
+                            __m128i* const out) {
+  // We can unpack with any value on the upper 32 bits, provided it's the same
+  // on both operands (to that their sum of abs diff is zero). Here we use *A.
+  const __m128i A_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(*A, *A);
+  const __m128i B_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(*B, *A);
+  const __m128i A_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(*A, *A);
+  const __m128i B_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(*B, *A);
+  const __m128i s_lo = _mm_sad_epu8(A_lo, B_lo);
+  const __m128i s_hi = _mm_sad_epu8(A_hi, B_hi);
+  *out = _mm_packs_epi32(s_lo, s_hi);
+static void PredictorAdd11_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i, j;
+  __m128i L = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(out[-1]);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    __m128i T = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i]);
+    __m128i TL = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i - 1]);
+    __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    __m128i pa;
+    GetSumAbsDiff32(&T, &TL, &pa);   // pa = sum |T-TL|
+    for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
+      const __m128i L_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(L, L);
+      const __m128i TL_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(TL, L);
+      const __m128i pb = _mm_sad_epu8(L_lo, TL_lo);  // pb = sum |L-TL|
+      const __m128i mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi32(pb, pa);
+      const __m128i A = _mm_and_si128(mask, L);
+      const __m128i B = _mm_andnot_si128(mask, T);
+      const __m128i pred = _mm_or_si128(A, B);    // pred = (L > T)? L : T
+      L = _mm_add_epi8(src, pred);
+      out[i + j] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(L);
+      // Shift the pre-computed value for the next iteration.
+      T = _mm_srli_si128(T, 4);
+      TL = _mm_srli_si128(TL, 4);
+      src = _mm_srli_si128(src, 4);
+      pa = _mm_srli_si128(pa, 4);
+    }
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[11](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
+// Predictor12: ClampedAddSubtractFull.
+#define DO_PRED12(DIFF, LANE, OUT)                          \
+do {                                                        \
+  const __m128i all = _mm_add_epi16(L, (DIFF));             \
+  const __m128i alls = _mm_packus_epi16(all, all);          \
+  const __m128i res = _mm_add_epi8(src, alls);              \
+  out[i + (OUT)] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(res);                  \
+  L = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(res, zero);                         \
+  /* Shift the pre-computed value for the next iteration.*/ \
+  if (LANE == 0) (DIFF) = _mm_srli_si128((DIFF), 8);        \
+  src = _mm_srli_si128(src, 4);                             \
+} while (0)
+static void PredictorAdd12_SSE2(const uint32_t* in, const uint32_t* upper,
+                                int num_pixels, uint32_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+  const __m128i L8 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(out[-1]);
+  __m128i L = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(L8, zero);
+  for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
+    // Load 4 pixels at a time.
+    __m128i src = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&in[i]);
+    const __m128i T = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i]);
+    const __m128i T_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(T, zero);
+    const __m128i T_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(T, zero);
+    const __m128i TL = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&upper[i - 1]);
+    const __m128i TL_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(TL, zero);
+    const __m128i TL_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(TL, zero);
+    __m128i diff_lo = _mm_sub_epi16(T_lo, TL_lo);
+    __m128i diff_hi = _mm_sub_epi16(T_hi, TL_hi);
+    DO_PRED12(diff_lo, 0, 0);
+    DO_PRED12(diff_lo, 1, 1);
+    DO_PRED12(diff_hi, 0, 2);
+    DO_PRED12(diff_hi, 1, 3);
+  }
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LPredictorsAdd_C[12](in + i, upper + i, num_pixels - i, out + i);
+  }
+#undef DO_PRED12
+// Due to averages with integers, values cannot be accumulated in parallel for
+// predictors 13.
+GENERATE_PREDICTOR_ADD(Predictor13_SSE2, PredictorAdd13_SSE2)
 // Subtract-Green Transform
-static void AddGreenToBlueAndRed(uint32_t* argb_data, int num_pixels) {
+static void AddGreenToBlueAndRed(const uint32_t* const src, int num_pixels,
+                                 uint32_t* dst) {
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
-    const __m128i in = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)&argb_data[i]); // argb
+    const __m128i in = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&src[i]); // argb
     const __m128i A = _mm_srli_epi16(in, 8);     // 0 a 0 g
     const __m128i B = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(A, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 0, 0));
     const __m128i C = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(B, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 0, 0));  // 0g0g
     const __m128i out = _mm_add_epi8(in, C);
-    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&argb_data[i], out);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&dst[i], out);
   // fallthrough and finish off with plain-C
-  VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed_C(argb_data + i, num_pixels - i);
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed_C(src + i, num_pixels - i, dst + i);
+  }
 // Color Transform
 static void TransformColorInverse(const VP8LMultipliers* const m,
-                                  uint32_t* argb_data, int num_pixels) {
-  // sign-extended multiplying constants, pre-shifted by 5.
+                                  const uint32_t* const src, int num_pixels,
+                                  uint32_t* dst) {
+// sign-extended multiplying constants, pre-shifted by 5.
 #define CST(X)  (((int16_t)(m->X << 8)) >> 5)   // sign-extend
   const __m128i mults_rb = _mm_set_epi16(
       CST(green_to_red_), CST(green_to_blue_),
@@ -188,7 +431,7 @@
   const __m128i mask_ag = _mm_set1_epi32(0xff00ff00);  // alpha-green masks
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i + 4 <= num_pixels; i += 4) {
-    const __m128i in = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)&argb_data[i]); // argb
+    const __m128i in = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&src[i]); // argb
     const __m128i A = _mm_and_si128(in, mask_ag);     // a   0   g   0
     const __m128i B = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(A, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 0, 0));
     const __m128i C = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(B, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 0, 0));  // g0g0
@@ -200,15 +443,53 @@
     const __m128i I = _mm_add_epi8(H, F);              // r' x  b'' 0
     const __m128i J = _mm_srli_epi16(I, 8);            // 0  r'  0  b''
     const __m128i out = _mm_or_si128(J, A);
-    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&argb_data[i], out);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&dst[i], out);
   // Fall-back to C-version for left-overs.
-  VP8LTransformColorInverse_C(m, argb_data + i, num_pixels - i);
+  if (i != num_pixels) {
+    VP8LTransformColorInverse_C(m, src + i, num_pixels - i, dst + i);
+  }
 // Color-space conversion functions
+static void ConvertBGRAToRGB(const uint32_t* src, int num_pixels,
+                             uint8_t* dst) {
+  const __m128i* in = (const __m128i*)src;
+  __m128i* out = (__m128i*)dst;
+  while (num_pixels >= 32) {
+    // Load the BGRA buffers.
+    __m128i in0 = _mm_loadu_si128(in + 0);
+    __m128i in1 = _mm_loadu_si128(in + 1);
+    __m128i in2 = _mm_loadu_si128(in + 2);
+    __m128i in3 = _mm_loadu_si128(in + 3);
+    __m128i in4 = _mm_loadu_si128(in + 4);
+    __m128i in5 = _mm_loadu_si128(in + 5);
+    __m128i in6 = _mm_loadu_si128(in + 6);
+    __m128i in7 = _mm_loadu_si128(in + 7);
+    VP8L32bToPlanar(&in0, &in1, &in2, &in3);
+    VP8L32bToPlanar(&in4, &in5, &in6, &in7);
+    // At this points, in1/in5 contains red only, in2/in6 green only ...
+    // Pack the colors in 24b RGB.
+    VP8PlanarTo24b(&in1, &in5, &in2, &in6, &in3, &in7);
+    _mm_storeu_si128(out + 0, in1);
+    _mm_storeu_si128(out + 1, in5);
+    _mm_storeu_si128(out + 2, in2);
+    _mm_storeu_si128(out + 3, in6);
+    _mm_storeu_si128(out + 4, in3);
+    _mm_storeu_si128(out + 5, in7);
+    in += 8;
+    out += 6;
+    num_pixels -= 32;
+  }
+  // left-overs
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    VP8LConvertBGRAToRGB_C((const uint32_t*)in, num_pixels, (uint8_t*)out);
+  }
 static void ConvertBGRAToRGBA(const uint32_t* src,
                               int num_pixels, uint8_t* dst) {
   const __m128i* in = (const __m128i*)src;
@@ -233,7 +514,9 @@
     num_pixels -= 8;
   // left-overs
-  VP8LConvertBGRAToRGBA_C((const uint32_t*)in, num_pixels, (uint8_t*)out);
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    VP8LConvertBGRAToRGBA_C((const uint32_t*)in, num_pixels, (uint8_t*)out);
+  }
 static void ConvertBGRAToRGBA4444(const uint32_t* src,
@@ -267,7 +550,9 @@
     num_pixels -= 8;
   // left-overs
-  VP8LConvertBGRAToRGBA4444_C((const uint32_t*)in, num_pixels, (uint8_t*)out);
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    VP8LConvertBGRAToRGBA4444_C((const uint32_t*)in, num_pixels, (uint8_t*)out);
+  }
 static void ConvertBGRAToRGB565(const uint32_t* src,
@@ -306,7 +591,9 @@
     num_pixels -= 8;
   // left-overs
-  VP8LConvertBGRAToRGB565_C((const uint32_t*)in, num_pixels, (uint8_t*)out);
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    VP8LConvertBGRAToRGB565_C((const uint32_t*)in, num_pixels, (uint8_t*)out);
+  }
 static void ConvertBGRAToBGR(const uint32_t* src,
@@ -337,7 +624,9 @@
     num_pixels -= 8;
   // left-overs
-  VP8LConvertBGRAToBGR_C((const uint32_t*)in, num_pixels, dst);
+  if (num_pixels > 0) {
+    VP8LConvertBGRAToBGR_C((const uint32_t*)in, num_pixels, dst);
+  }
@@ -346,19 +635,35 @@
 extern void VP8LDspInitSSE2(void);
-  VP8LPredictors[5] = Predictor5;
-  VP8LPredictors[6] = Predictor6;
-  VP8LPredictors[7] = Predictor7;
-  VP8LPredictors[8] = Predictor8;
-  VP8LPredictors[9] = Predictor9;
-  VP8LPredictors[10] = Predictor10;
-  VP8LPredictors[11] = Predictor11;
-  VP8LPredictors[12] = Predictor12;
-  VP8LPredictors[13] = Predictor13;
+  VP8LPredictors[5] = Predictor5_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictors[6] = Predictor6_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictors[7] = Predictor7_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictors[8] = Predictor8_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictors[9] = Predictor9_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictors[10] = Predictor10_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictors[11] = Predictor11_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictors[12] = Predictor12_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictors[13] = Predictor13_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[0] = PredictorAdd0_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[1] = PredictorAdd1_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[2] = PredictorAdd2_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[3] = PredictorAdd3_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[4] = PredictorAdd4_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[5] = PredictorAdd5_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[6] = PredictorAdd6_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[7] = PredictorAdd7_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[8] = PredictorAdd8_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[9] = PredictorAdd9_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[10] = PredictorAdd10_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[11] = PredictorAdd11_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[12] = PredictorAdd12_SSE2;
+  VP8LPredictorsAdd[13] = PredictorAdd13_SSE2;
   VP8LAddGreenToBlueAndRed = AddGreenToBlueAndRed;
   VP8LTransformColorInverse = TransformColorInverse;
+  VP8LConvertBGRAToRGB = ConvertBGRAToRGB;
   VP8LConvertBGRAToRGBA4444 = ConvertBGRAToRGBA4444;
   VP8LConvertBGRAToRGB565 = ConvertBGRAToRGB565;
diff --git a/src/dsp/msa_macro.h b/src/dsp/msa_macro.h
index 5c707f4..d0e5f45 100644
--- a/src/dsp/msa_macro.h
+++ b/src/dsp/msa_macro.h
@@ -23,12 +23,24 @@
   #define ADDVI_H(a, b)  __msa_addvi_h((v8i16)a, b)
+  #define ADDVI_W(a, b)  __msa_addvi_w((v4i32)a, b)
+  #define SRAI_B(a, b)  __msa_srai_b((v16i8)a, b)
   #define SRAI_H(a, b)  __msa_srai_h((v8i16)a, b)
   #define SRAI_W(a, b)  __msa_srai_w((v4i32)a, b)
+  #define SRLI_H(a, b)  __msa_srli_h((v8i16)a, b)
+  #define SLLI_B(a, b)  __msa_slli_b((v4i32)a, b)
+  #define ANDI_B(a, b)  __msa_andi_b((v16u8)a, b)
+  #define ORI_B(a, b)   __msa_ori_b((v16u8)a, b)
   #define ADDVI_H(a, b)  (a + b)
+  #define ADDVI_W(a, b)  (a + b)
+  #define SRAI_B(a, b)  (a >> b)
   #define SRAI_H(a, b)  (a >> b)
   #define SRAI_W(a, b)  (a >> b)
+  #define SRLI_H(a, b)  (a << b)
+  #define SLLI_B(a, b)  (a << b)
+  #define ANDI_B(a, b)  (a & b)
+  #define ORI_B(a, b)   (a | b)
 #define LD_B(RTYPE, psrc) *((RTYPE*)(psrc))
@@ -116,13 +128,13 @@
   #define SH(val, pdst)  MSA_STORE(val, pdst, msa_ush)
   MSA_STORE_FUNC(uint32_t, usw, msa_usw);
   #define SW(val, pdst)  MSA_STORE(val, pdst, msa_usw)
-  #define SD(val, pdst) {                                                  \
+  #define SD(val, pdst) do {                                               \
     uint8_t* const pdst_sd_m = (uint8_t*)(pdst);                           \
     const uint32_t val0_m = (uint32_t)(val & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF);          \
     const uint32_t val1_m = (uint32_t)((val >> 32) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF);  \
     SW(val0_m, pdst_sd_m);                                                 \
     SW(val1_m, pdst_sd_m + 4);                                             \
-  }
+  } while (0)
 #endif  // (__mips_isa_rev >= 6)
 /* Description : Load 4 words with stride
@@ -133,34 +145,68 @@
  *               Load word in 'out2' from (psrc + 2 * stride)
  *               Load word in 'out3' from (psrc + 3 * stride)
-#define LW4(psrc, stride, out0, out1, out2, out3) {  \
-  const uint8_t* ptmp = (const uint8_t*)psrc;        \
-  out0 = LW(ptmp);                                   \
-  ptmp += stride;                                    \
-  out1 = LW(ptmp);                                   \
-  ptmp += stride;                                    \
-  out2 = LW(ptmp);                                   \
-  ptmp += stride;                                    \
-  out3 = LW(ptmp);                                   \
+#define LW4(psrc, stride, out0, out1, out2, out3) do {  \
+  const uint8_t* ptmp = (const uint8_t*)psrc;           \
+  out0 = LW(ptmp);                                      \
+  ptmp += stride;                                       \
+  out1 = LW(ptmp);                                      \
+  ptmp += stride;                                       \
+  out2 = LW(ptmp);                                      \
+  ptmp += stride;                                       \
+  out3 = LW(ptmp);                                      \
+} while (0)
-/* Description : Store 4 words with stride
+/* Description : Store words with stride
  * Arguments   : Inputs - in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride
  * Details     : Store word from 'in0' to (pdst)
  *               Store word from 'in1' to (pdst + stride)
  *               Store word from 'in2' to (pdst + 2 * stride)
  *               Store word from 'in3' to (pdst + 3 * stride)
-#define SW4(in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride) {  \
-  uint8_t* ptmp = (uint8_t*)pdst;                \
-  SW(in0, ptmp);                                 \
-  ptmp += stride;                                \
-  SW(in1, ptmp);                                 \
-  ptmp += stride;                                \
-  SW(in2, ptmp);                                 \
-  ptmp += stride;                                \
-  SW(in3, ptmp);                                 \
+#define SW4(in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  uint8_t* ptmp = (uint8_t*)pdst;                   \
+  SW(in0, ptmp);                                    \
+  ptmp += stride;                                   \
+  SW(in1, ptmp);                                    \
+  ptmp += stride;                                   \
+  SW(in2, ptmp);                                    \
+  ptmp += stride;                                   \
+  SW(in3, ptmp);                                    \
+} while (0)
+#define SW3(in0, in1, in2, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  uint8_t* ptmp = (uint8_t*)pdst;              \
+  SW(in0, ptmp);                               \
+  ptmp += stride;                              \
+  SW(in1, ptmp);                               \
+  ptmp += stride;                              \
+  SW(in2, ptmp);                               \
+} while (0)
+#define SW2(in0, in1, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  uint8_t* ptmp = (uint8_t*)pdst;         \
+  SW(in0, ptmp);                          \
+  ptmp += stride;                         \
+  SW(in1, ptmp);                          \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : Store 4 double words with stride
+ * Arguments   : Inputs - in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride
+ * Details     : Store double word from 'in0' to (pdst)
+ *               Store double word from 'in1' to (pdst + stride)
+ *               Store double word from 'in2' to (pdst + 2 * stride)
+ *               Store double word from 'in3' to (pdst + 3 * stride)
+ */
+#define SD4(in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  uint8_t* ptmp = (uint8_t*)pdst;                   \
+  SD(in0, ptmp);                                    \
+  ptmp += stride;                                   \
+  SD(in1, ptmp);                                    \
+  ptmp += stride;                                   \
+  SD(in2, ptmp);                                    \
+  ptmp += stride;                                   \
+  SD(in3, ptmp);                                    \
+} while (0)
 /* Description : Load vectors with 16 byte elements with stride
  * Arguments   : Inputs  - psrc, stride
@@ -169,33 +215,169 @@
  * Details     : Load 16 byte elements in 'out0' from (psrc)
  *               Load 16 byte elements in 'out1' from (psrc + stride)
-#define LD_B2(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1) {  \
-  out0 = LD_B(RTYPE, psrc);                       \
-  out1 = LD_B(RTYPE, psrc + stride);              \
+#define LD_B2(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = LD_B(RTYPE, psrc);                          \
+  out1 = LD_B(RTYPE, psrc + stride);                 \
+} while (0)
 #define LD_UB2(...) LD_B2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define LD_SB2(...) LD_B2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LD_B4(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1, out2, out3) {  \
-  LD_B2(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1);                     \
-  LD_B2(RTYPE, psrc + 2 * stride , stride, out2, out3);       \
+#define LD_B3(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1, out2) do {  \
+  LD_B2(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1);                  \
+  out2 = LD_B(RTYPE, psrc + 2 * stride);                   \
+} while (0)
+#define LD_UB3(...) LD_B3(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LD_SB3(...) LD_B3(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LD_B4(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1, out2, out3) do {  \
+  LD_B2(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1);                        \
+  LD_B2(RTYPE, psrc + 2 * stride , stride, out2, out3);          \
+} while (0)
 #define LD_UB4(...) LD_B4(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define LD_SB4(...) LD_B4(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LD_B8(RTYPE, psrc, stride,                                  \
+              out0, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7) do {  \
+  LD_B4(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1, out2, out3);               \
+  LD_B4(RTYPE, psrc + 4 * stride, stride, out4, out5, out6, out7);  \
+} while (0)
+#define LD_UB8(...) LD_B8(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LD_SB8(...) LD_B8(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
 /* Description : Load vectors with 8 halfword elements with stride
  * Arguments   : Inputs  - psrc, stride
  *               Outputs - out0, out1
  * Details     : Load 8 halfword elements in 'out0' from (psrc)
  *               Load 8 halfword elements in 'out1' from (psrc + stride)
-#define LD_H2(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1) {  \
-  out0 = LD_H(RTYPE, psrc);                       \
-  out1 = LD_H(RTYPE, psrc + stride);              \
+#define LD_H2(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = LD_H(RTYPE, psrc);                          \
+  out1 = LD_H(RTYPE, psrc + stride);                 \
+} while (0)
 #define LD_UH2(...) LD_H2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define LD_SH2(...) LD_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Load vectors with 4 word elements with stride
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - psrc, stride
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1, out2, out3
+ * Details     : Load 4 word elements in 'out0' from (psrc + 0 * stride)
+ *               Load 4 word elements in 'out1' from (psrc + 1 * stride)
+ *               Load 4 word elements in 'out2' from (psrc + 2 * stride)
+ *               Load 4 word elements in 'out3' from (psrc + 3 * stride)
+ */
+#define LD_W2(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = LD_W(RTYPE, psrc);                          \
+  out1 = LD_W(RTYPE, psrc + stride);                 \
+} while (0)
+#define LD_UW2(...) LD_W2(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LD_SW2(...) LD_W2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LD_W3(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1, out2) do {  \
+  LD_W2(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1);                  \
+  out2 = LD_W(RTYPE, psrc + 2 * stride);                   \
+} while (0)
+#define LD_UW3(...) LD_W3(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LD_SW3(...) LD_W3(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LD_W4(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1, out2, out3) do {  \
+  LD_W2(RTYPE, psrc, stride, out0, out1);                        \
+  LD_W2(RTYPE, psrc + 2 * stride, stride, out2, out3);           \
+} while (0)
+#define LD_UW4(...) LD_W4(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LD_SW4(...) LD_W4(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Store vectors of 16 byte elements with stride
+ * Arguments   : Inputs - in0, in1, pdst, stride
+ * Details     : Store 16 byte elements from 'in0' to (pdst)
+ *               Store 16 byte elements from 'in1' to (pdst + stride)
+ */
+#define ST_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  ST_B(RTYPE, in0, pdst);                          \
+  ST_B(RTYPE, in1, pdst + stride);                 \
+} while (0)
+#define ST_UB2(...) ST_B2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ST_SB2(...) ST_B2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ST_B4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  ST_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, pdst, stride);                      \
+  ST_B2(RTYPE, in2, in3, pdst + 2 * stride, stride);         \
+} while (0)
+#define ST_UB4(...) ST_B4(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ST_SB4(...) ST_B4(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ST_B8(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,    \
+              pdst, stride) do {                                \
+  ST_B4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride);               \
+  ST_B4(RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, pdst + 4 * stride, stride);  \
+} while (0)
+#define ST_UB8(...) ST_B8(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Store vectors of 4 word elements with stride
+ * Arguments   : Inputs - in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride
+ * Details     : Store 4 word elements from 'in0' to (pdst + 0 * stride)
+ *               Store 4 word elements from 'in1' to (pdst + 1 * stride)
+ *               Store 4 word elements from 'in2' to (pdst + 2 * stride)
+ *               Store 4 word elements from 'in3' to (pdst + 3 * stride)
+ */
+#define ST_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  ST_W(RTYPE, in0, pdst);                          \
+  ST_W(RTYPE, in1, pdst + stride);                 \
+} while (0)
+#define ST_UW2(...) ST_W2(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ST_SW2(...) ST_W2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ST_W3(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  ST_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, pdst, stride);                 \
+  ST_W(RTYPE, in2, pdst + 2 * stride);                  \
+} while (0)
+#define ST_UW3(...) ST_W3(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ST_SW3(...) ST_W3(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ST_W4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  ST_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, pdst, stride);                      \
+  ST_W2(RTYPE, in2, in3, pdst + 2 * stride, stride);         \
+} while (0)
+#define ST_UW4(...) ST_W4(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ST_SW4(...) ST_W4(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Store vectors of 8 halfword elements with stride
+ * Arguments   : Inputs - in0, in1, pdst, stride
+ * Details     : Store 8 halfword elements from 'in0' to (pdst)
+ *               Store 8 halfword elements from 'in1' to (pdst + stride)
+ */
+#define ST_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  ST_H(RTYPE, in0, pdst);                          \
+  ST_H(RTYPE, in1, pdst + stride);                 \
+} while (0)
+#define ST_UH2(...) ST_H2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ST_SH2(...) ST_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Store 2x4 byte block to destination memory from input vector
+ * Arguments   : Inputs - in, stidx, pdst, stride
+ * Details     : Index 'stidx' halfword element from 'in' vector is copied to
+ *               the GP register and stored to (pdst)
+ *               Index 'stidx+1' halfword element from 'in' vector is copied to
+ *               the GP register and stored to (pdst + stride)
+ *               Index 'stidx+2' halfword element from 'in' vector is copied to
+ *               the GP register and stored to (pdst + 2 * stride)
+ *               Index 'stidx+3' halfword element from 'in' vector is copied to
+ *               the GP register and stored to (pdst + 3 * stride)
+ */
+#define ST2x4_UB(in, stidx, pdst, stride) do {                   \
+  uint8_t* pblk_2x4_m = (uint8_t*)pdst;                          \
+  const uint16_t out0_m = __msa_copy_s_h((v8i16)in, stidx);      \
+  const uint16_t out1_m = __msa_copy_s_h((v8i16)in, stidx + 1);  \
+  const uint16_t out2_m = __msa_copy_s_h((v8i16)in, stidx + 2);  \
+  const uint16_t out3_m = __msa_copy_s_h((v8i16)in, stidx + 3);  \
+  SH(out0_m, pblk_2x4_m);                                        \
+  pblk_2x4_m += stride;                                          \
+  SH(out1_m, pblk_2x4_m);                                        \
+  pblk_2x4_m += stride;                                          \
+  SH(out2_m, pblk_2x4_m);                                        \
+  pblk_2x4_m += stride;                                          \
+  SH(out3_m, pblk_2x4_m);                                        \
+} while (0)
 /* Description : Store 4x4 byte block to destination memory from input vector
  * Arguments   : Inputs - in0, in1, pdst, stride
  * Details     : 'Idx0' word element from input vector 'in0' is copied to the
@@ -207,14 +389,20 @@
  *               'Idx3' word element from input vector 'in0' is copied to the
  *               GP register and stored to (pdst + 3 * stride)
-#define ST4x4_UB(in0, in1, idx0, idx1, idx2, idx3, pdst, stride) {  \
-  uint8_t* const pblk_4x4_m = (uint8_t*)pdst;                       \
-  const uint32_t out0_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)in0, idx0);         \
-  const uint32_t out1_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)in0, idx1);         \
-  const uint32_t out2_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)in1, idx2);         \
-  const uint32_t out3_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)in1, idx3);         \
-  SW4(out0_m, out1_m, out2_m, out3_m, pblk_4x4_m, stride);          \
+#define ST4x4_UB(in0, in1, idx0, idx1, idx2, idx3, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  uint8_t* const pblk_4x4_m = (uint8_t*)pdst;                          \
+  const uint32_t out0_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)in0, idx0);            \
+  const uint32_t out1_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)in0, idx1);            \
+  const uint32_t out2_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)in1, idx2);            \
+  const uint32_t out3_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)in1, idx3);            \
+  SW4(out0_m, out1_m, out2_m, out3_m, pblk_4x4_m, stride);             \
+} while (0)
+#define ST4x8_UB(in0, in1, pdst, stride) do {                     \
+  uint8_t* const pblk_4x8 = (uint8_t*)pdst;                       \
+  ST4x4_UB(in0, in0, 0, 1, 2, 3, pblk_4x8, stride);               \
+  ST4x4_UB(in1, in1, 0, 1, 2, 3, pblk_4x8 + 4 * stride, stride);  \
+} while (0)
 /* Description : Immediate number of elements to slide
  * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, slide_val
@@ -230,6 +418,30 @@
 #define SLDI_SB(...) SLDI_B(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define SLDI_SH(...) SLDI_B(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Shuffle byte vector elements as per mask vector
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3, mask0, mask1
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Byte elements from 'in0' & 'in1' are copied selectively to
+ *               'out0' as per control vector 'mask0'
+ */
+#define VSHF_B(RTYPE, in0, in1, mask)                              \
+        (RTYPE)__msa_vshf_b((v16i8)mask, (v16i8)in1, (v16i8)in0)
+#define VSHF_UB(...) VSHF_B(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define VSHF_SB(...) VSHF_B(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define VSHF_UH(...) VSHF_B(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define VSHF_SH(...) VSHF_B(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define VSHF_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, mask0, mask1, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = VSHF_B(RTYPE, in0, in1, mask0);                                   \
+  out1 = VSHF_B(RTYPE, in2, in3, mask1);                                   \
+} while (0)
+#define VSHF_B2_UB(...) VSHF_B2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define VSHF_B2_SB(...) VSHF_B2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define VSHF_B2_UH(...) VSHF_B2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define VSHF_B2_SH(...) VSHF_B2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
 /* Description : Shuffle halfword vector elements as per mask vector
  * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3, mask0, mask1
  *               Outputs - out0, out1
@@ -237,44 +449,219 @@
  * Details     : halfword elements from 'in0' & 'in1' are copied selectively to
  *               'out0' as per control vector 'mask0'
-#define VSHF_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, mask0, mask1, out0, out1) {  \
-  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_vshf_h((v8i16)mask0, (v8i16)in1, (v8i16)in0);     \
-  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_vshf_h((v8i16)mask1, (v8i16)in3, (v8i16)in2);     \
+#define VSHF_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, mask0, mask1, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_vshf_h((v8i16)mask0, (v8i16)in1, (v8i16)in0);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_vshf_h((v8i16)mask1, (v8i16)in3, (v8i16)in2);        \
+} while (0)
 #define VSHF_H2_UH(...) VSHF_H2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define VSHF_H2_SH(...) VSHF_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Dot product of byte vector elements
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Signed byte elements from 'mult0' are multiplied with
+ *               signed byte elements from 'cnst0' producing a result
+ *               twice the size of input i.e. signed halfword.
+ *               The multiplication result of adjacent odd-even elements
+ *               are added together and written to the 'out0' vector
+#define DOTP_SB2(RTYPE, mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_dotp_s_h((v16i8)mult0, (v16i8)cnst0);           \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_dotp_s_h((v16i8)mult1, (v16i8)cnst1);           \
+} while (0)
+#define DOTP_SB2_SH(...) DOTP_SB2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Dot product of halfword vector elements
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Signed halfword elements from 'mult0' are multiplied with
+ *               signed halfword elements from 'cnst0' producing a result
+ *               twice the size of input i.e. signed word.
+ *               The multiplication result of adjacent odd-even elements
+ *               are added together and written to the 'out0' vector
+ */
+#define DOTP_SH2(RTYPE, mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_dotp_s_w((v8i16)mult0, (v8i16)cnst0);           \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_dotp_s_w((v8i16)mult1, (v8i16)cnst1);           \
+} while (0)
+#define DOTP_SH2_SW(...) DOTP_SH2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Dot product of unsigned word vector elements
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Unsigned word elements from 'mult0' are multiplied with
+ *               unsigned word elements from 'cnst0' producing a result
+ *               twice the size of input i.e. unsigned double word.
+ *               The multiplication result of adjacent odd-even elements
+ *               are added together and written to the 'out0' vector
+ */
+#define DOTP_UW2(RTYPE, mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_dotp_u_d((v4u32)mult0, (v4u32)cnst0);           \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_dotp_u_d((v4u32)mult1, (v4u32)cnst1);           \
+} while (0)
+#define DOTP_UW2_UD(...) DOTP_UW2(v2u64, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Dot product & addition of halfword vector elements
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Signed halfword elements from 'mult0' are multiplied with
+ *               signed halfword elements from 'cnst0' producing a result
+ *               twice the size of input i.e. signed word.
+ *               The multiplication result of adjacent odd-even elements
+ *               are added to the 'out0' vector
+ */
+#define DPADD_SH2(RTYPE, mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1, out0, out1) do {      \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_dpadd_s_w((v4i32)out0, (v8i16)mult0, (v8i16)cnst0);  \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_dpadd_s_w((v4i32)out1, (v8i16)mult1, (v8i16)cnst1);  \
+} while (0)
+#define DPADD_SH2_SW(...) DPADD_SH2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
 /* Description : Clips all signed halfword elements of input vector
  *               between 0 & 255
  * Arguments   : Input/output  - val
  *               Return Type - signed halfword
-#define CLIP_SH_0_255(val) {                      \
+#define CLIP_SH_0_255(val) do {                   \
   const v8i16 max_m = __msa_ldi_h(255);           \
   val = __msa_maxi_s_h((v8i16)val, 0);            \
   val = __msa_min_s_h(max_m, (v8i16)val);         \
-#define CLIP_SH2_0_255(in0, in1) {  \
-  CLIP_SH_0_255(in0);               \
-  CLIP_SH_0_255(in1);               \
+} while (0)
+#define CLIP_SH2_0_255(in0, in1) do {  \
+  CLIP_SH_0_255(in0);                  \
+  CLIP_SH_0_255(in1);                  \
+} while (0)
+#define CLIP_SH4_0_255(in0, in1, in2, in3) do {  \
+  CLIP_SH2_0_255(in0, in1);                      \
+  CLIP_SH2_0_255(in2, in3);                      \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : Clips all unsigned halfword elements of input vector
+ *               between 0 & 255
+ * Arguments   : Input  - in
+ *               Output - out_m
+ *               Return Type - unsigned halfword
+ */
+#define CLIP_UH_0_255(in) do {                    \
+  const v8u16 max_m = (v8u16)__msa_ldi_h(255);    \
+  in = __msa_maxi_u_h((v8u16) in, 0);             \
+  in = __msa_min_u_h((v8u16) max_m, (v8u16) in);  \
+} while (0)
+#define CLIP_UH2_0_255(in0, in1) do {  \
+  CLIP_UH_0_255(in0);                  \
+  CLIP_UH_0_255(in1);                  \
+} while (0)
 /* Description : Clips all signed word elements of input vector
  *               between 0 & 255
  * Arguments   : Input/output  - val
  *               Return Type - signed word
-#define CLIP_SW_0_255(val) {                      \
+#define CLIP_SW_0_255(val) do {                   \
   const v4i32 max_m = __msa_ldi_w(255);           \
   val = __msa_maxi_s_w((v4i32)val, 0);            \
   val = __msa_min_s_w(max_m, (v4i32)val);         \
+} while (0)
+#define CLIP_SW4_0_255(in0, in1, in2, in3) do {   \
+  CLIP_SW_0_255(in0);                             \
+  CLIP_SW_0_255(in1);                             \
+  CLIP_SW_0_255(in2);                             \
+  CLIP_SW_0_255(in3);                             \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : Horizontal addition of 4 signed word elements of input vector
+ * Arguments   : Input  - in       (signed word vector)
+ *               Output - sum_m    (i32 sum)
+ *               Return Type - signed word (GP)
+ * Details     : 4 signed word elements of 'in' vector are added together and
+ *               the resulting integer sum is returned
+ */
+static WEBP_INLINE int32_t func_hadd_sw_s32(v4i32 in) {
+  const v2i64 res0_m = __msa_hadd_s_d((v4i32)in, (v4i32)in);
+  const v2i64 res1_m = __msa_splati_d(res0_m, 1);
+  const v2i64 out = res0_m + res1_m;
+  int32_t sum_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)out, 0);
+  return sum_m;
-#define CLIP_SW4_0_255(in0, in1, in2, in3) {  \
-  CLIP_SW_0_255(in0);                         \
-  CLIP_SW_0_255(in1);                         \
-  CLIP_SW_0_255(in2);                         \
-  CLIP_SW_0_255(in3);                         \
+#define HADD_SW_S32(in) func_hadd_sw_s32(in)
+/* Description : Horizontal addition of 8 signed halfword elements
+ * Arguments   : Input  - in       (signed halfword vector)
+ *               Output - sum_m    (s32 sum)
+ *               Return Type - signed word
+ * Details     : 8 signed halfword elements of input vector are added
+ *               together and the resulting integer sum is returned
+ */
+static WEBP_INLINE int32_t func_hadd_sh_s32(v8i16 in) {
+  const v4i32 res = __msa_hadd_s_w(in, in);
+  const v2i64 res0 = __msa_hadd_s_d(res, res);
+  const v2i64 res1 = __msa_splati_d(res0, 1);
+  const v2i64 res2 = res0 + res1;
+  const int32_t sum_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)res2, 0);
+  return sum_m;
+#define HADD_SH_S32(in) func_hadd_sh_s32(in)
+/* Description : Horizontal addition of 8 unsigned halfword elements
+ * Arguments   : Input  - in       (unsigned halfword vector)
+ *               Output - sum_m    (u32 sum)
+ *               Return Type - unsigned word
+ * Details     : 8 unsigned halfword elements of input vector are added
+ *               together and the resulting integer sum is returned
+ */
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t func_hadd_uh_u32(v8u16 in) {
+  uint32_t sum_m;
+  const v4u32 res_m = __msa_hadd_u_w(in, in);
+  v2u64 res0_m = __msa_hadd_u_d(res_m, res_m);
+  v2u64 res1_m = (v2u64)__msa_splati_d((v2i64)res0_m, 1);
+  res0_m = res0_m + res1_m;
+  sum_m = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)res0_m, 0);
+  return sum_m;
+#define HADD_UH_U32(in) func_hadd_uh_u32(in)
+/* Description : Horizontal addition of signed half word vector elements
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Each signed odd half word element from 'in0' is added to
+                 even signed half word element from 'in0' (pairwise) and the
+                 halfword result is written in 'out0'
+#define HADD_SH2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1) do {       \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_hadd_s_w((v8i16)in0, (v8i16)in0);  \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_hadd_s_w((v8i16)in1, (v8i16)in1);  \
+} while (0)
+#define HADD_SH2_SW(...) HADD_SH2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define HADD_SH4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3) do {  \
+  HADD_SH2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1);                                  \
+  HADD_SH2(RTYPE, in2, in3, out2, out3);                                  \
+} while (0)
+#define HADD_SH4_SW(...) HADD_SH4(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Horizontal subtraction of unsigned byte vector elements
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Each unsigned odd byte element from 'in0' is subtracted from
+ *               even unsigned byte element from 'in0' (pairwise) and the
+ *               halfword result is written to 'out0'
+ */
+#define HSUB_UB2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1) do {       \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_hsub_u_h((v16u8)in0, (v16u8)in0);  \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_hsub_u_h((v16u8)in1, (v16u8)in1);  \
+} while (0)
+#define HSUB_UB2_UH(...) HSUB_UB2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define HSUB_UB2_SH(...) HSUB_UB2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define HSUB_UB2_SW(...) HSUB_UB2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
 /* Description : Set element n input vector to GPR value
  * Arguments   : Inputs - in0, in1, in2, in3
@@ -282,23 +669,188 @@
  *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
  * Details     : Set element 0 in vector 'out' to value specified in 'in0'
-#define INSERT_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out) {           \
+#define INSERT_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out) do {        \
   out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_w((v4i32)out, 0, in0);  \
   out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_w((v4i32)out, 1, in1);  \
+} while (0)
 #define INSERT_W2_UB(...) INSERT_W2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define INSERT_W2_SB(...) INSERT_W2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define INSERT_W4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out) {  \
-  out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_w((v4i32)out, 0, in0);   \
-  out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_w((v4i32)out, 1, in1);   \
-  out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_w((v4i32)out, 2, in2);   \
-  out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_w((v4i32)out, 3, in3);   \
+#define INSERT_W4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out) do {  \
+  out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_w((v4i32)out, 0, in0);      \
+  out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_w((v4i32)out, 1, in1);      \
+  out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_w((v4i32)out, 2, in2);      \
+  out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_w((v4i32)out, 3, in3);      \
+} while (0)
 #define INSERT_W4_UB(...) INSERT_W4(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define INSERT_W4_SB(...) INSERT_W4(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define INSERT_W4_SW(...) INSERT_W4(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Set element n of double word input vector to GPR value
+ * Arguments   : Inputs - in0, in1
+ *               Output - out
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Set element 0 in vector 'out' to GPR value specified in 'in0'
+ *               Set element 1 in vector 'out' to GPR value specified in 'in1'
+ */
+#define INSERT_D2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out) do {        \
+  out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_d((v2i64)out, 0, in0);  \
+  out = (RTYPE)__msa_insert_d((v2i64)out, 1, in1);  \
+} while (0)
+#define INSERT_D2_UB(...) INSERT_D2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define INSERT_D2_SB(...) INSERT_D2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Interleave even byte elements from vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Even byte elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out0'
+ */
+#define ILVEV_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvev_b((v16i8)in1, (v16i8)in0);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvev_b((v16i8)in3, (v16i8)in2);        \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVEV_B2_UB(...) ILVEV_B2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_B2_SB(...) ILVEV_B2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_B2_UH(...) ILVEV_B2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_B2_SH(...) ILVEV_B2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_B2_SD(...) ILVEV_B2(v2i64, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Interleave odd byte elements from vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Odd byte elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out0'
+ */
+#define ILVOD_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvod_b((v16i8)in1, (v16i8)in0);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvod_b((v16i8)in3, (v16i8)in2);        \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVOD_B2_UB(...) ILVOD_B2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVOD_B2_SB(...) ILVOD_B2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVOD_B2_UH(...) ILVOD_B2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVOD_B2_SH(...) ILVOD_B2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVOD_B2_SD(...) ILVOD_B2(v2i64, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Interleave even halfword elements from vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Even halfword elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out0'
+ */
+#define ILVEV_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvev_h((v8i16)in1, (v8i16)in0);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvev_h((v8i16)in3, (v8i16)in2);        \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVEV_H2_UB(...) ILVEV_H2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_H2_UH(...) ILVEV_H2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_H2_SH(...) ILVEV_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_H2_SW(...) ILVEV_H2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Interleave odd halfword elements from vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Odd halfword elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out0'
+ */
+#define ILVOD_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvod_h((v8i16)in1, (v8i16)in0);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvod_h((v8i16)in3, (v8i16)in2);        \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVOD_H2_UB(...) ILVOD_H2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVOD_H2_UH(...) ILVOD_H2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVOD_H2_SH(...) ILVOD_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVOD_H2_SW(...) ILVOD_H2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Interleave even word elements from vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Even word elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out0'
+ */
+#define ILVEV_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvev_w((v4i32)in1, (v4i32)in0);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvev_w((v4i32)in3, (v4i32)in2);        \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVEV_W2_UB(...) ILVEV_W2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_W2_SB(...) ILVEV_W2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_W2_UH(...) ILVEV_W2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_W2_SD(...) ILVEV_W2(v2i64, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Interleave even-odd word elements from vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Even word elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out0'
+ *               Odd word elements of 'in2' and 'in3' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out1'
+ */
+#define ILVEVOD_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvev_w((v4i32)in1, (v4i32)in0);          \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvod_w((v4i32)in3, (v4i32)in2);          \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVEVOD_W2_UB(...) ILVEVOD_W2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEVOD_W2_UH(...) ILVEVOD_W2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEVOD_W2_SH(...) ILVEVOD_W2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEVOD_W2_SW(...) ILVEVOD_W2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Interleave even-odd half-word elements from vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Even half-word elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out0'
+ *               Odd half-word elements of 'in2' and 'in3' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out1'
+ */
+#define ILVEVOD_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvev_h((v8i16)in1, (v8i16)in0);          \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvod_h((v8i16)in3, (v8i16)in2);          \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVEVOD_H2_UB(...) ILVEVOD_H2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEVOD_H2_UH(...) ILVEVOD_H2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEVOD_H2_SH(...) ILVEVOD_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEVOD_H2_SW(...) ILVEVOD_H2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Interleave even double word elements from vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Even double word elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out0'
+ */
+#define ILVEV_D2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvev_d((v2i64)in1, (v2i64)in0);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvev_d((v2i64)in3, (v2i64)in2);        \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVEV_D2_UB(...) ILVEV_D2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_D2_SB(...) ILVEV_D2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_D2_SW(...) ILVEV_D2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVEV_D2_SD(...) ILVEV_D2(v2i64, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Interleave left half of byte elements from vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Left half of byte elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+ *               and written to 'out0'.
