blob: 0d9d9d5a81d26bca1524527b7f18478b8bf69fe1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
public class BinderErrorTest {
public static Iterable<Object[]> parameters() {
String[][][] testCases = {
"package a;", //
"public class A extends NoSuch {",
"<>:2: error: could not resolve NoSuch",
"public class A extends NoSuch {",
" ^",
"package a;", //
"class A {",
"class B extends A.NoSuch {",
"<>:4: error: symbol not found a.A$NoSuch", //
"class B extends A.NoSuch {",
" ^",
"package a;", //
"class A<T> {}",
"class B extends A<NoSuch> {}",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve NoSuch",
"class B extends A<NoSuch> {}",
" ^",
"@interface Anno {}", //
"@Anno(foo=100, bar=200) class Test {}",
"<>:2: error: could not resolve element foo() in Anno", //
"@Anno(foo=100, bar=200) class Test {}",
" ^",
"<>:2: error: could not resolve element bar() in Anno", //
"@Anno(foo=100, bar=200) class Test {}",
" ^",
"@interface Anno { int foo() default 0; }", //
"@Anno(foo=100, bar=200) class Test {}",
"<>:2: error: could not resolve element bar() in Anno", //
"@Anno(foo=100, bar=200) class Test {}",
" ^",
"interface Test {", //
" float x = 1ef;",
"<>:2: error: unexpected input: f", //
" float x = 1ef;",
" ^",
"interface Test {", //
" double x = 1e;",
"<>:2: error: unexpected input: ;", //
" double x = 1e;",
" ^",
"class A {", //
" class I {}",
"interface Class<U extends A, V extends U.I> {}",
"<>:4: error: type parameter used as type qualifier",
"interface Class<U extends A, V extends U.I> {}",
" ^",
"package p;", //
"import p.OuterExtendsInner.Inner;",
"public class OuterExtendsInner extends Inner {",
" public static class Inner extends Foo {}",
"<>:4: error: cycle in class hierarchy: p.OuterExtendsInner$Inner"
+ " -> p.OuterExtendsInner$Inner",
" public static class Inner extends Foo {}",
" ^",
"<>:4: error: could not resolve Foo",
" public static class Inner extends Foo {}",
" ^",
"package p;", //
"import java.lang.NoSuch;",
"public class Test extends NoSuch {",
"<>:2: error: symbol not found java.lang.NoSuch", //
"import java.lang.NoSuch;",
" ^",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve NoSuch",
"public class Test extends NoSuch {",
" ^"
"package p;", //
"import java.util.List.NoSuch;",
"public class Test extends NoSuch {",
"<>:2: error: symbol not found java.util.List$NoSuch", //
"import java.util.List.NoSuch;",
" ^",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve NoSuch",
"public class Test extends NoSuch {",
" ^",
"package p;", //
"import static java.util.List.NoSuch;",
"public class Test extends NoSuch {",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve NoSuch", //
"public class Test extends NoSuch {",
" ^"
"package p;", //
"import java.util.NoSuch.*;",
"public class Test extends NoSuchOther {",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve NoSuchOther",
"public class Test extends NoSuchOther {",
" ^",
"package p;", //
"import java.util.List.NoSuch.*;",
"public class Test extends NoSuchOther {",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve NoSuchOther",
"public class Test extends NoSuchOther {",
" ^",
"package p;", //
"import static java.util.NoSuch.*;",
"public class Test extends NoSuchOther {",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve NoSuchOther",
"public class Test extends NoSuchOther {",
" ^",
"package p;", //
"import static java.util.List.NoSuch.*;",
"public class Test extends NoSuchOther {",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve NoSuchOther",
"public class Test extends NoSuchOther {",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @Object int x;",
"<>:2: error: java.lang.Object is not an annotation", //
" @Object int x;",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @Deprecated @Deprecated int x;",
