blob: e60c3e3ab1d2982d318aab633e36175ee35e6f18 [file] [log] [blame]
* 32bit build:
gcc -Winline -Wall -g -O -mregnames -maltivec
* 64bit build:
gcc -Winline -Wall -g -O -mregnames -maltivec -m64
* jm_insns_isa_2_07.c:
* PPC tests for the ISA 2.07. This file is based on the
* jm-insns.c file for the new instructions in the ISA 2.07. The
* test structure has been kept the same as the original file to
* the extent possible.
* Copyright (C) 2013 IBM
* Authors: Carl Love <>
* Maynard Johnson <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Operation details
* -----------------
* The 'loops' (e.g. int_loops) do the actual work:
* - loops over as many arguments as the insn needs (regs | imms)
* - sets up the environment (reset cr,xer, assign src regs...)
* - maybe modifies the asm instn to test different imm args
* - calls the test function
* - retrieves relevant register data (rD,cr,xer,...)
* - prints argument and result data.
* More specifically...
* all_tests[i] holds insn tests
* - of which each holds: {instn_test_arr[], description, flags}
* flags hold 3 instn classifiers: {family, type, arg_type}
* // The main test loop:
* do_tests( user_ctl_flags ) {
* foreach(curr_test = all_test[i]) {
* // flags are used to control what tests are run:
* if (curr_test->flags && !user_ctl_flags)
* continue;
* // a 'loop_family_arr' is chosen based on the 'family' flag...
* switch(curr_test->flags->family) {
* case x: loop_family_arr = int_loops;
* ...
* }
* // ...and the actual test_loop to run is found by indexing into
* // the loop_family_arr with the 'arg_type' flag:
* test_loop = loop_family[curr_test->flags->arg_type]
* // finally, loop over all instn tests for this test:
* foreach (instn_test = curr_test->instn_test_arr[i]) {
* // and call the test_loop with the current instn_test function,name
* test_loop( instn_test->func, instn_test->name )
* }
* }
* }
/* Uncomment to enable output of CR flags for float tests */
/* Uncomment to enable debug output */
//#define DEBUG_FILTER
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef HAS_ISA_2_07
#include "config.h"
#include <altivec.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h> // isspace
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h> // getopt
#if !defined (__TEST_PPC_H__)
#define __TEST_PPC_H__
#include "tests/sys_mman.h"
#include "tests/malloc.h" // memalign16
#define STATIC_ASSERT(e) sizeof(struct { int:-!(e); })
/* Something of the same size as void*, so can be safely be coerced
* to/from a pointer type. Also same size as the host's gp registers.
* According to the AltiVec section of the GCC manual, the syntax does
* not allow the use of a typedef name as a type specifier in conjunction
* with the vector keyword, so typedefs uint[32|64]_t are #undef'ed here
* and redefined using #define.
#undef uint32_t
#undef uint64_t
#define uint32_t unsigned int
#define uint64_t unsigned long long int
#ifndef __powerpc64__
typedef uint32_t HWord_t;
#define ZERO 0
typedef uint64_t HWord_t;
#define ZERO 0ULL
#endif /* __powerpc64__ */
typedef uint64_t Word_t;
enum {
compile_time_test1 = STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint32_t) == 4),
compile_time_test2 = STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint64_t) == 8),
#define ALLCR "cr0","cr1","cr2","cr3","cr4","cr5","cr6","cr7"
#define SET_CR(_arg) \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mtcr %0" : : "b"(_arg) : ALLCR );
#define SET_XER(_arg) \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mtxer %0" : : "b"(_arg) : "xer" );
#define GET_CR(_lval) \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mfcr %0" : "=b"(_lval) )