+ */
+#define ILVL_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvl_b((v16i8)in0, (v16i8)in1);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvl_b((v16i8)in2, (v16i8)in3);        \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVL_B2_UB(...) ILVL_B2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVL_B2_SB(...) ILVL_B2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVL_B2_UH(...) ILVL_B2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVL_B2_SH(...) ILVL_B2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVL_B2_SW(...) ILVL_B2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
 /* Description : Interleave right half of byte elements from vectors
  * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
  *               Outputs - out0, out1
@@ -306,10 +858,10 @@
  * Details     : Right half of byte elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
  *               and written to out0.
-#define ILVR_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) {  \
-  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_b((v16i8)in0, (v16i8)in1);     \
-  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_b((v16i8)in2, (v16i8)in3);     \
+#define ILVR_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_b((v16i8)in0, (v16i8)in1);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_b((v16i8)in2, (v16i8)in3);        \
+} while (0)
 #define ILVR_B2_UB(...) ILVR_B2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_B2_SB(...) ILVR_B2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_B2_UH(...) ILVR_B2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
@@ -317,10 +869,10 @@
 #define ILVR_B2_SW(...) ILVR_B2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_B4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
-                out0, out1, out2, out3) {                       \
+                out0, out1, out2, out3) do {                    \
   ILVR_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1);               \
   ILVR_B2(RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3);               \
+} while (0)
 #define ILVR_B4_UB(...) ILVR_B4(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_B4_SB(...) ILVR_B4(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_B4_UH(...) ILVR_B4(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
@@ -334,19 +886,19 @@
  * Details     : Right half of halfword elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are
  *               interleaved and written to 'out0'.
-#define ILVR_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) {  \
-  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_h((v8i16)in0, (v8i16)in1);     \
-  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_h((v8i16)in2, (v8i16)in3);     \
+#define ILVR_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_h((v8i16)in0, (v8i16)in1);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_h((v8i16)in2, (v8i16)in3);        \
+} while (0)
 #define ILVR_H2_UB(...) ILVR_H2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_H2_SH(...) ILVR_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_H2_SW(...) ILVR_H2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_H4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
-                out0, out1, out2, out3) {                       \
+                out0, out1, out2, out3) do {                    \
   ILVR_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1);               \
   ILVR_H2(RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3);               \
+} while (0)
 #define ILVR_H4_UB(...) ILVR_H4(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_H4_SH(...) ILVR_H4(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_H4_SW(...) ILVR_H4(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
@@ -358,31 +910,57 @@
  * Details     : Right half of double word elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are
  *               interleaved and written to 'out0'.
-#define ILVR_D2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) {  \
-  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_d((v2i64)in0, (v2i64)in1);     \
-  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_d((v2i64)in2, (v2i64)in3);     \
+#define ILVR_D2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_d((v2i64)in0, (v2i64)in1);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_d((v2i64)in2, (v2i64)in3);        \
+} while (0)
 #define ILVR_D2_UB(...) ILVR_D2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_D2_SB(...) ILVR_D2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVR_D2_SH(...) ILVR_D2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define ILVRL_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1) {        \
+#define ILVR_D4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                out0, out1, out2, out3) do {                    \
+  ILVR_D2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1);               \
+  ILVR_D2(RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3);               \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVR_D4_SB(...) ILVR_D4(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVR_D4_UB(...) ILVR_D4(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Interleave both left and right half of input vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Right half of byte elements from 'in0' and 'in1' are
+ *               interleaved and written to 'out0'
+ */
+#define ILVRL_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1) do {     \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_b((v16i8)in0, (v16i8)in1);  \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvl_b((v16i8)in0, (v16i8)in1);  \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVRL_B2_UB(...) ILVRL_B2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVRL_B2_SB(...) ILVRL_B2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVRL_B2_UH(...) ILVRL_B2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVRL_B2_SH(...) ILVRL_B2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVRL_B2_SW(...) ILVRL_B2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVRL_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1) do {     \
   out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_h((v8i16)in0, (v8i16)in1);  \
   out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvl_h((v8i16)in0, (v8i16)in1);  \
+} while (0)
 #define ILVRL_H2_UB(...) ILVRL_H2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVRL_H2_SB(...) ILVRL_H2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVRL_H2_SH(...) ILVRL_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVRL_H2_SW(...) ILVRL_H2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVRL_H2_UW(...) ILVRL_H2(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define ILVRL_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1) {        \
+#define ILVRL_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1) do {     \
   out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_w((v4i32)in0, (v4i32)in1);  \
   out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvl_w((v4i32)in0, (v4i32)in1);  \
+} while (0)
 #define ILVRL_W2_UB(...) ILVRL_W2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVRL_W2_SH(...) ILVRL_W2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ILVRL_W2_SW(...) ILVRL_W2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ILVRL_W2_UW(...) ILVRL_W2(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
 /* Description : Pack even byte elements of vector pairs
  *  Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
@@ -392,15 +970,76 @@
  *                'out0' & even byte elements of 'in1' are copied to the right
  *                half of 'out0'.
-#define PCKEV_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) {  \
-  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)in0, (v16i8)in1);     \
-  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)in2, (v16i8)in3);     \
+#define PCKEV_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)in0, (v16i8)in1);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)in2, (v16i8)in3);        \
+} while (0)
 #define PCKEV_B2_SB(...) PCKEV_B2(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define PCKEV_B2_UB(...) PCKEV_B2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define PCKEV_B2_SH(...) PCKEV_B2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define PCKEV_B2_SW(...) PCKEV_B2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKEV_B4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                 out0, out1, out2, out3) do {                    \
+  PCKEV_B2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1);               \
+  PCKEV_B2(RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3);               \
+} while (0)
+#define PCKEV_B4_SB(...) PCKEV_B4(v16i8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKEV_B4_UB(...) PCKEV_B4(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKEV_B4_SH(...) PCKEV_B4(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKEV_B4_SW(...) PCKEV_B4(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Pack even halfword elements of vector pairs
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Even halfword elements of 'in0' are copied to the left half of
+ *               'out0' & even halfword elements of 'in1' are copied to the
+ *               right half of 'out0'.
+ */
+#define PCKEV_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_pckev_h((v8i16)in0, (v8i16)in1);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_pckev_h((v8i16)in2, (v8i16)in3);        \
+} while (0)
+#define PCKEV_H2_UH(...) PCKEV_H2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKEV_H2_SH(...) PCKEV_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKEV_H2_SW(...) PCKEV_H2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKEV_H2_UW(...) PCKEV_H2(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Pack even word elements of vector pairs
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Even word elements of 'in0' are copied to the left half of
+ *               'out0' & even word elements of 'in1' are copied to the
+ *               right half of 'out0'.
+ */
+#define PCKEV_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_pckev_w((v4i32)in0, (v4i32)in1);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_pckev_w((v4i32)in2, (v4i32)in3);        \
+} while (0)
+#define PCKEV_W2_UH(...) PCKEV_W2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKEV_W2_SH(...) PCKEV_W2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKEV_W2_SW(...) PCKEV_W2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKEV_W2_UW(...) PCKEV_W2(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Pack odd halfword elements of vector pairs
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Odd halfword elements of 'in0' are copied to the left half of
+ *               'out0' & odd halfword elements of 'in1' are copied to the
+ *               right half of 'out0'.
+ */
+#define PCKOD_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_pckod_h((v8i16)in0, (v8i16)in1);        \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_pckod_h((v8i16)in2, (v8i16)in3);        \
+} while (0)
+#define PCKOD_H2_UH(...) PCKOD_H2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKOD_H2_SH(...) PCKOD_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKOD_H2_SW(...) PCKOD_H2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCKOD_H2_UW(...) PCKOD_H2(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
 /* Description : Arithmetic immediate shift right all elements of word vector
  * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, shift
  *               Outputs - in place operation
@@ -408,17 +1047,17 @@
  * Details     : Each element of vector 'in0' is right shifted by 'shift' and
  *               the result is written in-place. 'shift' is a GP variable.
-#define SRAI_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift_val) {  \
-  in0 = (RTYPE)SRAI_W(in0, shift_val);         \
-  in1 = (RTYPE)SRAI_W(in1, shift_val);         \
+#define SRAI_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift_val) do {  \
+  in0 = (RTYPE)SRAI_W(in0, shift_val);            \
+  in1 = (RTYPE)SRAI_W(in1, shift_val);            \
+} while (0)
 #define SRAI_W2_SW(...) SRAI_W2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define SRAI_W2_UW(...) SRAI_W2(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define SRAI_W4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, shift_val) {  \
-  SRAI_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift_val);                   \
-  SRAI_W2(RTYPE, in2, in3, shift_val);                   \
+#define SRAI_W4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, shift_val) do {  \
+  SRAI_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift_val);                      \
+  SRAI_W2(RTYPE, in2, in3, shift_val);                      \
+} while (0)
 #define SRAI_W4_SW(...) SRAI_W4(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define SRAI_W4_UW(...) SRAI_W4(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
@@ -429,10 +1068,10 @@
  * Details     : Each element of vector 'in0' is right shifted by 'shift' and
  *               the result is written in-place. 'shift' is a GP variable.
-#define SRAI_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift_val) {  \
-  in0 = (RTYPE)SRAI_H(in0, shift_val);         \
-  in1 = (RTYPE)SRAI_H(in1, shift_val);         \
+#define SRAI_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift_val) do {  \
+  in0 = (RTYPE)SRAI_H(in0, shift_val);            \
+  in1 = (RTYPE)SRAI_H(in1, shift_val);            \
+} while (0)
 #define SRAI_H2_SH(...) SRAI_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define SRAI_H2_UH(...) SRAI_H2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
@@ -443,48 +1082,166 @@
  * Details     : Each element of vector 'in0' is right shifted by 'shift' and
  *               the result is written in-place. 'shift' is a GP variable.
-#define SRARI_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift) {        \
+#define SRARI_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift) do {     \
   in0 = (RTYPE)__msa_srari_w((v4i32)in0, shift);  \
   in1 = (RTYPE)__msa_srari_w((v4i32)in1, shift);  \
+} while (0)
 #define SRARI_W2_SW(...) SRARI_W2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define SRARI_W4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, shift) {  \
-  SRARI_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift);                   \
-  SRARI_W2(RTYPE, in2, in3, shift);                   \
+#define SRARI_W4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, shift) do {  \
+  SRARI_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift);                      \
+  SRARI_W2(RTYPE, in2, in3, shift);                      \
+} while (0)
 #define SRARI_W4_SH(...) SRARI_W4(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define SRARI_W4_UW(...) SRARI_W4(v4u32, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define SRARI_W4_SW(...) SRARI_W4(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Shift right arithmetic rounded double words
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, shift
+ *               Outputs - in place operation
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Each element of vector 'in0' is shifted right arithmetically by
+ *               the number of bits in the corresponding element in the vector
+ *               'shift'. The last discarded bit is added to shifted value for
+ *               rounding and the result is written in-place.
+ *               'shift' is a vector.
+ */
+#define SRAR_D2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift) do {            \
+  in0 = (RTYPE)__msa_srar_d((v2i64)in0, (v2i64)shift);  \
+  in1 = (RTYPE)__msa_srar_d((v2i64)in1, (v2i64)shift);  \
+} while (0)
+#define SRAR_D2_SW(...) SRAR_D2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define SRAR_D2_SD(...) SRAR_D2(v2i64, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define SRAR_D2_UD(...) SRAR_D2(v2u64, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define SRAR_D4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, shift) do {  \
+  SRAR_D2(RTYPE, in0, in1, shift);                      \
+  SRAR_D2(RTYPE, in2, in3, shift);                      \
+} while (0)
+#define SRAR_D4_SD(...) SRAR_D4(v2i64, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define SRAR_D4_UD(...) SRAR_D4(v2u64, __VA_ARGS__)
 /* Description : Addition of 2 pairs of half-word vectors
  * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
  *               Outputs - out0, out1
  * Details     : Each element in 'in0' is added to 'in1' and result is written
  *               to 'out0'.
-#define ADDVI_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) {  \
-  out0 = (RTYPE)ADDVI_H(in0, in1);                         \
-  out1 = (RTYPE)ADDVI_H(in2, in3);                         \
+#define ADDVI_H2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)ADDVI_H(in0, in1);                            \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)ADDVI_H(in2, in3);                            \
+} while (0)
 #define ADDVI_H2_SH(...) ADDVI_H2(v8i16, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ADDVI_H2_UH(...) ADDVI_H2(v8u16, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Addition of 2 pairs of word vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ * Details     : Each element in 'in0' is added to 'in1' and result is written
+ *               to 'out0'.
+ */
+#define ADDVI_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)ADDVI_W(in0, in1);                            \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)ADDVI_W(in2, in3);                            \
+} while (0)
+#define ADDVI_W2_SW(...) ADDVI_W2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
+/* Description : Fill 2 pairs of word vectors with GP registers
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ * Details     : GP register in0 is replicated in each word element of out0
+ *               GP register in1 is replicated in each word element of out1
+ */
+#define FILL_W2(RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_fill_w(in0);                 \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_fill_w(in1);                 \
+} while (0)
+#define FILL_W2_SW(...) FILL_W2(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
 /* Description : Addition of 2 pairs of vectors
  * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
  *               Outputs - out0, out1
  * Details     : Each element in 'in0' is added to 'in1' and result is written
  *               to 'out0'.
-#define ADD2(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) {  \
-  out0 = in0 + in1;                             \
-  out1 = in2 + in3;                             \
+#define ADD2(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = in0 + in1;                                \
+  out1 = in2 + in3;                                \
+} while (0)
 #define ADD4(in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
-             out0, out1, out2, out3) {                \
+             out0, out1, out2, out3) do {             \
   ADD2(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1);               \
   ADD2(in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3);               \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : Subtraction of 2 pairs of vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ * Details     : Each element in 'in1' is subtracted from 'in0' and result is
+ *               written to 'out0'.
+ */
+#define SUB2(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = in0 - in1;                                \
+  out1 = in2 - in3;                                \
+} while (0)
+#define SUB3(in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, out0, out1, out2) do {  \
+  out0 = in0 - in1;                                                \
+  out1 = in2 - in3;                                                \
+  out2 = in4 - in5;                                                \
+} while (0)
+#define SUB4(in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+             out0, out1, out2, out3) do {             \
+  out0 = in0 - in1;                                   \
+  out1 = in2 - in3;                                   \
+  out2 = in4 - in5;                                   \
+  out3 = in6 - in7;                                   \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : Addition - Subtraction of input vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ * Details     : Each element in 'in1' is added to 'in0' and result is
+ *               written to 'out0'.
+ *               Each element in 'in1' is subtracted from 'in0' and result is
+ *               written to 'out1'.
+ */
+#define ADDSUB2(in0, in1, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = in0 + in1;                         \
+  out1 = in0 - in1;                         \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : Multiplication of pairs of vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ * Details     : Each element from 'in0' is multiplied with elements from 'in1'
+ *               and the result is written to 'out0'
+ */
+#define MUL2(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = in0 * in1;                                \
+  out1 = in2 * in3;                                \
+} while (0)
+#define MUL4(in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+             out0, out1, out2, out3) do {             \
+  MUL2(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1);               \
+  MUL2(in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3);               \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : Sign extend halfword elements from right half of the vector
+ * Arguments   : Input  - in    (halfword vector)
+ *               Output - out   (sign extended word vector)
+ *               Return Type - signed word
+ * Details     : Sign bit of halfword elements from input vector 'in' is
+ *               extracted and interleaved with same vector 'in0' to generate
+ *               4 word elements keeping sign intact
+ */
+#define UNPCK_R_SH_SW(in, out) do {                   \
+  const v8i16 sign_m = __msa_clti_s_h((v8i16)in, 0);  \
+  out = (v4i32)__msa_ilvr_h(sign_m, (v8i16)in);       \
+} while (0)
 /* Description : Sign extend halfword elements from input vector and return
  *               the result in pair of vectors
@@ -497,29 +1254,82 @@
  *               Then interleaved left with same vector 'in0' to
  *               generate 4 signed word elements in 'out1'
-#define UNPCK_SH_SW(in, out0, out1) {                 \
+#define UNPCK_SH_SW(in, out0, out1) do {              \
   const v8i16 tmp_m = __msa_clti_s_h((v8i16)in, 0);   \
   ILVRL_H2_SW(tmp_m, in, out0, out1);                 \
+} while (0)
 /* Description : Butterfly of 4 input vectors
  * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
  *               Outputs - out0, out1, out2, out3
  * Details     : Butterfly operation
-#define BUTTERFLY_4(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3) {  \
-  out0 = in0 + in3;                                                \
-  out1 = in1 + in2;                                                \
-  out2 = in1 - in2;                                                \
-  out3 = in0 - in3;                                                \
+#define BUTTERFLY_4(in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3) do {  \
+  out0 = in0 + in3;                                                   \
+  out1 = in1 + in2;                                                   \
+  out2 = in1 - in2;                                                   \
+  out3 = in0 - in3;                                                   \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : Transpose 16x4 block into 4x16 with byte elements in vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,
+ *                         in8, in9, in10, in11, in12, in13, in14, in15
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1, out2, out3
+ *               Return Type - unsigned byte
+ */
+#define TRANSPOSE16x4_UB_UB(in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,        \
+                            in8, in9, in10, in11, in12, in13, in14, in15,  \
+                            out0, out1, out2, out3) do {                   \
+  v2i64 tmp0_m, tmp1_m, tmp2_m, tmp3_m, tmp4_m, tmp5_m;                    \
+  ILVEV_W2_SD(in0, in4, in8, in12, tmp2_m, tmp3_m);                        \
+  ILVEV_W2_SD(in1, in5, in9, in13, tmp0_m, tmp1_m);                        \
+  ILVEV_D2_UB(tmp2_m, tmp3_m, tmp0_m, tmp1_m, out1, out3);                 \
+  ILVEV_W2_SD(in2, in6, in10, in14, tmp4_m, tmp5_m);                       \
+  ILVEV_W2_SD(in3, in7, in11, in15, tmp0_m, tmp1_m);                       \
+  ILVEV_D2_SD(tmp4_m, tmp5_m, tmp0_m, tmp1_m, tmp2_m, tmp3_m);             \
+  ILVEV_B2_SD(out1, out3, tmp2_m, tmp3_m, tmp0_m, tmp1_m);                 \
+  ILVEVOD_H2_UB(tmp0_m, tmp1_m, tmp0_m, tmp1_m, out0, out2);               \
+  ILVOD_B2_SD(out1, out3, tmp2_m, tmp3_m, tmp0_m, tmp1_m);                 \
+  ILVEVOD_H2_UB(tmp0_m, tmp1_m, tmp0_m, tmp1_m, out1, out3);               \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : Transpose 16x8 block into 8x16 with byte elements in vectors
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,
+ *                         in8, in9, in10, in11, in12, in13, in14, in15
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7
+ *               Return Type - unsigned byte
+ */
+#define TRANSPOSE16x8_UB_UB(in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,        \
+                            in8, in9, in10, in11, in12, in13, in14, in15,  \
+                            out0, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5,            \
+                            out6, out7) do {                               \
+  v8i16 tmp0_m, tmp1_m, tmp4_m, tmp5_m, tmp6_m, tmp7_m;                    \
+  v4i32 tmp2_m, tmp3_m;                                                    \
+  ILVEV_D2_UB(in0, in8, in1, in9, out7, out6);                             \
+  ILVEV_D2_UB(in2, in10, in3, in11, out5, out4);                           \
+  ILVEV_D2_UB(in4, in12, in5, in13, out3, out2);                           \
+  ILVEV_D2_UB(in6, in14, in7, in15, out1, out0);                           \
+  ILVEV_B2_SH(out7, out6, out5, out4, tmp0_m, tmp1_m);                     \
+  ILVOD_B2_SH(out7, out6, out5, out4, tmp4_m, tmp5_m);                     \
+  ILVEV_B2_UB(out3, out2, out1, out0, out5, out7);                         \
+  ILVOD_B2_SH(out3, out2, out1, out0, tmp6_m, tmp7_m);                     \
+  ILVEV_H2_SW(tmp0_m, tmp1_m, out5, out7, tmp2_m, tmp3_m);                 \
+  ILVEVOD_W2_UB(tmp2_m, tmp3_m, tmp2_m, tmp3_m, out0, out4);               \
+  ILVOD_H2_SW(tmp0_m, tmp1_m, out5, out7, tmp2_m, tmp3_m);                 \
+  ILVEVOD_W2_UB(tmp2_m, tmp3_m, tmp2_m, tmp3_m, out2, out6);               \
+  ILVEV_H2_SW(tmp4_m, tmp5_m, tmp6_m, tmp7_m, tmp2_m, tmp3_m);             \
+  ILVEVOD_W2_UB(tmp2_m, tmp3_m, tmp2_m, tmp3_m, out1, out5);               \
+  ILVOD_H2_SW(tmp4_m, tmp5_m, tmp6_m, tmp7_m, tmp2_m, tmp3_m);             \
+  ILVEVOD_W2_UB(tmp2_m, tmp3_m, tmp2_m, tmp3_m, out3, out7);               \
+} while (0)
 /* Description : Transpose 4x4 block with word elements in vectors
  * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
  *                Outputs - out0, out1, out2, out3
  *                Return Type - as per RTYPE
-#define TRANSPOSE4x4_W(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3) {  \
+#define TRANSPOSE4x4_W(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3,                            \
+                       out0, out1, out2, out3) do {                          \
   v4i32 s0_m, s1_m, s2_m, s3_m;                                              \
   ILVRL_W2_SW(in1, in0, s0_m, s1_m);                                         \
   ILVRL_W2_SW(in3, in2, s2_m, s3_m);                                         \
@@ -527,7 +1337,7 @@
   out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvl_d((v2i64)s2_m, (v2i64)s0_m);                      \
   out2 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvr_d((v2i64)s3_m, (v2i64)s1_m);                      \
   out3 = (RTYPE)__msa_ilvl_d((v2i64)s3_m, (v2i64)s1_m);                      \
+} while (0)
 #define TRANSPOSE4x4_SW_SW(...) TRANSPOSE4x4_W(v4i32, __VA_ARGS__)
 /* Description : Add block 4x4
@@ -535,7 +1345,7 @@
  * Details     : Least significant 4 bytes from each input vector are added to
  *               the destination bytes, clipped between 0-255 and stored.
-#define ADDBLK_ST4x4_UB(in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride) {     \
+#define ADDBLK_ST4x4_UB(in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride) do {  \
   uint32_t src0_m, src1_m, src2_m, src3_m;                      \
   v8i16 inp0_m, inp1_m, res0_m, res1_m;                         \
   v16i8 dst0_m = { 0 };                                         \
@@ -550,6 +1360,31 @@
   CLIP_SH2_0_255(res0_m, res1_m);                               \
   PCKEV_B2_SB(res0_m, res0_m, res1_m, res1_m, dst0_m, dst1_m);  \
   ST4x4_UB(dst0_m, dst1_m, 0, 1, 0, 1, pdst, stride);           \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : Pack even byte elements, extract 0 & 2 index words from pair
+ *               of results and store 4 words in destination memory as per
+ *               stride
+ * Arguments   : Inputs - in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride
+ */
+#define PCKEV_ST4x4_UB(in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride) do {  \
+  v16i8 tmp0_m, tmp1_m;                                        \
+  PCKEV_B2_SB(in1, in0, in3, in2, tmp0_m, tmp1_m);             \
+  ST4x4_UB(tmp0_m, tmp1_m, 0, 2, 0, 2, pdst, stride);          \
+} while (0)
+/* Description : average with rounding (in0 + in1 + 1) / 2.
+ * Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3,
+ *               Outputs - out0, out1
+ *               Return Type - as per RTYPE
+ * Details     : Each unsigned byte element from 'in0' vector is added with
+ *               each unsigned byte element from 'in1' vector. Then the average
+ *               with rounding is calculated and written to 'out0'
+ */
+#define AVER_UB2(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1) do {  \
+  out0 = (RTYPE)__msa_aver_u_b((v16u8)in0, (v16u8)in1);       \
+  out1 = (RTYPE)__msa_aver_u_b((v16u8)in2, (v16u8)in3);       \
+} while (0)
+#define AVER_UB2_UB(...) AVER_UB2(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__)
 #endif  /* WEBP_DSP_MSA_MACRO_H_ */
diff --git a/src/dsp/neon.h b/src/dsp/neon.h
index 0a06266..3b548a6 100644
--- a/src/dsp/neon.h
+++ b/src/dsp/neon.h
@@ -79,4 +79,22 @@
+#if 0     // Useful debug macro.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define PRINT_REG(REG, SIZE) do {                       \
+  int i;                                                \
+  printf("%s \t[%d]: 0x", #REG, SIZE);                  \
+  if (SIZE == 8) {                                      \
+    uint8_t _tmp[8];                                    \
+    vst1_u8(_tmp, (REG));                               \
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) printf("%.2x ", _tmp[i]);   \
+  } else if (SIZE == 16) {                              \
+    uint16_t _tmp[4];                                   \
+    vst1_u16(_tmp, (REG));                              \
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) printf("%.4x ", _tmp[i]);   \
+  }                                                     \
+  printf("\n");                                         \
+} while (0)
 #endif  // WEBP_DSP_NEON_H_
diff --git a/src/dsp/rescaler.c b/src/dsp/rescaler.c
index f5b0775..0f54502 100644
--- a/src/dsp/rescaler.c
+++ b/src/dsp/rescaler.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include "./dsp.h"
-#include "../utils/rescaler.h"
+#include "../utils/rescaler_utils.h"
 // Implementations of critical functions ImportRow / ExportRow
@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@
 extern void WebPRescalerDspInitSSE2(void);
 extern void WebPRescalerDspInitMIPS32(void);
 extern void WebPRescalerDspInitMIPSdspR2(void);
+extern void WebPRescalerDspInitMSA(void);
 extern void WebPRescalerDspInitNEON(void);
 static volatile VP8CPUInfo rescaler_last_cpuinfo_used =
@@ -233,6 +234,11 @@
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kMSA)) {
+      WebPRescalerDspInitMSA();
+    }
   rescaler_last_cpuinfo_used = VP8GetCPUInfo;
diff --git a/src/dsp/rescaler_mips32.c b/src/dsp/rescaler_mips32.c
index ddaa391..e09ad5d 100644
--- a/src/dsp/rescaler_mips32.c
+++ b/src/dsp/rescaler_mips32.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS32)
 #include <assert.h>
-#include "../utils/rescaler.h"
+#include "../utils/rescaler_utils.h"
 // Row import
diff --git a/src/dsp/rescaler_mips_dsp_r2.c b/src/dsp/rescaler_mips_dsp_r2.c
index b457d0a..2308d64 100644
--- a/src/dsp/rescaler_mips_dsp_r2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/rescaler_mips_dsp_r2.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS_DSP_R2)
 #include <assert.h>
-#include "../utils/rescaler.h"
+#include "../utils/rescaler_utils.h"
 #define MULT_FIX(x, y) (((uint64_t)(x) * (y) + ROUNDER) >> WEBP_RESCALER_RFIX)
diff --git a/src/dsp/rescaler_msa.c b/src/dsp/rescaler_msa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c10e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dsp/rescaler_msa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MSA version of rescaling functions
+// Author: Prashant Patil (
+#include "./dsp.h"
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "../utils/rescaler_utils.h"
+#include "./msa_macro.h"
+#define MULT_FIX(x, y) (((uint64_t)(x) * (y) + ROUNDER) >> WEBP_RESCALER_RFIX)
+#define CALC_MULT_FIX_16(in0, in1, in2, in3, scale, shift, dst) do {  \
+  v4u32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;                                       \
+  v16u8 t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;                                       \
+  v2u64 out0, out1, out2, out3;                                       \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(zero, in0, tmp0, tmp1);                                 \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(zero, in1, tmp2, tmp3);                                 \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp0, tmp1, scale, scale, out0, out1);                  \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp2, tmp3, scale, scale, out2, out3);                  \
+  SRAR_D4_UD(out0, out1, out2, out3, shift);                          \
+  PCKEV_B2_UB(out1, out0, out3, out2, t0, t1);                        \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(zero, in2, tmp0, tmp1);                                 \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(zero, in3, tmp2, tmp3);                                 \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp0, tmp1, scale, scale, out0, out1);                  \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp2, tmp3, scale, scale, out2, out3);                  \
+  SRAR_D4_UD(out0, out1, out2, out3, shift);                          \
+  PCKEV_B2_UB(out1, out0, out3, out2, t2, t3);                        \
+  PCKEV_B2_UB(t1, t0, t3, t2, t4, t5);                                \
+  dst = (v16u8)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)t5, (v16i8)t4);                   \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_MULT_FIX_4(in0, scale, shift, dst) do {  \
+  v4u32 tmp0, tmp1;                                   \
+  v16i8 t0, t1;                                       \
+  v2u64 out0, out1;                                   \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(zero, in0, tmp0, tmp1);                 \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp0, tmp1, scale, scale, out0, out1);  \
+  SRAR_D2_UD(out0, out1, shift);                      \
+  t0 = __msa_pckev_b((v16i8)out1, (v16i8)out0);       \
+  t1 = __msa_pckev_b(t0, t0);                         \
+  t0 = __msa_pckev_b(t1, t1);                         \
+  dst = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)t0, 0);                 \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_MULT_FIX1_16(in0, in1, in2, in3, fyscale, shift,  \
+                          dst0, dst1, dst2, dst3) do {         \
+  v4u32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;                                \
+  v2u64 out0, out1, out2, out3;                                \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(zero, in0, tmp0, tmp1);                          \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(zero, in1, tmp2, tmp3);                          \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp0, tmp1, fyscale, fyscale, out0, out1);       \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp2, tmp3, fyscale, fyscale, out2, out3);       \
+  SRAR_D4_UD(out0, out1, out2, out3, shift);                   \
+  PCKEV_W2_UW(out1, out0, out3, out2, dst0, dst1);             \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(zero, in2, tmp0, tmp1);                          \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(zero, in3, tmp2, tmp3);                          \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp0, tmp1, fyscale, fyscale, out0, out1);       \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp2, tmp3, fyscale, fyscale, out2, out3);       \
+  SRAR_D4_UD(out0, out1, out2, out3, shift);                   \
+  PCKEV_W2_UW(out1, out0, out3, out2, dst2, dst3);             \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_MULT_FIX1_4(in0, scale, shift, dst) do {    \
+  v4u32 tmp0, tmp1;                                      \
+  v2u64 out0, out1;                                      \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(zero, in0, tmp0, tmp1);                    \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp0, tmp1, scale, scale, out0, out1);     \
+  SRAR_D2_UD(out0, out1, shift);                         \
+  dst = (v4u32)__msa_pckev_w((v4i32)out1, (v4i32)out0);  \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_MULT_FIX2_16(in0, in1, in2, in3, mult, scale, shift,  \
+                          dst0, dst1) do {                         \
+  v4u32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;                                    \
+  v2u64 out0, out1, out2, out3;                                    \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(in0, in2, tmp0, tmp1);                               \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(in1, in3, tmp2, tmp3);                               \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp0, tmp1, mult, mult, out0, out1);                 \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp2, tmp3, mult, mult, out2, out3);                 \
+  SRAR_D4_UD(out0, out1, out2, out3, shift);                       \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(out0, out1, scale, scale, out0, out1);               \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(out2, out3, scale, scale, out2, out3);               \
+  SRAR_D4_UD(out0, out1, out2, out3, shift);                       \
+  PCKEV_B2_UB(out1, out0, out3, out2, dst0, dst1);                 \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_MULT_FIX2_4(in0, in1, mult, scale, shift, dst) do {  \
+  v4u32 tmp0, tmp1;                                               \
+  v2u64 out0, out1;                                               \
+  v16i8 t0, t1;                                                   \
+  ILVRL_W2_UW(in0, in1, tmp0, tmp1);                              \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(tmp0, tmp1, mult, mult, out0, out1);                \
+  SRAR_D2_UD(out0, out1, shift);                                  \
+  DOTP_UW2_UD(out0, out1, scale, scale, out0, out1);              \
+  SRAR_D2_UD(out0, out1, shift);                                  \
+  t0 = __msa_pckev_b((v16i8)out1, (v16i8)out0);                   \
+  t1 = __msa_pckev_b(t0, t0);                                     \
+  t0 = __msa_pckev_b(t1, t1);                                     \
+  dst = __msa_copy_s_w((v4i32)t0, 0);                             \
+} while (0)
+static WEBP_INLINE void ExportRowExpand_0(const uint32_t* frow, uint8_t* dst,
+                                          int length,
+                                          WebPRescaler* const wrk) {
+  const v4u32 scale = (v4u32)__msa_fill_w(wrk->fy_scale);
+  const v4u32 shift = (v4u32)__msa_fill_w(WEBP_RESCALER_RFIX);
+  const v4i32 zero = { 0 };
+  while (length >= 16) {
+    v4u32 src0, src1, src2, src3;
+    v16u8 out;
+    LD_UW4(frow, 4, src0, src1, src2, src3);
+    CALC_MULT_FIX_16(src0, src1, src2, src3, scale, shift, out);
+    ST_UB(out, dst);
+    length -= 16;
+    frow   += 16;
+    dst    += 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 0) {
+    int x_out;
+    if (length >= 12) {
+      uint32_t val0_m, val1_m, val2_m;
+      v4u32 src0, src1, src2;
+      LD_UW3(frow, 4, src0, src1, src2);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src0, scale, shift, val0_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src1, scale, shift, val1_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src2, scale, shift, val2_m);
+      SW3(val0_m, val1_m, val2_m, dst, 4);
+      length -= 12;
+      frow   += 12;
+      dst    += 12;
+    } else if (length >= 8) {
+      uint32_t val0_m, val1_m;
+      v4u32 src0, src1;
+      LD_UW2(frow, 4, src0, src1);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src0, scale, shift, val0_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src1, scale, shift, val1_m);
+      SW2(val0_m, val1_m, dst, 4);
+      length -= 8;
+      frow   += 8;
+      dst    += 8;
+    } else if (length >= 4) {
+      uint32_t val0_m;
+      const v4u32 src0 = LD_UW(frow);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src0, scale, shift, val0_m);
+      SW(val0_m, dst);
+      length -= 4;
+      frow   += 4;
+      dst    += 4;
+    }
+    for (x_out = 0; x_out < length; ++x_out) {
+      const uint32_t J = frow[x_out];
+      const int v = (int)MULT_FIX(J, wrk->fy_scale);
+      assert(v >= 0 && v <= 255);
+      dst[x_out] = v;
+    }
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void ExportRowExpand_1(const uint32_t* frow, uint32_t* irow,
+                                          uint8_t* dst, int length,
+                                          WebPRescaler* const wrk) {
+  const uint32_t B = WEBP_RESCALER_FRAC(-wrk->y_accum, wrk->y_sub);
+  const uint32_t A = (uint32_t)(WEBP_RESCALER_ONE - B);
+  const v4i32 B1 = __msa_fill_w(B);
+  const v4i32 A1 = __msa_fill_w(A);
+  const v4i32 AB = __msa_ilvr_w(A1, B1);
+  const v4u32 scale = (v4u32)__msa_fill_w(wrk->fy_scale);
+  const v4u32 shift = (v4u32)__msa_fill_w(WEBP_RESCALER_RFIX);
+  while (length >= 16) {
+    v4u32 frow0, frow1, frow2, frow3, irow0, irow1, irow2, irow3;
+    v16u8 t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
+    LD_UW4(frow, 4, frow0, frow1, frow2, frow3);
+    LD_UW4(irow, 4, irow0, irow1, irow2, irow3);
+    CALC_MULT_FIX2_16(frow0, frow1, irow0, irow1, AB, scale, shift, t0, t1);
+    CALC_MULT_FIX2_16(frow2, frow3, irow2, irow3, AB, scale, shift, t2, t3);
+    PCKEV_B2_UB(t1, t0, t3, t2, t4, t5);
+    t0 = (v16u8)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)t5, (v16i8)t4);
+    ST_UB(t0, dst);
+    frow   += 16;
+    irow   += 16;
+    dst    += 16;
+    length -= 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 0) {
+    int x_out;
+    if (length >= 12) {
+      uint32_t val0_m, val1_m, val2_m;
+      v4u32 frow0, frow1, frow2, irow0, irow1, irow2;
+      LD_UW3(frow, 4, frow0, frow1, frow2);
+      LD_UW3(irow, 4, irow0, irow1, irow2);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX2_4(frow0, irow0, AB, scale, shift, val0_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX2_4(frow1, irow1, AB, scale, shift, val1_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX2_4(frow2, irow2, AB, scale, shift, val2_m);
+      SW3(val0_m, val1_m, val2_m, dst, 4);
+      frow   += 12;
+      irow   += 12;
+      dst    += 12;
+      length -= 12;
+    } else if (length >= 8) {
+      uint32_t val0_m, val1_m;
+      v4u32 frow0, frow1, irow0, irow1;
+      LD_UW2(frow, 4, frow0, frow1);
+      LD_UW2(irow, 4, irow0, irow1);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX2_4(frow0, irow0, AB, scale, shift, val0_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX2_4(frow1, irow1, AB, scale, shift, val1_m);
+      SW2(val0_m, val1_m, dst, 4);
+      frow   += 4;
+      irow   += 4;
+      dst    += 4;
+      length -= 4;
+    } else if (length >= 4) {
+      uint32_t val0_m;
+      const v4u32 frow0 = LD_UW(frow + 0);
+      const v4u32 irow0 = LD_UW(irow + 0);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX2_4(frow0, irow0, AB, scale, shift, val0_m);
+      SW(val0_m, dst);
+      frow   += 4;
+      irow   += 4;
+      dst    += 4;
+      length -= 4;
+    }
+    for (x_out = 0; x_out < length; ++x_out) {
+      const uint64_t I = (uint64_t)A * frow[x_out]
+                       + (uint64_t)B * irow[x_out];
+      const uint32_t J = (uint32_t)((I + ROUNDER) >> WEBP_RESCALER_RFIX);
+      const int v = (int)MULT_FIX(J, wrk->fy_scale);
+      assert(v >= 0 && v <= 255);
+      dst[x_out] = v;
+    }
+  }
+static void RescalerExportRowExpand(WebPRescaler* const wrk) {
+  uint8_t* dst = wrk->dst;
+  rescaler_t* irow = wrk->irow;
+  const int x_out_max = wrk->dst_width * wrk->num_channels;
+  const rescaler_t* frow = wrk->frow;
+  assert(!WebPRescalerOutputDone(wrk));
+  assert(wrk->y_accum <= 0);
+  assert(wrk->y_expand);
+  assert(wrk->y_sub != 0);
+  if (wrk->y_accum == 0) {
+    ExportRowExpand_0(frow, dst, x_out_max, wrk);
+  } else {
+    ExportRowExpand_1(frow, irow, dst, x_out_max, wrk);
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void ExportRowShrink_0(const uint32_t* frow, uint32_t* irow,
+                                          uint8_t* dst, int length,
+                                          const uint32_t yscale,
+                                          WebPRescaler* const wrk) {
+  const v4u32 y_scale = (v4u32)__msa_fill_w(yscale);
+  const v4u32 fxyscale = (v4u32)__msa_fill_w(wrk->fxy_scale);
+  const v4u32 shiftval = (v4u32)__msa_fill_w(WEBP_RESCALER_RFIX);
+  const v4i32 zero = { 0 };
+  while (length >= 16) {
+    v4u32 src0, src1, src2, src3, frac0, frac1, frac2, frac3;
+    v16u8 out;
+    LD_UW4(frow, 4, src0, src1, src2, src3);
+    CALC_MULT_FIX1_16(src0, src1, src2, src3, y_scale, shiftval,
+                      frac0, frac1, frac2, frac3);
+    LD_UW4(irow, 4, src0, src1, src2, src3);
+    SUB4(src0, frac0, src1, frac1, src2, frac2, src3, frac3,
+         src0, src1, src2, src3);
+    CALC_MULT_FIX_16(src0, src1, src2, src3, fxyscale, shiftval, out);
+    ST_UB(out, dst);
+    ST_UW4(frac0, frac1, frac2, frac3, irow, 4);
+    frow   += 16;
+    irow   += 16;
+    dst    += 16;
+    length -= 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 0) {
+    int x_out;
+    if (length >= 12) {
+      uint32_t val0_m, val1_m, val2_m;
+      v4u32 src0, src1, src2, frac0, frac1, frac2;
+      LD_UW3(frow, 4, src0, src1, src2);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX1_4(src0, y_scale, shiftval, frac0);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX1_4(src1, y_scale, shiftval, frac1);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX1_4(src2, y_scale, shiftval, frac2);
+      LD_UW3(irow, 4, src0, src1, src2);
+      SUB3(src0, frac0, src1, frac1, src2, frac2, src0, src1, src2);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src0, fxyscale, shiftval, val0_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src1, fxyscale, shiftval, val1_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src2, fxyscale, shiftval, val2_m);
+      SW3(val0_m, val1_m, val2_m, dst, 4);
+      ST_UW3(frac0, frac1, frac2, irow, 4);
+      frow   += 12;
+      irow   += 12;
+      dst    += 12;
+      length -= 12;
+    } else if (length >= 8) {
+      uint32_t val0_m, val1_m;
+      v4u32 src0, src1, frac0, frac1;
+      LD_UW2(frow, 4, src0, src1);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX1_4(src0, y_scale, shiftval, frac0);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX1_4(src1, y_scale, shiftval, frac1);
+      LD_UW2(irow, 4, src0, src1);
+      SUB2(src0, frac0, src1, frac1, src0, src1);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src0, fxyscale, shiftval, val0_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src1, fxyscale, shiftval, val1_m);
+      SW2(val0_m, val1_m, dst, 4);
+      ST_UW2(frac0, frac1, irow, 4);
+      frow   += 8;
+      irow   += 8;
+      dst    += 8;
+      length -= 8;
+    } else if (length >= 4) {
+      uint32_t val0_m;
+      v4u32 frac0;
+      v4u32 src0 = LD_UW(frow);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX1_4(src0, y_scale, shiftval, frac0);
+      src0 = LD_UW(irow);
+      src0 = src0 - frac0;
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src0, fxyscale, shiftval, val0_m);
+      SW(val0_m, dst);
+      ST_UW(frac0, irow);
+      frow   += 4;
+      irow   += 4;
+      dst    += 4;
+      length -= 4;
+    }
+    for (x_out = 0; x_out < length; ++x_out) {
+      const uint32_t frac = (uint32_t)MULT_FIX(frow[x_out], yscale);
+      const int v = (int)MULT_FIX(irow[x_out] - frac, wrk->fxy_scale);
+      assert(v >= 0 && v <= 255);
+      dst[x_out] = v;
+      irow[x_out] = frac;
+    }
+  }
+static WEBP_INLINE void ExportRowShrink_1(uint32_t* irow, uint8_t* dst,
+                                          int length,
+                                          WebPRescaler* const wrk) {
+  const v4u32 scale = (v4u32)__msa_fill_w(wrk->fxy_scale);
+  const v4u32 shift = (v4u32)__msa_fill_w(WEBP_RESCALER_RFIX);
+  const v4i32 zero = { 0 };
+  while (length >= 16) {
+    v4u32 src0, src1, src2, src3;
+    v16u8 dst0;
+    LD_UW4(irow, 4, src0, src1, src2, src3);
+    CALC_MULT_FIX_16(src0, src1, src2, src3, scale, shift, dst0);
+    ST_UB(dst0, dst);
+    ST_SW4(zero, zero, zero, zero, irow, 4);
+    length -= 16;
+    irow   += 16;
+    dst    += 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 0) {
+    int x_out;
+    if (length >= 12) {
+      uint32_t val0_m, val1_m, val2_m;
+      v4u32 src0, src1, src2;
+      LD_UW3(irow, 4, src0, src1, src2);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src0, scale, shift, val0_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src1, scale, shift, val1_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src2, scale, shift, val2_m);
+      SW3(val0_m, val1_m, val2_m, dst, 4);
+      ST_SW3(zero, zero, zero, irow, 4);
+      length -= 12;
+      irow   += 12;
+      dst    += 12;
+    } else if (length >= 8) {
+      uint32_t val0_m, val1_m;
+      v4u32 src0, src1;
+      LD_UW2(irow, 4, src0, src1);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src0, scale, shift, val0_m);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src1, scale, shift, val1_m);
+      SW2(val0_m, val1_m, dst, 4);
+      ST_SW2(zero, zero, irow, 4);
+      length -= 8;
+      irow   += 8;
+      dst    += 8;
+    } else if (length >= 4) {
+      uint32_t val0_m;
+      const v4u32 src0 = LD_UW(irow + 0);
+      CALC_MULT_FIX_4(src0, scale, shift, val0_m);
+      SW(val0_m, dst);
+      ST_SW(zero, irow);
+      length -= 4;
+      irow   += 4;
+      dst    += 4;
+    }
+    for (x_out = 0; x_out < length; ++x_out) {
+      const int v = (int)MULT_FIX(irow[x_out], wrk->fxy_scale);
+      assert(v >= 0 && v <= 255);
+      dst[x_out] = v;
+      irow[x_out] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+static void RescalerExportRowShrink(WebPRescaler* const wrk) {
+  uint8_t* dst = wrk->dst;
+  rescaler_t* irow = wrk->irow;
+  const int x_out_max = wrk->dst_width * wrk->num_channels;
+  const rescaler_t* frow = wrk->frow;
+  const uint32_t yscale = wrk->fy_scale * (-wrk->y_accum);
+  assert(!WebPRescalerOutputDone(wrk));
+  assert(wrk->y_accum <= 0);
+  assert(!wrk->y_expand);
+  if (yscale) {
+    ExportRowShrink_0(frow, irow, dst, x_out_max, yscale, wrk);
+  } else {
+    ExportRowShrink_1(irow, dst, x_out_max, wrk);
+  }
+// Entry point
+extern void WebPRescalerDspInitMSA(void);
+WEBP_TSAN_IGNORE_FUNCTION void WebPRescalerDspInitMSA(void) {
+  WebPRescalerExportRowExpand = RescalerExportRowExpand;
+  WebPRescalerExportRowShrink = RescalerExportRowShrink;
+#else     // !WEBP_USE_MSA
+#endif    // WEBP_USE_MSA
diff --git a/src/dsp/rescaler_neon.c b/src/dsp/rescaler_neon.c
index 16fd450..b2dd8f3 100644
--- a/src/dsp/rescaler_neon.c
+++ b/src/dsp/rescaler_neon.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include <arm_neon.h>
 #include <assert.h>
 #include "./neon.h"
-#include "../utils/rescaler.h"
+#include "../utils/rescaler_utils.h"
 #define MULT_FIX_C(x, y) (((uint64_t)(x) * (y) + ROUNDER) >> WEBP_RESCALER_RFIX)
diff --git a/src/dsp/rescaler_sse2.c b/src/dsp/rescaler_sse2.c
index 5b97028..8271c22 100644
--- a/src/dsp/rescaler_sse2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/rescaler_sse2.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include <emmintrin.h>
 #include <assert.h>
-#include "../utils/rescaler.h"
+#include "../utils/rescaler_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
diff --git a/src/dsp/upsampling.c b/src/dsp/upsampling.c
index 651274f..265e722 100644
--- a/src/dsp/upsampling.c
+++ b/src/dsp/upsampling.c
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
 extern void WebPInitUpsamplersSSE2(void);
 extern void WebPInitUpsamplersNEON(void);
 extern void WebPInitUpsamplersMIPSdspR2(void);
+extern void WebPInitUpsamplersMSA(void);
 static volatile VP8CPUInfo upsampling_last_cpuinfo_used2 =
@@ -252,6 +253,11 @@
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kMSA)) {
+      WebPInitUpsamplersMSA();
+    }
   upsampling_last_cpuinfo_used2 = VP8GetCPUInfo;
diff --git a/src/dsp/upsampling_msa.c b/src/dsp/upsampling_msa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f24926f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dsp/upsampling_msa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MSA version of YUV to RGB upsampling functions.