"<>:2: error: java.lang.Deprecated is not @Repeatable", //
" @Deprecated @Deprecated int x;",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @NoSuch.NoSuch int x;",
"<>:2: error: could not resolve NoSuch.NoSuch", //
" @NoSuch.NoSuch int x;",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @Deprecated.NoSuch int x;",
"<>:2: error: symbol not found java.lang.Deprecated$NoSuch", //
" @Deprecated.NoSuch int x;",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @interface Anno {",
" int[] value() default 0;",
" }",
" @Anno(value=Test.NO_SUCH) int x;",
"<>:5: error: could not resolve field NO_SUCH", //
" @Anno(value=Test.NO_SUCH) int x;",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @interface Anno {",
" String value() default \"\";",
" }",
" @Anno(value=null) int x;",
"<>:5: error: invalid annotation argument", //
" @Anno(value=null) int x;",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" static final String x = 1;",
" static final String x = 2;",
"<>:3: error: duplicate declaration of field: x", //
" static final String x = 2;",
" ^",
"class Test {", //
"class Test {",
"<>:3: error: duplicate declaration of Test", //
"class Test {",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" static class Inner {}",
" static class Inner {}",
"<>:3: error: duplicate declaration of Test$Inner", //
" static class Inner {}",
" ^",
"import java.util.List;", //
"@interface Anno { Class<?> value() default Object.class; }",
"public class Test {}",
"<>:3: error: symbol not found java.util.List$NoSuch", //
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @interface Anno {",
" Class<?>[] value() default Object.class;",
" }",
" @Anno(value={java.util.Map.Entry}) int x;",
"<>:5: error: could not resolve field Entry", //
" @Anno(value={java.util.Map.Entry}) int x;",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @interface Anno {",
" Class<?>[] value() default Object.class;",
" }",
" @Anno(value={java.lang.Object}) int x;",
"<>:5: error: could not resolve field Object", //
" @Anno(value={java.lang.Object}) int x;",
" ^",
"class Cycle extends Cycle {", //
" NoSuch f;",
"<>:1: error: cycle in class hierarchy: Cycle",
"class Cycle extends Cycle {",
" ^",
"<>:2: error: could not resolve NoSuch", //
" NoSuch f;",
" ^",
"@interface Anno { int foo() default 0; }", //
"class Foo {",
" static final int CONST = 42;",
"<>:2: error: could not resolve element value() in Anno", //
" ^",
"@interface Anno { int foo() default 0; }", //
"@Anno(foo = Foo.)",
"class Foo {}",
"<>:2: error: invalid annotation argument", //
"@Anno(foo = Foo.)",
" ^",
"import java.util.Map;", //
"class Foo {",
" Map.Entry.NoSuch<List> ys;",
"<>:3: error: symbol not found java.util.Map$Entry$NoSuch", //
" Map.Entry.NoSuch<List> ys;",
" ^",
"import java.util.List;", //
"class Foo {",
" NoSuch<List> xs;",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve NoSuch", //
" NoSuch<List> xs;",
" ^",
"import java.util.List;", //
"class Foo {",
" java.util.NoSuch<List> xs;",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve java.util.NoSuch", //
" java.util.NoSuch<List> xs;",
" ^",
"package p;", //
"import java.util.List.NoSuchAnno;",
"public class Test {",
"<>:2: error: symbol not found java.util.List$NoSuchAnno",
"import java.util.List.NoSuchAnno;",
" ^",
"<>:3: error: could not resolve NoSuchAnno",
"package p;", //
"import java.lang.annotation.Retention;",
"import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;",
"public @interface A {",
"<>:4: error: could not resolve RUNTIME",
" ^",
"@interface Param {",
" Class<?> type();",
"class Foo<T> {",
" @Param(type = T.class)",
" public void bar() {}",
"<>:5: error: unexpected type parameter T",
" @Param(type = T.class)",
" ^",
"class One {",
" @interface A {", //
" B[] b();",
" }",
" @interface B {}",
"@One.A(b = {@B})",
