blob: 18cc1661b5f79446fd767805f44a9d57b6ef9cd0 [file] [log] [blame]
Bugs reported after Thu Sep 19 10:34:49 CEST 2013
For bugs reported before this time, see 3_8_BUGSTATUS.txt
=== VEX/amd64 ==========================================================
325328 __float128 loses precision under memcheck
== 197915
326821 Double overflow/underflow handling broken (after exp())
327285 amd64->IR: 0x8F 0xEA 0xF8 0x10 0xCE 0x3 0x1D 0x0
== 323431 (probably amd specific, vpcmov)
328357 amd64->IR: 0x8F 0xEA 0xF8 0x10 0xEF 0x3 0x5 0x0 (amd XOP pfx)
329245 amd64->IR: 0x48 0xF 0x5A 0x7 (rex.W cvtps2pd (%rdi),%xmm0)
330319 amd64->IR: 0xF 0x1 0xD5 0x31 0xC0 0xC3 0x48 0x8D (xend)
330590 Missing support for multiple VEX CMP instruction Opcodes (Causes SIGILL)
330808 Crash with Intel IPP samples (MMX related assertion)
=== VEX/arm ============================================================
329963 Half precision floating point conversion on ARM is not supported
330349 Endless loop happen when using lackey with --trace-mem=yes on ARM
331178 disInstr(arm): unhandled instruction: 0xEE190F1D (read PMCCNTR)
== 328423
=== VEX/arm64 ==========================================================
335440 arm64: ld1 (single structure) is not implemented
335554 arm64: unhanded instruction: abs
335564 arm64: unhandled instruction fcvtpu Xn, Sn
=== VEX/x86 ============================================================
333625 Program under valgrind calculates complex exp() wrongly
=== VEX/mips ===========================================================
328147 vex mips->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xE
=== VEX/ppc ============================================================
334384 Valgrind does not have support Little Endian support for
=== VEX general ========================================================
330887 doRegisterAllocation performance improvements
=== Syscalls/ioctls ====================================================
330594 Missing sysalls on PowerPC / uClibc
331311 Valgrind shows open files in /proc/self/fd that don't
work for the process
Probable wontfix
333434 In some weird corner case Valgrind cannot execute
executable files symlinked by /proc/self/fd (related to 331311?)
333051 handling hugepages (is largely broken)
=== Debuginfo reader ===================================================
327427 ifunc wrapper crashes when symbols are discarded because of false mmap
328454 add support Backtraces with ARM unwind tables (EXIDX) (wishlist)
328468 unwind x86/amd64 gcc <= 4.4 compiled code does not unwind properly
at "ret" instruction
328559 Some back trace generation (from mmap function) problem on ARM
330321 Serious error when reading debug info:
DW_AT_signature 9b d0 55 13 bb 1e e9 37
333175 dwarf3 reader problems with Fortran
=== Tools/Memcheck =====================================================
329619 leak-check gets assertion failure when nesting VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK
330617 ppc false positive conditional jump depends on uninitialised value
331833 the memory initialized by semget(key, 0, GETALL, semun)
is treated as uninitialized on some platforms
331550 Detect the potential of mis-malloc/free in different libraries
333775 Wishlist: Have valgrind (memcheck) only check memory
alloc/free traces
=== Tools/DRD ==========================================================
333072 DRD: semaphore annotations
=== Tools/Helgrind =====================================================
325333 VALGRIND_HG_DISABLE_CHECKING does not seem to work locally
probably invalid
327548 Helgrind: false positive while destroying mutex
327881 Helgrind: False Positive Warning on std::atomic_bool
=== Tools/SGCheck ======================================================
332577 exp-sgcheck: sg_main.c:560 (add_blocks_to_StackTree):
Assertion '!already_present' failed.
332591 False positive: invalid read in vfprintf (KNOWN BUG)
=== Tools/Massif =======================================================
=== Tools/Cachegrind ===================================================
333501 [cachegrind - 3.9] LL cache configuration not supported:
Cache set count is not a power of two.
=== other/mips =========================================================
325538 cavim octeon mips64, valgrind reported "dumping core" and
"Assertion 'sizeof(*regs) == sizeof(prs->pr_reg)' failed.
QUERIED, maybe closable
328441 valgrind_3.9.0 failed to compile in mips32
Error: illegal operands `cfc1 $t0,$31'
331126 Compiling with mipsbe toolchain
331314 [MIPS]Valgrind crash just after startup
334649 Cavium Octeon 2 MIPS64: valgrind is up but assert
"rtld.c: 1257: dl_main: Assertion
'_rtld_local._dl_rtld_map.l_relocated' failed" and exits
=== other/arm ==========================================================
327583 libpixman error on ARM system (memcheck false +)
331033 valgrind crashes on arm-linux while running an executable (ARM TLS?)
=== other/s390 =========================================================
327943 s390x missing index/strchr suppression for (bad backtrace?)