+// Author: Prashant Patil (
+#include <string.h>
+#include "./dsp.h"
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MSA)
+#include "./msa_macro.h"
+#include "./yuv.h"
+#define ILVR_UW2(in, out0, out1) do {                            \
+  const v8i16 t0 = (v8i16)__msa_ilvr_b((v16i8)zero, (v16i8)in);  \
+  out0 = (v4u32)__msa_ilvr_h((v8i16)zero, t0);                   \
+  out1 = (v4u32)__msa_ilvl_h((v8i16)zero, t0);                   \
+} while (0)
+#define ILVRL_UW4(in, out0, out1, out2, out3) do {  \
+  v16u8 t0, t1;                                     \
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(zero, in, t0, t1);                    \
+  ILVRL_H2_UW(zero, t0, out0, out1);                \
+  ILVRL_H2_UW(zero, t1, out2, out3);                \
+} while (0)
+#define MULTHI_16(in0, in1, in2, in3, cnst, out0, out1) do {   \
+  const v4i32 const0 = (v4i32)__msa_fill_w(cnst * 256);        \
+  v4u32 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3;                            \
+  MUL4(in0, const0, in1, const0, in2, const0, in3, const0,     \
+       temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3);                            \
+  PCKOD_H2_UH(temp1, temp0, temp3, temp2, out0, out1);         \
+} while (0)
+#define MULTHI_8(in0, in1, cnst, out0) do {                 \
+  const v4i32 const0 = (v4i32)__msa_fill_w(cnst * 256);     \
+  v4u32 temp0, temp1;                                       \
+  MUL2(in0, const0, in1, const0, temp0, temp1);             \
+  out0 = (v8u16)__msa_pckod_h((v8i16)temp1, (v8i16)temp0);  \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_R16(y0, y1, v0, v1, dst) do {                \
+  const v8i16 const_a = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(14234);       \
+  const v8i16 a0 = __msa_adds_s_h((v8i16)y0, (v8i16)v0);  \
+  const v8i16 a1 = __msa_adds_s_h((v8i16)y1, (v8i16)v1);  \
+  v8i16 b0 = __msa_subs_s_h(a0, const_a);                 \
+  v8i16 b1 = __msa_subs_s_h(a1, const_a);                 \
+  SRAI_H2_SH(b0, b1, 6);                                  \
+  CLIP_SH2_0_255(b0, b1);                                 \
+  dst = (v16u8)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)b1, (v16i8)b0);       \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_R8(y0, v0, dst) do {                         \
+  const v8i16 const_a = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(14234);       \
+  const v8i16 a0 = __msa_adds_s_h((v8i16)y0, (v8i16)v0);  \
+  v8i16 b0 = __msa_subs_s_h(a0, const_a);                 \
+  b0 = SRAI_H(b0, 6);                                     \
+  CLIP_SH_0_255(b0);                                      \
+  dst = (v16u8)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)b0, (v16i8)b0);       \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_G16(y0, y1, u0, u1, v0, v1, dst) do {   \
+  const v8i16 const_a = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(8708);   \
+  v8i16 a0 = __msa_subs_s_h((v8i16)y0, (v8i16)u0);   \
+  v8i16 a1 = __msa_subs_s_h((v8i16)y1, (v8i16)u1);   \
+  const v8i16 b0 = __msa_subs_s_h(a0, (v8i16)v0);    \
+  const v8i16 b1 = __msa_subs_s_h(a1, (v8i16)v1);    \
+  a0 = __msa_adds_s_h(b0, const_a);                  \
+  a1 = __msa_adds_s_h(b1, const_a);                  \
+  SRAI_H2_SH(a0, a1, 6);                             \
+  CLIP_SH2_0_255(a0, a1);                            \
+  dst = (v16u8)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)a1, (v16i8)a0);  \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_G8(y0, u0, v0, dst) do {                \
+  const v8i16 const_a = (v8i16)__msa_fill_h(8708);   \
+  v8i16 a0 = __msa_subs_s_h((v8i16)y0, (v8i16)u0);   \
+  const v8i16 b0 = __msa_subs_s_h(a0, (v8i16)v0);    \
+  a0 = __msa_adds_s_h(b0, const_a);                  \
+  a0 = SRAI_H(a0, 6);                                \
+  CLIP_SH_0_255(a0);                                 \
+  dst = (v16u8)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)a0, (v16i8)a0);  \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_B16(y0, y1, u0, u1, dst) do {           \
+  const v8u16 const_a = (v8u16)__msa_fill_h(17685);  \
+  const v8u16 a0 = __msa_adds_u_h((v8u16)y0, u0);    \
+  const v8u16 a1 = __msa_adds_u_h((v8u16)y1, u1);    \
+  v8u16 b0 = __msa_subs_u_h(a0, const_a);            \
+  v8u16 b1 = __msa_subs_u_h(a1, const_a);            \
+  SRAI_H2_UH(b0, b1, 6);                             \
+  CLIP_UH2_0_255(b0, b1);                            \
+  dst = (v16u8)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)b1, (v16i8)b0);  \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_B8(y0, u0, dst) do {                    \
+  const v8u16 const_a = (v8u16)__msa_fill_h(17685);  \
+  const v8u16 a0 = __msa_adds_u_h((v8u16)y0, u0);    \
+  v8u16 b0 = __msa_subs_u_h(a0, const_a);            \
+  b0 = SRAI_H(b0, 6);                                \
+  CLIP_UH_0_255(b0);                                 \
+  dst = (v16u8)__msa_pckev_b((v16i8)b0, (v16i8)b0);  \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_RGB16(y, u, v, R, G, B) do {    \
+  const v16u8 zero = { 0 };                  \
+  v8u16 y0, y1, u0, u1, v0, v1;              \
+  v4u32 p0, p1, p2, p3;                      \
+  const v16u8 in_y = LD_UB(y);               \
+  const v16u8 in_u = LD_UB(u);               \
+  const v16u8 in_v = LD_UB(v);               \
+  ILVRL_UW4(in_y, p0, p1, p2, p3);           \
+  MULTHI_16(p0, p1, p2, p3, 19077, y0, y1);  \
+  ILVRL_UW4(in_v, p0, p1, p2, p3);           \
+  MULTHI_16(p0, p1, p2, p3, 26149, v0, v1);  \
+  CALC_R16(y0, y1, v0, v1, R);               \
+  MULTHI_16(p0, p1, p2, p3, 13320, v0, v1);  \
+  ILVRL_UW4(in_u, p0, p1, p2, p3);           \
+  MULTHI_16(p0, p1, p2, p3, 6419, u0, u1);   \
+  CALC_G16(y0, y1, u0, u1, v0, v1, G);       \
+  MULTHI_16(p0, p1, p2, p3, 33050, u0, u1);  \
+  CALC_B16(y0, y1, u0, u1, B);               \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_RGB8(y, u, v, R, G, B) do {  \
+  const v16u8 zero = { 0 };               \
+  v8u16 y0, u0, v0;                       \
+  v4u32 p0, p1;                           \
+  const v16u8 in_y = LD_UB(y);            \
+  const v16u8 in_u = LD_UB(u);            \
+  const v16u8 in_v = LD_UB(v);            \
+  ILVR_UW2(in_y, p0, p1);                 \
+  MULTHI_8(p0, p1, 19077, y0);            \
+  ILVR_UW2(in_v, p0, p1);                 \
+  MULTHI_8(p0, p1, 26149, v0);            \
+  CALC_R8(y0, v0, R);                     \
+  MULTHI_8(p0, p1, 13320, v0);            \
+  ILVR_UW2(in_u, p0, p1);                 \
+  MULTHI_8(p0, p1, 6419, u0);             \
+  CALC_G8(y0, u0, v0, G);                 \
+  MULTHI_8(p0, p1, 33050, u0);            \
+  CALC_B8(y0, u0, B);                     \
+} while (0)
+#define STORE16_3(a0, a1, a2, dst) do {                          \
+  const v16u8 mask0 = { 0, 1, 16, 2, 3, 17, 4, 5, 18, 6, 7, 19,  \
+                        8, 9, 20, 10 };                          \
+  const v16u8 mask1 = { 0, 21, 1, 2, 22, 3, 4, 23, 5, 6, 24, 7,  \
+                        8, 25, 9, 10 };                          \
+  const v16u8 mask2 = { 26, 0, 1, 27, 2, 3, 28, 4, 5, 29, 6, 7,  \
+                        30, 8, 9, 31 };                          \
+  v16u8 out0, out1, out2, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;                      \
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(a1, a0, tmp0, tmp1);                               \
+  out0 = VSHF_UB(tmp0, a2, mask0);                               \
+  tmp2 = SLDI_UB(tmp1, tmp0, 11);                                \
+  out1 = VSHF_UB(tmp2, a2, mask1);                               \
+  tmp2 = SLDI_UB(tmp1, tmp1, 6);                                 \
+  out2 = VSHF_UB(tmp2, a2, mask2);                               \
+  ST_UB(out0, dst +  0);                                         \
+  ST_UB(out1, dst + 16);                                         \
+  ST_UB(out2, dst + 32);                                         \
+} while (0)
+#define STORE8_3(a0, a1, a2, dst) do {                             \
+  int64_t out_m;                                                   \
+  const v16u8 mask0 = { 0, 1, 16, 2, 3, 17, 4, 5, 18, 6, 7, 19,    \
+                        8, 9, 20, 10 };                            \
+  const v16u8 mask1 = { 11, 21, 12, 13, 22, 14, 15, 23,            \
+                        255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 };  \
+  const v16u8 tmp0 = (v16u8)__msa_ilvr_b((v16i8)a1, (v16i8)a0);    \
+  v16u8 out0, out1;                                                \
+  VSHF_B2_UB(tmp0, a2, tmp0, a2, mask0, mask1, out0, out1);        \
+  ST_UB(out0, dst);                                                \
+  out_m = __msa_copy_s_d((v2i64)out1, 0);                          \
+  SD(out_m, dst + 16);                                             \
+} while (0)
+#define STORE16_4(a0, a1, a2, a3, dst) do {  \
+  v16u8 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;              \
+  v16u8 out0, out1, out2, out3;              \
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(a1, a0, tmp0, tmp1);           \
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(a3, a2, tmp2, tmp3);           \
+  ILVRL_H2_UB(tmp2, tmp0, out0, out1);       \
+  ILVRL_H2_UB(tmp3, tmp1, out2, out3);       \
+  ST_UB(out0, dst +  0);                     \
+  ST_UB(out1, dst + 16);                     \
+  ST_UB(out2, dst + 32);                     \
+  ST_UB(out3, dst + 48);                     \
+} while (0)
+#define STORE8_4(a0, a1, a2, a3, dst) do {  \
+  v16u8 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;             \
+  ILVR_B2_UB(a1, a0, a3, a2, tmp0, tmp1);   \
+  ILVRL_H2_UB(tmp1, tmp0, tmp2, tmp3);      \
+  ST_UB(tmp2, dst +  0);                    \
+  ST_UB(tmp3, dst + 16);                    \
+} while (0)
+#define STORE2_16(a0, a1, dst) do {  \
+  v16u8 out0, out1;                  \
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(a1, a0, out0, out1);   \
+  ST_UB(out0, dst +  0);             \
+  ST_UB(out1, dst + 16);             \
+} while (0)
+#define STORE2_8(a0, a1, dst) do {                               \
+  const v16u8 out0 = (v16u8)__msa_ilvr_b((v16i8)a1, (v16i8)a0);  \
+  ST_UB(out0, dst);                                              \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_RGBA4444(y, u, v, out0, out1, N, dst) do {  \
+  CALC_RGB##N(y, u, v, R, G, B);                         \
+  tmp0 = ANDI_B(R, 0xf0);                                \
+  tmp1 = SRAI_B(G, 4);                                   \
+  RG = tmp0 | tmp1;                                      \
+  tmp0 = ANDI_B(B, 0xf0);                                \
+  BA = ORI_B(tmp0, 0x0f);                                \
+  STORE2_##N(out0, out1, dst);                           \
+} while (0)
+#define CALC_RGB565(y, u, v, out0, out1, N, dst) do {  \
+  CALC_RGB##N(y, u, v, R, G, B);                       \
+  tmp0 = ANDI_B(R, 0xf8);                              \
+  tmp1 = SRAI_B(G, 5);                                 \
+  RG = tmp0 | tmp1;                                    \
+  tmp0 = SLLI_B(G, 3);                                 \
+  tmp1 = ANDI_B(tmp0, 0xe0);                           \
+  tmp0 = SRAI_B(B, 3);                                 \
+  GB = tmp0 | tmp1;                                    \
+  STORE2_##N(out0, out1, dst);                         \
+} while (0)
+static WEBP_INLINE int Clip8(int v) {
+  return v < 0 ? 0 : v > 255 ? 255 : v;
+static void YuvToRgb(int y, int u, int v, uint8_t* const rgb) {
+  const int y1 = MultHi(y, 19077);
+  const int r1 = y1 + MultHi(v, 26149) - 14234;
+  const int g1 = y1 - MultHi(u, 6419) - MultHi(v, 13320) + 8708;
+  const int b1 = y1 + MultHi(u, 33050) - 17685;
+  rgb[0] = Clip8(r1 >> 6);
+  rgb[1] = Clip8(g1 >> 6);
+  rgb[2] = Clip8(b1 >> 6);
+static void YuvToBgr(int y, int u, int v, uint8_t* const bgr) {
+  const int y1 = MultHi(y, 19077);
+  const int r1 = y1 + MultHi(v, 26149) - 14234;
+  const int g1 = y1 - MultHi(u, 6419) - MultHi(v, 13320) + 8708;
+  const int b1 = y1 + MultHi(u, 33050) - 17685;
+  bgr[0] = Clip8(b1 >> 6);
+  bgr[1] = Clip8(g1 >> 6);
+  bgr[2] = Clip8(r1 >> 6);
+static void YuvToRgb565(int y, int u, int v, uint8_t* const rgb) {
+  const int y1 = MultHi(y, 19077);
+  const int r1 = y1 + MultHi(v, 26149) - 14234;
+  const int g1 = y1 - MultHi(u, 6419) - MultHi(v, 13320) + 8708;
+  const int b1 = y1 + MultHi(u, 33050) - 17685;
+  const int r = Clip8(r1 >> 6);
+  const int g = Clip8(g1 >> 6);
+  const int b = Clip8(b1 >> 6);
+  const int rg = (r & 0xf8) | (g >> 5);
+  const int gb = ((g << 3) & 0xe0) | (b >> 3);
+  rgb[0] = gb;
+  rgb[1] = rg;
+  rgb[0] = rg;
+  rgb[1] = gb;
+static void YuvToRgba4444(int y, int u, int v, uint8_t* const argb) {
+  const int y1 = MultHi(y, 19077);
+  const int r1 = y1 + MultHi(v, 26149) - 14234;
+  const int g1 = y1 - MultHi(u, 6419) - MultHi(v, 13320) + 8708;
+  const int b1 = y1 + MultHi(u, 33050) - 17685;
+  const int r = Clip8(r1 >> 6);
+  const int g = Clip8(g1 >> 6);
+  const int b = Clip8(b1 >> 6);
+  const int rg = (r & 0xf0) | (g >> 4);
+  const int ba = (b & 0xf0) | 0x0f;     // overwrite the lower 4 bits
+  argb[0] = ba;
+  argb[1] = rg;
+  argb[0] = rg;
+  argb[1] = ba;
+static void YuvToArgb(uint8_t y, uint8_t u, uint8_t v, uint8_t* const argb) {
+  argb[0] = 0xff;
+  YuvToRgb(y, u, v, argb + 1);
+static void YuvToBgra(uint8_t y, uint8_t u, uint8_t v, uint8_t* const bgra) {
+  YuvToBgr(y, u, v, bgra);
+  bgra[3] = 0xff;
+static void YuvToRgba(uint8_t y, uint8_t u, uint8_t v, uint8_t* const rgba) {
+  YuvToRgb(y, u, v, rgba);
+  rgba[3] = 0xff;
+static void YuvToRgbLine(const uint8_t* y, const uint8_t* u,
+                         const uint8_t* v, uint8_t* dst, int length) {
+  v16u8 R, G, B;
+  while (length >= 16) {
+    CALC_RGB16(y, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE16_3(R, G, B, dst);
+    y      += 16;
+    u      += 16;
+    v      += 16;
+    dst    += 16 * 3;
+    length -= 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 8) {
+    uint8_t temp[3 * 16] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB16(temp, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE16_3(R, G, B, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 3 * sizeof(*dst));
+  } else if (length > 0) {
+    uint8_t temp[3 * 8] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB8(temp, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE8_3(R, G, B, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 3 * sizeof(*dst));
+  }
+static void YuvToBgrLine(const uint8_t* y, const uint8_t* u,
+                         const uint8_t* v, uint8_t* dst, int length) {
+  v16u8 R, G, B;
+  while (length >= 16) {
+    CALC_RGB16(y, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE16_3(B, G, R, dst);
+    y      += 16;
+    u      += 16;
+    v      += 16;
+    dst    += 16 * 3;
+    length -= 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 8) {
+    uint8_t temp[3 * 16] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB16(temp, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE16_3(B, G, R, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 3 * sizeof(*dst));
+  } else if (length > 0) {
+    uint8_t temp[3 * 8] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB8(temp, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE8_3(B, G, R, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 3 * sizeof(*dst));
+  }
+static void YuvToRgbaLine(const uint8_t* y, const uint8_t* u,
+                          const uint8_t* v, uint8_t* dst, int length) {
+  v16u8 R, G, B;
+  const v16u8 A = (v16u8)__msa_ldi_b(0xff);
+  while (length >= 16) {
+    CALC_RGB16(y, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE16_4(R, G, B, A, dst);
+    y      += 16;
+    u      += 16;
+    v      += 16;
+    dst    += 16 * 4;
+    length -= 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 8) {
+    uint8_t temp[4 * 16] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB16(&temp[0], u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE16_4(R, G, B, A, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 4 * sizeof(*dst));
+  } else if (length > 0) {
+    uint8_t temp[4 * 8] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB8(temp, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE8_4(R, G, B, A, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 4 * sizeof(*dst));
+  }
+static void YuvToBgraLine(const uint8_t* y, const uint8_t* u,
+                          const uint8_t* v, uint8_t* dst, int length) {
+  v16u8 R, G, B;
+  const v16u8 A = (v16u8)__msa_ldi_b(0xff);
+  while (length >= 16) {
+    CALC_RGB16(y, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE16_4(B, G, R, A, dst);
+    y      += 16;
+    u      += 16;
+    v      += 16;
+    dst    += 16 * 4;
+    length -= 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 8) {
+    uint8_t temp[4 * 16] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB16(temp, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE16_4(B, G, R, A, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 4 * sizeof(*dst));
+  } else if (length > 0) {
+    uint8_t temp[4 * 8] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB8(temp, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE8_4(B, G, R, A, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 4 * sizeof(*dst));
+  }
+static void YuvToArgbLine(const uint8_t* y, const uint8_t* u,
+                          const uint8_t* v, uint8_t* dst, int length) {
+  v16u8 R, G, B;
+  const v16u8 A = (v16u8)__msa_ldi_b(0xff);
+  while (length >= 16) {
+    CALC_RGB16(y, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE16_4(A, R, G, B, dst);
+    y      += 16;
+    u      += 16;
+    v      += 16;
+    dst    += 16 * 4;
+    length -= 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 8) {
+    uint8_t temp[4 * 16] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB16(temp, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE16_4(A, R, G, B, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 4 * sizeof(*dst));
+  } else if (length > 0) {
+    uint8_t temp[4 * 8] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB8(temp, u, v, R, G, B);
+    STORE8_4(A, R, G, B, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 4 * sizeof(*dst));
+  }
+static void YuvToRgba4444Line(const uint8_t* y, const uint8_t* u,
+                              const uint8_t* v, uint8_t* dst, int length) {
+  v16u8 R, G, B, RG, BA, tmp0, tmp1;
+  while (length >= 16) {
+  #ifdef WEBP_SWAP_16BIT_CSP
+    CALC_RGBA4444(y, u, v, BA, RG, 16, dst);
+  #else
+    CALC_RGBA4444(y, u, v, RG, BA, 16, dst);
+  #endif
+    y      += 16;
+    u      += 16;
+    v      += 16;
+    dst    += 16 * 2;
+    length -= 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 8) {
+    uint8_t temp[2 * 16] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGBA4444(temp, u, v, BA, RG, 16, temp);
+    CALC_RGBA4444(temp, u, v, RG, BA, 16, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 2 * sizeof(*dst));
+  } else if (length > 0) {
+    uint8_t temp[2 * 8] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGBA4444(temp, u, v, BA, RG, 8, temp);
+    CALC_RGBA4444(temp, u, v, RG, BA, 8, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 2 * sizeof(*dst));
+  }
+static void YuvToRgb565Line(const uint8_t* y, const uint8_t* u,
+                            const uint8_t* v, uint8_t* dst, int length) {
+  v16u8 R, G, B, RG, GB, tmp0, tmp1;
+  while (length >= 16) {
+  #ifdef WEBP_SWAP_16BIT_CSP
+    CALC_RGB565(y, u, v, GB, RG, 16, dst);
+  #else
+    CALC_RGB565(y, u, v, RG, GB, 16, dst);
+  #endif
+    y      += 16;
+    u      += 16;
+    v      += 16;
+    dst    += 16 * 2;
+    length -= 16;
+  }
+  if (length > 8) {
+    uint8_t temp[2 * 16] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB565(temp, u, v, GB, RG, 16, temp);
+    CALC_RGB565(temp, u, v, RG, GB, 16, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 2 * sizeof(*dst));
+  } else if (length > 0) {
+    uint8_t temp[2 * 8] = { 0 };
+    memcpy(temp, y, length * sizeof(*temp));
+    CALC_RGB565(temp, u, v, GB, RG, 8, temp);
+    CALC_RGB565(temp, u, v, RG, GB, 8, temp);
+    memcpy(dst, temp, length * 2 * sizeof(*dst));
+  }
+#define UPSAMPLE_32PIXELS(a, b, c, d) do {    \
+  v16u8 s = __msa_aver_u_b(a, d);             \
+  v16u8 t = __msa_aver_u_b(b, c);             \
+  const v16u8 st = s ^ t;                     \
+  v16u8 ad = a ^ d;                           \
+  v16u8 bc = b ^ c;                           \
+  v16u8 t0 = ad | bc;                         \
+  v16u8 t1 = t0 | st;                         \
+  v16u8 t2 = ANDI_B(t1, 1);                   \
+  v16u8 t3 = __msa_aver_u_b(s, t);            \
+  const v16u8 k = t3 - t2;                    \
+  v16u8 diag1, diag2;                         \
+  AVER_UB2_UB(t, k, s, k, t0, t1);            \
+  bc = bc & st;                               \
+  ad = ad & st;                               \
+  t = t ^ k;                                  \
+  s = s ^ k;                                  \
+  t2 = bc | t;                                \
+  t3 = ad | s;                                \
+  t2 = ANDI_B(t2, 1);                         \
+  t3 = ANDI_B(t3, 1);                         \
+  SUB2(t0, t2, t1, t3, diag1, diag2);         \
+  AVER_UB2_UB(a, diag1, b, diag2, t0, t1);    \
+  ILVRL_B2_UB(t1, t0, a, b);                  \
+  if (pbot_y != NULL) {                       \
+    AVER_UB2_UB(c, diag2, d, diag1, t0, t1);  \
+    ILVRL_B2_UB(t1, t0, c, d);                \
+  }                                           \
+} while (0)
+#define UPSAMPLE_FUNC(FUNC_NAME, FUNC, XSTEP)                            \
+static void FUNC_NAME(const uint8_t* top_y, const uint8_t* bot_y,        \
+                      const uint8_t* top_u, const uint8_t* top_v,        \
+                      const uint8_t* cur_u, const uint8_t* cur_v,        \
+                      uint8_t* top_dst, uint8_t* bot_dst, int len)       \
+{                                                                        \
+  int size = (len - 1) >> 1;                                             \
+  uint8_t temp_u[64];                                                    \
+  uint8_t temp_v[64];                                                    \
+  const uint32_t tl_uv = ((top_u[0]) | ((top_v[0]) << 16));              \
+  const uint32_t l_uv = ((cur_u[0]) | ((cur_v[0]) << 16));               \
+  const uint32_t uv0 = (3 * tl_uv + l_uv + 0x00020002u) >> 2;            \
+  const uint8_t* ptop_y = &top_y[1];                                     \
+  uint8_t *ptop_dst = top_dst + XSTEP;                                   \
+  const uint8_t* pbot_y = &bot_y[1];                                     \
+  uint8_t *pbot_dst = bot_dst + XSTEP;                                   \
+                                                                         \
+  FUNC(top_y[0], uv0 & 0xff, (uv0 >> 16), top_dst);                      \
+  if (bot_y != NULL) {                                                   \
+    const uint32_t uv1 = (3 * l_uv + tl_uv + 0x00020002u) >> 2;          \
+    FUNC(bot_y[0], uv1 & 0xff, (uv1 >> 16), bot_dst);                    \
+  }                                                                      \
+  while (size >= 16) {                                                   \
+    v16u8 tu0, tu1, tv0, tv1, cu0, cu1, cv0, cv1;                        \
+    LD_UB2(top_u, 1, tu0, tu1);                                          \
+    LD_UB2(cur_u, 1, cu0, cu1);                                          \
+    LD_UB2(top_v, 1, tv0, tv1);                                          \
+    LD_UB2(cur_v, 1, cv0, cv1);                                          \
+    UPSAMPLE_32PIXELS(tu0, tu1, cu0, cu1);                               \
+    UPSAMPLE_32PIXELS(tv0, tv1, cv0, cv1);                               \
+    ST_UB4(tu0, tu1, cu0, cu1, &temp_u[0], 16);                          \
+    ST_UB4(tv0, tv1, cv0, cv1, &temp_v[0], 16);                          \
+    FUNC##Line(ptop_y, &temp_u[ 0], &temp_v[0], ptop_dst, 32);           \
+    if (bot_y != NULL) {                                                 \
+      FUNC##Line(pbot_y, &temp_u[32], &temp_v[32], pbot_dst, 32);        \
+    }                                                                    \
+    ptop_y   += 32;                                                      \
+    pbot_y   += 32;                                                      \
+    ptop_dst += XSTEP * 32;                                              \
+    pbot_dst += XSTEP * 32;                                              \
+    top_u    += 16;                                                      \
+    top_v    += 16;                                                      \
+    cur_u    += 16;                                                      \
+    cur_v    += 16;                                                      \
+    size     -= 16;                                                      \
+  }                                                                      \
+  if (size > 0) {                                                        \
+    v16u8 tu0, tu1, tv0, tv1, cu0, cu1, cv0, cv1;                        \
+    memcpy(&temp_u[ 0], top_u, 17 * sizeof(uint8_t));                    \
+    memcpy(&temp_u[32], cur_u, 17 * sizeof(uint8_t));                    \
+    memcpy(&temp_v[ 0], top_v, 17 * sizeof(uint8_t));                    \
+    memcpy(&temp_v[32], cur_v, 17 * sizeof(uint8_t));                    \
+    LD_UB2(&temp_u[ 0], 1, tu0, tu1);                                    \
+    LD_UB2(&temp_u[32], 1, cu0, cu1);                                    \
+    LD_UB2(&temp_v[ 0], 1, tv0, tv1);                                    \
+    LD_UB2(&temp_v[32], 1, cv0, cv1);                                    \
+    UPSAMPLE_32PIXELS(tu0, tu1, cu0, cu1);                               \
+    UPSAMPLE_32PIXELS(tv0, tv1, cv0, cv1);                               \
+    ST_UB4(tu0, tu1, cu0, cu1, &temp_u[0], 16);                          \
+    ST_UB4(tv0, tv1, cv0, cv1, &temp_v[0], 16);                          \
+    FUNC##Line(ptop_y, &temp_u[ 0], &temp_v[0], ptop_dst, size * 2);     \
+    if (bot_y != NULL) {                                                 \
+      FUNC##Line(pbot_y, &temp_u[32], &temp_v[32], pbot_dst, size * 2);  \
+    }                                                                    \
+    top_u += size;                                                       \
+    top_v += size;                                                       \
+    cur_u += size;                                                       \
+    cur_v += size;                                                       \
+  }                                                                      \
+  if (!(len & 1)) {                                                      \
+    const uint32_t t0 = ((top_u[0]) | ((top_v[0]) << 16));               \
+    const uint32_t c0  = ((cur_u[0]) | ((cur_v[0]) << 16));              \
+    const uint32_t tmp0 = (3 * t0 + c0 + 0x00020002u) >> 2;              \
+    FUNC(top_y[len - 1], tmp0 & 0xff, (tmp0 >> 16),                      \
+                top_dst + (len - 1) * XSTEP);                            \
+    if (bot_y != NULL) {                                                 \
+      const uint32_t tmp1 = (3 * c0 + t0 + 0x00020002u) >> 2;            \
+      FUNC(bot_y[len - 1], tmp1 & 0xff, (tmp1 >> 16),                    \
+           bot_dst + (len - 1) * XSTEP);                                 \
+    }                                                                    \
+  }                                                                      \
+UPSAMPLE_FUNC(UpsampleRgbLinePair,      YuvToRgb,      3)
+UPSAMPLE_FUNC(UpsampleBgrLinePair,      YuvToBgr,      3)
+UPSAMPLE_FUNC(UpsampleRgbaLinePair,     YuvToRgba,     4)
+UPSAMPLE_FUNC(UpsampleBgraLinePair,     YuvToBgra,     4)
+UPSAMPLE_FUNC(UpsampleArgbLinePair,     YuvToArgb,     4)
+UPSAMPLE_FUNC(UpsampleRgba4444LinePair, YuvToRgba4444, 2)
+UPSAMPLE_FUNC(UpsampleRgb565LinePair,   YuvToRgb565,   2)
+// Entry point
+extern WebPUpsampleLinePairFunc WebPUpsamplers[/* MODE_LAST */];
+extern void WebPInitUpsamplersMSA(void);
+WEBP_TSAN_IGNORE_FUNCTION void WebPInitUpsamplersMSA(void) {
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_RGB]       = UpsampleRgbLinePair;
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_RGBA]      = UpsampleRgbaLinePair;
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_BGR]       = UpsampleBgrLinePair;
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_BGRA]      = UpsampleBgraLinePair;
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_ARGB]      = UpsampleArgbLinePair;
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_rgbA]      = UpsampleRgbaLinePair;
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_bgrA]      = UpsampleBgraLinePair;
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_Argb]      = UpsampleArgbLinePair;
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_RGB_565]   = UpsampleRgb565LinePair;
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_RGBA_4444] = UpsampleRgba4444LinePair;
+  WebPUpsamplers[MODE_rgbA_4444] = UpsampleRgba4444LinePair;
+#endif  // WEBP_USE_MSA
+#if !(defined(FANCY_UPSAMPLING) && defined(WEBP_USE_MSA))
diff --git a/src/dsp/upsampling_neon.c b/src/dsp/upsampling_neon.c
index 2b0c99b..d371a83 100644
--- a/src/dsp/upsampling_neon.c
+++ b/src/dsp/upsampling_neon.c
@@ -28,47 +28,34 @@
 // U/V upsampling
 // Loads 9 pixels each from rows r1 and r2 and generates 16 pixels.
