blob: f3812fd7c6d54f7753416632b0c48e962fb09ad4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from antlr4 import *
from gnparser.gnLexer import gnLexer
from gnparser.gnParser import gnParser
from gnparser.gnListener import gnListener
from string import Template
DBG = False
# Reformat the specified Android.bp file
def _bpFmt(filename):
## NOTE: bpfmt does not set error code even when the bp file is illegal.
print subprocess.check_output(["bpfmt", "-w", filename])
def _bpList(entries):
return '[' + ",".join(['"' + x + '"' for x in entries]) + ']'
# Write an Android.bp in the simpler format used by v8_libplatform and
# v8_libsampler
def _writeBP(filename, module_name, sources):
if not sources:
raise ValueError('No sources for ' + filename)
with open(filename, 'w') as out:
// GENERATED, do not edit
// for changes, see
cc_library_static {
name: "$module_name",
defaults: ["v8_defaults"],
srcs: $srcs,
local_include_dirs: ["src", "include"],
apex_available: [
''').substitute({'module_name': module_name, 'srcs' : _bpList(sorted(sources))}))
def _writeV8SrcBP(getSourcesFunc):
sources = getSourcesFunc(None)
if not sources:
raise ValueError('Must specify v8_base target properties')
# sources.add('src/builtins/')
# sources.add('src/interpreter/')
arm_src = list(getSourcesFunc('arm') - sources)
arm64_src = list(getSourcesFunc('arm64') - sources)
x86_src = list(getSourcesFunc('x86') - sources)
x86_64_src = list(getSourcesFunc('x64') - sources)
filename = 'Android.v8.bp'
with open(filename, 'w') as out:
// GENERATED, do not edit
// for changes, see
cc_library_static {
name: "libv8src",
defaults: ["v8_defaults"],
srcs: $srcs,
arch: {
arm: {
srcs: $arm_src,
arm64: {
srcs: $arm64_src,
x86: {
srcs: $x86_src,
x86_64: {
srcs: $x86_64_src,
target: {
android: {
apex_available: [
local_include_dirs: ["src"],
header_libs: ["libicuuc_headers", "libicui18n_headers"],
generated_headers: ["v8_torque_file"],
generated_sources: ["v8_torque_file_cc"],
''').substitute({'srcs': _bpList(sorted(sources)),
'arm_src': _bpList(sorted(arm_src)),
'arm64_src': _bpList(sorted(arm64_src)),
'x86_src': _bpList(sorted(x86_src)),
'x86_64_src': _bpList(sorted(x86_64_src)),
def _writeGeneratedFilesBP(sources):
if not sources:
raise ValueError('Must specify j2sc target properties')
filename = 'Android.v8gen.bp'
with open(filename, 'w') as out:
// GENERATED, do not edit
// for changes, see
filegroup {
name: "v8_js_lib_files",
srcs: $srcs,
''').substitute({'srcs' : _bpList(sources)})) ## Not sorted intentionally
def _writeLibBaseBP(sources):
if not sources:
raise ValueError('Must specify v8_libbase target properties')
filename = 'Android.base.bp'
with open(filename, 'w') as out:
// GENERATED, do not edit
// for changes, see
cc_library_static {
name: "libv8base",
defaults: ["v8_defaults"],
host_supported: true,
srcs: $srcs,
local_include_dirs: ["src"],
apex_available: [
target: {
android: {
srcs: ["src/base/debug/"],
linux: {
srcs: ["src/base/platform/"],
host: {
srcs: ["src/base/debug/"],
cflags: ["-UANDROID"],
darwin: {
srcs: ["src/base/platform/"],
''').substitute({'srcs' : _bpList(sorted(sources))}))
def _expr_to_str(expr):
val = expr.unaryexpr().primaryexpr()
if val.String():
return val.String().getText()[1:-1] ## Strip quotation marks around string
elif val.Identifier():
return val.Identifier().getText()
if DBG: print 'WARN: unhandled primary expression'
return None
class V8GnListener(gnListener):
def __init__(self, target, arch, only_cc_files):
super(gnListener, self).__init__()
self._match = False
self._depth = 0
self._target = target
self._arch = arch
self._sources = []
self._fixed_conditions = {
'use_jumbo_build' : True,
'use_jumbo_build==true' : True,
'is_win' : False,
'is_linux' : False,
'v8_postmortem_support' : False,
'v8_enable_i18n_support': True,
'!v8_enable_i18n_support': False,
'current_os!="aix"' : True,
'is_posix||is_fuchsia' : True,
'v8_current_cpu=="arm"' : arch == 'arm',
'v8_current_cpu=="arm64"' : arch == 'arm64',
'v8_current_cpu=="x86"' : arch == 'x86',
'v8_current_cpu=="x64"' : arch == 'x64',
'v8_current_cpu=="mips"||v8_current_cpu=="mipsel"' : arch == 'mips',
'v8_current_cpu=="mips64"||v8_current_cpu=="mips64el"' : arch == 'mips64',
'v8_current_cpu=="ppc"||v8_current_cpu=="ppc64"' : False,
'v8_current_cpu=="s390"||v8_current_cpu=="s390x"' : False,
self._only_cc_files = only_cc_files
def _match_call_target(self, ctx):
call_type = ctx.Identifier().getText()
if not call_type in ['v8_source_set', 'v8_component', 'action']: return False
call_name = _expr_to_str(ctx.exprlist().expr(0))
return call_name == self._target
def enterCall(self, ctx):
if self._depth == 1 and self._match_call_target(ctx):
self._match = True
self._conditions = [] ## [(value, condition), ...]