#define GET_XER(_lval) \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mfxer %0" : "=b"(_lval) )
#define GET_CR_XER(_lval_cr,_lval_xer) \
do { GET_CR(_lval_cr); GET_XER(_lval_xer); } while (0)
#define SET_CR_ZERO \
#define SET_XER_ZERO \
#define SET_CR_XER_ZERO \
do { SET_CR_ZERO; SET_XER_ZERO; } while (0)
#define SET_FPSCR_ZERO \
do { double _d = 0.0; \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mtfsf 0xFF, %0" : : "f"(_d) ); \
} while (0)
#define DEFAULT_VSCR 0x0
static vector unsigned long long vec_out, vec_inA, vec_inB;
/* XXXX these must all be callee-save regs! */
register double f14 __asm__ ("fr14");
register double f15 __asm__ ("fr15");
register double f16 __asm__ ("fr16");
register double f17 __asm__ ("fr17");
register HWord_t r14 __asm__ ("r14");
register HWord_t r15 __asm__ ("r15");
register HWord_t r16 __asm__ ("r16");
register HWord_t r17 __asm__ ("r17");
typedef void (*test_func_t) (void);
typedef struct _test test_t;
typedef struct _test_table test_table_t;
struct _test {
test_func_t func;
const char *name;
struct _test_table {
test_t *tests;
const char *name;
uint32_t flags;
typedef void (*test_loop_t) (const char *name, test_func_t func,
uint32_t flags);
enum test_flags {
/* Nb arguments */
PPC_ONE_ARG = 0x00000001,
PPC_TWO_ARGS = 0x00000002,
PPC_THREE_ARGS = 0x00000003,
PPC_CMP_ARGS = 0x00000004, // family: compare
PPC_CMPI_ARGS = 0x00000005, // family: compare
PPC_TWO_I16 = 0x00000006, // family: arith/logical
PPC_SPECIAL = 0x00000007, // family: logical
PPC_LD_ARGS = 0x00000008, // family: ldst
PPC_LDX_ARGS = 0x00000009, // family: ldst
PPC_ST_ARGS = 0x0000000A, // family: ldst
PPC_STX_ARGS = 0x0000000B, // family: ldst
PPC_STQ_ARGS = 0x0000000C, // family: ldst, two args, imm
PPC_LDQ_ARGS = 0x0000000D, // family: ldst, two args, imm
PPC_STQX_ARGS = 0x0000000E, // family: ldst, three args
PPC_LDQX_ARGS = 0x0000000F, // family: ldst, three_args
PPC_NB_ARGS = 0x0000000F,
/* Type */
PPC_ARITH = 0x00000100,
PPC_LOGICAL = 0x00000200,
PPC_COMPARE = 0x00000300,
PPC_CROP = 0x00000400,
PPC_LDST = 0x00000500,
PPC_POPCNT = 0x00000600,
PPC_MOV = 0x00000A00,
PPC_TYPE = 0x00000F00,
/* Family */
PPC_INTEGER = 0x00010000,
PPC_FLOAT = 0x00020000,
PPC_405 = 0x00030000, // Leave so we keep numbering consistent
PPC_ALTIVEC = 0x00040000,
PPC_FALTIVEC = 0x00050000,
PPC_FAMILY = 0x000F0000,
/* Flags: these may be combined, so use separate bitfields. */
PPC_CR = 0x01000000,
PPC_XER_CA = 0x02000000,
#endif /* !defined (__TEST_PPC_H__) */
/* -------------- END #include "test-ppc.h" -------------- */
#if defined (DEBUG_ARGS_BUILD)
#define AB_DPRINTF(fmt, args...) do { fprintf(stderr, fmt , ##args); } while (0)
#define AB_DPRINTF(fmt, args...) do { } while (0)
#if defined (DEBUG_FILTER)
#define FDPRINTF(fmt, args...) do { fprintf(stderr, fmt , ##args); } while (0)
#define FDPRINTF(fmt, args...) do { } while (0)
#define unused __attribute__ (( unused ))
typedef struct special {
const char *name;
void (*test_cb)(const char* name, test_func_t func,
unused uint32_t test_flags);
} special_t;
static void test_stq(void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("stq %0, 0(%1)" : :"r" (r14), "r" (r16));
static test_t tests_istq_ops_two_i16[] = {
{ &test_stq , "stq", },
{ NULL, NULL, },
static void test_lq(void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("lq %0, 0(%1)" : :"r" (r14), "r" (r16));
static test_t tests_ildq_ops_two_i16[] = {
{ &test_lq , "lq", },
{ NULL, NULL, },
Word_t * mem_resv;
static void test_stqcx(void)
/* Have to do the lqarx to the memory address to create the reservation
* or the store will not occur.
