blob: 38301a9a702f7172d535f3a243c95699f3aaee1e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Propositions for {@link Map} subjects.
* @author Christian Gruber
* @author Kurt Alfred Kluever
// Can't be final since SortedMapSubject extends it
public class MapSubject extends Subject<MapSubject, Map<?, ?>> {
MapSubject(FailureMetadata metadata, @Nullable Map<?, ?> map) {
super(metadata, map);
/** Fails if the subject is not equal to the given object. */
public void isEqualTo(@Nullable Object other) {
if (Objects.equal(actual(), other)) {
// Fail but with a more descriptive message:
if (!(other instanceof Map)) {
boolean mapEquals = containsExactlyEntriesInAnyOrder((Map<?, ?>) other, "is equal to");
if (mapEquals) {
"Not true that %s is equal to <%s>. It is equal according to the contract of "
+ "Map.equals(Object), but this implementation returned false",
actualAsString(), other);
/** Fails if the map is not empty. */
public void isEmpty() {
if (!actual().isEmpty()) {
fail(factWithoutValue("expected to be empty"));
/** Fails if the map is empty. */
public void isNotEmpty() {
if (actual().isEmpty()) {
failWithoutActual(factWithoutValue("expected not to be empty"));
/** Fails if the map does not have the given size. */
public void hasSize(int expectedSize) {
checkArgument(expectedSize >= 0, "expectedSize (%s) must be >= 0", expectedSize);
int actualSize = actual().size();
/** Fails if the map does not contain the given key. */
public void containsKey(@Nullable Object key) {
if (!actual().containsKey(key)) {
List<Object> keyList = Lists.newArrayList(key);
if (hasMatchingToStringPair(actual().keySet(), keyList)) {
"Not true that %s contains key <%s (%s)>. However, it does contain keys <%s>.",
retainMatchingToString(actual().keySet(), keyList /* itemsToCheck */)));
} else {
fail("contains key", key);
/** Fails if the map contains the given key. */
public void doesNotContainKey(@Nullable Object key) {
if (actual().containsKey(key)) {
fail("does not contain key", key);
/** Fails if the map does not contain the given entry. */
public void containsEntry(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable Object value) {
Entry<Object, Object> entry = Maps.immutableEntry(key, value);
if (!actual().entrySet().contains(entry)) {
List<Object> keyList = Lists.newArrayList(key);
List<Object> valueList = Lists.newArrayList(value);
if (hasMatchingToStringPair(actual().keySet(), keyList)) {
"Not true that %s contains entry <%s (%s)>. However, it does contain keys <%s>.",
retainMatchingToString(actual().keySet(), keyList /* itemsToCheck */)));
} else if (hasMatchingToStringPair(actual().values(), valueList)) {
"Not true that %s contains entry <%s (%s)>. However, it does contain values <%s>.",
retainMatchingToString(actual().values(), valueList /* itemsToCheck */)));
} else if (actual().containsKey(key)) {
Object actualValue = actual().get(key);
* In the case of a null expected or actual value, clarify that the key *is* present and
* *is* expected to be present. That is, get() isn't returning null to indicate that the key
* is missing, and the user isn't making an assertion that the key is missing.
StandardSubjectBuilder check = check("get(%s)", key);
if (value == null || actualValue == null) {
check = check.withMessage("key is present but with a different value");
// See the comment on IterableSubject's use of failEqualityCheckForEqualsWithoutDescription.
} else if (actual().containsValue(value)) {
Set<Object> keys = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Entry<?, ?> actualEntry : actual().entrySet()) {
if (Objects.equal(actualEntry.getValue(), value)) {
"Not true that %s contains entry <%s>. "
+ "However, the following keys are mapped to <%s>: %s",
actualAsString(), entry, value, keys);
} else {
fail("contains entry", entry);
/** Fails if the map contains the given entry. */
public void doesNotContainEntry(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable Object value) {
Entry<Object, Object> entry = Maps.immutableEntry(key, value);
if (actual().entrySet().contains(entry)) {
fail("does not contain entry", entry);
/** Fails if the map is not empty. */
public Ordered containsExactly() {
return containsExactlyEntriesIn(ImmutableMap.of());
* Fails if the map does not contain exactly the given set of key/value pairs.
* <p><b>Warning:</b> the use of varargs means that we cannot guarantee an equal number of
* key/value pairs at compile time. Please make sure you provide varargs in key/value pairs!
