blob: d0e727e228e265194a120845d8a0196917fb3d8d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
import vogar.Classpath;
import vogar.Dexer;
import vogar.HostFileCache;
import vogar.Language;
import vogar.Log;
import vogar.Md5Cache;
import vogar.ModeId;
import vogar.commands.Command;
import vogar.commands.Mkdir;
import vogar.util.Strings;
* Android SDK commands such as adb, aapt and dx.
public class AndroidSdk {
private final Log log;
private final Mkdir mkdir;
private final File[] compilationClasspath;
private final String androidJarPath;
private final String desugarJarPath;
private final Md5Cache dexCache;
private final Language language;
public static Collection<File> defaultExpectations() {
return Collections.singletonList(new File("libcore/expectations/knownfailures.txt"));
* Create an {@link AndroidSdk}.
* <p>Searches the PATH used to run this and scans the file system in order to determine the
* compilation class path and android jar path.
public static AndroidSdk createAndroidSdk(
Log log, Mkdir mkdir, ModeId modeId, boolean useJack, Language language) {
List<String> path = new Command.Builder(log).args("which", "dx")
if (path.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("dx not found");
File dx = new File(path.get(0)).getAbsoluteFile();
String parentFileName = getParentFileNOrLast(dx, 1).getName();
List<String> adbPath = new Command.Builder(log)
.args("which", "adb")
File adb;
if (!adbPath.isEmpty()) {
adb = new File(adbPath.get(0));
} else {
adb = null; // Could not find adb.
* Determine if we are running with a provided SDK or in the AOSP source tree.
* On Android SDK v23 (Marshmallow) the structure looks like:
* <sdk>/build-tools/23.0.1/aapt
* <sdk>/platform-tools/adb
* <sdk>/build-tools/23.0.1/dx
* <sdk>/platforms/android-23/android.jar
* Android build tree (target):
* ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/aapt
* ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/adb
* ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/dx
* ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/desugar.jar
* ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core-libart_intermediates
* /classes.jar
File[] compilationClasspath;
String androidJarPath;
String desugarJarPath = null;
// Accept that we are running in an SDK if the user has added the build-tools or
// platform-tools to their path.
boolean dxSdkPathValid = "build-tools".equals(getParentFileNOrLast(dx, 2).getName());
boolean isAdbPathValid = (adb != null) &&
"platform-tools".equals(getParentFileNOrLast(adb, 1).getName());
if (dxSdkPathValid || isAdbPathValid) {
File sdkRoot = dxSdkPathValid ? getParentFileNOrLast(dx, 3) // if dx path invalid then
: getParentFileNOrLast(adb, 2); // adb must be valid.
File newestPlatform = getNewestPlatform(sdkRoot);
log.verbose("Using android platform: " + newestPlatform);
compilationClasspath = new File[] { new File(newestPlatform, "android.jar") };
androidJarPath = new File(newestPlatform.getAbsolutePath(), "android.jar")
log.verbose("using android sdk: " + sdkRoot);
if (!useJack) {
// There must be a desugar.jar in the same directory as dx.
String dxParentFileName = getParentFileNOrLast(dx, 1).getName();
desugarJarPath = dxParentFileName + "/desugar.jar";
File desugarJarFile = new File(desugarJarPath);
if (!desugarJarFile.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find " + desugarJarPath);
} else if ("bin".equals(parentFileName)) {
log.verbose("Using android source build mode to find dependencies.");
String tmpJarPath = "prebuilts/sdk/current/android.jar";
String androidBuildTop = System.getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP");
if (! {
tmpJarPath = androidBuildTop + "/prebuilts/sdk/current/android.jar";
} else {
log.warn("Assuming current directory is android build tree root.");
androidJarPath = tmpJarPath;
String outDir = System.getenv("OUT_DIR");
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(outDir)) {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(androidBuildTop)) {
outDir = ".";
log.warn("Assuming we are in android build tree root to find libraries.");
} else {
log.verbose("Using ANDROID_BUILD_TOP to find built libraries.");
outDir = androidBuildTop;
outDir += "/out/";
} else {
log.verbose("Using OUT_DIR environment variable for finding built libs.");
outDir += "/";
String hostOutDir = System.getenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT");
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(hostOutDir)) {
log.verbose("Using ANDROID_HOST_OUT to find host libraries.");
} else {
// Handle the case where lunch hasn't been run. Guess the architecture.