__asm__ __volatile__ ("lqarx %0, %1, %2" : :"r" (r14), "r" (r16),"r" (r17));
r14 = (HWord_t) 0xABEFCD0145236789ULL;
r15 = (HWord_t) 0x1155337744226688ULL;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("stqcx. %0, %1, %2" : :"r" (r14), "r" (r16),"r" (r17));
static test_t tests_stq_ops_three[] = {
{ &test_stqcx , "stqcx.", },
{ NULL, NULL, },
static void test_lqarx(void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("lqarx %0, %1, %2, 0" : :"r" (r14), "r" (r16),"r" (r17));
static test_t tests_ldq_ops_three[] = {
{ &test_lqarx , "lqarx", },
{ NULL, NULL, },
static void test_fmrgew (void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("fmrgew 17,14,15");
static void test_fmrgow (void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("fmrgow 17,14,15");
// VSX move instructions
static void test_mfvsrd (void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mfvsrd %0,%x1" : "=r" (r14) : "ws" (vec_inA));
static void test_mfvsrwz (void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mfvsrwz %0,%x1" : "=r" (r14) : "ws" (vec_inA));
static void test_mtvsrd (void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mtvsrd %x0,%1" : "=ws" (vec_out) : "r" (r14));
static void test_mtvsrwz (void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mtvsrwz %x0,%1" : "=ws" (vec_out) : "r" (r14));
static void test_mtfprwa (void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mtfprwa %x0,%1" : "=ws" (vec_out) : "r" (r14));
static test_t tests_move_ops_spe[] = {
{ &test_mfvsrd , "mfvsrd" },
{ &test_mfvsrwz , "mfvsrwz" },
{ &test_mtvsrd , "mtvsrd" },
{ &test_mtvsrwz , "mtvsrwz" },
{ &test_mtfprwa , "mtfprwa" },
/* Vector Double Word tests.
* NOTE: Since these are "vector" instructions versus VSX, we must use
* vector constraints. */
static void test_vaddudm (void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("vaddudm %0, %1, %2" : "=v" (vec_out): "v" (vec_inA),"v" (vec_inB));
static void test_vpkudum (void)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("vpkudum %0, %1, %2" : "=v" (vec_out): "v" (vec_inA),"v" (vec_inB));
static test_t tests_aa_dbl_ops_two[] = {
{ &test_vaddudm , "vaddudm", },
{ &test_vpkudum , "vpkudum", },
{ NULL, NULL, },
static int verbose = 0;
static int arg_list_size = 0;
static unsigned long long * vdargs = NULL;
#define NB_VDARGS 4
static void build_vdargs_table (void)
// Each VSX register holds two doubleword integer values
vdargs = memalign16(NB_VDARGS * sizeof(unsigned long long));
vdargs[0] = 0x0102030405060708ULL;
vdargs[1] = 0x090A0B0C0E0D0E0FULL;
vdargs[2] = 0xF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8ULL;
static double *fargs = NULL;
static int nb_fargs = 0;
static inline void register_farg (void *farg,
int s, uint16_t _exp, uint64_t mant)
uint64_t tmp;
