blob: d3e7e5c69024d461d4fbc57639dfbe0f2cdc5a5e [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _TRACE_GRAPH_H
#define _TRACE_GRAPH_H
#include "trace-cmd.h"
struct graph_info;
typedef void (graph_select_cb)(struct graph_info *ginfo, guint64 time);
struct graph_callbacks {
graph_select_cb *select;
struct graph_info {
struct tracecmd_input *handle;
struct pevent *pevent;
gint cpus;
GtkWidget *draw;
GdkPixmap *curr_pixmap; /* pixmap backstore */
GtkAdjustment *vadj; /* scrollwindow vert adjust */
guint64 start_time; /* True start time of trace */
guint64 end_time; /* True end time of trace */
guint64 view_start_time; /* visible start time */
guint64 view_end_time; /* visible end time */
gint start_x; /* virutal start of visible area */
guint64 cursor; /* time of cursor (double clicked) */
gdouble resolution; /* pixels / time */
gint press_x; /* x where button is pressed */
gint last_x; /* last x seen while moving mouse */
gboolean line_active; /* set when button is pressed */
gdouble vadj_value; /* value to set vadj width */
gdouble vadj_page_size; /* visible size to set vadj */
gint draw_width; /* width of pixmap */
gint draw_height; /* height of pixmap */
gint full_width; /* width of full trace in pixels */
/* This includes non visible part of trace */
struct graph_callbacks *callbacks; /* call back hooks for changes to graph */
/* Box info for CPU data info window */
gint cpu_data_x;
gint cpu_data_y;
gint cpu_data_w;
gint cpu_data_h;
gint cpu_x; /* x coord where CPU numbers are drawn */
/* not needed in future */
gchar *test;
struct graph_info *
trace_graph_create(struct tracecmd_input *handle, GtkScrolledWindow *scrollwin);
struct graph_info *
trace_graph_create_with_callbacks(struct tracecmd_input *handle, GtkScrolledWindow *scrollwin,
struct graph_callbacks *cbs);
void trace_graph_select_by_time(struct graph_info *ginfo, guint64 time);
static inline GtkWidget *trace_graph_get_draw(struct graph_info *ginfo)
return ginfo->draw;
static inline struct graph_callbacks *trace_graph_get_callbacks(struct graph_info *ginfo)
return ginfo->callbacks;
#endif /* _TRACE_GRAPH_H */