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* Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
/* Defines the android-specific types and functions as part of npapi
In particular, defines the window and event types that are passed to
NPN_GetValue, NPP_SetWindow and NPP_HandleEvent.
To minimize what native libraries the plugin links against, some
functionality is provided via function-ptrs (e.g. time, sound)
#ifndef android_npapi_H
#define android_npapi_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "npapi.h"
// General types
enum ANPBitmapFormats {
kUnknown_ANPBitmapFormat = 0,
kRGBA_8888_ANPBitmapFormat = 1,
kRGB_565_ANPBitmapFormat = 2
typedef int32_t ANPBitmapFormat;
struct ANPPixelPacking {
uint8_t AShift;
uint8_t ABits;
uint8_t RShift;
uint8_t RBits;
uint8_t GShift;
uint8_t GBits;
uint8_t BShift;
uint8_t BBits;
struct ANPBitmap {
void* baseAddr;
ANPBitmapFormat format;
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
int32_t rowBytes;
struct ANPRectF {
float left;
float top;
float right;
float bottom;
struct ANPRectI {
int32_t left;
int32_t top;
int32_t right;
int32_t bottom;
struct ANPCanvas;
struct ANPMatrix;
struct ANPPaint;
struct ANPPath;
struct ANPRegion;
struct ANPTypeface;
enum ANPMatrixFlags {
kIdentity_ANPMatrixFlag = 0,
kTranslate_ANPMatrixFlag = 0x01,
kScale_ANPMatrixFlag = 0x02,
kAffine_ANPMatrixFlag = 0x04,
kPerspective_ANPMatrixFlag = 0x08,
typedef uint32_t ANPMatrixFlag;
// NPN_GetValue
/* queries for a specific ANPInterface.
Maybe called with NULL for the NPP instance
NPN_GetValue(inst, interface_enum, ANPInterface*)
#define kLogInterfaceV0_ANPGetValue ((NPNVariable)1000)
#define kAudioTrackInterfaceV0_ANPGetValue ((NPNVariable)1001)
#define kCanvasInterfaceV0_ANPGetValue ((NPNVariable)1002)
#define kMatrixInterfaceV0_ANPGetValue ((NPNVariable)1003)
#define kPaintInterfaceV0_ANPGetValue ((NPNVariable)1004)
#define kPathInterfaceV0_ANPGetValue ((NPNVariable)1005)
#define kTypefaceInterfaceV0_ANPGetValue ((NPNVariable)1006)
#define kWindowInterfaceV0_ANPGetValue ((NPNVariable)1007)
#define kBitmapInterfaceV0_ANPGetValue ((NPNVariable)1008)
/* queries for which drawing model is desired (for the draw event)
Should be called inside NPP_New(...)
NPN_GetValue(inst, ANPSupportedDrawingModel_EnumValue, uint32_t* bits)
#define kSupportedDrawingModel_ANPGetValue ((NPNVariable)2000)
// NPN_GetValue
/** Reqeust to set the drawing model.
NPN_SetValue(inst, ANPRequestDrawingModel_EnumValue, (void*)foo_DrawingModel)
#define kRequestDrawingModel_ANPSetValue ((NPPVariable)1000)
/* These are used as bitfields in ANPSupportedDrawingModels_EnumValue,
and as-is in ANPRequestDrawingModel_EnumValue. The drawing model determines
how to interpret the ANPDrawingContext provided in the Draw event and how
to interpret the NPWindow->window field.
enum ANPDrawingModels {
/** Draw into a bitmap from the browser thread in response to a Draw event.
NPWindow->window is reserved (ignore)
kBitmap_ANPDrawingModel = 0,
typedef int32_t ANPDrawingModel;
/* Interfaces provide additional functionality to the plugin via function ptrs.
Once an interface is retrived, it is valid for the lifetime of the plugin
(just like browserfuncs).