* <p>The arguments must not contain duplicate keys.
public Ordered containsExactly(@Nullable Object k0, @Nullable Object v0, Object... rest) {
return containsExactlyEntriesIn(accumulateMap(k0, v0, rest));
private static Map<Object, Object> accumulateMap(
@Nullable Object k0, @Nullable Object v0, Object... rest) {
rest.length % 2 == 0,
"There must be an equal number of key/value pairs "
+ "(i.e., the number of key/value parameters (%s) must be even).",
rest.length + 2);
Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
expectedMap.put(k0, v0);
Multiset<Object> keys = LinkedHashMultiset.create();
for (int i = 0; i < rest.length; i += 2) {
Object key = rest[i];
expectedMap.put(key, rest[i + 1]);
keys.size() == expectedMap.size(),
"Duplicate keys (%s) cannot be passed to containsExactly().",
return expectedMap;
/** Fails if the map does not contain exactly the given set of entries in the given map. */
public Ordered containsExactlyEntriesIn(Map<?, ?> expectedMap) {
if (expectedMap.isEmpty()) {
if (actual().isEmpty()) {
return IN_ORDER;
} else {
isEmpty(); // fails
boolean containsAnyOrder = containsExactlyEntriesInAnyOrder(expectedMap, "contains exactly");
if (containsAnyOrder) {
return new MapInOrder(expectedMap, "contains exactly these entries in order");
} else {
private boolean containsExactlyEntriesInAnyOrder(Map<?, ?> expectedMap, String failVerb) {
MapDifference<Object, Object, Object> diff =
MapDifference.create(actual(), expectedMap, EQUALITY);
if (diff.isEmpty()) {
return true;
"Not true that %s %s <%s>. It %s",
actualAsString(), failVerb, expectedMap, diff.describe(VALUE_DIFFERENCE_FORMAT));
return false;
private interface ValueTester<A, E> {
boolean test(@Nullable A actualValue, @Nullable E expectedValue);
private static final ValueTester<Object, Object> EQUALITY =
new ValueTester<Object, Object>() {
public boolean test(@Nullable Object actualValue, @Nullable Object expectedValue) {
return Objects.equal(actualValue, expectedValue);
// This is mostly like the MapDifference code in, generalized to remove
// the requirement that the values of the two maps are of the same type and are compared with a
// symmetric Equivalence.
private static class MapDifference<K, A, E> {
private final Map<K, E> missing;
private final Map<K, A> unexpected;
private final Map<K, ValueDifference<A, E>> wrongValues;
static <K, A, E> MapDifference<K, A, E> create(
Map<? extends K, ? extends A> actual,
Map<? extends K, ? extends E> expected,
ValueTester<? super A, ? super E> valueTester) {
Map<K, A> unexpected = new LinkedHashMap<>(actual);
Map<K, E> missing = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<K, ValueDifference<A, E>> wrongValues = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Entry<? extends K, ? extends E> expectedEntry : expected.entrySet()) {
K expectedKey = expectedEntry.getKey();
E expectedValue = expectedEntry.getValue();
if (actual.containsKey(expectedKey)) {
A actualValue = unexpected.remove(expectedKey);
if (!valueTester.test(actualValue, expectedValue)) {
wrongValues.put(expectedKey, new ValueDifference<>(actualValue, expectedValue));
} else {
missing.put(expectedKey, expectedValue);
return new MapDifference<>(missing, unexpected, wrongValues);
private MapDifference(
Map<K, E> missing, Map<K, A> unexpected, Map<K, ValueDifference<A, E>> wrongValues) {
this.missing = missing;
this.unexpected = unexpected;
this.wrongValues = wrongValues;
boolean isEmpty() {
return missing.isEmpty() && unexpected.isEmpty() && wrongValues.isEmpty();
String describe(Function<ValueDifference<A, E>, String> valueDiffFormat) {
boolean includeKeyTypes = includeKeyTypes();
StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
if (!missing.isEmpty()) {
.append("is missing keys for the following entries: ")
.append(includeKeyTypes ? addKeyTypes(missing) : missing);
if (!unexpected.isEmpty()) {
if (description.length() > 0) {
description.append(" and ");
.append("has the following entries with unexpected keys: ")
.append(includeKeyTypes ? addKeyTypes(unexpected) : unexpected);
if (!wrongValues.isEmpty()) {
if (description.length() > 0) {
description.append(" and ");
Map<K, String> wrongValuesFormatted = Maps.transformValues(wrongValues, valueDiffFormat);
.append("has the following entries with matching keys but different values: ")
.append(includeKeyTypes ? addKeyTypes(wrongValuesFormatted) : wrongValuesFormatted);
return description.toString();
private boolean includeKeyTypes() {
// We will annotate all the keys in the diff with their types if any of the keys involved have
// the same toString() without being equal.