if DBG: print 'Found call', str(ctx.Identifier()), ctx.exprlist().getText()
def exitCall(self, ctx):
if self._match and self._match_call_target(ctx):
self._match = False
self._conditions = []
if DBG: print 'Left call'
def _extract_sources(self, ctx):
op = ctx.AssignOp().getText()
if not ctx.expr().unaryexpr().primaryexpr().exprlist():
## sources += check_header_includes_sources
srcs = map(_expr_to_str, ctx.expr().unaryexpr().primaryexpr().exprlist().expr())
if self._only_cc_files:
srcs = [x for x in srcs if x.endswith('.cc')]
if DBG: print '_extract_sources: ', len(srcs), "condition:", self._conditions
if op == '=':
if self._sources:
print "WARN: override sources"
self._sources = srcs
elif op == '+=':
def _compute_condition(self, ctx):
condition = ctx.expr().getText()
if DBG: print '_extract_condition', condition
if condition in self._fixed_conditions:
result = self._fixed_conditions[condition]
print 'WARN: unknown condition, assume False', condition
self._fixed_conditions[condition] = False
result = False
if DBG: print 'Add condition:', condition
self._conditions.append((result, condition))
def enterCondition(self, ctx):
if not self._match: return
def enterElsec(self, ctx):
if not self._match: return
c = self._conditions[-1]
self._conditions[-1] = (not c[0], c[1])
if DBG: print 'Negate condition:', self._conditions[-1]
def exitCondition(self, ctx):
if not self._match: return
if DBG: print 'Remove conditions: ', self._conditions[-1]
del self._conditions[-1]
def _flatten_conditions(self):
if DBG: print '_flatten_conditions: ', self._conditions
for condition, _ in self._conditions:
if not condition:
return False
return True
def enterAssignment(self, ctx):
if not self._match: return
if ctx.lvalue().Identifier().getText() == "sources":
if self._flatten_conditions():
def enterStatement(self, ctx):
self._depth += 1
def exitStatement(self, ctx):
self._depth -= 1
def get_sources(self):
seen = set()
result = []
## Deduplicate list while maintaining ordering. needed for js2c files
for s in self._sources:
if not s in seen:
return result
def parseSources(tree, target, arch = None, only_cc_files = True):
listener = V8GnListener(target, arch, only_cc_files)
ParseTreeWalker().walk(listener, tree)
return listener.get_sources()
def GenerateMakefiles():
f = FileStream(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), './'))
lexer = gnLexer(f)
stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = gnParser(stream)
tree = parser.r()
_writeBP('Android.platform.bp', 'libv8platform', parseSources(tree, "v8_libplatform"))
_writeBP('Android.sampler.bp', 'libv8sampler', parseSources(tree, "v8_libsampler"))
_writeV8SrcBP(lambda arch: set(parseSources(tree, "v8_base", arch) + parseSources(tree, "v8_initializers", arch)))
_writeGeneratedFilesBP(parseSources(tree, "js2c", None, False))
_writeLibBaseBP(parseSources(tree, "v8_libbase"))
if __name__ == '__main__':