blob: c7b14c79c0838f8f1b410eef1c15f0cce39eaa06 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
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import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableDecl;
* An object that lets you perform checks on the value under test. For example, {@code Subject}
* contains {@link #isEqualTo(Object)} and {@link #isInstanceOf(Class)}, and {@link StringSubject}
* contains {@link StringSubject#startsWith startsWith(String)}.
* <p>To create a {@code Subject} instance, most users will call an {@link Truth#assertThat
* assertThat} method. For information about other ways to create an instance, see <a
* href="">this FAQ entry</a>.
* <h3>For people extending Truth</h3>
* <p>For information about writing a custom {@link Subject}, see <a
* href="">our doc on extensions</a>.
* @author David Saff
* @author Christian Gruber
public class Subject {
* In a fluent assertion chain, the argument to the common overload of {@link
* StandardSubjectBuilder#about(Subject.Factory) about}, the method that specifies what kind of
* {@link Subject} to create.
* <p>For more information about the fluent chain, see <a
* href="">this FAQ entry</a>.
* <h3>For people extending Truth</h3>
* <p>When you write a custom subject, see <a href="">our doc on
* extensions</a>. It explains where {@code Subject.Factory} fits into the process.
public interface Factory<SubjectT extends Subject, ActualT> {
/** Creates a new {@link Subject}. */
SubjectT createSubject(FailureMetadata metadata, ActualT actual);
private static final FailureStrategy IGNORE_STRATEGY =
new FailureStrategy() {
public void fail(AssertionError failure) {}
private final FailureMetadata metadata;
private final Object actual;
private String customName = null;
@NullableDecl private final String typeDescriptionOverride;
* Constructor for use by subclasses. If you want to create an instance of this class itself, call
* {@link Subject#check}{@code .that(actual)}.
protected Subject(FailureMetadata metadata, @NullableDecl Object actual) {
this(metadata, actual, /*typeDescriptionOverride=*/ null);
* Special constructor that lets subclasses provide a description of the type they're testing. For
* example, {@link ThrowableSubject} passes the description "throwable." Normally, Truth is able
* to infer this name from the class name. However, if we lack runtime type information (notably,
* under j2cl with class metadata off), we might not have access to the original class name.
* <p>We don't expect to make this a public API: Class names are nearly always available. It's
* just that we want to be able to run Truth's own tests run with class metadata off, and it's
* easier to tweak the subjects to know their own names rather than generalize the tests to accept
* obfuscated names.
FailureMetadata metadata,
@NullableDecl Object actual,
@NullableDecl String typeDescriptionOverride) {
this.metadata = metadata.updateForSubject(this);
this.actual = actual;
this.typeDescriptionOverride = typeDescriptionOverride;
/** Fails if the subject is not null. */
public void isNull() {
/** Fails if the subject is null. */
public void isNotNull() {
* Fails if the subject is not equal to the given object. For the purposes of this comparison, two
* objects are equal if any of the following is true:
* <ul>
* <li>they are equal according to {@link Objects#equal}
* <li>they are arrays and are considered equal by the appropriate {@link Arrays#equals}
* overload
* <li>they are boxed integer types ({@code Byte}, {@code Short}, {@code Character}, {@code
* Integer}, or {@code Long}) and they are numerically equal when converted to {@code Long}.
* </ul>
* <p><b>Note:</b> This method does not test the {@link Object#equals} implementation itself; it
* <i>assumes</i> that method is functioning correctly according to its contract. Testing an
* {@code equals} implementation requires a utility such as <a
* href="">guava-testlib</a>'s <a
* href="">EqualsTester</a>.
