blob: 4af2360dd097742f6b40c543c287d156a963da26 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Truth (Parent)</name>
<!-- Properties for plugins for which pluginManagement hasn't been working for us. -->
<!-- Properties for multiple-artifact deps. -->
<!-- Property for protobuf-lite protocArtifact, which isn't a "normal" Maven dep. -->
<!-- Property for protobuf-java protocArtifact, which ought to be the same as protobuf.version but can't be internally at the moment. -->
<!-- Property for an extension, since Maven doesn't have extensionManagement. -->
We could add the other modules of Truth, but there's no need because no
modules depend on them yet.
In addition to setting the version of Guava that's used when Truth
depends directly on, this section also
overrides the version that's pulled in transitively by guava-gwt
(which is a test-scope dependency of core Truth). The Guava APIs
"missing" in guava-android might cause us problems down the line if we
actually started to run nontrivial GWT tests; I'm not sure.
<!-- TODO(cpovirk): Remove after a Compile-Testing release moves this to test scope. -->
Parent metdata for Truth, a Java assertion framework.
<name>Christian Gruber</name>
<name>Kurt Alfred Kluever</name>
<name>David Saff</name>
<name>David B</name>
<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
<name>Announcements List</name>
<name>User List</name>
<name>Developer List</name>
<doctitle>Truth ${project.version}</doctitle>
<windowtitle>Truth ${project.version}</windowtitle>
<!-- TODO(cpovirk): Link to the version that we depend on? -->
<version>2.5</version> <!-- work around ubuntu bug -->
Perhaps surprisingly, requireUpperBoundDeps catches problems
that dependencyConvergence does not: If we use
dependencyManagement to force Maven to use an *old* version
of a dependency, that will satisfy dependencyConvergence
(because the version is now consistent), but it will not
satisfy requireUpperBoundDeps, which apparently still sees
the original request for the newer version.
requireUpperBoundDeps's behavior is probably a good thing.
But, in what seems like a bug, dependencyConvergence catches
certain upper-bound problems that requireUpperBoundDeps does
not. To be clear, it's usually *not* a bug for
dependencyConvergence to give an error when
requireUpperBoundDeps does not: dependencyConvergence is in
some ways a stricter test than requireUpperBoundDeps. What
I'm seeing here is weirder: When I changed liteproto to
request checker-compat-qual 2.1.0 and
error_prone_annotations 2.0.9, both older versions than
those inherited through core Truth, dependencyConvergence
flagged both as expected, but requireUpperBoundDeps flagged
only error_prone_annotations. The reason for this may have
something to do with guava-25.1-android's dependency on the
even older checker-compat-qual 2.0.0: When I updated Truth
to depend on guava-26.0, which depends on
checker-compat-qual 2.5.3, then requireUpperBoundDeps
detected the problem.
I filed a bug against Maven:
<!-- We have some deps on guava-android and others on guava-jre. -->
This should be a no-op for us, since we try to list
everything in dependencyManagement. But it should at least
make sure that we do remember to put new deps into
dependencyManagement. It might also flag conflicts that
exist only in transitive dependencies. If that becomes too
much of a pain, we can back this check out.
<dependencyConvergence />
Note that neither of these rules would catch a conflict
between, say, java8 and liteproto, since no Truth module
depends on both of those. If we wanted, we could create
such a module.
Force a version >2.7 for this parent project. If we use the current
default of 2.7, Maven ignores this parent project's configuration when
running maven-javadoc-plugin in children during releases.
Similar. Without this, Maven tries to run maven-enforcer-plugin 1.0,
and it fails to construct an instance of the rule class, apparently
because of a mismatch between the new Maven APIs and the old Enforcer