blob: 1afbccaa17781395cd3d7df57272793997e9e034 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Map;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
* The primary entry point for <a href="">Truth</a>, a library for fluent test
* assertions.
* <p>Compare these example JUnit assertions...
* <pre>{@code
* assertEquals(b, a);
* assertTrue(c);
* assertTrue(d.contains(a));
* assertTrue(d.contains(a) && d.contains(b));
* assertTrue(d.contains(a) || d.contains(b) || d.contains(c));
* }</pre>
* their Truth equivalents...
* <pre>{@code
* assertThat(a).isEqualTo(b);
* assertThat(c).isTrue();
* assertThat(d).contains(a);
* assertThat(d).containsAtLeast(a, b);
* assertThat(d).containsAnyOf(a, b, c);
* }</pre>
* <p>Advantages of Truth:
* <ul>
* <li>aligns all the "actual" values on the left
* <li>produces more detailed failure messages
* <li>provides richer operations (like {@link IterableSubject#containsExactly})
* </ul>
* <p>For more information about the methods in this class, see <a
* href="">this FAQ entry</a>.
* <h3>For people extending Truth</h3>
* <p>The most common way to extend Truth is to write a custom {@link Subject}. (The other, much
* less common way is to write a custom {@link FailureStrategy}.) For more information, visit those
* types' docs.
* @author David Saff
* @author Christian Gruber (
public final class Truth {
private Truth() {}
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantCaseForConstants") // Despite the "Builder" name, it's not mutable.
private static final StandardSubjectBuilder ASSERT =
failure -> {
throw failure;
* Begins a call chain with the fluent Truth API. If the check made by the chain fails, it will
* throw {@link AssertionError}.
@SuppressWarnings("MemberName") // The underscore is a weird but intentional choice.
public static StandardSubjectBuilder assert_() {
return ASSERT;
* Begins an assertion that, if it fails, will prepend the given message to the failure message.
* <p>This method is a shortcut for {@code assert_().withMessage(...)}.
* <p>To set a message when using a custom subject, use {@code assertWithMessage(...).}{@link
* StandardSubjectBuilder#about about(...)}, as discussed in <a
* href="">this FAQ entry</a>.
public static StandardSubjectBuilder assertWithMessage(@Nullable String messageToPrepend) {
return assert_().withMessage(messageToPrepend);
* Begins an assertion that, if it fails, will prepend the given message to the failure message.
* <p><b>Note:</b> the arguments will be substituted into the format template using {@link
* Strings.lenientFormat}. Note this only supports
* the {@code %s} specifier.
* <p>This method is a shortcut for {@code assert_().withMessage(...)}.
* <p>To set a message when using a custom subject, use {@code assertWithMessage(...).}{@link
* StandardSubjectBuilder#about about(...)}, as discussed in <a
* href="">this FAQ entry</a>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of placeholders in the format string does not
* equal the number of given arguments
public static StandardSubjectBuilder assertWithMessage(String format, @Nullable Object... args) {
return assert_().withMessage(format, args);
* Given a factory for some {@code Subject} class, returns a builder whose {@code that(actual)}
* method creates instances of that class.
public static <S extends Subject, T> SimpleSubjectBuilder<S, T> assertAbout(
Subject.Factory<S, T> factory) {
return assert_().about(factory);
* A generic, advanced method of extension of Truth to new types, which is documented on {@link
* CustomSubjectBuilder}. Extension creators should prefer {@link Subject.Factory} if possible.
public static <CustomSubjectBuilderT extends CustomSubjectBuilder>
CustomSubjectBuilderT assertAbout(
CustomSubjectBuilder.Factory<CustomSubjectBuilderT> factory) {
return assert_().about(factory);
public static <ComparableT extends Comparable<?>> ComparableSubject<ComparableT> assertThat(
@Nullable ComparableT actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static BigDecimalSubject assertThat(@Nullable BigDecimal actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static Subject assertThat(@Nullable Object actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static ClassSubject assertThat(@Nullable Class<?> actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static ThrowableSubject assertThat(@Nullable Throwable actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static LongSubject assertThat(@Nullable Long actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static DoubleSubject assertThat(@Nullable Double actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static FloatSubject assertThat(@Nullable Float actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static IntegerSubject assertThat(@Nullable Integer actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static BooleanSubject assertThat(@Nullable Boolean actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static StringSubject assertThat(@Nullable String actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static IterableSubject assertThat(@Nullable Iterable<?> actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static <T> ObjectArraySubject<T> assertThat(@Nullable T @Nullable [] actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static PrimitiveBooleanArraySubject assertThat(boolean @Nullable [] actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static PrimitiveShortArraySubject assertThat(short @Nullable [] actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static PrimitiveIntArraySubject assertThat(int @Nullable [] actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static PrimitiveLongArraySubject assertThat(long @Nullable [] actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static PrimitiveByteArraySubject assertThat(byte @Nullable [] actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static PrimitiveCharArraySubject assertThat(char @Nullable [] actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static PrimitiveFloatArraySubject assertThat(float @Nullable [] actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static PrimitiveDoubleArraySubject assertThat(double @Nullable [] actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static GuavaOptionalSubject assertThat(@Nullable Optional<?> actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static MapSubject assertThat(@Nullable Map<?, ?> actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static MultimapSubject assertThat(@Nullable Multimap<?, ?> actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static MultisetSubject assertThat(@Nullable Multiset<?> actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
public static TableSubject assertThat(@Nullable Table<?, ?, ?> actual) {
return assert_().that(actual);
* An {@code AssertionError} that (a) always supports a cause, even under old versions of Android
* and (b) omits "java.lang.AssertionError:" from the beginning of its toString() representation.
// TODO(cpovirk): Consider eliminating this, adding its functionality to AssertionErrorWithFacts?
@SuppressWarnings("OverrideThrowableToString") // We intentionally replace the normal format.
static final class SimpleAssertionError extends AssertionError {
/** Separate cause field, in case initCause() fails. */
private final @Nullable Throwable cause;
private SimpleAssertionError(String message, @Nullable Throwable cause) {
this.cause = cause;
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException alreadyInitializedBecauseOfHarmonyBug) {
* initCause() throws under old versions of Android:
* Yes, it's *nice* if initCause() works:
* - It ensures that, if someone tries to call initCause() later, the call will fail loudly
* rather than be silently ignored.
* - It populates the usual `Throwable.cause` field, where users of debuggers and other
* tools are likely to look first.
* But if it doesn't work, that's fine: Most consumers of the cause should be retrieving it
* through getCause(), which we've overridden to return *our* `cause` field, which we've
* populated with the correct value.
static SimpleAssertionError create(String message, @Nullable Throwable cause) {
return new SimpleAssertionError(message, cause);
static SimpleAssertionError createWithNoStack(String message, @Nullable Throwable cause) {
SimpleAssertionError error = create(message, cause);
error.setStackTrace(new StackTraceElement[0]);
return error;
static SimpleAssertionError createWithNoStack(String message) {
return createWithNoStack(message, /* cause= */ null);
public @Nullable Throwable getCause() {
return cause;
public String toString() {
return checkNotNull(getLocalizedMessage());