All ANPInterfaces begin with an inSize field, which must be set by the
caller (plugin) with the number of bytes allocated for the interface.
e.g. SomeInterface si; si.inSize = sizeof(si); browser->getvalue(..., &si);
struct ANPInterface {
uint32_t inSize; // size (in bytes) of this struct
enum ANPLogTypes {
kError_ANPLogType = 0, // error
kWarning_ANPLogType = 1, // warning
kDebug_ANPLogType = 2 // debug only (informational)
typedef int32_t ANPLogType;
struct ANPLogInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
// dumps printf messages to the log file
// e.g. interface->log(instance, kWarning_ANPLogType, "value is %d", value);
void (*log)(NPP instance, ANPLogType, const char format[], ...);
struct ANPBitmapInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
/** Returns true if the specified bitmap format is supported, and if packing
is non-null, sets it to the packing info for that format.
bool (*getPixelPacking)(ANPBitmapFormat, ANPPixelPacking* packing);
struct ANPMatrixInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
/* Return a new identity matrix
ANPMatrix* (*newMatrix)();
/* Delete a matrix previously allocated by newMatrix()
void (*deleteMatrix)(ANPMatrix*);
ANPMatrixFlag (*getFlags)(const ANPMatrix*);
void (*copy)(ANPMatrix* dst, const ANPMatrix* src);
/* Return the matrix values in a float array (allcoated by the caller),
where the values are treated as follows:
w = x * [6] + y * [7] + [8];
x' = (x * [0] + y * [1] + [2]) / w;
y' = (x * [3] + y * [4] + [5]) / w;
void (*get3x3)(const ANPMatrix*, float[9]);
/* Initialize the matrix from values in a float array,
where the values are treated as follows:
w = x * [6] + y * [7] + [8];
x' = (x * [0] + y * [1] + [2]) / w;
y' = (x * [3] + y * [4] + [5]) / w;
void (*set3x3)(ANPMatrix*, const float[9]);
void (*setIdentity)(ANPMatrix*);
void (*preTranslate)(ANPMatrix*, float tx, float ty);
void (*postTranslate)(ANPMatrix*, float tx, float ty);
void (*preScale)(ANPMatrix*, float sx, float sy);
void (*postScale)(ANPMatrix*, float sx, float sy);
void (*preSkew)(ANPMatrix*, float kx, float ky);
void (*postSkew)(ANPMatrix*, float kx, float ky);
void (*preRotate)(ANPMatrix*, float degrees);
void (*postRotate)(ANPMatrix*, float degrees);
void (*preConcat)(ANPMatrix*, const ANPMatrix*);
void (*postConcat)(ANPMatrix*, const ANPMatrix*);
/* Return true if src is invertible, and if so, return its inverse in dst.
If src is not invertible, return false and ignore dst.
bool (*invert)(ANPMatrix* dst, const ANPMatrix* src);
/* Transform the x,y pairs in src[] by this matrix, and store the results
in dst[]. The count parameter is treated as the number of pairs in the
array. It is legal for src and dst to point to the same memory, but
illegal for the two arrays to partially overlap.
void (*mapPoints)(ANPMatrix*, float dst[], const float src[],
int32_t count);
struct ANPPathInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
/* Return a new path */
ANPPath* (*newPath)();
/* Delete a path previously allocated by ANPPath() */
void (*deletePath)(ANPPath*);
/* Make a deep copy of the src path, into the dst path (already allocated
by the caller).
void (*copy)(ANPPath* dst, const ANPPath* src);
/* Returns true if the two paths are the same (i.e. have the same points)
bool (*equal)(const ANPPath* path0, const ANPPath* path1);
/* Remove any previous points, initializing the path back to empty. */
void (*reset)(ANPPath*);
/* Return true if the path is empty (has no lines, quads or cubics). */
bool (*isEmpty)(const ANPPath*);
/* Return the path's bounds in bounds. */
void (*getBounds)(const ANPPath*, ANPRectF* bounds);
void (*moveTo)(ANPPath*, float x, float y);
void (*lineTo)(ANPPath*, float x, float y);
void (*quadTo)(ANPPath*, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1);
void (*cubicTo)(ANPPath*, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1,
float x2, float y2);
void (*close)(ANPPath*);
/* Offset the src path by [dx, dy]. If dst is null, apply the
change directly to the src path. If dst is not null, write the
changed path into dst, and leave the src path unchanged. In that case
dst must have been previously allocated by the caller.