* TODO(cpovirk): Possibly ban overriding isEqualTo+isNotEqualTo in favor of a
* compareForEquality(Object, Object) method. That way, people would need to override only one
* method, they would get a ComparisonFailure and other message niceties, and they'd have less to
* test.
public void isEqualTo(@NullableDecl Object expected) {
private void standardIsEqualTo(@NullableDecl Object expected) {
ComparisonResult difference = compareForEquality(expected);
if (!difference.valuesAreEqual()) {
failEqualityCheck(EqualityCheck.EQUAL, expected, difference);
* Fails if the subject is equal to the given object. The meaning of equality is the same as for
* the {@link #isEqualTo} method.
public void isNotEqualTo(@NullableDecl Object unexpected) {
private void standardIsNotEqualTo(@NullableDecl Object unexpected) {
ComparisonResult difference = compareForEquality(unexpected);
if (difference.valuesAreEqual()) {
String unexpectedAsString = formatActualOrExpected(unexpected);
if (actualCustomStringRepresentation().equals(unexpectedAsString)) {
failWithoutActual(fact("expected not to be", unexpectedAsString));
} else {
fact("expected not to be", unexpectedAsString),
"but was; string representation of actual value",
* Returns whether {@code actual} equals {@code expected} differ and, in some cases, a description
* of how they differ.
* <p>The equality check follows the rules described on {@link #isEqualTo}.
private ComparisonResult compareForEquality(@NullableDecl Object expected) {
if (actual == null && expected == null) {
return ComparisonResult.equal();
} else if (actual == null || expected == null) {
return ComparisonResult.differentNoDescription();
} else if (actual instanceof byte[] && expected instanceof byte[]) {
* For a special error message and to use faster Arrays.equals to avoid at least one timeout.
* TODO(cpovirk): For performance, use Arrays.equals for other array types (here and/or in
* checkArrayEqualsRecursive)? Exception: double[] and float[], whose GWT implementations I
* think may have both false positives and false negatives (so we can't even use Arrays.equals
* as a fast path for them, nor deepEquals for an Object[] that might contain them). We would
* still fall back to the slower checkArrayEqualsRecursive to produce a nicer failure message
* -- but naturally only for tests that are about to fail, when performance matters less.
return checkByteArrayEquals((byte[]) expected, (byte[]) actual);
} else if (actual.getClass().isArray() && expected.getClass().isArray()) {
return checkArrayEqualsRecursive(expected, actual, "");
} else if (isIntegralBoxedPrimitive(actual) && isIntegralBoxedPrimitive(expected)) {
return ComparisonResult.fromEqualsResult(integralValue(actual) == integralValue(expected));
} else if (actual instanceof Double && expected instanceof Double) {
return ComparisonResult.fromEqualsResult( actual, (Double) expected) == 0);
} else if (actual instanceof Float && expected instanceof Float) {
return ComparisonResult.fromEqualsResult( actual, (Float) expected) == 0);
} else {
return ComparisonResult.fromEqualsResult(actual == expected || actual.equals(expected));
private static boolean isIntegralBoxedPrimitive(@NullableDecl Object o) {
return o instanceof Byte
|| o instanceof Short
|| o instanceof Character
|| o instanceof Integer
|| o instanceof Long;
private static long integralValue(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Character) {
return (long) ((Character) o).charValue();
} else if (o instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) o).longValue();
} else {
throw new AssertionError(o + " must be either a Character or a Number.");
/** Fails if the subject is not the same instance as the given object. */
public final void isSameInstanceAs(@NullableDecl Object expected) {
if (actual != expected) {
* Pass through *whether* the values are equal so that failEqualityCheck() can print that
* information. But remove the description of the difference, which is always about
* content, since people calling isSameInstanceAs() are explicitly not interested in
* content, only object identity.
/** Fails if the subject is the same instance as the given object. */
public final void isNotSameInstanceAs(@NullableDecl Object unexpected) {
if (actual == unexpected) {
* We use actualCustomStringRepresentation() because it might be overridden to be better than
* actual.toString()/unexpected.toString().
fact("expected not to be specific instance", actualCustomStringRepresentation()));
/** Fails if the subject is not an instance of the given class. */
public void isInstanceOf(Class<?> clazz) {
if (clazz == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("clazz");
if (actual == null) {
failWithActual("expected instance of", clazz.getName());
if (!Platform.isInstanceOfType(actual, clazz)) {
if (classMetadataUnsupported()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
+ ", an instance of "
+ actual.getClass().getName()
+ ", may or may not be an instance of "
+ clazz.getName()
+ ". Under -XdisableClassMetadata, we do not have enough information to tell.");
fact("expected instance of", clazz.getName()),
fact("but was instance of", actual.getClass().getName()),
fact("with value", actualCustomStringRepresentation()));
/** Fails if the subject is an instance of the given class. */
public void isNotInstanceOf(Class<?> clazz) {
if (clazz == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("clazz");
if (classMetadataUnsupported()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"isNotInstanceOf is not supported under -XdisableClassMetadata");
if (actual == null) {
return; // null is not an instance of clazz.
if (Platform.isInstanceOfType(actual, clazz)) {
failWithActual("expected not to be an instance of", clazz.getName());
* TODO(cpovirk): Consider including actual.getClass() if it's not clazz itself but only a
* subtype.
