blob: 93b81eff513fe610d3892090c73d3ea5ad6ffabf [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Truth (Parent)</name>
<!-- Properties for plugins for which pluginManagement hasn't been working for us. -->
<!-- Properties for multiple-artifact deps. -->
We have a separate property for each flavor of Guava (instead of a shared
version without the -android and -jre suffixes) because that lets
Dependabot update our Guava versions.
Also, we have this comment in between the 2 flavors of Guava. That's
also to smooth the Dependabot update process: Dependabot generates a
separate PR for each flavor. Even if we approve both at the same
time, one gets submitted before the other, and
the other ends up with a merge conflict. That requires reapprovals.
<!-- Property for protobuf-lite protocArtifact, which isn't a "normal" Maven dep. -->
<!-- TODO(cpovirk): Use protobuf.version instead. But that requires finding the new way to request the Lite runtime. -->
<!-- Property for an extension, since Maven doesn't have extensionManagement. -->
We could add the other modules of Truth, but there's no need because no
modules depend on them yet.
In addition to setting the version of Guava that's used when Truth
depends directly on, this section also
overrides the version that's pulled in transitively by guava-gwt
(which is a test-scope dependency of core Truth). The Guava APIs
"missing" in guava-android might cause us problems down the line if we
actually started to run nontrivial GWT tests; I'm not sure.
Parent metadata for Truth, a Java assertion framework.
<name>Christian Gruber</name>
<name>Kurt Alfred Kluever</name>
<name>David Saff</name>
<name>David B</name>
<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
<!-- -->
<doctitle>Truth ${project.version}</doctitle>
<windowtitle>Truth ${project.version}</windowtitle>
<!-- TODO(cpovirk): Link to the version that we depend on? -->
<version>3.2.2</version> <!-- work around ubuntu bug -->
<!-- We have some deps on guava-android and others on guava-jre. -->
Note that this rule would not catch a conflict between, say,
java8 and liteproto, since no Truth module depends on both
of those. If we wanted, we could create such a module.
Force a version >2.7 for this parent project. If we use the current
default of 2.7, Maven ignores this parent project's configuration when
running maven-javadoc-plugin in children during releases.
Similar. Without this, Maven tries to run maven-enforcer-plugin 1.0,
and it fails to construct an instance of the rule class, apparently
because of a mismatch between the new Maven APIs and the old Enforcer