void (*offset)(ANPPath* src, float dx, float dy, ANPPath* dst);
/* Transform the path by the matrix. If dst is null, apply the
change directly to the src path. If dst is not null, write the
changed path into dst, and leave the src path unchanged. In that case
dst must have been previously allocated by the caller.
void (*transform)(ANPPath* src, const ANPMatrix*, ANPPath* dst);
/** ANPColor is always defined to have the same packing on all platforms, and
it is always unpremultiplied.
This is in contrast to 32bit format(s) in bitmaps, which are premultiplied,
and their packing may vary depending on the platform, hence the need for
typedef uint32_t ANPColor;
#define ANPColor_ASHIFT 24
#define ANPColor_RSHIFT 16
#define ANPColor_GSHIFT 8
#define ANPColor_BSHIFT 0
#define ANP_MAKE_COLOR(a, r, g, b) \
(((a) << ANPColor_ASHIFT) | \
((r) << ANPColor_RSHIFT) | \
((g) << ANPColor_GSHIFT) | \
((b) << ANPColor_BSHIFT))
enum ANPPaintFlag {
kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag = 1 << 0,
kFilterBitmap_ANPPaintFlag = 1 << 1,
kDither_ANPPaintFlag = 1 << 2,
kUnderlineText_ANPPaintFlag = 1 << 3,
kStrikeThruText_ANPPaintFlag = 1 << 4,
kFakeBoldText_ANPPaintFlag = 1 << 5,
typedef uint32_t ANPPaintFlags;
enum ANPPaintStyles {
kFill_ANPPaintStyle = 0,
kStroke_ANPPaintStyle = 1,
kFillAndStroke_ANPPaintStyle = 2
typedef int32_t ANPPaintStyle;
enum ANPPaintCaps {
kButt_ANPPaintCap = 0,
kRound_ANPPaintCap = 1,
kSquare_ANPPaintCap = 2
typedef int32_t ANPPaintCap;
enum ANPPaintJoins {
kMiter_ANPPaintJoin = 0,
kRound_ANPPaintJoin = 1,
kBevel_ANPPaintJoin = 2
typedef int32_t ANPPaintJoin;
enum ANPPaintAligns {
kLeft_ANPPaintAlign = 0,
kCenter_ANPPaintAlign = 1,
kRight_ANPPaintAlign = 2
typedef int32_t ANPPaintAlign;
enum ANPTextEncodings {
kUTF8_ANPTextEncoding = 0,
kUTF16_ANPTextEncoding = 1,
typedef int32_t ANPTextEncoding;
enum ANPTypefaceStyles {
kBold_ANPTypefaceStyle = 1 << 0,
kItalic_ANPTypefaceStyle = 1 << 1
typedef uint32_t ANPTypefaceStyle;
struct ANPFontMetrics {
//! The greatest distance above the baseline for any glyph (will be <= 0)
float fTop;
//! The recommended distance above the baseline (will be <= 0)
float fAscent;
//! The recommended distance below the baseline (will be >= 0)
float fDescent;
//! The greatest distance below the baseline for any glyph (will be >= 0)
float fBottom;
//! The recommended distance to add between lines of text (will be >= 0)
float fLeading;
struct ANPTypefaceInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
/** Return a new reference to the typeface that most closely matches the
requested name and style. Pass null as the name to return
the default font for the requested style. Will never return null
@param name May be NULL. The name of the font family.
@param style The style (normal, bold, italic) of the typeface.
@return reference to the closest-matching typeface. Caller must call
unref() when they are done with the typeface.
ANPTypeface* (*createFromName)(const char name[], ANPTypefaceStyle);
/** Return a new reference to the typeface that most closely matches the
requested typeface and specified Style. Use this call if you want to
pick a new style from the same family of the existing typeface.
If family is NULL, this selects from the default font's family.