tmp = ((uint64_t)s << 63) | ((uint64_t)_exp << 52) | mant;
*(uint64_t *)farg = tmp;
AB_DPRINTF("%d %03x %013llx => %016llx %0e\n",
s, _exp, mant, *(uint64_t *)farg, *(double *)farg);
static void build_fargs_table (void)
/* Double precision:
* Sign goes from zero to one (1 bit)
* Exponent goes from 0 to ((1 << 12) - 1) (11 bits)
* Mantissa goes from 1 to ((1 << 52) - 1) (52 bits)
* + special values:
* +0.0 : 0 0x000 0x0000000000000 => 0x0000000000000000
* -0.0 : 1 0x000 0x0000000000000 => 0x8000000000000000
* +infinity : 0 0x7FF 0x0000000000000 => 0x7FF0000000000000
* -infinity : 1 0x7FF 0x0000000000000 => 0xFFF0000000000000
* +QNaN : 0 0x7FF 0x8000000000000 => 0x7FF8000000000000
* -QNaN : 1 0x7FF 0x8000000000000 => 0xFFF8000000000000
* (8 values)
* Ref only:
* Single precision
* Sign: 1 bit
* Exponent: 8 bits
* Mantissa: 23 bits
* +0.0 : 0 0x00 0x000000 => 0x00000000
* -0.0 : 1 0x00 0x000000 => 0x80000000
* +infinity : 0 0xFF 0x000000 => 0x7F800000
* -infinity : 1 0xFF 0x000000 => 0xFF800000
* +QNaN : 0 0xFF 0x400000 => 0x7FC00000
* -QNaN : 1 0xFF 0x400000 => 0xFFC00000
* +SNaN : 0 0xFF 0x3FFFFF => 0x7FBFFFFF
* -SNaN : 1 0xFF 0x3FFFFF => 0xFFBFFFFF
uint64_t mant;
uint16_t _exp, e0, e1;
int s;
int i=0;
/* Note: VEX isn't so hot with denormals, so don't bother
testing them: set _exp > 0
if ( arg_list_size == 1 ) { // Large
fargs = malloc(200 * sizeof(double));
for (s=0; s<2; s++) {
for (e0=0; e0<2; e0++) {
for (e1=0x001; ; e1 = ((e1 + 1) << 2) + 6) {
if (e1 >= 0x400)
e1 = 0x3fe;
_exp = (e0 << 10) | e1;
for (mant = 0x0000000000001ULL; mant < (1ULL << 52);
/* Add 'random' bits */
mant = ((mant + 0x4A6) << 13) + 0x359) {
register_farg(&fargs[i++], s, _exp, mant);
if (e1 == 0x3fe)
} else { // Default
fargs = malloc(16 * sizeof(double));
for (s=0; s<2; s++) { // x2
for (e1=0x001; ; e1 = ((e1 + 1) << 13) + 7) { // x2
if (e1 >= 0x400)
e1 = 0x3fe;
_exp = e1;
for (mant = 0x0000000000001ULL; mant < (1ULL << 52);
/* Add 'random' bits */
mant = ((mant + 0x4A6) << 29) + 0x359) { // x2
register_farg(&fargs[i++], s, _exp, mant);
if (e1 == 0x3fe)
/* Special values */
/* +0.0 : 0 0x000 0x0000000000000 */
s = 0;
_exp = 0x000;
mant = 0x0000000000000ULL;
register_farg(&fargs[i++], s, _exp, mant);
/* -0.0 : 1 0x000 0x0000000000000 */
s = 1;
_exp = 0x000;
mant = 0x0000000000000ULL;
register_farg(&fargs[i++], s, _exp, mant);
/* +infinity : 0 0x7FF 0x0000000000000 */
s = 0;
_exp = 0x7FF;
mant = 0x0000000000000ULL;
register_farg(&fargs[i++], s, _exp, mant);
/* -infinity : 1 0x7FF 0x0000000000000 */
s = 1;
_exp = 0x7FF;
mant = 0x0000000000000ULL;
register_farg(&fargs[i++], s, _exp, mant);
/* +QNaN : 0 0x7FF 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFF */
s = 0;
_exp = 0x7FF;
register_farg(&fargs[i++], s, _exp, mant);