log.warn("ANDROID_HOST_OUT not set. Assuming linux-x86");
hostOutDir = outDir + "/host/linux-x86";
if (!useJack) {
String desugarPattern = hostOutDir + "/framework/desugar.jar";
File desugarJar = new File(desugarPattern);
if (!desugarJar.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find " + desugarPattern);
desugarJarPath = desugarJar.getPath();
String pattern = outDir + "target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/%s_intermediates/classes";
if (modeId.isHost()) {
pattern = outDir + "host/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/%s_intermediates/classes";
pattern += ((useJack) ? ".jack" : ".jar");
String[] jarNames = modeId.getJarNames();
compilationClasspath = new File[jarNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < jarNames.length; i++) {
String jar = jarNames[i];
compilationClasspath[i] = new File(String.format(pattern, jar));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't derive Android home from " + dx);
return new AndroidSdk(log, mkdir, compilationClasspath, androidJarPath, desugarJarPath,
new HostFileCache(log, mkdir), language);
AndroidSdk(Log log, Mkdir mkdir, File[] compilationClasspath, String androidJarPath,
String desugarJarPath, HostFileCache hostFileCache, Language language) {
this.log = log;
this.mkdir = mkdir;
this.compilationClasspath = compilationClasspath;
this.androidJarPath = androidJarPath;
this.desugarJarPath = desugarJarPath;
this.dexCache = new Md5Cache(log, "dex", hostFileCache);
this.language = language;
// Goes up N levels in the filesystem hierarchy. Return the last file that exists if this goes
// past /.
private static File getParentFileNOrLast(File f, int n) {
File lastKnownExists = f;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
File parentFile = lastKnownExists.getParentFile();
if (parentFile == null) {
return lastKnownExists;
lastKnownExists = parentFile;
return lastKnownExists;
* Returns the platform directory that has the highest API version. API
* platform directories are named like "android-9" or "android-11".
private static File getNewestPlatform(File sdkRoot) {
File newestPlatform = null;
int newestPlatformVersion = 0;
File[] platforms = new File(sdkRoot, "platforms").listFiles();
if (platforms != null) {
for (File platform : platforms) {
try {
int version =
if (version > newestPlatformVersion) {
newestPlatform = platform;
newestPlatformVersion = version;
} catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {
// Ignore non-numeric preview versions like android-Honeycomb
if (newestPlatform == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find newest platform in " + sdkRoot);
return newestPlatform;
public static Collection<File> defaultSourcePath() {
return filterNonExistentPathsFrom("libcore/support/src/test/java",
private static Collection<File> filterNonExistentPathsFrom(String... paths) {
ArrayList<File> result = new ArrayList<File>();
String buildRoot = System.getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP");
for (String path : paths) {
File file = new File(buildRoot, path);
if (file.exists()) {
return result;
public File[] getCompilationClasspath() {
return compilationClasspath;
* Converts all the .class files on 'classpath' into a dex file written to 'output'.
* @param multidex could the output be more than 1 dex file?
* @param output the File for the classes.dex that will be generated as a result of this call.
* @param outputTempDir a temporary directory which can store intermediate files generated.
* @param classpath a list of files/directories containing .class files that are
* merged together and converted into the output (dex) file.
* @param dependentCp classes that are referenced in classpath but are not themselves on the
* classpath must be listed in dependentCp, this is required to be able
* resolve all class dependencies. The classes in dependentCp are <i>not</i>
* included in the output dex file.
* @param dexer Which dex tool to use
public void dex(boolean multidex, File output, File outputTempDir,
Classpath classpath, Classpath dependentCp, Dexer dexer) {
String classpathSubKey = dexCache.makeKey(classpath);
String cacheKey = null;
if (classpathSubKey != null) {
String multidexSubKey = "mdex=" + multidex;
cacheKey = dexCache.makeKey(classpathSubKey, multidexSubKey);
boolean cacheHit = dexCache.getFromCache(output, cacheKey);
if (cacheHit) {
log.verbose("dex cache hit for " + classpath);
// Call desugar first to remove invoke-dynamic LambdaMetaFactory usage,
// which ART doesn't support.
