blob: fc6f9de6d749d51ba6bd45582cb2ff641843b3ba [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Truth Core</name>
Manually add a dependency that guava-gwt needs but doesn't declare as of May 2018.
But only in the test scope, since that's the only place that _we_ need it.
_Downstream users_ might need to add it manually, as we've done here, but only until we fix guava-gwt and update Truth to use the new version.
And anyway, the current setup is causing users problems, since checker-qual is built for Java 8:
<!-- Required only to build the -gwt sub-artifact. -->
<!-- TODO(cgruber): Replace this with Gwt annotation processing plugin. -->
<!-- Fix OutOfMemoryError in Travis. -->
<extraJvmArgs>-Xms3500m -Xmx3500m -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
<!-- Keep these timeouts very large because, if we hit the timeout, the tests silently pass :( -->
<testTimeOut>86400 <!-- seconds --></testTimeOut>
<testMethodTimeout>1440 <!-- minutes --></testMethodTimeout>