blob: f7156dca0f65d025f8cf6cdcc92657c4704bb93f [file] [log] [blame]
/* To compile:
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -Wall -g -O0 -o memory none/tests/arm64/memory.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h> // memalign
#include <string.h> // memset
#include <assert.h>
typedef unsigned char UChar;
typedef unsigned short int UShort;
typedef unsigned int UInt;
typedef signed int Int;
typedef unsigned char UChar;
typedef signed long long int Long;
typedef unsigned long long int ULong;
typedef unsigned char Bool;
#define False ((Bool)0)
#define True ((Bool)1)
static void* memalign16(size_t szB)
void* x;
x = memalign(16, szB);
assert(0 == ((16-1) & (unsigned long)x));
return x;
static inline UChar randUChar ( void )
static UInt seed = 80021;
seed = 1103515245 * seed + 12345;
return (seed >> 17) & 0xFF;
static ULong randULong ( void )
Int i;
ULong r = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
r = (r << 8) | (ULong)(0xFF & randUChar());
return r;
// Same as TESTINST2 except it doesn't print the RN value, since
// that may differ between runs (it's a stack address). Also,
// claim it trashes x28 so that can be used as scratch if needed.
#define TESTINST2_hide2(instruction, RNval, RD, RN, carryin) \
{ \
ULong out; \
ULong nzcv_out; \
ULong nzcv_in = (carryin ? (1<<29) : 0); \
__asm__ __volatile__( \
"msr nzcv,%3;" \
"mov " #RN ",%2;" \
instruction ";" \
"mov %0," #RD ";" \
"mrs %1,nzcv;" \
: "=&r" (out), "=&r" (nzcv_out) \
: "r" (RNval), "r" (nzcv_in) \
: #RD, #RN, "cc", "memory", "x28" \
); \
printf("%s :: rd %016llx rn (hidden), " \
"cin %d, nzcv %08llx %c%c%c%c\n", \
instruction, out, \
carryin ? 1 : 0, \
nzcv_out & 0xffff0000, \
((1<<31) & nzcv_out) ? 'N' : ' ', \
((1<<30) & nzcv_out) ? 'Z' : ' ', \
((1<<29) & nzcv_out) ? 'C' : ' ', \
((1<<28) & nzcv_out) ? 'V' : ' ' \
); \
#define TESTINST3_hide2and3(instruction, RMval, RNval, RD, RM, RN, carryin) \
{ \
ULong out; \
ULong nzcv_out; \
ULong nzcv_in = (carryin ? (1<<29) : 0); \
__asm__ __volatile__( \
"msr nzcv,%4;" \
"mov " #RM ",%2;" \
"mov " #RN ",%3;" \
instruction ";" \
"mov %0," #RD ";" \
"mrs %1,nzcv;" \
: "=&r" (out), "=&r" (nzcv_out) \
: "r" (RMval), "r" (RNval), "r" (nzcv_in) \
: #RD, #RM, #RN, "cc", "memory" \
); \
printf("%s :: rd %016llx rm (hidden), rn (hidden), " \
"cin %d, nzcv %08llx %c%c%c%c\n", \
instruction, out, \
carryin ? 1 : 0, \
nzcv_out & 0xffff0000, \
((1<<31) & nzcv_out) ? 'N' : ' ', \
((1<<30) & nzcv_out) ? 'Z' : ' ', \
((1<<29) & nzcv_out) ? 'C' : ' ', \
((1<<28) & nzcv_out) ? 'V' : ' ' \
); \
static __attribute((noinline)) void test_memory ( void )
printf("Integer loads\n");
unsigned char area[512];
#define RESET \
do { int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(area); i++) \
area[i] = i | 0x80; \
} while (0)
#define AREA_MID (((ULong)(&area[(sizeof(area)/2)-1])) & (~(ULong)0xF))
printf("LDR,STR (immediate, uimm12) (STR cases are MISSING)");
TESTINST2_hide2("ldr x21, [x22, #24]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldr w21, [x22, #20]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrh w21, [x22, #44]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrb w21, [x22, #56]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
printf("LDUR,STUR (immediate, simm9) (STR cases and wb check are MISSING)\n");
TESTINST2_hide2("ldr x21, [x22], #-24", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldr x21, [x22, #-40]!", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldr x21, [x22, #-48]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
printf("LDUR,STUR (immediate, simm9): STR cases are MISSING");
// TESTINST2_hide2 allows use of x28 as scratch
printf("LDP,STP (immediate, simm7) (STR cases and wb check is MISSING)\n");
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp x21, x28, [x22], #-24 ; add x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp x21, x28, [x22], #-24 ; eor x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp x21, x28, [x22, #-40]! ; add x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp x21, x28, [x22, #-40]! ; eor x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp x21, x28, [x22, #-40] ; add x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp x21, x28, [x22, #-40] ; eor x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp w21, w28, [x22], #-24 ; add x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp w21, w28, [x22], #-24 ; eor x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp w21, w28, [x22, #-40]! ; add x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp w21, w28, [x22, #-40]! ; eor x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp w21, w28, [x22, #-40] ; add x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldp w21, w28, [x22, #-40] ; eor x21,x21,x28", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
// This is a bit tricky. We load the value from just before and
// just after the actual instruction. Because TESTINSN2_hide2
// generates two fixed insns either side of the test insn, these
// should be constant and hence "safe" to check.
printf("LDR (literal, int reg)\n");
