blob: f2a41dc771ad199d270673fceae9ee02c1c122fc [file] [log] [blame]
How to cross-compile for Android. These notes were last updated on
27 Sept 2011, for Valgrind SVN revision 12060/2209.
This is known to work at least for Android 2.3.4 running on a (rooted,
AOSP build) Nexus S. It has also worked in the past on a
un-messed-with Motorola Xoom, although I haven't tested it recently.
Other configurations and toolchains might work, but haven't been
tested. Feedback is welcome.
You need the android-ndk-r6 native development kit. Install it
somewhere. Doesn't matter where. Then do this:
# Modify this (obviously). Note, this "export" command is only done
# so as to reduce the amount of typing required. None of the commands
# below read it as part of their operation.
export NDKROOT=/path/to/android-ndk-r6
# Modify this too. Tell the build system which Android hardware you
# are building for. It needs to know this so it can compile in
# support for the right Android-hw-specific ioctls. (sigh.) As with
# NDKROOT above, this is merely to avoid repeated typing; none of the
# commands read it.
# Currently the only supported value is: nexus_s
export HWKIND=nexus_t # Samsung Nexus S
# Then cd to the root of your Valgrind source tree.
cd /path/to/valgrind/source/tree
# After this point, you don't need to modify anything; just copy and
# paste the commands below.
# Set up toolchain paths.
export AR=$NDKROOT/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ar
export LD=$NDKROOT/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ld
export CC=$NDKROOT/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
# Do configuration stuff. Don't mess with the --prefix in the
# configure command below, even if you think it's wrong.
# You may need to set the --with-tmpdir path to something
# different if /sdcard doesn't works on the device -- this is
# a known cause of difficulties.
CPPFLAGS="--sysroot=$NDKROOT/platforms/android-3/arch-arm -DANDROID_HARDWARE_$HWKIND" \
CFLAGS="--sysroot=$NDKROOT/platforms/android-3/arch-arm" \
./configure --prefix=/data/local/Inst \
--host=armv7-unknown-linux --target=armv7-unknown-linux \
# At the end of the configure run, a few lines of details
# are printed. Make sure that you see these two lines:
# Platform variant: android
# Primary -DVGPV string: -DVGPV_arm_linux_android=1
# If you see anything else at this point, something is wrong, and
# either the build will fail, or will succeed but you'll get something
# which won't work.
# Build, and park the install tree in `pwd`/Inst
make -j2
make -j2 install DESTDIR=`pwd`/Inst
# To get the install tree onto the device:
# (I don't know why it's not "adb push Inst /data/local", but this
# formulation does appear to put the result in /data/local/Inst.)
adb push Inst /
# To run (on the device)
/data/local/Inst/bin/valgrind [the usual args etc]
# Once you're up and running, a handy modify-V-rebuild-reinstall
# command line (on the host, of course) is
mq -j2 && mq -j2 install DESTDIR=`pwd`/Inst && adb push Inst /
# where 'mq' is an alias for 'make --quiet'.
# One common cause of runs failing at startup is the inability of
# Valgrind to find a suitable temporary directory. On the device,
# there doesn't seem to be any one location which we always have
# permission to write to. The instructions above use /sdcard. If
# that doesn't work for you, and you're Valgrinding one specific
# application which is already installed, you could try using its
# temporary directory, in /data/data, for example
# /data/data/org.mozilla.firefox_beta.
# Using /system/bin/logcat on the device is helpful for diagnosing
# these kinds of problems.