blob: 18a07ec058aa69f7bcb7030ed269134c510ec00a [file] [log] [blame]
Jump to the invalid address stated on the next line
at 0x........: ???
by 0x........: (below main)
Address 0x........ is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
Access not within mapped region at address 0x........
at 0x........: ???
by 0x........: (below main)
If you believe this happened as a result of a stack
overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but
possible), you can try to increase the size of the
main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag.
The main thread stack size used in this run was ....
in use at exit: ... bytes in ... blocks
total heap usage: ... allocs, ... frees, ... bytes allocated
For a detailed leak analysis, rerun with: --leak-check=full
For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)