/** Fails unless the subject is equal to any element in the given iterable. */
public void isIn(Iterable<?> iterable) {
if (!Iterables.contains(iterable, actual)) {
failWithActual("expected any of", iterable);
/** Fails unless the subject is equal to any of the given elements. */
public void isAnyOf(
@NullableDecl Object first, @NullableDecl Object second, @NullableDecl Object... rest) {
isIn(accumulate(first, second, rest));
/** Fails if the subject is equal to any element in the given iterable. */
public void isNotIn(Iterable<?> iterable) {
if (Iterables.contains(iterable, actual)) {
failWithActual("expected not to be any of", iterable);
/** Fails if the subject is equal to any of the given elements. */
public void isNoneOf(
@NullableDecl Object first, @NullableDecl Object second, @NullableDecl Object... rest) {
isNotIn(accumulate(first, second, rest));
/** Returns the actual value under test. */
final Object actual() {
return actual;
* Supplies the direct string representation of the actual value to other methods which may prefix
* or otherwise position it in an error message. This should only be overridden to provide an
* improved string representation of the value under test, as it would appear in any given error
* message, and should not be used for additional prefixing.
* <p>Subjects should override this with care.
* <p>By default, this returns {@code String.ValueOf(getActualValue())}.
* TODO(cpovirk): Consider whether this API pulls its weight. If users want to format the actual
* value, maybe they should do so themselves? Of course, they won't have a chance to use a custom
* format for inherited implementations like isEqualTo(). But if they want to format the actual
* value specially, then it seems likely that they'll want to format the expected value specially,
* too. And that applies just as well to APIs like isIn(). Maybe we'll want an API that supports
* formatting those values, too (like formatActualOrExpected below)? See also the related
* b/70930431. But note that we are likely to use this from FailureMetadata, at least in the short
* term, for better or for worse.
protected String actualCustomStringRepresentation() {
return formatActualOrExpected(actual);
final String actualCustomStringRepresentationForPackageMembersToCall() {
return actualCustomStringRepresentation();
private String formatActualOrExpected(@NullableDecl Object o) {
if (o instanceof byte[]) {
return base16((byte[]) o);
} else if (o != null && o.getClass().isArray()) {
String wrapped = Iterables.toString(stringableIterable(new Object[] {o}));
return wrapped.substring(1, wrapped.length() - 1);
} else if (o instanceof Double) {
return doubleToString((Double) o);
} else if (o instanceof Float) {
return floatToString((Float) o);
} else {
return String.valueOf(o);
// We could add a dep on, but that seems overkill for base16 encoding
private static String base16(byte[] bytes) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2 * bytes.length);
for (byte b : bytes) {
sb.append(hexDigits[(b >> 4) & 0xf]).append(hexDigits[b & 0xf]);
return sb.toString();
private static final char[] hexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();
private static Iterable<?> stringableIterable(Object[] array) {
return Iterables.transform(asList(array), STRINGIFY);
private static final Function<Object, Object> STRINGIFY =
new Function<Object, Object>() {
public Object apply(@NullableDecl Object input) {
if (input != null && input.getClass().isArray()) {
Iterable<?> iterable;
if (input.getClass() == boolean[].class) {
iterable = Booleans.asList((boolean[]) input);
} else if (input.getClass() == int[].class) {
iterable = Ints.asList((int[]) input);
} else if (input.getClass() == long[].class) {
iterable = Longs.asList((long[]) input);
} else if (input.getClass() == short[].class) {
iterable = Shorts.asList((short[]) input);
} else if (input.getClass() == byte[].class) {
iterable = Bytes.asList((byte[]) input);
} else if (input.getClass() == double[].class) {
iterable = doubleArrayAsString((double[]) input);
} else if (input.getClass() == float[].class) {
iterable = floatArrayAsString((float[]) input);
} else if (input.getClass() == char[].class) {
iterable = Chars.asList((char[]) input);
} else {
iterable = Arrays.asList((Object[]) input);
return Iterables.transform(iterable, STRINGIFY);
return input;
* The result of comparing two objects for equality. This includes both the "equal"/"not-equal"
* bit and, in the case of "not equal," optional facts describing the difference.