TESTINST2_hide2("xyzzy00: ldr x21, xyzzy00 - 8", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("xyzzy01: ldr x21, xyzzy01 + 0", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("xyzzy02: ldr x21, xyzzy02 + 8", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("xyzzy03: ldr x21, xyzzy03 - 4", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("xyzzy04: ldr x21, xyzzy04 + 0", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("xyzzy05: ldr x21, xyzzy05 + 4", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
printf("{LD,ST}R (integer register) (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("LDRS{B,H,W} (uimm12)\n");
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsw x21, [x22, #24]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsh x21, [x22, #20]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsh w21, [x22, #44]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsb x21, [x22, #88]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsb w21, [x22, #56]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
printf("LDRS{B,H,W} (simm9, upd) (upd check is MISSING)\n");
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsw x21, [x22, #-24]!", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsh x21, [x22, #-20]!", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsh w21, [x22, #-44]!", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsb x21, [x22, #-88]!", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsb w21, [x22, #-56]!", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsw x21, [x22], #-24", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsh x21, [x22], #-20", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsh w21, [x22], #-44", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsb x21, [x22], #-88", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsb w21, [x22], #-56", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
printf("LDRS{B,H,W} (simm9, noUpd)\n");
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsw x21, [x22, #-24]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsh x21, [x22, #-20]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsh w21, [x22, #-44]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsb x21, [x22, #-88]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldrsb w21, [x22, #-56]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
printf("LDP,STP (immediate, simm7) (FP&VEC) (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("{LD,ST}R (vector register) (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("LDRS{B,H,W} (integer register, SX)\n");
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsw x21, [x22,x23]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsw x21, [x22,x23, lsl #2]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsw x21, [x22,w23,uxtw #0]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsw x21, [x22,w23,uxtw #2]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsw x21, [x22,w23,sxtw #0]", AREA_MID, -5ULL, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsw x21, [x22,w23,sxtw #2]", AREA_MID, -5ULL, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh x21, [x22,x23]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh x21, [x22,x23, lsl #1]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh x21, [x22,w23,uxtw #0]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh x21, [x22,w23,uxtw #1]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh x21, [x22,w23,sxtw #0]", AREA_MID, -5ULL, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh x21, [x22,w23,sxtw #1]", AREA_MID, -5ULL, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh w21, [x22,x23]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh w21, [x22,x23, lsl #1]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh w21, [x22,w23,uxtw #0]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh w21, [x22,w23,uxtw #1]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh w21, [x22,w23,sxtw #0]", AREA_MID, -5ULL, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsh w21, [x22,w23,sxtw #1]", AREA_MID, -5ULL, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb x21, [x22,x23]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb x21, [x22,x23, lsl #0]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb x21, [x22,w23,uxtw #0]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb x21, [x22,w23,uxtw #0]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb x21, [x22,w23,sxtw #0]", AREA_MID, -5ULL, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb x21, [x22,w23,sxtw #0]", AREA_MID, -5ULL, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb w21, [x22,x23]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb w21, [x22,x23, lsl #0]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb w21, [x22,w23,uxtw #0]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb w21, [x22,w23,uxtw #0]", AREA_MID, 5, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb w21, [x22,w23,sxtw #0]", AREA_MID, -5ULL, x21,x22,x23,0);
TESTINST3_hide2and3("ldrsb w21, [x22,w23,sxtw #0]", AREA_MID, -5ULL, x21,x22,x23,0);
printf("LDR/STR (immediate, SIMD&FP, unsigned offset) (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("LDR/STR (immediate, SIMD&FP, pre/post index) (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("LDUR/STUR (unscaled offset, SIMD&FP) (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("LDR (literal, SIMD&FP) (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("LD1/ST1 (single structure, no offset) (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("LD1/ST1 (single structure, post index) (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("LD{,A}X{R,RH,RB} (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("ST{,L}X{R,RH,RB} (entirely MISSING)\n");