-#define UPSAMPLE_16PIXELS(r1, r2, out) {                                \
-  uint8x8_t a = vld1_u8(r1);                                            \
-  uint8x8_t b = vld1_u8(r1 + 1);                                        \
-  uint8x8_t c = vld1_u8(r2);                                            \
-  uint8x8_t d = vld1_u8(r2 + 1);                                        \
-                                                                        \
-  uint16x8_t al = vshll_n_u8(a, 1);                                     \
-  uint16x8_t bl = vshll_n_u8(b, 1);                                     \
-  uint16x8_t cl = vshll_n_u8(c, 1);                                     \
-  uint16x8_t dl = vshll_n_u8(d, 1);                                     \
-                                                                        \
-  uint8x8_t diag1, diag2;                                               \
-  uint16x8_t sl;                                                        \
-                                                                        \
+#define UPSAMPLE_16PIXELS(r1, r2, out) do {                             \
+  const uint8x8_t a = vld1_u8(r1 + 0);                                  \
+  const uint8x8_t b = vld1_u8(r1 + 1);                                  \
+  const uint8x8_t c = vld1_u8(r2 + 0);                                  \
+  const uint8x8_t d = vld1_u8(r2 + 1);                                  \
   /* a + b + c + d */                                                   \
-  sl = vaddl_u8(a,  b);                                                 \
-  sl = vaddw_u8(sl, c);                                                 \
-  sl = vaddw_u8(sl, d);                                                 \
+  const uint16x8_t ad = vaddl_u8(a,  d);                                \
+  const uint16x8_t bc = vaddl_u8(b,  c);                                \
+  const uint16x8_t abcd = vaddq_u16(ad, bc);                            \
+  /* 3a +  b +  c + 3d */                                               \
+  const uint16x8_t al = vaddq_u16(abcd, vshlq_n_u16(ad, 1));            \
+  /*  a + 3b + 3c +  d */                                               \
+  const uint16x8_t bl = vaddq_u16(abcd, vshlq_n_u16(bc, 1));            \
-  al = vaddq_u16(sl, al); /* 3a +  b +  c +  d */                       \
-  bl = vaddq_u16(sl, bl); /*  a + 3b +  c +  d */                       \
+  const uint8x8_t diag2 = vshrn_n_u16(al, 3);                           \
+  const uint8x8_t diag1 = vshrn_n_u16(bl, 3);                           \
-  al = vaddq_u16(al, dl); /* 3a +  b +  c + 3d */                       \
-  bl = vaddq_u16(bl, cl); /*  a + 3b + 3c +  d */                       \
+  const uint8x8_t A = vrhadd_u8(a, diag1);                              \
+  const uint8x8_t B = vrhadd_u8(b, diag2);                              \
+  const uint8x8_t C = vrhadd_u8(c, diag2);                              \
+  const uint8x8_t D = vrhadd_u8(d, diag1);                              \
-  diag2 = vshrn_n_u16(al, 3);                                           \
-  diag1 = vshrn_n_u16(bl, 3);                                           \
-                                                                        \
-  a = vrhadd_u8(a, diag1);                                              \
-  b = vrhadd_u8(b, diag2);                                              \
-  c = vrhadd_u8(c, diag2);                                              \
-  d = vrhadd_u8(d, diag1);                                              \
-                                                                        \
-  {                                                                     \
-    uint8x8x2_t a_b, c_d;                                               \
-    INIT_VECTOR2(a_b, a, b);                                            \
-    INIT_VECTOR2(c_d, c, d);                                            \
-    vst2_u8(out,      a_b);                                             \
-    vst2_u8(out + 32, c_d);                                             \
-  }                                                                     \
+  uint8x8x2_t A_B, C_D;                                                 \
+  INIT_VECTOR2(A_B, A, B);                                              \
+  INIT_VECTOR2(C_D, C, D);                                              \
+  vst2_u8(out +  0, A_B);                                               \
+  vst2_u8(out + 32, C_D);                                               \
+} while (0)
 // Turn the macro into a function for reducing code-size when non-critical
 static void Upsample16Pixels(const uint8_t *r1, const uint8_t *r2,
@@ -93,7 +80,6 @@
 static const int16_t kCoeffs1[4] = { 19077, 26149, 6419, 13320 };
 #define v255 vdup_n_u8(255)
-#define v_0x0f vdup_n_u8(15)
 #define STORE_Rgb(out, r, g, b) do {                                    \
   uint8x8x3_t r_g_b;                                                    \
@@ -132,21 +118,16 @@
 #define STORE_Rgba4444(out, r, g, b) do {                               \
-  const uint8x8_t r1 = vshl_n_u8(vshr_n_u8(r, 4), 4);  /* 4bits */      \
-  const uint8x8_t g1 = vshr_n_u8(g, 4);                                 \
-  const uint8x8_t ba = vorr_u8(b, v_0x0f);                              \
-  const uint8x8_t rg = vorr_u8(r1, g1);                                 \
+  const uint8x8_t rg = vsri_n_u8(r, g, 4);      /* shift g, insert r */ \
+  const uint8x8_t ba = vsri_n_u8(b, v255, 4);   /* shift a, insert b */ \
   const uint8x8x2_t rgba4444 = ZIP_U8(rg, ba);                          \
   vst1q_u8(out, vcombine_u8(rgba4444.val[0], rgba4444.val[1]));         \
 } while (0)
 #define STORE_Rgb565(out, r, g, b) do {                                 \
-  const uint8x8_t r1 = vshl_n_u8(vshr_n_u8(r, 3), 3);  /* 5bits */      \
-  const uint8x8_t g1 = vshr_n_u8(g, 5);                /* upper 3bits */\
-  const uint8x8_t g2 = vshl_n_u8(vshr_n_u8(g, 2), 5);  /* lower 3bits */\
-  const uint8x8_t b1 = vshr_n_u8(b, 3);                /* 5bits */      \
-  const uint8x8_t rg = vorr_u8(r1, g1);                                 \
-  const uint8x8_t gb = vorr_u8(g2, b1);                                 \
+  const uint8x8_t rg = vsri_n_u8(r, g, 5);   /* shift g and insert r */ \
+  const uint8x8_t g1 = vshl_n_u8(g, 3);      /* pre-shift g: 3bits */   \
+  const uint8x8_t gb = vsri_n_u8(g1, b, 3);  /* shift b and insert g */ \
   const uint8x8x2_t rgb565 = ZIP_U8(rg, gb);                            \
   vst1q_u8(out, vcombine_u8(rgb565.val[0], rgb565.val[1]));             \
 } while (0)
diff --git a/src/dsp/yuv.c b/src/dsp/yuv.c
index f50a253..dd7d9de 100644
--- a/src/dsp/yuv.c
+++ b/src/dsp/yuv.c
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 #include "./yuv.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
 #if defined(WEBP_YUV_USE_TABLE)
 static int done = 0;
@@ -244,6 +246,48 @@
+#define MAX_Y ((1 << 10) - 1)    // 10b precision over 16b-arithmetic
+static uint16_t clip_y(int v) {
+  return (v < 0) ? 0 : (v > MAX_Y) ? MAX_Y : (uint16_t)v;
+static uint64_t SharpYUVUpdateY_C(const uint16_t* ref, const uint16_t* src,
+                                  uint16_t* dst, int len) {
+  uint64_t diff = 0;
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+    const int diff_y = ref[i] - src[i];
+    const int new_y = (int)dst[i] + diff_y;
+    dst[i] = clip_y(new_y);
+    diff += (uint64_t)abs(diff_y);
+  }
+  return diff;
+static void SharpYUVUpdateRGB_C(const int16_t* ref, const int16_t* src,
+                                int16_t* dst, int len) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+    const int diff_uv = ref[i] - src[i];
+    dst[i] += diff_uv;
+  }
+static void SharpYUVFilterRow_C(const int16_t* A, const int16_t* B, int len,
+                                const uint16_t* best_y, uint16_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i, ++A, ++B) {
+    const int v0 = (A[0] * 9 + A[1] * 3 + B[0] * 3 + B[1] + 8) >> 4;
+    const int v1 = (A[1] * 9 + A[0] * 3 + B[1] * 3 + B[0] + 8) >> 4;
+    out[2 * i + 0] = clip_y(best_y[2 * i + 0] + v0);
+    out[2 * i + 1] = clip_y(best_y[2 * i + 1] + v1);
+  }
+#undef MAX_Y
 void (*WebPConvertRGB24ToY)(const uint8_t* rgb, uint8_t* y, int width);
 void (*WebPConvertBGR24ToY)(const uint8_t* bgr, uint8_t* y, int width);
 void (*WebPConvertRGBA32ToUV)(const uint16_t* rgb,
@@ -253,10 +297,18 @@
 void (*WebPConvertARGBToUV)(const uint32_t* argb, uint8_t* u, uint8_t* v,
                             int src_width, int do_store);
+uint64_t (*WebPSharpYUVUpdateY)(const uint16_t* ref, const uint16_t* src,
+                                uint16_t* dst, int len);
+void (*WebPSharpYUVUpdateRGB)(const int16_t* ref, const int16_t* src,
+                              int16_t* dst, int len);
+void (*WebPSharpYUVFilterRow)(const int16_t* A, const int16_t* B, int len,
+                              const uint16_t* best_y, uint16_t* out);
 static volatile VP8CPUInfo rgba_to_yuv_last_cpuinfo_used =
 extern void WebPInitConvertARGBToYUVSSE2(void);
+extern void WebPInitSharpYUVSSE2(void);
   if (rgba_to_yuv_last_cpuinfo_used == VP8GetCPUInfo) return;
@@ -269,10 +321,15 @@
   WebPConvertRGBA32ToUV = WebPConvertRGBA32ToUV_C;
+  WebPSharpYUVUpdateY = SharpYUVUpdateY_C;
+  WebPSharpYUVUpdateRGB = SharpYUVUpdateRGB_C;
+  WebPSharpYUVFilterRow = SharpYUVFilterRow_C;
   if (VP8GetCPUInfo != NULL) {
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_SSE2)
     if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kSSE2)) {
+      WebPInitSharpYUVSSE2();
 #endif  // WEBP_USE_SSE2
diff --git a/src/dsp/yuv.h b/src/dsp/yuv.h
index 01c40fc..1d33b58 100644
--- a/src/dsp/yuv.h
+++ b/src/dsp/yuv.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #define WEBP_DSP_YUV_H_
 #include "./dsp.h"
-#include "../dec/decode_vp8.h"
+#include "../dec/vp8_dec.h"
 // Do NOT activate this feature for real compression. This is only experimental!
diff --git a/src/dsp/yuv_sse2.c b/src/dsp/yuv_sse2.c
index e19bddf..e33c2bb 100644
--- a/src/dsp/yuv_sse2.c
+++ b/src/dsp/yuv_sse2.c
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 #if defined(WEBP_USE_SSE2)
+#include "./common_sse2.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <emmintrin.h>
@@ -155,30 +157,13 @@
   _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)dst, rgb565);
-// Function used several times in PlanarTo24b.
-// It samples the in buffer as follows: one every two unsigned char is stored
-// at the beginning of the buffer, while the other half is stored at the end.
-static WEBP_INLINE void PlanarTo24bHelper(const __m128i* const in /*in[6]*/,
-                                          __m128i* const out /*out[6]*/) {
-  const __m128i v_mask = _mm_set1_epi16(0x00ff);
-  // Take one every two upper 8b values.
-  out[0] = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_and_si128(in[0], v_mask),
-                            _mm_and_si128(in[1], v_mask));
-  out[1] = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_and_si128(in[2], v_mask),
-                            _mm_and_si128(in[3], v_mask));
-  out[2] = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_and_si128(in[4], v_mask),
-                            _mm_and_si128(in[5], v_mask));
-  // Take one every two lower 8b values.
-  out[3] = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(in[0], 8), _mm_srli_epi16(in[1], 8));
-  out[4] = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(in[2], 8), _mm_srli_epi16(in[3], 8));
-  out[5] = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(in[4], 8), _mm_srli_epi16(in[5], 8));
 // Pack the planar buffers
 // rrrr... rrrr... gggg... gggg... bbbb... bbbb....
 // triplet by triplet in the output buffer rgb as rgbrgbrgbrgb ...
-static WEBP_INLINE void PlanarTo24b(__m128i* const in /*in[6]*/, uint8_t* rgb) {
+static WEBP_INLINE void PlanarTo24b(__m128i* const in0, __m128i* const in1,
+                                    __m128i* const in2, __m128i* const in3,
+                                    __m128i* const in4, __m128i* const in5,
+                                    uint8_t* const rgb) {
   // The input is 6 registers of sixteen 8b but for the sake of explanation,
   // let's take 6 registers of four 8b values.
   // To pack, we will keep taking one every two 8b integer and move it
@@ -191,22 +176,15 @@
   // Repeat the same permutations twice more:
   //   r0r4g0g4 | b0b4r1r5 | g1g5b1b5 | r2r6g2g6 | b2b6r3r7 | g3g7b3b7
   //   r0g0b0r1 | g1b1r2g2 | b2r3g3b3 | r4g4b4r5 | g5b5r6g6 | b6r7g7b7
-  __m128i tmp[6];
-  PlanarTo24bHelper(in, tmp);
-  PlanarTo24bHelper(tmp, in);
-  PlanarTo24bHelper(in, tmp);
-  // We need to do it two more times than the example as we have sixteen bytes.
-  PlanarTo24bHelper(tmp, in);
-  PlanarTo24bHelper(in, tmp);
+  VP8PlanarTo24b(in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb +  0), tmp[0]);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb + 16), tmp[1]);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb + 32), tmp[2]);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb + 48), tmp[3]);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb + 64), tmp[4]);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb + 80), tmp[5]);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb +  0), *in0);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb + 16), *in1);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb + 32), *in2);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb + 48), *in3);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb + 64), *in4);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(rgb + 80), *in5);
-#undef MK_UINT32
 void VP8YuvToRgba32(const uint8_t* y, const uint8_t* u, const uint8_t* v,
                     uint8_t* dst) {
@@ -265,29 +243,29 @@
 void VP8YuvToRgb32(const uint8_t* y, const uint8_t* u, const uint8_t* v,
                    uint8_t* dst) {
   __m128i R0, R1, R2, R3, G0, G1, G2, G3, B0, B1, B2, B3;
-  __m128i rgb[6];
+  __m128i rgb0, rgb1, rgb2, rgb3, rgb4, rgb5;
-  YUV444ToRGB(y +  0, u +  0, v +  0, &R0, &G0, &B0);
-  YUV444ToRGB(y +  8, u +  8, v +  8, &R1, &G1, &B1);
+  YUV444ToRGB(y + 0, u + 0, v + 0, &R0, &G0, &B0);
+  YUV444ToRGB(y + 8, u + 8, v + 8, &R1, &G1, &B1);
   YUV444ToRGB(y + 16, u + 16, v + 16, &R2, &G2, &B2);
   YUV444ToRGB(y + 24, u + 24, v + 24, &R3, &G3, &B3);
   // Cast to 8b and store as RRRRGGGGBBBB.
-  rgb[0] = _mm_packus_epi16(R0, R1);
-  rgb[1] = _mm_packus_epi16(R2, R3);
-  rgb[2] = _mm_packus_epi16(G0, G1);
-  rgb[3] = _mm_packus_epi16(G2, G3);
-  rgb[4] = _mm_packus_epi16(B0, B1);
-  rgb[5] = _mm_packus_epi16(B2, B3);
+  rgb0 = _mm_packus_epi16(R0, R1);
+  rgb1 = _mm_packus_epi16(R2, R3);
+  rgb2 = _mm_packus_epi16(G0, G1);
+  rgb3 = _mm_packus_epi16(G2, G3);
+  rgb4 = _mm_packus_epi16(B0, B1);
+  rgb5 = _mm_packus_epi16(B2, B3);
   // Pack as RGBRGBRGBRGB.
-  PlanarTo24b(rgb, dst);
+  PlanarTo24b(&rgb0, &rgb1, &rgb2, &rgb3, &rgb4, &rgb5, dst);
 void VP8YuvToBgr32(const uint8_t* y, const uint8_t* u, const uint8_t* v,
                    uint8_t* dst) {
   __m128i R0, R1, R2, R3, G0, G1, G2, G3, B0, B1, B2, B3;
-  __m128i bgr[6];
+  __m128i bgr0, bgr1, bgr2, bgr3, bgr4, bgr5;
   YUV444ToRGB(y +  0, u +  0, v +  0, &R0, &G0, &B0);
   YUV444ToRGB(y +  8, u +  8, v +  8, &R1, &G1, &B1);
@@ -295,15 +273,15 @@
   YUV444ToRGB(y + 24, u + 24, v + 24, &R3, &G3, &B3);
   // Cast to 8b and store as BBBBGGGGRRRR.
-  bgr[0] = _mm_packus_epi16(B0, B1);
-  bgr[1] = _mm_packus_epi16(B2, B3);
-  bgr[2] = _mm_packus_epi16(G0, G1);
-  bgr[3] = _mm_packus_epi16(G2, G3);
-  bgr[4] = _mm_packus_epi16(R0, R1);
-  bgr[5] = _mm_packus_epi16(R2, R3);
+  bgr0 = _mm_packus_epi16(B0, B1);
+  bgr1 = _mm_packus_epi16(B2, B3);
+  bgr2 = _mm_packus_epi16(G0, G1);
+  bgr3 = _mm_packus_epi16(G2, G3);
+  bgr4 = _mm_packus_epi16(R0, R1);
+  bgr5= _mm_packus_epi16(R2, R3);
   // Pack as BGRBGRBGRBGR.
-  PlanarTo24b(bgr, dst);
+  PlanarTo24b(&bgr0, &bgr1, &bgr2, &bgr3, &bgr4, &bgr5, dst);
@@ -377,7 +355,7 @@
   int n;
   for (n = 0; n + 32 <= len; n += 32, dst += 32 * 3) {
     __m128i R0, R1, R2, R3, G0, G1, G2, G3, B0, B1, B2, B3;
-    __m128i rgb[6];
+    __m128i rgb0, rgb1, rgb2, rgb3, rgb4, rgb5;
     YUV420ToRGB(y +  0, u +  0, v +  0, &R0, &G0, &B0);
     YUV420ToRGB(y +  8, u +  4, v +  4, &R1, &G1, &B1);
@@ -385,15 +363,15 @@
     YUV420ToRGB(y + 24, u + 12, v + 12, &R3, &G3, &B3);
     // Cast to 8b and store as RRRRGGGGBBBB.
-    rgb[0] = _mm_packus_epi16(R0, R1);
-    rgb[1] = _mm_packus_epi16(R2, R3);
-    rgb[2] = _mm_packus_epi16(G0, G1);
-    rgb[3] = _mm_packus_epi16(G2, G3);
-    rgb[4] = _mm_packus_epi16(B0, B1);
-    rgb[5] = _mm_packus_epi16(B2, B3);
+    rgb0 = _mm_packus_epi16(R0, R1);
+    rgb1 = _mm_packus_epi16(R2, R3);
+    rgb2 = _mm_packus_epi16(G0, G1);
+    rgb3 = _mm_packus_epi16(G2, G3);
+    rgb4 = _mm_packus_epi16(B0, B1);
+    rgb5 = _mm_packus_epi16(B2, B3);
     // Pack as RGBRGBRGBRGB.
-    PlanarTo24b(rgb, dst);
+    PlanarTo24b(&rgb0, &rgb1, &rgb2, &rgb3, &rgb4, &rgb5, dst);
     y += 32;
     u += 16;
@@ -413,7 +391,7 @@
   int n;
   for (n = 0; n + 32 <= len; n += 32, dst += 32 * 3) {
     __m128i R0, R1, R2, R3, G0, G1, G2, G3, B0, B1, B2, B3;
-    __m128i bgr[6];
+    __m128i bgr0, bgr1, bgr2, bgr3, bgr4, bgr5;
     YUV420ToRGB(y +  0, u +  0, v +  0, &R0, &G0, &B0);
     YUV420ToRGB(y +  8, u +  4, v +  4, &R1, &G1, &B1);
@@ -421,15 +399,15 @@
     YUV420ToRGB(y + 24, u + 12, v + 12, &R3, &G3, &B3);
     // Cast to 8b and store as BBBBGGGGRRRR.
-    bgr[0] = _mm_packus_epi16(B0, B1);
-    bgr[1] = _mm_packus_epi16(B2, B3);
-    bgr[2] = _mm_packus_epi16(G0, G1);
-    bgr[3] = _mm_packus_epi16(G2, G3);
-    bgr[4] = _mm_packus_epi16(R0, R1);
-    bgr[5] = _mm_packus_epi16(R2, R3);
+    bgr0 = _mm_packus_epi16(B0, B1);
+    bgr1 = _mm_packus_epi16(B2, B3);
+    bgr2 = _mm_packus_epi16(G0, G1);
+    bgr3 = _mm_packus_epi16(G2, G3);
+    bgr4 = _mm_packus_epi16(R0, R1);
+    bgr5 = _mm_packus_epi16(R2, R3);
     // Pack as BGRBGRBGRBGR.
-    PlanarTo24b(bgr, dst);
+    PlanarTo24b(&bgr0, &bgr1, &bgr2, &bgr3, &bgr4, &bgr5, dst);
     y += 32;
     u += 16;
@@ -499,25 +477,19 @@
 // Convert 8 packed ARGB to r[], g[], b[]
 static WEBP_INLINE void RGB32PackedToPlanar(const uint32_t* const argb,
-                                            __m128i* const r,
-                                            __m128i* const g,
-                                            __m128i* const b) {
+                                            __m128i* const rgb /*in[6]*/) {
   const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
-  const __m128i in0 = LOAD_16(argb + 0);    // argb3 | argb2 | argb1 | argb0
-  const __m128i in1 = LOAD_16(argb + 4);    // argb7 | argb6 | argb5 | argb4
-  // column-wise transpose
-  const __m128i A0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(in0, in1);
-  const __m128i A1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(in0, in1);
-  const __m128i B0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(A0, A1);
-  const __m128i B1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(A0, A1);
-  // C0 = g7 g6 ... g1 g0 | b7 b6 ... b1 b0
-  // C1 = a7 a6 ... a1 a0 | r7 r6 ... r1 r0
-  const __m128i C0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(B0, B1);
-  const __m128i C1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(B0, B1);
-  // store 16b
-  *r = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(C1, zero);
-  *g = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(C0, zero);
-  *b = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(C0, zero);
+  __m128i a0 = LOAD_16(argb + 0);
+  __m128i a1 = LOAD_16(argb + 4);
+  __m128i a2 = LOAD_16(argb + 8);
+  __m128i a3 = LOAD_16(argb + 12);
+  VP8L32bToPlanar(&a0, &a1, &a2, &a3);
+  rgb[0] = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(a1, zero);
+  rgb[1] = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(a1, zero);
+  rgb[2] = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(a2, zero);
+  rgb[3] = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(a2, zero);
+  rgb[4] = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(a3, zero);
+  rgb[5] = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(a3, zero);
 // This macro computes (RG * MULT_RG + GB * MULT_GB + ROUNDER) >> DESCALE_FIX
@@ -649,11 +621,10 @@
   const int max_width = width & ~15;
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < max_width; i += 16) {
-    __m128i r, g, b, Y0, Y1;
-    RGB32PackedToPlanar(&argb[i + 0], &r, &g, &b);
-    ConvertRGBToY(&r, &g, &b, &Y0);
-    RGB32PackedToPlanar(&argb[i + 8], &r, &g, &b);
-    ConvertRGBToY(&r, &g, &b, &Y1);
+    __m128i Y0, Y1, rgb[6];
+    RGB32PackedToPlanar(&argb[i], rgb);
+    ConvertRGBToY(&rgb[0], &rgb[2], &rgb[4], &Y0);
+    ConvertRGBToY(&rgb[1], &rgb[3], &rgb[5], &Y1);
     STORE_16(_mm_packus_epi16(Y0, Y1), y + i);
   for (; i < width; ++i) {   // left-over
@@ -678,20 +649,18 @@
   const int max_width = src_width & ~31;
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < max_width; i += 32, u += 16, v += 16) {
-    __m128i r0, g0, b0, r1, g1, b1, U0, V0, U1, V1;
-    RGB32PackedToPlanar(&argb[i +  0], &r0, &g0, &b0);
-    RGB32PackedToPlanar(&argb[i +  8], &r1, &g1, &b1);
-    HorizontalAddPack(&r0, &r1, &r0);
-    HorizontalAddPack(&g0, &g1, &g0);
-    HorizontalAddPack(&b0, &b1, &b0);
-    ConvertRGBToUV(&r0, &g0, &b0, &U0, &V0);
+    __m128i rgb[6], U0, V0, U1, V1;
+    RGB32PackedToPlanar(&argb[i], rgb);
+    HorizontalAddPack(&rgb[0], &rgb[1], &rgb[0]);
+    HorizontalAddPack(&rgb[2], &rgb[3], &rgb[2]);
+    HorizontalAddPack(&rgb[4], &rgb[5], &rgb[4]);
+    ConvertRGBToUV(&rgb[0], &rgb[2], &rgb[4], &U0, &V0);
-    RGB32PackedToPlanar(&argb[i + 16], &r0, &g0, &b0);
-    RGB32PackedToPlanar(&argb[i + 24], &r1, &g1, &b1);
-    HorizontalAddPack(&r0, &r1, &r0);
-    HorizontalAddPack(&g0, &g1, &g0);
-    HorizontalAddPack(&b0, &b1, &b0);
-    ConvertRGBToUV(&r0, &g0, &b0, &U1, &V1);
+    RGB32PackedToPlanar(&argb[i + 16], rgb);
+    HorizontalAddPack(&rgb[0], &rgb[1], &rgb[0]);
+    HorizontalAddPack(&rgb[2], &rgb[3], &rgb[2]);
+    HorizontalAddPack(&rgb[4], &rgb[5], &rgb[4]);
+    ConvertRGBToUV(&rgb[0], &rgb[2], &rgb[4], &U1, &V1);
     U0 = _mm_packus_epi16(U0, U1);
     V0 = _mm_packus_epi16(V0, V1);
@@ -767,9 +736,128 @@
   WebPConvertRGBA32ToUV = ConvertRGBA32ToUV;
+#define MAX_Y ((1 << 10) - 1)    // 10b precision over 16b-arithmetic
+static uint16_t clip_y(int v) {
+  return (v < 0) ? 0 : (v > MAX_Y) ? MAX_Y : (uint16_t)v;
+static uint64_t SharpYUVUpdateY_SSE2(const uint16_t* ref, const uint16_t* src,
+                                     uint16_t* dst, int len) {
+  uint64_t diff = 0;
+  uint32_t tmp[4];
+  int i;
+  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+  const __m128i max = _mm_set1_epi16(MAX_Y);
+  const __m128i one = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
+  __m128i sum = zero;
+  for (i = 0; i + 8 <= len; i += 8) {
+    const __m128i A = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(ref + i));
+    const __m128i B = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(src + i));
+    const __m128i C = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(dst + i));
+    const __m128i D = _mm_sub_epi16(A, B);       // diff_y
+    const __m128i E = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(zero, D);  // sign (-1 or 0)
+    const __m128i F = _mm_add_epi16(C, D);       // new_y
+    const __m128i G = _mm_or_si128(E, one);      // -1 or 1
+    const __m128i H = _mm_max_epi16(_mm_min_epi16(F, max), zero);
+    const __m128i I = _mm_madd_epi16(D, G);      // sum(abs(...))
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(dst + i), H);
+    sum = _mm_add_epi32(sum, I);
+  }
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)tmp, sum);
+  diff = tmp[3] + tmp[2] + tmp[1] + tmp[0];
+  for (; i < len; ++i) {
+    const int diff_y = ref[i] - src[i];
+    const int new_y = (int)dst[i] + diff_y;
+    dst[i] = clip_y(new_y);
+    diff += (uint64_t)abs(diff_y);
+  }
+  return diff;
+static void SharpYUVUpdateRGB_SSE2(const int16_t* ref, const int16_t* src,
+                                   int16_t* dst, int len) {
+  int i = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i + 8 <= len; i += 8) {
+    const __m128i A = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(ref + i));
+    const __m128i B = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(src + i));
+    const __m128i C = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(dst + i));
+    const __m128i D = _mm_sub_epi16(A, B);   // diff_uv
+    const __m128i E = _mm_add_epi16(C, D);   // new_uv
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(dst + i), E);
+  }
+  for (; i < len; ++i) {
+    const int diff_uv = ref[i] - src[i];
+    dst[i] += diff_uv;
+  }
+static void SharpYUVFilterRow_SSE2(const int16_t* A, const int16_t* B, int len,
+                                   const uint16_t* best_y, uint16_t* out) {
+  int i;
+  const __m128i kCst8 = _mm_set1_epi16(8);
+  const __m128i max = _mm_set1_epi16(MAX_Y);
+  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+  for (i = 0; i + 8 <= len; i += 8) {
+    const __m128i a0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(A + i + 0));
+    const __m128i a1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(A + i + 1));
+    const __m128i b0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(B + i + 0));
+    const __m128i b1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(B + i + 1));
+    const __m128i a0b1 = _mm_add_epi16(a0, b1);
+    const __m128i a1b0 = _mm_add_epi16(a1, b0);
+    const __m128i a0a1b0b1 = _mm_add_epi16(a0b1, a1b0);  // A0+A1+B0+B1
+    const __m128i a0a1b0b1_8 = _mm_add_epi16(a0a1b0b1, kCst8);
+    const __m128i a0b1_2 = _mm_add_epi16(a0b1, a0b1);    // 2*(A0+B1)
+    const __m128i a1b0_2 = _mm_add_epi16(a1b0, a1b0);    // 2*(A1+B0)
+    const __m128i c0 = _mm_srai_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(a0b1_2, a0a1b0b1_8), 3);
+    const __m128i c1 = _mm_srai_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(a1b0_2, a0a1b0b1_8), 3);
+    const __m128i d0 = _mm_add_epi16(c1, a0);
+    const __m128i d1 = _mm_add_epi16(c0, a1);
+    const __m128i e0 = _mm_srai_epi16(d0, 1);
+    const __m128i e1 = _mm_srai_epi16(d1, 1);
+    const __m128i f0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(e0, e1);
+    const __m128i f1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(e0, e1);
+    const __m128i g0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(best_y + 2 * i + 0));
+    const __m128i g1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(best_y + 2 * i + 8));
+    const __m128i h0 = _mm_add_epi16(g0, f0);
+    const __m128i h1 = _mm_add_epi16(g1, f1);
+    const __m128i i0 = _mm_max_epi16(_mm_min_epi16(h0, max), zero);
+    const __m128i i1 = _mm_max_epi16(_mm_min_epi16(h1, max), zero);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(out + 2 * i + 0), i0);
+    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(out + 2 * i + 8), i1);
+  }
+  for (; i < len; ++i) {
+    //   (9 * A0 + 3 * A1 + 3 * B0 + B1 + 8) >> 4 =
+    // = (8 * A0 + 2 * (A1 + B0) + (A0 + A1 + B0 + B1 + 8)) >> 4
+    // We reuse the common sub-expressions.
+    const int a0b1 = A[i + 0] + B[i + 1];
+    const int a1b0 = A[i + 1] + B[i + 0];
+    const int a0a1b0b1 = a0b1 + a1b0 + 8;
+    const int v0 = (8 * A[i + 0] + 2 * a1b0 + a0a1b0b1) >> 4;
+    const int v1 = (8 * A[i + 1] + 2 * a0b1 + a0a1b0b1) >> 4;
+    out[2 * i + 0] = clip_y(best_y[2 * i + 0] + v0);
+    out[2 * i + 1] = clip_y(best_y[2 * i + 1] + v1);
+  }
+#undef MAX_Y
+extern void WebPInitSharpYUVSSE2(void);
+  WebPSharpYUVUpdateY = SharpYUVUpdateY_SSE2;
+  WebPSharpYUVUpdateRGB = SharpYUVUpdateRGB_SSE2;
+  WebPSharpYUVFilterRow = SharpYUVFilterRow_SSE2;
 #else  // !WEBP_USE_SSE2
 #endif  // WEBP_USE_SSE2
diff --git a/src/enc/alpha.c b/src/enc/alpha_enc.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/enc/alpha.c
rename to src/enc/alpha_enc.c
index 03e3ad0..5a2c931 100644
--- a/src/enc/alpha.c
+++ b/src/enc/alpha_enc.c
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
-#include "../utils/filters.h"
-#include "../utils/quant_levels.h"
+#include "../utils/filters_utils.h"
+#include "../utils/quant_levels_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #include "../webp/format_constants.h"
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 //           invalid quality or method, or
 //           memory allocation for the compressed data fails.
-#include "../enc/vp8li.h"
+#include "../enc/vp8li_enc.h"
 static int EncodeLossless(const uint8_t* const data, int width, int height,
                           int effort_level,  // in [0..6] range
diff --git a/src/enc/analysis.c b/src/enc/analysis_enc.c
similarity index 92%
rename from src/enc/analysis.c
rename to src/enc/analysis_enc.c
index 136c331..dce159b 100644
--- a/src/enc/analysis.c
+++ b/src/enc/analysis_enc.c
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <assert.h>
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
-#include "./cost.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
+#include "./cost_enc.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #define MAX_ITERS_K_MEANS  6
@@ -262,6 +262,29 @@
   return best_alpha;
+static int FastMBAnalyze(VP8EncIterator* const it) {
+  // Empirical cut-off value, should be around 16 (~=block size). We use the
+  // [8-17] range and favor intra4 at high quality, intra16 for low quality.
+  const int q = (int)it->enc_->config_->quality;
+  const uint32_t kThreshold = 8 + (17 - 8) * q / 100;
+  int k;
+  uint32_t dc[16], m, m2;
+  for (k = 0; k < 16; k += 4) {
+    VP8Mean16x4(it->yuv_in_ + Y_OFF_ENC + k * BPS, &dc[k]);
+  }
+  for (m = 0, m2 = 0, k = 0; k < 16; ++k) {
+    m += dc[k];
+    m2 += dc[k] * dc[k];
+  }
+  if (kThreshold * m2 < m * m) {
+    VP8SetIntra16Mode(it, 0);   // DC16
+  } else {
+    const uint8_t modes[16] = { 0 };  // DC4
+    VP8SetIntra4Mode(it, modes);
+  }
+  return 0;
 static int MBAnalyzeBestIntra4Mode(VP8EncIterator* const it,
                                    int best_alpha) {
   uint8_t modes[16];
@@ -344,13 +367,17 @@
   VP8SetSkip(it, 0);         // not skipped
   VP8SetSegment(it, 0);      // default segment, spec-wise.
-  best_alpha = MBAnalyzeBestIntra16Mode(it);
-  if (enc->method_ >= 5) {
-    // We go and make a fast decision for intra4/intra16.
-    // It's usually not a good and definitive pick, but helps seeding the stats
-    // about level bit-cost.
-    // TODO(skal): improve criterion.
-    best_alpha = MBAnalyzeBestIntra4Mode(it, best_alpha);
+  if (enc->method_ <= 1) {
+    best_alpha = FastMBAnalyze(it);
+  } else {
+    best_alpha = MBAnalyzeBestIntra16Mode(it);
+    if (enc->method_ >= 5) {
+      // We go and make a fast decision for intra4/intra16.
+      // It's usually not a good and definitive pick, but helps seeding the
+      // stats about level bit-cost.
+      // TODO(skal): improve criterion.
+      best_alpha = MBAnalyzeBestIntra4Mode(it, best_alpha);
+    }
   best_uv_alpha = MBAnalyzeBestUVMode(it);
@@ -453,7 +480,7 @@
   const int do_segments =
       enc->config_->emulate_jpeg_size ||   // We need the complexity evaluation.
       (enc->segment_hdr_.num_segments_ > 1) ||
-      (enc->method_ == 0);  // for method 0, we need preds_[] to be filled.
+      (enc->method_ <= 1);  // for method 0 - 1, we need preds_[] to be filled.
   if (do_segments) {
     const int last_row = enc->mb_h_;
     // We give a little more than a half work to the main thread.
diff --git a/src/enc/backward_references.c b/src/enc/backward_references_enc.c
similarity index 87%
rename from src/enc/backward_references.c
rename to src/enc/backward_references_enc.c
index 136a24a..7c0559f 100644
--- a/src/enc/backward_references.c
+++ b/src/enc/backward_references_enc.c
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <math.h>
-#include "./backward_references.h"
-#include "./histogram.h"
+#include "./backward_references_enc.h"
+#include "./histogram_enc.h"
 #include "../dsp/lossless.h"
+#include "../dsp/lossless_common.h"
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
-#include "../utils/color_cache.h"
+#include "../utils/color_cache_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #define VALUES_IN_BYTE 256
@@ -30,8 +31,9 @@
 #define WINDOW_SIZE_BITS 20
 #define WINDOW_SIZE ((1 << WINDOW_SIZE_BITS) - 120)
-// Bounds for the match length.
-#define MIN_LENGTH 2
+// Minimum number of pixels for which it is cheaper to encode a
+// distance + length instead of each pixel as a literal.
+#define MIN_LENGTH 4
 // If you change this, you need MAX_LENGTH_BITS + WINDOW_SIZE_BITS <= 32 as it
 // is used in VP8LHashChain.
 #define MAX_LENGTH_BITS 12
@@ -211,13 +213,13 @@
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#define HASH_MULTIPLIER_HI (0xc6a4a793U)
-#define HASH_MULTIPLIER_LO (0x5bd1e996U)
+#define HASH_MULTIPLIER_HI (0xc6a4a793ULL)
+#define HASH_MULTIPLIER_LO (0x5bd1e996ULL)
 static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t GetPixPairHash64(const uint32_t* const argb) {
   uint32_t key;
-  key  = argb[1] * HASH_MULTIPLIER_HI;
-  key += argb[0] * HASH_MULTIPLIER_LO;
+  key  = (argb[1] * HASH_MULTIPLIER_HI) & 0xffffffffu;
+  key += (argb[0] * HASH_MULTIPLIER_LO) & 0xffffffffu;
   key = key >> (32 - HASH_BITS);
   return key;
@@ -242,19 +244,26 @@
 int VP8LHashChainFill(VP8LHashChain* const p, int quality,
-                      const uint32_t* const argb, int xsize, int ysize) {
+                      const uint32_t* const argb, int xsize, int ysize,
+                      int low_effort) {
   const int size = xsize * ysize;
   const int iter_max = GetMaxItersForQuality(quality);
-  const int iter_min = iter_max - quality / 10;
   const uint32_t window_size = GetWindowSizeForHashChain(quality, xsize);
   int pos;
+  int argb_comp;
   uint32_t base_position;
   int32_t* hash_to_first_index;
   // Temporarily use the p->offset_length_ as a hash chain.
   int32_t* chain = (int32_t*)p->offset_length_;
+  assert(size > 0);
   assert(p->size_ != 0);
   assert(p->offset_length_ != NULL);
+  if (size <= 2) {
+    p->offset_length_[0] = p->offset_length_[size - 1] = 0;
+    return 1;
+  }
   hash_to_first_index =
       (int32_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(HASH_SIZE, sizeof(*hash_to_first_index));
   if (hash_to_first_index == NULL) return 0;
@@ -262,48 +271,111 @@
   // Set the int32_t array to -1.
   memset(hash_to_first_index, 0xff, HASH_SIZE * sizeof(*hash_to_first_index));
   // Fill the chain linking pixels with the same hash.
-  for (pos = 0; pos < size - 1; ++pos) {
-    const uint32_t hash_code = GetPixPairHash64(argb + pos);
-    chain[pos] = hash_to_first_index[hash_code];
-    hash_to_first_index[hash_code] = pos;
+  argb_comp = (argb[0] == argb[1]);
+  for (pos = 0; pos < size - 2;) {
+    uint32_t hash_code;
+    const int argb_comp_next = (argb[pos + 1] == argb[pos + 2]);
+    if (argb_comp && argb_comp_next) {
+      // Consecutive pixels with the same color will share the same hash.
+      // We therefore use a different hash: the color and its repetition
+      // length.
+      uint32_t tmp[2];
+      uint32_t len = 1;
+      tmp[0] = argb[pos];
+      // Figure out how far the pixels are the same.
+      // The last pixel has a different 64 bit hash, as its next pixel does
+      // not have the same color, so we just need to get to the last pixel equal
+      // to its follower.
+      while (pos + (int)len + 2 < size && argb[pos + len + 2] == argb[pos]) {
+        ++len;
+      }
+      if (len > MAX_LENGTH) {
+        // Skip the pixels that match for distance=1 and length>MAX_LENGTH
+        // because they are linked to their predecessor and we automatically
+        // check that in the main for loop below. Skipping means setting no
+        // predecessor in the chain, hence -1.
+        memset(chain + pos, 0xff, (len - MAX_LENGTH) * sizeof(*chain));
+        pos += len - MAX_LENGTH;
+        len = MAX_LENGTH;
+      }
+      // Process the rest of the hash chain.
+      while (len) {
+        tmp[1] = len--;
+        hash_code = GetPixPairHash64(tmp);
+        chain[pos] = hash_to_first_index[hash_code];
+        hash_to_first_index[hash_code] = pos++;
+      }
+      argb_comp = 0;
+    } else {
+      // Just move one pixel forward.
+      hash_code = GetPixPairHash64(argb + pos);
+      chain[pos] = hash_to_first_index[hash_code];
+      hash_to_first_index[hash_code] = pos++;
+      argb_comp = argb_comp_next;
+    }
+  // Process the penultimate pixel.
+  chain[pos] = hash_to_first_index[GetPixPairHash64(argb + pos)];
   // Find the best match interval at each pixel, defined by an offset to the
   // pixel and a length. The right-most pixel cannot match anything to the right
   // (hence a best length of 0) and the left-most pixel nothing to the left
   // (hence an offset of 0).
+  assert(size > 2);
   p->offset_length_[0] = p->offset_length_[size - 1] = 0;
-  for (base_position = size - 2 < 0 ? 0 : size - 2; base_position > 0;) {
+  for (base_position = size - 2; base_position > 0;) {
     const int max_len = MaxFindCopyLength(size - 1 - base_position);
     const uint32_t* const argb_start = argb + base_position;
     int iter = iter_max;
     int best_length = 0;
     uint32_t best_distance = 0;
+    uint32_t best_argb;
     const int min_pos =
         (base_position > window_size) ? base_position - window_size : 0;
     const int length_max = (max_len < 256) ? max_len : 256;
     uint32_t max_base_position;
-    for (pos = chain[base_position]; pos >= min_pos; pos = chain[pos]) {
+    pos = chain[base_position];
+    if (!low_effort) {
       int curr_length;
-      if (--iter < 0) {
-        break;
+      // Heuristic: use the comparison with the above line as an initialization.
+      if (base_position >= (uint32_t)xsize) {
+        curr_length = FindMatchLength(argb_start - xsize, argb_start,
+                                      best_length, max_len);
+        if (curr_length > best_length) {
+          best_length = curr_length;
+          best_distance = xsize;
+        }
+        --iter;
+      // Heuristic: compare to the previous pixel.
+      curr_length =
+          FindMatchLength(argb_start - 1, argb_start, best_length, max_len);
+      if (curr_length > best_length) {
+        best_length = curr_length;
+        best_distance = 1;
+      }
+      --iter;
+      // Skip the for loop if we already have the maximum.
+      if (best_length == MAX_LENGTH) pos = min_pos - 1;
+    }
+    best_argb = argb_start[best_length];
+    for (; pos >= min_pos && --iter; pos = chain[pos]) {
+      int curr_length;
       assert(base_position > (uint32_t)pos);
-      curr_length =
-          FindMatchLength(argb + pos, argb_start, best_length, max_len);
+      if (argb[pos + best_length] != best_argb) continue;
+      curr_length = VP8LVectorMismatch(argb + pos, argb_start, max_len);
       if (best_length < curr_length) {
         best_length = curr_length;
         best_distance = base_position - pos;
-        // Stop if we have reached the maximum length. Otherwise, make sure
-        // we have executed a minimum number of iterations depending on the
-        // quality.
-        if ((best_length == MAX_LENGTH) ||
-            (curr_length >= length_max && iter < iter_min)) {
-          break;
-        }
+        best_argb = argb_start[best_length];
+        // Stop if we have reached a good enough length.
+        if (best_length >= length_max) break;
     // We have the best match but in case the two intervals continue matching
@@ -392,17 +464,16 @@
   i = 1;
   while (i < pix_count) {
     const int max_len = MaxFindCopyLength(pix_count - i);
-    const int kMinLength = 4;
     const int rle_len = FindMatchLength(argb + i, argb + i - 1, 0, max_len);
     const int prev_row_len = (i < xsize) ? 0 :
         FindMatchLength(argb + i, argb + i - xsize, 0, max_len);
-    if (rle_len >= prev_row_len && rle_len >= kMinLength) {
+    if (rle_len >= prev_row_len && rle_len >= MIN_LENGTH) {
       BackwardRefsCursorAdd(refs, PixOrCopyCreateCopy(1, rle_len));
       // We don't need to update the color cache here since it is always the
       // same pixel being copied, and that does not change the color cache
       // state.
       i += rle_len;
-    } else if (prev_row_len >= kMinLength) {
+    } else if (prev_row_len >= MIN_LENGTH) {
       BackwardRefsCursorAdd(refs, PixOrCopyCreateCopy(xsize, prev_row_len));
       if (use_color_cache) {
         for (k = 0; k < prev_row_len; ++k) {
@@ -442,7 +513,7 @@
     int len = 0;
     int j;
     HashChainFindCopy(hash_chain, i, &offset, &len);
-    if (len > MIN_LENGTH + 1) {
+    if (len >= MIN_LENGTH) {
       const int len_ini = len;
       int max_reach = 0;
       assert(i + len < pix_count);
@@ -457,7 +528,7 @@
       for (j = i_last_check + 1; j <= i + len_ini; ++j) {
         const int len_j = HashChainFindLength(hash_chain, j);
         const int reach =
-            j + (len_j > MIN_LENGTH + 1 ? len_j : 1);  // 1 for single literal.
+            j + (len_j >= MIN_LENGTH ? len_j : 1);  // 1 for single literal.
         if (reach > max_reach) {
           len = j - i;
           max_reach = reach;
@@ -581,9 +652,10 @@
                                           uint16_t* const dist_array) {
   double cost_val = prev_cost;
   const uint32_t color = argb[0];
-  if (use_color_cache && VP8LColorCacheContains(hashers, color)) {
+  const int ix = use_color_cache ? VP8LColorCacheContains(hashers, color) : -1;
+  if (ix >= 0) {
+    // use_color_cache is true and hashers contains color
     const double mul0 = 0.68;
-    const int ix = VP8LColorCacheGetIndex(hashers, color);
     cost_val += GetCacheCost(cost_model, ix) * mul0;
   } else {
     const double mul1 = 0.82;
@@ -1215,7 +1287,8 @@
     int offset = 0, len = 0;
     double prev_cost = cost_manager->costs_[i - 1];
     HashChainFindCopy(hash_chain, i, &offset, &len);
-    if (len >= MIN_LENGTH) {
+    if (len >= 2) {
+      // If we are dealing with a non-literal.
       const int code = DistanceToPlaneCode(xsize, offset);
       const double offset_cost = GetDistanceCost(cost_model, code);
       const int first_i = i;
@@ -1304,20 +1377,17 @@
         goto next_symbol;
-      if (len > MIN_LENGTH) {
-        int code_min_length;
-        double cost_total;
-        offset = HashChainFindOffset(hash_chain, i);
-        code_min_length = DistanceToPlaneCode(xsize, offset);
-        cost_total = prev_cost +
-            GetDistanceCost(cost_model, code_min_length) +
-            GetLengthCost(cost_model, 1);
+      if (len > 2) {
+        // Also try the smallest interval possible (size 2).
