blob: 41e660bd31efedf8399dbb14008a6ea41e0ad041 [file] [log] [blame]
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.wait 0 to pid ....
sending command vg.kill to pid ....
readchar: Got EOF
error reading packet