private static final class ComparisonResult {
* If {@code equal} is true, returns an equal result; if false, a non-equal result with no
* description.
static ComparisonResult fromEqualsResult(boolean equal) {
/** Returns a non-equal result with the given description. */
static ComparisonResult differentWithDescription(Fact... facts) {
return new ComparisonResult(ImmutableList.copyOf(facts));
/** Returns an equal result. */
static ComparisonResult equal() {
return EQUAL;
/** Returns a non-equal result with no description. */
static ComparisonResult differentNoDescription() {
private static final ComparisonResult EQUAL = new ComparisonResult(null);
private static final ComparisonResult DIFFERENT_NO_DESCRIPTION =
new ComparisonResult(ImmutableList.<Fact>of());
@NullableDecl private final ImmutableList<Fact> facts;
private ComparisonResult(ImmutableList<Fact> facts) {
this.facts = facts;
boolean valuesAreEqual() {
return facts == null;
ImmutableList<Fact> factsOrEmpty() {
return firstNonNull(facts, ImmutableList.<Fact>of());
/** Returns an instance with the same "equal"/"not-equal" bit but with no description. */
ComparisonResult withoutDescription() {
return fromEqualsResult(valuesAreEqual());
* Returns null if the arrays are equal. If not equal, returns a string comparing the two arrays,
* displaying them in the style "[1, 2, 3]" to supplement the main failure message, which uses the
* style "010203."
private static ComparisonResult checkByteArrayEquals(byte[] expected, byte[] actual) {
if (Arrays.equals(expected, actual)) {
return ComparisonResult.equal();
return ComparisonResult.differentWithDescription(
fact("expected", Arrays.toString(expected)), fact("but was", Arrays.toString(actual)));
* Returns null if the arrays are equal, recursively. If not equal, returns the string of the
* index at which they're different.
* TODO(cpovirk): Decide whether it's worthwhile to go to this trouble to display the index at
* which the arrays differ. If we were to stop doing that, we could mostly delegate to
* Arrays.equals() and our float/double arrayEquals methods. (We'd use deepEquals, but it doesn't
* have our special double/float handling for GWT.)
private static ComparisonResult checkArrayEqualsRecursive(
Object expectedArray, Object actualArray, String lastIndex) {
String expectedType = arrayType(expectedArray);
String actualType = arrayType(actualArray);
if (!expectedType.equals(actualType)) {
Fact indexFact =
lastIndex.isEmpty() ? simpleFact("wrong type") : fact("wrong type for index", lastIndex);
return ComparisonResult.differentWithDescription(
indexFact, fact("expected", expectedType), fact("but was", actualType));
int actualLength = Array.getLength(actualArray);
int expectedLength = Array.getLength(expectedArray);
if (expectedLength != actualLength) {
Fact indexFact =
? simpleFact("wrong length")
: fact("wrong length for index", lastIndex);
return ComparisonResult.differentWithDescription(
indexFact, fact("expected", expectedLength), fact("but was", actualLength));
for (int i = 0; i < actualLength; i++) {
String index = lastIndex + "[" + i + "]";
Object expected = Array.get(expectedArray, i);
Object actual = Array.get(actualArray, i);
if (actual != null
&& actual.getClass().isArray()
&& expected != null
&& expected.getClass().isArray()) {
ComparisonResult result = checkArrayEqualsRecursive(expected, actual, index);
if (!result.valuesAreEqual()) {
return result;
} else if (!gwtSafeObjectEquals(actual, expected)) {
return ComparisonResult.differentWithDescription(fact("differs at index", index));
return ComparisonResult.equal();
private static String arrayType(Object array) {
if (array.getClass() == boolean[].class) {
return "boolean[]";
} else if (array.getClass() == int[].class) {
return "int[]";
} else if (array.getClass() == long[].class) {
return "long[]";
} else if (array.getClass() == short[].class) {
return "short[]";
} else if (array.getClass() == byte[].class) {
return "byte[]";
} else if (array.getClass() == double[].class) {
return "double[]";
} else if (array.getClass() == float[].class) {
return "float[]";
} else if (array.getClass() == char[].class) {
return "char[]";
} else {
return "Object[]";
private static boolean gwtSafeObjectEquals(Object actual, Object expected) {