Set<K> keys = Sets.newHashSet();
return hasMatchingToStringPair(keys, keys);
private static class ValueDifference<A, E> {
private final A actual;
private final E expected;
ValueDifference(@Nullable A actual, @Nullable E expected) {
this.actual = actual;
this.expected = expected;
/** A formatting function for value differences when compared for equality. */
private static final Function<ValueDifference<Object, Object>, String> VALUE_DIFFERENCE_FORMAT =
new Function<ValueDifference<Object, Object>, String>() {
public String apply(ValueDifference<Object, Object> values) {
boolean includeTypes = values.actual.toString().equals(values.expected.toString());
return StringUtil.format(
"(expected %s but got %s)",
includeTypes ? new TypedToStringWrapper(values.expected) : values.expected,
includeTypes ? new TypedToStringWrapper(values.actual) : values.actual);
private static final Map<Object, Object> addKeyTypes(Map<?, ?> in) {
Map<Object, Object> out = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : in.entrySet()) {
out.put(new TypedToStringWrapper(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
return out;
private static class TypedToStringWrapper {
private final Object delegate;
TypedToStringWrapper(Object delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return Objects.equal(delegate, other);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(delegate);
public String toString() {
return StringUtil.format("%s (%s)", delegate, objectToTypeName(delegate));
private class MapInOrder implements Ordered {
private final Map<?, ?> expectedMap;
private final String failVerb;
MapInOrder(Map<?, ?> expectedMap, String failVerb) {
this.expectedMap = expectedMap;
this.failVerb = failVerb;
public void inOrder() {
List<?> expectedKeyOrder = Lists.newArrayList(expectedMap.keySet());
List<?> actualKeyOrder = Lists.newArrayList(actual().keySet());
if (!actualKeyOrder.equals(expectedKeyOrder)) {
failWithRawMessage("Not true that %s %s <%s>", actualAsString(), failVerb, expectedMap);
/** Ordered implementation that does nothing because it's already known to be true. */
private static final Ordered IN_ORDER =
new Ordered() {
public void inOrder() {}
/** Ordered implementation that does nothing because an earlier check already caused a failure. */
private static final Ordered ALREADY_FAILED =
new Ordered() {
public void inOrder() {}
* Starts a method chain for a check in which the actual values (i.e. the values of the {@link
* Map} under test) are compared to expected values using the given {@link Correspondence}. The
* actual values must be of type {@code A}, the expected values must be of type {@code E}. The
* check is actually executed by continuing the method chain. For example:
* <pre>{@code
* assertThat(actualMap)
* .comparingValuesUsing(correspondence)
* .containsEntry(expectedKey, expectedValue);
* }</pre>
* where {@code actualMap} is a {@code Map<?, A>} (or, more generally, a {@code Map<?, ? extends
* A>}), {@code correspondence} is a {@code Correspondence<A, E>}, and {@code expectedValue} is an
* {@code E}.
* <p>Note that keys will always be compared with regular object equality ({@link Object#equals}).
* <p>Any of the methods on the returned object may throw {@link ClassCastException} if they
* encounter an actual value that is not of type {@code A} or an expected value that is not of
* type {@code E}.
public <A, E> UsingCorrespondence<A, E> comparingValuesUsing(
Correspondence<A, E> correspondence) {
return new UsingCorrespondence<>(correspondence);
* A partially specified check in which the actual values (i.e. the values of the {@link Map}
* under test) are compared to expected values using a {@link Correspondence}. The expected values
* are of type {@code E}. Call methods on this object to actually execute the check.
* <p>Note that keys will always be compared with regular object equality ({@link Object#equals}).
public final class UsingCorrespondence<A, E> {
private final Correspondence<A, E> correspondence;
private UsingCorrespondence(Correspondence<A, E> correspondence) {
this.correspondence = checkNotNull(correspondence);
* Fails if the map does not contain an entry with the given key and a value that corresponds to
* the given value.
public void containsEntry(@Nullable Object expectedKey, @Nullable E expectedValue) {
if (actual().containsKey(expectedKey)) {
// Found matching key.
