blob: f38e677918437d7290154b5ce029444bf523aeae [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A Subject to handle testing propositions for {@code double[]}.
* <p>Note: this class deprecates some common methods because the operation of equality and
* comparison on floating point numbers requires additional specification. Alternative equality
* tests are provided.
* @author Christian Gruber (
public final class PrimitiveDoubleArraySubject
extends AbstractArraySubject<PrimitiveDoubleArraySubject, double[]> {
PrimitiveDoubleArraySubject(FailureStrategy failureStrategy, @Nullable double[] o) {
super(failureStrategy, o);
protected String underlyingType() {
return "double";
protected List<Double> listRepresentation() {
return Doubles.asList(actual());
* This form is unsafe for double-precision floating point types, and will throw an {@link
* UnsupportedOperationException}.
* @deprecated use either {@code
* usingTolerance(someTolerance).containsExactly(someValues).inOrder()} or {@code
* usingExactEquality().containsExactly(someValues).inOrder()}
public void isEqualTo(Object expected) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Comparing raw equality of doubles is often unsafe. Use either "
+ "usingTolerance(someTolerance).containsExactly(someValues).inOrder() to compare with"
+ "a tolerance or usingExactEquality().containsExactly(someValues).inOrder() if you"
+ "really want exact equality instead.");
* A proposition that the provided double[] is an array of the same length and type, and contains
* elements such that each element in {@code expected} is equal to each element in the subject,
* and in the same position.
* <p>Behaviour for non-finite values ({@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY POSITIVE_INFINITY}, {@link
* Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, and {@link Double#NaN NaN}) is as follows: If the
* subject and the object of the assertion are the same array, the test will pass. If not
* (including if one is a clone of the other) then non-finite values are considered not equal so
* the any non-finite value in either argument will cause the test to fail.
* @deprecated use {@code usingTolerance(someTolerance).containsExactly(someValues).inOrder()},
* noting the different behaviour for non-finite values
public void isEqualTo(Object expected, double tolerance) {
double[] actual = actual();
if (actual == expected) {
return; // short-cut.
try {
double[] expectedArray = (double[]) expected;
if (expectedArray.length != actual.length) {
"Arrays are of different lengths. expected: %s, actual %s",
Doubles.asList(expectedArray), Doubles.asList(actual));
List<Integer> unequalIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < expectedArray.length; i++) {
if (!equalWithinTolerance(actual[i], expectedArray[i], tolerance)) {
if (!unequalIndices.isEmpty()) {
fail("is equal to", Doubles.asList(expectedArray));
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
* This form is unsafe for double-precision floating point types, and will throw an {@link
* UnsupportedOperationException}.
* @deprecated If you really want this, convert the array to a list, possibly using {@link
* Doubles#asList}, and do the assertion on that, e.g. {@code
* assertThat(asList(actualDoubleArray)).isNotEqualTo(asList(expectedDoubleArray));}.
public void isNotEqualTo(Object expected) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Comparing raw equality of doubles is unsafe, "
+ "use isNotEqualTo(double[] array, double tolerance) instead.");
* A proposition that the provided double[] is not an array of the same length or type, or has at
* least one element that does not pass an equality test within the given tolerance.
* <p>Behaviour for non-finite values ({@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY POSITIVE_INFINITY}, {@link
* Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, and {@link Double#NaN NaN}) is as follows: If the
* subject and the object of the assertion are the same array, the test will fail. If not
* (including if one is a clone of the other) then non-finite values are considered not equal so
* the any non-finite value in either argument will cause the test to pass.
* @deprecated Write a for loop over the values looking for mismatches (see this implementation
* for an example)
public void isNotEqualTo(Object expectedArray, double tolerance) {
double[] actual = actual();
try {
double[] expected = (double[]) expectedArray;
if (actual == expected) {
"%s unexpectedly equal to %s.", actualAsString(), Doubles.asList(expected));
if (expected.length != actual.length) {
return; // Unequal-lengthed arrays are not equal.
List<Integer> unequalIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
if (!equalWithinTolerance(actual[i], expected[i], tolerance)) {
if (unequalIndices.isEmpty()) {
"%s unexpectedly equal to %s.", actualAsString(), Doubles.asList(expected));
} catch (ClassCastException ignored) {
// Unequal since they are of different types.