if (actual instanceof Double && expected instanceof Double) {
return Double.doubleToLongBits((Double) actual) == Double.doubleToLongBits((Double) expected);
} else if (actual instanceof Float && expected instanceof Float) {
return Float.floatToIntBits((Float) actual) == Float.floatToIntBits((Float) expected);
} else {
return Objects.equal(actual, expected);
private static List<String> doubleArrayAsString(double[] items) {
List<String> itemAsStrings = new ArrayList<>(items.length);
for (double item : items) {
return itemAsStrings;
private static List<String> floatArrayAsString(float[] items) {
List<String> itemAsStrings = new ArrayList<>(items.length);
for (float item : items) {
return itemAsStrings;
* Returns a builder for creating a derived subject but without providing information about how
* the derived subject will relate to the current subject. In most cases, you should provide such
* information by using {@linkplain #check(String, Object...) the other overload}.
* @deprecated Use {@linkplain #check(String, Object...) the other overload}, which requires you
* to supply more information to include in any failure messages.
final StandardSubjectBuilder check() {
return new StandardSubjectBuilder(metadata.updateForCheckCall());
* Returns a builder for creating a derived subject.
* <p>Derived subjects retain the {@link FailureStrategy} and {@linkplain
* StandardSubjectBuilder#withMessage messages} of the current subject, and in some cases, they
* automatically supplement their failure message with information about the original subject.
* <p>For example, {@link ThrowableSubject#hasMessageThat}, which returns a {@link StringSubject},
* is implemented with {@code check("getMessage()").that(actual.getMessage())}.
* <p>The arguments to {@code check} describe how the new subject was derived from the old,
* formatted like a chained method call. This allows Truth to include that information in its
* failure messages. For example, {@code assertThat(caught).hasCauseThat().hasMessageThat()} will
* produce a failure message that includes the string "throwable.getCause().getMessage()," thanks
* to internal {@code check} calls that supplied "getCause()" and "getMessage()" as arguments.
* <p>If the method you're delegating to accepts parameters, you can pass {@code check} a format
* string. For example, {@link MultimapSubject#valuesForKey} calls {@code
* check("valuesForKey(%s)", key)}.
* <p>If you aren't really delegating to an instance method on the actual value -- maybe you're
* calling a static method, or you're calling a chain of several methods -- you can supply
* whatever string will be most useful to users. For example, if you're delegating to {@code
* getOnlyElement(actual.colors())}, you might call {@code check("onlyColor()")}.
* @param format a template with {@code %s} placeholders
* @param args the arguments to be inserted into those placeholders
protected final StandardSubjectBuilder check(String format, Object... args) {
return doCheck(OldAndNewValuesAreSimilar.DIFFERENT, format, args);
// TODO(cpovirk): Figure out a public API for this.
final StandardSubjectBuilder checkNoNeedToDisplayBothValues(String format, Object... args) {
return doCheck(OldAndNewValuesAreSimilar.SIMILAR, format, args);
private StandardSubjectBuilder doCheck(
OldAndNewValuesAreSimilar valuesAreSimilar, String format, Object[] args) {
checkNotNull(format); // Probably LazyMessage itself should be this strict, but it isn't yet.
final LazyMessage message = new LazyMessage(format, args);
Function<String, String> descriptionUpdate =
new Function<String, String>() {
public String apply(String input) {
return input + "." + message;
return new StandardSubjectBuilder(
metadata.updateForCheckCall(valuesAreSimilar, descriptionUpdate));
* Begins a new call chain that ignores any failures. This is useful for subjects that normally
* delegate with to other subjects by using {@link #check} but have already reported a failure. In
* such cases it may still be necessary to return a {@code Subject} instance even though any
* subsequent assertions are meaningless. For example, if a user chains together more {@link
* ThrowableSubject#hasCauseThat} calls than the actual exception has causes, {@code hasCauseThat}
* returns {@code ignoreCheck().that(... a dummy exception ...)}.