"class T {}",
"<>:7: error: could not resolve B",
"@One.A(b = {@B})",
" ^",
"<>:7: error: could not evaluate constant expression",
"@One.A(b = {@B})",
" ^",
"class One {",
" @interface A {", //
" B[] b();",
" }",
" @interface B {}",
"@One.A(b = {@One.NoSuch})",
"class T {}",
"<>:7: error: could not resolve NoSuch", //
"@One.A(b = {@One.NoSuch})",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @interface Anno {",
" Class<?> value() default Object.class;",
" }",
" @Anno(NoSuch.class) int x;",
" @Anno(NoSuch.class) int y;",
"<>:5: error: could not resolve NoSuch",
" @Anno(NoSuch.class) int x;",
" ^",
"<>:6: error: could not resolve NoSuch",
" @Anno(NoSuch.class) int y;",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @A @B void f() {}",
"<>:2: error: could not resolve A",
" @A @B void f() {}",
" ^",
"<>:2: error: could not resolve B",
" @A @B void f() {}",
" ^",
"public class Test {", //
" @A(\"bar\") void f() {}",
"<>:2: error: could not resolve A", //
" @A(\"bar\") void f() {}",
" ^",
"@interface A {", //
"<>:1: error: could not resolve NoSuch", //
"public class Test {", //
" @String @String int x;",
"<>:2: error: java.lang.String is not an annotation",
" @String @String int x;",
" ^",
"<>:2: error: java.lang.String is not an annotation",
" @String @String int x;",
" ^",
"@interface Anno {",
" int value();",
"enum E {",
" ONE",
"@Anno(value = E.ONE)",
"interface Test {}",
"<>:7: error: could not evaluate constant expression", //
"@Anno(value = E.ONE)",
" ^",
"class T extends T {}",
"<>:1: error: cycle in class hierarchy: T", "class T extends T {}", " ^",
"class T implements T {}",
"<>:1: error: cycle in class hierarchy: T",
"class T implements T {}",
" ^",
"class T {", //
" static final String s = \"a\" + + \"b\";",
"<>:2: error: bad operand type String",
" static final String s = \"a\" + + \"b\";",
" ^",
"import java.util.List;",
"class T {", //
" List<int> xs = new ArrayList<>();",
"<>:3: error: unexpected type int", //
" List<int> xs = new ArrayList<>();",
" ^",
"@interface A {",
" int[] xs() default {};",
"@A(xs = Object.class)",
"class T {",
"<>:4: error: could not evaluate constant expression",
"@A(xs = Object.class)",
" ^",
"package foobar;",
"import java.lang.annotation.Retention;",
"@interface Test {}",
"<>:3: error: missing required annotation argument: value", //
"interface Test {", //
" static final void f() {}",
"<>:2: error: unexpected modifier: final", //
" static final void f() {}",
" ^",
"package foobar;",
"import java.lang.annotation.Retention;",
"@interface Test {}",
"<>:3: error: missing required annotation argument: value",
"<>:4: error: missing required annotation argument: value",
"<>:3: error: java.lang.annotation.Retention is not @Repeatable",
return Arrays.asList((Object[][]) testCases);
final String[] source;
final String[] expected;
public BinderErrorTest(String[] source, String[] expected) {
this.source = source;
this.expected = expected;
public void test() throws Exception {
try {
/* moduleVersion=*/ Optional.empty())
} catch (TurbineError e) {
static class HelloWorldProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
public SourceVersion getSupportedSourceVersion() {
return SourceVersion.latestSupported();
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
return false;
// exercise error reporting with annotation enabled, which should be identical
public void testWithProcessors() throws Exception {
try {
ImmutableList.of(new HelloWorldProcessor()),
/* loader= */ getClass().getClassLoader(),
/* options= */ ImmutableMap.of(),
/* moduleVersion=*/ Optional.empty())
} catch (TurbineError e) {
private static CompUnit parseLines(String... lines) {
return Parser.parse(lines(lines));
private static String lines(String... lines) {
return Joiner.on(System.lineSeparator()).join(lines);