A actualValue = getCastSubject().get(expectedKey);
if (, expectedValue)) {
// Found matching key and value. Test passes!
// Found matching key with non-matching value.
@Nullable String diff = correspondence.formatDiff(actualValue, expectedValue);
if (diff != null) {
"Not true that %s contains an entry with key <%s> and a value that %s <%s>. "
+ "However, it has a mapping from that key to <%s> (diff: %s)",
actualAsString(), expectedKey, correspondence, expectedValue, actualValue, diff);
} else {
"Not true that %s contains an entry with key <%s> and a value that %s <%s>. "
+ "However, it has a mapping from that key to <%s>",
actualAsString(), expectedKey, correspondence, expectedValue, actualValue);
} else {
// Did not find matching key.
Set<Object> keys = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Entry<?, A> actualEntry : getCastSubject().entrySet()) {
if (, expectedValue)) {
if (!keys.isEmpty()) {
// Found matching values with non-matching keys.
"Not true that %s contains an entry with key <%s> and a value that %s <%s>. "
+ "However, the following keys are mapped to such values: <%s>",
actualAsString(), expectedKey, correspondence, expectedValue, keys);
} else {
// Did not find matching key or value.
"Not true that %s contains an entry with key <%s> and a value that %s <%s>",
actualAsString(), expectedKey, correspondence, expectedValue);
* Fails if the map contains an entry with the given key and a value that corresponds to the
* given value.
public void doesNotContainEntry(@Nullable Object excludedKey, @Nullable E excludedValue) {
if (actual().containsKey(excludedKey)) {
A actualValue = getCastSubject().get(excludedKey);
if (, excludedValue)) {
"Not true that %s does not contain an entry with key <%s> and a value that %s <%s>. "
+ "It maps that key to <%s>",
actualAsString(), excludedKey, correspondence, excludedValue, actualValue);
* Fails if the map does not contain exactly the given set of keys mapping to values that
* correspond to the given values.
* <p>The values must all be of type {@code E}, and a {@link ClassCastException} will be thrown
* if any other type is encountered.
* <p><b>Warning:</b> the use of varargs means that we cannot guarantee an equal number of
* key/value pairs at compile time. Please make sure you provide varargs in key/value pairs!
// TODO(b/25744307): Can we add an error-prone check that rest.length % 2 == 0?
// For bonus points, checking that the even-numbered values are of type E would be sweet.
public Ordered containsExactly(@Nullable Object k0, @Nullable E v0, Object... rest) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // throwing ClassCastException is the correct behaviour
Map<Object, E> expectedMap = (Map<Object, E>) accumulateMap(k0, v0, rest);
return containsExactlyEntriesIn(expectedMap);
* Fails if the map does not contain exactly the keys in the given map, mapping to values that
* correspond to the values of the given map.
public <K, V extends E> Ordered containsExactlyEntriesIn(Map<K, V> expectedMap) {
if (expectedMap.isEmpty()) {
if (actual().isEmpty()) {
return IN_ORDER;
} else {
isEmpty(); // fails
MapDifference<Object, A, V> diff =
new ValueTester<A, E>() {
public boolean test(A actualValue, E expectedValue) {
return, expectedValue);
if (diff.isEmpty()) {
return new MapInOrder(
"contains, in order, exactly one entry that has a key that is equal to and a value "
+ "that %s the key and value of each entry of",
"Not true that %s contains exactly one entry that has a key that is equal to and a value "
+ "that %s the key and value of each entry of <%s>. It %s",
actualAsString(), correspondence, expectedMap, diff.describe(this.<V>valueDiffFormat()));
* Returns a formatting function for value differences when compared using the current
* correspondence.
private final <V extends E> Function<ValueDifference<A, V>, String> valueDiffFormat() {
return new Function<ValueDifference<A, V>, String>() {
public String apply(ValueDifference<A, V> values) {
@Nullable String diffString = correspondence.formatDiff(values.actual, values.expected);
if (diffString != null) {
return StringUtil.format(
"(expected %s but got %s, diff: %s)", values.expected, values.actual, diffString);
} else {
return StringUtil.format("(expected %s but got %s)", values.expected, values.actual);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // throwing ClassCastException is the correct behaviour
private Map<?, A> getCastSubject() {
return (Map<?, A>) actual();