protected final StandardSubjectBuilder ignoreCheck() {
return StandardSubjectBuilder.forCustomFailureStrategy(IGNORE_STRATEGY);
* Fails, reporting a message with two "{@linkplain Fact facts}":
* <ul>
* <li><i>key</i>: <i>value</i>
* <li>but was: <i>actual value</i>.
* </ul>
* <p>This is the simplest failure API. For more advanced needs, see {@linkplain
* #failWithActual(Fact, Fact...) the other overload} and {@link #failWithoutActual(Fact, Fact...)
* failWithoutActual}.
* <p>Example usage: The check {@code contains(String)} calls {@code failWithActual("expected to
* contain", string)}.
protected final void failWithActual(String key, @NullableDecl Object value) {
failWithActual(fact(key, value));
* Fails, reporting a message with the given facts, followed by an automatically added fact of the
* form:
* <ul>
* <li>but was: <i>actual value</i>.
* </ul>
* <p>If you have only one fact to report (and it's a {@linkplain Fact#fact key-value fact}),
* prefer {@linkplain #failWithActual(String, Object) the simpler overload}.
* <p>Example usage: The check {@code isEmpty()} calls {@code failWithActual(simpleFact("expected
* to be empty"))}.
protected final void failWithActual(Fact first, Fact... rest) {
doFail(sandwich(first, rest, butWas()));
// TODO(cpovirk): Consider making this protected if there's a need for it.
final void failWithActual(Iterable<Fact> facts) {
doFail(append(ImmutableList.copyOf(facts), butWas()));
final void failWithActual(Facts facts) {
* Reports a failure constructing a message from a simple verb.
* @param check the check being asserted
* @deprecated Prefer to construct {@link Fact}-style methods, typically by using {@link
* #failWithActual(Fact, Fact...) failWithActual}{@code (}{@link Fact#simpleFact
* simpleFact(...)}{@code )}. However, if you want to preserve your exact failure message as a
* migration aid, you can inline this method (and then inline the resulting method call, as
* well).
final void fail(String check) {
fail(check, new Object[0]);
* Assembles a failure message and passes such to the FailureStrategy
* @param verb the check being asserted
* @param other the value against which the subject is compared
* @deprecated Prefer to construct {@link Fact}-style methods, typically by using {@link
* #failWithActual(String, Object)}. However, if you want to preserve your exact failure
* message as a migration aid, you can inline this method (and then inline the resulting
* method call, as well).
final void fail(String verb, Object other) {
fail(verb, new Object[] {other});
* Assembles a failure message and passes such to the FailureStrategy
* @param verb the check being asserted
* @param messageParts the expectations against which the subject is compared
* @deprecated Prefer to construct {@link Fact}-style methods, typically by using {@link
* #failWithActual(Fact, Fact...)}. However, if you want to preserve your exact failure
* message as a migration aid, you can inline this method.
final void fail(String verb, Object... messageParts) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Not true that <");
message.append(actualCustomStringRepresentation()).append("> ").append(verb);
for (Object part : messageParts) {
message.append(" <").append(part).append(">");
enum EqualityCheck {
SAME_INSTANCE("expected specific instance");
final String keyForExpected;
EqualityCheck(String keyForExpected) {
this.keyForExpected = keyForExpected;
* Special version of {@link #failEqualityCheck} for use from {@link IterableSubject}, documented
* further there.
final void failEqualityCheckForEqualsWithoutDescription(Object expected) {
failEqualityCheck(EqualityCheck.EQUAL, expected, ComparisonResult.differentNoDescription());
private void failEqualityCheck(
EqualityCheck equalityCheck, Object expected, ComparisonResult difference) {
String actualString = actualCustomStringRepresentation();
String expectedString = formatActualOrExpected(expected);
String actualClass = actual == null ? "(null reference)" : actual.getClass().getName();
String expectedClass = expected == null ? "(null reference)" : expected.getClass().getName();
* It's a little odd for expectedString to be formatActualOrExpected(expected) but actualString
* *not* to be formatActualOrExpected(actual), since we're going to compare the two. Instead,
* actualString is actualCustomStringRepresentation() -- as it is for other assertions, since
* users may have overridden that method. While actualCustomStringRepresentation() defaults to
* formatActualOrExpected(actual), it's only a default.