TESTINST2_hide2("ldar x21, [x22]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldar w21, [x22]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldarh w21, [x22]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
TESTINST2_hide2("ldarb w21, [x22]", AREA_MID, x21,x22,0);
printf("STL{R,RH,RB} (entirely MISSING)\n");
} /* end of test_memory() */
static void show_block_xor ( UChar* block1, UChar* block2, Int n )
Int i;
printf(" ");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (i > 0 && 0 == (i & 15)) printf("\n ");
if (0 == (i & 15)) printf("[%3d] ", i);
UInt diff = 0xFF & (UInt)(block1[i] - block2[i]);
if (diff == 0)
printf(".. ");
printf("%02x ", diff);
// In: rand:
// memory area, xferred vec regs, xferred int regs,
// caller spec:
// addr reg1, addr reg2
// Out: memory area, xferred vec regs, xferred int regs, addr reg1, addr reg2
// INSN may mention the following regs as containing load/store data:
// x13 x23 v17 v18 v19 v20
// and
// x5 as containing the base address
// x6 as containing an offset, if required
// A memory area is filled with random data, and x13, x23, v17, v18, v19, v20
// are loaded with random data too. INSN is then executed, with
// x5 set to the middle of the memory area + AREG1OFF, and x6 set to AREG2VAL.
// What is printed out: the XOR of the new and old versions of the
// following:
// the memory area
// x13 x23 v17 v18 v19 v20
// and the SUB of the new and old values of the following:
// x5 x6
// If the insn modifies its base register then (obviously) the x5 "new - old"
// value will be nonzero.
int i; \
const int N = 256; \
UChar* area = memalign16(N); \
UChar area2[N]; \
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) area[i] = area2[i] = randUChar(); \
ULong block[12]; \
/* 0:x13 1:x23 2:v17.d[0] 3:v17.d[1] 4:v18.d[0] 5:v18.d[1] */ \
/* 6:v19.d[0] 7:v19.d[1] 8:v20.d[0] 9:v20.d[1] 10:x5 11:x6 */ \
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) block[i] = randULong(); \
block[10] = (ULong)(&area[128]) + (Long)(Int)AREG1OFF; \
block[11] = (Long)AREG2VAL; \
ULong block2[12]; \
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) block2[i] = block[i]; \
__asm__ __volatile__( \
"ldr x13, [%0, #0] ; " \
"ldr x23, [%0, #8] ; " \
"ldr q17, [%0, #16] ; " \
"ldr q18, [%0, #32] ; " \
"ldr q19, [%0, #48] ; " \
"ldr q20, [%0, #64] ; " \
"ldr x5, [%0, #80] ; " \
"ldr x6, [%0, #88] ; " \
INSN " ; " \
"str x13, [%0, #0] ; " \
"str x23, [%0, #8] ; " \
"str q17, [%0, #16] ; " \
"str q18, [%0, #32] ; " \
"str q19, [%0, #48] ; " \
"str q20, [%0, #64] ; " \
"str x5, [%0, #80] ; " \
"str x6, [%0, #88] ; " \
: : "r"(&block[0]) : "x5", "x6", "x13", "x23", \
"v17", "v18", "v19", "v20", "memory", "cc" \
); \
printf("%s with x5 = middle_of_block+%lld, x6=%lld\n", \
INSN, (Long)AREG1OFF, (Long)AREG2VAL); \
show_block_xor(&area2[0], area, 256); \
printf(" %016llx x13 (xor, xfer intreg #1)\n", block[0] ^ block2[0]); \
printf(" %016llx x23 (xor, xfer intreg #2)\n", block[1] ^ block2[1]); \
printf(" %016llx v17.d[0] (xor, xfer vecreg #1)\n", block[2] ^ block2[2]); \
printf(" %016llx v17.d[1] (xor, xfer vecreg #1)\n", block[3] ^ block2[3]); \
printf(" %016llx v18.d[0] (xor, xfer vecreg #2)\n", block[4] ^ block2[4]); \
printf(" %016llx v18.d[1] (xor, xfer vecreg #2)\n", block[5] ^ block2[5]); \
printf(" %016llx v19.d[0] (xor, xfer vecreg #3)\n", block[6] ^ block2[6]); \
printf(" %016llx v19.d[1] (xor, xfer vecreg #3)\n", block[7] ^ block2[7]); \
printf(" %016llx v20.d[0] (xor, xfer vecreg #3)\n", block[8] ^ block2[8]); \
printf(" %016llx v20.d[1] (xor, xfer vecreg #3)\n", block[9] ^ block2[9]); \
printf(" %16lld x5 (sub, base reg)\n", block[10] - block2[10]); \
printf(" %16lld x6 (sub, index reg)\n", block[11] - block2[11]); \
printf("\n"); \
free(area); \
static __attribute__((noinline)) void test_memory2 ( void )
printf("LDR,STR (immediate, uimm12)");
MEM_TEST("ldr x13, [x5, #24]", -1, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr w13, [x5, #20]", 1, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldrh w13, [x5, #44]", 2, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldrb w13, [x5, #56]", 3, 0);
MEM_TEST("str x13, [x5, #24]", -3, 0);
MEM_TEST("str w13, [x5, #20]", 5, 0);
MEM_TEST("strh w13, [x5, #44]", 6, 0);
MEM_TEST("strb w13, [x5, #56]", 7, 0);
printf("LDUR,STUR (immediate, simm9)\n");
MEM_TEST("ldr x13, [x5], #-24", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr x13, [x5, #-40]!", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr x13, [x5, #-48]", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("str x13, [x5], #-24", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("str x13, [x5, #-40]!", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("str x13, [x5, #-48]", 0, 0);
printf("LDP,STP (immediate, simm7)\n");