/* -QNaN : 1 0x7FF 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFF */
s = 1;
_exp = 0x7FF;
register_farg(&fargs[i++], s, _exp, mant);
/* +SNaN : 0 0x7FF 0x8000000000000 */
s = 0;
_exp = 0x7FF;
mant = 0x8000000000000ULL;
register_farg(&fargs[i++], s, _exp, mant);
/* -SNaN : 1 0x7FF 0x8000000000000 */
s = 1;
_exp = 0x7FF;
mant = 0x8000000000000ULL;
register_farg(&fargs[i++], s, _exp, mant);
AB_DPRINTF("Registered %d fargs values\n", i);
nb_fargs = i;
static int check_filter (char *filter)
char *c;
int ret = 1;
if (filter != NULL) {
c = strchr(filter, '*');
if (c != NULL) {
*c = '\0';
ret = 0;
return ret;
static int check_name (const char* name, const char *filter,
int exact)
int nlen, flen;
int ret = 0;
if (filter != NULL) {
for (; isspace(*name); name++)
FDPRINTF("Check '%s' againt '%s' (%s match)\n",
name, filter, exact ? "exact" : "starting");
nlen = strlen(name);
flen = strlen(filter);
if (exact) {
if (nlen == flen && memcmp(name, filter, flen) == 0)
ret = 1;
} else {
if (flen <= nlen && memcmp(name, filter, flen) == 0)
ret = 1;
} else {
ret = 1;
return ret;
typedef struct insn_sel_flags_t_struct {
int one_arg, two_args, three_args;
int arith, logical, compare, ldst;
int integer, floats, altivec, faltivec;
int cr;
} insn_sel_flags_t;
static void test_float_two_args (const char* name, test_func_t func,
unused uint32_t test_flags)
double res;
Word_t u0, u1, ur;
volatile uint32_t flags;
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<nb_fargs; i+=3) {
for (j=0; j<nb_fargs; j+=5) {
u0 = *(Word_t *)(&fargs[i]);
u1 = *(Word_t *)(&fargs[j]);
f14 = fargs[i];
f15 = fargs[j];
res = f17;
ur = *(uint64_t *)(&res);
printf("%s %016llx, %016llx => %016llx",
name, u0, u1, ur);
#if defined TEST_FLOAT_FLAGS
printf(" (%08x)", flags);
if (verbose) printf("\n");
static void mfvs(const char* name, test_func_t func,
unused uint32_t test_flags)
/* This test is for move instructions where the input is a scalar register
* and the destination is a vector register.
int i;
volatile Word_t result;
result = 0ULL;
for (i=0; i < NB_VDARGS; i++) {
r14 = ZERO;
vec_inA = (vector unsigned long long){ vdargs[i], 0ULL };
result = r14;
printf("%s: %016llx => %016llx\n", name, vdargs[i], result);
static void mtvs(const char* name, test_func_t func,
unused uint32_t test_flags)
/* This test is for move instructions where the input is a scalar register
* and the destination is a vector register.
unsigned long long *dst;
int i;
for (i=0; i < NB_VDARGS; i++) {
r14 = vdargs[i];
vec_out = (vector unsigned long long){ 0ULL, 0ULL };
dst = (unsigned long long *) &vec_out;
printf("%s: %016llx => %016llx\n", name, vdargs[i], *dst);
static void mtvs2s(const char* name, test_func_t func,
unused uint32_t test_flags)
/* This test is the mtvsrwa instruction.
