blob: 5f5777cebebe4c5a865aaa11dd37472eb61ea3f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_WASM_MODULE_H_
#define V8_WASM_MODULE_H_
#include "src/wasm/wasm-opcodes.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-result.h"
#include "src/api.h"
#include "src/handles.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
class CallDescriptor;
namespace wasm {
const size_t kMaxModuleSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
const size_t kMaxFunctionSize = 128 * 1024;
const size_t kMaxStringSize = 256;
enum WasmSectionDeclCode {
kDeclMemory = 0x00,
kDeclSignatures = 0x01,
kDeclFunctions = 0x02,
kDeclGlobals = 0x03,
kDeclDataSegments = 0x04,
kDeclFunctionTable = 0x05,
kDeclEnd = 0x06,
kDeclStartFunction = 0x07,
kDeclImportTable = 0x08,
kDeclWLL = 0x11,
static const int kMaxModuleSectionCode = 0x11;
enum WasmFunctionDeclBit {
kDeclFunctionName = 0x01,
kDeclFunctionImport = 0x02,
kDeclFunctionLocals = 0x04,
kDeclFunctionExport = 0x08
// Constants for fixed-size elements within a module.
static const size_t kDeclMemorySize = 3;
static const size_t kDeclGlobalSize = 6;
static const size_t kDeclDataSegmentSize = 13;
// Static representation of a WASM function.
struct WasmFunction {
FunctionSig* sig; // signature of the function.
uint32_t func_index; // index into the function table.
uint16_t sig_index; // index into the signature table.
uint32_t name_offset; // offset in the module bytes of the name, if any.
uint32_t code_start_offset; // offset in the module bytes of code start.
uint32_t code_end_offset; // offset in the module bytes of code end.
uint16_t local_i32_count; // number of i32 local variables.
uint16_t local_i64_count; // number of i64 local variables.
uint16_t local_f32_count; // number of f32 local variables.
uint16_t local_f64_count; // number of f64 local variables.
bool exported; // true if this function is exported.
bool external; // true if this function is externally supplied.
// Static representation of an imported WASM function.
struct WasmImport {
FunctionSig* sig; // signature of the function.
uint16_t sig_index; // index into the signature table.
uint32_t module_name_offset; // offset in module bytes of the module name.
uint32_t function_name_offset; // offset in module bytes of the import name.
// Static representation of a wasm global variable.
struct WasmGlobal {
uint32_t name_offset; // offset in the module bytes of the name, if any.
MachineType type; // type of the global.
uint32_t offset; // offset from beginning of globals area.
bool exported; // true if this global is exported.
// Static representation of a wasm data segment.
struct WasmDataSegment {
uint32_t dest_addr; // destination memory address of the data.
uint32_t source_offset; // start offset in the module bytes.
uint32_t source_size; // end offset in the module bytes.
bool init; // true if loaded upon instantiation.
// Static representation of a module.
struct WasmModule {
static const uint8_t kMinMemSize = 12; // Minimum memory size = 4kb
static const uint8_t kMaxMemSize = 30; // Maximum memory size = 1gb
Isolate* shared_isolate; // isolate for storing shared code.
const byte* module_start; // starting address for the module bytes.
const byte* module_end; // end address for the module bytes.
uint8_t min_mem_size_log2; // minimum size of the memory (log base 2).
uint8_t max_mem_size_log2; // maximum size of the memory (log base 2).
bool mem_export; // true if the memory is exported.
bool mem_external; // true if the memory is external.
int start_function_index; // start function, if any.
std::vector<WasmGlobal>* globals; // globals in this module.
std::vector<FunctionSig*>* signatures; // signatures in this module.
std::vector<WasmFunction>* functions; // functions in this module.
std::vector<WasmDataSegment>* data_segments; // data segments in this module.
std::vector<uint16_t>* function_table; // function table.
std::vector<WasmImport>* import_table; // import table.