=== other/MacOS ========================================================
326724 Valgrind does not compile on OSX 1.9 Mavericks
326797 Assertion 'sizeof(UWord) == sizeof(UInt)' failed.
327745 valgrind 3.9.0 build fails on Mac OS X 10.6.8
333248 WARNING: unhandled syscall: unix:443
=== GDB server =========================================================
328081 embedded gdbserver and non-stop mode (wishlist)
=== Output =============================================================
328563 make track-fds support xml output
=== MPI ================================================================
330147 libmpiwrap: byte count from PMPI_Get_count should be made defined
=== Documentation ======================================================
332060 Please document how best to use massif with libgc
332917 Valgrind should warn the user that SSE4 is not supported
in the 32-bit mode
=== Uncategorised ======================================================
326487 child of debugged process exits without becoming zombie
327665 out of memory error
328721 MSVC 2008 compiler warns about while(0) in warning level 4
330293 Please add a AppData application description (Valkyrie)
333628 Out of tree build
== 256174
334110 Why install internal headers/libraries/.pc file?
333628 Out of tree build (is fixed, but needs to land)
335143 Capabilities not supported
197259 (wine) Unsupported arch_prtctl option
334665 vex x86->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0xC4 0xE2 0x73 0xF7
334802 valgrind does not always explain why a given option is bad
334834 PPC64 Little Endian support, patch 2
334836 PPC64 Little Endian support, patch 3 testcase fixes
335353 expected output of exp-sgcheck/tests/hackedbz2 mismatch with gcc 4.8.1
249435 Analyzing wine programs with callgrind triggers a crash (NEEDS CLOSE)
335563 wine's kernel32/thread test fails under valgrind
335618 arm(thumb): unhanded instruction: mov.w rN, pc/sp
335629 Compile error
31 May 2014
335713 arm64: unhanded instruction: prfm (immediate)
335735 arm64: unhanded instruction: cnt
335736 arm64: unhanded instruction: uaddlv
335785 vex amd64->IR: 0xC4 0xE2 0x75 0x2F 0xAC 0x18 0x40 0x7 (vmovupd)
335848 arm64: unhanded instruction: {s,u}cvtf
335902 arm64: unhanded instruction: sli
335903 arm64: unhanded instruction: umull (vector)
335907 segfault when running wine's ddrawex/tests/surface.c under valgrind
Tues 10 June
336055 arm64: unhanded instruction: mov (element)
336062 arm64: unhanded instruction: shrn{,2}
336103 __NR_exit_group syscall causes illegal instruction on old
linux kernel
336139 Upon memory check, valgrind hangs and spins on a single
core, also fails to detect memory leaks.
336189 Unhandled Instruction : mvn
336393 Implement new user request to get redzone size
336435 Valgrind hangs in pthread_spin_lock consuming 100% CPU
336577 Auto-detected LL cache configuration not supported: Cache
set count is not a power of two
336619 valgrind --read-var-info=yes doesn't handle DW_TAG_restrict_type
336768 vex mips->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x3B 0xE8 0x3 0xEC
336772 moans about unknown ioctls should be more helpful
336921 the command 'valgrind ls' results in the error "error
writing 40 bytes to shared mem /tmp/..."
336957 Add Solaris/illumos to the list of supported platforms
336976 Invalid XML output when tracing into child processes
337094 ifunc wrapper is broken on ppc64
337285 fcntl commands F_OFD_SETLK, F_OFD_SETLKW
and F_OFD_GETLK not supported
337371 disInstr_AMD64: disInstr miscalculated next %rip
337388 fcntl works on Valgrind's own file descriptors
337475 Add BMI2 instructions for 32-bit x86
337528 [PATCH] Memcheck: Add leak check heuristic for array
prefixed by length as 64bit number
337716 False positive for openat system call with absolute paths
337735 Helgrind does not know pthread_once is a memory barrier
337740 Implement additional Xen hypercalls
337762 vex: priv/guest_arm64_toIR.c:4166 (dis_ARM64_load_store):
Assertion `0' failed.
337766 WARNING: unhandled syscall: 230 & WARNING: unhandled
syscall: 228
337794 memcheck: stack overflow segv message should show callstack
337812 Invalid stack behavior in a function that contains only a
client request
337869 Eliminate fixed size buffers
337871 deprecate --db-attach=yes in favor of --vgdb-debug=1
338023 Add support for all V4L2/media ioctls
338024 inlined functions are not shown if DW_AT_ranges is used
338095 Not able to run Valgrind on Power Architecture PPC Linux.
338106 Add support for 'kcmp' syscall
338115 DRD: computed conflict set differs from actual after fork
338141 Cachegrind's Cycle Estimation is very different from the
free run
338160 implement display of thread local storage in gdbsrv
338166 Valgrind doesn't detect leaks when I allocate with mmap or sbrk
338205 and check for -Wno-tautological-compare
338252 CFLAGS="-flto" and VEX/pub/libvex_guest_offsets.h
338300 coredumps are missing one bytes of every segment
338365 New client request to fetch valgrind version
338393 vex amd64->IR: 0x6E 0xD8 0x48 0x89 0xE5 0x41 0x55 0xC4
338445 amd64 vbit-test fails with unknown opcodes used by arm64 VEX
324050 Helgrind: SEGV because of unaligned stack when using movdqa
22 August 2014