MEM_TEST("ldp x13, x23, [x5], #-24", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldp x13, x23, [x5, #-40]!", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldp x13, x23, [x5, #-40]", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("stp x13, x23, [x5], #-24", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("stp x13, x23, [x5, #-40]!", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("stp x13, x23, [x5, #-40]", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldp w13, w23, [x5], #-24", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldp w13, w23, [x5, #-40]!", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldp w13, w23, [x5, #-40]", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("stp w13, w23, [x5], #-24", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("stp w13, w23, [x5, #-40]!", 0, 0);
MEM_TEST("stp w13, w23, [x5, #-40]", 0, 0);
printf("LDR (literal, int reg) (DONE ABOVE)\n");
printf("{LD,ST}R (integer register) (entirely MISSING)\n");
MEM_TEST("str x13, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str x13, [x5, x6, lsl #3]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str x13, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str x13, [x5, w6, uxtw #3]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str x13, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str x13, [x5, w6, sxtw #3]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr x13, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr x13, [x5, x6, lsl #3]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr x13, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr x13, [x5, w6, uxtw #3]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr x13, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr x13, [x5, w6, sxtw #3]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str w13, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str w13, [x5, x6, lsl #2]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str w13, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str w13, [x5, w6, uxtw #2]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str w13, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str w13, [x5, w6, sxtw #2]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr w13, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr w13, [x5, x6, lsl #2]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr w13, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr w13, [x5, w6, uxtw #2]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr w13, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr w13, [x5, w6, sxtw #2]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("strh w13, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("strh w13, [x5, x6, lsl #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("strh w13, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("strh w13, [x5, w6, uxtw #1]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("strh w13, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("strh w13, [x5, w6, sxtw #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrh w13, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrh w13, [x5, x6, lsl #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrh w13, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrh w13, [x5, w6, uxtw #1]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrh w13, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrh w13, [x5, w6, sxtw #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("strb w13, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("strb w13, [x5, x6, lsl #0]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("strb w13, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("strb w13, [x5, w6, uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("strb w13, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("strb w13, [x5, w6, sxtw #0]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrb w13, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrb w13, [x5, x6, lsl #0]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrb w13, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrb w13, [x5, w6, uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrb w13, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrb w13, [x5, w6, sxtw #0]", 12, -4);
printf("LDRS{B,H,W} (uimm12)\n");
MEM_TEST("ldrsw x13, [x5, #24]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh x13, [x5, #20]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh w13, [x5, #44]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb x13, [x5, #72]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb w13, [x5, #56]", -16, 4);
printf("LDRS{B,H,W} (simm9, upd) (upd check is MISSING)\n");
MEM_TEST("ldrsw x13, [x5, #-24]!", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh x13, [x5, #-20]!", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh w13, [x5, #-44]!", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb x13, [x5, #-72]!", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb w13, [x5, #-56]!", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsw x13, [x5], #-24", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh x13, [x5], #-20", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh w13, [x5], #-44", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb x13, [x5], #-72", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb w13, [x5], #-56", -16, 4);
printf("LDRS{B,H,W} (simm9, noUpd)\n");
MEM_TEST("ldrsw x13, [x5, #-24]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh x13, [x5, #-20]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh w13, [x5, #-44]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb x13, [x5, #-72]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb w13, [x5, #-56]", -16, 4);
