blob: a3677cacc616ee2a85c17cd8bf3457e0b3376574 [file] [log] [blame]
Thread #x was created
at 0x........: clone (in /...libc...)
by 0x........: pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /...libpthread...)
by 0x........: pthread_create_WRK (hg_intercepts.c:...)
Thread #x was created
at 0x........: clone (in /...libc...)
by 0x........: pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /...libpthread...)
by 0x........: pthread_create_WRK (hg_intercepts.c:...)
Lock at 0x........ was first observed
at 0x........: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:...)
by 0x........: child_fn (locked_vs_unlocked1.c:18)
by 0x........: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:...)
Possible data race during write of size 4 at 0x........ by thread #x
Locks held: none
at 0x........: child_fn (locked_vs_unlocked1.c:19)
by 0x........: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:...)
This conflicts with a previous write of size 4 by thread #x
Locks held: 1, at address 0x........
at 0x........: child_fn (locked_vs_unlocked1.c:19)
by 0x........: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:...)