@param family May be NULL. The name of the existing type face.
@param s The style (normal, bold, italic) of the type face.
@return reference to the closest-matching typeface. Call must call
unref() when they are done.
ANPTypeface* (*createFromTypeface)(const ANPTypeface* family,
/** Return the owner count of the typeface. A newly created typeface has an
owner count of 1. When the owner count is reaches 0, the typeface is
int32_t (*getRefCount)(const ANPTypeface*);
/** Increment the owner count on the typeface
void (*ref)(ANPTypeface*);
/** Decrement the owner count on the typeface. When the count goes to 0,
the typeface is deleted.
void (*unref)(ANPTypeface*);
/** Return the style bits for the specified typeface
ANPTypefaceStyle (*getStyle)(const ANPTypeface*);
struct ANPPaintInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
/* Return a new paint object, which holds all of the color and style
attributes that affect how things (geometry, text, bitmaps) are drawn
in a ANPCanvas.
The paint that is returned is not tied to any particular plugin
instance, but it must only be accessed from one thread at a time.
ANPPaint* (*newPaint)();
void (*deletePaint)(ANPPaint*);
ANPPaintFlags (*getFlags)(const ANPPaint*);
void (*setFlags)(ANPPaint*, ANPPaintFlags);
ANPColor (*getColor)(const ANPPaint*);
void (*setColor)(ANPPaint*, ANPColor);
ANPPaintStyle (*getStyle)(const ANPPaint*);
void (*setStyle)(ANPPaint*, ANPPaintStyle);
float (*getStrokeWidth)(const ANPPaint*);
float (*getStrokeMiter)(const ANPPaint*);
ANPPaintCap (*getStrokeCap)(const ANPPaint*);
ANPPaintJoin (*getStrokeJoin)(const ANPPaint*);
void (*setStrokeWidth)(ANPPaint*, float);
void (*setStrokeMiter)(ANPPaint*, float);
void (*setStrokeCap)(ANPPaint*, ANPPaintCap);
void (*setStrokeJoin)(ANPPaint*, ANPPaintJoin);
ANPTextEncoding (*getTextEncoding)(const ANPPaint*);
ANPPaintAlign (*getTextAlign)(const ANPPaint*);
float (*getTextSize)(const ANPPaint*);
float (*getTextScaleX)(const ANPPaint*);
float (*getTextSkewX)(const ANPPaint*);
void (*setTextEncoding)(ANPPaint*, ANPTextEncoding);
void (*setTextAlign)(ANPPaint*, ANPPaintAlign);
void (*setTextSize)(ANPPaint*, float);
void (*setTextScaleX)(ANPPaint*, float);
void (*setTextSkewX)(ANPPaint*, float);
/** Return the typeface ine paint, or null if there is none. This does not
modify the owner count of the returned typeface.
ANPTypeface* (*getTypeface)(const ANPPaint*);
/** Set the paint's typeface. If the paint already had a non-null typeface,
its owner count is decremented. If the new typeface is non-null, its
owner count is incremented.
void (*setTypeface)(ANPPaint*, ANPTypeface*);
/** Return the width of the text. If bounds is not null, return the bounds
of the text in that rectangle.
float (*measureText)(ANPPaint*, const void* text, uint32_t byteLength,
ANPRectF* bounds);
/** Return the number of unichars specifed by the text.
If widths is not null, returns the array of advance widths for each
If bounds is not null, returns the array of bounds for each unichar.
int (*getTextWidths)(ANPPaint*, const void* text, uint32_t byteLength,
float widths[], ANPRectF bounds[]);
/** Return in metrics the spacing values for text, respecting the paint's
typeface and pointsize, and return the spacing between lines
(descent - ascent + leading). If metrics is NULL, it will be ignored.
float (*getFontMetrics)(ANPPaint*, ANPFontMetrics* metrics);
struct ANPCanvasInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
/* Return a canvas that will draw into the specified bitmap. Note: the
canvas copies the fields of the bitmap, so it need not persist after
this call, but the canvas DOES point to the same pixel memory that the
bitmap did, so the canvas should not be used after that pixel memory
goes out of scope. In the case of creating a canvas to draw into the
pixels provided by kDraw_ANPEventType, those pixels are only while
handling that event.