printf("LDP,STP (immediate, simm7) (FP&VEC)\n");
MEM_TEST("stp q17, q18, [x5, 32]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("stp q17, q18, [x5, 32]!", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("stp q17, q18, [x5], 32", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("stp d17, d18, [x5, 32]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("stp d17, d18, [x5, 32]!", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("stp d17, d18, [x5], 32", -16, 4);
//MEM_TEST("stp s17, s18, [x5, 32]", -16, 4);
//MEM_TEST("stp s17, s18, [x5, 32]!", -16, 4);
//MEM_TEST("stp s17, s18, [x5], 32", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldp q17, q18, [x5, 32]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldp q17, q18, [x5, 32]!", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldp q17, q18, [x5], 32", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldp d17, d18, [x5, 32]", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldp d17, d18, [x5, 32]!", -16, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldp d17, d18, [x5], 32", -16, 4);
//MEM_TEST("ldp s17, s18, [x5, 32]", -16, 4);
//MEM_TEST("ldp s17, s18, [x5, 32]!", -16, 4);
//MEM_TEST("ldp s17, s18, [x5], 32", -16, 4);
printf("{LD,ST}R (vector register)\n");
#if 0
MEM_TEST("str q17, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str q17, [x5, x6, lsl #4]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str q17, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str q17, [x5, w6, uxtw #4]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str q17, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str q17, [x5, w6, sxtw #4]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr q17, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr q17, [x5, x6, lsl #4]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr q17, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr q17, [x5, w6, uxtw #4]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr q17, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr q17, [x5, w6, sxtw #4]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str d17, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str d17, [x5, x6, lsl #3]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str d17, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str d17, [x5, w6, uxtw #3]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str d17, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str d17, [x5, w6, sxtw #3]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr d17, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr d17, [x5, x6, lsl #3]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr d17, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr d17, [x5, w6, uxtw #3]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr d17, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr d17, [x5, w6, sxtw #3]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str s17, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str s17, [x5, x6, lsl #2]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str s17, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str s17, [x5, w6, uxtw #2]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str s17, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str s17, [x5, w6, sxtw #2]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr s17, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr s17, [x5, x6, lsl #2]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr s17, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr s17, [x5, w6, uxtw #2]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr s17, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr s17, [x5, w6, sxtw #2]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str h17, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str h17, [x5, x6, lsl #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str h17, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str h17, [x5, w6, uxtw #1]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str h17, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str h17, [x5, w6, sxtw #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr h17, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr h17, [x5, x6, lsl #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr h17, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr h17, [x5, w6, uxtw #1]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr h17, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr h17, [x5, w6, sxtw #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str b17, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str b17, [x5, x6, lsl #0]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("str b17, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str b17, [x5, w6, uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str b17, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("str b17, [x5, w6, sxtw #0]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr b17, [x5, x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr b17, [x5, x6, lsl #0]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldr b17, [x5, w6, uxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr b17, [x5, w6, uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr b17, [x5, w6, sxtw]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldr b17, [x5, w6, sxtw #0]", 12, -4);