List<String> desugarOutputFilePaths = desugar(outputTempDir, classpath, dependentCp);
* We pass --core-library so that we can write tests in the
* same package they're testing, even when that's a core
* library package. If you're actually just using this tool to
* execute arbitrary code, this has the unfortunate
* side-effect of preventing "dx" from protecting you from
* yourself.
* Memory options pulled from build/core/ to
* handle large dx input when building dex for APK.
Command.Builder builder = new Command.Builder(log);
switch (dexer) {
case DX:
case D8:
.args("--min-sdk-version=" + language.getMinApiLevel());
if (multidex) {
.args("--output=" + output)
if (dexer == Dexer.D8 && output.toString().endsWith(".jar")) {
try {
fixD8JarOutput(output, desugarOutputFilePaths);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while fixing d8 output", e);
dexCache.insert(cacheKey, output);
* Jar files generated by d8 contain only dex files, dx generated jar files contain all other
* resources present in input files. This method merges contents of output jar with any non-class
* files present in input jars.
private void fixD8JarOutput(File output, List<String> inputs) throws IOException {
// JarOutputStream is not keen on appending entries to existing file.
// In order to append to output jar, let's make a copy of it and use it
// as one of its sources.
File outputCopy = new File(output.toString() + ".copy");
inputs = new ArrayList<>(inputs);
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
try (JarOutputStream outputJar = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(output))) {
for (String input : inputs) {
try (JarInputStream inputJar = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(input))) {
for (JarEntry entry = inputJar.getNextJarEntry();
entry != null;
entry = inputJar.getNextJarEntry()) {
if (entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) {
int length;
while ((length = >= 0) {
if (length > 0) {
outputJar.write(buffer, 0, length);
} finally {
// Runs desugar on classpath as the input with dependentCp as the classpath_entry.
// Returns the generated output list of files.
private List<String> desugar(File outputTempDir, Classpath classpath, Classpath dependentCp) {
Command.Builder builder = new Command.Builder(log)
.args("java", "-jar", desugarJarPath);
// Ensure that libcore is on the bootclasspath for desugar,
// otherwise it tries to use the java command's bootclasspath.
for (File f : compilationClasspath) {
builder.args("--bootclasspath_entry", f.getPath());
// Desugar needs to actively resolve classes that the original inputs
// were compiled against. Dx does not; so it doesn't use dependentCp.
for (File f : dependentCp.getElements()) {
builder.args("--classpath_entry", f.getPath());
.args("--min_sdk_version", language.getMinApiLevel());
// Build the -i (input) and -o (output) arguments.
// Every input from classpath corresponds to a new output temp file into
// desugarTempDir.
File desugarTempDir;
// Generate a temporary list of files that correspond to the 'classpath';
// desugar will then convert the files in 'classpath' into 'desugarClasspath'.
if (!outputTempDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new AssertionError(
"outputTempDir must be a directory: " + outputTempDir.getPath());
String desugarTempDirPath = outputTempDir.getPath() + "/desugar";
desugarTempDir = new File(desugarTempDirPath);
if (!desugarTempDir.exists()) {
throw new AssertionError(
"desugarTempDir; failed to create " + desugarTempDirPath);
// Create unique file names to support non-unique classpath base names.
// For example:
// Classpath("/x/y.jar:/z/y.jar:/a/b.jar") ->
// Output Files("${tmp}/0y.jar:${tmp}/1y.jar:${tmp}/2b.jar")
int uniqueCounter = 0;
List<String> desugarOutputFilePaths = new ArrayList<String>();
for (File desugarInput : classpath.getElements()) {
String tmpName = uniqueCounter + desugarInput.getName();
String desugarOutputPath = desugarTempDir.getPath() + "/" + tmpName;
builder.args("-i", desugarInput.getPath())
.args("-o", desugarOutputPath);
return desugarOutputFilePaths;
public void packageApk(File apk, File manifest) {
new Command(log, "aapt",
"-F", apk.getPath(),
"-M", manifest.getPath(),
"-I", androidJarPath,
"--version-name", "1.0",
"--version-code", "1").execute();
public void addToApk(File apk, File dex) {
new Command(log, "aapt", "add", "-k", apk.getPath(), dex.getPath()).execute();
public void install(File apk) {
new Command(log, "adb", "install", "-r", apk.getPath()).execute();
public void uninstall(String packageName) {
new Command.Builder(log)
.args("adb", "uninstall", packageName)