* A partially specified proposition about an approximate relationship to a {@code double[]}
* subject using a tolerance.
public abstract static class TolerantPrimitiveDoubleArrayComparison {
// Prevent subclassing outside of this class
private TolerantPrimitiveDoubleArrayComparison() {}
* Fails if the values in the subject were expected to be within the tolerance of the given
* values but were not <i>or</i> if they were expected <i>not</i> to be within the tolerance but
* were. The subject and tolerance are specified earlier in the fluent call chain.
public void of(double... expected) {
* Fails if the values in the subject were expected to be within the tolerance of the given
* values but were not <i>or</i> if they were expected <i>not</i> to be within the tolerance but
* were. The subject and tolerance are specified earlier in the fluent call chain. The values
* will be cast to doubles if necessary, which might lose precision.
public abstract void ofElementsIn(Iterable<? extends Number> expected);
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
* @deprecated {@link Object#equals(Object)} is not supported on
* TolerantPrimitiveDoubleArrayComparison. If you meant to compare double arrays, use {@link
* #of} or {@link #ofElementsIn} instead.
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"If you meant to compare double arrays, use .of() or .ofElementsIn() instead.");
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
* @deprecated {@link Object#hashCode()} is not supported on
* TolerantPrimitiveDoubleArrayComparison
public int hashCode() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Subject.hashCode() is not supported.");
* Prepares for a check that the subject and object are arrays both (a) of the same length, and
* (b) where the values at all corresponding positions in each array are finite values within
* {@code tolerance} of each other, that is {@code
* assertThat(actual[i]).isWithin(tolerance).of(expected[i])} passes for all {@code i} (see the
* {@link DoubleSubject#isWithin isWithin} assertion for doubles).
* <p>The check will fail if any value in either the subject array or the object array is {@link
* Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}, {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, or {@link Double#NaN}.
* @param tolerance an inclusive upper bound on the difference between the subject and object
* allowed by the check, which must be a non-negative finite value, i.e. not {@link
* Double#NaN}, {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}, or negative, including {@code -0.0}
public TolerantPrimitiveDoubleArrayComparison hasValuesWithin(final double tolerance) {
return new TolerantPrimitiveDoubleArrayComparison() {
public void ofElementsIn(Iterable<? extends Number> expected) {
double[] actual = checkNotNull(actual());
List<Integer> mismatches = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int expectedCount = 0;
for (Number expectedValue : expected) {
// if expected is longer than actual, we can skip the excess values: this case is covered
// by the length check below
if (expectedCount < actual.length
&& !equalWithinTolerance(
actual[expectedCount], expectedValue.doubleValue(), tolerance)) {
if (actual.length != expectedCount) {
"Not true that %s has values within %s of <%s>. Expected length <%s> but got <%s>",
if (!mismatches.isEmpty()) {
"has values within " + tolerance + " of",
"differs at indexes",
* Prepares for a check that the subject and object are arrays either (a) of the different
* lengths, or (b) of the same length but where the values at at least one corresponding position
* in each array are finite values not within {@code tolerance} of each other, that is {@code
* assertThat(actual[i]).isNotWithin(tolerance).of(expected[i])} passes for at least one {@code i}
* (see the {@link DoubleSubject#isNotWithin isNotWithin} assertion for doubles).
* <p>In the case (b), a pair of subject and object values will not cause the test to pass if
* either of them is {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}, {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, or {@link
* Double#NaN}.
* @param tolerance an exclusive lower bound on the difference between the subject and object
* allowed by the check, which must be a non-negative finite value, i.e. not {@code
* Double.NaN}, {@code Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY}, or negative, including {@code -0.0}
* @deprecated Write a for loop over the values looking for mismatches (see this implementation
* for an example)
public TolerantPrimitiveDoubleArrayComparison hasValuesNotWithin(
final double tolerance) {
return new TolerantPrimitiveDoubleArrayComparison() {
public void ofElementsIn(Iterable<? extends Number> expected) {
double[] actual = checkNotNull(actual());
int expectedCount = 0;
for (Number expectedValue : expected) {
// if expected is longer than actual, we can skip the excess values: this case is covered
// by the length check below
if (expectedCount < actual.length
&& notEqualWithinTolerance(
actual[expectedCount], expectedValue.doubleValue(), tolerance)) {
// By the method contract, the assertion passes if the lengths are different. This is so
// that hasValuesNotWithin behaves like isNotEqualTo with a tolerance (and different
// handling of non-finite values).