printf("LDRS{B,H,W} (integer register, SX)\n");
MEM_TEST("ldrsw x13, [x5,x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsw x13, [x5,x6, lsl #2]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsw x13, [x5,w6,uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsw x13, [x5,w6,uxtw #2]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsw x13, [x5,w6,sxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsw x13, [x5,w6,sxtw #2]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh x13, [x5,x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh x13, [x5,x6, lsl #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh x13, [x5,w6,uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh x13, [x5,w6,uxtw #1]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh x13, [x5,w6,sxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh x13, [x5,w6,sxtw #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh w13, [x5,x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh w13, [x5,x6, lsl #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh w13, [x5,w6,uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh w13, [x5,w6,uxtw #1]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh w13, [x5,w6,sxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsh w13, [x5,w6,sxtw #1]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb x13, [x5,x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb x13, [x5,x6, lsl #0]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb x13, [x5,w6,uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb x13, [x5,w6,uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb x13, [x5,w6,sxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb x13, [x5,w6,sxtw #0]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb w13, [x5,x6]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb w13, [x5,x6, lsl #0]", 12, -4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb w13, [x5,w6,uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb w13, [x5,w6,uxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb w13, [x5,w6,sxtw #0]", 12, 4);
MEM_TEST("ldrsb w13, [x5,w6,sxtw #0]", 12, -4);
printf("LDR/STR (immediate, SIMD&FP, unsigned offset)\n");
MEM_TEST("str q17, [x5, #-32]", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("str d17, [x5, #-32]", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("str s17, [x5, #-32]", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("str h17, [x5, #-32]", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("str b17, [x5, #-32]", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr q17, [x5, #-32]", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr d17, [x5, #-32]", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr s17, [x5, #-32]", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("ldr h17, [x5, #-32]", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("ldr b17, [x5, #-32]", 16, 0);
printf("LDR/STR (immediate, SIMD&FP, pre/post index)\n");
MEM_TEST("str q17, [x5], #-32", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("str d17, [x5], #-32", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("str s17, [x5], #-32", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("str h17, [x5], #-32", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("str b17, [x5], #-32", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr q17, [x5], #-32", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr d17, [x5], #-32", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr s17, [x5], #-32", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("ldr h17, [x5], #-32", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("ldr b17, [x5], #-32", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("str q17, [x5, #-32]!", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("str d17, [x5, #-32]!", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("str s17, [x5, #-32]!", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("str h17, [x5, #-32]!", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("str b17, [x5, #-32]!", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr q17, [x5, #-32]!", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr d17, [x5, #-32]!", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr s17, [x5, #-32]!", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("ldr h17, [x5, #-32]!", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("ldr b17, [x5, #-32]!", 16, 0);
printf("LDUR/STUR (unscaled offset, SIMD&FP)\n");
MEM_TEST("str q17, [x5, #-13]", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("str d17, [x5, #-13]", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("str s17, [x5, #-13]", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("str h17, [x5, #-13]", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("str b17, [x5, #-13]", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr q17, [x5, #-13]", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr d17, [x5, #-13]", 16, 0);
MEM_TEST("ldr s17, [x5, #-13]", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("ldr h17, [x5, #-13]", 16, 0);
//MEM_TEST("ldr b17, [x5, #-13]", 16, 0);
printf("LDR (literal, SIMD&FP) (entirely MISSING)\n");
printf("LD1/ST1 (single structure, no offset)\n");
