blob: 9459dce9ded0102fc22742dfd07a88d730422c1c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableDecl;
* Comparison methods, which enforce the rules set in prior calls to {@link
* IterableOfProtosFluentAssertion}.
public interface IterableOfProtosUsingCorrespondence<M extends Message> {
* Specifies a way to pair up unexpected and missing elements in the message when an assertion
* fails. For example:
* <pre>{@code
* assertThat(actualFoos)
* .ignoringRepeatedFieldOrder()
* .ignoringFields(Foo.BAR_FIELD_NUMBER)
* .displayingDiffsPairedBy(Foo::getId)
* .containsExactlyElementsIn(expectedFoos);
* }</pre>
* <p>On assertions where it makes sense to do so, the elements are paired as follows: they are
* keyed by {@code keyFunction}, and if an unexpected element and a missing element have the same
* non-null key then the they are paired up. (Elements with null keys are not paired.) The failure
* message will show paired elements together, and a diff will be shown.
* <p>The expected elements given in the assertion should be uniquely keyed by {@code
* keyFunction}. If multiple missing elements have the same key then the pairing will be skipped.
* <p>Useful key functions will have the property that key equality is less strict than the
* already specified equality rules; i.e. given {@code actual} and {@code expected} values with
* keys {@code actualKey} and {@code expectedKey}, if {@code actual} and {@code expected} compare
* equal given the rest of the directives such as {@code ignoringRepeatedFieldOrder} and {@code
* ignoringFields}, then it is guaranteed that {@code actualKey} is equal to {@code expectedKey},
* but there are cases where {@code actualKey} is equal to {@code expectedKey} but the direct
* comparison fails.
* <p>Note that calling this method makes no difference to whether a test passes or fails, it just
* improves the message if it fails.
IterableOfProtosUsingCorrespondence<M> displayingDiffsPairedBy(
Function<? super M, ?> keyFunction);
* Checks that the subject contains at least one element that corresponds to the given expected
* element.
void contains(@NullableDecl M expected);
/** Checks that none of the actual elements correspond to the given element. */
void doesNotContain(@NullableDecl M excluded);
* Checks that subject contains exactly elements that correspond to the expected elements, i.e.
* that there is a 1:1 mapping between the actual elements and the expected elements where each
* pair of elements correspond.
* <p>To also test that the contents appear in the given order, make a call to {@code inOrder()}
* on the object returned by this method.
* <p>To test that the iterable contains the same elements as an array, prefer {@link
* #containsExactlyElementsIn(Message[])}. It makes clear that the given array is a list of
* elements, not an element itself.
Ordered containsExactly(@NullableDecl M... expected);
* Checks that subject contains exactly elements that correspond to the expected elements, i.e.
* that there is a 1:1 mapping between the actual elements and the expected elements where each
* pair of elements correspond.
* <p>To also test that the contents appear in the given order, make a call to {@code inOrder()}
* on the object returned by this method.
Ordered containsExactlyElementsIn(Iterable<? extends M> expected);
* Checks that subject contains exactly elements that correspond to the expected elements, i.e.
* that there is a 1:1 mapping between the actual elements and the expected elements where each
* pair of elements correspond.
* <p>To also test that the contents appear in the given order, make a call to {@code inOrder()}
* on the object returned by this method.
Ordered containsExactlyElementsIn(M[] expected);
* Checks that the subject contains elements that corresponds to all of the expected elements,
* i.e. that there is a 1:1 mapping between any subset of the actual elements and the expected
* elements where each pair of elements correspond.
* <p>To also test that the contents appear in the given order, make a call to {@code inOrder()}
* on the object returned by this method. The elements must appear in the given order within the
* subject, but they are not required to be consecutive.
Ordered containsAtLeast(@NullableDecl M first, @NullableDecl M second, @NullableDecl M... rest);
* Checks that the subject contains elements that corresponds to all of the expected elements,
* i.e. that there is a 1:1 mapping between any subset of the actual elements and the expected
* elements where each pair of elements correspond.
* <p>To also test that the contents appear in the given order, make a call to {@code inOrder()}
* on the object returned by this method. The elements must appear in the given order within the
* subject, but they are not required to be consecutive.
Ordered containsAtLeastElementsIn(Iterable<? extends M> expected);
* Checks that the subject contains elements that corresponds to all of the expected elements,
* i.e. that there is a 1:1 mapping between any subset of the actual elements and the expected
* elements where each pair of elements correspond.
* <p>To also test that the contents appear in the given order, make a call to {@code inOrder()}
* on the object returned by this method. The elements must appear in the given order within the
* subject, but they are not required to be consecutive.
Ordered containsAtLeastElementsIn(M[] expected);
* Checks that the subject contains at least one element that corresponds to at least one of the
* expected elements.
void containsAnyOf(@NullableDecl M first, @NullableDecl M second, @NullableDecl M... rest);
* Checks that the subject contains at least one element that corresponds to at least one of the
* expected elements.
void containsAnyIn(Iterable<? extends M> expected);
* Checks that the subject contains at least one element that corresponds to at least one of the
* expected elements.
void containsAnyIn(M[] expected);
* Checks that the subject contains no elements that correspond to any of the given elements.
* (Duplicates are irrelevant to this test, which fails if any of the subject elements correspond
* to any of the given elements.)
void containsNoneOf(
@NullableDecl M firstExcluded,
@NullableDecl M secondExcluded,
@NullableDecl M... restOfExcluded);
* Checks that the subject contains no elements that correspond to any of the given elements.
* (Duplicates are irrelevant to this test, which fails if any of the subject elements correspond
* to any of the given elements.)
void containsNoneIn(Iterable<? extends M> excluded);
* Checks that the subject contains no elements that correspond to any of the given elements.
* (Duplicates are irrelevant to this test, which fails if any of the subject elements correspond
* to any of the given elements.)
void containsNoneIn(M[] excluded);