+        double cost_total =
+            prev_cost + offset_cost + GetLengthCost(cost_model, 1);
         if (cost_manager->costs_[i + 1] > cost_total) {
           cost_manager->costs_[i + 1] = (float)cost_total;
           dist_array[i + 1] = 2;
-    } else {    // len < MIN_LENGTH
+    } else {
+      // The pixel is added as a single literal so just update the costs.
       UpdateCostPerIndex(cost_manager, i + 1);
@@ -1393,9 +1463,11 @@
       i += len;
     } else {
       PixOrCopy v;
-      if (use_color_cache && VP8LColorCacheContains(&hashers, argb[i])) {
+      const int idx =
+          use_color_cache ? VP8LColorCacheContains(&hashers, argb[i]) : -1;
+      if (idx >= 0) {
+        // use_color_cache is true and hashers contains argb[i]
         // push pixel as a color cache index
-        const int idx = VP8LColorCacheGetIndex(&hashers, argb[i]);
         v = PixOrCopyCreateCacheIdx(idx);
       } else {
         if (use_color_cache) VP8LColorCacheInsert(&hashers, argb[i]);
@@ -1454,63 +1526,89 @@
-// Returns entropy for the given cache bits.
-static double ComputeCacheEntropy(const uint32_t* argb,
-                                  const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs,
-                                  int cache_bits) {
-  const int use_color_cache = (cache_bits > 0);
-  int cc_init = 0;
-  double entropy = MAX_ENTROPY;
-  const double kSmallPenaltyForLargeCache = 4.0;
-  VP8LColorCache hashers;
+// Computes the entropies for a color cache size (in bits) between 0 (unused)
+// and cache_bits_max (inclusive).
+// Returns 1 on success, 0 in case of allocation error.
+static int ComputeCacheEntropies(const uint32_t* argb,
+                                 const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs,
+                                 int cache_bits_max, double entropies[]) {
+  int cc_init[MAX_COLOR_CACHE_BITS + 1] = { 0 };
+  VP8LColorCache hashers[MAX_COLOR_CACHE_BITS + 1];
   VP8LRefsCursor c = VP8LRefsCursorInit(refs);
-  VP8LHistogram* histo = VP8LAllocateHistogram(cache_bits);
-  if (histo == NULL) goto Error;
+  VP8LHistogram* histos[MAX_COLOR_CACHE_BITS + 1] = { NULL };
+  int ok = 0;
+  int i;
-  if (use_color_cache) {
-    cc_init = VP8LColorCacheInit(&hashers, cache_bits);
-    if (!cc_init) goto Error;
+  for (i = 0; i <= cache_bits_max; ++i) {
+    histos[i] = VP8LAllocateHistogram(i);
+    if (histos[i] == NULL) goto Error;
+    if (i == 0) continue;
+    cc_init[i] = VP8LColorCacheInit(&hashers[i], i);
+    if (!cc_init[i]) goto Error;
-  if (!use_color_cache) {
-    while (VP8LRefsCursorOk(&c)) {
-      VP8LHistogramAddSinglePixOrCopy(histo, c.cur_pos);
-      VP8LRefsCursorNext(&c);
-    }
-  } else {
+  assert(cache_bits_max >= 0);
+  // Do not use the color cache for cache_bits=0.
+  while (VP8LRefsCursorOk(&c)) {
+    VP8LHistogramAddSinglePixOrCopy(histos[0], c.cur_pos);
+    VP8LRefsCursorNext(&c);
+  }
+  if (cache_bits_max > 0) {
+    c = VP8LRefsCursorInit(refs);
     while (VP8LRefsCursorOk(&c)) {
       const PixOrCopy* const v = c.cur_pos;
       if (PixOrCopyIsLiteral(v)) {
         const uint32_t pix = *argb++;
-        const uint32_t key = VP8LColorCacheGetIndex(&hashers, pix);
-        if (VP8LColorCacheLookup(&hashers, key) == pix) {
-          ++histo->literal_[NUM_LITERAL_CODES + NUM_LENGTH_CODES + key];
-        } else {
-          VP8LColorCacheSet(&hashers, key, pix);
-          ++histo->blue_[pix & 0xff];
-          ++histo->literal_[(pix >> 8) & 0xff];
-          ++histo->red_[(pix >> 16) & 0xff];
-          ++histo->alpha_[pix >> 24];
+        // The keys of the caches can be derived from the longest one.
+        int key = HashPix(pix, 32 - cache_bits_max);
+        for (i = cache_bits_max; i >= 1; --i, key >>= 1) {
+          if (VP8LColorCacheLookup(&hashers[i], key) == pix) {
+            ++histos[i]->literal_[NUM_LITERAL_CODES + NUM_LENGTH_CODES + key];
+          } else {
+            VP8LColorCacheSet(&hashers[i], key, pix);
+            ++histos[i]->blue_[pix & 0xff];
+            ++histos[i]->literal_[(pix >> 8) & 0xff];
+            ++histos[i]->red_[(pix >> 16) & 0xff];
+            ++histos[i]->alpha_[pix >> 24];
+          }
       } else {
+        // Update the histograms for distance/length.
         int len = PixOrCopyLength(v);
-        int code, extra_bits;
-        VP8LPrefixEncodeBits(len, &code, &extra_bits);
-        ++histo->literal_[NUM_LITERAL_CODES + code];
-        VP8LPrefixEncodeBits(PixOrCopyDistance(v), &code, &extra_bits);
-        ++histo->distance_[code];
+        int code_dist, code_len, extra_bits;
+        uint32_t argb_prev = *argb ^ 0xffffffffu;
+        VP8LPrefixEncodeBits(len, &code_len, &extra_bits);
+        VP8LPrefixEncodeBits(PixOrCopyDistance(v), &code_dist, &extra_bits);
+        for (i = 1; i <= cache_bits_max; ++i) {
+          ++histos[i]->literal_[NUM_LITERAL_CODES + code_len];
+          ++histos[i]->distance_[code_dist];
+        }
+        // Update the colors caches.
         do {
-          VP8LColorCacheInsert(&hashers, *argb++);
-        } while(--len != 0);
+          if (*argb != argb_prev) {
+            // Efficiency: insert only if the color changes.
+            int key = HashPix(*argb, 32 - cache_bits_max);
+            for (i = cache_bits_max; i >= 1; --i, key >>= 1) {
+              hashers[i].colors_[key] = *argb;
+            }
+            argb_prev = *argb;
+          }
+          argb++;
+        } while (--len != 0);
-  entropy = VP8LHistogramEstimateBits(histo) +
-      kSmallPenaltyForLargeCache * cache_bits;
- Error:
-  if (cc_init) VP8LColorCacheClear(&hashers);
-  VP8LFreeHistogram(histo);
-  return entropy;
+  for (i = 0; i <= cache_bits_max; ++i) {
+    entropies[i] = VP8LHistogramEstimateBits(histos[i]);
+  }
+  ok = 1;
+  for (i = 0; i <= cache_bits_max; ++i) {
+    if (cc_init[i]) VP8LColorCacheClear(&hashers[i]);
+    VP8LFreeHistogram(histos[i]);
+  }
+  return ok;
 // Evaluate optimal cache bits for the local color cache.
@@ -1524,13 +1622,10 @@
                                   VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs,
                                   int* const lz77_computed,
                                   int* const best_cache_bits) {
-  int eval_low = 1;
-  int eval_high = 1;
-  double entropy_low = MAX_ENTROPY;
-  double entropy_high = MAX_ENTROPY;
-  const double cost_mul = 5e-4;
-  int cache_bits_low = 0;
+  int i;
   int cache_bits_high = (quality <= 25) ? 0 : *best_cache_bits;
+  double entropy_min = MAX_ENTROPY;
+  double entropies[MAX_COLOR_CACHE_BITS + 1];
   assert(cache_bits_high <= MAX_COLOR_CACHE_BITS);
@@ -1540,34 +1635,23 @@
     // Local color cache is disabled.
     return 1;
-  if (!BackwardReferencesLz77(xsize, ysize, argb, cache_bits_low, hash_chain,
-                              refs)) {
+  // Compute LZ77 with no cache (0 bits), as the ideal LZ77 with a color cache
+  // is not that different in practice.
+  if (!BackwardReferencesLz77(xsize, ysize, argb, 0, hash_chain, refs)) {
     return 0;
-  // Do a binary search to find the optimal entropy for cache_bits.
-  while (eval_low || eval_high) {
-    if (eval_low) {
-      entropy_low = ComputeCacheEntropy(argb, refs, cache_bits_low);
-      entropy_low += entropy_low * cache_bits_low * cost_mul;
-      eval_low = 0;
-    }
-    if (eval_high) {
-      entropy_high = ComputeCacheEntropy(argb, refs, cache_bits_high);
-      entropy_high += entropy_high * cache_bits_high * cost_mul;
-      eval_high = 0;
-    }
-    if (entropy_high < entropy_low) {
-      const int prev_cache_bits_low = cache_bits_low;
-      *best_cache_bits = cache_bits_high;
-      cache_bits_low = (cache_bits_low + cache_bits_high) / 2;
-      if (cache_bits_low != prev_cache_bits_low) eval_low = 1;
-    } else {
-      *best_cache_bits = cache_bits_low;
-      cache_bits_high = (cache_bits_low + cache_bits_high) / 2;
-      if (cache_bits_high != cache_bits_low) eval_high = 1;
+  // Find the cache_bits giving the lowest entropy. The search is done in a
+  // brute-force way as the function (entropy w.r.t cache_bits) can be
+  // anything in practice.
+  if (!ComputeCacheEntropies(argb, refs, cache_bits_high, entropies)) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i <= cache_bits_high; ++i) {
+    if (i == 0 || entropies[i] < entropy_min) {
+      entropy_min = entropies[i];
+      *best_cache_bits = i;
-  *lz77_computed = 1;
   return 1;
@@ -1584,8 +1668,9 @@
     PixOrCopy* const v = c.cur_pos;
     if (PixOrCopyIsLiteral(v)) {
       const uint32_t argb_literal = v->argb_or_distance;
-      if (VP8LColorCacheContains(&hashers, argb_literal)) {
-        const int ix = VP8LColorCacheGetIndex(&hashers, argb_literal);
+      const int ix = VP8LColorCacheContains(&hashers, argb_literal);
+      if (ix >= 0) {
+        // hashers contains argb_literal
         *v = PixOrCopyCreateCacheIdx(ix);
       } else {
         VP8LColorCacheInsert(&hashers, argb_literal);
diff --git a/src/enc/backward_references.h b/src/enc/backward_references_enc.h
similarity index 98%
rename from src/enc/backward_references.h
rename to src/enc/backward_references_enc.h
index 0cadb11..3a19aa7 100644
--- a/src/enc/backward_references.h
+++ b/src/enc/backward_references_enc.h
@@ -130,7 +130,8 @@
 int VP8LHashChainInit(VP8LHashChain* const p, int size);
 // Pre-compute the best matches for argb.
 int VP8LHashChainFill(VP8LHashChain* const p, int quality,
-                      const uint32_t* const argb, int xsize, int ysize);
+                      const uint32_t* const argb, int xsize, int ysize,
+                      int low_effort);
 void VP8LHashChainClear(VP8LHashChain* const p);  // release memory
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/enc/config.c b/src/enc/config_enc.c
similarity index 71%
rename from src/enc/config.c
rename to src/enc/config_enc.c
index f9f7961..4589dc0 100644
--- a/src/enc/config.c
+++ b/src/enc/config_enc.c
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
 // Author: Skal (
+#include "../webp/config.h"
 #include "../webp/encode.h"
@@ -49,9 +53,8 @@
   config->thread_level = 0;
   config->low_memory = 0;
   config->near_lossless = 100;
-  config->delta_palettization = 0;
+  config->use_delta_palette = 0;
+  config->use_sharp_yuv = 0;
   // TODO(skal): tune.
   switch (preset) {
@@ -92,60 +95,36 @@
 int WebPValidateConfig(const WebPConfig* config) {
   if (config == NULL) return 0;
-  if (config->quality < 0 || config->quality > 100)
+  if (config->quality < 0 || config->quality > 100) return 0;
+  if (config->target_size < 0) return 0;
+  if (config->target_PSNR < 0) return 0;
+  if (config->method < 0 || config->method > 6) return 0;
+  if (config->segments < 1 || config->segments > 4) return 0;
+  if (config->sns_strength < 0 || config->sns_strength > 100) return 0;
+  if (config->filter_strength < 0 || config->filter_strength > 100) return 0;
+  if (config->filter_sharpness < 0 || config->filter_sharpness > 7) return 0;
+  if (config->filter_type < 0 || config->filter_type > 1) return 0;
+  if (config->autofilter < 0 || config->autofilter > 1) return 0;
+  if (config->pass < 1 || config->pass > 10) return 0;
+  if (config->show_compressed < 0 || config->show_compressed > 1) return 0;
+  if (config->preprocessing < 0 || config->preprocessing > 7) return 0;
+  if (config->partitions < 0 || config->partitions > 3) return 0;
+  if (config->partition_limit < 0 || config->partition_limit > 100) return 0;
+  if (config->alpha_compression < 0) return 0;
+  if (config->alpha_filtering < 0) return 0;
+  if (config->alpha_quality < 0 || config->alpha_quality > 100) return 0;
+  if (config->lossless < 0 || config->lossless > 1) return 0;
+  if (config->near_lossless < 0 || config->near_lossless > 100) return 0;
+  if (config->image_hint >= WEBP_HINT_LAST) return 0;
+  if (config->emulate_jpeg_size < 0 || config->emulate_jpeg_size > 1) return 0;
+  if (config->thread_level < 0 || config->thread_level > 1) return 0;
+  if (config->low_memory < 0 || config->low_memory > 1) return 0;
+  if (config->exact < 0 || config->exact > 1) return 0;
+  if (config->use_delta_palette < 0 || config->use_delta_palette > 1) {
     return 0;
-  if (config->target_size < 0)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->target_PSNR < 0)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->method < 0 || config->method > 6)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->segments < 1 || config->segments > 4)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->sns_strength < 0 || config->sns_strength > 100)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->filter_strength < 0 || config->filter_strength > 100)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->filter_sharpness < 0 || config->filter_sharpness > 7)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->filter_type < 0 || config->filter_type > 1)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->autofilter < 0 || config->autofilter > 1)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->pass < 1 || config->pass > 10)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->show_compressed < 0 || config->show_compressed > 1)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->preprocessing < 0 || config->preprocessing > 7)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->partitions < 0 || config->partitions > 3)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->partition_limit < 0 || config->partition_limit > 100)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->alpha_compression < 0)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->alpha_filtering < 0)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->alpha_quality < 0 || config->alpha_quality > 100)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->lossless < 0 || config->lossless > 1)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->near_lossless < 0 || config->near_lossless > 100)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->image_hint >= WEBP_HINT_LAST)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->emulate_jpeg_size < 0 || config->emulate_jpeg_size > 1)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->thread_level < 0 || config->thread_level > 1)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->low_memory < 0 || config->low_memory > 1)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->exact < 0 || config->exact > 1)
-    return 0;
-  if (config->delta_palettization < 0 || config->delta_palettization > 1)
-    return 0;
+  }
+  if (config->use_sharp_yuv < 0 || config->use_sharp_yuv > 1) return 0;
   return 1;
diff --git a/src/enc/cost.c b/src/enc/cost_enc.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/enc/cost.c
rename to src/enc/cost_enc.c
index 87f8937..c823f5a 100644
--- a/src/enc/cost.c
+++ b/src/enc/cost_enc.c
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 // Author: Skal (
-#include "./cost.h"
+#include "./cost_enc.h"
 // Level cost tables
diff --git a/src/enc/cost.h b/src/enc/cost_enc.h
similarity index 98%
rename from src/enc/cost.h
rename to src/enc/cost_enc.h
index ad7959f..99e4b37 100644
--- a/src/enc/cost.h
+++ b/src/enc/cost_enc.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
diff --git a/src/enc/delta_palettization.c b/src/enc/delta_palettization_enc.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/enc/delta_palettization.c
rename to src/enc/delta_palettization_enc.c
index 062e588..eaf0f05 100644
--- a/src/enc/delta_palettization.c
+++ b/src/enc/delta_palettization_enc.c
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 // Author: Mislav Bradac (
-#include "./delta_palettization.h"
+#include "./delta_palettization_enc.h"
 #include "../webp/types.h"
diff --git a/src/enc/delta_palettization.h b/src/enc/delta_palettization_enc.h
similarity index 96%
rename from src/enc/delta_palettization.h
rename to src/enc/delta_palettization_enc.h
index e41c0c5..63048ec 100644
--- a/src/enc/delta_palettization.h
+++ b/src/enc/delta_palettization_enc.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include "../webp/encode.h"
-#include "../enc/vp8li.h"
+#include "../enc/vp8li_enc.h"
 // Replaces enc->argb_[] input by a palettizable approximation of it,
 // and generates optimal enc->palette_[].
diff --git a/src/enc/filter.c b/src/enc/filter_enc.c
similarity index 70%
rename from src/enc/filter.c
rename to src/enc/filter_enc.c
index e8ea8b4..4bc3672 100644
--- a/src/enc/filter.c
+++ b/src/enc/filter_enc.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Author: (Somnath Banerjee)
 #include <assert.h>
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
 // This table gives, for a given sharpness, the filtering strength to be
@@ -105,115 +105,28 @@
-// SSIM metric
-static const double kMinValue = 1.e-10;  // minimal threshold
-void VP8SSIMAddStats(const VP8DistoStats* const src, VP8DistoStats* const dst) {
-  dst->w   += src->w;
-  dst->xm  += src->xm;
-  dst->ym  += src->ym;
-  dst->xxm += src->xxm;
-  dst->xym += src->xym;
-  dst->yym += src->yym;
-double VP8SSIMGet(const VP8DistoStats* const stats) {
-  const double xmxm = stats->xm * stats->xm;
-  const double ymym = stats->ym * stats->ym;
-  const double xmym = stats->xm * stats->ym;
-  const double w2 = stats->w * stats->w;
-  double sxx = stats->xxm * stats->w - xmxm;
-  double syy = stats->yym * stats->w - ymym;
-  double sxy = stats->xym * stats->w - xmym;
-  double C1, C2;
-  double fnum;
-  double fden;
-  // small errors are possible, due to rounding. Clamp to zero.
-  if (sxx < 0.) sxx = 0.;
-  if (syy < 0.) syy = 0.;
-  C1 = 6.5025 * w2;
-  C2 = 58.5225 * w2;
-  fnum = (2 * xmym + C1) * (2 * sxy + C2);
-  fden = (xmxm + ymym + C1) * (sxx + syy + C2);
-  return (fden != 0.) ? fnum / fden : kMinValue;
-double VP8SSIMGetSquaredError(const VP8DistoStats* const s) {
-  if (s->w > 0.) {
-    const double iw2 = 1. / (s->w * s->w);
-    const double sxx = s->xxm * s->w - s->xm * s->xm;
-    const double syy = s->yym * s->w - s->ym * s->ym;
-    const double sxy = s->xym * s->w - s->xm * s->ym;
-    const double SSE = iw2 * (sxx + syy - 2. * sxy);
-    if (SSE > kMinValue) return SSE;
-  }
-  return kMinValue;
-#define LIMIT(A, M)  ((A) > (M) ? (M) : (A))
-static void VP8SSIMAccumulateRow(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
-                                 const uint8_t* src2, int stride2,
-                                 int y, int W, int H,
-                                 VP8DistoStats* const stats) {
-  int x = 0;
-  const int w0 = LIMIT(VP8_SSIM_KERNEL, W);
-  for (x = 0; x < w0; ++x) {
-    VP8SSIMAccumulateClipped(src1, stride1, src2, stride2, x, y, W, H, stats);
-  }
-  for (; x <= W - 8 + VP8_SSIM_KERNEL; ++x) {
-    VP8SSIMAccumulate(
-        src1 + (y - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL) * stride1 + (x - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL), stride1,
-        src2 + (y - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL) * stride2 + (x - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL), stride2,
-        stats);
-  }
-  for (; x < W; ++x) {
-    VP8SSIMAccumulateClipped(src1, stride1, src2, stride2, x, y, W, H, stats);
-  }
-void VP8SSIMAccumulatePlane(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
-                            const uint8_t* src2, int stride2,
-                            int W, int H, VP8DistoStats* const stats) {
-  int x, y;
-  const int h0 = LIMIT(VP8_SSIM_KERNEL, H);
-  const int h1 = LIMIT(VP8_SSIM_KERNEL, H - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL);
-  for (y = 0; y < h0; ++y) {
-    for (x = 0; x < W; ++x) {
-      VP8SSIMAccumulateClipped(src1, stride1, src2, stride2, x, y, W, H, stats);
-    }
-  }
-  for (; y < h1; ++y) {
-    VP8SSIMAccumulateRow(src1, stride1, src2, stride2, y, W, H, stats);
-  }
-  for (; y < H; ++y) {
-    for (x = 0; x < W; ++x) {
-      VP8SSIMAccumulateClipped(src1, stride1, src2, stride2, x, y, W, H, stats);
-    }
-  }
-#undef LIMIT
+// SSIM metric for one macroblock
 static double GetMBSSIM(const uint8_t* yuv1, const uint8_t* yuv2) {
   int x, y;
-  VP8DistoStats s = { .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0 };
+  double sum = 0.;
   // compute SSIM in a 10 x 10 window
   for (y = VP8_SSIM_KERNEL; y < 16 - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL; y++) {
     for (x = VP8_SSIM_KERNEL; x < 16 - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL; x++) {
-      VP8SSIMAccumulateClipped(yuv1 + Y_OFF_ENC, BPS, yuv2 + Y_OFF_ENC, BPS,
-                               x, y, 16, 16, &s);
+      sum += VP8SSIMGetClipped(yuv1 + Y_OFF_ENC, BPS, yuv2 + Y_OFF_ENC, BPS,
+                               x, y, 16, 16);
   for (x = 1; x < 7; x++) {
     for (y = 1; y < 7; y++) {
-      VP8SSIMAccumulateClipped(yuv1 + U_OFF_ENC, BPS, yuv2 + U_OFF_ENC, BPS,
-                               x, y, 8, 8, &s);
-      VP8SSIMAccumulateClipped(yuv1 + V_OFF_ENC, BPS, yuv2 + V_OFF_ENC, BPS,
-                               x, y, 8, 8, &s);
+      sum += VP8SSIMGetClipped(yuv1 + U_OFF_ENC, BPS, yuv2 + U_OFF_ENC, BPS,
+                               x, y, 8, 8);
+      sum += VP8SSIMGetClipped(yuv1 + V_OFF_ENC, BPS, yuv2 + V_OFF_ENC, BPS,
+                               x, y, 8, 8);
-  return VP8SSIMGet(&s);
+  return sum;
diff --git a/src/enc/frame.c b/src/enc/frame_enc.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/enc/frame.c
rename to src/enc/frame_enc.c
index 57fc471..abef523 100644
--- a/src/enc/frame.c
+++ b/src/enc/frame_enc.c
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <math.h>
-#include "./cost.h"
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./cost_enc.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
 #include "../webp/format_constants.h"  // RIFF constants
@@ -248,8 +248,9 @@
       p = res->prob[VP8EncBands[n]][1];
     } else {
       if (!VP8PutBit(bw, v > 4, p[3])) {
-        if (VP8PutBit(bw, v != 2, p[4]))
+        if (VP8PutBit(bw, v != 2, p[4])) {
           VP8PutBit(bw, v == 4, p[5]);
+        }
       } else if (!VP8PutBit(bw, v > 10, p[6])) {
         if (!VP8PutBit(bw, v > 6, p[7])) {
           VP8PutBit(bw, v == 6, 159);
@@ -557,8 +558,9 @@
     size += info.R + info.H;
     size_p0 += info.H;
     distortion += info.D;
-    if (percent_delta && !VP8IteratorProgress(&it, percent_delta))
+    if (percent_delta && !VP8IteratorProgress(&it, percent_delta)) {
       return 0;
+    }
   } while (VP8IteratorNext(&it) && --nb_mbs > 0);
diff --git a/src/enc/histogram.c b/src/enc/histogram_enc.c
similarity index 78%
rename from src/enc/histogram.c
rename to src/enc/histogram_enc.c
index 36b7f22..808b6f7 100644
--- a/src/enc/histogram.c
+++ b/src/enc/histogram_enc.c
@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
 #include <math.h>
-#include "./backward_references.h"
-#include "./histogram.h"
+#include "./backward_references_enc.h"
+#include "./histogram_enc.h"
 #include "../dsp/lossless.h"
+#include "../dsp/lossless_common.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #define MAX_COST 1.e38
@@ -213,10 +214,19 @@
 // Finalize the Huffman cost based on streak numbers and length type (<3 or >=3)
 static double FinalHuffmanCost(const VP8LStreaks* const stats) {
+  // The constants in this function are experimental and got rounded from
+  // their original values in 1/8 when switched to 1/1024.
   double retval = InitialHuffmanCost();
+  // Second coefficient: Many zeros in the histogram are covered efficiently
+  // by a run-length encode. Originally 2/8.
   retval += stats->counts[0] * 1.5625 + 0.234375 * stats->streaks[0][1];
+  // Second coefficient: Constant values are encoded less efficiently, but still
+  // RLE'ed. Originally 6/8.
   retval += stats->counts[1] * 2.578125 + 0.703125 * stats->streaks[1][1];
+  // 0s are usually encoded more efficiently than non-0s.
+  // Originally 15/8.
   retval += 1.796875 * stats->streaks[0][0];
+  // Originally 26/8.
   retval += 3.28125 * stats->streaks[1][0];
   return retval;
@@ -236,14 +246,30 @@
   return BitsEntropyRefine(&bit_entropy) + FinalHuffmanCost(&stats);
+// trivial_at_end is 1 if the two histograms only have one element that is
+// non-zero: both the zero-th one, or both the last one.
 static WEBP_INLINE double GetCombinedEntropy(const uint32_t* const X,
                                              const uint32_t* const Y,
-                                             int length) {
-  VP8LBitEntropy bit_entropy;
+                                             int length, int trivial_at_end) {
   VP8LStreaks stats;
-  VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefined(X, Y, length, &bit_entropy, &stats);
+  if (trivial_at_end) {
+    // This configuration is due to palettization that transforms an indexed
+    // pixel into 0xff000000 | (pixel << 8) in VP8LBundleColorMap.
+    // BitsEntropyRefine is 0 for histograms with only one non-zero value.
+    // Only FinalHuffmanCost needs to be evaluated.
+    memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
+    // Deal with the non-zero value at index 0 or length-1.
+    stats.streaks[1][0] += 1;
+    // Deal with the following/previous zero streak.
+    stats.counts[0] += 1;
+    stats.streaks[0][1] += length - 1;
+    return FinalHuffmanCost(&stats);
+  } else {
+    VP8LBitEntropy bit_entropy;
+    VP8LGetCombinedEntropyUnrefined(X, Y, length, &bit_entropy, &stats);
-  return BitsEntropyRefine(&bit_entropy) + FinalHuffmanCost(&stats);
+    return BitsEntropyRefine(&bit_entropy) + FinalHuffmanCost(&stats);
+  }
 // Estimates the Entropy + Huffman + other block overhead size cost.
@@ -267,24 +293,42 @@
                                        double cost_threshold,
                                        double* cost) {
   const int palette_code_bits = a->palette_code_bits_;
+  int trivial_at_end = 0;
   assert(a->palette_code_bits_ == b->palette_code_bits_);
   *cost += GetCombinedEntropy(a->literal_, b->literal_,
-                              VP8LHistogramNumCodes(palette_code_bits));
+                              VP8LHistogramNumCodes(palette_code_bits), 0);
   *cost += VP8LExtraCostCombined(a->literal_ + NUM_LITERAL_CODES,
                                  b->literal_ + NUM_LITERAL_CODES,
   if (*cost > cost_threshold) return 0;
-  *cost += GetCombinedEntropy(a->red_, b->red_, NUM_LITERAL_CODES);
+  if (a->trivial_symbol_ != VP8L_NON_TRIVIAL_SYM &&
+      a->trivial_symbol_ == b->trivial_symbol_) {
+    // A, R and B are all 0 or 0xff.
+    const uint32_t color_a = (a->trivial_symbol_ >> 24) & 0xff;
+    const uint32_t color_r = (a->trivial_symbol_ >> 16) & 0xff;
+    const uint32_t color_b = (a->trivial_symbol_ >> 0) & 0xff;
+    if ((color_a == 0 || color_a == 0xff) &&
+        (color_r == 0 || color_r == 0xff) &&
+        (color_b == 0 || color_b == 0xff)) {
+      trivial_at_end = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  *cost +=
+      GetCombinedEntropy(a->red_, b->red_, NUM_LITERAL_CODES, trivial_at_end);
   if (*cost > cost_threshold) return 0;
-  *cost += GetCombinedEntropy(a->blue_, b->blue_, NUM_LITERAL_CODES);
+  *cost +=
+      GetCombinedEntropy(a->blue_, b->blue_, NUM_LITERAL_CODES, trivial_at_end);
   if (*cost > cost_threshold) return 0;
-  *cost += GetCombinedEntropy(a->alpha_, b->alpha_, NUM_LITERAL_CODES);
+  *cost += GetCombinedEntropy(a->alpha_, b->alpha_, NUM_LITERAL_CODES,
+                              trivial_at_end);
   if (*cost > cost_threshold) return 0;
-  *cost += GetCombinedEntropy(a->distance_, b->distance_, NUM_DISTANCE_CODES);
+  *cost +=
+      GetCombinedEntropy(a->distance_, b->distance_, NUM_DISTANCE_CODES, 0);
   *cost +=
       VP8LExtraCostCombined(a->distance_, b->distance_, NUM_DISTANCE_CODES);
   if (*cost > cost_threshold) return 0;
@@ -292,6 +336,15 @@
   return 1;
+static WEBP_INLINE void HistogramAdd(const VP8LHistogram* const a,
+                                     const VP8LHistogram* const b,
+                                     VP8LHistogram* const out) {
+  VP8LHistogramAdd(a, b, out);
+  out->trivial_symbol_ = (a->trivial_symbol_ == b->trivial_symbol_)
+                       ? a->trivial_symbol_
+                       : VP8L_NON_TRIVIAL_SYM;
 // Performs out = a + b, computing the cost C(a+b) - C(a) - C(b) while comparing
 // to the threshold value 'cost_threshold'. The score returned is
 //  Score = C(a+b) - C(a) - C(b), where C(a) + C(b) is known and fixed.
@@ -307,11 +360,9 @@
   cost_threshold += sum_cost;
   if (GetCombinedHistogramEntropy(a, b, cost_threshold, &cost)) {
-    VP8LHistogramAdd(a, b, out);
+    HistogramAdd(a, b, out);
     out->bit_cost_ = cost;
     out->palette_code_bits_ = a->palette_code_bits_;
-    out->trivial_symbol_ = (a->trivial_symbol_ == b->trivial_symbol_) ?
-        a->trivial_symbol_ : VP8L_NON_TRIVIAL_SYM;
   return cost - sum_cost;
@@ -450,113 +501,103 @@
 // Partition histograms to different entropy bins for three dominant (literal,
 // red and blue) symbol costs and compute the histogram aggregate bit_cost.
 static void HistogramAnalyzeEntropyBin(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
-                                       int16_t* const bin_map, int low_effort) {
+                                       uint16_t* const bin_map,
+                                       int low_effort) {
   int i;
   VP8LHistogram** const histograms = image_histo->histograms;
   const int histo_size = image_histo->size;
-  const int bin_depth = histo_size + 1;
   DominantCostRange cost_range;
   // Analyze the dominant (literal, red and blue) entropy costs.
   for (i = 0; i < histo_size; ++i) {
-    VP8LHistogram* const histo = histograms[i];
-    UpdateDominantCostRange(histo, &cost_range);
+    UpdateDominantCostRange(histograms[i], &cost_range);
   // bin-hash histograms on three of the dominant (literal, red and blue)
-  // symbol costs.
+  // symbol costs and store the resulting bin_id for each histogram.
   for (i = 0; i < histo_size; ++i) {
-    const VP8LHistogram* const histo = histograms[i];
-    const int bin_id = GetHistoBinIndex(histo, &cost_range, low_effort);
-    const int bin_offset = bin_id * bin_depth;
-    // bin_map[n][0] for every bin 'n' maintains the counter for the number of
-    // histograms in that bin.
-    // Get and increment the num_histos in that bin.
-    const int num_histos = ++bin_map[bin_offset];
-    assert(bin_offset + num_histos < bin_depth * BIN_SIZE);
-    // Add histogram i'th index at num_histos (last) position in the bin_map.
-    bin_map[bin_offset + num_histos] = i;
+    bin_map[i] = GetHistoBinIndex(histograms[i], &cost_range, low_effort);
-// Compact the histogram set by removing unused entries.
-static void HistogramCompactBins(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo) {
-  VP8LHistogram** const histograms = image_histo->histograms;
-  int i, j;
-  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < image_histo->size; ++i) {
-    if (histograms[i] != NULL && histograms[i]->bit_cost_ != 0.) {
-      if (j < i) {
-        histograms[j] = histograms[i];
-        histograms[i] = NULL;
-      }
-      ++j;
-    }
-  }
-  image_histo->size = j;
+// Compact image_histo[] by merging some histograms with same bin_id together if
+// it's advantageous.
 static VP8LHistogram* HistogramCombineEntropyBin(
     VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
     VP8LHistogram* cur_combo,
-    int16_t* const bin_map, int bin_depth, int num_bins,
+    const uint16_t* const bin_map, int bin_map_size, int num_bins,
     double combine_cost_factor, int low_effort) {
-  int bin_id;
   VP8LHistogram** const histograms = image_histo->histograms;
+  int idx;
+  // Work in-place: processed histograms are put at the beginning of
+  // image_histo[]. At the end, we just have to truncate the array.
+  int size = 0;
+  struct {
+    int16_t first;    // position of the histogram that accumulates all
+                      // histograms with the same bin_id
+    uint16_t num_combine_failures;   // number of combine failures per bin_id
+  } bin_info[BIN_SIZE];
-  for (bin_id = 0; bin_id < num_bins; ++bin_id) {
-    const int bin_offset = bin_id * bin_depth;
-    const int num_histos = bin_map[bin_offset];
-    const int idx1 = bin_map[bin_offset + 1];
-    int num_combine_failures = 0;
-    int n;
-    for (n = 2; n <= num_histos; ++n) {
-      const int idx2 = bin_map[bin_offset + n];
-      if (low_effort) {
-        // Merge all histograms with the same bin index, irrespective of cost of
-        // the merged histograms.
-        VP8LHistogramAdd(histograms[idx1], histograms[idx2], histograms[idx1]);
-        histograms[idx2]->bit_cost_ = 0.;
-      } else {
-        const double bit_cost_idx2 = histograms[idx2]->bit_cost_;
-        if (bit_cost_idx2 > 0.) {
-          const double bit_cost_thresh = -bit_cost_idx2 * combine_cost_factor;
-          const double curr_cost_diff =
-              HistogramAddEval(histograms[idx1], histograms[idx2],
-                               cur_combo, bit_cost_thresh);
-          if (curr_cost_diff < bit_cost_thresh) {
-            // Try to merge two histograms only if the combo is a trivial one or
-            // the two candidate histograms are already non-trivial.
-            // For some images, 'try_combine' turns out to be false for a lot of
-            // histogram pairs. In that case, we fallback to combining
-            // histograms as usual to avoid increasing the header size.
-            const int try_combine =
-                (cur_combo->trivial_symbol_ != VP8L_NON_TRIVIAL_SYM) ||
-                ((histograms[idx1]->trivial_symbol_ == VP8L_NON_TRIVIAL_SYM) &&
-                 (histograms[idx2]->trivial_symbol_ == VP8L_NON_TRIVIAL_SYM));
-            const int max_combine_failures = 32;
-            if (try_combine || (num_combine_failures >= max_combine_failures)) {
-              HistogramSwap(&cur_combo, &histograms[idx1]);
-              histograms[idx2]->bit_cost_ = 0.;
-            } else {
-              ++num_combine_failures;
-            }
-          }
+  assert(num_bins <= BIN_SIZE);
+  for (idx = 0; idx < num_bins; ++idx) {
+    bin_info[idx].first = -1;
+    bin_info[idx].num_combine_failures = 0;
+  }
+  for (idx = 0; idx < bin_map_size; ++idx) {
+    const int bin_id = bin_map[idx];
+    const int first = bin_info[bin_id].first;
+    assert(size <= idx);
+    if (first == -1) {
+      // just move histogram #idx to its final position
+      histograms[size] = histograms[idx];
+      bin_info[bin_id].first = size++;
+    } else if (low_effort) {
+      HistogramAdd(histograms[idx], histograms[first], histograms[first]);
+    } else {
+      // try to merge #idx into #first (both share the same bin_id)
+      const double bit_cost = histograms[idx]->bit_cost_;
+      const double bit_cost_thresh = -bit_cost * combine_cost_factor;
+      const double curr_cost_diff =
+          HistogramAddEval(histograms[first], histograms[idx],
+                           cur_combo, bit_cost_thresh);
+      if (curr_cost_diff < bit_cost_thresh) {
+        // Try to merge two histograms only if the combo is a trivial one or
+        // the two candidate histograms are already non-trivial.
+        // For some images, 'try_combine' turns out to be false for a lot of
+        // histogram pairs. In that case, we fallback to combining
+        // histograms as usual to avoid increasing the header size.
+        const int try_combine =
+            (cur_combo->trivial_symbol_ != VP8L_NON_TRIVIAL_SYM) ||
+            ((histograms[idx]->trivial_symbol_ == VP8L_NON_TRIVIAL_SYM) &&
+             (histograms[first]->trivial_symbol_ == VP8L_NON_TRIVIAL_SYM));
+        const int max_combine_failures = 32;
+        if (try_combine ||
+            bin_info[bin_id].num_combine_failures >= max_combine_failures) {
+          // move the (better) merged histogram to its final slot
+          HistogramSwap(&cur_combo, &histograms[first]);
+        } else {
+          histograms[size++] = histograms[idx];
+          ++bin_info[bin_id].num_combine_failures;
+      } else {
+        histograms[size++] = histograms[idx];
-    if (low_effort) {
-      // Update the bit_cost for the merged histograms (per bin index).
-      UpdateHistogramCost(histograms[idx1]);
+  }
+  image_histo->size = size;
+  if (low_effort) {
+    // for low_effort case, update the final cost when everything is merged
+    for (idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) {
+      UpdateHistogramCost(histograms[idx]);
-  HistogramCompactBins(image_histo);
   return cur_combo;
-static uint32_t MyRand(uint32_t *seed) {
-  *seed *= 16807U;
+static uint32_t MyRand(uint32_t* const seed) {
+  *seed = (*seed * 16807ull) & 0xffffffffu;
   if (*seed == 0) {
     *seed = 1;
@@ -682,7 +723,7 @@
     HistogramPair* copy_to;
     const int idx1 = histo_queue.queue[0].idx1;
     const int idx2 = histo_queue.queue[0].idx2;
-    VP8LHistogramAdd(histograms[idx2], histograms[idx1], histograms[idx1]);
+    HistogramAdd(histograms[idx2], histograms[idx1], histograms[idx1]);
     histograms[idx1]->bit_cost_ = histo_queue.queue[0].cost_combo;
     // Remove merged histogram.
     for (i = 0; i + 1 < image_histo_size; ++i) {
@@ -748,6 +789,8 @@
   const int outer_iters = image_histo_size * iter_mult;
   const int num_pairs = image_histo_size / 2;
   const int num_tries_no_success = outer_iters / 2;
+  int idx2_max = image_histo_size - 1;
+  int do_brute_dorce = 0;
   VP8LHistogram** const histograms = image_histo->histograms;
   // Collapse similar histograms in 'image_histo'.
@@ -758,43 +801,62 @@
     double best_cost_diff = 0.;
     int best_idx1 = -1, best_idx2 = 1;
     int j;
-    const int num_tries =
+    int num_tries =
         (num_pairs < image_histo_size) ? num_pairs : image_histo_size;
+    // Use a brute force approach if:
+    // - stochastic has not worked for a while and
+    // - if the number of iterations for brute force is less than the number of
+    // iterations if we never find a match ever again stochastically (hence
+    // num_tries times the number of remaining outer iterations).
+    do_brute_dorce =
+        (tries_with_no_success > 10) &&
+        (idx2_max * (idx2_max + 1) < 2 * num_tries * (outer_iters - iter));
+    if (do_brute_dorce) num_tries = idx2_max;
     seed += iter;
     for (j = 0; j < num_tries; ++j) {
       double curr_cost_diff;
       // Choose two histograms at random and try to combine them.
-      const uint32_t idx1 = MyRand(&seed) % image_histo_size;
-      const uint32_t tmp = (j & 7) + 1;
-      const uint32_t diff =
-          (tmp < 3) ? tmp : MyRand(&seed) % (image_histo_size - 1);
-      const uint32_t idx2 = (idx1 + diff + 1) % image_histo_size;
-      if (idx1 == idx2) {
-        continue;
+      uint32_t idx1, idx2;
+      if (do_brute_dorce) {
+        // Use a brute force approach.
+        idx1 = (uint32_t)j;
+        idx2 = (uint32_t)idx2_max;
+      } else {
+        const uint32_t tmp = (j & 7) + 1;
+        const uint32_t diff =
+            (tmp < 3) ? tmp : MyRand(&seed) % (image_histo_size - 1);
+        idx1 = MyRand(&seed) % image_histo_size;
+        idx2 = (idx1 + diff + 1) % image_histo_size;
+        if (idx1 == idx2) {
+          continue;
+        }
       // Calculate cost reduction on combining.
       curr_cost_diff = HistogramAddEval(histograms[idx1], histograms[idx2],
                                         tmp_histo, best_cost_diff);
-      if (curr_cost_diff < best_cost_diff) {    // found a better pair?
+      if (curr_cost_diff < best_cost_diff) {  // found a better pair?