if (actual.length == expectedCount) {
fail("has values not within " + tolerance + " of", Iterables.toString(expected));
* Starts a method chain for a test proposition in which the actual values (i.e. the elements of
* the array under test) are compared to expected elements using a {@link Correspondence} which
* considers values to correspond if they are finite values within {@code tolerance} of each
* other. The proposition is actually executed by continuing the method chain. For example:
* <pre> {@code
* assertThat(actualDoubleArray).usingTolerance(1.0e-5).contains(3.14159);}</pre>
* <ul>
* <li>It does not consider values to correspond if either value is infinite or NaN.
* <li>It considers {@code -0.0} to be within any tolerance of {@code 0.0}.
* <li>The expected values provided later in the chain will be {@link Number} instances which will
* be converted to doubles, which may result in a loss of precision for some numeric types.
* <li>The subsequent methods in the chain may throw a {@link NullPointerException} if any
* expected {@link Number} instance is null.
* </ul>
* @param tolerance an inclusive upper bound on the difference between the double values of the
* actual and expected numbers, which must be a non-negative finite value, i.e. not {@link
* Double#NaN}, {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}, or negative, including {@code -0.0}
public IterableSubject.UsingCorrespondence<Number, Number> usingTolerance(double tolerance) {
return new IterableSubject(failureStrategy, listRepresentation())
private static final Correspondence<Double, Number> EXACT_EQUALITY_CORRESPONDENCE =
new Correspondence<Double, Number>() {
public boolean compare(Double actual, Number expected) {
return actual.equals(checkedToDouble(expected));
public String toString() {
return "is exactly equal to";
private static double checkedToDouble(Number expected) {
expected instanceof Double
|| expected instanceof Float
|| expected instanceof Integer
|| expected instanceof Long,
"Expected value in assertion using exact double equality was of unsupported type %s "
+ "(it may not have an exact double representation)",
if (expected instanceof Long) {
Math.abs((Long) expected) <= 1L << 53,
"Expected value %s in assertion using exact double equality was a long with an absolute "
+ "value greater than 2^52 which has no exact double representation",
return expected.doubleValue();
* Starts a method chain for a test proposition in which the actual values (i.e. the elements of
* the array under test) are compared to expected elements using a {@link Correspondence} which
* considers values to correspond if they are exactly equal, with equality defined by {@link
* Double#equals}. This method is <i>not</i> recommended when the code under test is doing any
* kind of arithmetic: use {@link #usingTolerance} with a suitable tolerance in that case.
* (Remember that the exact result of floating point arithmetic is sensitive to apparently trivial
* changes such as replacing {@code (a + b) + c} with {@code a + (b + c)}, and that unless {@code
* strictfp} is in force even the result of {@code (a + b) + c} is sensitive to the JVM's choice
* of precision for the intermediate result.) This method is recommended when the code under test
* is specified as either copying a value without modification from its input or returning a
* well-defined literal or constant value. The proposition is actually executed by continuing the
* method chain. For example:
* <pre> {@code
* assertThat(actualDoubleArray).usingExactEquality().contains(3.14159);}</pre>
* <p>For convenience, some subsequent methods accept expected values as {@link Number} instances.
* These numbers must be either of type {@link Double}, {@link Float}, {@link Integer}, or
* {@link Long}, and if they are {@link Long} then their absolute values must not exceed 2^53
* which is just over 9e15. (This restriction ensures that the expected values have exact
* {@link Double} representations: using exact equality makes no sense if they do not.)
* <ul>
* <li>It considers {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}, {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, and
* {@link Double#NaN} to be equal to themselves.
* <li>It does <i>not</i> consider {@code -0.0} to be equal to {@code 0.0}.
* <li>The subsequent methods in the chain may throw a {@link NullPointerException} if any
* expected {@link Double} instance is null.
* </ul>
public IterableSubject.UsingCorrespondence<Double, Number> usingExactEquality() {
return new IterableSubject(failureStrategy, listRepresentation())