* What we really want here is probably to delete actualCustomStringRepresentation() and migrate
* users to formatActualOrExpected(actual).
boolean sameToStrings = actualString.equals(expectedString);
boolean sameClassNames = actualClass.equals(expectedClass);
// TODO(cpovirk): Handle "same class name, different class loader."
// `equal` is always false for isEqualTo, but it varies for isSameInstanceAs:
boolean equal = difference.valuesAreEqual();
// TODO(cpovirk): Call attention to differing trailing whitespace.
if (sameToStrings) {
if (sameClassNames) {
String doppelgangerDescription =
? "(different but equal instance of same class with same string representation)"
: "(non-equal instance of same class with same string representation)";
fact(equalityCheck.keyForExpected, expectedString),
fact("but was", doppelgangerDescription));
} else {
fact(equalityCheck.keyForExpected, expectedString),
fact("an instance of", expectedClass),
fact("but was", "(non-equal value with same string representation)"),
fact("an instance of", actualClass));
} else {
if (equalityCheck == EqualityCheck.EQUAL && actual != null && expected != null) {
nameAsFacts(), difference.factsOrEmpty(), expectedString, actualString);
} else {
fact(equalityCheck.keyForExpected, expectedString),
fact("but was", actualString));
private void failEqualityCheckNoComparisonFailure(ComparisonResult difference, Fact... facts) {
// TODO(cpovirk): Is it possible for difference.factsOrEmpty() to be nonempty? If not, remove.
doFail(concat(asList(facts), difference.factsOrEmpty()));
* Assembles a failure message and passes it to the FailureStrategy
* @param verb the check being asserted
* @param expected the expectations against which the subject is compared
* @param failVerb the failure of the check being asserted
* @param actual the actual value the subject was compared against
* @deprecated Prefer to construct {@link Fact}-style methods, typically by using {@link
* #failWithActual(Fact, Fact...)}. However, if you want to preserve your exact failure
* message as a migration aid, you can inline this method.
final void failWithBadResults(String verb, Object expected, String failVerb, Object actual) {
String message =
"Not true that <%s> %s <%s>. It %s <%s>",
(actual == null) ? "null reference" : actual);
* Assembles a failure message with an alternative representation of the wrapped subject and
* passes it to the FailureStrategy
* @param verb the check being asserted
* @param expected the expected value of the check
* @param actual the custom representation of the subject to be reported in the failure.
* @deprecated Prefer to construct {@link Fact}-style methods, typically by using {@link
* #failWithoutActual(Fact, Fact...)}. However, if you want to preserve your exact failure
* message as a migration aid, you can inline this method.
final void failWithCustomSubject(String verb, Object expected, Object actual) {
String message =
"Not true that <%s> %s <%s>",
(actual == null) ? "null reference" : actual, verb, expected);
* @deprecated Prefer to construct {@link Fact}-style methods, typically by using {@link
* #failWithoutActual(Fact, Fact...) failWithoutActual}{@code (}{@link Fact#simpleFact
* simpleFact(...)}{@code )}. However, if you want to preserve your exact failure message as a
* migration aid, you can inline this method.
final void failWithoutSubject(String check) {
String strSubject = this.customName == null ? "the subject" : "\"" + customName + "\"";
failWithoutActual(simpleFact(lenientFormat("Not true that %s %s", strSubject, check)));
* Fails, reporting a message with the given facts, <i>without automatically adding the actual
* value.</i>
* <p>Most failure messages should report the actual value, so most checks should call {@link
* #failWithActual(Fact, Fact...) failWithActual} instead. However, {@code failWithoutActual} is
* useful in some cases:
* <ul>
* <li>when the actual value is obvious from the rest of the message. For example, {@code
* isNotEmpty()} calls {@code failWithoutActual(simpleFact("expected not to be empty")}.