// Get a pointer to a string stored in the module bytes representing a name.
const char* GetName(uint32_t offset) const {
if (offset == 0) return "<?>"; // no name.
CHECK(BoundsCheck(offset, offset + 1));
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(module_start + offset);
// Checks the given offset range is contained within the module bytes.
bool BoundsCheck(uint32_t start, uint32_t end) const {
size_t size = module_end - module_start;
return start < size && end < size;
// Creates a new instantiation of the module in the given isolate.
MaybeHandle<JSObject> Instantiate(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> ffi,
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> memory);
// An instantiated WASM module, including memory, function table, etc.
struct WasmModuleInstance {
WasmModule* module; // static representation of the module.
// -- Heap allocated --------------------------------------------------------
Handle<JSObject> js_object; // JavaScript module object.
Handle<Context> context; // JavaScript native context.
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> mem_buffer; // Handle to array buffer of memory.
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> globals_buffer; // Handle to array buffer of globals.
Handle<FixedArray> function_table; // indirect function table.
std::vector<Handle<Code>>* function_code; // code objects for each function.
std::vector<Handle<Code>>* import_code; // code objects for each import.
// -- raw memory ------------------------------------------------------------
byte* mem_start; // start of linear memory.
size_t mem_size; // size of the linear memory.
// -- raw globals -----------------------------------------------------------
byte* globals_start; // start of the globals area.
size_t globals_size; // size of the globals area.
explicit WasmModuleInstance(WasmModule* m)
: module(m),
globals_size(0) {}
// forward declaration.
class WasmLinker;
// Interface provided to the decoder/graph builder which contains only
// minimal information about the globals, functions, and function tables.
struct ModuleEnv {
WasmModule* module;
WasmModuleInstance* instance;
WasmLinker* linker;
bool asm_js; // true if the module originated from asm.js.
bool IsValidGlobal(uint32_t index) {
return module && index < module->globals->size();
bool IsValidFunction(uint32_t index) {
return module && index < module->functions->size();
bool IsValidSignature(uint32_t index) {
return module && index < module->signatures->size();
bool IsValidImport(uint32_t index) {
return module && index < module->import_table->size();
MachineType GetGlobalType(uint32_t index) {
return module->globals->at(index).type;
FunctionSig* GetFunctionSignature(uint32_t index) {
return module->functions->at(index).sig;
FunctionSig* GetImportSignature(uint32_t index) {
return module->import_table->at(index).sig;
FunctionSig* GetSignature(uint32_t index) {
return module->signatures->at(index);
size_t FunctionTableSize() {
return module && module->function_table ? module->function_table->size()
: 0;
Handle<Code> GetFunctionCode(uint32_t index);
Handle<Code> GetImportCode(uint32_t index);
Handle<FixedArray> GetFunctionTable();
static compiler::CallDescriptor* GetWasmCallDescriptor(Zone* zone,
FunctionSig* sig);
static compiler::CallDescriptor* GetI32WasmCallDescriptor(
Zone* zone, compiler::CallDescriptor* descriptor);
compiler::CallDescriptor* GetCallDescriptor(Zone* zone, uint32_t index);
// A helper for printing out the names of functions.
struct WasmFunctionName {
const WasmFunction* function_;
const WasmModule* module_;
WasmFunctionName(const WasmFunction* function, const ModuleEnv* menv)
: function_(function), module_(menv ? menv->module : nullptr) {}
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const WasmModule& module);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const WasmFunction& function);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const WasmFunctionName& name);
typedef Result<WasmModule*> ModuleResult;
typedef Result<WasmFunction*> FunctionResult;
// For testing. Decode, verify, and run the last exported function in the
// given encoded module.
int32_t CompileAndRunWasmModule(Isolate* isolate, const byte* module_start,
const byte* module_end, bool asm_js = false);
// For testing. Decode, verify, and run the last exported function in the
// given decoded module.
int32_t CompileAndRunWasmModule(Isolate* isolate, WasmModule* module);
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_WASM_MODULE_H_