unsigned long long *dst;
int i;
for (i=0; i < NB_VDARGS; i++) {
// Only the lower half of the vdarg doubleword arg will be used as input by mtvsrwa
unsigned int * src = (unsigned int *)&vdargs[i];
r14 = vdargs[i];
vec_out = (vector unsigned long long){ 0ULL, 0ULL };
// Only doubleword 0 is used in output
dst = (unsigned long long *) &vec_out;
printf("%s: %08x => %016llx\n", name, *src, *dst);
static void test_special (special_t *table,
const char* name, test_func_t func,
unused uint32_t test_flags)
const char *tmp;
int i;
for (tmp = name; isspace(*tmp); tmp++)
for (i=0; table[i].name != NULL; i++) {
if (strcmp(table[i].name, tmp) == 0) {
(*table[i].test_cb)(name, func, test_flags);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no test found for op '%s'\n", name);
static special_t special_move_ops[] = {
"mfvsrd", /* move from vector to scalar reg doubleword */
"mtvsrd", /* move from scalar to vector reg doubleword */
"mtfprwa", /* (extended mnemonic for mtvsrwa) move from scalar to vector reg with two’s-complement */
"mfvsrwz", /* move from vector to scalar reg word */
"mtvsrwz", /* move from scalar to vector reg word */
static void test_move_special(const char* name, test_func_t func,
uint32_t test_flags)
test_special(special_move_ops, name, func, test_flags);
/* Vector Double Word tests */
static void test_av_dint_two_args (const char* name, test_func_t func,
unused uint32_t test_flags)
unsigned long long * dst;
unsigned int * dst_int;
int i,j;
int is_vpkudum;
if (strcmp(name, "vpkudum") == 0)
is_vpkudum = 1;
is_vpkudum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < NB_VDARGS; i+=2) {
vec_inA = (vector unsigned long long){ vdargs[i], vdargs[i+1] };
for (j = 0; j < NB_VDARGS; j+=2) {
vec_inB = (vector unsigned long long){ vdargs[j], vdargs[j+1] };
vec_out = (vector unsigned long long){ 0,0 };
dst_int = (unsigned int *)&vec_out;
dst = (unsigned long long*)&vec_out;
printf("%s: ", name);
if (is_vpkudum) {
printf("Inputs: %08llx %08llx %08llx %08llx\n", vdargs[i] & 0x00000000ffffffffULL,
vdargs[i+1] & 0x00000000ffffffffULL, vdargs[j] & 0x00000000ffffffffULL,
vdargs[j+1] & 0x00000000ffffffffULL);
printf(" Output: %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", dst_int[0], dst_int[1],
dst_int[2], dst_int[3]);
} else {
printf("%016llx @@ %016llx, ", vdargs[i], vdargs[j]);
printf(" ==> %016llx\n", dst[0]);
printf("\t%016llx @@ %016llx, ", vdargs[i+1], vdargs[j+1]);
printf(" ==> %016llx\n", dst[1]);
static void test_int_stq_two_regs_imm16 (const char* name,
test_func_t func_IN,
unused uint32_t test_flags)
/* Store quad word from register pair */
int offs, k;
HWord_t base;
Word_t *iargs_priv;
// private iargs table to store to, note storing pair of regs
iargs_priv = memalign16(2 * sizeof(Word_t));
base = (HWord_t)&iargs_priv[0];
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) // clear array
iargs_priv[k] = 0;
offs = 0;
/* setup source register pair */
r14 = (HWord_t) 0xABCDEF0123456789ULL;
r15 = (HWord_t) 0x1133557722446688ULL;
r16 = base; // store to r16 + offs
#ifndef __powerpc64__
printf("%s %08x,%08x, %2d => "
printf("%s %016llx,%016llx, %3d => "
name, r14, r15, offs, iargs_priv[0], iargs_priv[1]);
if (verbose) printf("\n");
static void test_int_stq_three_regs (const char* name,
test_func_t func_IN,
unused uint32_t test_flags)
/* Store quad word from register pair */
volatile uint32_t flags, xer;
int k;
HWord_t base;
base = (HWord_t)&mem_resv[0];
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) // setup array for lqarx inst
mem_resv[k] = k;
/* setup source register pair for store */
r14 = ZERO;
r15 = ZERO;
r16 = base; // store to r16 + r17
r17 = ZERO;
/* In order for the store to occur, the lqarx instruction must first
* be used to load from the address thus creating a reservation at the
* memory address. The lqarx instruction is done in the test_stqcx(),
* then registers 14, r15 are changed to the data to be stored in memory
* by the stqcx instruction.
