blob: 7a988bf214626ef07cd744cdcfced0afc0398465 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This template defines a NaCl toolchain.
# It requires the following variables specifying the executables to run:
# - cc
# - cxx
# - ar
# - ld
# and the following which is used in the toolchain_args
# - toolchain_cpu (What "current_cpu" should be set to when invoking a
# build using this toolchain.)
template("nacl_toolchain") {
assert(defined(, "nacl_toolchain() must specify a \"cc\" value")
assert(defined(invoker.cxx), "nacl_toolchain() must specify a \"cxx\" value")
assert(defined(, "nacl_toolchain() must specify a \"ar\" value")
assert(defined(invoker.ld), "nacl_toolchain() must specify a \"ld\" value")
"nacl_toolchain() must specify a \"toolchain_cpu\"")
gcc_toolchain(target_name) {
toolchain_os = "nacl"
if (defined(invoker.executable_extension)) {
executable_extension = invoker.executable_extension
} else {
executable_extension = ".nexe"
if (defined(invoker.is_clang)) {
is_clang = invoker.is_clang
if (defined(invoker.is_nacl_glibc)) {
is_nacl_glibc = invoker.is_nacl_glibc
if (defined(invoker.symbol_level)) {
symbol_level = invoker.symbol_level
# We do not support component builds or sanitizers with the NaCl toolchains.
is_component_build = false
clear_sanitizers = true
# We do not support tcmalloc in the NaCl toolchains.
use_allocator = "none"
rebuild_define = "NACL_TC_REV=" + invoker.toolchain_revision