The canvas that is returned is not tied to any particular plugin
instance, but it must only be accessed from one thread at a time.
ANPCanvas* (*newCanvas)(const ANPBitmap*);
void (*deleteCanvas)(ANPCanvas*);
void (*save)(ANPCanvas*);
void (*restore)(ANPCanvas*);
void (*translate)(ANPCanvas*, float tx, float ty);
void (*scale)(ANPCanvas*, float sx, float sy);
void (*rotate)(ANPCanvas*, float degrees);
void (*skew)(ANPCanvas*, float kx, float ky);
void (*concat)(ANPCanvas*, const ANPMatrix*);
void (*clipRect)(ANPCanvas*, const ANPRectF*);
void (*clipPath)(ANPCanvas*, const ANPPath*);
/* Return the current matrix on the canvas
void (*getTotalMatrix)(ANPCanvas*, ANPMatrix*);
/* Return the current clip bounds in local coordinates, expanding it to
account for antialiasing edge effects if aa is true. If the
current clip is empty, return false and ignore the bounds argument.
bool (*getLocalClipBounds)(ANPCanvas*, ANPRectF* bounds, bool aa);
/* Return the current clip bounds in device coordinates in bounds. If the
current clip is empty, return false and ignore the bounds argument.
bool (*getDeviceClipBounds)(ANPCanvas*, ANPRectI* bounds);
void (*drawColor)(ANPCanvas*, ANPColor);
void (*drawPaint)(ANPCanvas*, const ANPPaint*);
void (*drawLine)(ANPCanvas*, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1,
const ANPPaint*);
void (*drawRect)(ANPCanvas*, const ANPRectF*, const ANPPaint*);
void (*drawOval)(ANPCanvas*, const ANPRectF*, const ANPPaint*);
void (*drawPath)(ANPCanvas*, const ANPPath*, const ANPPaint*);
void (*drawText)(ANPCanvas*, const void* text, uint32_t byteLength,
float x, float y, const ANPPaint*);
void (*drawPosText)(ANPCanvas*, const void* text, uint32_t byteLength,
const float xy[], const ANPPaint*);
void (*drawBitmap)(ANPCanvas*, const ANPBitmap*, float x, float y,
const ANPPaint*);
void (*drawBitmapRect)(ANPCanvas*, const ANPBitmap*,
const ANPRectI* src, const ANPRectF* dst,
const ANPPaint*);
struct ANPWindowInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
/** Given the window field from the NPWindow struct, and an optional rect
describing the subset of the window that will be drawn to (may be null)
return true if the bitmap for that window can be accessed, and if so,
fill out the specified ANPBitmap to point to the window's pixels.
When drawing is complete, call unlock(window)
bool (*lockRect)(void* window, const ANPRectI* inval, ANPBitmap*);
/** The same as lockRect, but takes a region instead of a rect to specify
the area that will be changed/drawn.
bool (*lockRegion)(void* window, const ANPRegion* inval, ANPBitmap*);
/** Given a successful call to lock(window, inval, &bitmap), call unlock
to release access to the pixels, and allow the browser to display the
results. If lock returned false, unlock should not be called.
void (*unlock)(void* window);
enum ANPSampleFormats {
kUnknown_ANPSamleFormat = 0,
kPCM16Bit_ANPSampleFormat = 1,
kPCM8Bit_ANPSampleFormat = 2
typedef int32_t ANPSampleFormat;
/** The audio buffer is passed to the callback proc to request more samples.