#ifndef __powerpc64__
printf("%s %08x,%08x, => "
printf("%s %016llx,%016llx => "
"%016llx,%016llx; CR=%08x\n",
name, r14, r15, mem_resv[0], mem_resv[1], flags);
if (verbose) printf("\n");
static void test_int_ldq_two_regs_imm16 (const char* name,
test_func_t func_IN,
unused uint32_t test_flags)
/* load quad word from register pair */
volatile uint32_t flags, xer;
Word_t * mem_priv;
HWord_t base;
// private iargs table to store to, note storing pair of regs
mem_priv = memalign16(2 * sizeof(Word_t)); // want 128-bits
base = (HWord_t)&mem_priv[0];
mem_priv[0] = 0xAACCEE0011335577ULL;
mem_priv[1] = 0xABCDEF0123456789ULL;
r14 = 0;
r15 = 0;
r16 = base; // fetch from r16 + offs
#ifndef __powerpc64__
printf("%s (0x%016llx, 0x%016llx) => (reg_pair = %08x,%08x)\n",
printf("%s (0x%016llx, 0x%016llx) => (reg_pair = 0x%016llx, 0x%016llx)\n",
name, mem_priv[0], mem_priv[1], r14, r15);
if (verbose) printf("\n");
static void test_int_ldq_three_regs (const char* name,
test_func_t func_IN,
unused uint32_t test_flags)
/* load quad word from register pair */
HWord_t base;
base = (HWord_t)&mem_resv[0];
mem_resv[0] = 0xAACCEE0011335577ULL;
mem_resv[1] = 0xABCDEF0123456789ULL;
r14 = 0;
r15 = 0;
r16 = base; // fetch from r16 + r17
r17 = 0;
#ifndef __powerpc64__
printf("%s (0x%016llx, 0x%016llx) => (reg_pair = 0x%08x, 0x%08x)\n",
printf("%s (0x%016llx, 0x%016llx) => (reg_pair = 0x%016llx, 0x%016llx)\n",
name, mem_resv[0], mem_resv[1], r14, r15);
if (verbose) printf("\n");
/* Used in do_tests */
static test_loop_t altivec_loops[] = {
/* Used in do_tests, indexed by flags->nb_args
Elements correspond to enum test_flags::num args
static test_loop_t int_loops[] = {
/* The #defines for the family, number registers need the array
* to be properly indexed. This test is for the new ISA 2.0.7
* instructions. The infrastructure has been left for the momemnt
NULL, //&test_int_one_arg,
NULL, //&test_int_two_args,
NULL, //&test_int_three_args,
NULL, //&test_int_two_args,
NULL, //&test_int_one_reg_imm16,
NULL, //&test_int_one_reg_imm16,
NULL, //&test_int_special,
NULL, //&test_int_ld_one_reg_imm16,
NULL, //&test_int_ld_two_regs,
NULL, //&test_int_st_two_regs_imm16,
NULL, //&test_int_st_three_regs,
/* Used in do_tests, indexed by flags->nb_args
Elements correspond to enum test_flags::num args
Must have NULL for last entry.
static test_loop_t float_loops[] = {
static test_t tests_fa_ops_two[] = {
{ &test_fmrgew , "fmrgew", },
{ &test_fmrgow , "fmrgow", },
{ NULL, NULL, },
static test_table_t all_tests[] = {
"PPC VSR special move insns",
"PC altivec double word integer insns with two args",
"PPC store quadword insns\n with one register + one 16 bits immediate args with flags update",
"PPC load quadword insns\n with one register + one 16 bits immediate args with flags update",
"PPC load quadword insns\n with three register args",
"PPC store quadword insns\n with three register args",
"PPC floating point arith insns with two args",
{ NULL, NULL, 0x00000000, },
static void do_tests ( insn_sel_flags_t seln_flags,
char *filter)
test_loop_t *loop;
test_t *tests;
int nb_args, type, family;
int i, j, n;
int exact;
exact = check_filter(filter);
n = 0;
for (i=0; all_tests[i].name != NULL; i++) {
nb_args = all_tests[i].flags & PPC_NB_ARGS;
/* Check number of arguments */
if ((nb_args == 1 && !seln_flags.one_arg) ||
(nb_args == 2 && !seln_flags.two_args) ||
(nb_args == 3 && !seln_flags.three_args)){
/* Check instruction type */