         HistogramSwap(&best_combo, &tmp_histo);
         best_cost_diff = curr_cost_diff;
         best_idx1 = idx1;
         best_idx2 = idx2;
+    if (do_brute_dorce) --idx2_max;
     if (best_idx1 >= 0) {
       HistogramSwap(&best_combo, &histograms[best_idx1]);
       // swap best_idx2 slot with last one (which is now unused)
+      if (idx2_max >= image_histo_size) idx2_max = image_histo_size - 1;
       if (best_idx2 != image_histo_size) {
         HistogramSwap(&histograms[image_histo_size], &histograms[best_idx2]);
         histograms[image_histo_size] = NULL;
       tries_with_no_success = 0;
-    if (++tries_with_no_success >= num_tries_no_success) {
+    if (++tries_with_no_success >= num_tries_no_success || idx2_max == 0) {
@@ -843,7 +905,7 @@
   for (i = 0; i < in_size; ++i) {
     const int idx = symbols[i];
-    VP8LHistogramAdd(in_histo[i], out_histo[idx], out_histo[idx]);
+    HistogramAdd(in_histo[i], out_histo[idx], out_histo[idx]);
@@ -869,32 +931,18 @@
   const int histo_xsize = histo_bits ? VP8LSubSampleSize(xsize, histo_bits) : 1;
   const int histo_ysize = histo_bits ? VP8LSubSampleSize(ysize, histo_bits) : 1;
   const int image_histo_raw_size = histo_xsize * histo_ysize;
-  const int entropy_combine_num_bins = low_effort ? NUM_PARTITIONS : BIN_SIZE;
-  // The bin_map for every bin follows following semantics:
-  // bin_map[n][0] = num_histo; // The number of histograms in that bin.
-  // bin_map[n][1] = index of first histogram in that bin;
-  // bin_map[n][num_histo] = index of last histogram in that bin;
-  // bin_map[n][num_histo + 1] ... bin_map[n][bin_depth - 1] = unused indices.
-  const int bin_depth = image_histo_raw_size + 1;
-  int16_t* bin_map = NULL;
   VP8LHistogramSet* const orig_histo =
       VP8LAllocateHistogramSet(image_histo_raw_size, cache_bits);
   VP8LHistogram* cur_combo;
+  // Don't attempt linear bin-partition heuristic for
+  // histograms of small sizes (as bin_map will be very sparse) and
+  // maximum quality q==100 (to preserve the compression gains at that level).
+  const int entropy_combine_num_bins = low_effort ? NUM_PARTITIONS : BIN_SIZE;
   const int entropy_combine =
       (orig_histo->size > entropy_combine_num_bins * 2) && (quality < 100);
   if (orig_histo == NULL) goto Error;
-  // Don't attempt linear bin-partition heuristic for:
-  // histograms of small sizes, as bin_map will be very sparse and;
-  // Maximum quality (q==100), to preserve the compression gains at that level.
-  if (entropy_combine) {
-    const int bin_map_size = bin_depth * entropy_combine_num_bins;
-    bin_map = (int16_t*)WebPSafeCalloc(bin_map_size, sizeof(*bin_map));
-    if (bin_map == NULL) goto Error;
-  }
   // Construct the histograms from backward references.
   HistogramBuild(xsize, histo_bits, refs, orig_histo);
   // Copies the histograms and computes its bit_cost.
@@ -902,12 +950,17 @@
   cur_combo = tmp_histos->histograms[1];  // pick up working slot
   if (entropy_combine) {
+    const int bin_map_size = orig_histo->size;
+    // Reuse histogram_symbols storage. By definition, it's guaranteed to be ok.
+    uint16_t* const bin_map = histogram_symbols;
     const double combine_cost_factor =
         GetCombineCostFactor(image_histo_raw_size, quality);
     HistogramAnalyzeEntropyBin(orig_histo, bin_map, low_effort);
     // Collapse histograms with similar entropy.
-    cur_combo = HistogramCombineEntropyBin(image_histo, cur_combo, bin_map,
-                                           bin_depth, entropy_combine_num_bins,
+    cur_combo = HistogramCombineEntropyBin(image_histo, cur_combo,
+                                           bin_map, bin_map_size,
+                                           entropy_combine_num_bins,
                                            combine_cost_factor, low_effort);
@@ -932,7 +985,6 @@
   ok = 1;
-  WebPSafeFree(bin_map);
   return ok;
diff --git a/src/enc/histogram.h b/src/enc/histogram_enc.h
similarity index 98%
rename from src/enc/histogram.h
rename to src/enc/histogram_enc.h
index d303d1d..a9d258a 100644
--- a/src/enc/histogram.h
+++ b/src/enc/histogram_enc.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #include <string.h>
-#include "./backward_references.h"
+#include "./backward_references_enc.h"
 #include "../webp/format_constants.h"
 #include "../webp/types.h"
diff --git a/src/enc/iterator.c b/src/enc/iterator_enc.c
similarity index 97%
rename from src/enc/iterator.c
rename to src/enc/iterator_enc.c
index 99d960a..e48d30b 100644
--- a/src/enc/iterator.c
+++ b/src/enc/iterator_enc.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <string.h>
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 // VP8Iterator
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
   VP8IteratorSetRow(it, 0);
   VP8IteratorSetCountDown(it, enc->mb_w_ * enc->mb_h_);  // default
-  InitLeft(it);
   memset(it->bit_count_, 0, sizeof(it->bit_count_));
   it->do_trellis_ = 0;
@@ -68,8 +67,6 @@
 void VP8IteratorInit(VP8Encoder* const enc, VP8EncIterator* const it) {
   it->enc_ = enc;
-  it->y_stride_  = enc->pic_->y_stride;
-  it->uv_stride_ = enc->pic_->uv_stride;
   it->yuv_in_   = (uint8_t*)WEBP_ALIGN(it->yuv_mem_);
   it->yuv_out_  = it->yuv_in_ + YUV_SIZE_ENC;
   it->yuv_out2_ = it->yuv_out_ + YUV_SIZE_ENC;
@@ -309,14 +306,14 @@
 int VP8IteratorNext(VP8EncIterator* const it) {
-  it->preds_ += 4;
-  it->mb_ += 1;
-  it->nz_ += 1;
-  it->y_top_ += 16;
-  it->uv_top_ += 16;
-  it->x_ += 1;
-  if (it->x_ == it->enc_->mb_w_) {
+  if (++it->x_ == it->enc_->mb_w_) {
     VP8IteratorSetRow(it, ++it->y_);
+  } else {
+    it->preds_ += 4;
+    it->mb_ += 1;
+    it->nz_ += 1;
+    it->y_top_ += 16;
+    it->uv_top_ += 16;
   return (0 < --it->count_down_);
diff --git a/src/enc/near_lossless.c b/src/enc/near_lossless_enc.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/enc/near_lossless.c
rename to src/enc/near_lossless_enc.c
index f4ab91f..2bd03ab 100644
--- a/src/enc/near_lossless.c
+++ b/src/enc/near_lossless_enc.c
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "../dsp/lossless.h"
+#include "../dsp/lossless_common.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 #define MAX_LIMIT_BITS             5
diff --git a/src/enc/picture_csp.c b/src/enc/picture_csp_enc.c
similarity index 87%
rename from src/enc/picture_csp.c
rename to src/enc/picture_csp_enc.c
index 188a3ca..e5d1c75 100644
--- a/src/enc/picture_csp.c
+++ b/src/enc/picture_csp_enc.c
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <math.h>
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
-#include "../utils/random.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
+#include "../utils/random_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #include "../dsp/yuv.h"
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@
-// Smart RGB->YUV conversion
+// Sharp RGB->YUV conversion
-static const int kNumIterations = 6;
+static const int kNumIterations = 4;
 static const int kMinDimensionIterativeConversion = 4;
 // We could use SFIX=0 and only uint8_t for fixed_y_t, but it produces some
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@
 // float variant of gamma-correction
-// We use tables of different size and precision, along with a 'real-world'
-// Gamma value close to ~2.
-#define kGammaF 2.2
+// We use tables of different size and precision for the Rec709
+// transfer function.
+#define kGammaF (1./0.45)
 static float kGammaToLinearTabF[MAX_Y_T + 1];   // size scales with Y_FIX
 static float kLinearToGammaTabF[kGammaTabSize + 2];
 static volatile int kGammaTablesFOk = 0;
@@ -183,11 +183,26 @@
     int v;
     const double norm = 1. / MAX_Y_T;
     const double scale = 1. / kGammaTabSize;
+    const double a = 0.099;
+    const double thresh = 0.018;
     for (v = 0; v <= MAX_Y_T; ++v) {
-      kGammaToLinearTabF[v] = (float)pow(norm * v, kGammaF);
+      const double g = norm * v;
+      if (g <= thresh * 4.5) {
+        kGammaToLinearTabF[v] = (float)(g / 4.5);
+      } else {
+        const double a_rec = 1. / (1. + a);
+        kGammaToLinearTabF[v] = (float)pow(a_rec * (g + a), kGammaF);
+      }
     for (v = 0; v <= kGammaTabSize; ++v) {
-      kLinearToGammaTabF[v] = (float)(MAX_Y_T * pow(scale * v, 1. / kGammaF));
+      const double g = scale * v;
+      double value;
+      if (g <= thresh) {
+        value = 4.5 * g;
+      } else {
+        value = (1. + a) * pow(g, 1. / kGammaF) - a;
+      }
+      kLinearToGammaTabF[v] = (float)(MAX_Y_T * value);
     // to prevent small rounding errors to cause read-overflow:
     kLinearToGammaTabF[kGammaTabSize + 1] = kLinearToGammaTabF[kGammaTabSize];
@@ -235,12 +250,12 @@
 static int RGBToGray(int r, int g, int b) {
-  const int luma = 19595 * r + 38470 * g + 7471 * b + YUV_HALF;
+  const int luma = 13933 * r + 46871 * g + 4732 * b + YUV_HALF;
   return (luma >> YUV_FIX);
 static float RGBToGrayF(float r, float g, float b) {
-  return 0.299f * r + 0.587f * g + 0.114f * b;
+  return (float)(0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b);
 static int ScaleDown(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
@@ -251,59 +266,51 @@
   return LinearToGammaF(0.25f * (A + B + C + D));
-static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateW(const fixed_y_t* src, fixed_y_t* dst, int len) {
-  while (len-- > 0) {
-    const float R = GammaToLinearF(src[0]);
-    const float G = GammaToLinearF(src[1]);
-    const float B = GammaToLinearF(src[2]);
+static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateW(const fixed_y_t* src, fixed_y_t* dst, int w) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < w; ++i) {
+    const float R = GammaToLinearF(src[0 * w + i]);
+    const float G = GammaToLinearF(src[1 * w + i]);
+    const float B = GammaToLinearF(src[2 * w + i]);
     const float Y = RGBToGrayF(R, G, B);
-    *dst++ = (fixed_y_t)LinearToGammaF(Y);
-    src += 3;
+    dst[i] = (fixed_y_t)LinearToGammaF(Y);
-static int UpdateChroma(const fixed_y_t* src1,
-                        const fixed_y_t* src2,
-                        fixed_t* dst, fixed_y_t* tmp, int len) {
-  int diff = 0;
-  while (len--> 0) {
-    const int r = ScaleDown(src1[0], src1[3], src2[0], src2[3]);
-    const int g = ScaleDown(src1[1], src1[4], src2[1], src2[4]);
-    const int b = ScaleDown(src1[2], src1[5], src2[2], src2[5]);
+static void UpdateChroma(const fixed_y_t* src1, const fixed_y_t* src2,
+                         fixed_t* dst, int uv_w) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < uv_w; ++i) {
+    const int r = ScaleDown(src1[0 * uv_w + 0], src1[0 * uv_w + 1],
+                            src2[0 * uv_w + 0], src2[0 * uv_w + 1]);
+    const int g = ScaleDown(src1[2 * uv_w + 0], src1[2 * uv_w + 1],
+                            src2[2 * uv_w + 0], src2[2 * uv_w + 1]);
+    const int b = ScaleDown(src1[4 * uv_w + 0], src1[4 * uv_w + 1],
+                            src2[4 * uv_w + 0], src2[4 * uv_w + 1]);
     const int W = RGBToGray(r, g, b);
-    const int r_avg = (src1[0] + src1[3] + src2[0] + src2[3] + 2) >> 2;
-    const int g_avg = (src1[1] + src1[4] + src2[1] + src2[4] + 2) >> 2;
-    const int b_avg = (src1[2] + src1[5] + src2[2] + src2[5] + 2) >> 2;
-    dst[0] = (fixed_t)(r - W);
-    dst[1] = (fixed_t)(g - W);
-    dst[2] = (fixed_t)(b - W);
-    dst += 3;
-    src1 += 6;
-    src2 += 6;
-    if (tmp != NULL) {
-      tmp[0] = tmp[1] = clip_y(W);
-      tmp += 2;
-    }
-    diff += abs(RGBToGray(r_avg, g_avg, b_avg) - W);
+    dst[0 * uv_w] = (fixed_t)(r - W);
+    dst[1 * uv_w] = (fixed_t)(g - W);
+    dst[2 * uv_w] = (fixed_t)(b - W);
+    dst  += 1;
+    src1 += 2;
+    src2 += 2;
-  return diff;
+static void StoreGray(const fixed_y_t* rgb, fixed_y_t* y, int w) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < w; ++i) {
+    y[i] = RGBToGray(rgb[0 * w + i], rgb[1 * w + i], rgb[2 * w + i]);
+  }
-static WEBP_INLINE int Filter(const fixed_t* const A, const fixed_t* const B,
-                              int rightwise) {
-  int v;
-  if (!rightwise) {
-    v = (A[0] * 9 + A[-3] * 3 + B[0] * 3 + B[-3]);
-  } else {
-    v = (A[0] * 9 + A[+3] * 3 + B[0] * 3 + B[+3]);
-  }
-  return (v + 8) >> 4;
+static WEBP_INLINE fixed_y_t Filter2(int A, int B, int W0) {
+  const int v0 = (A * 3 + B + 2) >> 2;
+  return clip_y(v0 + W0);
-static WEBP_INLINE int Filter2(int A, int B) { return (A * 3 + B + 2) >> 2; }
 static WEBP_INLINE fixed_y_t UpLift(uint8_t a) {  // 8bit -> SFIX
@@ -317,52 +324,50 @@
                          int pic_width,
                          fixed_y_t* const dst) {
   int i;
+  const int w = (pic_width + 1) & ~1;
   for (i = 0; i < pic_width; ++i) {
     const int off = i * step;
-    dst[3 * i + 0] = UpLift(r_ptr[off]);
-    dst[3 * i + 1] = UpLift(g_ptr[off]);
-    dst[3 * i + 2] = UpLift(b_ptr[off]);
+    dst[i + 0 * w] = UpLift(r_ptr[off]);
+    dst[i + 1 * w] = UpLift(g_ptr[off]);
+    dst[i + 2 * w] = UpLift(b_ptr[off]);
   if (pic_width & 1) {  // replicate rightmost pixel
-    memcpy(dst + 3 * pic_width, dst + 3 * (pic_width - 1), 3 * sizeof(*dst));
+    dst[pic_width + 0 * w] = dst[pic_width + 0 * w - 1];
+    dst[pic_width + 1 * w] = dst[pic_width + 1 * w - 1];
+    dst[pic_width + 2 * w] = dst[pic_width + 2 * w - 1];
 static void InterpolateTwoRows(const fixed_y_t* const best_y,
-                               const fixed_t* const prev_uv,
-                               const fixed_t* const cur_uv,
-                               const fixed_t* const next_uv,
+                               const fixed_t* prev_uv,
+                               const fixed_t* cur_uv,
+                               const fixed_t* next_uv,
                                int w,
-                               fixed_y_t* const out1,
-                               fixed_y_t* const out2) {
-  int i, k;
-  {  // special boundary case for i==0
-    const int W0 = best_y[0];
-    const int W1 = best_y[w];
-    for (k = 0; k <= 2; ++k) {
-      out1[k] = clip_y(Filter2(cur_uv[k], prev_uv[k]) + W0);
-      out2[k] = clip_y(Filter2(cur_uv[k], next_uv[k]) + W1);
+                               fixed_y_t* out1,
+                               fixed_y_t* out2) {
+  const int uv_w = w >> 1;
+  const int len = (w - 1) >> 1;   // length to filter
+  int k = 3;
+  while (k-- > 0) {   // process each R/G/B segments in turn
+    // special boundary case for i==0
+    out1[0] = Filter2(cur_uv[0], prev_uv[0], best_y[0]);
+    out2[0] = Filter2(cur_uv[0], next_uv[0], best_y[w]);
+    WebPSharpYUVFilterRow(cur_uv, prev_uv, len, best_y + 0 + 1, out1 + 1);
+    WebPSharpYUVFilterRow(cur_uv, next_uv, len, best_y + w + 1, out2 + 1);
+    // special boundary case for i == w - 1 when w is even
+    if (!(w & 1)) {
+      out1[w - 1] = Filter2(cur_uv[uv_w - 1], prev_uv[uv_w - 1],
+                            best_y[w - 1 + 0]);
+      out2[w - 1] = Filter2(cur_uv[uv_w - 1], next_uv[uv_w - 1],
+                            best_y[w - 1 + w]);
-  }
-  for (i = 1; i < w - 1; ++i) {
-    const int W0 = best_y[i + 0];
-    const int W1 = best_y[i + w];
-    const int off = 3 * (i >> 1);
-    for (k = 0; k <= 2; ++k) {
-      const int tmp0 = Filter(cur_uv + off + k, prev_uv + off + k, i & 1);
-      const int tmp1 = Filter(cur_uv + off + k, next_uv + off + k, i & 1);
-      out1[3 * i + k] = clip_y(tmp0 + W0);
-      out2[3 * i + k] = clip_y(tmp1 + W1);
-    }
-  }
-  {  // special boundary case for i == w - 1
-    const int W0 = best_y[i + 0];
-    const int W1 = best_y[i + w];
-    const int off = 3 * (i >> 1);
-    for (k = 0; k <= 2; ++k) {
-      out1[3 * i + k] = clip_y(Filter2(cur_uv[off + k], prev_uv[off + k]) + W0);
-      out2[3 * i + k] = clip_y(Filter2(cur_uv[off + k], next_uv[off + k]) + W1);
-    }
+    out1 += w;
+    out2 += w;
+    prev_uv += uv_w;
+    cur_uv  += uv_w;
+    next_uv += uv_w;
@@ -394,11 +399,11 @@
   const int uv_h = h >> 1;
   for (best_uv = best_uv_base, j = 0; j < picture->height; ++j) {
     for (i = 0; i < picture->width; ++i) {
-      const int off = 3 * (i >> 1);
+      const int off = (i >> 1);
       const int W = best_y[i];
-      const int r = best_uv[off + 0] + W;
-      const int g = best_uv[off + 1] + W;
-      const int b = best_uv[off + 2] + W;
+      const int r = best_uv[off + 0 * uv_w] + W;
+      const int g = best_uv[off + 1 * uv_w] + W;
+      const int b = best_uv[off + 2 * uv_w] + W;
       dst_y[i] = ConvertRGBToY(r, g, b);
     best_y += w;
@@ -407,10 +412,10 @@
   for (best_uv = best_uv_base, j = 0; j < uv_h; ++j) {
     for (i = 0; i < uv_w; ++i) {
-      const int off = 3 * i;
-      const int r = best_uv[off + 0];
-      const int g = best_uv[off + 1];
-      const int b = best_uv[off + 2];
+      const int off = i;
+      const int r = best_uv[off + 0 * uv_w];
+      const int g = best_uv[off + 1 * uv_w];
+      const int b = best_uv[off + 2 * uv_w];
       dst_u[i] = ConvertRGBToU(r, g, b);
       dst_v[i] = ConvertRGBToV(r, g, b);
@@ -436,7 +441,8 @@
   const int h = (picture->height + 1) & ~1;
   const int uv_w = w >> 1;
   const int uv_h = h >> 1;
-  int i, j, iter;
+  uint64_t prev_diff_y_sum = ~0;
+  int j, iter;
   // TODO(skal): allocate one big memory chunk. But for now, it's easier
   // for valgrind debugging to have several chunks.
@@ -451,11 +457,8 @@
   fixed_y_t* target_y = target_y_base;
   fixed_t* best_uv = best_uv_base;
   fixed_t* target_uv = target_uv_base;
+  const uint64_t diff_y_threshold = (uint64_t)(3.0 * w * h);
   int ok;
-  int diff_sum = 0;
-  const int first_diff_threshold = (int)(2.5 * w * h);
-  const int min_improvement = 5;   // stop if improvement is below this %
-  const int min_first_improvement = 80;
   if (best_y_base == NULL || best_uv_base == NULL ||
       target_y_base == NULL || target_uv_base == NULL ||
@@ -467,10 +470,12 @@
   assert(picture->width >= kMinDimensionIterativeConversion);
   assert(picture->height >= kMinDimensionIterativeConversion);
+  WebPInitConvertARGBToYUV();
   // Import RGB samples to W/RGB representation.
   for (j = 0; j < picture->height; j += 2) {
     const int is_last_row = (j == picture->height - 1);
-    fixed_y_t* const src1 = tmp_buffer;
+    fixed_y_t* const src1 = tmp_buffer + 0 * w;
     fixed_y_t* const src2 = tmp_buffer + 3 * w;
     // prepare two rows of input
@@ -481,11 +486,13 @@
     } else {
       memcpy(src2, src1, 3 * w * sizeof(*src2));
+    StoreGray(src1, best_y + 0, w);
+    StoreGray(src2, best_y + w, w);
     UpdateW(src1, target_y, w);
     UpdateW(src2, target_y + w, w);
-    diff_sum += UpdateChroma(src1, src2, target_uv, best_y, uv_w);
+    UpdateChroma(src1, src2, target_uv, uv_w);
     memcpy(best_uv, target_uv, 3 * uv_w * sizeof(*best_uv));
-    memcpy(best_y + w, best_y, w * sizeof(*best_y));
     best_y += 2 * w;
     best_uv += 3 * uv_w;
     target_y += 2 * w;
@@ -497,18 +504,16 @@
   // Iterate and resolve clipping conflicts.
   for (iter = 0; iter < kNumIterations; ++iter) {
-    int k;
     const fixed_t* cur_uv = best_uv_base;
     const fixed_t* prev_uv = best_uv_base;
-    const int old_diff_sum = diff_sum;
-    diff_sum = 0;
+    uint64_t diff_y_sum = 0;
     best_y = best_y_base;
     best_uv = best_uv_base;
     target_y = target_y_base;
     target_uv = target_uv_base;
     for (j = 0; j < h; j += 2) {
-      fixed_y_t* const src1 = tmp_buffer;
+      fixed_y_t* const src1 = tmp_buffer + 0 * w;
       fixed_y_t* const src2 = tmp_buffer + 3 * w;
         const fixed_t* const next_uv = cur_uv + ((j < h - 2) ? 3 * uv_w : 0);
@@ -519,50 +524,24 @@
       UpdateW(src1, best_rgb_y + 0 * w, w);
       UpdateW(src2, best_rgb_y + 1 * w, w);
-      diff_sum += UpdateChroma(src1, src2, best_rgb_uv, NULL, uv_w);
+      UpdateChroma(src1, src2, best_rgb_uv, uv_w);
       // update two rows of Y and one row of RGB
-      for (i = 0; i < 2 * w; ++i) {
-        const int diff_y = target_y[i] - best_rgb_y[i];
-        const int new_y = (int)best_y[i] + diff_y;
-        best_y[i] = clip_y(new_y);
-      }
-      for (i = 0; i < uv_w; ++i) {
-        const int off = 3 * i;
-        int W;
-        for (k = 0; k <= 2; ++k) {
-          const int diff_uv = (int)target_uv[off + k] - best_rgb_uv[off + k];
-          best_uv[off + k] += diff_uv;
-        }
-        W = RGBToGray(best_uv[off + 0], best_uv[off + 1], best_uv[off + 2]);
-        for (k = 0; k <= 2; ++k) {
-          best_uv[off + k] -= W;
-        }
-      }
+      diff_y_sum += WebPSharpYUVUpdateY(target_y, best_rgb_y, best_y, 2 * w);
+      WebPSharpYUVUpdateRGB(target_uv, best_rgb_uv, best_uv, 3 * uv_w);
       best_y += 2 * w;
       best_uv += 3 * uv_w;
       target_y += 2 * w;
       target_uv += 3 * uv_w;
     // test exit condition
-    if (diff_sum > 0) {
-      const int improvement = 100 * abs(diff_sum - old_diff_sum) / diff_sum;
-      // Check if first iteration gave good result already, without a large
-      // jump of improvement (otherwise it means we need to try few extra
-      // iterations, just to be sure).
-      if (iter == 0 && diff_sum < first_diff_threshold &&
-          improvement < min_first_improvement) {
-        break;
-      }
-      // then, check if improvement is stalling.
-      if (improvement < min_improvement) {
-        break;
-      }
-    } else {
-      break;
+    if (iter > 0) {
+      if (diff_y_sum < diff_y_threshold) break;
+      if (diff_y_sum > prev_diff_y_sum) break;
+    prev_diff_y_sum = diff_y_sum;
   // final reconstruction
   ok = ConvertWRGBToYUV(best_y_base, best_uv_base, picture);
@@ -1032,9 +1011,13 @@
   return PictureARGBToYUVA(picture, colorspace, 0.f, 0);
-int WebPPictureSmartARGBToYUVA(WebPPicture* picture) {
+int WebPPictureSharpARGBToYUVA(WebPPicture* picture) {
   return PictureARGBToYUVA(picture, WEBP_YUV420, 0.f, 1);
+// for backward compatibility
+int WebPPictureSmartARGBToYUVA(WebPPicture* picture) {
+  return WebPPictureSharpARGBToYUVA(picture);
 // call for YUVA -> ARGB conversion
diff --git a/src/enc/picture.c b/src/enc/picture_enc.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/enc/picture.c
rename to src/enc/picture_enc.c
index 28c56cd..dfa6651 100644
--- a/src/enc/picture.c
+++ b/src/enc/picture_enc.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
diff --git a/src/enc/picture_psnr.c b/src/enc/picture_psnr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 329757d..0000000
--- a/src/enc/picture_psnr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
-// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
-// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// WebPPicture tools for measuring distortion
-// Author: Skal (
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
-#include "../utils/utils.h"
-// local-min distortion
-// For every pixel in the *reference* picture, we search for the local best
-// match in the compressed image. This is not a symmetrical measure.
-#define RADIUS 2  // search radius. Shouldn't be too large.
-static void AccumulateLSIM(const uint8_t* src, int src_stride,
-                           const uint8_t* ref, int ref_stride,
-                           int w, int h, VP8DistoStats* stats) {
-  int x, y;
-  double total_sse = 0.;
-  for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
-    const int y_0 = (y - RADIUS < 0) ? 0 : y - RADIUS;
-    const int y_1 = (y + RADIUS + 1 >= h) ? h : y + RADIUS + 1;
-    for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
-      const int x_0 = (x - RADIUS < 0) ? 0 : x - RADIUS;
-      const int x_1 = (x + RADIUS + 1 >= w) ? w : x + RADIUS + 1;
-      double best_sse = 255. * 255.;
-      const double value = (double)ref[y * ref_stride + x];
-      int i, j;
-      for (j = y_0; j < y_1; ++j) {
-        const uint8_t* const s = src + j * src_stride;
-        for (i = x_0; i < x_1; ++i) {
-          const double diff = s[i] - value;
-          const double sse = diff * diff;
-          if (sse < best_sse) best_sse = sse;
-        }
-      }
-      total_sse += best_sse;
-    }
-  }
-  stats->w = w * h;
-  stats->xm = 0;
-  stats->ym = 0;
-  stats->xxm = total_sse;
-  stats->yym = 0;
-  stats->xxm = 0;
-#undef RADIUS
-// Distortion
-// Max value returned in case of exact similarity.
-static const double kMinDistortion_dB = 99.;
-static float GetPSNR(const double v) {
-  return (float)((v > 0.) ? -4.3429448 * log(v / (255 * 255.))
-                          : kMinDistortion_dB);
-int WebPPictureDistortion(const WebPPicture* src, const WebPPicture* ref,
-                          int type, float result[5]) {
-  VP8DistoStats stats[5];
-  int w, h;
-  memset(stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
-  VP8SSIMDspInit();
-  if (src == NULL || ref == NULL ||
-      src->width != ref->width || src->height != ref->height ||
-      src->use_argb != ref->use_argb || result == NULL) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  w = src->width;
-  h = src->height;
-  if (src->use_argb == 1) {
-    if (src->argb == NULL || ref->argb == NULL) {
-      return 0;
-    } else {
-      int i, j, c;
-      uint8_t* tmp1, *tmp2;
-      uint8_t* const tmp_plane =
-          (uint8_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(2ULL * w * h, sizeof(*tmp_plane));
-      if (tmp_plane == NULL) return 0;
-      tmp1 = tmp_plane;
-      tmp2 = tmp_plane + w * h;
-      for (c = 0; c < 4; ++c) {
-        for (j = 0; j < h; ++j) {
-          for (i = 0; i < w; ++i) {
-            tmp1[j * w + i] = src->argb[i + j * src->argb_stride] >> (c * 8);
-            tmp2[j * w + i] = ref->argb[i + j * ref->argb_stride] >> (c * 8);
-          }
-        }
-        if (type >= 2) {
-          AccumulateLSIM(tmp1, w, tmp2, w, w, h, &stats[c]);
-        } else {
-          VP8SSIMAccumulatePlane(tmp1, w, tmp2, w, w, h, &stats[c]);
-        }
-      }
-      WebPSafeFree(tmp_plane);
-    }
-  } else {
-    int has_alpha, uv_w, uv_h;
-    if (src->y == NULL || ref->y == NULL ||
-        src->u == NULL || ref->u == NULL ||
-        src->v == NULL || ref->v == NULL) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    has_alpha = !!(src->colorspace & WEBP_CSP_ALPHA_BIT);
-    if (has_alpha != !!(ref->colorspace & WEBP_CSP_ALPHA_BIT) ||
-        (has_alpha && (src->a == NULL || ref->a == NULL))) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    uv_w = (src->width + 1) >> 1;
-    uv_h = (src->height + 1) >> 1;
-    if (type >= 2) {
-      AccumulateLSIM(src->y, src->y_stride, ref->y, ref->y_stride,
-                     w, h, &stats[0]);
-      AccumulateLSIM(src->u, src->uv_stride, ref->u, ref->uv_stride,
-                     uv_w, uv_h, &stats[1]);
-      AccumulateLSIM(src->v, src->uv_stride, ref->v, ref->uv_stride,
-                     uv_w, uv_h, &stats[2]);
-      if (has_alpha) {
-        AccumulateLSIM(src->a, src->a_stride, ref->a, ref->a_stride,
-                       w, h, &stats[3]);
-      }
-    } else {
-      VP8SSIMAccumulatePlane(src->y, src->y_stride,
-                             ref->y, ref->y_stride,
-                             w, h, &stats[0]);
-      VP8SSIMAccumulatePlane(src->u, src->uv_stride,
-                             ref->u, ref->uv_stride,
-                             uv_w, uv_h, &stats[1]);
-      VP8SSIMAccumulatePlane(src->v, src->uv_stride,
-                             ref->v, ref->uv_stride,
-                             uv_w, uv_h, &stats[2]);
-      if (has_alpha) {
-        VP8SSIMAccumulatePlane(src->a, src->a_stride,
-                               ref->a, ref->a_stride,
-                               w, h, &stats[3]);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Final stat calculations.
-  {
-    int c;
-    for (c = 0; c <= 4; ++c) {
-      if (type == 1) {
-        const double v = VP8SSIMGet(&stats[c]);
-        result[c] = (float)((v < 1.) ? -10.0 * log10(1. - v)
-                                     : kMinDistortion_dB);
-      } else {
-        const double v = VP8SSIMGetSquaredError(&stats[c]);
-        result[c] = GetPSNR(v);
-      }
-      // Accumulate forward
-      if (c < 4) VP8SSIMAddStats(&stats[c], &stats[4]);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
diff --git a/src/enc/picture_psnr_enc.c b/src/enc/picture_psnr_enc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0b229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/enc/picture_psnr_enc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPPicture tools for measuring distortion
+// Author: Skal (
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
+#include "../utils/utils.h"
+typedef double (*AccumulateFunc)(const uint8_t* src, int src_stride,
+                                 const uint8_t* ref, int ref_stride,
+                                 int w, int h);
+// local-min distortion
+// For every pixel in the *reference* picture, we search for the local best
+// match in the compressed image. This is not a symmetrical measure.
+#define RADIUS 2  // search radius. Shouldn't be too large.
+static double AccumulateLSIM(const uint8_t* src, int src_stride,
+                             const uint8_t* ref, int ref_stride,
+                             int w, int h) {
+  int x, y;
+  double total_sse = 0.;
+  for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
+    const int y_0 = (y - RADIUS < 0) ? 0 : y - RADIUS;
+    const int y_1 = (y + RADIUS + 1 >= h) ? h : y + RADIUS + 1;
+    for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
+      const int x_0 = (x - RADIUS < 0) ? 0 : x - RADIUS;
+      const int x_1 = (x + RADIUS + 1 >= w) ? w : x + RADIUS + 1;
+      double best_sse = 255. * 255.;
+      const double value = (double)ref[y * ref_stride + x];
+      int i, j;
+      for (j = y_0; j < y_1; ++j) {
+        const uint8_t* const s = src + j * src_stride;
+        for (i = x_0; i < x_1; ++i) {
+          const double diff = s[i] - value;
+          const double sse = diff * diff;
+          if (sse < best_sse) best_sse = sse;
+        }
+      }
+      total_sse += best_sse;
+    }
+  }
+  return total_sse;
+#undef RADIUS
+static double AccumulateSSE(const uint8_t* src, int src_stride,
+                            const uint8_t* ref, int ref_stride,
+                            int w, int h) {
+  int y;
+  double total_sse = 0.;
+  for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
+    total_sse += VP8AccumulateSSE(src, ref, w);
+    src += src_stride;
+    ref += ref_stride;
+  }
+  return total_sse;
+static double AccumulateSSIM(const uint8_t* src, int src_stride,
+                             const uint8_t* ref, int ref_stride,
+                             int w, int h) {
+  const int w0 = (w < VP8_SSIM_KERNEL) ? w : VP8_SSIM_KERNEL;
+  const int w1 = w - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL - 1;
+  const int h0 = (h < VP8_SSIM_KERNEL) ? h : VP8_SSIM_KERNEL;
+  const int h1 = h - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL - 1;
+  int x, y;
+  double sum = 0.;
+  for (y = 0; y < h0; ++y) {
+    for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
+      sum += VP8SSIMGetClipped(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, x, y, w, h);
+    }
+  }
+  for (; y < h1; ++y) {
+    for (x = 0; x < w0; ++x) {
+      sum += VP8SSIMGetClipped(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, x, y, w, h);
+    }
+    for (; x < w1; ++x) {
+      const int off1 = x - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL + (y - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL) * src_stride;
+      const int off2 = x - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL + (y - VP8_SSIM_KERNEL) * ref_stride;
+      sum += VP8SSIMGet(src + off1, src_stride, ref + off2, ref_stride);
+    }
+    for (; x < w; ++x) {
+      sum += VP8SSIMGetClipped(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, x, y, w, h);
+    }
+  }
+  for (; y < h; ++y) {
+    for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
+      sum += VP8SSIMGetClipped(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, x, y, w, h);
+    }
+  }
+  return sum;
+// Distortion
+// Max value returned in case of exact similarity.
+static const double kMinDistortion_dB = 99.;
+static double GetPSNR(double v, double size) {
+  return (v > 0. && size > 0.) ? -4.3429448 * log(v / (size * 255 * 255.))
+                               : kMinDistortion_dB;
+static double GetLogSSIM(double v, double size) {
+  v = (size > 0.) ? v / size : 1.;
+  return (v < 1.) ? -10.0 * log10(1. - v) : kMinDistortion_dB;
+int WebPPlaneDistortion(const uint8_t* src, size_t src_stride,
+                        const uint8_t* ref, size_t ref_stride,
+                        int width, int height, size_t x_step,
+                        int type, float* distortion, float* result) {
+  uint8_t* allocated = NULL;
+  const AccumulateFunc metric = (type == 0) ? AccumulateSSE :
+                                (type == 1) ? AccumulateSSIM :
+                                              AccumulateLSIM;
+  if (src == NULL || ref == NULL ||
+      src_stride < x_step * width || ref_stride < x_step * width ||
+      result == NULL || distortion == NULL) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  VP8SSIMDspInit();
+  if (x_step != 1) {   // extract a packed plane if needed
+    int x, y;
+    uint8_t* tmp1;
+    uint8_t* tmp2;
+    allocated =
+        (uint8_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(2ULL * width * height, sizeof(*allocated));
+    if (allocated == NULL) return 0;
+    tmp1 = allocated;
+    tmp2 = tmp1 + (size_t)width * height;
+    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+      for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+        tmp1[x + y * width] = src[x * x_step + y * src_stride];
+        tmp2[x + y * width] = ref[x * x_step + y * ref_stride];
+      }
+    }
+    src = tmp1;
+    ref = tmp2;
+  }
+  *distortion = (float)metric(src, width, ref, width, width, height);
+  WebPSafeFree(allocated);
+  *result = (type == 1) ? (float)GetLogSSIM(*distortion, (double)width * height)
+                        : (float)GetPSNR(*distortion, (double)width * height);
+  return 1;
+int WebPPictureDistortion(const WebPPicture* src, const WebPPicture* ref,
+                          int type, float results[5]) {
+  int w, h, c;
+  int ok = 0;
+  WebPPicture p0, p1;
+  double total_size = 0., total_distortion = 0.;
+  if (src == NULL || ref == NULL ||
+      src->width != ref->width || src->height != ref->height ||
+      results == NULL) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  VP8SSIMDspInit();
+  if (!WebPPictureInit(&p0) || !WebPPictureInit(&p1)) return 0;
+  w = src->width;
+  h = src->height;
+  if (!WebPPictureView(src, 0, 0, w, h, &p0)) goto Error;
+  if (!WebPPictureView(ref, 0, 0, w, h, &p1)) goto Error;
+  // We always measure distortion in ARGB space.
+  if (p0.use_argb == 0 && !WebPPictureYUVAToARGB(&p0)) goto Error;
+  if (p1.use_argb == 0 && !WebPPictureYUVAToARGB(&p1)) goto Error;
+  for (c = 0; c < 4; ++c) {
+    float distortion;
+    const size_t stride0 = 4 * (size_t)p0.argb_stride;
+    const size_t stride1 = 4 * (size_t)p1.argb_stride;
+    if (!WebPPlaneDistortion((const uint8_t*)p0.argb + c, stride0,
+                             (const uint8_t*)p1.argb + c, stride1,
+                             w, h, 4, type, &distortion, results + c)) {
+      goto Error;
+    }
+    total_distortion += distortion;
+    total_size += w * h;
+  }
+  results[4] = (type == 1) ? (float)GetLogSSIM(total_distortion, total_size)
+                           : (float)GetPSNR(total_distortion, total_size);
+  ok = 1;
+ Error:
+  WebPPictureFree(&p0);
+  WebPPictureFree(&p1);
+  return ok;
diff --git a/src/enc/picture_rescale.c b/src/enc/picture_rescale_enc.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/enc/picture_rescale.c
rename to src/enc/picture_rescale_enc.c
index 9f19e8e..0b7181c 100644
--- a/src/enc/picture_rescale.c
+++ b/src/enc/picture_rescale_enc.c
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
-#include "../utils/rescaler.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
+#include "../utils/rescaler_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #define HALVE(x) (((x) + 1) >> 1)
diff --git a/src/enc/picture_tools.c b/src/enc/picture_tools_enc.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/enc/picture_tools.c
rename to src/enc/picture_tools_enc.c
index bf97af8..895df51 100644
--- a/src/enc/picture_tools.c
+++ b/src/enc/picture_tools_enc.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 #include "../dsp/yuv.h"
 static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t MakeARGB32(int r, int g, int b) {
diff --git a/src/enc/predictor_enc.c b/src/enc/predictor_enc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0639b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/enc/predictor_enc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Image transform methods for lossless encoder.
+// Authors: Vikas Arora (
+//          Jyrki Alakuijala (
+//          Urvang Joshi (
+//          Vincent Rabaud (
+#include "../dsp/lossless.h"
+#include "../dsp/lossless_common.h"
+#include "./vp8li_enc.h"
+#define MAX_DIFF_COST (1e30f)
+static const float kSpatialPredictorBias = 15.f;
+static const int kPredLowEffort = 11;
+static const uint32_t kMaskAlpha = 0xff000000;
+// Mostly used to reduce code size + readability
+static WEBP_INLINE int GetMin(int a, int b) { return (a > b) ? b : a; }
+static WEBP_INLINE int GetMax(int a, int b) { return (a < b) ? b : a; }
+// Methods to calculate Entropy (Shannon).
+static float PredictionCostSpatial(const int counts[256], int weight_0,
+                                   double exp_val) {
+  const int significant_symbols = 256 >> 4;
+  const double exp_decay_factor = 0.6;
+  double bits = weight_0 * counts[0];
+  int i;
+  for (i = 1; i < significant_symbols; ++i) {
+    bits += exp_val * (counts[i] + counts[256 - i]);
+    exp_val *= exp_decay_factor;
+  }
+  return (float)(-0.1 * bits);
+static float PredictionCostSpatialHistogram(const int accumulated[4][256],
+                                            const int tile[4][256]) {
+  int i;
+  double retval = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+    const double kExpValue = 0.94;
+    retval += PredictionCostSpatial(tile[i], 1, kExpValue);
+    retval += VP8LCombinedShannonEntropy(tile[i], accumulated[i]);
+  }
+  return (float)retval;
+static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateHisto(int histo_argb[4][256], uint32_t argb) {
+  ++histo_argb[0][argb >> 24];
+  ++histo_argb[1][(argb >> 16) & 0xff];
+  ++histo_argb[2][(argb >> 8) & 0xff];
+  ++histo_argb[3][argb & 0xff];
+// Spatial transform functions.
+static WEBP_INLINE void PredictBatch(int mode, int x_start, int y,
+                                     int num_pixels, const uint32_t* current,
+                                     const uint32_t* upper, uint32_t* out) {
+  if (x_start == 0) {
+    if (y == 0) {
+      // ARGB_BLACK.
+      VP8LPredictorsSub[0](current, NULL, 1, out);
+    } else {
+      // Top one.
+      VP8LPredictorsSub[2](current, upper, 1, out);
+    }
+    ++x_start;
+    ++out;
+    --num_pixels;
+  }
+  if (y == 0) {
+    // Left one.