It is owned by the system, and the callback may read it, but should not
maintain a pointer to it outside of the scope of the callback proc.
struct ANPAudioBuffer {
// RO - repeat what was specified in newTrack()
int32_t channelCount;
// RO - repeat what was specified in newTrack()
ANPSampleFormat format;
/** This buffer is owned by the caller. Inside the callback proc, up to
"size" bytes of sample data should be written into this buffer. The
address is only valid for the scope of a single invocation of the
callback proc.
void* bufferData;
/** On input, specifies the maximum number of bytes that can be written
to "bufferData". On output, specifies the actual number of bytes that
the callback proc wrote into "bufferData".
uint32_t size;
enum ANPAudioEvents {
/** This event is passed to the callback proc when the audio-track needs
more sample data written to the provided buffer parameter.
kMoreData_ANPAudioEvent = 0,
/** This event is passed to the callback proc if the audio system runs out
of sample data. In this event, no buffer parameter will be specified
(i.e. NULL will be passed to the 3rd parameter).
kUnderRun_ANPAudioEvent = 1
typedef int32_t ANPAudioEvent;
/** Called to feed sample data to the track. This will be called in a separate
thread. However, you may call trackStop() from the callback (but you
cannot delete the track).
For example, when you have written the last chunk of sample data, you can
immediately call trackStop(). This will take effect after the current
buffer has been played.
The "user" parameter is the same value that was passed to newTrack()
typedef void (*ANPAudioCallbackProc)(ANPAudioEvent event, void* user,
ANPAudioBuffer* buffer);
struct ANPAudioTrack; // abstract type for audio tracks
struct ANPAudioTrackInterfaceV0 : ANPInterface {
/* Create a new audio track, or NULL on failure.
ANPAudioTrack* (*newTrack)(uint32_t sampleRate, // sampling rate in Hz
int channelCount, // MONO=1, STEREO=2
void* user);
void (*deleteTrack)(ANPAudioTrack*);
void (*start)(ANPAudioTrack*);
void (*pause)(ANPAudioTrack*);
void (*stop)(ANPAudioTrack*);
/** Returns true if the track is not playing (e.g. pause or stop was called,
or start was never called.
bool (*isStopped)(ANPAudioTrack*);
// HandleEvent
enum ANPEventTypes {
kNull_ANPEventType = 0,
kKey_ANPEventType = 1,
kTouch_ANPEventType = 2,
kDraw_ANPEventType = 3,
kLifecycle_ANPEventType = 4
typedef int32_t ANPEventType;
enum ANPKeyActions {
kDown_ANPKeyAction = 0,
kUp_ANPKeyAction = 1,
typedef int32_t ANPKeyAction;
#include "ANPKeyCodes.h"
typedef int32_t ANPKeyCode;
enum ANPKeyModifiers {
kAlt_ANPKeyModifier = 1 << 0,
kShift_ANPKeyModifier = 1 << 1,
// bit-field containing some number of ANPKeyModifier bits
typedef uint32_t ANPKeyModifier;
enum ANPTouchActions {
kDown_ANPTouchAction = 0,
kUp_ANPTouchAction = 1,
typedef int32_t ANPTouchAction;
enum ANPLifecycleActions {
kPause_ANPLifecycleAction = 0,
kResume_ANPLifecycleAction = 1,
kGainFocus_ANPLifecycleAction = 2,
kLooseFocus_ANPLifecycleAction = 3,
typedef uint32_t ANPLifecycleAction;
/* This is what is passed to NPP_HandleEvent() */
struct ANPEvent {
uint32_t inSize; // size of this struct in bytes
ANPEventType eventType;
// use based on the value in eventType
union {
struct {
ANPKeyAction action;
ANPKeyCode nativeCode;
int32_t virtualCode; // windows virtual key code
ANPKeyModifier modifiers;
int32_t repeatCount; // 0 for initial down (or up)
int32_t unichar; // 0 if there is no value
} key;
struct {
ANPTouchAction action;
ANPKeyModifier modifiers;
int32_t x; // relative to your "window" (0...width)
int32_t y; // relative to your "window" (0...height)
} touch;
struct {
ANPLifecycleAction action;
} lifecycle;
struct {
ANPDrawingModel model;
// relative to (0,0) in top-left of your plugin
ANPRectI clip;
// use based on the value in model
union {
ANPBitmap bitmap;
} data;
} draw;
int32_t other[8];
} data;