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.2d}, [x5]", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.4s}, [x5]", 5, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.8h}, [x5]", 7, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.16b}, [x5]", 13, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.1d}, [x5]", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.2s}, [x5]", 5, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.4h}, [x5]", 7, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.8b}, [x5]", 13, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.2d}, [x5]", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.4s}, [x5]", 5, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.8h}, [x5]", 7, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.16b}, [x5]", 13, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.1d}, [x5]", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.2s}, [x5]", 5, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.4h}, [x5]", 7, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.8b}, [x5]", 13, 0)
printf("LD1/ST1 (single structure, post index)\n");
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.2d}, [x5], #16", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.4s}, [x5], #16", 5, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.8h}, [x5], #16", 7, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.16b}, [x5], #16", 13, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.1d}, [x5], #8", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.2s}, [x5], #8", 5, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.4h}, [x5], #8", 7, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.8b}, [x5], #8", 13, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.2d}, [x5], #16", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.4s}, [x5], #16", 5, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.8h}, [x5], #16", 7, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.16b}, [x5], #16", 13, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.1d}, [x5], #8", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.2s}, [x5], #8", 5, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.4h}, [x5], #8", 7, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.8b}, [x5], #8", 13, 0)
printf("LD1R (single structure, replicate)\n");
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.2d}, [x5]", 3, -5)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.1d}, [x5]", 3, -4)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.4s}, [x5]", 3, -3)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.2s}, [x5]", 3, -2)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.8h}, [x5]", 3, -1)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.4h}, [x5]", 3, 1)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.16b}, [x5]", 3, 2)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.8b}, [x5]", 3, 3)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.2d}, [x5], #8", 3, -5)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.1d}, [x5], #8", 3, -4)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.4s}, [x5], #4", 3, -3)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.2s}, [x5], #4", 3, -2)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.8h}, [x5], #2", 3, -1)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.4h}, [x5], #2", 3, 1)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.16b}, [x5], #1", 3, 2)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.8b}, [x5], #1", 3, 3)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.2d}, [x5], x6", 3, -5)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.1d}, [x5], x6", 3, -4)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.4s}, [x5], x6", 3, -3)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.2s}, [x5], x6", 3, -2)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.8h}, [x5], x6", 3, -1)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.4h}, [x5], x6", 3, 1)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.16b}, [x5], x6", 3, 2)
MEM_TEST("ld1r {v17.8b}, [x5], x6", 3, 3)
printf("LD2/ST2 (multiple 2-elem structs to/from 2/regs, post index)"
MEM_TEST("ld2 {v17.2d, v18.2d}, [x5], #32", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("st2 {v17.2d, v18.2d}, [x5], #32", 7, 0)
MEM_TEST("ld2 {v17.4s, v18.4s}, [x5], #32", 13, 0)
MEM_TEST("st2 {v17.4s, v18.4s}, [x5], #32", 17, 0)
printf("LD1/ST1 (multiple 1-elem structs to/from 2 regs, no offset)"
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.16b, v18.16b}, [x5]", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.16b, v18.16b}, [x5]", 7, 0)
printf("LD1/ST1 (multiple 1-elem structs to/from 2 regs, post index)"
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.16b, v18.16b}, [x5], #32", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.16b, v18.16b}, [x5], #32", 7, 0)
printf("LD1/ST1 (multiple 1-elem structs to/from 3 regs, no offset)"
MEM_TEST("ld1 {v17.16b, v18.16b, v19.16b}, [x5]", 3, 0)
MEM_TEST("st1 {v17.16b, v18.16b, v19.16b}, [x5]", 7, 0)
printf("LD3/ST3 (multiple 3-elem structs to/from 3/regs, post index)"
MEM_TEST("ld3 {v17.2d, v18.2d, v19.2d}, [x5], #48", 13, 0)
MEM_TEST("st3 {v17.2d, v18.2d, v19.2d}, [x5], #48", 17, 0)
} /* end of test_memory2() */
int main ( void )
if (1) test_memory();
if (1) test_memory2();
return 0;