* <li>when the actual value shouldn't come last or should have a different key than the default
* of "but was." For example, {@code isNotWithin(...).of(...)} calls {@code
* failWithoutActual} so that it can put the expected and actual values together, followed
* by the tolerance.
* </ul>
* <p>Example usage: The check {@code isEmpty()} calls {@code failWithActual(simpleFact("expected
* to be empty"))}.
protected final void failWithoutActual(Fact first, Fact... rest) {
doFail(ImmutableList.copyOf(Lists.asList(first, rest)));
// TODO(cpovirk): Consider making this protected if there's a need for it.
final void failWithoutActual(Iterable<Fact> facts) {
final void failWithoutActual(Facts facts) {
* Assembles a failure message without a given subject and passes it to the FailureStrategy
* @param check the check being asserted
* @deprecated Prefer to construct {@link Fact}-style methods, typically by using {@link
* #failWithoutActual(Fact, Fact...) failWithoutActual}{@code (}{@link Fact#simpleFact
* simpleFact(...)}{@code )}. However, if you want to preserve your exact failure message as a
* migration aid, you can inline this method (and then inline the resulting method call, as
* well).
final void failWithoutActual(String check) {
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
* @deprecated {@link Object#equals(Object)} is not supported on Truth subjects. If you meant to
* test object equality between an expected and the actual value, use {@link
* #isEqualTo(Object)} instead.
public final boolean equals(@NullableDecl Object o) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"If you meant to test object equality, use .isEqualTo(other) instead.");
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
* @deprecated {@link Object#hashCode()} is not supported on Truth subjects.
public final int hashCode() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Subject.hashCode() is not supported.");
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName() + "(" + actualCustomStringRepresentation() + ")";
* Returns a "but was: <actual value>" string. This method should be rarely needed, since Truth
* inserts a "but was" fact by default for assertions. However, it's occasionally useful for calls
* to {@code failWithoutActual} that want a "but was" fact but don't want it to come last, where
* Truth inserts it by default.
* TODO(cpovirk): Consider giving this protected access.
* It is likely better than what users would otherwise do -- `fact("but was", actual)`, which
* ignores actualCustomStringRepresentation() (which is inaccessible outside the package).
* But I want to think more about this. In particular, if people use this to reimplement
* isEqualTo(), I would be sad that they're missing out on its normal special handling. That's
* probably not enough reason to avoid adding this, but we can hold it back for now.
final Fact butWas() {
return fact("but was", actualCustomStringRepresentation());
* Computed lazily so that we're not doing expensive string operations during every assertion,
* only during every failure.
final String typeDescription() {
return typeDescriptionOrGuess(getClass(), typeDescriptionOverride);
// unavoidable for Class<? extends Foo> (see
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
private static String typeDescriptionOrGuess(
Class<? extends Subject> clazz, @NullableDecl String typeDescriptionOverride) {
if (typeDescriptionOverride != null) {
return typeDescriptionOverride;
* j2cl doesn't store enough metadata to know whether "Foo$BarSubject" is a nested class, so it
* can't tell whether the simple name is "Foo$BarSubject" or just "BarSubject": b/71808768. It
* returns "Foo$BarSubject" to err on the side of preserving information. We want just
* "BarSubject," so we strip any likely enclosing type ourselves.
String subjectClass = clazz.getSimpleName().replaceFirst(".*[$]", "");
String actualClass =
(subjectClass.endsWith("Subject") && !subjectClass.equals("Subject"))
? subjectClass.substring(0, subjectClass.length() - "Subject".length())
: "Object";
return, actualClass);
private static boolean classMetadataUnsupported() {
// TODO(cpovirk): Consider whether to remove instanceof tests under GWT entirely.
// TODO(cpovirk): Run more Truth tests under GWT, and add tests for this.
return String.class.getSuperclass() == null;
private void doFail(ImmutableList<Fact> facts) {;
private ImmutableList<Fact> prependNameIfAny(ImmutableList<Fact> facts) {
return concat(nameAsFacts(), facts);
private ImmutableList<Fact> nameAsFacts() {
return customName == null
? ImmutableList.<Fact>of()
: ImmutableList.of(fact("name", customName));