+    VP8LPredictorsSub[1](current + x_start, NULL, num_pixels, out);
+  } else {
+    VP8LPredictorsSub[mode](current + x_start, upper + x_start, num_pixels,
+                            out);
+  }
+static int MaxDiffBetweenPixels(uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2) {
+  const int diff_a = abs((int)(p1 >> 24) - (int)(p2 >> 24));
+  const int diff_r = abs((int)((p1 >> 16) & 0xff) - (int)((p2 >> 16) & 0xff));
+  const int diff_g = abs((int)((p1 >> 8) & 0xff) - (int)((p2 >> 8) & 0xff));
+  const int diff_b = abs((int)(p1 & 0xff) - (int)(p2 & 0xff));
+  return GetMax(GetMax(diff_a, diff_r), GetMax(diff_g, diff_b));
+static int MaxDiffAroundPixel(uint32_t current, uint32_t up, uint32_t down,
+                              uint32_t left, uint32_t right) {
+  const int diff_up = MaxDiffBetweenPixels(current, up);
+  const int diff_down = MaxDiffBetweenPixels(current, down);
+  const int diff_left = MaxDiffBetweenPixels(current, left);
+  const int diff_right = MaxDiffBetweenPixels(current, right);
+  return GetMax(GetMax(diff_up, diff_down), GetMax(diff_left, diff_right));
+static uint32_t AddGreenToBlueAndRed(uint32_t argb) {
+  const uint32_t green = (argb >> 8) & 0xff;
+  uint32_t red_blue = argb & 0x00ff00ffu;
+  red_blue += (green << 16) | green;
+  red_blue &= 0x00ff00ffu;
+  return (argb & 0xff00ff00u) | red_blue;
+static void MaxDiffsForRow(int width, int stride, const uint32_t* const argb,
+                           uint8_t* const max_diffs, int used_subtract_green) {
+  uint32_t current, up, down, left, right;
+  int x;
+  if (width <= 2) return;
+  current = argb[0];
+  right = argb[1];
+  if (used_subtract_green) {
+    current = AddGreenToBlueAndRed(current);
+    right = AddGreenToBlueAndRed(right);
+  }
+  // max_diffs[0] and max_diffs[width - 1] are never used.
+  for (x = 1; x < width - 1; ++x) {
+    up = argb[-stride + x];
+    down = argb[stride + x];
+    left = current;
+    current = right;
+    right = argb[x + 1];
+    if (used_subtract_green) {
+      up = AddGreenToBlueAndRed(up);
+      down = AddGreenToBlueAndRed(down);
+      right = AddGreenToBlueAndRed(right);
+    }
+    max_diffs[x] = MaxDiffAroundPixel(current, up, down, left, right);
+  }
+// Quantize the difference between the actual component value and its prediction
+// to a multiple of quantization, working modulo 256, taking care not to cross
+// a boundary (inclusive upper limit).
+static uint8_t NearLosslessComponent(uint8_t value, uint8_t predict,
+                                     uint8_t boundary, int quantization) {
+  const int residual = (value - predict) & 0xff;
+  const int boundary_residual = (boundary - predict) & 0xff;
+  const int lower = residual & ~(quantization - 1);
+  const int upper = lower + quantization;
+  // Resolve ties towards a value closer to the prediction (i.e. towards lower
+  // if value comes after prediction and towards upper otherwise).
+  const int bias = ((boundary - value) & 0xff) < boundary_residual;
+  if (residual - lower < upper - residual + bias) {
+    // lower is closer to residual than upper.
+    if (residual > boundary_residual && lower <= boundary_residual) {
+      // Halve quantization step to avoid crossing boundary. This midpoint is
+      // on the same side of boundary as residual because midpoint >= residual
+      // (since lower is closer than upper) and residual is above the boundary.
+      return lower + (quantization >> 1);
+    }
+    return lower;
+  } else {
+    // upper is closer to residual than lower.
+    if (residual <= boundary_residual && upper > boundary_residual) {
+      // Halve quantization step to avoid crossing boundary. This midpoint is
+      // on the same side of boundary as residual because midpoint <= residual
+      // (since upper is closer than lower) and residual is below the boundary.
+      return lower + (quantization >> 1);
+    }
+    return upper & 0xff;
+  }
+// Quantize every component of the difference between the actual pixel value and
+// its prediction to a multiple of a quantization (a power of 2, not larger than
+// max_quantization which is a power of 2, smaller than max_diff). Take care if
+// value and predict have undergone subtract green, which means that red and
+// blue are represented as offsets from green.
+static uint32_t NearLossless(uint32_t value, uint32_t predict,
+                             int max_quantization, int max_diff,
+                             int used_subtract_green) {
+  int quantization;
+  uint8_t new_green = 0;
+  uint8_t green_diff = 0;
+  uint8_t a, r, g, b;
+  if (max_diff <= 2) {
+    return VP8LSubPixels(value, predict);
+  }
+  quantization = max_quantization;
+  while (quantization >= max_diff) {
+    quantization >>= 1;
+  }
+  if ((value >> 24) == 0 || (value >> 24) == 0xff) {
+    // Preserve transparency of fully transparent or fully opaque pixels.
+    a = ((value >> 24) - (predict >> 24)) & 0xff;
+  } else {
+    a = NearLosslessComponent(value >> 24, predict >> 24, 0xff, quantization);
+  }
+  g = NearLosslessComponent((value >> 8) & 0xff, (predict >> 8) & 0xff, 0xff,
+                            quantization);
+  if (used_subtract_green) {
+    // The green offset will be added to red and blue components during decoding
+    // to obtain the actual red and blue values.
+    new_green = ((predict >> 8) + g) & 0xff;
+    // The amount by which green has been adjusted during quantization. It is
+    // subtracted from red and blue for compensation, to avoid accumulating two
+    // quantization errors in them.
+    green_diff = (new_green - (value >> 8)) & 0xff;
+  }
+  r = NearLosslessComponent(((value >> 16) - green_diff) & 0xff,
+                            (predict >> 16) & 0xff, 0xff - new_green,
+                            quantization);
+  b = NearLosslessComponent((value - green_diff) & 0xff, predict & 0xff,
+                            0xff - new_green, quantization);
+  return ((uint32_t)a << 24) | ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g << 8) | b;
+// Stores the difference between the pixel and its prediction in "out".
+// In case of a lossy encoding, updates the source image to avoid propagating
+// the deviation further to pixels which depend on the current pixel for their
+// predictions.
+static WEBP_INLINE void GetResidual(
+    int width, int height, uint32_t* const upper_row,
+    uint32_t* const current_row, const uint8_t* const max_diffs, int mode,
+    int x_start, int x_end, int y, int max_quantization, int exact,
+    int used_subtract_green, uint32_t* const out) {
+  if (exact) {
+    PredictBatch(mode, x_start, y, x_end - x_start, current_row, upper_row,
+                 out);
+  } else {
+    const VP8LPredictorFunc pred_func = VP8LPredictors[mode];
+    int x;
+    for (x = x_start; x < x_end; ++x) {
+      uint32_t predict;
+      uint32_t residual;
+      if (y == 0) {
+        predict = (x == 0) ? ARGB_BLACK : current_row[x - 1];  // Left.
+      } else if (x == 0) {
+        predict = upper_row[x];  // Top.
+      } else {
+        predict = pred_func(current_row[x - 1], upper_row + x);
+      }
+      if (max_quantization == 1 || mode == 0 || y == 0 || y == height - 1 ||
+          x == 0 || x == width - 1) {
+        residual = VP8LSubPixels(current_row[x], predict);
+      } else {
+        residual = NearLossless(current_row[x], predict, max_quantization,
+                                max_diffs[x], used_subtract_green);
+        // Update the source image.
+        current_row[x] = VP8LAddPixels(predict, residual);
+        // x is never 0 here so we do not need to update upper_row like below.
+      }
+      if ((current_row[x] & kMaskAlpha) == 0) {
+        // If alpha is 0, cleanup RGB. We can choose the RGB values of the
+        // residual for best compression. The prediction of alpha itself can be
+        // non-zero and must be kept though. We choose RGB of the residual to be
+        // 0.
+        residual &= kMaskAlpha;
+        // Update the source image.
+        current_row[x] = predict & ~kMaskAlpha;
+        // The prediction for the rightmost pixel in a row uses the leftmost
+        // pixel
+        // in that row as its top-right context pixel. Hence if we change the
+        // leftmost pixel of current_row, the corresponding change must be
+        // applied
+        // to upper_row as well where top-right context is being read from.
+        if (x == 0 && y != 0) upper_row[width] = current_row[0];
+      }
+      out[x - x_start] = residual;
+    }
+  }
+// Returns best predictor and updates the accumulated histogram.
+// If max_quantization > 1, assumes that near lossless processing will be
+// applied, quantizing residuals to multiples of quantization levels up to
+// max_quantization (the actual quantization level depends on smoothness near
+// the given pixel).
+static int GetBestPredictorForTile(int width, int height,
+                                   int tile_x, int tile_y, int bits,
+                                   int accumulated[4][256],
+                                   uint32_t* const argb_scratch,
+                                   const uint32_t* const argb,
+                                   int max_quantization,
+                                   int exact, int used_subtract_green,
+                                   const uint32_t* const modes) {
+  const int kNumPredModes = 14;
+  const int start_x = tile_x << bits;
+  const int start_y = tile_y << bits;
+  const int tile_size = 1 << bits;
+  const int max_y = GetMin(tile_size, height - start_y);
+  const int max_x = GetMin(tile_size, width - start_x);
+  // Whether there exist columns just outside the tile.
+  const int have_left = (start_x > 0);
+  const int have_right = (max_x < width - start_x);
+  // Position and size of the strip covering the tile and adjacent columns if
+  // they exist.
+  const int context_start_x = start_x - have_left;
+  const int context_width = max_x + have_left + have_right;
+  const int tiles_per_row = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, bits);
+  // Prediction modes of the left and above neighbor tiles.
+  const int left_mode = (tile_x > 0) ?
+      (modes[tile_y * tiles_per_row + tile_x - 1] >> 8) & 0xff : 0xff;
+  const int above_mode = (tile_y > 0) ?
+      (modes[(tile_y - 1) * tiles_per_row + tile_x] >> 8) & 0xff : 0xff;
+  // The width of upper_row and current_row is one pixel larger than image width
+  // to allow the top right pixel to point to the leftmost pixel of the next row
+  // when at the right edge.
+  uint32_t* upper_row = argb_scratch;
+  uint32_t* current_row = upper_row + width + 1;
+  uint8_t* const max_diffs = (uint8_t*)(current_row + width + 1);
+  float best_diff = MAX_DIFF_COST;
+  int best_mode = 0;
+  int mode;
+  int histo_stack_1[4][256];
+  int histo_stack_2[4][256];
+  // Need pointers to be able to swap arrays.
+  int (*histo_argb)[256] = histo_stack_1;
+  int (*best_histo)[256] = histo_stack_2;
+  int i, j;
+  uint32_t residuals[1 << MAX_TRANSFORM_BITS];
+  assert(bits <= MAX_TRANSFORM_BITS);
+  assert(max_x <= (1 << MAX_TRANSFORM_BITS));
+  for (mode = 0; mode < kNumPredModes; ++mode) {
+    float cur_diff;
+    int relative_y;
+    memset(histo_argb, 0, sizeof(histo_stack_1));
+    if (start_y > 0) {
+      // Read the row above the tile which will become the first upper_row.
+      // Include a pixel to the left if it exists; include a pixel to the right
+      // in all cases (wrapping to the leftmost pixel of the next row if it does
+      // not exist).
+      memcpy(current_row + context_start_x,
+             argb + (start_y - 1) * width + context_start_x,
+             sizeof(*argb) * (max_x + have_left + 1));
+    }
+    for (relative_y = 0; relative_y < max_y; ++relative_y) {
+      const int y = start_y + relative_y;
+      int relative_x;
+      uint32_t* tmp = upper_row;
+      upper_row = current_row;
+      current_row = tmp;
+      // Read current_row. Include a pixel to the left if it exists; include a
+      // pixel to the right in all cases except at the bottom right corner of
+      // the image (wrapping to the leftmost pixel of the next row if it does
+      // not exist in the current row).
+      memcpy(current_row + context_start_x,
+             argb + y * width + context_start_x,
+             sizeof(*argb) * (max_x + have_left + (y + 1 < height)));
+      if (max_quantization > 1 && y >= 1 && y + 1 < height) {
+        MaxDiffsForRow(context_width, width, argb + y * width + context_start_x,
+                       max_diffs + context_start_x, used_subtract_green);
+      }
+      GetResidual(width, height, upper_row, current_row, max_diffs, mode,
+                  start_x, start_x + max_x, y, max_quantization, exact,
+                  used_subtract_green, residuals);
+      for (relative_x = 0; relative_x < max_x; ++relative_x) {
+        UpdateHisto(histo_argb, residuals[relative_x]);
+      }
+    }
+    cur_diff = PredictionCostSpatialHistogram(
+        (const int (*)[256])accumulated, (const int (*)[256])histo_argb);
+    // Favor keeping the areas locally similar.
+    if (mode == left_mode) cur_diff -= kSpatialPredictorBias;
+    if (mode == above_mode) cur_diff -= kSpatialPredictorBias;
+    if (cur_diff < best_diff) {
+      int (*tmp)[256] = histo_argb;
+      histo_argb = best_histo;
+      best_histo = tmp;
+      best_diff = cur_diff;
+      best_mode = mode;
+    }
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+    for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
+      accumulated[i][j] += best_histo[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+  return best_mode;
+// Converts pixels of the image to residuals with respect to predictions.
+// If max_quantization > 1, applies near lossless processing, quantizing
+// residuals to multiples of quantization levels up to max_quantization
+// (the actual quantization level depends on smoothness near the given pixel).
+static void CopyImageWithPrediction(int width, int height,
+                                    int bits, uint32_t* const modes,
+                                    uint32_t* const argb_scratch,
+                                    uint32_t* const argb,
+                                    int low_effort, int max_quantization,
+                                    int exact, int used_subtract_green) {
+  const int tiles_per_row = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, bits);
+  // The width of upper_row and current_row is one pixel larger than image width
+  // to allow the top right pixel to point to the leftmost pixel of the next row
+  // when at the right edge.
+  uint32_t* upper_row = argb_scratch;
+  uint32_t* current_row = upper_row + width + 1;
+  uint8_t* current_max_diffs = (uint8_t*)(current_row + width + 1);
+  uint8_t* lower_max_diffs = current_max_diffs + width;
+  int y;
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+    int x;
+    uint32_t* const tmp32 = upper_row;
+    upper_row = current_row;
+    current_row = tmp32;
+    memcpy(current_row, argb + y * width,
+           sizeof(*argb) * (width + (y + 1 < height)));
+    if (low_effort) {
+      PredictBatch(kPredLowEffort, 0, y, width, current_row, upper_row,
+                   argb + y * width);
+    } else {
+      if (max_quantization > 1) {
+        // Compute max_diffs for the lower row now, because that needs the
+        // contents of argb for the current row, which we will overwrite with
+        // residuals before proceeding with the next row.
+        uint8_t* const tmp8 = current_max_diffs;
+        current_max_diffs = lower_max_diffs;
+        lower_max_diffs = tmp8;
+        if (y + 2 < height) {
+          MaxDiffsForRow(width, width, argb + (y + 1) * width, lower_max_diffs,
+                         used_subtract_green);
+        }
+      }
+      for (x = 0; x < width;) {
+        const int mode =
+            (modes[(y >> bits) * tiles_per_row + (x >> bits)] >> 8) & 0xff;
+        int x_end = x + (1 << bits);
+        if (x_end > width) x_end = width;
+        GetResidual(width, height, upper_row, current_row, current_max_diffs,
+                    mode, x, x_end, y, max_quantization, exact,
+                    used_subtract_green, argb + y * width + x);
+        x = x_end;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Finds the best predictor for each tile, and converts the image to residuals
+// with respect to predictions. If near_lossless_quality < 100, applies
+// near lossless processing, shaving off more bits of residuals for lower
+// qualities.
+void VP8LResidualImage(int width, int height, int bits, int low_effort,
+                       uint32_t* const argb, uint32_t* const argb_scratch,
+                       uint32_t* const image, int near_lossless_quality,
+                       int exact, int used_subtract_green) {
+  const int tiles_per_row = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, bits);
+  const int tiles_per_col = VP8LSubSampleSize(height, bits);
+  int tile_y;
+  int histo[4][256];
+  const int max_quantization = 1 << VP8LNearLosslessBits(near_lossless_quality);
+  if (low_effort) {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < tiles_per_row * tiles_per_col; ++i) {
+      image[i] = ARGB_BLACK | (kPredLowEffort << 8);
+    }
+  } else {
+    memset(histo, 0, sizeof(histo));
+    for (tile_y = 0; tile_y < tiles_per_col; ++tile_y) {
+      int tile_x;
+      for (tile_x = 0; tile_x < tiles_per_row; ++tile_x) {
+        const int pred = GetBestPredictorForTile(width, height, tile_x, tile_y,
+            bits, histo, argb_scratch, argb, max_quantization, exact,
+            used_subtract_green, image);
+        image[tile_y * tiles_per_row + tile_x] = ARGB_BLACK | (pred << 8);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  CopyImageWithPrediction(width, height, bits, image, argb_scratch, argb,
+                          low_effort, max_quantization, exact,
+                          used_subtract_green);
+// Color transform functions.
+static WEBP_INLINE void MultipliersClear(VP8LMultipliers* const m) {
+  m->green_to_red_ = 0;
+  m->green_to_blue_ = 0;
+  m->red_to_blue_ = 0;
+static WEBP_INLINE void ColorCodeToMultipliers(uint32_t color_code,
+                                               VP8LMultipliers* const m) {
+  m->green_to_red_  = (color_code >>  0) & 0xff;
+  m->green_to_blue_ = (color_code >>  8) & 0xff;
+  m->red_to_blue_   = (color_code >> 16) & 0xff;
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t MultipliersToColorCode(
+    const VP8LMultipliers* const m) {
+  return 0xff000000u |
+         ((uint32_t)(m->red_to_blue_) << 16) |
+         ((uint32_t)(m->green_to_blue_) << 8) |
+         m->green_to_red_;
+static float PredictionCostCrossColor(const int accumulated[256],
+                                      const int counts[256]) {
+  // Favor low entropy, locally and globally.
+  // Favor small absolute values for PredictionCostSpatial
+  static const double kExpValue = 2.4;
+  return VP8LCombinedShannonEntropy(counts, accumulated) +
+         PredictionCostSpatial(counts, 3, kExpValue);
+static float GetPredictionCostCrossColorRed(
+    const uint32_t* argb, int stride, int tile_width, int tile_height,
+    VP8LMultipliers prev_x, VP8LMultipliers prev_y, int green_to_red,
+    const int accumulated_red_histo[256]) {
+  int histo[256] = { 0 };
+  float cur_diff;
+  VP8LCollectColorRedTransforms(argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height,
+                                green_to_red, histo);
+  cur_diff = PredictionCostCrossColor(accumulated_red_histo, histo);
+  if ((uint8_t)green_to_red == prev_x.green_to_red_) {
+    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
+  }
+  if ((uint8_t)green_to_red == prev_y.green_to_red_) {
+    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
+  }
+  if (green_to_red == 0) {
+    cur_diff -= 3;
+  }
+  return cur_diff;
+static void GetBestGreenToRed(
+    const uint32_t* argb, int stride, int tile_width, int tile_height,
+    VP8LMultipliers prev_x, VP8LMultipliers prev_y, int quality,
+    const int accumulated_red_histo[256], VP8LMultipliers* const best_tx) {
+  const int kMaxIters = 4 + ((7 * quality) >> 8);  // in range [4..6]
+  int green_to_red_best = 0;
+  int iter, offset;
+  float best_diff = GetPredictionCostCrossColorRed(
+      argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height, prev_x, prev_y,
+      green_to_red_best, accumulated_red_histo);
+  for (iter = 0; iter < kMaxIters; ++iter) {
+    // ColorTransformDelta is a 3.5 bit fixed point, so 32 is equal to
+    // one in color computation. Having initial delta here as 1 is sufficient
+    // to explore the range of (-2, 2).
+    const int delta = 32 >> iter;
+    // Try a negative and a positive delta from the best known value.
+    for (offset = -delta; offset <= delta; offset += 2 * delta) {
+      const int green_to_red_cur = offset + green_to_red_best;
+      const float cur_diff = GetPredictionCostCrossColorRed(
+          argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height, prev_x, prev_y,
+          green_to_red_cur, accumulated_red_histo);
+      if (cur_diff < best_diff) {
+        best_diff = cur_diff;
+        green_to_red_best = green_to_red_cur;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  best_tx->green_to_red_ = green_to_red_best;
+static float GetPredictionCostCrossColorBlue(
+    const uint32_t* argb, int stride, int tile_width, int tile_height,
+    VP8LMultipliers prev_x, VP8LMultipliers prev_y,
+    int green_to_blue, int red_to_blue, const int accumulated_blue_histo[256]) {
+  int histo[256] = { 0 };
+  float cur_diff;
+  VP8LCollectColorBlueTransforms(argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height,
+                                 green_to_blue, red_to_blue, histo);
+  cur_diff = PredictionCostCrossColor(accumulated_blue_histo, histo);
+  if ((uint8_t)green_to_blue == prev_x.green_to_blue_) {
+    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
+  }
+  if ((uint8_t)green_to_blue == prev_y.green_to_blue_) {
+    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
+  }
+  if ((uint8_t)red_to_blue == prev_x.red_to_blue_) {
+    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
+  }
+  if ((uint8_t)red_to_blue == prev_y.red_to_blue_) {
+    cur_diff -= 3;  // favor keeping the areas locally similar
+  }
+  if (green_to_blue == 0) {
+    cur_diff -= 3;
+  }
+  if (red_to_blue == 0) {
+    cur_diff -= 3;
+  }
+  return cur_diff;
+#define kGreenRedToBlueNumAxis 8
+#define kGreenRedToBlueMaxIters 7
+static void GetBestGreenRedToBlue(
+    const uint32_t* argb, int stride, int tile_width, int tile_height,
+    VP8LMultipliers prev_x, VP8LMultipliers prev_y, int quality,
+    const int accumulated_blue_histo[256],
+    VP8LMultipliers* const best_tx) {
+  const int8_t offset[kGreenRedToBlueNumAxis][2] =
+      {{0, -1}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {-1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {1, -1}, {1, 1}};
+  const int8_t delta_lut[kGreenRedToBlueMaxIters] = { 16, 16, 8, 4, 2, 2, 2 };
+  const int iters =
+      (quality < 25) ? 1 : (quality > 50) ? kGreenRedToBlueMaxIters : 4;
+  int green_to_blue_best = 0;
+  int red_to_blue_best = 0;
+  int iter;
+  // Initial value at origin:
+  float best_diff = GetPredictionCostCrossColorBlue(
+      argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height, prev_x, prev_y,
+      green_to_blue_best, red_to_blue_best, accumulated_blue_histo);
+  for (iter = 0; iter < iters; ++iter) {
+    const int delta = delta_lut[iter];
+    int axis;
+    for (axis = 0; axis < kGreenRedToBlueNumAxis; ++axis) {
+      const int green_to_blue_cur =
+          offset[axis][0] * delta + green_to_blue_best;
+      const int red_to_blue_cur = offset[axis][1] * delta + red_to_blue_best;
+      const float cur_diff = GetPredictionCostCrossColorBlue(
+          argb, stride, tile_width, tile_height, prev_x, prev_y,
+          green_to_blue_cur, red_to_blue_cur, accumulated_blue_histo);
+      if (cur_diff < best_diff) {
+        best_diff = cur_diff;
+        green_to_blue_best = green_to_blue_cur;
+        red_to_blue_best = red_to_blue_cur;
+      }
+      if (quality < 25 && iter == 4) {
+        // Only axis aligned diffs for lower quality.
+        break;  // next iter.
+      }
+    }
+    if (delta == 2 && green_to_blue_best == 0 && red_to_blue_best == 0) {
+      // Further iterations would not help.
+      break;  // out of iter-loop.
+    }
+  }
+  best_tx->green_to_blue_ = green_to_blue_best;
+  best_tx->red_to_blue_ = red_to_blue_best;
+#undef kGreenRedToBlueMaxIters
+#undef kGreenRedToBlueNumAxis
+static VP8LMultipliers GetBestColorTransformForTile(
+    int tile_x, int tile_y, int bits,
+    VP8LMultipliers prev_x,
+    VP8LMultipliers prev_y,
+    int quality, int xsize, int ysize,
+    const int accumulated_red_histo[256],
+    const int accumulated_blue_histo[256],
+    const uint32_t* const argb) {
+  const int max_tile_size = 1 << bits;
+  const int tile_y_offset = tile_y * max_tile_size;
+  const int tile_x_offset = tile_x * max_tile_size;
+  const int all_x_max = GetMin(tile_x_offset + max_tile_size, xsize);
+  const int all_y_max = GetMin(tile_y_offset + max_tile_size, ysize);
+  const int tile_width = all_x_max - tile_x_offset;
+  const int tile_height = all_y_max - tile_y_offset;
+  const uint32_t* const tile_argb = argb + tile_y_offset * xsize
+                                  + tile_x_offset;
+  VP8LMultipliers best_tx;
+  MultipliersClear(&best_tx);
+  GetBestGreenToRed(tile_argb, xsize, tile_width, tile_height,
+                    prev_x, prev_y, quality, accumulated_red_histo, &best_tx);
+  GetBestGreenRedToBlue(tile_argb, xsize, tile_width, tile_height,
+                        prev_x, prev_y, quality, accumulated_blue_histo,
+                        &best_tx);
+  return best_tx;
+static void CopyTileWithColorTransform(int xsize, int ysize,
+                                       int tile_x, int tile_y,
+                                       int max_tile_size,
+                                       VP8LMultipliers color_transform,
+                                       uint32_t* argb) {
+  const int xscan = GetMin(max_tile_size, xsize - tile_x);
+  int yscan = GetMin(max_tile_size, ysize - tile_y);
+  argb += tile_y * xsize + tile_x;
+  while (yscan-- > 0) {
+    VP8LTransformColor(&color_transform, argb, xscan);
+    argb += xsize;
+  }
+void VP8LColorSpaceTransform(int width, int height, int bits, int quality,
+                             uint32_t* const argb, uint32_t* image) {
+  const int max_tile_size = 1 << bits;
+  const int tile_xsize = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, bits);
+  const int tile_ysize = VP8LSubSampleSize(height, bits);
+  int accumulated_red_histo[256] = { 0 };
+  int accumulated_blue_histo[256] = { 0 };
+  int tile_x, tile_y;
+  VP8LMultipliers prev_x, prev_y;
+  MultipliersClear(&prev_y);
+  MultipliersClear(&prev_x);
+  for (tile_y = 0; tile_y < tile_ysize; ++tile_y) {
+    for (tile_x = 0; tile_x < tile_xsize; ++tile_x) {
+      int y;
+      const int tile_x_offset = tile_x * max_tile_size;
+      const int tile_y_offset = tile_y * max_tile_size;
+      const int all_x_max = GetMin(tile_x_offset + max_tile_size, width);
+      const int all_y_max = GetMin(tile_y_offset + max_tile_size, height);
+      const int offset = tile_y * tile_xsize + tile_x;
+      if (tile_y != 0) {
+        ColorCodeToMultipliers(image[offset - tile_xsize], &prev_y);
+      }
+      prev_x = GetBestColorTransformForTile(tile_x, tile_y, bits,
+                                            prev_x, prev_y,
+                                            quality, width, height,
+                                            accumulated_red_histo,
+                                            accumulated_blue_histo,
+                                            argb);
+      image[offset] = MultipliersToColorCode(&prev_x);
+      CopyTileWithColorTransform(width, height, tile_x_offset, tile_y_offset,
+                                 max_tile_size, prev_x, argb);
+      // Gather accumulated histogram data.
+      for (y = tile_y_offset; y < all_y_max; ++y) {
+        int ix = y * width + tile_x_offset;
+        const int ix_end = ix + all_x_max - tile_x_offset;
+        for (; ix < ix_end; ++ix) {
+          const uint32_t pix = argb[ix];
+          if (ix >= 2 &&
+              pix == argb[ix - 2] &&
+              pix == argb[ix - 1]) {
+            continue;  // repeated pixels are handled by backward references
+          }
+          if (ix >= width + 2 &&
+              argb[ix - 2] == argb[ix - width - 2] &&
+              argb[ix - 1] == argb[ix - width - 1] &&
+              pix == argb[ix - width]) {
+            continue;  // repeated pixels are handled by backward references
+          }
+          ++accumulated_red_histo[(pix >> 16) & 0xff];
+          ++accumulated_blue_histo[(pix >> 0) & 0xff];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/src/enc/quant.c b/src/enc/quant_enc.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/enc/quant.c
rename to src/enc/quant_enc.c
index 07ffaf0..b118fb2 100644
--- a/src/enc/quant.c
+++ b/src/enc/quant_enc.c
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 #include <math.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>  // for abs()
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
-#include "./cost.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
+#include "./cost_enc.h"
 #define DO_TRELLIS_I4  1
 #define DO_TRELLIS_I16 1   // not a huge gain, but ok at low bitrate.
@@ -643,6 +643,8 @@
     const int sign = (in[j] < 0);
     const uint32_t coeff0 = (sign ? -in[j] : in[j]) + mtx->sharpen_[j];
     int level0 = QUANTDIV(coeff0, iQ, B);
+    int thresh_level = QUANTDIV(coeff0, iQ, BIAS(0x80));
+    if (thresh_level > MAX_LEVEL) thresh_level = MAX_LEVEL;
     if (level0 > MAX_LEVEL) level0 = MAX_LEVEL;
     {   // Swap current and previous score states
@@ -657,23 +659,17 @@
       int level = level0 + m;
       const int ctx = (level > 2) ? 2 : level;
       const int band = VP8EncBands[n + 1];
-      score_t base_score, last_pos_score;
+      score_t base_score;
       score_t best_cur_score = MAX_COST;
       int best_prev = 0;   // default, in case
       ss_cur[m].score = MAX_COST;
       ss_cur[m].costs = costs[n + 1][ctx];
-      if (level > MAX_LEVEL || level < 0) {   // node is dead?
+      if (level < 0 || level > thresh_level) {
+        // Node is dead.
-      // Compute extra rate cost if last coeff's position is < 15
-      {
-        const score_t last_pos_cost =
-            (n < 15) ? VP8BitCost(0, probas[band][ctx][0]) : 0;
-        last_pos_score = RDScoreTrellis(lambda, last_pos_cost, 0);
-      }
         // Compute delta_error = how much coding this level will
         // subtract to max_error as distortion.
@@ -705,6 +701,9 @@
       // Now, record best terminal node (and thus best entry in the graph).
       if (level != 0) {
+        const score_t last_pos_cost =
+            (n < 15) ? VP8BitCost(0, probas[band][ctx][0]) : 0;
+        const score_t last_pos_score = RDScoreTrellis(lambda, last_pos_cost, 0);
         const score_t score = best_cur_score + last_pos_score;
         if (score < best_score) {
           best_score = score;
diff --git a/src/enc/syntax.c b/src/enc/syntax_enc.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/enc/syntax.c
rename to src/enc/syntax_enc.c
index a0e79ef..90665bd 100644
--- a/src/enc/syntax.c
+++ b/src/enc/syntax_enc.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #include "../webp/format_constants.h"  // RIFF constants
 #include "../webp/mux_types.h"         // ALPHA_FLAG
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 // Helper functions
@@ -362,8 +362,7 @@
   for (p = 0; p < enc->num_parts_; ++p) {
     const uint8_t* const buf = VP8BitWriterBuf(enc->parts_ + p);
     const size_t size = VP8BitWriterSize(enc->parts_ + p);
-    if (size)
-      ok = ok && pic->writer(buf, size, pic);
+    if (size) ok = ok && pic->writer(buf, size, pic);
     VP8BitWriterWipeOut(enc->parts_ + p);    // will free the internal buffer.
     ok = ok && WebPReportProgress(pic, enc->percent_ + percent_per_part,
diff --git a/src/enc/token.c b/src/enc/token_enc.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/enc/token.c
rename to src/enc/token_enc.c
index 087940e..02a0d72 100644
--- a/src/enc/token.c
+++ b/src/enc/token_enc.c
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include "./cost.h"
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./cost_enc.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
@@ -137,8 +137,9 @@
       s = res->stats[VP8EncBands[n]][1];
     } else {
       if (!AddToken(tokens, v > 4, base_id + 3, s + 3)) {
-        if (AddToken(tokens, v != 2, base_id + 4, s + 4))
+        if (AddToken(tokens, v != 2, base_id + 4, s + 4)) {
           AddToken(tokens, v == 4, base_id + 5, s + 5);
+        }
       } else if (!AddToken(tokens, v > 10, base_id + 6, s + 6)) {
         if (!AddToken(tokens, v > 6, base_id + 7, s + 7)) {
           AddConstantToken(tokens, v == 6, 159);
diff --git a/src/enc/tree.c b/src/enc/tree_enc.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/enc/tree.c
rename to src/enc/tree_enc.c
index f141006..2c40fe7 100644
--- a/src/enc/tree.c
+++ b/src/enc/tree_enc.c
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 // Author: Skal (
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
 // Default probabilities
diff --git a/src/enc/vp8enci.h b/src/enc/vp8i_enc.h
similarity index 96%
rename from src/enc/vp8enci.h
rename to src/enc/vp8i_enc.h
index 5b4e162..93c95ec 100644
--- a/src/enc/vp8enci.h
+++ b/src/enc/vp8i_enc.h
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 #define WEBP_ENC_VP8ENCI_H_
 #include <string.h>     // for memcpy()
-#include "../dec/common.h"
+#include "../dec/common_dec.h"
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
-#include "../utils/bit_writer.h"
-#include "../utils/thread.h"
+#include "../utils/bit_writer_utils.h"
+#include "../utils/thread_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #include "../webp/encode.h"
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
 // version numbers
 #define ENC_MAJ_VERSION 0
-#define ENC_MIN_VERSION 5
-#define ENC_REV_VERSION 2
+#define ENC_MIN_VERSION 6
+#define ENC_REV_VERSION 0
 enum { MAX_LF_LEVELS = 64,       // Maximum loop filter level
        MAX_VARIABLE_LEVEL = 67,  // last (inclusive) level with variable cost
@@ -219,7 +219,6 @@
 // right neighbouring data (samples, predictions, contexts, ...)
 typedef struct {
   int x_, y_;                      // current macroblock
-  int y_stride_, uv_stride_;       // respective strides
   uint8_t*      yuv_in_;           // input samples
   uint8_t*      yuv_out_;          // output samples
   uint8_t*      yuv_out2_;         // secondary buffer swapped with yuv_out_.
@@ -474,14 +473,6 @@
 int VP8EncFinishAlpha(VP8Encoder* const enc);   // finalize compressed data
 int VP8EncDeleteAlpha(VP8Encoder* const enc);   // delete compressed data
-  // in filter.c
-void VP8SSIMAddStats(const VP8DistoStats* const src, VP8DistoStats* const dst);
-void VP8SSIMAccumulatePlane(const uint8_t* src1, int stride1,
-                            const uint8_t* src2, int stride2,
-                            int W, int H, VP8DistoStats* const stats);
-double VP8SSIMGet(const VP8DistoStats* const stats);
-double VP8SSIMGetSquaredError(const VP8DistoStats* const stats);
 // autofilter
 void VP8InitFilter(VP8EncIterator* const it);
 void VP8StoreFilterStats(VP8EncIterator* const it);
diff --git a/src/enc/vp8l.c b/src/enc/vp8l_enc.c
similarity index 88%
rename from src/enc/vp8l.c
rename to src/enc/vp8l_enc.c
index e4ad295..b1a793d 100644
--- a/src/enc/vp8l.c
+++ b/src/enc/vp8l_enc.c
@@ -15,17 +15,18 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./backward_references.h"
-#include "./histogram.h"
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
-#include "./vp8li.h"
+#include "./backward_references_enc.h"
+#include "./histogram_enc.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
+#include "./vp8li_enc.h"
 #include "../dsp/lossless.h"
-#include "../utils/bit_writer.h"
-#include "../utils/huffman_encode.h"
+#include "../dsp/lossless_common.h"
+#include "../utils/bit_writer_utils.h"
+#include "../utils/huffman_encode_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
 #include "../webp/format_constants.h"
-#include "./delta_palettization.h"
+#include "./delta_palettization_enc.h"
 #define PALETTE_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT   22  // Key for 1K buffer.
 // Maximum number of histogram images (sub-blocks).
@@ -163,18 +164,25 @@
   kHistoTotal  // Must be last.
 } HistoIx;
-static void AddSingleSubGreen(uint32_t p, uint32_t* r, uint32_t* b) {
-  const uint32_t green = p >> 8;  // The upper bits are masked away later.
+static void AddSingleSubGreen(int p, uint32_t* const r, uint32_t* const b) {
+  const int green = p >> 8;  // The upper bits are masked away later.
   ++r[((p >> 16) - green) & 0xff];
-  ++b[(p - green) & 0xff];
+  ++b[((p >>  0) - green) & 0xff];
 static void AddSingle(uint32_t p,
-                      uint32_t* a, uint32_t* r, uint32_t* g, uint32_t* b) {
-  ++a[p >> 24];
+                      uint32_t* const a, uint32_t* const r,
+                      uint32_t* const g, uint32_t* const b) {
+  ++a[(p >> 24) & 0xff];
   ++r[(p >> 16) & 0xff];
-  ++g[(p >> 8) & 0xff];
-  ++b[(p & 0xff)];
+  ++g[(p >>  8) & 0xff];
+  ++b[(p >>  0) & 0xff];
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t HashPix(uint32_t pix) {
+  // Note that masking with 0xffffffffu is for preventing an
+  // 'unsigned int overflow' warning. Doesn't impact the compiled code.
+  return ((((uint64_t)pix + (pix >> 19)) * 0x39c5fba7ull) & 0xffffffffu) >> 24;
 static int AnalyzeEntropy(const uint32_t* argb,
@@ -214,8 +222,8 @@
                           &histo[kHistoBluePredSubGreen * 256]);
           // Approximate the palette by the entropy of the multiplicative hash.
-          const int hash = ((pix + (pix >> 19)) * 0x39c5fba7) >> 24;
-          ++histo[kHistoPalette * 256 + (hash & 0xff)];
+          const uint32_t hash = HashPix(pix);
+          ++histo[kHistoPalette * 256 + hash];
       prev_row = curr_row;
@@ -311,7 +319,10 @@
 static int GetTransformBits(int method, int histo_bits) {
   const int max_transform_bits = (method < 4) ? 6 : (method > 4) ? 4 : 5;
-  return (histo_bits > max_transform_bits) ? max_transform_bits : histo_bits;
+  const int res =
+      (histo_bits > max_transform_bits) ? max_transform_bits : histo_bits;
+  assert(res <= MAX_TRANSFORM_BITS);
+  return res;
 static int AnalyzeAndInit(VP8LEncoder* const enc) {
@@ -696,7 +707,7 @@
                                               VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain,
                                               VP8LBackwardRefs refs_array[2],
                                               int width, int height,
-                                              int quality) {
+                                              int quality, int low_effort) {
   int i;
   int max_tokens = 0;
   WebPEncodingError err = VP8_ENC_OK;
@@ -714,7 +725,8 @@
   // Calculate backward references from ARGB image.
-  if (VP8LHashChainFill(hash_chain, quality, argb, width, height) == 0) {
+  if (!VP8LHashChainFill(hash_chain, quality, argb, width, height,
+                         low_effort)) {
     goto Error;
@@ -814,11 +826,18 @@
     goto Error;
-  *cache_bits = use_cache ? MAX_COLOR_CACHE_BITS : 0;
+  if (use_cache) {
+    // If the value is different from zero, it has been set during the
+    // palette analysis.
+    if (*cache_bits == 0) *cache_bits = MAX_COLOR_CACHE_BITS;
+  } else {
+    *cache_bits = 0;
+  }
   // 'best_refs' is the reference to the best backward refs and points to one
   // of refs_array[0] or refs_array[1].
   // Calculate backward references from ARGB image.
-  if (VP8LHashChainFill(hash_chain, quality, argb, width, height) == 0) {
+  if (!VP8LHashChainFill(hash_chain, quality, argb, width, height,
+                         low_effort)) {
     goto Error;
@@ -899,7 +918,7 @@
       err = EncodeImageNoHuffman(bw, histogram_argb, hash_chain, refs_array,
                                  VP8LSubSampleSize(width, histogram_bits),
                                  VP8LSubSampleSize(height, histogram_bits),
-                                 quality);
+                                 quality, low_effort);
       if (err != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Error;
@@ -990,12 +1009,12 @@
                               (VP8LBackwardRefs*)enc->refs_,  // cast const away
                               transform_width, transform_height,
-                              quality);
+                              quality, low_effort);
 static WebPEncodingError ApplyCrossColorFilter(const VP8LEncoder* const enc,
                                                int width, int height,
-                                               int quality,
+                                               int quality, int low_effort,
                                                VP8LBitWriter* const bw) {
   const int ccolor_transform_bits = enc->transform_bits_;
   const int transform_width = VP8LSubSampleSize(width, ccolor_transform_bits);
@@ -1011,7 +1030,7 @@
                               (VP8LBackwardRefs*)enc->refs_,  // cast const away
                               transform_width, transform_height,
-                              quality);
+                              quality, low_effort);
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1156,7 +1175,8 @@
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static int SearchColor(const uint32_t sorted[], uint32_t color, int hi) {
+static WEBP_INLINE int SearchColorNoIdx(const uint32_t sorted[], uint32_t color,
+                                        int hi) {
   int low = 0;
   if (sorted[low] == color) return low;  // loop invariant: sorted[low] != color
   while (1) {
@@ -1171,35 +1191,68 @@
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t SearchColorGreedy(const uint32_t palette[],
+                                              int palette_size,
+                                              uint32_t color) {
+  (void)palette_size;
+  assert(palette_size < APPLY_PALETTE_GREEDY_MAX);
+  assert(3 == APPLY_PALETTE_GREEDY_MAX - 1);
+  if (color == palette[0]) return 0;
+  if (color == palette[1]) return 1;
+  if (color == palette[2]) return 2;
+  return 3;
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ApplyPaletteHash0(uint32_t color) {
+  // Focus on the green color.
+  return (color >> 8) & 0xff;
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ApplyPaletteHash1(uint32_t color) {
+  // Forget about alpha.
+  return ((color & 0x00ffffffu) * 4222244071u) >> (32 - PALETTE_INV_SIZE_BITS);
+static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ApplyPaletteHash2(uint32_t color) {
+  // Forget about alpha.