type = all_tests[i].flags & PPC_TYPE;
if ((type == PPC_ARITH && !seln_flags.arith) ||
(type == PPC_LOGICAL && !seln_flags.logical) ||
(type == PPC_COMPARE && ! ||
(type == PPC_LDST && !seln_flags.ldst) ||
(type == PPC_MOV && !seln_flags.ldst) ||
(type == PPC_POPCNT && !seln_flags.arith)) {
/* Check instruction family */
family = all_tests[i].flags & PPC_FAMILY;
if ((family == PPC_INTEGER && !seln_flags.integer) ||
(family == PPC_FLOAT && !seln_flags.floats) ||
(family == PPC_ALTIVEC && !seln_flags.altivec) ||
(family == PPC_FALTIVEC && !seln_flags.faltivec)) {
/* Check flags update */
if (((all_tests[i].flags & PPC_CR) && == 0) ||
(!(all_tests[i].flags & PPC_CR) && == 1))
/* All passed, do the tests */
tests = all_tests[i].tests;
loop = NULL;
/* Select the test loop */
switch (family) {
mem_resv = memalign16(2 * sizeof(HWord_t)); // want 128-bits
loop = &int_loops[nb_args - 1];
loop = &float_loops[nb_args - 1];
switch (type) {
case PPC_MOV:
loop = &altivec_loops[ALTV_MOV];
loop = &altivec_loops[ALTV_INT];
printf("No altivec test defined for type %x\n", type);
printf("Currently there are no floating altivec tests in this testsuite.\n");
printf("ERROR: unknown insn family %08x\n", family);
if (1 || verbose > 0)
for (j=0; tests[j].name != NULL; j++) {
if (check_name(tests[j].name, filter, exact)) {
if (verbose > 1)
printf("Test instruction %s\n", tests[j].name);
if (loop != NULL)
(*loop)(tests[j].name, tests[j].func, all_tests[i].flags);
if (verbose) printf("\n");
printf("All done. Tested %d different instructions\n", n);
static void usage (void)
"Usage: jm-insns [OPTION]\n"
"\t-i: test integer instructions (default)\n"
"\t-f: test floating point instructions\n"
"\t-a: test altivec instructions\n"
"\t-A: test all (int, fp, altivec) instructions\n"
"\t-v: be verbose\n"
"\t-h: display this help and exit\n"
int main (int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef HAS_ISA_2_07
/* Simple usage:
./jm-insns -i => int insns
./jm-insns -f => fp insns
./jm-insns -a => av insns
./jm-insns -A => int, fp and avinsns
char *filter = NULL;
insn_sel_flags_t flags;
int c;
// Args
flags.one_arg = 1;
flags.two_args = 1;
flags.three_args = 1;
// Type
flags.arith = 1;
flags.logical = 1; = 1;
flags.ldst = 1;
// Family
flags.integer = 0;
flags.floats = 0;
flags.altivec = 0;
flags.faltivec = 0;
// Flags = 2;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ifahvA")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'i':
flags.integer = 1;
case 'f':
flags.floats = 1;
case 'a':
flags.altivec = 1;
flags.faltivec = 1;
case 'A':
flags.integer = 1;
flags.floats = 1;
flags.altivec = 1;
flags.faltivec = 1;
case 'h':
return 0;
case 'v':
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument: '%c'\n", c);
return 1;
arg_list_size = 0;
if (verbose > 1) {
printf("\nInstruction Selection:\n");
printf(" n_args: \n");
printf(" one_arg = %d\n", flags.one_arg);
printf(" two_args = %d\n", flags.two_args);
printf(" three_args = %d\n", flags.three_args);
printf(" type: \n");
printf(" arith = %d\n", flags.arith);
printf(" logical = %d\n", flags.logical);
printf(" compare = %d\n",;
printf(" ldst = %d\n", flags.ldst);
printf(" family: \n");
printf(" integer = %d\n", flags.integer);
printf(" floats = %d\n", flags.floats);
printf(" altivec = %d\n", flags.altivec);
printf(" faltivec = %d\n", flags.faltivec);
printf(" cr update: \n");
printf(" cr = %d\n",;
do_tests( flags, filter );
printf("NO ISA 2.07 SUPPORT\n");
return 0;