+  return (color & 0x00ffffffu) * ((1u << 31) - 1) >>
+         (32 - PALETTE_INV_SIZE_BITS);
 // Sort palette in increasing order and prepare an inverse mapping array.
 static void PrepareMapToPalette(const uint32_t palette[], int num_colors,
-                                uint32_t sorted[], int idx_map[]) {
+                                uint32_t sorted[], uint32_t idx_map[]) {
   int i;
   memcpy(sorted, palette, num_colors * sizeof(*sorted));
   qsort(sorted, num_colors, sizeof(*sorted), PaletteCompareColorsForQsort);
   for (i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) {
-    idx_map[SearchColor(sorted, palette[i], num_colors)] = i;
+    idx_map[SearchColorNoIdx(sorted, palette[i], num_colors)] = i;
-static void MapToPalette(const uint32_t sorted_palette[], int num_colors,
-                         uint32_t* const last_pix, int* const last_idx,
-                         const int idx_map[],
-                         const uint32_t* src, uint8_t* dst, int width) {
-  int x;
-  int prev_idx = *last_idx;
-  uint32_t prev_pix = *last_pix;
-  for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
-    const uint32_t pix = src[x];
-    if (pix != prev_pix) {
-      prev_idx = idx_map[SearchColor(sorted_palette, pix, num_colors)];
-      prev_pix = pix;
-    }
-    dst[x] = prev_idx;
-  }
-  *last_idx = prev_idx;
-  *last_pix = prev_pix;
+// Use 1 pixel cache for ARGB pixels.
+#define APPLY_PALETTE_FOR(COLOR_INDEX) do {         \
+  uint32_t prev_pix = palette[0];                   \
+  uint32_t prev_idx = 0;                            \
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {                    \
+    for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {                   \
+      const uint32_t pix = src[x];                  \
+      if (pix != prev_pix) {                        \
+        prev_idx = COLOR_INDEX;                     \
+        prev_pix = pix;                             \
+      }                                             \
+      tmp_row[x] = prev_idx;                        \
+    }                                               \
+    VP8LBundleColorMap(tmp_row, width, xbits, dst); \
+    src += src_stride;                              \
+    dst += dst_stride;                              \
+  }                                                 \
+} while (0)
 // Remap argb values in src[] to packed palettes entries in dst[]
 // using 'row' as a temporary buffer of size 'width'.
@@ -1212,52 +1265,59 @@
   // TODO(skal): this tmp buffer is not needed if VP8LBundleColorMap() can be
   // made to work in-place.
   uint8_t* const tmp_row = (uint8_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(width, sizeof(*tmp_row));
-  int i, x, y;
-  int use_LUT = 1;
+  int x, y;
   if (tmp_row == NULL) return VP8_ENC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-  for (i = 0; i < palette_size; ++i) {
-    if ((palette[i] & 0xffff00ffu) != 0) {
-      use_LUT = 0;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (use_LUT) {
-    uint8_t inv_palette[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE] = { 0 };
-    for (i = 0; i < palette_size; ++i) {
-      const int color = (palette[i] >> 8) & 0xff;
-      inv_palette[color] = i;
-    }
-    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-      for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
-        const int color = (src[x] >> 8) & 0xff;
-        tmp_row[x] = inv_palette[color];
-      }
-      VP8LBundleColorMap(tmp_row, width, xbits, dst);
-      src += src_stride;
-      dst += dst_stride;
-    }
+  if (palette_size < APPLY_PALETTE_GREEDY_MAX) {
+    APPLY_PALETTE_FOR(SearchColorGreedy(palette, palette_size, pix));
   } else {
-    // Use 1 pixel cache for ARGB pixels.
-    uint32_t last_pix;
-    int last_idx;
-    uint32_t sorted[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE];
-    int idx_map[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE];
-    PrepareMapToPalette(palette, palette_size, sorted, idx_map);
-    last_pix = palette[0];
-    last_idx = 0;
-    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-      MapToPalette(sorted, palette_size, &last_pix, &last_idx,
-                   idx_map, src, tmp_row, width);
-      VP8LBundleColorMap(tmp_row, width, xbits, dst);
-      src += src_stride;
-      dst += dst_stride;
+    int i, j;
+    uint16_t buffer[PALETTE_INV_SIZE];
+    uint32_t (*const hash_functions[])(uint32_t) = {
+        ApplyPaletteHash0, ApplyPaletteHash1, ApplyPaletteHash2
+    };
+    // Try to find a perfect hash function able to go from a color to an index
+    // within 1 << PALETTE_INV_SIZE_BITS in order to build a hash map to go
+    // from color to index in palette.
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+      int use_LUT = 1;
+      // Set each element in buffer to max uint16_t.
+      memset(buffer, 0xff, sizeof(buffer));
+      for (j = 0; j < palette_size; ++j) {
+        const uint32_t ind = hash_functions[i](palette[j]);
+        if (buffer[ind] != 0xffffu) {
+          use_LUT = 0;
+          break;
+        } else {
+          buffer[ind] = j;
+        }
+      }
+      if (use_LUT) break;
+    }
+    if (i == 0) {
+      APPLY_PALETTE_FOR(buffer[ApplyPaletteHash0(pix)]);
+    } else if (i == 1) {
+      APPLY_PALETTE_FOR(buffer[ApplyPaletteHash1(pix)]);
+    } else if (i == 2) {
+      APPLY_PALETTE_FOR(buffer[ApplyPaletteHash2(pix)]);
+    } else {
+      uint32_t idx_map[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE];
+      uint32_t palette_sorted[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE];
+      PrepareMapToPalette(palette, palette_size, palette_sorted, idx_map);
+          idx_map[SearchColorNoIdx(palette_sorted, pix, palette_size)]);
   return VP8_ENC_OK;
 // Note: Expects "enc->palette_" to be set properly.
 static WebPEncodingError MapImageFromPalette(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
@@ -1290,7 +1350,7 @@
 // Save palette_[] to bitstream.
-static WebPEncodingError EncodePalette(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
+static WebPEncodingError EncodePalette(VP8LBitWriter* const bw, int low_effort,
                                        VP8LEncoder* const enc) {
   int i;
   uint32_t tmp_palette[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE];
@@ -1305,13 +1365,14 @@
   tmp_palette[0] = palette[0];
   return EncodeImageNoHuffman(bw, tmp_palette, &enc->hash_chain_, enc->refs_,
-                              palette_size, 1, 20 /* quality */);
+                              palette_size, 1, 20 /* quality */, low_effort);
 static WebPEncodingError EncodeDeltaPalettePredictorImage(
-    VP8LBitWriter* const bw, VP8LEncoder* const enc, int quality) {
+    VP8LBitWriter* const bw, VP8LEncoder* const enc, int quality,
+    int low_effort) {
   const WebPPicture* const pic = enc->pic_;
   const int width = pic->width;
   const int height = pic->height;
@@ -1342,7 +1403,7 @@
   err = EncodeImageNoHuffman(bw, predictors, &enc->hash_chain_,
                              (VP8LBackwardRefs*)enc->refs_,  // cast const away
                              transform_width, transform_height,
-                             quality);
+                             quality, low_effort);
   return err;
@@ -1393,7 +1454,7 @@
   int use_near_lossless = 0;
   int hdr_size = 0;
   int data_size = 0;
-  int use_delta_palettization = 0;
+  int use_delta_palette = 0;
   if (enc == NULL) {
@@ -1420,7 +1481,7 @@
-  if (config->delta_palettization) {
+  if (config->use_delta_palette) {
     enc->use_predict_ = 1;
     enc->use_cross_color_ = 0;
     enc->use_subtract_green_ = 0;
@@ -1432,21 +1493,25 @@
     if (enc->use_palette_) {
       err = AllocateTransformBuffer(enc, width, height);
       if (err != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Error;
-      err = EncodeDeltaPalettePredictorImage(bw, enc, quality);
+      err = EncodeDeltaPalettePredictorImage(bw, enc, quality, low_effort);
       if (err != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Error;
-      use_delta_palettization = 1;
+      use_delta_palette = 1;
   // Encode palette
   if (enc->use_palette_) {
-    err = EncodePalette(bw, enc);
+    err = EncodePalette(bw, low_effort, enc);
     if (err != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Error;
-    err = MapImageFromPalette(enc, use_delta_palettization);
+    err = MapImageFromPalette(enc, use_delta_palette);
     if (err != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Error;
+    // If using a color cache, do not have it bigger than the number of colors.
+    if (use_cache && enc->palette_size_ < (1 << MAX_COLOR_CACHE_BITS)) {
+      enc->cache_bits_ = BitsLog2Floor(enc->palette_size_) + 1;
+    }
-  if (!use_delta_palettization) {
+  if (!use_delta_palette) {
     // In case image is not packed.
     if (enc->argb_ == NULL) {
       err = MakeInputImageCopy(enc);
@@ -1468,7 +1533,7 @@
     if (enc->use_cross_color_) {
       err = ApplyCrossColorFilter(enc, enc->current_width_,
-                                  height, quality, bw);
+                                  height, quality, low_effort, bw);
       if (err != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Error;
diff --git a/src/enc/vp8li.h b/src/enc/vp8li_enc.h
similarity index 78%
rename from src/enc/vp8li.h
rename to src/enc/vp8li_enc.h
index 371e276..8c5fbcb 100644
--- a/src/enc/vp8li.h
+++ b/src/enc/vp8li_enc.h
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #ifndef WEBP_ENC_VP8LI_H_
 #define WEBP_ENC_VP8LI_H_
-#include "./backward_references.h"
-#include "./histogram.h"
-#include "../utils/bit_writer.h"
+#include "./backward_references_enc.h"
+#include "./histogram_enc.h"
+#include "../utils/bit_writer_utils.h"
 #include "../webp/encode.h"
 #include "../webp/format_constants.h"
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
 extern "C" {
+// maximum value of transform_bits_ in VP8LEncoder.
 typedef struct {
   const WebPConfig* config_;      // user configuration and parameters
   const WebPPicture* pic_;        // input picture.
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@
   // Encoding parameters derived from quality parameter.
   int histo_bits_;
-  int transform_bits_;
+  int transform_bits_;    // <= MAX_TRANSFORM_BITS.
   int cache_bits_;        // If equal to 0, don't use color cache.
   // Encoding parameters derived from image characteristics.
@@ -73,6 +76,17 @@
                                    VP8LBitWriter* const bw, int use_cache);
+// Image transforms in predictor.c.
+void VP8LResidualImage(int width, int height, int bits, int low_effort,
+                       uint32_t* const argb, uint32_t* const argb_scratch,
+                       uint32_t* const image, int near_lossless, int exact,
+                       int used_subtract_green);
+void VP8LColorSpaceTransform(int width, int height, int bits, int quality,
+                             uint32_t* const argb, uint32_t* image);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 }    // extern "C"
diff --git a/src/enc/webpenc.c b/src/enc/webp_enc.c
similarity index 96%
rename from src/enc/webpenc.c
rename to src/enc/webp_enc.c
index a7d04ea..f18461e 100644
--- a/src/enc/webpenc.c
+++ b/src/enc/webp_enc.c
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <math.h>
-#include "./cost.h"
-#include "./vp8enci.h"
-#include "./vp8li.h"
+#include "./cost_enc.h"
+#include "./vp8i_enc.h"
+#include "./vp8li_enc.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 // dynamic proba     | ~ | x | x | x | x | x | x |
-// fast mode analysis|   |   |   |   | x | x | x |
+// fast mode analysis|[x]|[x]|   |   | x | x | x |
 // basic rd-opt      |   |   |   | x | x | x | x |
@@ -315,18 +315,21 @@
 int WebPEncode(const WebPConfig* config, WebPPicture* pic) {
   int ok = 0;
+  if (pic == NULL) return 0;
-  if (pic == NULL)
-    return 0;
   WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_OK);  // all ok so far
-  if (config == NULL)  // bad params
+  if (config == NULL) {  // bad params
     return WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER);
-  if (!WebPValidateConfig(config))
+  }
+  if (!WebPValidateConfig(config)) {
     return WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION);
-  if (pic->width <= 0 || pic->height <= 0)
+  }
+  if (pic->width <= 0 || pic->height <= 0) {
     return WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_ERROR_BAD_DIMENSION);
-  if (pic->width > WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION || pic->height > WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION)
+  }
+  if (pic->width > WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION || pic->height > WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION) {
     return WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_ERROR_BAD_DIMENSION);
+  }
   if (pic->stats != NULL) memset(pic->stats, 0, sizeof(*pic->stats));
@@ -339,8 +342,8 @@
     if (pic->use_argb || pic->y == NULL || pic->u == NULL || pic->v == NULL) {
       // Make sure we have YUVA samples.
-      if (config->preprocessing & 4) {
-        if (!WebPPictureSmartARGBToYUVA(pic)) {
+      if (config->use_sharp_yuv || (config->preprocessing & 4)) {
+        if (!WebPPictureSharpARGBToYUVA(pic)) {
           return 0;
       } else {
diff --git a/src/utils/bit_reader_inl.h b/src/utils/bit_reader_inl_utils.h
similarity index 81%
rename from src/utils/bit_reader_inl.h
rename to src/utils/bit_reader_inl_utils.h
index 99ed313..fd7fb04 100644
--- a/src/utils/bit_reader_inl.h
+++ b/src/utils/bit_reader_inl_utils.h
@@ -20,13 +20,12 @@
 #include "../webp/config.h"
-#include <string.h>  // memcpy
+#include <string.h>  // for memcpy
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
-#include "./bit_reader.h"
-#include "./endian_inl.h"
+#include "./bit_reader_utils.h"
+#include "./endian_inl_utils.h"
+#include "./utils.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -62,10 +61,7 @@
   if (br->buf_ < br->buf_max_) {
     // convert memory type to register type (with some zero'ing!)
     bit_t bits;
-#if defined(WEBP_FORCE_ALIGNED)
-    lbit_t in_bits;
-    memcpy(&in_bits, br->buf_, sizeof(in_bits));
-#elif defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS32)
+#if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS32)
     // This is needed because of un-aligned read.
     lbit_t in_bits;
     lbit_t* p_buf_ = (lbit_t*)br->buf_;
@@ -80,7 +76,8 @@
       : "memory", "at"
-    const lbit_t in_bits = *(const lbit_t*)br->buf_;
+    lbit_t in_bits;
+    memcpy(&in_bits, br->buf_, sizeof(in_bits));
     br->buf_ += BITS >> 3;
 #if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
@@ -119,37 +116,26 @@
     const int pos = br->bits_;
     const range_t split = (range * prob) >> 8;
     const range_t value = (range_t)(br->value_ >> pos);
-#if defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM)      // ARM-specific
-    const int bit = ((int)(split - value) >> 31) & 1;
-    if (value > split) {
-      range -= split + 1;
+    const int bit = (value > split);
+    if (bit) {
+      range -= split;
       br->value_ -= (bit_t)(split + 1) << pos;
     } else {
-      range = split;
+      range = split + 1;
-#else  // faster version on x86
-    int bit;  // Don't use 'const int bit = (value > split);", it's slower.
-    if (value > split) {
-      range -= split + 1;
-      br->value_ -= (bit_t)(split + 1) << pos;
-      bit = 1;
-    } else {
-      range = split;
-      bit = 0;
-    }
-    if (range <= (range_t)0x7e) {
-      const int shift = kVP8Log2Range[range];
-      range = kVP8NewRange[range];
+    {
+      const int shift = 7 ^ BitsLog2Floor(range);
+      range <<= shift;
       br->bits_ -= shift;
-    br->range_ = range;
+    br->range_ = range - 1;
     return bit;
 // simplified version of VP8GetBit() for prob=0x80 (note shift is always 1 here)
-static WEBP_INLINE int VP8GetSigned(VP8BitReader* const br, int v) {
+int VP8GetSigned(VP8BitReader* const br, int v) {
   if (br->bits_ < 0) {
@@ -166,6 +152,37 @@
+static WEBP_INLINE int VP8GetBitAlt(VP8BitReader* const br, int prob) {
+  // Don't move this declaration! It makes a big speed difference to store
+  // 'range' *before* calling VP8LoadNewBytes(), even if this function doesn't
+  // alter br->range_ value.
+  range_t range = br->range_;
+  if (br->bits_ < 0) {
+    VP8LoadNewBytes(br);
+  }
+  {
+    const int pos = br->bits_;
+    const range_t split = (range * prob) >> 8;
+    const range_t value = (range_t)(br->value_ >> pos);
+    int bit;  // Don't use 'const int bit = (value > split);", it's slower.
+    if (value > split) {
+      range -= split + 1;
+      br->value_ -= (bit_t)(split + 1) << pos;
+      bit = 1;
+    } else {
+      range = split;
+      bit = 0;
+    }
+    if (range <= (range_t)0x7e) {
+      const int shift = kVP8Log2Range[range];
+      range = kVP8NewRange[range];
+      br->bits_ -= shift;
+    }
+    br->range_ = range;
+    return bit;
+  }
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 }    // extern "C"
diff --git a/src/utils/bit_reader.c b/src/utils/bit_reader_utils.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/utils/bit_reader.c
rename to src/utils/bit_reader_utils.c
index 50ffb74..c3157e8 100644
--- a/src/utils/bit_reader.c
+++ b/src/utils/bit_reader_utils.c
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include "../webp/config.h"
-#include "./bit_reader_inl.h"
+#include "./bit_reader_inl_utils.h"
 #include "../utils/utils.h"
diff --git a/src/utils/bit_reader.h b/src/utils/bit_reader_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/bit_reader.h
rename to src/utils/bit_reader_utils.h
diff --git a/src/utils/bit_writer.c b/src/utils/bit_writer_utils.c
similarity index 97%
rename from src/utils/bit_writer.c
rename to src/utils/bit_writer_utils.c
index 0644286..ab0c49d 100644
--- a/src/utils/bit_writer.c
+++ b/src/utils/bit_writer_utils.c
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 #include <string.h>   // for memcpy()
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./bit_writer.h"
-#include "./endian_inl.h"
+#include "./bit_writer_utils.h"
+#include "./endian_inl_utils.h"
 #include "./utils.h"
@@ -143,13 +143,13 @@
 void VP8PutBits(VP8BitWriter* const bw, uint32_t value, int nb_bits) {
   uint32_t mask;
   assert(nb_bits > 0 && nb_bits < 32);
-  for (mask = 1u << (nb_bits - 1); mask; mask >>= 1)
+  for (mask = 1u << (nb_bits - 1); mask; mask >>= 1) {
     VP8PutBitUniform(bw, value & mask);
+  }
 void VP8PutSignedBits(VP8BitWriter* const bw, int value, int nb_bits) {
-  if (!VP8PutBitUniform(bw, value != 0))
-    return;
+  if (!VP8PutBitUniform(bw, value != 0)) return;
   if (value < 0) {
     VP8PutBits(bw, ((-value) << 1) | 1, nb_bits + 1);
   } else {
diff --git a/src/utils/bit_writer.h b/src/utils/bit_writer_utils.h
similarity index 97%
rename from src/utils/bit_writer.h
rename to src/utils/bit_writer_utils.h
index ef360d1..9c02bbc 100644
--- a/src/utils/bit_writer.h
+++ b/src/utils/bit_writer_utils.h
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
 // return approximate write position (in bits)
 static WEBP_INLINE uint64_t VP8BitWriterPos(const VP8BitWriter* const bw) {
-  return (uint64_t)(bw->pos_ + bw->run_) * 8 + 8 + bw->nb_bits_;
+  const uint64_t nb_bits = 8 + bw->nb_bits_;   // bw->nb_bits_ is <= 0, note
+  return (bw->pos_ + bw->run_) * 8 + nb_bits;
 // Returns a pointer to the internal buffer.
diff --git a/src/utils/color_cache.c b/src/utils/color_cache_utils.c
similarity index 97%
rename from src/utils/color_cache.c
rename to src/utils/color_cache_utils.c
index c34b2e7..0172590 100644
--- a/src/utils/color_cache.c
+++ b/src/utils/color_cache_utils.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include "./color_cache.h"
+#include "./color_cache_utils.h"
 #include "./utils.h"
diff --git a/src/utils/color_cache.h b/src/utils/color_cache_utils.h
similarity index 84%
rename from src/utils/color_cache.h
rename to src/utils/color_cache_utils.h
index a9a9f64..c373e6b 100644
--- a/src/utils/color_cache.h
+++ b/src/utils/color_cache_utils.h
@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@
   int hash_bits_;
 } VP8LColorCache;
-static const uint32_t kHashMul = 0x1e35a7bd;
+static const uint64_t kHashMul = 0x1e35a7bdull;
+static WEBP_INLINE int HashPix(uint32_t argb, int shift) {
+  return (int)(((argb * kHashMul) & 0xffffffffu) >> shift);
 static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t VP8LColorCacheLookup(
     const VP8LColorCache* const cc, uint32_t key) {
@@ -44,19 +48,20 @@
 static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LColorCacheInsert(const VP8LColorCache* const cc,
                                              uint32_t argb) {
-  const uint32_t key = (kHashMul * argb) >> cc->hash_shift_;
+  const int key = HashPix(argb, cc->hash_shift_);
   cc->colors_[key] = argb;
 static WEBP_INLINE int VP8LColorCacheGetIndex(const VP8LColorCache* const cc,
                                               uint32_t argb) {
-  return (kHashMul * argb) >> cc->hash_shift_;
+  return HashPix(argb, cc->hash_shift_);
+// Return the key if cc contains argb, and -1 otherwise.
 static WEBP_INLINE int VP8LColorCacheContains(const VP8LColorCache* const cc,
                                               uint32_t argb) {
-  const uint32_t key = (kHashMul * argb) >> cc->hash_shift_;
-  return (cc->colors_[key] == argb);
+  const int key = HashPix(argb, cc->hash_shift_);
+  return (cc->colors_[key] == argb) ? key : -1;
diff --git a/src/utils/endian_inl.h b/src/utils/endian_inl_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/endian_inl.h
rename to src/utils/endian_inl_utils.h
diff --git a/src/utils/filters.c b/src/utils/filters_utils.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/utils/filters.c
rename to src/utils/filters_utils.c
index 15543b1..49c1d18 100644
--- a/src/utils/filters.c
+++ b/src/utils/filters_utils.c
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 // Author: Urvang (
-#include "./filters.h"
+#include "./filters_utils.h"
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
diff --git a/src/utils/filters.h b/src/utils/filters_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/filters.h
rename to src/utils/filters_utils.h
diff --git a/src/utils/huffman_encode.c b/src/utils/huffman_encode_utils.c
similarity index 99%
rename from src/utils/huffman_encode.c
rename to src/utils/huffman_encode_utils.c
index 4e5ef6b..f950465 100644
--- a/src/utils/huffman_encode.c
+++ b/src/utils/huffman_encode_utils.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include "./huffman_encode.h"
+#include "./huffman_encode_utils.h"
 #include "./utils.h"
 #include "../webp/format_constants.h"
diff --git a/src/utils/huffman_encode.h b/src/utils/huffman_encode_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/huffman_encode.h
rename to src/utils/huffman_encode_utils.h
diff --git a/src/utils/huffman.c b/src/utils/huffman_utils.c
similarity index 82%
rename from src/utils/huffman.c
rename to src/utils/huffman_utils.c
index 36e5502..008b5d7 100644
--- a/src/utils/huffman.c
+++ b/src/utils/huffman_utils.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include "./huffman.h"
+#include "./huffman_utils.h"
 #include "./utils.h"
 #include "../webp/format_constants.h"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   while (key & step) {
     step >>= 1;
-  return (key & (step - 1)) + step;
+  return step ? (key & (step - 1)) + step : key;
 // Stores code in table[0], table[step], table[2*step], ..., table[end].
@@ -75,11 +75,13 @@
   return len - root_bits;
-int VP8LBuildHuffmanTable(HuffmanCode* const root_table, int root_bits,
-                          const int code_lengths[], int code_lengths_size) {
+// sorted[code_lengths_size] is a pre-allocated array for sorting symbols
+// by code length.
+static int BuildHuffmanTable(HuffmanCode* const root_table, int root_bits,
+                             const int code_lengths[], int code_lengths_size,
+                             uint16_t sorted[]) {
   HuffmanCode* table = root_table;  // next available space in table
   int total_size = 1 << root_bits;  // total size root table + 2nd level table
-  int* sorted = NULL;               // symbols sorted by code length
   int len;                          // current code length
   int symbol;                       // symbol index in original or sorted table
   // number of codes of each length:
@@ -114,11 +116,6 @@
     offset[len + 1] = offset[len] + count[len];
-  sorted = (int*)WebPSafeMalloc(code_lengths_size, sizeof(*sorted));
-  if (sorted == NULL) {
-    return 0;
-  }
   // Sort symbols by length, by symbol order within each length.
   for (symbol = 0; symbol < code_lengths_size; ++symbol) {
     const int symbol_code_length = code_lengths[symbol];
@@ -133,7 +130,6 @@
     code.bits = 0;
     code.value = (uint16_t)sorted[0];
     ReplicateValue(table, 1, total_size, code);
-    WebPSafeFree(sorted);
     return total_size;
@@ -153,7 +149,6 @@
       num_nodes += num_open;
       num_open -= count[len];
       if (num_open < 0) {
-        WebPSafeFree(sorted);
         return 0;
       for (; count[len] > 0; --count[len]) {
@@ -172,7 +167,6 @@
       num_nodes += num_open;
       num_open -= count[len];
       if (num_open < 0) {
-        WebPSafeFree(sorted);
         return 0;
       for (; count[len] > 0; --count[len]) {
@@ -195,11 +189,35 @@
     // Check if tree is full.
     if (num_nodes != 2 * offset[MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH] - 1) {
-      WebPSafeFree(sorted);
       return 0;
-  WebPSafeFree(sorted);
+  return total_size;
+// Maximum code_lengths_size is 2328 (reached for 11-bit color_cache_bits).
+// More commonly, the value is around ~280.
+// Cut-off value for switching between heap and stack allocation.
+int VP8LBuildHuffmanTable(HuffmanCode* const root_table, int root_bits,
+                          const int code_lengths[], int code_lengths_size) {
+  int total_size;
+  assert(code_lengths_size <= MAX_CODE_LENGTHS_SIZE);
+  if (code_lengths_size <= SORTED_SIZE_CUTOFF) {
+    // use local stack-allocated array.
+    uint16_t sorted[SORTED_SIZE_CUTOFF];
+    total_size = BuildHuffmanTable(root_table, root_bits,
+                                   code_lengths, code_lengths_size, sorted);
+  } else {   // rare case. Use heap allocation.
+    uint16_t* const sorted =
+        (uint16_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(code_lengths_size, sizeof(*sorted));
+    if (sorted == NULL) return 0;
+    total_size = BuildHuffmanTable(root_table, root_bits,
+                                   code_lengths, code_lengths_size, sorted);
+    WebPSafeFree(sorted);
+  }
   return total_size;
diff --git a/src/utils/huffman.h b/src/utils/huffman_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/huffman.h
rename to src/utils/huffman_utils.h
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similarity index 99%
rename from src/utils/quant_levels_dec.c
rename to src/utils/quant_levels_dec_utils.c
index ee0a3fe..d4d23d3 100644
--- a/src/utils/quant_levels_dec.c
+++ b/src/utils/quant_levels_dec_utils.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 // Author: Skal (
-#include "./quant_levels_dec.h"
+#include "./quant_levels_dec_utils.h"
 #include <string.h>   // for memset
diff --git a/src/utils/quant_levels_dec.h b/src/utils/quant_levels_dec_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/quant_levels_dec.h
rename to src/utils/quant_levels_dec_utils.h
diff --git a/src/utils/quant_levels.c b/src/utils/quant_levels_utils.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/utils/quant_levels.c
rename to src/utils/quant_levels_utils.c
index d7c8aab..73174e8 100644
--- a/src/utils/quant_levels.c
+++ b/src/utils/quant_levels_utils.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
-#include "./quant_levels.h"
+#include "./quant_levels_utils.h"
 #define NUM_SYMBOLS     256
diff --git a/src/utils/quant_levels.h b/src/utils/quant_levels_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/quant_levels.h
rename to src/utils/quant_levels_utils.h
diff --git a/src/utils/random.c b/src/utils/random_utils.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/utils/random.c
rename to src/utils/random_utils.c
index 24e96ad..9f1e415 100644
--- a/src/utils/random.c
+++ b/src/utils/random_utils.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Author: Skal (
 #include <string.h>
-#include "./random.h"
+#include "./random_utils.h"
diff --git a/src/utils/random.h b/src/utils/random_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/random.h
rename to src/utils/random_utils.h
diff --git a/src/utils/rescaler.c b/src/utils/rescaler_utils.c
similarity index 98%
rename from src/utils/rescaler.c
rename to src/utils/rescaler_utils.c
index d2278a5..0d1f80d 100644
--- a/src/utils/rescaler.c
+++ b/src/utils/rescaler_utils.c
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include "../dsp/dsp.h"
-#include "./rescaler.h"
+#include "./rescaler_utils.h"
diff --git a/src/utils/rescaler.h b/src/utils/rescaler_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/rescaler.h
rename to src/utils/rescaler_utils.h
diff --git a/src/utils/thread.c b/src/utils/thread_utils.c
similarity index 97%
rename from src/utils/thread.c
rename to src/utils/thread_utils.c
index 93f7622..1729060 100644
--- a/src/utils/thread.c
+++ b/src/utils/thread_utils.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <string.h>   // for memset()
-#include "./thread.h"
+#include "./thread_utils.h"
 #include "./utils.h"
@@ -183,8 +183,7 @@
   // note that there is a consumer available so the signal isn't dropped in
   // pthread_cond_signal
-  if (!ReleaseSemaphore(condition->waiting_sem_, 1, NULL))
-    return 1;
+  if (!ReleaseSemaphore(condition->waiting_sem_, 1, NULL)) return 1;
   // now unlock the mutex so pthread_cond_signal may be issued
   ok = (WaitForSingleObject(condition->signal_event_, INFINITE) ==
@@ -226,8 +225,7 @@
 // main thread state control
-static void ChangeState(WebPWorker* const worker,
-                        WebPWorkerStatus new_status) {
+static void ChangeState(WebPWorker* const worker, WebPWorkerStatus new_status) {
   // No-op when attempting to change state on a thread that didn't come up.
   // Checking status_ without acquiring the lock first would result in a data
   // race.
diff --git a/src/utils/thread.h b/src/utils/thread_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/thread.h
rename to src/utils/thread_utils.h
diff --git a/src/utils/utils.c b/src/utils/utils.c
index 82dbf8d..504d924 100644
--- a/src/utils/utils.c
+++ b/src/utils/utils.c
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 // Here is an example command line:
 /*    valgrind --tool=massif --massif-out-file=massif.out \
-               --stacks=yes --alloc-fn=WebPSafeAlloc --alloc-fn=WebPSafeCalloc
+               --stacks=yes --alloc-fn=WebPSafeMalloc --alloc-fn=WebPSafeCalloc
       ms_print massif.out
 // In addition:
@@ -243,8 +243,7 @@
-#define COLOR_HASH_SIZE         (MAX_COLOR_COUNT * 4)
+#define COLOR_HASH_SIZE         (MAX_PALETTE_SIZE * 4)
 #define COLOR_HASH_RIGHT_SHIFT  22  // 32 - log2(COLOR_HASH_SIZE).
 int WebPGetColorPalette(const WebPPicture* const pic, uint32_t* const palette) {
@@ -253,7 +252,7 @@
   int num_colors = 0;
   uint8_t in_use[COLOR_HASH_SIZE] = { 0 };
   uint32_t colors[COLOR_HASH_SIZE];
-  static const uint32_t kHashMul = 0x1e35a7bdU;
+  static const uint64_t kHashMul = 0x1e35a7bdull;
   const uint32_t* argb = pic->argb;
   const int width = pic->width;
   const int height = pic->height;
@@ -268,14 +267,14 @@
       last_pix = argb[x];
-      key = (kHashMul * last_pix) >> COLOR_HASH_RIGHT_SHIFT;
+      key = ((last_pix * kHashMul) & 0xffffffffu) >> COLOR_HASH_RIGHT_SHIFT;
       while (1) {
         if (!in_use[key]) {
           colors[key] = last_pix;
           in_use[key] = 1;
-          if (num_colors > MAX_COLOR_COUNT) {
-            return MAX_COLOR_COUNT + 1;  // Exact count not needed.
+          if (num_colors > MAX_PALETTE_SIZE) {
+            return MAX_PALETTE_SIZE + 1;  // Exact count not needed.
         } else if (colors[key] == last_pix) {
@@ -302,8 +301,30 @@
   return num_colors;
+#if defined(WEBP_NEED_LOG_TABLE_8BIT)
+const uint8_t WebPLogTable8bit[256] = {   // 31 ^ clz(i)
+  0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
+  4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
+  5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
+  5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
+  6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
+  6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
+  6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
+  6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
+  7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+  7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+  7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+  7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+  7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+  7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+  7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+  7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7
diff --git a/src/utils/utils.h b/src/utils/utils.h
index 3a5d4e6..3ab4590 100644
--- a/src/utils/utils.h
+++ b/src/utils/utils.h
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
 #define WEBP_ALIGN_CST 31
 #define WEBP_ALIGN(PTR) (((uintptr_t)(PTR) + WEBP_ALIGN_CST) & ~WEBP_ALIGN_CST)
-#if defined(WEBP_FORCE_ALIGNED)
 #include <string.h>
 // memcpy() is the safe way of moving potentially unaligned 32b memory.
 static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t WebPMemToUint32(const uint8_t* const ptr) {
@@ -73,16 +72,6 @@
 static WEBP_INLINE void WebPUint32ToMem(uint8_t* const ptr, uint32_t val) {
   memcpy(ptr, &val, sizeof(val));
-uint32_t WebPMemToUint32(const uint8_t* const ptr) {
-  return *(const uint32_t*)ptr;
-void WebPUint32ToMem(uint8_t* const ptr, uint32_t val) {
-  *(uint32_t*)ptr = val;
 // Reading/writing data.
@@ -118,6 +107,19 @@
   PutLE16(data + 2, (int)(val >> 16));
+// Returns 31 ^ clz(n) = log2(n). This is the default C-implementation, either
+// based on table or not. Can be used as fallback if clz() is not available.
+extern const uint8_t WebPLogTable8bit[256];
+static WEBP_INLINE int WebPLog2FloorC(uint32_t n) {
+  int log = 0;
+  while (n >= 256) {
+    log += 8;
+    n >>= 8;
+  }
+  return log + WebPLogTable8bit[n];
 // Returns (int)floor(log2(n)). n must be > 0.
 // use GNU builtins where available.
 #if defined(__GNUC__) && \
@@ -135,22 +137,8 @@
   _BitScanReverse(&first_set_bit, n);
   return first_set_bit;
-static WEBP_INLINE int BitsLog2Floor(uint32_t n) {
-  int log = 0;
-  uint32_t value = n;
-  int i;
-  for (i = 4; i >= 0; --i) {
-    const int shift = (1 << i);
-    const uint32_t x = value >> shift;
-    if (x != 0) {
-      value = x;
-      log += shift;
-    }
-  }
-  return log;
+#else   // default: use the C-version.
+static WEBP_INLINE int BitsLog2Floor(uint32_t n) { return WebPLog2FloorC(n); }
@@ -172,12 +160,12 @@
 // Unique colors.
 // Returns count of unique colors in 'pic', assuming pic->use_argb is true.
-// If the unique color count is more than MAX_COLOR_COUNT, returns
+// If the unique color count is more than MAX_PALETTE_SIZE, returns
 // If 'palette' is not NULL and number of unique colors is less than or equal to
-// MAX_COLOR_COUNT, also outputs the actual unique colors into 'palette'.
+// MAX_PALETTE_SIZE, also outputs the actual unique colors into 'palette'.
 // Note: 'palette' is assumed to be an array already allocated with at least
-// MAX_COLOR_COUNT elements.
+// MAX_PALETTE_SIZE elements.
 WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPGetColorPalette(const struct WebPPicture* const pic,
                                      uint32_t* const palette);
diff --git a/src/webp/encode.h b/src/webp/encode.h
index b65e27e..35fde1d 100644
--- a/src/webp/encode.h
+++ b/src/webp/encode.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 extern "C" {
-#define WEBP_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION 0x0209    // MAJOR(8b) + MINOR(8b)
+#define WEBP_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION 0x020e    // MAJOR(8b) + MINOR(8b)
 // Note: forward declaring enumerations is not allowed in (strict) C and C++,
 // the types are left here for reference.
@@ -141,12 +141,10 @@
                           // RGB information for better compression. The default
                           // value is 0.
-  int delta_palettization;
+  int use_delta_palette;  // reserved for future lossless feature
+  int use_sharp_yuv;      // if needed, use sharp (and slow) RGB->YUV conversion
   uint32_t pad[2];        // padding for later use
-  uint32_t pad[3];        // padding for later use
 // Enumerate some predefined settings for WebPConfig, depending on the type
@@ -388,9 +386,24 @@
 // Returns false in case of memory allocation error.
 WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPictureCopy(const WebPPicture* src, WebPPicture* dst);
+// Compute the single distortion for packed planes of samples.
+// 'src' will be compared to 'ref', and the raw distortion stored into
+// '*distortion'. The refined metric (log(MSE), log(1 - ssim),...' will be
+// stored in '*result'.
+// 'x_step' is the horizontal stride (in bytes) between samples.
+// 'src/ref_stride' is the byte distance between rows.
+// Returns false in case of error (bad parameter, memory allocation error, ...).
+WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPlaneDistortion(const uint8_t* src, size_t src_stride,
+                                     const uint8_t* ref, size_t ref_stride,
+                                     int width, int height,
+                                     size_t x_step,
+                                     int type,   // 0 = PSNR, 1 = SSIM, 2 = LSIM
+                                     float* distortion, float* result);
 // Compute PSNR, SSIM or LSIM distortion metric between two pictures. Results
-// are in dB, stored in result[] in the Y/U/V/Alpha/All or B/G/R/A/All order.
-// Returns false in case of error (src and ref don't have same dimension, ...)
+// are in dB, stored in result[] in the B/G/R/A/All order. The distortion is
+// always performed using ARGB samples. Hence if the input is YUV(A), the
+// picture will be internally converted to ARGB (just for the measurement).
 // Warning: this function is rather CPU-intensive.
 WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPictureDistortion(
     const WebPPicture* src, const WebPPicture* ref,
@@ -473,11 +486,13 @@
 WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPictureARGBToYUVADithered(
     WebPPicture* picture, WebPEncCSP colorspace, float dithering);
-// Performs 'smart' RGBA->YUVA420 downsampling and colorspace conversion.
+// Performs 'sharp' RGBA->YUVA420 downsampling and colorspace conversion.
 // Downsampling is handled with extra care in case of color clipping. This
 // method is roughly 2x slower than WebPPictureARGBToYUVA() but produces better
-// YUV representation.
+// and sharper YUV representation.
 // Returns false in case of error.
+WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPictureSharpARGBToYUVA(WebPPicture* picture);
+// kept for backward compatibility:
 WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPPictureSmartARGBToYUVA(WebPPicture* picture);
 // Converts picture->yuv to picture->argb and sets picture->use_argb to true.
diff --git a/src/webp/extras.h b/src/webp/extras.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c24be2..0000000
--- a/src/webp/extras.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
-// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
-// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "./types.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "./encode.h"
-#define WEBP_EXTRAS_ABI_VERSION 0x0000    // MAJOR(8b) + MINOR(8b)
-// Returns the version number of the extras library, packed in hexadecimal using
-// 8bits for each of major/minor/revision. E.g: v2.5.7 is 0x020507.
-WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPGetExtrasVersion(void);
-// Ad-hoc colorspace importers.
-// Import luma sample (gray scale image) into 'picture'. The 'picture'
-// width and height must be set prior to calling this function.
-WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPImportGray(const uint8_t* gray, WebPPicture* picture);
-// Import rgb sample in RGB565 packed format into 'picture'. The 'picture'
-// width and height must be set prior to calling this function.
-WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPImportRGB565(const uint8_t* rgb565, WebPPicture* pic);
-// Import rgb sample in RGB4444 packed format into 'picture'. The 'picture'
-// width and height must be set prior to calling this function.
-WEBP_EXTERN(int) WebPImportRGB4444(const uint8_t* rgb4444, WebPPicture* pic);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-}    // extern "C"
-#endif  /* WEBP_WEBP_EXTRAS_H_ */
diff --git a/src/webp/format_constants.h b/src/webp/format_constants.h
index b6e78a6..329fc8a 100644
--- a/src/webp/format_constants.h
+++ b/src/webp/format_constants.h
@@ -72,14 +72,13 @@
 #define RIFF_HEADER_SIZE   12    // Size of the RIFF header ("RIFFnnnnWEBP").
 #define ANMF_CHUNK_SIZE    16    // Size of an ANMF chunk.
 #define ANIM_CHUNK_SIZE    6     // Size of an ANIM chunk.
-#define FRGM_CHUNK_SIZE    6     // Size of a FRGM chunk.
 #define VP8X_CHUNK_SIZE    10    // Size of a VP8X chunk.
 #define MAX_CANVAS_SIZE     (1 << 24)     // 24-bit max for VP8X width/height.
 #define MAX_IMAGE_AREA      (1ULL << 32)  // 32-bit max for width x height.
 #define MAX_LOOP_COUNT      (1 << 16)     // maximum value for loop-count
 #define MAX_DURATION        (1 << 24)     // maximum duration
-#define MAX_POSITION_OFFSET (1 << 24)     // maximum frame/fragment x/y offset
+#define MAX_POSITION_OFFSET (1 << 24)     // maximum frame x/y offset
 // Maximum chunk payload is such that adding the header and padding won't
 // overflow a uint32_t.
diff --git a/src/webp/mux_types.h b/src/webp/mux_types.h
index c94043a..b37e2c6 100644
--- a/src/webp/mux_types.h
+++ b/src/webp/mux_types.h
@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@
 // VP8X Feature Flags.
 typedef enum WebPFeatureFlags {
-  FRAGMENTS_FLAG  = 0x00000001,
   ANIMATION_FLAG  = 0x00000002,
   XMP_FLAG        = 0x00000004,
   EXIF_FLAG       = 0x00000008,
   ALPHA_FLAG      = 0x00000010,
-  ICCP_FLAG       = 0x00000020
+  ICCP_FLAG       = 0x00000020,
+  ALL_VALID_FLAGS = 0x0000003e
 } WebPFeatureFlags;
 // Dispose method (animation only). Indicates how the area used by the current